Andromeades Hequeen of Kor

By sasha steele

Published on May 9, 2015


Andromeades heQueen of Kor

(part four)

by Sasha Steele

"The dominate genome always wins out," Brogyn was trying to explain. "It would completely destroy the being. Of all, you should know that Ulan."

"But if one didn't destroy the other," Ulan insisted. "You know, the one in a million exception."

"Then it would be a monster."

Brogyn couldn't believe he was having this argument. Especially since they had slept together the night before. It was almost like they were married again.

It was far less invasive for Ulan's team to make initial contact with a humanoid species, at this point in their development, in a small rural community rather than to go directly to the capital first. Ulan had picked a village ten miles from the capital. He and Brogyn were en route to reconnoiter the village and get a handle on the disposition of its inhabitants.

The villagers, Ankorians they called themselves, turned out to be a friendly, even likable bunch who were most welcoming to strangers. Brogyn kept close watch on Ulan and his team for a week before he felt secure enough, to Ulan's great relief, to cut them loose.

A language transponder/tutor rendered initial two way communication possible. It would take a week before its use would no longer be necessary. As the days passed Ulan had managed to persuade a number of villagers to don the 'crown', as they termed it, a small head band, which was a memory reading device. The readings were linked to electric synaptic pulses in the brain as the wearer answered questions. The results were sketchy at best. But repeated enough times a picture of Ankorian history began to emerge.

Brogyn had gone off to attend other duties, not the least of which was to investigate the bombing of the K-1 facility. He had found an abandoned boat on a creek leading from the swamp where it emptied into a great river that flowed out of the mountains to the west. That's where the perpetrators trail had ended. Things then turned routine on K-1.

Brogyn was in the gym for an afternoon workout. Sweat glistened on the bronze god-like muscles of his beautiful body. A long braid issued outward from a black band at the crown of his head and hung down to just below mid back. His feet were bare as Brogyn was out on the combat training mat. He wore little effeminate adornments, just a small gold necklace, ear studs and finger rings.

Ruby red lipstick matched the color of Brogyn's fingernail and toenail polish, as well as the thong and sports bra set he wore. The thin sash of the bra with the spaghetti shoulder straps attached to it crossed mid back below the V taper of his wide lats. The thin material of the triangular chest pads just covered his nipples.

The thong strap was buried deep between his huge butt cheeks. The bulge in Brogyn's ruby red thong's penis pouch was substantial enough given the shortness of his cock. In the super stretchy material it looked like three eggs stacked one upon the other two in a small pyramid formed of his thick stubby cock and fair size balls. That Brogyn always wore a cock ring made the bulge even more apparent.

The hologram com interrupted him. Brogyn stopped training to take it. He stood with his massive thighs slightly splayed. The long stick he had been training with rested in his grip against them and Brogyn was breathing heavily from his exertions as he listened.

"Chief Hardy. You have a field call."

Brogyn thought, if it wasn't Sochan telling him every little fucking detail of what he saw as the greatest historical find in centuries it was Ulan with a narrative on how god damn adorable the bloody Ankorians were.

"Is it urgent?"

"No Sir."

"I'll pick it up later."

Brogyn finished his training on the mat with halo-sparring. He had reached the elite level of the program and was already growing bored of it. Brogyn followed up with an hour of strength training, hit the showers, then enjoyed a relaxing massage. He laid on his stomach, closed his eyes and thought of the date he had with Ulan last night.

Ulan had looked beautiful in a blue and silver patterned mini dress that hugged his figure. He had worn black pumps and black stay up stockings with pretty embroidering on their elastic tops. Brogyn had taken particular interest in the way Ulan's tight dress showed the ridge-like bulge of his cock below the swell of his belly. And how the tip of it in the penis pouch of Ulan's black panties occasionally poked out from below the dress's hem line.

They had dined in one of K-1's restaurants. Ate at a quiet table on the open balcony near the railing that overlooked the swamp with its many interesting creatures. Most of which Ulan had already classified and categorized.

Brogyn had worn a grey paisley A-frame dress, with a looser fit than Ulan's. Grey nylon stockings, grey pumps with five inch heels and a very sexy silver-grey brassier, pantie and garter belt set. Brogyn's long black hair hung down his back in loose curls. He wore silver lipstick and nail polish.

So turned on had they been with one another that the portal door to Ulan's apartment had hardly just closed before Brogyn's dress skirt was raised and his panties pulled down on to his thighs as he stood with his face pressed up against the mirror, his big legs spread while Ulan knelt behind with his tongue in Brogyn's ass.

Ulan stood to fuck him. His cock was drawn through the left leg hole of his black panties. Brogyn stuck his big ass out to him and Ulan inserted his cock into it. Brogyn had his left hand pressed against the mirror as well as his head, which was slightly turned to the right and looking down. His right hand was engaged as Brogyn enthusiastically masturbated his short thick cock while Ulan rammed his ass.

