Andrews Summer

By hubert.plutecki

Published on Apr 22, 2023


Andrew's summer 2020, part 1. by Hubert Plutecki

Finally! The last retake exam was overcome!

Due to constant parties with his buddies, Andrew failed four exams and was in danger of flying out of the Warsaw University of Technology, where he had just completed his first year of architecture. Throwing him out of WUT would have terrible consequences that the boy preferred not to think about. His father had told him long ago that he would either study and finish his studies on time, or he would have to work from dawn to dusk in his father's auto repair shop, or he would have to deal financially by himself. And he would not like that at all.

All in all, he couldn't complain about his father or his mother, who ran an accounting office and had many clients for years who recommended her to the next. They were doing very well, but they did not pamper their only son by teaching him respect for work, money and other people.

  • Son, I don't want you to work like me all your life and have your hands dirty all the time, so you have to finish high school, pass your high school diploma and go to college, and University to obtain your Master of Architecture Engineer diploma. You don't have to worry about the rest. You have a roof over your head, you will never run out of food, you will not miss the money for your pleasures too - his father told him when Andrew was in the first grade of high school. A year later, when the boy was sixteen, his father had another serious conversation with him.

  • Listen, kid. Alcohol and sex are for people, but you have to be moderate and not hurt anyone. You can drink beer at home, and also a glass of vodka on holidays, but I don't want to see you drunk, and don't even think about any drugs, because your ass will hurt for a whole month. I see enough morons, which we pick up almost with spoons from the road several times a month. You are sixteen years old, you know how to drive a car, because I trained you myself when you were eleven and I will sign a permit so that you can take your driving license. But one glass too many, or one single twist, and I'll burn this document myself and turn off the money. From today you can move to your apartment, but you clean and wash everything yourself. You can still eat in our kitchen, Mrs. Stasia will take care of you as before.

Mrs. Stasia has been running his parents' house for as long as he can remember, she was almost a member of the family and Andrew called her Aunt Stasia.

The place to which Andrew was to move was an extension to the large villa he had lived in with his parents, which consisted of a bedroom, a small lounge and study room, and a bathroom. It was possible to enter this apartment through an internal door from the corridor of the villa, but most importantly, there was also a separate entrance, to which his father gave him a key as a birthday present.

  • One more son. I am not going to tell you stories about butterflies, because nowadays I would only be fooling around. You can fuck any girls you want, as long as they are not too young and think with your head and not your dick. You have to think and take care to protect yourself from diseases and the kids. You are too young to be a father. I prefer you to have sex in your place rather than at some disco loo. You have to buy rubbers yourself and rather try not to let your lovers scream in ecstasy at the whole neighborhood. Neighbors may not be as tolerant as mom or me. Also, remember that you are not allowed to hurt any girl. You can always please yourself with your hand.

Andrew hugged his father, which was not very easy, because Adam Tokarski was over two meters tall and the same in the bars. In addition to running a car repair shop in the suburbs of Warsaw, near their villas, he also served in the local Volunteer Fire Department and more than once returned from the action dead pale and furious with the idiot drivers. He never gave details, but once Andrew came back late in the evening to find his father completely drunk, which never happened before, lying on a bench in the garden, an empty vodka bottle on the grass. Father never came back from the Fire Department in a fire suit, this time he was wearing it. As Andrew tried to help his father to his feet, he felt the jacket and pants were smudged with something. Just in case, he undressed his father and took off his shoes in the garden, because he did not want to make the house dirty. Somehow, he managed to lead his father these few meters home and, with the help of his silent mother, put him to sleep. Then he went out into the garden, opened the garage, turned on the powerful lamp, picked up the floor brush and uncoiled the lawn watering hose. When he first poured water over the suit and rubbed it with a brush, he was horrified to notice that the brown stains ran down the grass in a blood-red stream. His stomach reacted instantly, and the boy puked large fountains for several long minutes. When he finally got to his feet, he finished cleaning suit, pants and shoes, then went to the shower and bathed in hot water for a long time, then stood under the icy stream for a few minutes.

