Anaheim Alaska

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Dec 6, 2018


Anaheim Alaska-22

Written by

Eugene Marvin

-aka- ___________________


West Anaheim, 7am

16y/o Logan Harding sat across from his dad at the breakfast table, eating cereal and milk while his dad did the same [wanting to spend quality time with his son after work, before Logan started his online classes for school]!

Logan stared at his dad whenever he thought Hank wasn't looking [Hank scrolling through his cell phone for news updates and reports], watching closely as he spooned Fruity Pebbles into his mouth for breakfast, watching the milk dribble down over the hairy chin, resembling some of the sperm Logan recalled seeing splattering his father's face in some of his private cock sucking videos!

Logan gasped to himself, feeling his cock stiffen under the table!

"You alright, son...?" asked Hank, catching Logan staring [as Logan quickly averted his eyes, pretending to look elsewhere]! "Are you okay...?"

"Yeah...I'm find, dad!" assured Logan, trying NOT to think about his cock in his dad's mouth, strongly recalling how his father's wet mouth felt enveloping his hard-on, sucking the cum out of his spurting shaft!

"I was wondering if I could go up to The Lodge this weekend...?" he suddenly asked [needing to get away from his dad for awhile]! "Greg called and said I could go skiing up there this weekend while he's there for a business meeting!"

Hank looked concerned...

"Are you SURE you're ready to go back up there so soon...?" asked the father, especially given how Logan had ran away from The Lodge during his last time he visited, after learning someone had uploaded a video of sucking cock online {chps-11 & 13}!

"Yeah dad..." assured the boy, "...I'm sure!"

"Okay..." said Hank [realizing he could use that weekend to visit Ted again]! " long as you're SURE...!" he reiterated! "But CALL me if you need me to come pick you up!" he offered! "I mean it!"

"I will, dad!" glee Logan! "Thanks!" he said, thinking of all the FUN he'd have at his stepdad's Lodge, hoping to hookup with some of the staff again...?



35y/o Gregory Bailey (Logan's stepdad) was lying awake in his master bedroom in hills of North Anaheim's more secluded mansions...with his wife: Madeline (Logan's mom) currently leaning in over his lap, sucking his cock...while HE thought of his last conversation with Chet Masterson, whom recently revealed to him that the `girl' he'd been made to believe was hiding behind a makeshift gloryhole at his ski-lodge...was actually his stepson: LOGAN!

Greg had known Logan was gay [after the video of gun sucking 2 cocks in the boy's restroom at school were posted online]..., but he never knew his stepson had sucked HIM off as well...! Greg played and re-played that moment back in his mind a million times, marveling at the `girls' oral skills and wanting to HIRE her for big parties he had planned for some of his more important out-of-town guests...!...only to find out that the hot chick he'd been pursuing was none other than his own STEPSON!

Greg had no idea HOW he should feel about Logan and what he did...? Surely it wasn't solely the boy's was Chet's and the other guys in the room that didn't warn him that it was his wife's KID behind the wall! Greg recalled putting his cock through the hole in the wall...then feeling something warm, wet, and wonderful surrounding his cock, drawing him in deeper, eager to taste his manhood!

It indeed was a glorious blowjob, as the mouth took him in and out rhythmically, swallowing him to the root before retreating back off to recoup and regroup! Greg felt himself starting to go over the edge as the hot mouth paid homage to his shaft, making love to it! He came in the person's mouth, believing it to be some unseen woman, only to now know it wasn't!

"umm...ummp...hummm..." moaned Madeline Harding-Bailey, doing her wifely duty as she bobbed her head up and down over her husband's lap, sucking her cock into her stretched mouth and throat...hoping to satisfy him sexually like a good wife should!

Greg lifted his head and looked down at his wife as she skillfully swallowed his cock to the root, pressing her face into his pube-hairs! It was the ONE thing Madeline Cartwright [her maiden name] learned at a young age...having to service her older brother and eventually father, before finally running away from home with the first man who offered to move her in!


Madeline Loraine was the only daughter to Ned and Veronica Cartwright! The Cartwright's had an older son (Stewart), 4yrs older than Maddy! Maddy idolized her father and her older brother, always wanting to be around them, more-so than her mother!

