An English Boy in New York

By Verhaal Vandermens

Published on Jul 8, 2011



You have to be of legal age to read this, also make sure you aren't breaking any laws by doing so. This story will contain underaged homosexual relationships between two boys and possible scenes of a sexual nature. If you find that this type of material offensive or you otherwise decide not to need this sort of thing in your life, then you should go elsewhere and perhaps reconsider the location you are looking for stories, as seriously... you are in the wrong place.

All people and events in this story are fictional. Any similarities to other people or events is purely coincidental and not to be taken literally. On the other hand, New York City does exist and forms the basis of at least this chapter. Subsequently, such places that exist in real life New York City will find themselves making a cameo as you can't visit NYC without seeing the sights.

However I have taken a liberty to actually create some imaginary places in NYC that do not actually exist. You will not find them if you go there, and they are only there for the purposes of this story. Smash Music is purely fictional and and similarity to other references is coincidental and unintended. You have been forewarned.

Introduction: The time between the last chapter and this one was stupidly long and I apologise. The excuses I was going to package with this introduction was going to include new family members, medical conditions and general RL stress, but as well as all that I am going to chalk the biggest problem down to writers block. I just didn't know where to take the story. However, I had conquered that block and decided to retire this avenue of plot. So, I apologise again for the shorter length of this story, but it's an road to another story that is very much linked to this one.

I woke up entangled with Remy. He was still breathing gently against my cheek as he snuggled up against me, his nakedness pressed up against my leg. We had made love last night. It started at the hotel front door and moved onto the bed as we shed our clothes and ended in the shower. As it was, we had both collapse in a post-coital weariness and fallen asleep in a loving embrace with the memories of the previous day still fresh in our memory.

After a lengthy tour of the Smash Music New York Headquarters we moved outside to spend the rest of the day in Central Park eating ice creams and just walking around the expansive park. Today was a shopping trip to get gifts and generally spend obscene amounts of money.

Remy stirred and his hand roamed my abdomen. "Hey." He said, his voice barely a whisper.

"Morning sexy!" I said. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah, awesome pillow." He raised his head slightly and laid it back down on my chest so his eyes could look into mine. "You?"

"Yeah," I replied. "I dreamt I was flying, then I woke up, and I was."

Remy smiled warmly, but the grin didn't last long as the connecting door burst open and Connor was there in his boxers.

"Come on girls, time to get up!" He said throwing the clothes that were on the floor at us.

"Dammit Connor its 8am." Remy retreated under the covers. "We should have at least another few hours in bed." He complained from under the protection of covers. I was trying to bat away the onslaught of yesterdays clothing with my hands, failing to do so due to my laughter.

"Well, sorry. But since you two were shagging for so long last night, I thought it was only right to deny you a few hours sleep you horny bastards," he chuckled at us.

I retaliated by grabbing a pair of yesterdays underpants and launching at him. He failed to notice them in time and they landed on his head. Bullseye.

Connor, flailed his arms like I'd thrown a spider at him, desperate to fling the invading beastie off him. "Eww. That's gross."

My onslaught hadn't ended there. Since we were pretty much already up by now I decided to incapacitate Connor further and I lunched myself out of bed and throw the hotel 'European Bedding'; or as we call it, a duvet, over him. I succeeded in placating him, and effectively winning the battle of the hotel guest. Or so I thought.

The retaliation came swift and skilfully as he launched himself in my direction, quite deftly landing on top of me.

"Got you." Connor laughed as he shucked the duvet off himself and pinned me down. Then Remy joined in and jumped on top of Connor to wrestle him off me.

The hotel door clicked open. "What's all the noise..." Mrs Wright paused as she saw the mess of boys on the hotel room floor. It must have been quite a sight. Two naked boys and one in just boxers and in the middle of mid wrestle.

"Well, as long as you're up we might as well go out for breakfast. Get showered and dressed. Meet me in the lobby in thirty." She said quickly and then shut the door.

We all exchanged looks. I might have sense a slight emphasis on the word 'up'.

"Okay that was awkward." Connor said. "If you guys weren't family I would have been repulsed. Honestly, naked wrestling, who would have thought?"

"Technically, I'm not family." I pointed out.

"You might as well be. We're best mates and your shagging my cousin. Can't get any closer than that." Connor said. I nodded in agreement. "But go shower, I hate to think what you were doing last night and what stains you just rubbed against me.

"Ah don't be a prude." Remy announced punching Connor lightly in the arm. "We finished in the shower so we're clean."

"Argh, details." Connor covered his ears and exited back into his room. "Twenty five minutes." he said and closed the connecting door.

Thirty five minutes later me and Remy exited the elevator and crossed the expansive lobby to where Mrs Wright and Connor stood.

"Glad you could make it." Mrs Wright said. "Okay so breakfast. There's plenty of places out here that do breakfast so lets walk along the street and find a place."

"Oh lets go see Grand Central Terminal, it's connected to this hotel" Remy said and looked over to where there was a glass side door in the lobby that led to the Grand Central Terminal on Fifth Avenue.

