Angela Cartwright at a Crossroads

By Titan Hoop Club

Published on May 18, 2024




This is a work of lesbian celebrity fiction. Names are used without permission, and the sexual scenarios existed only in the imagination of the author. If you are offended by a teenage actress having sex with an older woman, please stop reading immediately.

(Lesbian Celebrity)

16-year-old actress, Angela Cartwright, was at a career crossroads. Having been actively employed in the film and television industry since she was a one-year-old, Angela suddenly found herself out of work for the first time after the cancellation of Lost in Space in 1968, following its three-season run.

With an impressive resume that included seven seasons as a regular on the Danny Thomas Show, and a notable role as Brigitta Von Trapp in the blockbuster film, The Sound of Music, Angela couldn't understand why her phone wasn't ringing.

Unknown to her, a number of factors were in play. Angela was so-well known from her television roles that she was already type-cast, and only being considered for light-weight fluff. Additionally, at 16-years-old, she could no longer play a precocious child, nor was she mature enough to be considered for leading lady roles.

Wanting answers, she made an appointment to meet with her agent. Ross Morton had been booking roles for Angela since she was five. His conversation with the pretty, raven-haired teen was frank. She might need to take a more adult role that was out-of-character. He explained that could help her to break her out of her child star personae.

As Angela drove back to her San Fernando Valley home, she wondered if she could pull off portraying a runaway, a drug addict, a brutalized victim, or some other role that might be available to her. Unfortunately, all she could do was wait.

Two weeks later, she received a call from Morton. He was obviously nervous as he spoke to Angela over the phone. "Honey," he began. "I told you that we were going to look at roles that might be out of your comfort range."

"Yes, I know," Angela said. She was curious why her agent was having such a hard time talking to her? "What's wrong, Ross?" "Nothing... nothing." He said in a clipped response. "Just hear me out."

"I've been talking to Roger Vadim. Are you familiar with him?" Of course, Angela was familiar with the French filmmaker, who was known for his famous romances with Brigitte Bardot, Jane Fonda, and a host of beautiful women.

"Well, he's working on a film that will be very controversial. It involves a school girl involved in a secret lesbian relationship with her school teacher." Morton waited for Angela to say something. "Vadim, huh?" Angela finally asked. "Where will it shoot?"

"Paris." Morton answered succinctly. "Because of the subject matter, it has to be shot in France. They don't have the sexual hang-ups that we have in the U.S." Morton felt odd discussing anything sexual with the young actress that he had known since before she began losing baby teeth.

"Catherine Deneuve is expected to play the school teacher." This name really intrigued Angela. Deneuve was a beautiful 25-year-old, and was one of the hottest actresses in French cinema.

"Can I get a script?" Cartwright asked. "Of course," Morton answered. "One more thing," he added. "The role requires some nudity, and simulated lesbian sex." "Oh," was Angela's only reply.

After reading the script, Angela was impressed by the dramatic content of the story. Her character, Millie, was a sexually repressed American teenage girl, unloved by her mother, she was made to live in a French boarding school. The teacher had experienced a traumatic break-up with her fiancée, and found herself strangely captivated by the new American girl.

Arrangements were made for Angela to meet with Vadim, who would be in Los Angeles to secure independent financing for the controversial film, tentatively entitled, A Different Kind of Love.

Having recently received her driver's license, Angela drove her new Mustang to the Malibu beach house that Vadim and wife, Jane Fonda, were renting.

Trying to ride the razor-thin line between mature young adult and jail bait ingenue, Angela chose her wardrobe carefully: A multi-colored Carnaby Street mini-dress. Feeling that white or yellow tights would make her look too juvenile, Angela chose to go bare-legged beneath the short dress.

The 5'5" black-haired teen beauty checked her lipstick in the Mustang's rearview mirror. Straightening her short dress, she knocked on the door. Roger Vadim answered. At 6'1" he was taller and more handsome than Angela had imagined. In the European style, he kissed the smiling 16-year-old actress on both cheeks and invited her inside.