As Madeline got older, her looks started to become more apparent, as her mother started to insist she begin learning how to manage the house [cooking, cleaning, washing laundry, ironing, etc.], but Maddy didn't want to learn how to become a housewife, she wanted to hang with her father and brother at the shipping yard [where they worked]!

As Maddy started to break into puberty [developing breasts and a feminine figure]..., her mother started to take ill, forcing her to pick up the lack around the house! Madeline did most of the chores her mother did; cleaning, washing, and ironing...but her REAL task was to make sure a hot cooked meal was on the table for her hard working men every day around dinner time! Madeline was only 13yrs old when she found herself being taken advantage of by her then boyfriend, whom lied to everyone at school by claiming a kiss in the back of his dad's car was really a blowjob! Word spread around school quickly that Madeline was a WHORE!

Eventually word got back to her brother, whom at 17 was always hard and jacking his cock! Looking for someone to suck him off, he FORCED his sister to do it, sneaking into her room one night and telling her he knew all about her...and if she didn't want him telling mom and dad, she's suck HIM off too! Madeline was crying as she sucked her idol brother off, giving him her very first blowjob! Her brother came in her mouth, making her swallow before finally leaving her room satisfied! The next morning he made her suck his cock again before they went off to school, making her come to HIS room where he forced her on her knees and face-fucked her until he came down her throat!

Madeline became distant and standoffish with her friends after that! Every day after school, she'd have to start housework; cooking, cleaning, and ironing her brother's underwear! Then later [after everyone had gone to sleep], her brother would sneak into her room and make her suck his cock...!...repeating this every morning with a thorough face-fucking before school!

Eventually Madeline became pretty skilled at sucking her brother's cock! Her mother passed away due to complications of the medicine the doctors had given her for her ailments, leaving Maddy (@15) as the mother of the house! He brother officially took her virginity at 14, when he started sleeping with her overnight, keeping his cock in her while they slept, then sneaking back into his room before their dad could wakeup and catch them!

Maddy did what she could to keep the home running smoothly without her mother! She still went to school, then cleaned, cooked, and ironed after she got home, and became her brother's sex slave at night after their father had gone to bed..., but now she was also trying to console her father whom obviously missed his wife very much!

It was during one restless night when Ned had a horrible dream that his wife was falling to her death and he couldn't catch her in time! He screamed out loud in his sleep, as Madeline pried herself from her brother's sleeping grasp, throwing on her nightgown to run to her father aid! She turned on his bedroom lights and awakened him from his nightmare! Ned grabbed his daughter [crying], believing she was Veronica reincarnated! He pulled his daughter down on the bed and kissed her romantically! Maddy was SHOCKED as her father's tongue entered her mouth! He pulled at her nightgown, exposing her breasts which he bent forward to suck! Maddy fought back tears as her father worked his way down, lifting her gown and spreading her legs to lower his face into her snatch! He licked and ate her cum-filled pussy while Maddy laid back in bed with tears streaming from the corners of her eyes! When her father climbed on top of her...she felt his erection pierce through her vaginal lips, sliding straight in as he made LOVE to his wife, calling her by her mother's name! Maddy let her dad make love to her, believing he thought she was his dead wife! It was an action she would LIVE with for the rest of her life!

Life continued on the same path for Madeline for 3 more years! Every day she would come home from school; cook, clean, wash, and iron clothes...then become the sex slaves of both her brother and her father! While she mostly now slept in her father's bed, her brother [although now dating other girls @20] would still occasionally fuck his sister and fuck her throat, training her how to deep throat!

Stu often bragged to his sister that she was the best cocksucker he'd ever had, contributing her skills to his many years of forming her throat around his thick 9" rod! Maddy later learned that her father never once believed she was her mother..., the whole thing had been an ACT! Stu explained [while drunk one night] that their dad had discovered he was fucking his sister, and confronted him about it at work! At first he was acting like he was disgusted by it...but then later [perhaps because of his wife's death] devised a plan to fuck her himself, figuring she wouldn't mind since she was a `whore' for her brother already! Madeline was devastated to learn that her entire life had been orchestrated and manipulated by the 2 men she considered the closest to her! When 17yr old Hank Harding started to show her interest in school [despite her reputation as a harlot], 16y/o Maddy JUMPED at the chance to date him, moving out and marry him @17, having their first child (Logan) @21, while Hank was well on his way to becoming a police officer!