The next morning, when he entered the kitchen, he found his father sitting at the table with a cup of coffee. The first and only time he saw his father cry. He did not respond to his son's questions, only stared ahead with unseeing eyes, tears streaming down his face. He hadn't even noticed that he had crushed a large ceramic coffee mug in his hand like a plastic bottle. Only after Andrew was clearing the mug from the table and wiping the coffee from the table and the floor, Adam grabbed his son's hand, looked him in the eyes and said in a grave voice

  • Andrew, swear to me to God, but swear to me that you will never, ever get in the car with just one beer and that you will never go crazy behind the wheel. I don't want to pick you up with a spoon off the road, I don't want to put your arms, legs and head in separate bags, and into other your guts like we did yesterday with those five unfortunate children and their parents just because some drunk like Pershing motherfucker was rushing like a madman, although there is a limit of forty and he pulled into the bus stop in his fucking Mercedes.

When Andrew and some of his buddies signed up for preparatory courses at the Polytechnic University at the beginning of his graduation class at high school, his father gave him a several-year-old Peugeot Partner Tepee, a seven-seater, so that he would not waste time commuting by public transport.

  • Just enough for you and your buddies. They don't have to add to petrol, but they can help you vacuum and wash it - he smiled at his son

  • Anyway, it doesn't take much of petrol, I adjusted it myself, checked all the components, replaced what needed to be replaced and now the car runs like a Swiss watch. Take care of it, then you will drive it without problems for a few years, and when you finish your studies with Master diploma, I will buy you a factory new car, which one will you choose, straight from the showroom .

At the end of April, the dean called him to his office, regardless of the pandemic and lockdown, and gave him a good foul.

  • Andrew, what is wrong with you?! You are as capable as few, your drawings are almost perfect, how miraculously you managed to collapse four subjects! - the professor called all the students by their first names, but no one was against it. All the students liked him, because although he was over seventy, he conducted classes in an interesting way and was really fair, he has never done any dirty work to anyone.

  • Sorry, professor, I ...

  • Shut up! I don't want to hear any more student excuses! I don't think you are grown up for college yet. I'd like to kick you out of college today, but my rule is that every fool has one chance with me. Remember, one chance for entire studies. Here are the dates of the retake exams - the professor handed the boy the paper.

  • I agreed them with the other lecturers. You fail even one exam, and I personally kick you out of the University of Technology.

  • Thank you professor - Andrew wanted to say something else, but the Dean interrupted him

  • Get the fuck off!

His father hearing that his only son was in danger of being expelled from university, reacted with one word

  • Keys - he said, and held out his hand. Andrew handed him the car keys and holed up in his room. He turned on the TV set, but after a while he turned it off and for a long moment he analyzed his situation and wondered how the situation had come that he had let his father down and risked his own further fate.

First, there were frequent parties with buddies. No, he didn't get drunk or drugged, but every night they wandered around, went to clubs or pubs where they watched football games, and he spent a lot of time with his girlfriend, whom he had been dating for a year and whom he fell in love with. Then there was an epidemic and that corona fucking virus turned everything upside down. The party was over, he couldn't go out with his girlfriend and he often ignored online lectures. In March this year, the girl informed him via Skype that sorry, it was fun, it was great in bed, but she does not want to lie to him and deceive her feelings, it was not love but fascination, infatuation and nothing else.

Breaking up with his beloved broke him to such an extent that for several weeks he stayed in his apartment, only appearing in the kitchen for meals, when his parents were not at home.

His father did not ask any questions, convinced that his son was studying diligently for the exams. Meanwhile, Andrew lay on the bed for days, staring blankly at the ceiling.

The dean's brutal reprimand acted on the boy like a bucket of ice water poured over his head.

He was still sitting in his room, but he was no longer staring at the ceiling, but was studying the four subjects practically from scratch. His desk was covered with piles of textbooks and notes, and the computer played back all the online lectures that the boy was fortunately recording.

In early July, he passed the first exam, two weeks later, the second, and at the beginning of August, the third.

It was mid-August and he had just passed the most difficult exam, which he took with the dean himself.

  • Thank you, professor, for that bucket of cold water that you poured over my head at the beginning of June. I guess that was what I needed.

  • Unpleasantness is mine - the dean joked.