Ulan took hold of Brogyn's powerful hips as he pumped him. Brogyn felt the desperation in Ulan's frantic strokes and knew soon Ulan would cum. Brogyn lifted his head to look at himself in the mirror. What an ass slut he was. The distressed look of intense pleasure on his heavily made up face turned him on all the more. His cock itched for

release. His three fingered grip on the short shaft moved faster. And then Brogyn came on Ulan's mirror.

Ulan fucked him a while longer thinking of the hundreds of times he had done so before and how beautiful Brogyn's big ass was. He was desperate to cum. His hardon throbbed with the resistance of Brogyn's moist anal canal. The heat at the tip of his cock was unbearable. And then Ulan came in Brogyn's ass.

Thinking of the warm feeling of completeness with Ulan inside him made Brogyn's hard cock throb as the masseuse worked his huge glutes. He rolled over and the masseuse placed Brogyn's foot on his shoulder to massage one of his massive thighs. When the masseuse had finished a manservant helped Brogyn slip into his red robe and slippers. It wasn't until Brogyn returned to his apartment did he pick up Ulan's message.

Ulan's team had moved on to another village. This one, with a large monastery near by, was much closer to the capital whose ramparts could be seen in the distance. Word had gotten out of these strange visitors from the sky and so the team had been welcomed as though they were celebrities.

"An envoy from the monastery has arrived," Ulan reported. "I've been invited to visit with the head priest." Ulan's enthusiasm was evident in his message.

"Oh shit," Brogyn said aloud.

He called Ulan back. Ulan didn't pick up. Brogyn got dressed in his black field uniform. Strapped on his side arm. Then sped off to the village in his shuttle cruiser, pushing it to the limit. He set the cruiser down next to the science shuttle. Got out to talk to Ulan's team security officer.

"Dr. Quest said he cleared it with you," the officer told Brogyn.

"He did? I'll fucking kill him."

Travel time to the monastery by coach was a little over half an hour. Ulan's coach companion was a pleasant young monk dressed in a plain brown robe, which contrasted drastically against Ulan's brilliant white field clothes of tunic, tights and high heeled boots. The modesty of the monk's garb versus the vulgarity of Ulan's was quite apparent too. Ulan's short tight tunic covered only half his ass leaving the lower part and most of his crotch on display.

The tights, which fit Ulan like a second skin left nothing to the imagination. They stuck in the cleavage under his ass cheeks and deep in the crack between them. And the substantial bulge in their penis pouch, as Ulan sat casually with his legs slightly parted, showed details of his cock and balls beneath the thin material. The young monk couldn't help but to have noticed. The young monk, as it turned out, was a student of herbs. And so they struck up a conversation on the various flora and fauna of the region.

"We manufacture these fragrances for the upper classes," the young monk told Ulan. "this one for instance," he took out a nicely decorated sniff box, "is made from the tumulus, those large white flowers you see on the hill sides. Lovely, don't you think?"

He handed Ulan the little box. Ulan opened it and inhaled the aroma. Indeed it was nice. He inhaled again. Wondered what the background odor was, yawned and then feel asleep.

Brogyn got back in his cruiser and punched the location of Ulan's wrist com. The monastery was to the east, but Ulan's wrist com showed he was about two miles to the west. Brogyn entered the coordinates and took off. He pulled up short of a ruined castle. Let the cruiser hover at a hundred feet off the ground. Donned his armor and used the suits jet pack to fly to the castle. He landed in what at one time must have been a court yard, though now most of the walls had fallen. Checked Ulan's location on his wrist com.

Brogyn pushed open a large iron door and entered a mostly intact portion of the castle. It appeared to be an old dungeon as there were torture racks and tables, chains wrist and ankle cuffs and other instruments of torture strewn about, some which appeared to have been in recent use. Brogyn picked up one of the heavy iron cuffs. It was hinged with a slot one side through which a loop on the other could be fitted. A chain would then be slid through the loop holding the cuff closed. Brogyn dropped it to the ground and drew his weapon.

Ulan's signal was emanating from behind a heavy wooden door off to the right, perhaps leading to the cell area. Brogyn opened the door. As pissed off as Brogyn was at Ulan he had broken his own security measures by not donning his armor. Almost too late he saw his mistake and leaped back. The explosion ripped off the heavy door and sent Brogyn careening into the dungeon. Stunned, his weapon lost, Brogyn rolled on to his knees. His long braid hung to the dirt floor. He thought he heard a mocking laugh. Tried to deploy his armor, then passed out before he could.

When Brogyn came around a gigantic figure in a red color hooded cape was removing his wrist com. His back pack and utility belt had already been taken. Brogyn struck upward with all his might catching the hooded figure off guard. The giant threw up his arms and screamed in pain. Brogyn rolled away and got to his feet. He was still dizzy from the blast.

The giant stood and ripped off its red cape. He was a Lizardian at least seven feet tall and over four hundred pounds of heavily bulked muscle. He was completely hairless. The tight red dress he wore under his cape with low neck line and thin shoulder straps barely covered his bulk. The dress skirt was split both sides to the hips. The knee length front panel was inadequate to hide the monstrous eighteen inch cock and massive balls that lurked beneath its thin material. The Lizardian wore nothing else save an inordinate amount of gold jewelry and gold color sandals with heels that brought his already substantial height up another four inches.