Madeline sucked and swallowed her husband's cock from tip to base [just as her brother had taught her so many moons ago], sucking relentlessly while Greg thought about his situation with his stepdaughter (Jena) and now his stepson (Logan)..., having fucked one and gotten his cock sucked by the other!

His mind was muddled contrast of confusion...but his cock was definitely on cue as he threw his head back into the pillows just as his cock thickened, swelled, then burst into his wife's mouth like a roman candle! Madeline moaned in sluttish delight [having satisfied another man with her oral skills] and swallowed the cock to the root, feeling the hot gushing spurts shoot down the very back of her throat, just as her brother had taught her!


Greg came out of his room, descending their stairs of their luxury home to enter into the kitchen...where he proceeded to pour himself a cup of freshly brewed coffee!

Just then his stepdaughter (Jena) came rushing in [in a sexy nightgown], running up to her stepfather to hug and kiss him, begging for his forgiveness for having sex with Chet!

"Let GO of me...!" insisted Greg [nearly spilling his hot coffee], sitting his cup aside before prying her locked arms from around his neck!

Jena pouted [like a spoiled child], reaching down to fondle Greg's package...!

"Whatever SHE'S doing for you couldn't be as good as what I have to offer!" stated the teenager, cockily!

Greg chuckled!

"Your mother sucks RINGS around you anytime of the day!" he said confidently, knowing Maddy's oral skills weren't to be touched [at least not by her daughter]!

"You sonovabitch...!" scorned Jena, realizing he probably never meant to leave her mother!

"You have no one to blame about this but yourself, Jena..." he said, grabbing his cup before heading for the breakfast table, taking a seat as he prepared to watch the morning news! "...had you not tried to piss me off by fucking your FAKE boyfriend Chet...we would still be together..., planning our marriage!" he said [as if things were in the past]!

"Now you have to sleep in the bed you've made! You wanted Chet, now you've GOT him!"

"I'm pregnant!" said Jena, coldly [calculatedly]!

Greg's head he stared up at her in disbelief, wondering if she were LYING...?! She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pregnancy stick, slapping it on the table as proof!

Greg looked at the little PLUS sign and felt his stomach knot!

"Who's is it...?" he asked, as Jena's face turned angry!

"YOU'RE the ONLY person I've been with!" she stated! "It's YOURS!"

"I have PROOF that you've fucked at least ONE other guy...!" challenged Greg, holding up his cell phone [with the text picture of Jena's pussy filled with Chet's sperm inside]!

"That was just ONE time...!" defended Jena!

"It only takes ONE time to get pregnant!" insisted Greg!

"Chet and I JUST fucked..." argued Jena, "...HE wouldn't have gotten me pregnant this soon! So NICE TRY, but the baby's YOURS! It happened that weekend at The Lodge!" she said, just as Madeline walked into the kitchen..., her jaw dropped, staring at her husband and daughter as if staring at ALIENS!



16y/o Broderick `Brody' Duncan was coming downstairs for school, finding his parents (Dan & Laura) already sitting at the breakfast table, looking usually somber [even for them]!

"What's up...?" asked the teenager, reaching across the table for the cereal!

"I guess there's no easy way to tell you this, son..." said Dan, glancing over at his wife, whom looked as nervous as she normally does [maybe even more-so]! "...but you know I've been having trouble finding steady work...and the bills have been piling up on us lately...! I'm gonna need for YOU to drop out of school and find a job asap!"

Brody's jaw dropped!

"Drop out of school...?" he asked, staring at both parents! "Are you SERIOUS...?"

"You can go back to school anytime..." said the father, "...we need money NOW, or we just might lose the house and go under!"

"We wouldn't ASK this of you if it wasn't dire, Brody...!" said the mom, "We KNOW how much you enjoy school! It wouldn't be forever! Just until your dad's back on his feet!"

