An Angels Life

By moc.loa@6jm54cigaM

Published on Aug 20, 1999



Written By: Angel

Legal Disclaimer: Okay, this is my first time writing story so please bear with me if anything seems wrong. If it is illegal for you to read this, please don't read it. Your only other option is to not get caught because if you do, neither I nor Nifty claim any responsibilities to any damages, emotionally or physically, done nor will we take action. Anything said in this story about the Backstreet Boys, N'SYNC, and other celebrities are untrue (even though we wish!) and even if they are, I am not in the position to say so. Please e-mail me for comments/suggestions/ideas at !!!

From all the stories I have read so far, the slow ones are usually the best with a few exceptions like "Bad Boy B-Rok". So, don't be surprised if the story is moving kind of slow because it's gonna be. I would also like to recommend some stories for you guys to read besides mine. For example, there is "Bad Boy B-Rok" by Leprechaun ((Too bad it had to end.)), "Brian and Me" by DLS Stories ((Very good story!)), "Insecurities" by GADawg4242 ((I still think the Cars' and Nick thing is disgusting, Dawg!!)) "Crash with Fame" by Matrix3311 ((Keep up the good work!!!)), "Brian's 1000 Promises" by, and finally the best story, I think, so far is "Brian's Seven Seas of Loneliness" by because it's so emotional. Sorry for any other ones I didn't mention.

Anyhoot, enough with all this crap and on with the story!

An Angel's Life 1 By: Angel

"Hello everyone and welcome to Say What? Karaoke here at the island of MTV. Today is a very special day for us because all of our judges are celebrities! Sitting at the lyrics department and topped with curly hair is N"SYNC's very own Justin Timberlake!" said Dave Holmes.

"Hello, Dave!" Justin said enthusiastically.

"Hmmm, someone's a little perky today," Dave replied.

"Must be the coffee I had today. I had, like 5 this morning" Justin answered.

"Five?!? Wow, you must be overloaded with caffeine." Dave said.

"I guess," Justin said back.

"Moving right along..... the lovely young lady judging for style is none other than Britney Spears!" Dave shouted.

"Hey Dave! It's nice to be here." Britney said.

"It's my pleasure! And last but not the least, judging on performance is LFO's Rich Cronin! Hey Rich! How's it goin'?" Dave asked.

"I'm fine. I'm fine. Like Britney said, it's really good to be here. Out in the sun... living it all out..." Rich answered.

"Good, good. Well, let's get on with the contest shall we? Another special part to today's Say What? is that the contestants have to sing the whole song. Even the one's they get at the Karaoke Wheel of Death!! This should make for a very interesting show. Okay now, starting us off is a........


"Great! Just great!!" I thought. "I come here thinking I can pull it off with an N'SYNC song and they decide that one of them just "had" to judge today. I guess I'm gonna have to sing a BSB song. Hmmm, this may not be so bad since they're my favorite group anyway......" I was at the Bahamas for vacation when I decided to sign up for the Say What? Karaoke Contest. Because of some mysterious luck blessed on me, I got in and that was something I totally did not expect. I just hope I won't make a fool of myself out there.

"Hey you! The two people before you are done so you got 5 minutes before you get your butt on that stage," the backstage person said.

"Okay, thanks." I answered.

"No problemo," he said back.

I rolled my eyes. "Great. Here's goes nothing."


"Hey everyone and welcome back! The last two performances have been spectacular so let's see if this last person can top them all off. He's 5'9" tall, 14 years old and topped with blonde hair...... give it up for Angel!!!" Dave finished. The crowd clapped while I ran into the stage.

"Hey Angel, nice name by the way," Dave commented.

"Thanks, man," I answered.

" I have just got to ask this question to you. Is it true that you were gonna sing an N'SYNC song for us, but not you changed your mind when you found out that Justin was here?" He asked.

"Is that right?" Justin asked curiously.

"Ummm, yeah..... it is. I didn't want to impose on anyone or anything, that's why." I said looking at Justin. He smiled and I smiled back.

"Don't worry because you're not," he said.

"So what are you gonna sing for us today, Angel?" Britney asked.

"Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely by the Backstreet Boys!" I said quickly because I didn't want to draw more attention already. Just the mentioning of me singing an N'SYNC song makes me cringe because I could just imagine what the crowd is thinking right now. I felt like there are a thousand eyes drilling holes all over me. I mean, it's not exactly normal for a guy to just sing a BSB song without any care. And with all the thinking people do nowadays, I think the fact that only girls are supposed to like boy-bands is just plain stupid. Hhmmm, I sure hope BSB is not watching this because I will just wither and die if they do.

But as luck would have it.........


"Hey you guys! Check this out!! This one guy is gonna sing one of our songs." AJ shouted.

"This should be interesting." Brian said while walking in Nick's hotel room. The guys are staying at a hotel for their break. Fortunately, their management was kind enough to give the guys a break before their European Tour kicks off next year.

"Hey, what are you guys watching?" Howie asked followed by Nick and Kevin.

"Like I said, this one guy is gonna sing one of our songs." AJ said matter-of-factly.

"Which one 'cuz we've got tons," Kevin asked.

"Show Me The Meaning, I think." AJ answered.

"Sssssshhhhhh!!! You guys, he's about to sing!" Nick said excitedly

"Slow down on the caffeine, perky boy!" Howie said. Everyone looked at Nick, and then laughed.


"Okay, Angel. Take it away, man!! Remember, you have to sing the whole entire song." Dave said while walking off. The music started.

"Sure thing!" I said nervously. Talk about pressure.

"Show Me The Meaning Of Being Lonely" By: Backstreet Boys

Show me the meaning of being lonely.

So many words for the broken heart It's hard to see in a crimson love So hard to breathe Walk with me and maybe Nights of light, so soon become Wild and free, I could feel the sun Your every wish, will be done

They tell me.....

(Chorus) Show me the meaning of being lonely Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why I can't be there where you are There's something missing in my heart

Life goes on, as it never ends Eyes of stone, observe the trends They never say forever gaze If only..... Guilty roads to an endless love (Endless love) There's no control, are you with me now Your every wish, will be done

They tell me.....

(Chorus) Show me the meaning of being lonely Is this the feeling I need to walk with Tell me why I can't be there where you are There's something missing in my heart

There's nowhere to run, I have no place to go Surrender my heart, body and soul How can it be your asking me to feel The thing you never showed

You are missing in my heart

Tell me why can't I be there where you are


Music ends.....

"WOW!!! That was absolutely fantastic, Angel!!! Watch out BSB, you just might get creamed by this bad boy." Dave said enthusiastically. The crowd cheered really loud mainly the girls. I wouldn't be surprised if glasses started shattering. I looked over to the judges and couldn't believe my eyes. They were standing up clapping!!!! They enjoyed my performance!!!!!

"Thanks." I said blushing. I wanted to get out of there fast. All this commotion over me is really overwhelming me, considering the fact that all I did was sing.

"Let's see what the judges have to say about this well done performance," Dave said looking over to the judges. "Justin?"

"That...... was great!!!! You got the lyrics down.... Hell you even got their voices down!!! I give you a ten!!!!" Justin held up a small board with a ten. The crowd cheered.

"Your style is really great. Blue sweats with a black stripe on opposite sides topped off with a bright green shirt. I give you a ten" Britney said making the crowd even more wild.

"Rich, what about you man?" Dave asked.

"Perfect!" he said smiling while holding up a ten. This got the crowd on a wild frenzy. Girls started screamin' and hollering while the guys, of course, clapped.

"A PERFECT SCORE!!! Good job Angel!! We'll see if your luck will be with you when you take a spin on the Karaoke Wheel of Death. We will be right back, ladies and gentlemen," Dave said. Then the commercials came on.

"Good job, man! You really did great." Dave shaked my hand. "I wouldn't be surprised if you win this thing."

"Ummm, thanks. I guess." I said shyly. I started walking backstage to change clothes for the next round. Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming my way. Running footsteps.


"Wow!" AJ said finally after 3 tense silent minutes.

"THAT WAS GREAT!!" Brian shouted.

