Anaheim Alaska

By NPhillyDogg/Scedmark

Published on Feb 24, 2019


Anaheim Alaska-33 Father-v-Son

Written by

Eugene Marvin

-aka- ___________________



Brock Masterson walked his wife (Gloria) to the door of their home in East Anaheim, standing in the doorway as his wife backed out of the driveway in route to her job at Henry's Diner [not too far away]! Brock waved like a doting husband...then closed the door [as she drove down the street] and made his way into their son's bedroom!

18y/o Chester (Chet) Masterson was lying in bed asleep when his father walked in [Chet's bedroom door was still broken from where Brock kicked it in], {chp-21}! Brock saw his son lying in bed [facedown] in his underwear...and couldn't help rubbing the growing hard-on starting to tent out the front of his boxer-shorts as he thought about ravaging his own boy!

Brock knelt down beside his son's bed...then ran his hand down over his boy's bare back towards his ass, slipping his hand down into the back of his shorts to feel and toy with the anus hidden inside!

Chet didn't move [sound asleep], as Brock rubbing his middle-finger over his son's practically smooth asshole! Pushing the waistband of his draws down under his buttock, Brock leaned in and started kissing and licking his son's ass-cheeks all over, rubbing his hairy facial stubble all over the tiny mounds...!...pulling the cheeks apart to slip his searching tongue in-between, licking and bathing the hole!

Chet started to STIR, as his pleasant dreams quickly turned erotic, his cock growing rock-hard underneath him in his sleep! Getting bolder, Brock pulled the underwear off at Chet's feet, then wedged his face in his son's ass and started darting his pointed taster in and out of the manhole! Chet moaned softly in his sleep, arching his back and grinding his cock into the mattress, simulating fucking someone!

Brock got even BOLDER as he shed his own clothes [boxers & wife-beater] and climbed on TOP of Chet [in pushup-position] and started grinding his 8" erection back and forth along his son's spit-slick ass crack! Chet arched his back, grinding back against the cock as it slipped from his anus and up over the small of his back! Brock groaned as he looked down to see his cock sandwiched between the small cheeks, his cock resembling a giant sausage between 2 buns!

He was just about to press his cockhead in against the anus [testing the entryway] when Chet suddenly awakened...!...yelling for his dad to "get off me!"

"Relax boy..." said Brock, climbing down off his son's back and onto the floor! "...your cherry's still intact!" he assured!

"What the fuck'r you doing in my room...?!" asked Chet, turning onto his side [putting his back to the wall] to save his ass!

"I came to suck your cock..." said Brock [bluntly], "...but your ass looked so tempting that I HAD to TASTE it first...! You enjoyed that, didn't you...?" smiled Brock, staring down at his son's erection! "You liked your ole' man's face plaster in his booty-cheeks, didn't you...?...eating your hole!"

"If you want to suck my cock, I'm cool with that..." said Chet [feeling uncomfortable staring at his dad's big erection]! "...but my butt is off limits! I don't DO that jailhouse homo shit you're probably used to!" informed the eighteen year old!

Brock thought about gripping his boy by the throat and showing him just how much control HE could have over this situation if he wanted [having taken punks like him in prison], but he didn't...!...he wanted his son to give his ass up willingly, to WANT his cock as much as his cock wanted him!

"Alright, boy..." he conceded [not liking it tho]! "...get on your back...!" he suggested, as Chet flopped onto his back, causing his 7.5" erection to sway up over his abdomen! Brock took the boy's hard-on in his hand, stroking it for good measure before leaning in and licking the cockhead, tasting the prick he created!

Chet couldn't believe his LUCK! He had been so adamant about not wanting his father around after having just gotten out of prison...believing he would make life unbearable [after living without him for SO long], (10yrs)! But Chet wasn't complaining about the expert blowjobs he'd been getting from his dad! He never pictured his father coming out of jail a cocksucker...!...but was happy to be on the receiving end, especially since losing his regular cocksucker when Logan's dad took him out of his school to be homeschooled at home via computer! At first Chet was pissed, having been the one who trained Logan how to suck and enjoy cock! But since his DAD had started blowing him, he'd been strangely satisfied, not really caring who's mouth he nutted in!