  • I knew you could do it because you are really talented. And these drawings - the professor picked up freehand sketches of a single-family house

  • Are a real masterpiece. It is a truly beautiful single-family house, different from all those modern glass houses in which you feel as if you are sitting in a shop window. After the holidays, you will have a lot to do with your project.

  • I don't understand, professor, is there something wrong with it?

  • I said it's great. You'll have to do a whole lot of additional drawings in a much larger format. You can help yourself with a computer program, but I want freehand drawings with all the details of all the interiors and guts of the house. For that, more specification of all used materials and construction technology, and cost estimate. You have six months to do this, but I will want to see you regularly and follow your progress. I want to submit your project to two architectural competitions.

  • What?!

  • Every spring there is a rash of national and international architectural competitions, which are often a ticket to a further career. I will submit your project to one national and one international competition. The most important ones.

  • Professor, I don't know if I can make it

  • You can do it, you will consult your work with me and with no one else. You will also not talk to anyone about it. These are competitions in which the best architects and students of their last years of studies take part.

  • Professor, why ..

  • Because you have talent. I already told you this. Just don't let the soda water go to your head. Older students work on their projects for up to two years. You have half a year and not a day more. This is your second chance. There will be no third one. Now get your ass out of my office and get the fuck off till the end of the vacation - professor smiled and handed the boy the index.

  • Thank you professor, I will not disappoint you! -

Andrew picked up his drawings and ran out into the hall. Only there did he open the index and grinned at the dean's mark.

This time Andrew showed up in the kitchen when his parents were sitting down for dinner. Without a word, he handed his father the index, which contained the top four marks in the exams.

The father carefully checked the four entries, handed the index to his wife, and he left the kitchen, where he returned a minute later and handed his son the car keys.

  • I would like to see only such grades - he said and patted his son on the back.

  • If you want, you can go to Masuria, it seems that your sweetheart likes this place.

  • Thanks, Dad, unfortunately Dorota ended our love story in March - Andrew only now admitted his failure in love.

  • It's a pity, I liked her very much - said the boy's mother.

  • I liked her too. I didn't just like her.

  • So why not invite your buddies? - Father suggested.

  • None of that either. They all moved to the countryside to their grandparents or uncles, escaping the coronavirus. I'll go alone.

  • I'm afraid this tourist resort where you went to hunt pretty girls is closed for a pandemic, so you'll only be left with.... - father made an unambiguous gesture with his hand.

  • Adam! - his wife pretended to be scandalized.

  • In fact, it's even good to be alone. The professor gave me an assignment, so I will have time to attend to it.

  • What is the task? - Mom wanted to know.

  • Ah, nothing like that, I have to make sketches of a new single-family house - Andrew preferred not to talk about the Dean's proposal, because he was not sure if he will cope with the task.

  • Then go, rest and work. Today I will transfer money to your account, so that you will have them for food and travel - father promised - but not drown your sorrows in vodka. It's not helping.

  • I'm not gonna drink. I'm already used to being single again, but thank you for the money.

The next day early morning, Andrew packed his bags, laptop, and a large supply of large drawing pads, several containers with food prepared by Aunt Stasia, checked the oil, brake fluid, and lights, then got into his car and headed for Masuria. Halfway up, the weather turned for the worse. First it rained and then a tropical downpour broke out, and every few seconds lightning bolts illuminated the darkness that had fallen, although it was only noon.

Even in top gear, the wipers couldn't scoop up the water pouring down from the sky, so Andrew slowed down first to fifty, then to forty, and then rolled thirty kilometers an hour, keeping a close eye on the road.

There was no traffic on the road, probably everyone gave up driving in such weather.

  • Shit! - he swore - not only was the fucking virus still on the run, but also the weather sucked.

He had another twenty kilometers left when at the last moment he noticed three figures on the road desperately waving at him. He had no heart to leave them in this rain, so he stopped.

The right door swung open and some drenched creature began to question him

  • Are you going to ...

  • Get in! Get in and close the door because the water is pouring in!