Brody fell back in his seat [losing his appetite], feeling as if the RUG had just been pulled from under him!

"low-blow..." he said to himself, feeling gut-punched in the kidneys!



Logan was online, supposedly doing homework, but really silently watching videos of his dad sucking more cock! He couldn't believe how good his dad actually was [now that he'd experienced his mouth firsthand]!

He watched his dad's technique, watching how he sucked slowly, savoring the cock in his mouth rather than just blowing it for the sake of blowing it! He watched how he made LOVE to a cock, making sure every inch was touched and caressed by his lips and tongue, swallowing it whole, making the recipient moan in erotic bliss as if it were the best times of their lives! Then he watched the cock pulsate thickly at the base and balls as they pumped rich fresh cum into his dad's suckling mouth and throat, giving him his reward!

Logan wanted to be like his DAD...! It was just a pity he could never tell him how PROUD he was of him and his skills, having to pretend he didn't know anything so his father could retain his wholesome all American image!

Logan was in the middle of clicking on another video he'd never seen...when he suddenly got MAIL! Clicking on, he noticed the recent test paper he sent into Mr. Barnes had a failing grade on it! He emailed the teacher back, asking what was wrong with the test...?...then asking if he could take it over again...? Mr. Barnes responded that the test could be resubmitted, but that he needed to see him to tell him specifically where he went wrong...!

What time does your father usually leave for work...?' asked the teacher, indicating he wanted MORE than to test Logan! Logan replied that his dad usually worked overnight shift, but that they could always go someplace more private if they needed to be alone! The teacher asked where?', and Logan suggested he meet him at the school, after everyone had gone for the day!' The teacher responded perfect, I know just the place!'


Logan caught public transportation into school, arriving there well after 3pm dismissal! He walked in through one of the unlocked doors [the school didn't officially close for teachers and staff until 6pm]...then made his way through the halls [feeling a bit nostalgic] to Mr. Barnes's classroom...!

"Come in, Mr. Harding..." smiled the teacher (5'11", 185lbs with a med-thick non-muscular build, dark curly hair, thick blk mustache, facial stubble, and black rimmed glasses), "...I've been anticipating your visit ever-since that day I ran into you and Chet Masterson in the boys' room downstairs!" {chp-9}!

"Now THAT was a moment to remember!"

"Hi, Mr. Barnes!" said Logan, closing the classroom door behind him as he walked up to the teacher's desk!

Bill Barnes pushed himself from under the reveal his big hard 8" uncut cock standing straight up out of his open pants! Logan knew there was no reason to prolong the he simply dropped his school bag and fell to his knees in front of the teacher, taking his thick cock in his mouth, suckling off the pre-cum!

"Yes...ohyes..." groaned Bill, leaning back in his wooden swivel chair, staring down at the student as Logan covered his cock with his mouth, doing his best to bob and swallow the cock whole!

"'re good..." moaned the older man, running his fingers through Logan's hair! "...I don't know WHERE Chet found you, or knew you were a cocksucker...but you're the best I've ever had!" said the married man, marveling at how deep Logan could go already! "OOooohhh...ahhhh..." he groaned, as the hot mouth sucked deeper on his shaft, getting closer to the bottom!

However Logan had run into a snag! Mr. Barnes's cock tilted slightly upward, making it difficult for him to deep throat in this position! He twisted and turned his head in different direction to try to remedy the problem, but just couldn't get his throat to align properly, unable to give the teacher the better sucking he knew he was capable of!

Logan pulled off of Mr. Barnes's cock, then climbed up onto the teacher's desk! Bill had no idea WHAT the student was up to...?...until Logan repositioned himself to HANG over the edge [face down]! He maneuvered in closer, turning his chair sideways to suck his cock upside down! Bill was still lost when Logan retook his cock back in his mouth to resume sucking, this time with the balls facing way from his face! He bobbed his head up and down the slightly upward curved cock, getting ever closer to the bottom as he was able to take most of the cock into his throat curve without too much difficulty [like an upside-down banana]!