Vadim had viewed recent episodes of Lost In Space, but was surprised at how much the beautiful young actress had matured since those episodes had been filmed.

Angela demurely crossed her legs as she sat on Vadim's couch. Her short dress had climbed up her young thighs as she sat. Vadim apologized that Fonda was out for the afternoon.

Vadim explained that the beautiful, blonde 25-year-old. Deneuve, would be playing older than type in the film. Vadim related that he envisioned Deneuve's character would be in her late 20's, and frustrated at being unmarried. The attraction to the teenage girl would be unexpected, and somewhat frightening to Deneuve's character.

Although well-acquainted with Angela's resume, Vadim had several questions regarding the 16-year-old's dramatic roles and the sexual content that would be involved in the film that was being planned.

Vadim asked, "Have you ever kissed a girl, my dear?" Angela shook her head "no," but said decisively, "I'm an actress. I've been portraying different characters for a long, long time."

Handing Angela an updated script, Vadim read the lines for Sylvie, the school teacher. The pretty 16-year-old read her lines believably. Angela surprised the director by giving off just the right vibe of repressed girl-girl angst in her interactions with the attractive, mature, boarding school teacher.

Vadim began to imagine the pretty, dark-haired girl lying naked and making love with the vivacious and beautiful, Deneuve.

Finally, the script called for the teacher and pupil to kiss for the first time. Vadim leaned in and planted a sensual kiss on Angela's lips. This move caught the teenager very much off guard. Trying to remain in character, Angela did her best to return Vadim's kiss -- Hoping that it was only part of the impromptu audition.

Things changed when the 40-year-old placed his eager hand on one of Angela's young, developing breasts. Jumping up from the couch, Angela excused herself, and said that she was already late for another appointment, and tried to make her way to the front door.

Vadim was noticeably disappointed. It was indeed a rare occasion when he was rebuffed by a young actress. Putting his hands on both of Angela's shoulders, he didn't try to force himself on the teenage girl. Instead, he explained that although he thought that Angela was the exact type that he was looking for, he feared that the 16-year-old lacked the life experiences to handle the mature love scenes that would be required. Vadim correctly assumed that Angela was still a virgin.

Vadim's words stung the young actress who had been working successfully all of her life. As she drove home, she had to admit that unlike some girls her age, she had never allowed one of her few dates to even get to "second base" with her. Further, she had no idea what sex with another woman would entail.

Not wanting to confide in her sister, Veronica, who was three years older than Angela, and a successful actress in her own right. Angela, instead, chose to call her friend and former co-star, Marta Kristen.

Despite their seven-year age difference, the two young women were quite close. The petite, gorgeous, blonde had even remarked to Angela that she had noticed how nicely the teenager's budding breasts had developed over the past three seasons of filming. Judging by his surreptitious looks, costar, Billy Mumy, had noticed as well, she laughed to herself.

Angela thought of Marta because the young actress had once admitted to Angela that she had briefly dipped into the "girl pool" when she was 18 and trying out different things. While it had been exciting, she explained, Marta realized that she was heterosexual and had recently become engaged.

Marta was more than a little surprised when Angela explained the possible role in the French film. Marta had never known Angela to have a "real date," other than ones that the studio and fan magazines set up for publicity purposes.

The blonde 23-year old had a hard time imagining Angela as a heartsick lesbian teen. But this was show business, and Marta understood Angela's desire to break free from juvenile roles.

Telling Angela that she would get back to her, Marta thought of her friend, make-up artist Hannah Milhouse. While many homosexuals in Hollywood remained carefully hidden in the closet, Hannah was very upfront about her lesbianism, and would often pick up young models, actresses, and stewardesses at the westside lesbian bars that were beginning to sprout up.

"I knew you'd come around again," Hannah said with a laugh as Marta questioned her about how to meet women. The pair had once hooked up a couple of years earlier.