Three seconds later, the three characters found themselves in his car. Only now Andrew was able to see his passengers. Next to him was a girl who looked like a pile of misfortune. Her long hair was wet and sticky, her blouse and pants were soaking wet, and in the back were two boys as wet as their friend.

  • Thank you for stopping, sir - said the girl, who was holding her backpack in her lap and shivering with the cold.

  • What are you doing in such a wilderness in the middle of a storm?

  • We are going to our friends, but in the last town, where we were to change to another bus, it turned out that ours was half an hour late and we missed the second bus, and the next one is only tomorrow - explained the girl.

  • We decided to go out on the road and try to catch an opportunity. But it is a side road and the traffic is negligible, so we kept hoping, but when it was raining, no one was driving at all, you just got to us from heaven - the girl added with a smile, although she was shaking with cold as jelly.

Andrew turned the heat on at full blast and focused on the road he could barely see.

  • Did you walk in the rain for a long time? he asked.

  • About two hours - the girl replied, her teeth chattering.

  • Where do you want to get?

  • To Giżycko.

  • I will not take you there today, not in this weather. We're going to my place, at least you'll warm up and dry your clothes.

  • We are so grateful to you sir

  • Give up sir, I'm Andrew and I'm only nineteen.

  • I'm Anka and I'm seventeen, and the two twins in the back are Michał and Paweł and they're almost sixteen.

  • How do you know each other? Are you siblings?

  • Oh, we've known each other since birth, we're neighbors, and twins are the only normal boys in our village, so we've always done almost everything together.

  • You don't have to call your parents? They must be worried about you.

  • If we disappeared for a month, they would not even notice - the girl replied, and Andrew it seemed that in addition to rainwater, tears appeared in the girl's eyes.

They rode in silence for a while, then turned into a forest road, drove a few hundred meters and stopped. Across the road lay a birch tree blown down by the wind.

  • Shit! - Andrew cursed - we have to get rid of this tree somehow, because it's the only way to my house.

  • Er, luckily it's a little birch tree, we'll be fine - said one of the twins, and they both jumped out of the car.

Andrew watched the efforts of the boys for a moment, finally he got out himself, and only the three of them dragged the tree away enough that he could pass. Those few minutes outside were enough for him to soak completely.

They covered the next two kilometers without a hitch, and Andrew stepped out into the rain again to open the large gate. He parked in front of the house and went to close the gate.

He introduced his new friends to the log cabin, moved the main electricity switch on and said.

  • Undress and get into a warm shower, I will light the fireplace in a moment.

To his surprise, both boys and the girl immediately stripped naked and went to the bathroom. Andrew stripped down to his underpants, threw two buckets of dry cones into the large fireplace, put a few pieces of chopped dry wood over it and set it on fire. He hung his clothes and his guests' clothes in front of the fireplace, took the towels out of the cupboard and entered the bathroom, which was large for a summer house. There was no paddling pool, only tiles on the floor and walls, which slightly spoiled the aesthetics of the wooden house, but was practical. Hot water was provided not by the boiler, but by a powerful flow-through heater. Thanks to this, there was enough hot water, even when more people wanted to use the shower. A similar heater with slightly less power was installed in the kitchen.

  • Here are your towels - Andrew said, setting the towels on the shelf.

-You need a warm shower too - said one of the guys

  • Hop on in, there's room for all of us.

  • Fuck! It will get boner soon! - Andrew thought at the sight of a beautiful naked girl and two young guys with still children's faces, but not children's dicks. He pulled off his pants and went into the shower. Warm water poured down on them from a large rain shower, so there was room for him too. Instinctively, he took the shampoo bottle and lathered his head, then poured it over the girl's hair and started washing it.

  • Oh! How well! The girl moved closer to him and succumbed to the treatments of a new, handsome boy. Her bum was hugging his cock more and more, which was not left without her reaction.

  • Hmmm, something's stabbing me - she said with a smile and turned to face Andrew.

  • Oh! What a beautiful sight! - she exclaimed and stepped back a little.

  • Sorry, I ... ..

  • You have nothing to apologize for. Your reaction only flatters me. And I got used to the protruding dicks, because these always hungry guy's dicks are constantly standing.