We all agreed and we began our journey to get breakfast.

The station was nothing like stations in the UK. This one had what can only be described as a shopping mall underneath it. In the UK stations the shops are littered around the tracks and usually have a couple of fast food stores, ten different news agents selling overpriced confectionery and the compulsory book store. Here though there were designer clothes stores, bag stores and every other store. There was even a floor set aside for ethnic cuisine.

My favourite part of the station was the Whispering Arch. You could whisper something on one side of the arch and the person at the other side could hear you as if they were next to you. I had given it a go, and got Remy to stand over one side and I on the other and I whispered "Hey Sexy" into the wall.

The humorous quip failed as Mrs Wright coughed and said that we didn't need a whispering wall to hear that. I blushed a deep shade of crimson while Remy just laughed and gave me a reassuring hug. If Mrs Wright didn't already know we were in love, she would have after this morning and just now.

We stopped at a diner for some breakfast and I had what I had always wanted to try. Belgian waffled and syrup. Had this been in the UK, I would have just been stared at blankly if I had asked for waffled and syrup for breakfast. In the UK waffles are a dessert to be enjoyed after a main meal and certainly not for breakfast. I enjoyed myself thoroughly as I licked my fingers clean, in a teasing manner just for Remy who was trying to eat his eggs and hide a boner. He'd get me back at some point today. I was looking forward to it.

We finished up our breakfast and moved onto Times Square where we took our obligatory photos and passed the camera around for combined group shots. We then went into a multitude of shops, brought various gifts and novelties that would no doubt get put in a box and and brought out for special reminiscent occasions.

We finally entered what must have been the best store in Times Square. M&M World. When I saw the store, my mouth had dropped open. A whole store dedicated to a bag of sweets, or confectionery, if you are American. We went in and the sight was overwhelming. There were giant figurines of the M&M characters in various poses, there were cases of M&M memorabilia such as a leather jackets emblazoned with the characters and hundred of leathered M&M's. Naturally, I purchased some overpriced branded junk that I liked such as a keyring, a T- Shirt, boxers and a selection of peculiar coloured M&M's from the massive display that wrapped around the stores wall. It was literally a wall made out of the little round sweets. Hundred of vending buckets with every colour possible. It was really quite amazing.

We exited munching on chocolate, even Mrs Wright was munching on some of the more unusual chocolate purchases from the store. We skipped lunch as we had eaten so much chocolate. Surprisingly the whole day went by rather fast and the afternoon fell on us. We had shopped a fair bit that day and ended up pretty tired back at the hotel.

The rest of the week went by in a blur. We went into the financial area downtown and took the ferry over to Ellis Island and viewed the Statue of Liberty on the way. We also conquered the Empire State building and the Rockefeller Tower. We scoured the shops down Fifth avenue and we visited most of the museums along the museum mile. The whole week went by so fast, that my time with Remy was soon drawing to a close.

It was with great pain and tears that we parted and had to go separate ways for who knew how long. Even Mrs Wright gave me a hug and reassured me that we'd reunite soon. Remy assured me that he could visit often, and true to his word he did. I guess having a rich family and being home schooled allowed you to travel about a bit. It was painful without him, and it reminded me how much I loved him so.

About Twelve Months Later

The US of A.

My alarm woke me up, the shrill tones shattering the peace and tranquillity of sleep. As usual, I bashed the alarm quiet and climbed sleepily out of bed to look at myself in my full length mirror. Not as skinny as I used to be, I even had the start of a Six-pack.

"Ethan!" My Mom bellowed up the stairs. "Ten Minutes."

Dammit, not enough time. I shed my underpants and wrapped a towel around me and ran to the bathroom for the quickest of quick showers.

"Morning handsome." My mom beamed as I walked into the kitchen. I wasn't sure if she was mocking or being tender, it was one of those times when you aren't sure if she is trying too hard to be nice, or she might be up to something. Nevertheless I decided to ignore the gesture, it was a trivial in comparison to what wonderful events today held.

Connor was there too, having arrived two weeks ago for a stopover for a holiday with his mates, he was due to leave tomorrow. Today though; today was a day I had been looking forward to since we moved to the states and dad had got his new job at Smash Music. Connor was pretty adamant that I leave him to explore the town on his own for that day. I felt guilty, but thankful I had such an understanding friend, especially since we'd moved away. That had really hurt. The guilt I had gone through because his cousin, who I had barely just met had effectively caused the chain of events that would get dad his new job with Mr Acres and subsequently us moving to the US and away from my best friend.

In consolation though, since Connor and Remy were cousins, and me and Connor were best mates, we could still gather a few times a year. In fact it gave us more to talk about. There were also webcams and social networks that we used regularly.

"I suppose you are going to eat out today?" Mom asked, smirking at me as she leaned on the breakfast bar.

"Yep!" I grinned. "Special Day." I grabbed my sneakers, the ones that 'he' bought for me and slipped them on. I made a habit of not calling them trainers, they were called sneakers now. "Time to go!"