The Lizardian was on him. Grabbed hold of Brogyn by his tunic and flung him twenty feet across the dungeon floor tearing open Brogyn's tunic in the process. Brogyn regained his feet. Slipped out of his tunic and dropped it to the floor. Then, wearing just black boots, tights and brassier, faced the Lizardian in a combat stance.

Brogyn moved quickly with a flying thrust kick to the solar plexus that sent the giant stumbling backwards. He tripped and fell but came up fast with a chain in hand. Swung it hard. Brogyn blocked the chain with a forearm but the end caught him in the temple and his dizziness returned. That was enough for the Lizzardian who again struck Brogyn with the chain, harder this time. It made its mark and Brogyn blacked out.

When Brogyn came around his face was laid against the cold metal of a torture table where he was bound hands and feet with a chain through the iron restraining cuffs he'd examined earlier. The chain was wrapped tightly around the bottom struts of the torture table with a locking link holding Brogyn securely in position. Brogyn's was face down bent over the table with his feet on the ground. His hands were pulled down to the the sides of the table holding his chest and abdomen against it.

Brogyn struggled against his chains making the Lizardian laugh. Brogyn took a strong grip on the chain and pulled with all his might. They did not give one little bit. The Lizardian laughed hardily.

He spoke in clear English. "I have five times your strength Terrian and even I, Artorius, the strongest of all Lizardians can not break those chains. You are of Star Command. I know you and long have I waited. At last revenge shall be mine."

As Brogyn struggled anew the Lizardian stepped behind and pulled Brogyn's tights over his ass and down onto his thighs. Then he laughed again.

"What is this?" The Lizzarding mocked. "A man of Star Command with such a tiny cock as this."

Again he laughed hardily. Drew the front panel of his dress skirt aside, took his monster appendage in hand and stroked it to make himself hard. He positioned behind Brogyn.

"Feel what a real cock is Terrian."

Brogyn felt the tip of the Lizardian's monster cock pushed against his anal ring. He tried to keep it clenched but with a powerful thrust from the giant's hips it pushed through into his anal canal. And a second merciless thrust drove it deep into Brogyn's rectum.

Brogyn had had his ass fucked many many times with all manor and size of cocks and some very formidable toys. This was perhaps one of the largest. Most certainly It was most aggressive fucking he'd ever taken. Having his ass reamed didn't bother him. What made him struggle mightily against his chains was that he was being forced against his will, rapped!

The Lizardian took hold Brogyn's long braid and pulled his head back while he fucked him. Brogyn pulled against his chains.

"Yes," the Lizarian said, "struggle Terrian. This pleases me. Struggle more."

To his delight Brogyn did struggle more. Artorius was close to cumming. He let go the braid, stood upright with his bald head tilted back. Brogyn heard him cry out as the Lizardian's hot cum filled his rectum. His lust satisfied the Lizardian withdrew his cock from Brogyn's ass, went and picked up a two sided broad axe.

"Now I shall take your head," the Lizarian giant said as he raised the axe overhead with both hands...

When Ulan woke up he was lying on a stone terrace at the top of a broad set of steps out side of what looked like a stone chapel. A crowd had gathered below in a large courtyard encircled by huge standing stones. A robed Ankorian with long white hair was deliberating with a giant figure in a hooded red cape. A Lizarian, Ulan thought as he tried to shake off the drug. The Lizarian left taking with him Ulan's back pack and wrist com. Two Ankorian monks pulled Ulan to his feet.

"What's going on here?" Ulan asked still groggy.

The white haired one, whom seemed to be the priest in charge, undid the buttons to Ulan's tunic while the other two monks held him by the arms.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Ulan protested.

Ulan struggle as they tore off his tunic. The white haired priest slapped him hard across the face. Ulan was stunned as they turned him to face the crowd, held there in just his white boots, tights and brassier.

The head priest spoke to the gathering. "Long have we waited for a means by which to end the reign of the monster who calls himself Andromeades the heQueen of Kor. Long have our minds fought freedom from that devil's control. Now at last we have found it."

"I don't understand," said Ulan. "I am a visitor here. I know nothing of..."

"Silence!" The priest hollered as he again slapped Ulan. "The monster Andromeades has brought upon us one likened to him. Those who are man yet liken to woman. Those who are an abomination to the faith." He raised up his arms. "By fire shall we cleans, as by fire as we shall one day cleans the monster Andromeades. What shall be done with a he bitch as such is this abomination?"

"Burn the he bitch! Burn the he bitch!" The crowd chanted. "Burn the he bitch! Burn the he bitch!"

The priest walked down the steps and the monks dragged Ulan in a daze down behind him. They bound him with hands behind his back to a pole in the center of a pier. And to his horror Ulan realized that these people, whom he thought were so gentle and open to strangers, meant to burn him alive at the stake, as were witches in ancient history burnt.

"Burn the he bitch!" Burn the he bitch!" They chanted as torch bearers surrounded the pier.

"Brogyn, help me!" Ulan screamed

End of part four.

Next: Chapter 5

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