Andrew rinsed his hair and looked at the twins. Their dicks were at full throttle, strongly curved upward, like his, which was two centimeters longer. Andrew turned the valve and a cascade of cold water fell down on them.

With squeaks and giggles, the boys and girl jumped out of the shower, grabbed the towels, and began to dry themselves. Andrew turned off the water and reached for the towel.

It was already hot when they got back to the parlor.

  • Oh, how nice and warm here! The girl noticed and pulled a large armchair near the fireplace and sat down on it, having hung the towel over the fireplace.

The boys also got rid of their towels and sat down on the large corner sofa.

  • Hungry? Andrew asked - I don't feel like cooking, but there may be sandwiches.

  • Sure!, But let me prepare them - Anka said and went to the kitchen annex.

Andrew, entering the cabin, brought not only his backpack from the car, but also all his bags and containers.

Now he sat down on a high stool and watched the girl bustle, who was just lovely. Every now and then she looked at him and smiled.

  • Do you like the view? - she asked teasingly.

  • The view is wonderful. However, I have never met a girl as laid back as you are, although a few girls have passed through my life and my bed. However, none of them undressed in front of me on the first date.

  • Are we on a date? -the girl laughed out loud.

  • Oh, I put myself wrong, I mean ...

  • Do not make excuses. Remember that I am a country girl, and in the countryside, nakedness is not as much of a taboo as in the city. In my village, most of the young boys fled quickly into town. Only adults, infants, and youngsters like the twins remained. For as long as I can remember, we used to go to a nearby pond together and bathe naked, which was completely natural. And since we used to meet and meet every day, why should I be ashamed of them? You are a young handsome boy, so I am not ashamed of you either.

Further conversation was interrupted by the appearance of two large trays with beautiful-looking sandwiches and four mugs of tea on the corner table.

When the last crumb disappeared from the tray, Michał and Paweł took them to the kitchen and washed them immediately, and Ania settled back in the armchair next to the fireplace, this time laying her legs on the armrests of the armchair. The girl leaned her head back for a long moment, rested it on the armchair and closed her eyes.

  • I could sit here forever - she said softly.

Andrew was staring eagerly at this phenomenal girl. From less than two meters away, he could admire her body, her shapely breasts, a flat but not skinny belly and a beautiful pussy that had a tiny tuft of blond hair at the top, two pink petals spread out slightly to the sides revealing the entrance to paradise. Andrew was afraid he was about to squirt anytime soon.

Instinctively he glanced at the guys, whose dicks also stood like flagpoles.

  • Nice sight, isn't it? - whispered one of the twins Andrew still couldn't tell.

  • Lovely! - Andrew admitted in a whisper as well.

  • What are you saying? - Ania stretched, yawned and looked at the three boys.

  • Do you also Andrew jerk off a few times a day like twins? - she asked - but probably not, you definitely have a girlfriend.

  • I had, past tense. Since March, I'm a single again, and with this fucking virus, I can't hunt any new girls. Even my best friend, with whom I have always watched porn and we were fooling around, escaped from Warsaw for fear of a pandemic and only my own hand remained.

  • Pandemic! Huh! In our village, no one cares about it, because no stranger comes to visit us and no one from the village goes anywhere. Everyone is sitting there and thanks to that the virus did not reach us - said Ania.

  • What did you do with this friend? - the twin wanted to know

  • Well, what could we do with pornos? We wanked our dicks - Andrew admitted after a while.

  • We often jerk off each other - admitted the second twin without embarrassment, and turned to the girl.

  • Anna, your sandwiches were delicious, but what about some dessert. Andrew will definitely want dessert too.

  • Dessert, you say - the girl smiled and got up from the chair.

  • Change to the couch if you want dessert - she said to Andrew.

The twins parted to make room for him on the couch among themselves.

Ania smiled and knelt in front of Andrew.

  • Let's see what we have here - she said and took Andrew's cock in her hand.

  • How big! And how fat! Balls big too! - having said that, she began to lick it, then took it to her mouth and gently sucked it. Andrew was breathing deeply and groaning softly as the twins watched them curiously.

  • How does it taste? - wanted to know the twin sitting on the right side of Andrew.