"The information's not for me," Marta assured her lesbian friend. Marta was careful not to reveal that she was inquiring on behalf of 16-year-old Angela Cartwright. Hannah informed Marta that the Pink Fox in West Hollywood was a good place to meet women.

Taking another shot at bedding the gorgeous 23-year-old, Marta disappointed the promiscuous lesbian make-up artist by informing her that she was engaged. "Too bad," Hannah said succinctly, happily remembering her once feasting on Marta's golden-haired pussy.

Angela nervously drove to the Pink Fox one evening. Marta had warned her that due to her young age she might not even be able to get in.

The teenager quickly learned that pretty girls were never turned away from the Pink Fox. Angela was dressed in what she considered one of her most mature outfits: A clinging paisley mini-dress, with knee-high laced suede boots.

Angela was letting her bobbed, black-hair grow out again. It was already at shoulder-length. Gone too were her trademark bangs. Opting instead to part her straight hair down the middle, as was the current fashion for young women and girls.

Feeling that she couldn't possibly look more mature, the seasoned actress confidently entered the lesbian bar. It was already dark outside, and even darker inside the small bar. Angela tried not to appear to be shocked as she observed women of different ages dancing with each other, and even kissing!

Angela sat down at a table for two and ordered a Coca Cola. The waitress was obviously aware that the girl was underage, but said nothing.

Several women asked the pretty, black-haired girl to dance, but Angela demurred with a smile, saying "Maybe later."

One woman who appeared to be in her mid-30's approached the teenager. "It's noisy in here, isn't it?" The woman asked. Unlike the others, she boldly sat down in the empty chair. Angela though to herself, "Maybe I won't be so nervous if I have someone to talk to."

"Yes, it's very noisy," Angela practically yelled in response, "But I like the music." The song, The Look of Love by Dusty Springfield was playing on the jukebox. Couples began pairing up to slow dance to the romantic ballad. Some of the regulars knew that Dusty was also a "sister of Sappho," and would sometimes visit the bar when she was in Los Angeles.

"I'm Vivian Bell," said the attractive older woman. Angela thought the pretty blonde looked a lot like Angie Dickinson, and even had a similar, teased blonde hairdo. The woman extended her hand. Angela shook hands with the attractive stranger, and smiled, as she had been so carefully trained to do. Vivian's most prominent feature was an impressive pair of breasts, which were prominently highlighted in a tight, cashmere sweater.

"I'm um, Alice Vail," Angela lied, using the name from a My Three Sons episode that she had filmed a few years earlier. Angela didn't like to lie, and could feel her heart beating rapidly as the 30-something woman continued a friendly conversation, while carefully avoiding the obvious question, "What are you doing in here?"

Vivian was an Executive Secretary in the contracts department of Paramount Pictures, and was very aware of Angela Cartwright's true identity, and probable age. Vivian had been a fan of both, Make Room for Daddy, and Lost In Space.

Angela was already 5'5", and stylishly dressed in her paisley mini-dress. Vivian knew that the beautiful girl before her couldn't be more than 15 or 16-years old. For whatever reason, Angela was trying to be incognito by giving a phony name. Vivian wasn't sure of Angela's true intentions, but she thought it best to go along, and pretend that she didn't recognize the young actress in the dark bar.

"Alice, do you go to college?" Vivian was also willing to pretend that Angela was an older young woman. Remembering that she had used the name Alice, Angela replied, "Yes. I'm a sophomore at UCLA."

The two women built up a quick rapport. Angela didn't feel the least bit threatened by Vivian, who didn't appear to be any different looking than any of her mother's younger friends, or women that she had met at the studios.

Seeing that "Alice" was tapping her fingers to the hit song, Mony, by Tommy James and the Shondells, Vivian quickly asked the girl if she would like to dance? Angela loved the upbeat, bubble-gum rock song, and happily accepted.

In 1968, it wasn't unusual for even the straightest of girls to together during fast songs. In the fashion of the time, dancing partners didn't touch, and would dance free-form however he or she chose. Angela didn't feel at all self-conscious as she did her own version of the "Frug."

