Angel of Mine

By moc.emani@12sredils

Published on May 6, 2002


Note: I wanted this to be longer but I'm going away for a few days for some vacation and I figured that I'd post what I had finished already. I honestly don't know how long this story will be but I hope you guys are liking it so far.

**************** Angel of Mine 3 ****************

*********** Jason's POV ***********

"So, how did you and Alecx hook up?" Ryan asked me softly as we watched the sun setting in the horizon. I hate to admit it but I was having such a great time with Ryan. I never felt this good with anyone ever.

"We were friends at Columbia," I told him simply. "I didn't really know she was engaged to be married already until a few days ago. You're probably hoping things won't work between Alecx and me and that she get back together with Mike, huh?"

"Actually," Ryan smiling at me sheepishly. "I kinda like you being my brother-in-law rather than Mike. He's an okay guy but he's kinda dumb."

"That's the reason why you punched me yesterday," I said with a laugh.

"Hey, I was just surprised," Ryan said to me defensively. "We were talking about the wedding plans and then you come and tell us you knocked up my sister. I always taught city guys were arrogant bastards. I didn't know you were an okay guy. It would be really fun having you for a brother-in-law."

"I'm not even sure if Alecx and I will get married," I started to feel uncomfortable lying like this to Ryan. "I mean, who know what will happen in the future."

"What about your baby?" Ryan gave me a weird look. "You don't want her to grow up without a father, right?"

"It's---really complicated Ryan," I sighed out deeply.

"You're not married, are you?" Ryan looked at me curiously. I know why. Alecx was a very beautiful girl. Very funny and very talented. If I were straight, I'd want her for my girlfriend. But I was gay and I didn't want her. I wanted her brother.

"Of course not," I shook my head.

"Then why are you so hesitant to end up with Alecx," Ryan said slowly. "Don't her?"

"I do," I wanted to laugh just then. If I didn't love Alecx, I wouldn't have agreed to her insane plan. "I just never imagined that our relationship would end up like this."

"She'll make you very happy Jason, trust me," Ryan nodded his head positively.

"Maybe," I avoided looking at his eyes.

"Why are you---" Ryan started to ask but I stood up.

"We'd better go back to the house," It was starting to get dark and I know that we had been out for far too long now. I don't want Alecx to suspect that I was liking her brother's company far too much.

"So, are we going to see Father Walker or not?" I asked Alecx as she was sitting on the bed and putting on some night cream.

"Tomorrow morning," Alecx sighed out deeply.

"You should have just told your father the truth," I grinned at her as I was sitting on the couch, trying to read some reports I brought along.

"So, what did you and Ryan do all afternoon?" Alecx said as she changed the topic.

"He drove me around the farm then we had a picnic on some hill," I said to her.

"The one with the old oak tree?" Alecx looked at me in surprise.

"Yeah, what's the matter?" I looked at her quizzically.

"Nothing," Alecx shook her head at me but she was still giving me this weird look. I wanted to ask her what was really wrong but I decided to drop the subject. I didn't want to talk too much about what I did all afternoon. She might realize I was attracted to Ryan.

********** Ryan's POV **********

I was eating some ice cream at midnight when I heard someone walking down the stairs. I kinda hoped it was Jason again. I felt a stupid smile forming as I got the image of me feeding some ice cream to Jason. But I was Alecx and not Jason that came in the kitchen.

"Hey," Alecx smiled at me. "Can't sleep?"

"Nope," I shook my head as I ate another spoonful of the ice cream. Alecx got a spoon and joined me in eating the ice cream. We didn't speak for a while as we just ate the chocolate ice cream.

"I heard you took my friend to the hill for some picnic," Alecx said to me as she got up and got two glasses of water.

"So?" I tried to act nonchalant.

"The same hill where you said you'll take your soulmate on a picnic the first chance you'll get?" Alecx sat back down and gave me a quizzical look.

"So?" I willed myself to stay calm.

"Correct me if I'm wrong but you did say before that the first person you'll take on a picnic there is gonna be your soulmate, right?" Alecx raised an eyebrow at me.

"Look," I sighed out deeply, trying not to show just how flustered I really was. "Mom told me to take Jason somewhere when you were starting to get in a shouting match with dad. It was just the first thing that came to my mind."