  • Delicious! You were right about the dessert Paweł - the girl admitted and continued

  • Jesus! I'm about to squirt, 'Andrew groaned.

  • It would be a shame to end so soon. I think we will not let that happen - said Ania and leaned over Paweł's cock, which she sucked for a moment, then took care of Michał's cock.

Andrew was quite shocked and his excitement was at its peak. He fucked several girls, jerked off reciprocally with a buddy, and even sucked each other, but never participated in a threesome or a larger orgy. He hoped it wouldn't just end with ice cream.

As if reading his mind, Ania got up from the floor, put her knees on the couch and with one smooth movement she stuck on Andrew's cock.

  • Ohhh! - he groaned - you are wonderful!

  • Shhh, don't say anything - she closed his mouth with hers and kissed him passionately, making a few up and down movements on his cock. The twins got up from the couch, stood on both sides of the couple and brought their dicks close to the girl's mouth.

  • You can't wait - Ania stopped kissing Andrew and took Michael's cock in her mouth while rising and falling on Andrew's cock. A moment later he perversely asked

  • How do you like the dessert from the young cock?

  • Here, try it yourself - said Ania and shoved Michał's cock into Andrew's mouth, and she took care of Paweł.

Andrew was already so excited that he took up oral caressing the young cock with quite a skill that he had acquired a few years earlier with his best friend. He caressed the young cock with his tongue, at the same time he massaged young balls with one hand, and with the other he stroked and squeezed Michał's buttocks, who moaned loudly and repeated

  • Ohh yes! Ohh yes.

A few minutes later, Ania returned to suck Michał, and she pushed Paweł's cock into Andrew's mouth. Both twins groaned louder and louder, and finally one managed to say

  • Anna, don't be offended, but Andrew does it better than you.

The girl took his dick out of her mouth and gasped

  • Probably has longer and more practice than mine. I've only studied your dicks so far, and he, a city guy, probably sucked two dozen.

Andrew also got cock out of his mouth and joined the discussion

  • Maybe I had a longer practice, because my friend and I have been sucking on the last five years. But I haven't done this with any other boy. With that, he picked up the girl and slipped off his cock, signaled the twins to step down from the couch, which he unfolded with three movements to form a huge bed, and from the wardrobe he took out a huge sheet and some pillows. Then he put Ania down, spread her legs apart and greedily sucked on her pussy. She moaned, and the twins quickly reached her mouth and pushed their dicks closely. Andrew loved the cunnilingus and he had the practice, because of a dozen girls in his life was satisfied with his mouth and cock.

Ania was moaning louder and louder, finally she spat out Paweł's dick for fear that she would bite it off, because she had orgasm and was throwing herself on the bed.

  • You can moan and howl as much as you want, no one will hear you except the animals in the woods - Andrew said as he licked and sucked her pussy again. Ania no longer sucked the twins, but groaned louder and louder and squealed louder and louder, and at the second orgasm she howled across the forest. Andrew stopped licking the pussy and drove into her like a knife in butter. He threw the girl's legs over his shoulders, placed two pillows under Ania's bottom, leaned over her and, kissing Ania passionately and greedily, began to work his loins. He was in good shape because, apart from fucking girls, he ran five kilometers almost every day. The twins watched this spectacle with fascination. Andrew started like a steam locomotive, slowly at first, not too hard, gently accelerating. It crossed his mind that he had failed to protect himself, but he often relied on his reflexes that never failed him. Anne, as if reading his mind, whispered

  • I'm taking the pills, so don't worry.

  • Lovely! - Andrew thought - I can finally go to the end without a rubber cover! - His movements sped up even more and he pushed his cock harder and harder into the young pussy. The huge bed squeaked a bit and moved across the floor from Andrew's movements, and Ania moaned louder and louder, and when her next orgasm came, she howled at the whole forest and begged the boy to stop.

  • Andrew! I can't do it anymore, I'll pass out in a moment. Her words only excited him even more, and now he sped like an express train steam engine, finally pushed his cock even deeper, stopped its movements, arched his spine back and roared like a handsome deer in a rut. After the last contractions of his launcher were over, he kissed the girl tenderly and fell onto the bed.