Brock considered himself pacing' his boy sexually...gradually getting him used to male/male sex before springing the anal' stuff on him later! He wanted his boy to WANT his cock, not wanting to make waves in the household, not wanting to make his wife chose between the 2 of them [which one she wanted most to stay]! Brock understood that Chet was more HER boy than he's, as she'd raised him for 10yrs without him! They had a tighter bond than he and Chet, and it was a good chance Gloria would chose her SON over her husband [if forced to]!

Brock sucked and swallowed his son's delicious tasting cock from tip to root, bathing the entire rod in his warm mouth, painting it over with his slithering tongue! He knew Chet liked his blowjobs, as the boy would lay there silently, watching him suck him off, stifling moans until the end when he finally flooded his dad's mouth with his morning cream! Brock had to admit he looked forward to it! In prison he had a steady cellmate he made love with often, a guy he literally confessed his `love' to on several heated occasions! He and Brock both shared oral and anal duties, with Brock doing MORE of the fucking then him!

"ohh..." moaned Chet [involuntarily], feeling his dad's throat wrap around his cock once too many glorious times! His cock was becoming too sensitive so quickly, that he knew he'd be coming in only a matter of moments!

Brock glanced up into his son's lustful eyes as he held his cock in his mouth..., then started to suck harder, wanting to MAKE his son cum, wanting to SHOW him just who was in control! Chet watched his father's mouth sliding up and down the full length of his ivory cock, and pushed at his dad's shoulders to try to get him to slow down, wanting the blowjob to last longer! But Brock wasn't about to relinquish control back to his son! He locked his hands under his son's hips [giving him total control over the depth in which he sucked], cupping his butt-cheeks in his hands, kneading them strongly!

"fuck..." groaned Chester, feeling his dad's mouth speed up on his dick, going into overdrive! He wanted to pry his dad off his cock, to give it a moment to breathe before it spewed its load all over the place...but Brock was determined to catch his nutt!

Chester sank back against his pillow, surrendering his cock to his dad's mouth, realizing he'd be fighting an uphill battle trying to get his cum-hungry father from copping his load too soon! He could feel his dick starting to swell, unable to compete against his dad's talented throat! Brock could taste Chet's cock sending tasty bursts of pre-cum against his taste-buds, causing him to believe his son's orgasm was upon them! As a result he wiggled his finger between his son's spit-slimed ass cheeks...then pushed a digit straight into his son's asshole, feeling the surprised sphincter muscles snap and clamp down around his finger as it found and attacked his prostate!

"ARRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHGGGGGG...!!!" screamed Chet, his cock growing super-stiff, straining for release as Brock quickly deep throated the rod to the root, feeling it pulse and throb in his throat just before shooting!

Brock felt the first 3 spurts shot directly down his throat [into his stomach], then pulled back halfway, letting the rest of the load finish off in his mouth, wanting to TASTE his son's cum before swallowing! Brock could feel Chet's anus spasm and throb around his embedded finger...before slowly pulling it free from his depleted body!

Brock stood up, his own cock still raging rock-hard as he gripped it in his fist and started stroking! Chet watched [sheepishly] as his dad masturbated in front of him, sliding his huge hand back and forth over his stiff cock, bringing it off quickly as it started spewing how cum all over Chet! Chet was far too exhausted from his intense orgasm to care about his father's sperm hitting his naked body! He watched his dad toss back his head upon release, watching the big heaping gobs erupt out of the flaring head before falling down onto him, showering his body in ball-cream!

Brock said nothing as he bent down to retrieve his underwear...then left Chet's bedroom as silently as he snuck in...leaving his son to sleep another couple of hours before school!



38y/o Hank Harding had no idea HOW he would feel going back to work [after his weekend off]..., to face one of his subordinates (Peter McCovey) after getting fucked [anonymously] by the off duty officer at his boyfriend's place in Cellins County (chps-29 & 30}! Peter had no idea that the naked/bound man get he fucked overtop Ted's Bar was Hank Harding, the town's sheriff! Hank hazard to guess what Pete would say if he knew he fucked his boss...? Pete was already a cocky sonovabitch...knowing he nailed the sheriff just might be the thing that made his already huge head EXPLODE!

Hank pulled into his usual `reserved' parking space...then walked into the police station looking to put in a full 10hrs of work! He greeted the morning dispatcher and a couple of other officers on duty...but didn't spot Pete, as he dashed to his office hoping to avoid him altogether!


Knock-Knock! "Hey Sheriff, you got a second...?" asked Peter, tapping on the closed door before peering his head in! Hank grinned at his bad luck, knowing it was far too much to wish he wouldn't see Pete for the whole of the day!