"So it was my fault that you broke your promise to take some stupid bitch up there, huh?" Alecx said with a laugh. "Sorry Ryan. I hope you and Jason had fun though."

"He's a pretty cool guy," I tried to sound casual about it. We ate in silence again for a while. "Umm, so, you and Jason are gonna get married?"

"I don't know," Alecx gave me a sort of comical look. "Let's see what happens tomorrow."

"If it means anything, I approve," I tried hard to give my sister a happy smile. I knew that Jason couldn't end up with me so it's much better if he makes Alecx happy. "I think he'll be a very good husband to you and a very good father to your baby."

"I know that," Alecx stood up and grinned at me. "I know I'm very very lucky that I met Jason. I'd better go back to sleep. Night Ryan." I watched Alecx walk out of the kitchen. I sighed out deeply and started to eat more ice cream. Alecx seems to really love Jason. There goes my only hope that Jason and I can be together.

I saw Jason out in the back porch again the following morning. I knew I shouldn't really get too close to him especially with the talk I had with Alecx last night. I shouldn't get in the way of those two even if I get this feeling that Jason might just like me even a little bit. But I felt myself walking up beside Jason again.

"Hey," I greeted him softly.

"Hey yourself," Jason smiled at me.

"Excited about your marriage counseling session today?" I asked him slowly, not really sure if I wanted to hear his answer.

"No, not really," Jason looked at me kinda uncomfortably. "This wasn't really what Alecx and I had in mind when we made plans to go here."

"Alecx would make a good wife," I whispered to him. "She'll make you really happy."

"She'll definitely gonna make someone very happy someday," Jason agreed with me. I looked at him in surprise. Is that the way a guy is supposed to talk about the woman that's carrying his baby?

"You're gonna marry Alecx, right?" I asked him softly.

"That's what your father wants," Jason said with a laugh.

"And what do you want?" I almost can't breath. I kinda got this feeling that he wanted me. He wanted to be with me. But I knew that is was only a stupid wish of mine.

"I want to be able to hold someone," Jason whispered as he looked at the horizon. "I want to be with someone who can love me, who'll love to be with me. Someone that would love all my strengths and my weaknesses. Someone who would be there for me in spite of all my flaws and shortcomings."

"And that someone isn't Alecx?" I didn't know why but I reached out and touched his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Alecx is a very very good friend of mine," Jason looked at me again. I stared at his deep blue eyes. I felt myself drowning as I stared at him. The longer I stare at his face, the more perfect he becomes. "I know that I would be happy if we ended up together. But----" Jason trailed off as he broke our gaze and looked at the rising sun again.

"But what?" I croaked out. I wanted to remain calm but there was this insane voice inside my head that was telling me that the but Jason was talking about involves me. That he wanted to marry my sister but he fell in love with me. I just looked at Jason, waiting patiently for his answer.

"Hey," Alecx suddenly showed up behind us. I quickly pulled my hand away and looked at Alecx in embarrassment.

"Hey," Jason looked at my sister. There was nervousness in his voice as he spoke. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I always wake up early," Alecx pouted as she stood between us. "You sound like I always sleep late."

"I have to call you up every day so you can go to work on time," Jason said dryly at her.

"You think that was bad?" I grinned at Jason weakly. "I have to almost knock down her door when she was still here. I'm always late at school because of Alecx. It almost seems like she was always taking sleeping pills at night."

"That's what I always say," Jason laughed out loudly.

"Fine," Alecx pouted at us. "I won't make you guys breakfast." She then walk back inside the house, leaving Jason and me alone.

"Hey," I looked at Jason nervously. "Since Alecx won't be making us breakfast, how about I treat you at the diner in town? They have this amazing breakfast plate. I know you'll like it."

"Sounds like a plan," Jason nodded his head. "But I have to be back here by 10 am. Your dad is driving me and Alecx to Father Walker."

"I know," I nodded my head. I knew this was a stupid plan but I was telling myself that I was just trying to make Jason comfortable since he was going to be my brother-in-law. But deep down inside, I know that I was treating him to breakfast because I wanted to spend more time with him alone. Because whenever I'm alone with Jason, he makes me feel like I'm the only one that matter in his life.

************* ToBeContinued *************

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Next: Chapter 4

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