An Epiphany


Published on May 17, 2009



How couples handle their sexual activity depends so much on their past experiences, the negative or positive attitudes based on values established when taught about sex, and above all, the nurturing (or lack of it) given them by parents and extended family so that they accept themselves as genuinely good people or tragically enough feeling as an unwanted member. Even if the latter were the case, so often an individual can be brought to accepting himself as good through the social interaction of friends and school peers. For Jeff and me, we both are very positive people, and have very deep spiritually rooted values which help us to maintain a balanced and mature emotional life. Our approach to expressing sexual needs, preferences, and desires seem to be very synchronized in our minds, so much so, that what Jeff would like to do is pretty much the same as my desires, as well as his being on the same wave-length in regards what I want to do. We sort of anticipate the other's desires, generally without actually expressing it in words but by our body language or the way our eyes look at each other, the language of our hands, and just about every other part of our bodies. Some call this compatible chemistry, but we see it among ourselves as a very natural part of love-making. We do not keep score as regards who did what, where, when, and how. We do not feel the need to reciprocate, but generally our love ends up with both bringing the same needs to fruition. In fact, we are beginning to be keen enough, even though we have been together for a short time frame, to notice a pattern of love developing between us. Let me explain the case in point by what took place when we returned from our shopping trip for camping equipment.

After an early supper, we anticipated returning to the condo for an early bed-time where we could simply talk about each other, our highlights in life, our dreams, etc., in order to know more about ourselves. Although we did share a lot of conversation when we first met, still, with what seems to be our love heading in the direction of a life-long commitment, we wanted to feel that we knew everything about the other and not just in the sense of our physical bodies. While looking for a parking space at the condo, Jess dropped me off at the main entrance suggesting that I find a luggage trolley to carry all our stuff in one trip to the apartment on the third floor. That seemed to be a good idea since the tent box was rather bulky although not as heavy as the size of the box would suggest. I quickly located the waving hands, and brought the trolley to the car. We reinstalled the removable roof panels and locked up Jeff's auto baby. We unloaded the stuff in the living room, and Jess asked me to return the trolley to its station near the main entrance while he would pour us some raspberry iced tea.

I re-entered the apartment, and saw Jess resting comfortably on the sofa with the two drinks on the end table. Something in Jess's eyes was communicating to me a need to be intimate while relaxing. He scooted to the front edge of the sofa with his hands extended behind him for support while I sat down next to him, leaned over towards his left side and planted a passionate kiss on his lips. He closed his dreamy eyes, and let out a soft sigh. I ended up closing my eyes to let my imagination take over while our tongues sought out each other. Our lips were locked upon each other, and you could hear the various tiny noises of smacking, sucking, and inhaling. Jess broke off the kiss to kneel sideways on the sofa facing me, and at the same time he raised his shirt to expose his left nipple. The kissing certainly aroused his tiny nip to be hard and extended. I leaned further into him with my tongue out and my left hand wrapped around the naked waist portion of Jess while he embraced me with his unoccupied right arm. I certainly made a lot of love to his nipple and was gently biting it. Just the very body odor of Jess was intoxicating. As Jess was beginning to make the hint of humping motions, I got up and knelt opposite him with my knees slightly parted, while setting my ass down on my ankles with my hands extended backwards for support. Jess opened his mouth and leaned in to me for more deep kissing once he situated himself between my legs. Tasting his tongue and a hint of sweetness in his breath got me into salivating as well as extending my own tongue deep into Jess. I have to say that Jess knows how to kiss and really arouse me, perhaps like no other can.

Sensing my arousal, Jess kept his eyes closed in ecstasy while his hands started to reach down to my shirt for pulling it off. Of course we had to break our kiss, but it only took a split second to resume it. My naked upper body now allowed for him to caress it with tender touches. I simply went with the flow of things, and allowed Jess to do to me whatever he desired. I truly believe that the key to successful love-making is to allow spontaneity and go with the flow. After all, didn't our first act of intercourse say to each other in no uncertain terms that our bodies belong not to our selves but to our love-partner to enjoy, worship, and become one with it? Going with the flow, or rendering submission on my part for the sake of a love-spouse is my way of loving Jess, especially when I watched him reach down to undo my belt and unbutton my pants. Jess was definitely in heat which I did not want to deny him, and was quickly making me want him as much. I started to get boned up, and had to lean further back on my extended arms for him to lower the zipper. To watch him slowly open up my pants with the utmost feeling of devotion told me how much is the love of Jess for me. He made every gesture, every simple act part of a larger mosaic of love. Without needing to say a word, Jess quietly slid off my pants from one leg after I changed position and assisted him by extending my legs forward and separating them further to remove the pants altogether . He noticed the very large tent in my underwear, and this in turn caused one leg hem to lift and expose my right testicle. He saw this but only kept his loving thoughts to himself while I was witnessing on Jessie's face the flush of a man in beautiful genuine love.