"Yeah, sure..." he said, settling in his seat [before morning coffee]! "...come in!"

Pete walked in, closing the door behind him! "What's up?" asked Hank, curiously!

" know I'm not one to bring my personal business into the job..." stated Pete, standing in front of Hank's desk! "...but something's OFF with Kroy!"

"Kroy...?" asked Hank, sitting back in his seat [intrigued]!

"Yeah..." answered Pete [sounding concerned]! "...I caught him FOLLOWING me yesterday..." he informed, as Hank's attention suddenly shifted to Pete's crotch, which was now waist-high-even with his desk! Hank couldn't help staring at the zipper, recalling the hard 9" [or so] cock nestled behind it...recollecting exactly how it FELT sliding through his asshole...!...Pete lying atop his back, whispering dirty talk in his ear before depositing a hefty supply of hot cum in his chute!

"...I nearly SHOT him..." complained Peter, bringing Hank back from his daydream! "...thinking he was some asshole trying to get the JUMP on me! He's lucky I didn't pull my GUN on him! You need to talk to him and find out what's his problem before he gets himself hurt!"

"huh...?...oh, yeah, right...I will...!" said Hank [having only heard HALF the story], having no idea WHAT he just agreed to!

"Good!" said Pete, lingering around [Hank had hoped he'd leave after he agreed to do whatever it was he agreed to do...?...but such wasn't the case]! "You alright, Sheriff...?" asked Pete, causing Hank to wonder if his `distraction' was written all over his facial expressions...? "How's your SON...? He's not still being teased by that VIDEO he made, is he...?"

", no...he's good!" said Hank, trying NOT to stare openly at Pete's crotch!

" oughta keep UP on that, Sheriff..." advised Pete [still standing in front of him]! "...while there's nothing wrong with having a cocksucker for a don't want your kid known as the town's cocksucker...! Know what I mean?"

"Yeah...I do..." said Hank, looking up into Pete's eyes! "...thanks!"

"No problem!" said Peter, taking his leave, heading for the door!

Hank breathed a sigh of relief, happy that he didn't OUT himself! "Oh, by the way, Sheriff..." continued Pete walking back! "...I was in Cellins County over the weekend and saw your truck parked in Tucker's Bar parking lot after the bar had closed..." informed the officer casually, causing a cold chill to rush up Hank's spine, realizing Pete had pegged him as the masked man bound in Ted's bed! "...were you at the bar anytime over the weekend...?" smirked Pete, staring into Hank's eyes, waiting for a guilty response!

"Yeah, I was..." answered Hank [doing his best to remain calm and nonchalant]! "...I had car trouble..." he explained, slyly! " truck wouldn't start when I left the bar! A friend drove me home around 10:30-11 o'clock...! Had to have my truck TOWED to my place the next morning! Sonovabitch started right up, no problem! Was weird!"

"Yeah...I thought so too..." chuckled Pete, shaking his head! "...saw your truck plain as DAY when I left after closing...seeing how yours and mine were the only 2 vehicles left in the parking lot after everyone had gone home!

"Maybe you should've stayed around...?...Ted had a little PARTY upstairs in his might've enjoyed yourself...!...gotten your rocks off for a change! When was the LAST TIME you got your rocks off, Chief...?"

"uh..." started Hank, unsure how to answer that!

"Exactly!" said Pete, before walking out of the office...!



33y/o Brock Masterson was sitting in his living room with an old friend (Lenny Miller), informing him of a JOB opportunity!

"So I know this GUY..." started Lenny, as Brock placed 2 beers in front of them on the coffee table! "...he's looking for a guy to DRIVE merchandise from the shipyard up to the ski lodge in North Anaheim about once or twice a week...! It's EASY money, if you're interested!"

Brock lit himself a cigarette, staring at his friend skeptically!

"If it's so `easy'...why aren't YOU taking the job instead of offering it to me...?" asked the ex-con, suspiciously!

"Cuz I already got a gig!" answered Lenny! "Besides...I know YOU just got out of jail not too long ago...I figured you could probably use to cash!"

"Of course I could..." said Brock [thinking it over, seriously]! "...but I JUST got out...I need to lay LOW for awhile...just in case they're watching me!" he explained [sounding paranoid], as he took another deep inhale off his cig!

"I got a GOOD thing here with my wife and kid...! I haven't SEEN him in 10 years!"