  • Jesus! But I needed it! - He said and wanted to kiss the girl, but Michał was already lying on her and he was moving his ass with all his strength. Anne was moaning again

  • Oh yes! A familiar dick! I want one more!

Before Andrew understood what the girl meant, Paweł reached into the backpack and took out a tube of gel and smeared his dick heavily, and Michał rolled over on his back. Pawel parted the girl's buttocks with his hands and with one strong movement pushed his cock into her ass, then he lay down on the girl, corrected his position and without fuss, with great impatience of the teenager he moved his loins with all his strength.

  • Oh yes! I love you my twins! I love your lovely cocks! - Anka almost screamed and moaned, then suddenly fell silent. The boys made a few more thrusts and moaned loudly and lay motionless.

After a short moment, which Andrew seemed to be almost an hour, Paweł slipped off Anka and fell on his back, and Michał gently rolled over to his side and put the girl on her back. Both brothers gently stroked and kissed her. Anka's eyes were closed and only slightly rising and falling breasts indicated that she was still breathing.

  • Is she ... - Andrew said concerned.

  • She will be fine, she will wake up soon - Paweł reassured him.

  • She almost always flies away when we fuck her in two holes. Then she says it's a cosmic orgasm - add Michał with a smile.

Andrew got up from the bed and went to the kitchenette, where he took four glasses from the cupboard and a bottle of semi-sweet sparkling wine from the refrigerator.

  • Give me the tablet - Anka came back to life and stretched her hand to Michał. Moments later, she was enjoying champagne and kissing the three lovers gently.

  • Thank you, my gentlemen. I haven't had such awesome fucking yet, and the champagne will put me on my feet right now, or put me to sleep for a few hours.

  • You'll sleep at home when you get back. It's a waste of time here. We will fuck as often as rabbits. In the morning, at noon, in the afternoon, in the evening and at night - said Paweł and licked the sweet pussy once.

  • Well, yes, your dicks are standing again, and Andrew's, too. But wait, I have to call Kasia, she's probably wondering why we aren't there yet - said Anka and she turned on Skype on her tablet. To Andrew's surprise, the tablet showed a picture of a young girl and a young boy lying completely naked on the bed.

  • Hi Anka, where are you guys? I was already worried if you were drowned by this downpour - said a beautiful teenager with a beautiful breasts.

  • Well, it was, but a good Samaritan saved us - Ania replied and pointed the lens at Andrew, showing his face, torso and cock, which was already standing in full erection.

-Wow! What a handsome guy! I would like to meet him in person - said Kasia with a smile and directed the lens at the boy who was reclining next to her, who had a good erection too.

  • Hello Tomek! I was hoping to finally get to know you in person too, not only through Skype, but this downpour .. - said Ania.

  • How are the twins? - Kasia interjected, to which Ania showed first Paweł licking her pussy, and then Michał, who was kneeling next to her and putting his cock to suck.

  • Hi guys! - Kasia greeted - if you are as horny as Anka said, I will also get to know you better.

  • Hi, we would also like to meet you and Tomek up close and not only on Skype - Paweł lifted his head from Anka's pussy - and find out how you taste.

  • Well, come quickly here, all of you. It's tight here, but somehow we'll fit in - Kasia suggested and added - you don't have to worry about this fucking virus. Yesterday we received negative test results that they did for us at the sports club.

  • You better come to us - Andrew interjected - we have a lot of space and hot water in the shower, and a fireplace - the boy showed the wood burning in it.

  • I would like to see what you taste like, if Tomek didn't mind - he joked.

  • Absolutely not - said the teenager - for some time we have been fantasizing that it would be nice to have fun with Ania and the twins, because so far we only play together on Skype. Where are you? I only have a scooter, so it is not suitable for long journeys, especially in such weather. It is true that it has stopped raining, but it is still full of clouds.

  • It's not raining here either, but it's dark from the clouds like at night - Andrew gave him the approximate address and explained exactly how to get there.

  • Er, that's pretty close. My scooter has a lifted speed limit and I can pull up to seventy an hour - boasted Tom - we are getting ready soon.