Mom coughed and tapped her cheek. I sighed and gave her the kiss on her cheek, then turned to leave, not wanting to hang around for any further parental privlidges.

"Hey, what about me?" Connor pointed to his cheek.

I grinned and stepped back and pecked Connor on the cheek. "Thank you." He chuckled. "Be back by eight." He said, almost mimicking my mom's tone perfectly. She never noticed or deftly ignored him. The last thing they heard was the door clicking closed as I left the house.

It was about a week after we returned when Dad had come back and came up to my room and awoke me. I still had the habit of sleeping on one side of the bed and waking every morning to wish that he would be there.

Dad had told me about his new Job in America that would involve us moving out there. When he told me where we would be moving to and who was employing him, it was like a lottery win. Even through it was still a few weeks before we moved, I had already packed by the time Dad had finished talking to me.

At first I didn't see him. He had his back to me and easily blended in with the hundreds of other people drifting about the mall. He had grew over the year since we had met, unfortunately I had not grown quite so much so he still taller than me, but it was all cool by me. It made holding him just that bit nicer when I can nuzzle my cheek into his neck as I sleep.

Mom had had 'the talk' with us and we promised that if we were to get frisky were were to use protection and while technically we were under-age she made us abide by the don't ask, don't tell routine. Basically, she knew we would or have already been screwing each other brains out so it was better it be done properly than badly, but she'd rather not hear it or clean it after us. That had made for a particularly uncomfortable conversation for all parties involved. I personally was amazed that mom knew so much about gay sex. I had to actually google a few of the terms afterwards. I'll never look at snowballing each other in the winter quite same way again.

"Hey" I said tapping his shoulder as I approached him from behind. Remy whipped around and gave me that familiar warm grin, then he flung his arm around me and pecked me on the lips.

"Hey yourself." He grinned.

I'm perfectly happy with who I am, I love Remy and I love that he shows his love for me anywhere, but I still get the twinge of fear that some people will object to two teen boys kissing in the middle of a mall. No one has ever cared enough to be repulsed. There are occasionally people who deliberately avoid eye contact; most people find it a source of intrigue and eyes are often drawn to us. Occasionally there will be a 'aww' coming generally from a bunch of girls. "I missed you." I told him.

"Missed you too... but..." he reached into his jacket pocket and produced two slips of paper. "I got you a birthday present."

"You got me the shirt though." I objected, but still curious as to what the pieces of paper were. Perhaps a concert or a expo or something.

Yesterday was my Birthday and he was out of state because his Mother had fallen down the stairs and I told him he should go. She was okay, just a broken ankle. He had given me a shirt before he went with a Smash Media logo on it. To be honest it was a lame gift, but you don't say that, and I didn't really care, I loved him and he loved me and all I needed was him. Also I have begun to read him by now and I knew from the way he carried himself when he handed me the gift. He was holding something back, he was feeling guilty that he knew I would know it was a lame gift. I played along.

"We're going on Vacation." He said giving the tickets a little wiggle.

"Where to?" I asked, trying to read the tickets while they were waving about in his hand.

"On a cruise ship. Just me and you. Together. In a luxury cabin" He grinned and my grin grew to something I could barely contain. It was like the best present ever. "Dad didn't want to cancel so he let us take his and Mom's cabin."

"They let kids go on their own?" I asked curiously.

"My Dad is going to send us as official representatives of Smash Media so we'll be the Captain's guests but with gold standard pre-paid service. I think that basically means we can eat drink and do whatever we want without having to pay. I think we'll officially have chaperones as we're not eighteen, but it's pretty much just us."

He put the tickets into his pocket and I hugged him and kissed him three times. "I love you." I half-chuckled. "I've never been on a cruise."

"It's a British ship too. King William V it's called, only been in the water for three months. They have a wave rider machine, movie theatre, six swimming pools a dozen bars, mall and tons of other stuff too." He paused and watched me as I took all this information in. "Happy Birthday."

I was going on a cruise with my boyfriend. "This is the best Birthday ever!" I gave him a little squeeze in delight.

"It gets better though." He said hooping is arm in mine. "We have to shop and get you some decent clothes to wear. This is no jeans or sneakers affair. We need tuxedo's and it's all being payed for by the Smash Media coffers."

"Coffers, right." I laughed. He had picked up English sayings as much as I was picking up the American ones.

But a Cruise. I couldn't wait

Remy took us over to a mall café type arrangement where he introduced me to a broad shouldered suited gentleman who was sipping coffee. He was the money holder for Remy. It turned out that Remy's Dad had agree to pay for not only the cruise but also for equipping both myself and Remy with a new wardrobe. I had decided that Remy had the best parents in the world. The suited gentleman, who called himself Arnold, and as such we dubbed him Arnie, told us that the reason for Smash Media buying our new wardrobes was as since we would be representing the new youthful and liberal face of Smash Media, we needed to fit the part.

The End... Or is it?

Thank you for reading An English Boy In New York. I apologise again for the time it took to finish this chapter and indeed the story. The next part of this story will be posted shortly under the title of "The Adventures of Ethan and Remy".

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