"I understand..." said Lenny, reaching for his beer! "...I'll ask around...see if I can find someone else to do it...!" he added, turning the bottle up to his lips!

"Wait..." said Brock [thinking of the money], (having to rely on his wife for cash at the moment, having no income of his own)! " said it's only twice a week...?"

"Tops!" said Lenny!

Brock thought it over!

"Who's the guy at the shipyard...?" he asked, curiously!

"A guy I know named Stuart Cartwright! He'll be the one intercepting the `cargo' before it could be filed officially into storage! Your NAME will never be associated with the shipment!" informed Lenny!

"How do YOU know so much about it...?" asked Brock [tying up loose ends]!

"Stu and I go back 20 years..." explained Lenny, "...back when we used to BANG his sister together!" informed the friend, shocking Brock!

"He used to bang his own sister...?" questioned the married ex-con! "That's depraved! I think I like him already! WHEN can you arrange a meeting...?"

"Is tomorrow cool?" asked Lenny!

"Yeah!" answered Brock, accepting the job!

Lenny watched as Brock took another swig of beer...seemingly deep in thought, wondering if he was doing the right thing by getting back into the shady business of crime...? But it was fast money! EASY money! What reputable job was going to hire him straight out of prison...?

" alright...?" asked Lenny, reaching over to grasp Brock's knee for support [catching his attention]!

"huh...? Oh, yeah...! Just thinking!" said Brock, leaning back against the couch!

Lenny's hand moved higher up Brock's thigh...reaching into his crotch!

"Thinking bout what...?" he asked, curiously! "About HOW we used to keep each other warm in our cell at night...?" he questioned, kneading the growing mound hidden behind Brock's zipper!

"We had some good times, didn't we...? that cell...with nothing but each other!"

"Yeah...I guess...!" said Brock, thinking of all the things they did after Lights Out, feeling Lenny's fingers trailing the outline of his newly born erection!

Lenny sat his beer aside, then climbed down onto his knees on the floor [in front of Brock] and started to undo his pants, freeing his big ivory cock!

"Been awhile since I tasted this big dick...!" said the fellow ex-convict, stroking Brock's erection while staring up into his eyes! "Why didn't you call me as soon as you got out...? Why'd I have to hear about it through the grapevine that you were paroled...?"

"Wanted to spend some quality time with my family, is all!" said Brock [plainly]!

Lenny shook his head [disappointed]...then slowly bowed his head and swallowed Brock's 8" cock to the root! "uhh..." moaned Brock, tilting his head back majestically, recalling how good Lenny's throat always felt on his dick!

Lenny swallowed the big hard prick in one swoop...holding it in his throat for nearly 10 seconds before slowly pulling back, dragging his tightening mouth back up the swollen shaft until he was sweetly suckling about the head! Of all the cocks Lenny sucked in prison [and since], Brock's cock was his favorite, he loved Brock's rough trailer trash demeanor, AND he always looked HOT in a wife-beater, smoking a cigarette while leaning back on his bunk watching him suck his cock to completion! Lenny glanced back up at Brock, catching him just as he looked back down at him, his eyes slit sleepily with a beer in one hand and a lit cigarette in the other! Lenny smiled to himself as he swiftly swallowed Brock's cock to the root again, loving the way the cock felt in his throat [where it belonged], breathing in the scent of Brock's balls before bobbing his head up and down in his lap!

Brock's memories were immediately taken back to the time he spent in prison getting to know his cellmate better...! How many times had he and Lenny sucked and fucked each other out of necessity and boredom...?...using each other to fill those lonely nights when they needed something hot and tight to slip into...? Brock recalled even recalled telling Lenny he `loved' him, usually while bone-deep in Lenny's ass, about to seed his innards with his hot load! But at the time they sincerely believed it was love, even getting jealous if they saw the other talking or getting a little too friendly with other guys! Brock had to kick Lenny's ass one day in the prison yard, after Lenny outed him as his lover, becoming emotional after learning Brock was fucking another inmate behind his back! That was the beginning of the END of their relationship in prison!

Lenny [a divorced man with a family of his own] took the beating, believing it would all clear up and eventually make their relationship much tighter! However he started to notice distance between he and Brock, even in their prison cell at night! Brock started wanting sex less and less, only fucking Lenny when absolutely necessary, only receiving blowjobs, never giving! A few weeks later Lenny found himself being switched out of his cell with another inmate [the very one Brock was cheating with], and realized their relationship had officially ended [he'd been kicked to the curb]!