"Oooohhh shit..." moaned Bill, slouching down in his seat, his corduroys opened wide enough for Logan's face to fit inside! He bobbed his head up and down, going deeper and deeper, passing the fattest part of the cock in through his tight throat before finally resting his face in the married man's lap!

"...awww yeessss...!" groaned Bill, feeling his entire cock wedged in the kid's tight throat! He couldn't help reaching down to grasp the back of Logan's head, pressing it even further down in his lap, making him deep throat him balls-deep! He relaxed his hold a moment later, allowing Logan to pull back up, slurping along the shaft, sucking up all the drooling spit and pre-cum!

"Oh yeah, definitely deserve and `A' for this...!" said Barnes, as Logan finally understood WHY he gave him a failing grade in the first place, -to get him back on his cock!

Logan continued sucking up and down, covering most of the hard cock with his sucking mouth, gagging only a few times, particularly whenever Barnes shoved his head all the way down into his lap unexpectedly!

Bill couldn't help noticing Logan's butt propped up on his desk [just going to waste] while the boy sucked his heart out! He reached back with his right hand and started kneading the cheeks through his jeans, feeling the gay-boy's booty through his clothes! Wanting more contact, he slipped his hand down into the waistband of his pants, feeling the bare butt inside, gripping, grabbing, and squeezing the cheeks, rubbing his fingers in-between over the hole!

At the same time he could feel Logan's mouth bringing him closer to coming, as the boy started to punch his mouth up and down the thick cock, spit drooling down the edges of his shaft as he fucked his own face! Bill found Logan's asshole and dove his middle-finger straight in [up to the third knuckle], causing Logan's throat to open as the boy swallows his cock whole with a gulp!

"Urrhhh...Urrahhh shit..." gasped Bill, using his left hand to shove Logan's head down deeper, just as his cock erupted and shot his load down the back of the boy's throat! "...URRHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!" he gasped aloud as his cock went into spasms!

Logan felt the cum spurts shooting down his throat, as his body lurched several times! Bill emptied his nut-sac in the boy's stomach, relaxing his hand on the back of his head only after his orgasm was over, allowing Logan to pull back up and breathe!

"Take off your pants!" ordered the teacher, as Logan came off his cock!

Logan climbed down off the table, then started to undo his pants and remove them! Naked from the waist down, the teacher spit onto his fingers and reached between the boy's legs and started to finger his asshole some more!

"uhh..." groaned Logan, spreading his thighs to allow Barnes's fingers to dig deeper!

"Sit on my cock!" ordered Barnes, swiveling back around in his chair, pulling Logan forward as the boy straddled his waist [facing him] and aligned his cock to his hole before sitting back down on it...!

"URHHH...!!" grunted Logan as the big thick cock stretched his boy-cunt wide, penetrating him as he sank down on it, deeply!

Bill reached back and gripped 2 hefty handfuls of Logan's ass cheeks and pulled them apart, lifting and lowering him up and down on his thick 8" cock! Logan leaned in against the teacher's chest, his chin resting over his shoulder, staring out the window behind him as Barnes fucked him on his cock!

"uhh...uhh...uhh...uhh..." panted Logan every time his cunt was dropped back down into Barnes's lap!

Bill fucked the teenager steadily, swiveling the chair to face the door, staring at the dark wood as if expecting it to open at any minute! Logan could feel his asshole adjusting to Mr. Barnes's cock, as the pain he'd felt during initial penetration wore off and he now felt nothing but pleasure!

He heard the classroom door open, but when he tried to turn his head to SEE who was walking in [catching him having sex with his teacher red-handed], Barnes wouldn't let him turn his head, lifting ONE hand from his ass cheeks to hold his head in place over his shoulder, refusing to let him know the stranger's identity!

"WOW..." responded the man, as he walked into the classroom, finding Barnes bone-deep in a student's ass! "...he's come a long way since that video, eh...?"

"He's a GREAT slut!" complimented Bill [still lifting and lowering Logan's ass on his stiff standing cock]! "Want a taste...?" he offered, without consulting Logan!

"Well, yes...I do!" said the familiar voice!