"Could you shout a little louder? I don't think China heard you. And what are you talking about "great"? That was beyond great!!!" Nick retorted.

"I gotta give him credit... he can sing," Kevin spoke up.

"No kidding. He even sounded like everyone of us. That, is scary." Howie commented.

"Yea! Hell, he even sang those high falsettos better than our Howie" AJ laughed.

"You better watch out, Howie. That little guy just might replace you!" Brian said trying to provoke Howie.

"Shut up, Brian!" Howie said. He threw a pillow at him which resulted into an all-out pillow fight war.

Despite all the commotion, Nick just stared at the television screen.


"Hey, Angel! Wait up!!" Justin said running with Britney and Rich not far behind. They were trying to catch up to me.

I walked in the dressing room and grabbed the clothes I planned to wear for the next round. "Hey, you guys." I said not even looking up. 'Great, just great! Three popular singers are coming my way...... and I can't believe that's all I said. I'm so pathetic!' I thought.

"Don't hey us, hey yourself. You sang real good up there!! Not to mention that you walk real fast," Britney said all in one breath. I finally looked up at them and smiled. Britney smiled back.

"Sorry. It's just that I have to get ready and all for the next round. Oh yea, thanks for the comment." I said looking at Britney.

"No sweat, guy." Britney said and punched me playfully on the arm.

"Have you ever taken singing lessons?" Rich asked. I began taking off the green shirt I was wearing. 'Thank God I'm wearing a white shirt underneath," I thought. "No." I finally answered.

"What about vocal stuff? Do you have some kind of vocal coach or something??" Justin asked. By then I completely had the green shirt off and started putting on a bright yellow shirt with the words "Fubu" in the front in some type of balloon-fat-type-kind-of-writing only it's outlined with black. The sleeves were short enough so the cuffs from the white shirt can be seen. 'Perfect shirt!' I thought. Then I remembered Justin's question. "Nope." I said.

Rich let out a whistle. "Whow!" he said.

"Exactly my point, dude." Justin said.

"And you did all that singing?!? I have got to say, I am impressed!!" said Britney. "Hey, wait a minute! Your last name is Aguilera, right?" she asked. "Yeah!" I answered finally looking at her. "Would you, by any chance be related to....."

"No!" I answered cutting her off. "Oh," was all Britney said. Why is it that whenever anyone hears my last name, they immediately ask if I'm related to Christina Aguilera? Yeah! I wish. "Thanks for all the comments you guys. But right now, do you guys mind if....." I motioned to the pants I'm holding.

"Oh. Sorry!!" Britney said blushing. "I'll see you out there, okay? Good luck!" And then she ran off.

"Yea, see you onstage Angel." Rich said while walking off. I then looked at Justin who just stood there smiling. "You look goofy." I said trying to stop the laughter from kicking in.

"Whatever, man. Anyway, I gotta go to. I'll see you there, all right?" Justin said.

"Okie-dokie" I smiled. "Good luck!" Justin said and then he walked off.


"Shut up, you guys! That Angel guy is about to go up again." Nick shouted trying to get the guys' attention.

"Chill, Nick. We'll watch now, okay?" Brian said the guys started to calm down and began taking their various sitting places and glued their eyes on the screen.


"Hey everyone and welcome back! Are you all ready for the last contestant for the 2nd round?" Dave asked and got back a very loud yes. "Okay, Angel... come on out!" The backstage person gave me the cue then I walked onstage. "All right, Angel. Let's see if luck is still with you. Spin that wheel, man!" Dave said. I walked up to the wheel and gave it a hard tug. The wheel kept on spinning, and spinning, and spinning, and spinning, and spinning and finally landed on "Music of My Heart" by N'SYNC and Gloria Estefan. This resulted into a wild frenzy from the crowd.

"Wow! What a weird twist of fate for you, my friend." Dave said. "Tell me, do you know the "whole" words to this song?" he asked.

"Maybe I do, maybe I do," I answered and glanced briefly at Justin who just gave a thumbs-up sign. Of course, I had to smile at that.

"Okay, Angel. Take it away!" Dave finished and walked off the stage. I started walking up the little catwalk and stop on the mid-center. Then, the music started.