Jess eased me back against the upholstered arm rest of the sofa. As he leaned in to kiss me once again, his left hand caressed my right side, and crossed over his right arm to reach into my underwear placing his hand around my cock. The kiss was even more wonderful now that I was being fondled. He eventually wrapped his fingers around the shaft. That's when I could feel my eyes become out of focus and take on that lustful stare. I was all Jess's, and he could have me any way he so desired. The thought then hit me that I should be paying some attention to him and not let our love be one sided. After all, he was so full of love for me that I needed to reach out and give him my heart and soul. And so in complete silence, I broke off our kiss, reached over to pull off Jessie's shirt, and undo his trousers. He made it simple for me by likewise sitting down to allow the pants to slide off his legs. I could see in his eyes that I interrupted something in Jess's love making, and so I left on his underpants. Sitting on my haunches, I stared at Jess and wanted to simply reach over and give him a tight squeeze in an embrace. Just then, Jess sensed the seriousness in my face, and started to break into a smile followed by both of us laughing when he made the comment:

"I guess from now on we'll no longer undress ourselves."

His humor helped break the love tension which was building up quickly. And I added my approval by tickling the bottom of his feet with his pants still in my hands. At this moment in time, I don't think I could ever trade Jess off for all the tea in China. He is so precious, and I want to live the rest of my life with him. The playful Jess was pointing to the fact that I had a really hard dick with its head extending over my underpants hem. He then softly uttered the words:

"Let me get back to that monster."

I leaned back on my extended arms once again, and Jess knelt in a low crouching position between my separated knees and thighs. He reached to pull my underwear past my shaft and down to below my balls. Holding the shaft and bringing it away from my belly towards his mouth, Jess swallowed my cock all the way down to my scrotum. Here he was in a deep kneeling position making love to what is ever so precious to him and worshiping it as God's gift to him. He bobbed his head up and down my shaft, humping it with his mouth while his tongue bathed it with saliva. But my underpants proved to be too much a distraction for him that Jess broke off from my cock to slide it off. I changed body position to allow my legs to go forward and have my underwear taken off. There in all its glory was my prize gift for Jess, but at the same time, I was not the only one with a monster waiting to be free of its confines. Jess's penis had elongated to extend forward and down past the leg hem of his underpants. I would need to shortly make worship to his prized possession, but now I wanted and needed him to resume sucking on my cock. It was nice to lean back and have my legs fully in a spread out position with my scrotum and balls hanging freely. Jess resumed his sucking, but at the same time alternated swallowing my shaft with his licking and sniffing in the love musk coming from my sack area. Jess was in a unique body position with his legs bent frog-like and feet planted flat against the sofa. I know I couldn't get into that position without falling over. His eyes were ever fixed upon my face to watch the buildup of my sexual arousal. He only looked away to lift up my scrotum and lick the underside and all around my testicles. His own lust was evident by probing my anus with his left index finger, while his right hand held the shaft in place for sucking. He did interrupt his up and down motion for bathing his left fingers with a lot of spit. This made it easier for him to enter my sphincter opening for increasing my arousal. It was doing the trick because once in a while, he would reach in deep enough to touch my prostate. I closed my eyes and allowed Jess to do his magic. As a true love partner, ever so sensitive to my arousal feeling, Jess broke off sucking my penis, and knelt up on the sofa. I immediately got into the low crouching position, and reached out to lower his underwear, grabbing his precious penis into my waiting and salivating mouth. It was now my turn to worship God's gift to me. Being in a kneeling up position, Jess was able to match my sucking forward and backwards on his shaft with a slow humping of my mouth. The times that his cock head would reach all the way back to my mouth allowed me to let it enter briefly into my throat. Jessie's hands were placed on each side of my head as he synchronized his humping with my bobbing head motion. Jess changed position as his humping was becoming awkward in the kneeling position, and so he lay down with his back against the sofa, and legs parted widely up in the air. I knelt down and immediately lowered myself more into a crouching position where it was better to see his rose bud and resume sucking on his cock. I could also smell the intoxicating musk odor coming from his ass, scrotum and all around his groin area. It was truly arousing for me. Being in such an open position, I started to break away from his cock and lick my way down his perineum to his anus. Once there, I did not stop but was feverish to lick all around his opening and stick my tongue as far in as possible. I simulated a fucking motion by curling my tongue and darting it in and out. Jess started to make moaning sounds, and I knew he wanted more attention paid to his ass. So, I bathe the entire area with my saliva and preceded to finger fuck him, first with my middle finger, and eventually working three fingers into him. Jess lowered his legs to place them on my shoulders, and this allowed for me to remove my fingers, place my mouth over his stretched opening, and suck as well as circle the inside of his muscle with my tongue. Even if Jess has passed gas, in the state of arousal both he and I were in, it would not have mattered. That's when Jess spoke out:

"Oh, Willie, please stick it in me. I need you to fuck me."