Logan could hear the man's belt buckle clinking as he undid his pants! Bill pulled Logan's ass up off his cock with both hands...holding the cheeks apart and the well-dug anus open as the stranger stepped in behind them and slowly inserted his own cock into Logan's teen hole!

"uhh..." moaned Logan, feeling another cock enter his anus as the man gripped hold of his waist and started fucking him [in and out] while standing between Barnes's spread legs!

"Yeah..." moaned Barnes, looking down over Logan's back, watching the man's cock fuck through him! "...fuck the bitch..." said the teacher, looking up into the man's eyes! "...fuck him hard!"

Logan panted and groaned over Barnes's shoulder as the man behind him started to fuck him harder and deeper! The cock felt at least 8 or 8 and 1/2 inches long, banging straight through his anus and digging into his the moist interior of his guts!

Bill wrapped his arms strongly about Logan's back, keeping him still [prisoner] while his friend fucked him! Logan no longer cared who the man was, he just wanted him to keep fucking him until he filled his asshole with his searing cum! The boy found his body CRAVING the man-juice, his hungry hole eating the cock whole as it plowed him back and forth!

"Arrhhhh..." grunted the man [after only a few minutes of fucking], suddenly ramming his entire cock into Logan's ass and holding it there as his cock jerked and jumped in his freshly fucked roost! "...ARRHHHHHHHHHHGGG...!!!" he yelled out loud as he came, his hot juice gushing into Logan's rectum as the boy tried flexing his sphincter muscles to milk the shaft of every drop!

The man kept his cock implanted for a moment until his orgasm ended, before finally removing his spent cock! Bill immediately lowered Logan's just cummed anus back down on his cock, pushing straight into his used hole to resume fucking where he'd left off!

"I think I'll leave you 2 to finish up...!" said the man, tucking his spent cock and fixing his clothes before leaving the classroom! Logan instantly recognized the man's voice now, seeing part of his reflection in the window as the school's principal made his way to the exit!

Barnes resumed fucking, slouching down further as he pushed Logan up off his chest to make the boy sit upright on his cock!

"You're such a SLUT!" stated the teacher, grabbing the sides of Logan's head, pulling his face in slowly towards his! Logan thought the teacher was going to kiss him..., as Barnes told the boy to "open your mouth!" Logan did as told, as Barnes leaned him in closely...then SPIT directly into his mouth!

"Eat it you little slut!" he ordered [before pushing the ridge of his dark rimmed glasses back up on his nose with his index finger]..., as Logan closed his mouth and swallowed the teacher's saliva! Bill reached back down and grabbed 2 big hefty handfuls of Logan's ass cheeks and started lifting and lowering his ass faster, fucking him harder, making Logan fuck himself in the process!

"URRHH...! URRHH...! URRHH...! URRHH...!" grunted the boy, holding on against the teacher's chest for support while fucking his own ass on his cock, picking up speed as Barnes made him go faster and faster!

"Urrhhh..." grunted the older man, throwing his head back against the top of his wooden chair! "'re gonna make me cum, kid..." he gasped, thrusting up into the boy's ass! Logan stared down into the teacher's face, as Barnes's eyes rolled up into their sockets with lust! He felt the man's hands tighten in on his waist, pressing him down on his cock while thrusting up into him for the last time...!

"...ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he cried out loud as he started to cum, jamming every inch of his erupting rod into Logan's ass as his cock began spurting wad after creamy wad of hot searing ball-juice into the boy's accepting hole!

Logan panted and groaned as his asshole was filled with his teacher's cum, falling back in against his chest as the 2 lay together, basking in the hot aftermath of illegal sex!

"This just stays between the 2 of us, right Logan...?" asked Barnes, lifting the boy's head to look into his eyes for confirmation!

"Yes..." whispered Logan [still recuperating from the 2 fucks] Barnes leaned the boy in and KISSED him heatedly on the lips [slipping his tongue into his mouth]!

Logan kissed the teacher back, suckling his thick tongue for the first time, enjoying it immensely before breaking away to whisper; "...between you, me...and principal Skinner!"

Barnes looked SHOCKED, having no idea Logan know who the man was who fucked him from behind...!

If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions.

This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list.

You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin

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