"I'm sorry to break it to you guys but, we have to go to our manager's office right now." Kevin said and got back a lot of groans and complaints.

"Can't we leave after this show?" Nick asked.

"No, Nick. I'm sorry but we really have to go." Kevin answered.

"Don't worry about it, Nicky. I've got it all on tape." AJ said trying to reassure Nick.

"You mean your recording this?" Nick asked with a hopeful tone. "Yep!" AJ said. This made Nick smile. 'Good! Now I can watch him sing over and over and over and.......' Nick thought.

"Hello! Earth to Nick!! Earth to Nick!! Ahh, it's no use because he is out," Howie said while walking out of the room. Everyone started leaving the room to get ready for the meeting. "Where's Nick?" Brian asked. He ran back into the room and saw Nick still sitting on the bed staring at the T.V. screen. "C'mon, loverboy. You are getting obvious." Brian said. Then he grabbed Nick by the arm and started dragging him out like a sack. "Hey!" Nick said trying to break free.


"And we're back, ladies and gentlemen. Finally, the winner of today's episode of Say What? Karaoke....... Angel Aguilera!!!!!" Dave announced. I couldn't believe it. I actually won and to think that my parents thought I didn't have any talent. This will show 'em.... The bastards.

After the commercials were up, I walked off the stage and went back to the dressing room to start packing. I planned on going back to Orlando after the contest since I had nothing else to do here. It's a good thing I don't live with my parents anymore otherwise I wouldn't even be here.

"Hey Angel, wait up!" Justin hurried over to my side. I stopped walking and turned to look at him. "What?"

"Me and Britney were wondering if you would have dinner with us. Kinda like, you know, to celebrate." Justin asked. By then, my mind was already racing with thoughts over weather I had other plans for tonight. Then I had to think about going or not going. 'Ah, what the hell.' I thought. "Sure, I would love to." Love to?!? How stupid can I possibly get??

"Great!" Britney shrieked making me jump half a mile. I didn't know how long she was standing behind me. Britney saw my surprised expression and busted up laughing. "Sorry!" I looked behind her and noticed a guy trying to hide himself from us. It was obvious to me he was failing to do that.

"What place are we going to?" I asked. Both Justin and Britney looked at me, then they looked at each other. "McDonald's!!" they both said. This got me laughing.

Thirty minutes later and we were at McDonald's. We were lucky no one noticed either Britney or Justin. I was so sure we were gonna get mobbed by their fans. But by then I was getting a little tedious because the same man I saw back at the contest just "happened" to walk in. I had already told Britney and Justin about him and they told me he was just probably some journalist or something. I looked at them and motioned over to a booth the man occupied. "What is he doing here?" I asked. Well, the guy started walking over to us so Justin told Britney and me to pretend like we didn't notice him. "Hello," he said.

"Hey yourself! Why are you following us?" I asked trying not to let my anger rise. What I hated the most is people stalking you. I mean, who knows what those stalkers are capable of? "Actually, I was following you," he answered. This completely surprised me.

"What for?" Britney asked. The man just completely ignored her while I was completely taken aback by this person. Didn't he know who these two are?

"I'm sorry. I haven't properly introduced myself. My name is John Davis and I work partially for MCA Records. I also work as a management for people who are talented and you, my friend, are talented. I am going to be subtle with you right now. Have you ever thought of singing as a career?" he said not wanting to draw attention from other people around us.

I looked at him and then I looked at Justin and Britney. They both have bewildered looks on their faces. I looked back at the man and then again, looked at the two bewildered stars. By then, they were all smiles... and so was John. 'Oh, boy!' I thought. What have I gotten my self into?!?

To be continued...........

Author's Note: All you readers, don't be surprised if the story looks confusing right now. I am still trying to sort everything out so hopefully, it will be all clear by the next two sections. Again, I'm sorry if I missed any other good stories out there. I'll try to announce you guys a the next part, okay?? This is my 1st story so please.... please bear with me!! E-mail me for comments/suggestions/ideas at Flames will be ignored!!

Next: Chapter 2

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