A few months later Lenny was paroled, allowed to go back to his family, to be HUMAN again! But life outside of prison wasn't easy, he discovered his wife had moved on with another man and wanted a divorce, and his children had all grown up and really didn't want anything to do with him anymore! Lenny found himself renting an efficiency, taking a minimal job, barely scraping by with only himself to support! Without his wife and kids, Lenny was free to go about his life as he wanted, hooking up periodically with men [and occasionally women] he met online or in bars, establishing some sort of bi/homo life outside of prison!

He sucked Brock's cock, building momentum as he slurped his lips around the hard shaft, eager to taste the sperm he hadn't consumed in years!

Just then they HEARD a key in the door, as Brock looked at the time and realized his SON was coming home from school! "Shit!" he said, pushing Lenny away, grabbing a throw pillow to cover his erection just as Chester walked in the door..., surprised to see a stranger in the living room with his dad!

"Hey..." he said, looking strangely at the 2 men [as they looked suspicious about something]!

"Hey..." said Brock [playing it cool], (as if his hard-on wasn't throbbing behind a pillow)! "...this's one of my oldest friends: Lenny! Lenny, this's my son: Chet!"

"Hi!" smiled Lenny, looking the teenager over like a half naked go-go dancer!

"Hi." said Chet, coldly! "Where's mom...?" he asked, as he walked straight back towards the kitchen for a snack!

"She's not home yet!" yelled Brock, removing the pillow [while his son was in the other room] to tuck his cock and zip his pants!

Lenny looked disappointed that they weren't going to continue!

"So THAT'S your son, eh...?" asked Len, looking back towards the kitchen, hoping to get more of a glimpse of Chet's ass in his jeans! "So is HE the reason why I haven't heard from you...?" he asked, looking back at Brock! "How is he in bed? Have you NAILED him yet...? I'll tell you now, if you don't, I will!"

"That's my SON you're talking about...!" said Brock, defensively!

"I know..." said Lenny, "...your HOT son! What we would've done to HIM in prison, right...?" he imagined!

"Get the fuck out of my house!" said Brock [feeling disrespected]!

"What did I say...?" asked Lenny [seeing nothing wrong with his statement]!

Brock got up and GRABBED Lenny by the arm and DRAGGED him to the front door!

"NOBODY disrespects MY BOY in front of me...!" he said, opening the door to throw his old cellmate out! "Get the fuck out before I KICK you the fuck out!" warned the ex-con!

Chet came back in front the kitchen [carrying a poptart]!

"I'm sorry, Brock...I didn't mean it as disrespect...!" apologized Lenny [having mistaken the bond between the father and son]! "I didn't mean it like THAT!

"I'll still hook up the meeting tomorrow between you and Stu!"

"Yeah, whatever!" snarled Brock, slamming the door in Lenny's face [uncaring about the job, OR their toxic friendship]!

"What was THAT all about...?" asked Chet, curiously [watching his dad kick out a supposedly close friend]!

"Nothing!" said Brock, walking back to his beer!

Chet noticed his dad's pants open...!

"Were you 2 having SEX when I walked in...?" asked the teenager, noticing the still half-hard lump in his dad's pants!

Brock looked back at his son...! "Its ONE thing that you're sucking MY dick in mom's you're bringing strange MEN in fuck with when she's not here...?"

"I wasn't fucking anyone..." argued Brock, "...and what I do with or without your mom is none of your business anyway! I'M the father here, not you!"

"Let's get it're nothing but a convict who sleeps in my mother's bed! Nothing more, nothing less!" declared Chet [staring his dad straight in the eye]!

"That's ALL I am to you, boy...?" asked the father [insulted]! "My BLOOD in your veins means NOTHING to you!"

"Nothing at all!" responded Chet, turning away to walk to his room!

Brock wondered WHY he wasn't treating Chester more like one of the boys he would in prison...? The only thing saving Chet WAS their father/son relationship, if Chet didn't consider him his father, there was no reason to treat him any differently than some punk on the street! Brock picked up his beer, then downed the entire content in a few gulps...then headed into his son's room! Chet was sitting at his desk, logging onto his home computer, when his dad shoved his door to the floor and walked straight over to him!

"What the fuck...??!" called Chet, receiving a swift SLAP across the face!