  • Tomek! The Russians have a very wise saying "tishe yediesh, dalshe budziesh", that is, you go slower, you will get farther. And my father, who serves in the Volunteer Fire Department and often picks people up with spoons from the road, constantly admonishes me to "hurry slowly". He's absolutely right. We want to play with you, not look for you in the morgue.

  • Jesus! You're probably right. I will drive slowly. See you soon! The boy hung up.

  • How do you like my probably stepsister? - Ania asked with a smile.

  • Very appetizing - Andrew admitted - but why are you referring to her as probably sister?

  • Because I suspect my dad fathered her, although neither he nor her mother ever confessed. Her mother's husband had died in an accident more than a year before she was born, and my dad was eager to help a lone widow on the farm.

  • What does your mom say?

  • What was she supposed to do in the boarded-up village? She pretended that she didn't know anything, but surprisingly she liked Kasia very much and we actually grew up together, often sleeping together in the same bed at our house or at her mother's house. It was then that we discovered the secrets of our bodies together, stroking each other. When we were thirteen, her mother went to work in Giżycko and took Kasia with her. We missed each other terribly, but we were about two hundred kilometers apart, which was unbeatable at the time. Somehow we kept in touch, writing letters first, then e-mails, and now we meet on Skype. We have no secrets for us - Ania briefly told the story of her acquaintance with Kasia.

  • That you have no secrets, I have already found out - Andrew laughed.

  • Sure! At the age of thirteen or fourteen I learned to use a computer at school, but I couldn't do what I wanted there because the teachers were watching over us. Later, a few computers appeared in the village library so that the young people could find materials for homework after school. I was hired in this library to clean up after office hours and I have my keys to this day. I did the cleaning two or three times a week, and on the other days I used the computer freely. I got to know everything about sex, about contraception, about diseases, and watched a whole lot of pornographic films. At first they disgusted me, because even when there was a young girl in the movie, it was with old guys, finally I found a few with nice young girls and young guys. And I had a great desire to have sex, but there was not really who. As I told you, our village emptied every year, the first ones to flee were young boys who found work on construction sites far from home. Besides, I was afraid of pregnancy. We had a clinic and a doctor who was a gynecologist came even once a week. But I couldn't just go to the gynecologist because the whole village would be raving about it. Fortunately, I met this doctor in the market and approached her with my soul on my shoulder that she would shout at me and tell everyone that the teenager was thinking about sex. Fortunately, this woman turned out to be a lovable, sympathetic doctor. Under the guise of helping with cleanup, she took me to her house thirty kilometers from our village for the weekend, and we chatted there for almost two days and nights. She straightened my concept of sex from adult movies a little, told me about many things I had no idea about, examined me and prescribed me birth control pills that she even bought herself at the pharmacy and drove me home giving me a lot of money supposedly for help in cleanings. Then I met her in a similar way every six months and she examined me, although I was fine.

  • Wow! A wonderful woman - Andrew admitted - who was your first boyfriend?

  • Of course the twins - Anka laughed - the only young people left in the village. I seduced them two or three weeks after I got my first pills. I was fifteen, they were younger, but that didn't bother me. Since I've known them forever, we often bathed naked in the pond, and I saw their dicks erecting when they saw me, I figured why not try one of them. But I couldn't decide on either Michał or Paweł, so I seduced both of them right away. At first I was a bit disappointed because both of them were so excited that they barely made a few moves, they were already shooting. Later, I would take them to the library to help me clean, but instead I made them ice cream first, and when their dicks raised again and I let them in, it was much better.

  • You guys had a great teacher - Andrew turned to the twins.

  • The best in the world! We know our beginnings were miserable, but Ania was patient and taught us everything. Even the fact that when there was no opportunity to make love to her, we could satisfy each other.

  • Wow! I'm impressed.

Ania decided to prepare some snacks and used the supplies that Andrew had brought. The pause in the downpour ended, and again the water was pouring down from the sky in streams.

When he heard the horn, Andrew looked out the window and barely glimpsed the single light of the scooter through the rain. At first he wanted to dress a little, but he concluded that these young people had already seen him naked on Skype, and that he would only wet his clothes, so he took the key and ran to the gate.

To be continued.

Next: Chapter 2

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