He then lifted his legs off of my shoulders and reversed his entire body so that now he was on all four in a kneeling position. I got behind to work my cock into his love hole by assuming a slight squatting position. Jess was so opened up, so aroused, that my cock easily slid in with my right hand guiding it while my left hand was placed on his left buttock for support. Oh, my, that ever so exquisite feeling of sliding into my lover and being surrounded by his body is a touch of heaven. Now we are one in mind, body, heart and soul. All I can say is:

"Thank you God."

The same exclamation was repeated by Jess. Jess was able to maneuver his body further over to the front edge of the sofa, and this allowed me to place one foot down on the floor while keeping the other in a kneeling position. This change allowed me to begin an easier humping. I went slowly in and pulled out slowly, only to keep repeating this action because I wanted to receive all the keen sensation of feeling around my shaft. This slowness also allowed for Jess to feel more the fullness in his rectum and without any discomfort. I extended both arms to hold Jess at his shoulders. This helped me to go even deeper in my thrusting. As our passions were heating up, I let go of Jessie's right shoulder, and lowing my body down against his back, I was able to grab and masturbate Jess while my hips kept up the thrusting jabs. Jess was getting very much into the rhythm by pushing himself back to meet my forward thrusting. His moaning was increasing; both our mouths were in the open position trying to take in deep breaths. We were in the deep throes of mating, but how wonderful that we are spouses to each other, with the fullest intent to pledge and sign our love into a life-time commitment. I don't know about Jess, but my nipples couldn't be any more extended and hard, and I knew that we were both close to bringing our love to a climax because I could feel the copious amount of precum emanating from Jess onto my fingers, thus helping to lubricate my masturbating him. When I exclaimed to Jess that I can't hold out anymore, he quickly spoke:

"Pull out Willie, and give it to me in my mouth."

Yes, I pulled out, while Jess immediately turned around in his kneeling position, but just as his mouth was close, I let go, and my seed went flying in rapid spurts into his hair, left shoulder, and finally into his mouth when he took control of my cock and guided it in. I continued with about four more spurts, flexing my ass muscle in sync with my upward thrusting motion. Wow, I let go with a nice volume of seed. The physical motion of Jess changing his kneeling position to face me sort of slowed down his own impending ejaculation. I asked him to lie on his back, and so I was able to grab his cock, resume masturbating him for just a few seconds to bring him up to speed, and insert my fingers into his stretched hole to massage his prostate and heighten his discharge. He anxiously yelled:

"O fuck, here it comes; hurry, suck my cock!"

He exploded his own voluminous amount of sperm, which I had to initially swallow quickly, but then pulled out slightly to allow the last few spurts to stay in my mouth and on my tongue. When I manipulated his shaft to give up all the remaining seed, I then pushed Jess further onto the sofa to allow me to sit next to him. I leaned down and together we went into a passionate kiss where I was able to share his love offering back to him. We spent more time swirling and mating our tongues, and both tasting the wonderful flavor of a lover's seed. What a wonderful communion of love, and again, thank you God. We have climaxed into each other's mouth when doing mutual oral sex, but this was the very first time that our intercourse did not ended up with one partner receiving sperm deep in the ass while the other received the seed orally or between our bodies. We both ended up taking our climax into our mouths because one partner spontaneously requested it. Go with the flow, and just be concerned with a partner's request. Don't make adverse decisions to a partner's request, for after all, sex should reflect genuine love, and love says to be submissive. Also by its very nature, genuine love must be exclusive and committed to only one partner. You cannot have a shared love with more than one partner since it can be said that the love is not total for either one. I share the values that mean everything to Jess and me, knowing that there will be readers who will express a differing viewpoint and take exception to some of my comments. Keep in mind, though, that what I share in story form of a true-life love partnership is what works best for us. Jess and I do not love each other according to the opinions of others, but by what is dictated in our hearts and consciences. This makes our love genuine and true for us. I only hope that everyone else discovers the values which make their love sincere. If you wish to share your own love/life experience with Jess and me, we would be happy to receive it, and should you wish to have us share our opinions with any concerns or doubts you may have pertaining to your own love, again, we would honestly address your issues. Thank you for reading the Epiphany series. We will certainly continue to share with you all the moments and events of our relationship as they occur until such time that Jess and I wish to continue our lives in private.

Next: Chapter 8

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