Brock lifted the boy from his chair, then yanked at his shirt until he RIPPED it off his body! Chester pushed back [defending himself], but his dad was too strong and determined to get what he wanted! He BITCH-SLAPPED Chet around some more, then shoved him down onto his single-sized bed and started to yank off his pants and underwear!

"GET OFF OF ME! GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" screamed Chet, getting punched in the mouth [shutting him up]! Brock pulled his son's clothes off, stripping him naked, then he started taking off his own clothes, standing over Chet's bed ominously, daring his son to move!

"You don't wanna be my son..." said Brock, dropping his pants around his ankles, stomping out of them with his feet [his erection swaying prominently in front of him]! "...all I am to you is some convict...?...some piece of shit fucking your mom...? Then from now on YOUR room is our jail cell...and I'm gonna SHOW you exactly what I do to bitches like you when I want some ass...!"

"NO! NOOOOO...!!" yelled Chet, as Brock jumped on top of him, wrestling him onto his stomach and wedging his hard-on between his ass cheeks, the head of his cock prying into the dry anus [feeling more like a FIST]! Brock spit into his hand, then reached down and SMEARED the slick saliva over his son's bare asshole, ramming 2 fingers inside, stretching the sphincter muscles! Brock didn't waste much time prepping, he knew the best way to fuck his son was to do it quickly, before the reality sank in! He aimed his cockhead back up against the spit covered anus and pushed forward!

"URRHHHHGGGG...!!!" screamed Chet, feeling the dickhead stretching his anal ring, piercing through and ripping into his rectum like a battering ram, causing a great deal of physical pain as it borrowed into his body like a wild animal! Chet couldn't help but be reminded of his own raping of Logan Harding at the ski lodge {chp-10}, recalling how powerful he felt taking the younger/smaller/weaker boy's ass, conquering him with his cock! He ignored the pain Logan was in, believing it was something the boy needed to discover his true nature as a pussyboy! He fucked Logan hard and deep, loving the feel of his virgin hole sucking his shaft as he fucked him and came inside him! NOW the same was happening to him, as he felt his father's big cock ripping through his bowels, burying into his ass [like a gopher], as Brock held him down by literally pressing his weight into his back, keeping him prisoner as he started to fuck his ass with deep rough strokes!

Chet cried into his pillow, his ass on FIRE as the pain resonated throughout his entire body like a cancer! Brock held him down by his arms, pressing most of his weight into his top half, holding Chet's arms prisoner against the bed to keep him immobile while plowing his ass with his steely hard ass-splitting cock!

Brock felt completely empowered as he fucked his son, letting the punk KNOW [once and for all] who was boss in the Masterson household! The boy had been the man' of the family for too long, having drank his own cool-aid in believing he was better than his father for not having a convicted record! Brock loved turning the tables on people who needed enlightening! He watched his cock disappear in and out of Chet's taut ass, his slick hard prick splitting the cheeks in two as he dug through deeply, slamming his pelvic bone into his son's butt! He could FEEL Chet trying to fight back, his resistance slowly fading once it became clear he wasn't getting out of this situation with his virginity still intact! Brock took that as an admission of acceptance, that his son was finally starting to realize he wasn't as manly' as he once believed...and that his body was starting to react favorably to the fucking!

Brock picked up the pace, fucking his son's ass deeper, driving the entirety of his cock through his son's raw ass as he started to pound into his backside like a madman! When Chet started to cry too loudly, Brock grabbed the back of his son's head and buried his face in his pillow [shutting him up], slamming into his ass with deeper harder strokes, burying his entire cock with every thrust!

Chet withered in pain as his innards and asshole took the brunt of his dad's power, as Brock put strength behind each stroke, battering his way into his body like a pickaxe! Chet hoped that the torture would end soon, praying that his father would cum quickly and end his demise! He hated being used like a cumdump, having done to him what he did to Logan! But Logan was always gay [in his eyes], so it was far less traumatic for Logan than it was for him! How could his dad DO this to him...? WHY would he think he was gay like that fag Logan...?

"urhh shit..." groaned Brock, loving the tight grip his son's cunt was giving his cock, as he closed his eyes and fucked, concentrating on the sensations he dick was feeling!

Chet withered and squirmed on the bed, his ass being ripped apart to shreds by the adult cock barreling through his backside, hammering his ass hard, making him feel as if he were being ripped straight up the middle [from the inside]! No matter how much he protested the cock just kept slamming into him, widening his asshole and digging in deeper, battering through anything in its path! "...urrhhgg fuck..." grunted his father, feeling his orgasm upon him, as he started to RAM his cock in even harder, forgetting it was his SON underneath him, focusing on HIS pleasure alone!

"...Arrrhhhhhhhggg shit...ARRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH...!!!" he screamed as he suddenly buried his cock bone-deep and held it there! Chet felt the cock spear his gut like a giant lance through the vitals...then felt it thicken, pulse, and throb before it started jumping in a series of violent jerks, shooting off searing hot spurts of molten lava-like cum bullets into his aching colon! "ARRHHHHHHHHHHGGGG...!!" cried Brock, coming the hardest he'd ever cum before in his life...!...shooting the entirety of his seed into his son's bottom, officially stealing away his virginity, his innocence, and his manhood!

"URRHHHGGG...!!" grunted Brock, falling against his son's back, complete weak and depleted as the last of his load shot out of his withering cock!

Chet lay under him, sobbing into his pillow, never to be the same as his vitality, his manliness, his vigor...was stolen from him, forever taken as his father's cock softened in his ass, slipping out of him only once completely limp!

"You okay, boy...?" asked Brock [kissing his back and shoulders], suddenly concerned for his son AFTER his orgasm!

"No! Get off of me!" pleaded Chet, as Brock did as asked and stood up beside the bed, staring at his son's bleeding anus [he definitely popped his cherry]!

"You'll be alright...!" assured Brock, touching his son's buttock [gently]!

Chet rolled over onto his side...keeping his butt away from his dad!

"Don't touch me you fucking pervert!" he snapped [his face wet with tears]!

"You'll be alright..." repeated Brock, gathering up his clothes, having seen WORSE ass heal in prison!

"Fuck you!" shouted Chet [feeling PAIN with every breath he took]!

Brock got dressed in the hallway, then went to the kitchen to get himself another beer...!...turning it up to his lips as he guzzled down over half the bottle! He heard his WIFE coming in through the front door shortly after, coming home from a long day on her feet at the diner!

"Hello...I'm home..." she announced, placing her coat on the hook on the wall before removing her furry boots! "...dinner will be ready in a jiff!" she said, as she headed towards the kitchen [ignoring her foot pain]!

"MOM...!" called Chet, coming out of his bedroom [fully dressed], his face still wet from crying!

"What's WRONG, son...? What happened...? Is it your father...?!" asked Gloria [fearful that the police would come and take her husband away again]!

"He RAPED me, mom..." cried Chet, rushing to his mother for comfort! "...he broke into my room and beat me..." explained the son, "...then he held me down and shoved his cock in my ass! He FUCKED me!" cried the teenager!

Gloria looked down the hallway to see her husband standing at the end of the hall [outside of the kitchen, in front of their back bedroom]! Brock wasn't denying it, as he stood in the back hall in his jeans and wife-beater, holding a nearly empty bottle of beer in his right hand!

Gloria turned to her sobbing son...then touched him gently about the face...!

"You know your father's been under a lot of stress what-with just getting out of prison recently..." she rationalized! "...he's been incarcerated so long its still difficult for him to stop doing the `things' he used to do in prison...! He don't have to do them anymore, not with ME here...but he's been doing it for so long, he just can't help himself...!

"WE have to be understanding, more patient FOR him! WE need to realize this isn't the real him! This is him still in prison! He LOVES us! He would never hurt us on purpose! I believe that!"

Chet pulled away...! "So that's it...?" he asked, in disbelief! "He RAPES me and all I get is `be patient, maybe he'll change'...?!"

"Well..." asked Gloria, looking at a loss, "...what else do you want me to do, sweetheart...?" she asked, as Brock walked up and stood beside her, putting his arm around her shoulder in solidarity! "I mean...he's my HUSBAND...!"

Chet couldn't believe his eyes/ he turned towards the door and grabbed his coat before running away outside...!

"CHET...!" called his mother's voice in the Chet ran, and ran, and ran...with no particular place to go!

If you liked this story, please write me at with your comments, questions, and suggestions.

This story was written by Eugene Marvin, Aka NPhillydogg! You can check out the rest of my work on Nifty by going to the Prolific Author's Section at the top of Nifty's home page and clicking on my name in the author's list.

You can also find faster updates of what I may be working on next by joining me on facebook under the name Eugene Marvin

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