Angela couldn't help but notice Vivian's big boob bounce from side-to-side in her tight, cashmere sweater as she tried to keep up with the energetic teen on the dance floor, with her own sexy version of the "Shimmy."

Suddenly, the two-plus minute song was over, and the Beatles' Hey Jude began to play. Vivian took "Alice" into her strong arms for the seven-minute opus. Both women were good dancers. However, the 16-year-old blushed as the older woman pressed her big boobs into the slender body of the dark-haired teen.

When the song was over, "Alice" suggested that they return to the table. She was relieved that Vivian hadn't tried to take any undue liberties with her on the dance floor. Really, it hadn't been much different than when she and her Sound of Music costar, Heather Menzies, used to practice dancing together between movie takes.

Vivian skillfully hid her lusty attraction to the young actress. Angela had worked all of her life, and had few, if any, friends outside of show business. Vivian was proving to be fun and interesting, and had a unique perspective on life. Vivian being a lesbian seemed almost an afterthought, Angela thought.

Dance to the Music, by Sly and the Family Stone came on the jukebox, and "Alice" practically insisted that Vivian dance with her, even pulling her by the hand from the small table.

When the song ended, and there was a moment of quiet, Vivian whispered in the teenager's ear, "Why don't we go back to my place to talk. It's just around the corner."

Angela hesitated for a moment, and then remembered that her whole purpose for her visit to the Pink Fox was to do some research on lesbians. "Alice" nodded her head in assent, and retrieved her purse.

While not exactly "around the corner," the apartment was nevertheless nearby to the small lesbian bar. Vivian lived in an attractive one-bedroom Hollywood apartment, not far from the Melrose Avenue location of Paramount Pictures. Vivian hadn't revealed that she worked in the entertainment industry, even if behind the scenes, simply explaining that she worked as an Executive Secretary.

Welcoming "Alice" inside, Vivian had been careful not to ask too many questions about UCLA. Angela looked around the comfortable apartment. It was tastefully decorated, not unlike her own home, and there was not the slightest trace of a "lesbian den," whatever that might entail.

Knowing that "Alice" liked music, Vivian put the Beatles' Rubber Soul album on her turntable. Angela thought that Vivian was pretty hip for a woman of her age.

Telling "Alice" to make herself comfortable, Vivian pulled a couple of Tab sodas from her refrigerator, and sat down beside the beautiful teen.

Angela complained that her new, suede boots were pinching her feet. "Oh, the price we girls pay for fashion," Vivian said. Kneeling down, Vivian began to unlace the knee-high boots. "Alice" sighed with relief when they were removed, and wiggled her little toes with satisfaction as she sipped on her Tab soda.

Vivian slipped her arm around Angela's shoulder. She did it in such an easy, comfortable manner that Angela didn't feel nervous or threatened as they continued to talk.

After some time, Vivian surprised Angela when she leaned in and delivered a brief, closed-mouth kiss on the teenager's lips. Instead of running barefoot for the door, Angela remembered that she was there to do research for a role, and allowed the 30-something woman to kiss her again.

After a few, similarly chaste kisses, Vivian upped the ante, and gently slipped her tongue into the young girls' mouth. Angela had heard of French-kissing, but the virginal teen had never actually experienced it until now. Vivian's kisses were warm and tender, and the introduction of her tongue was somehow extra exciting as it danced in her young mouth.

"It's Only Love" played softly on the hi-fi as Vivian began to caress the young girl's back. Finding the zipper on Angela's paisley mini-dress, the older woman gave it a slow pull. Angela was enjoying the first real sexual contact of her young life, but internally wondered how long she would allow things to go on?

Her question was quickly answered when Vivian's practiced fingers unhooked Angela's B-cup bra. The teenager panicked, and suddenly rose from the couch, alarmed. "My name's not Alice," she blurted out. "My name is Angela... Angela Cartwright. I'm an actress."

"I know." Vivian purred softly. "Just relax, darling," the older woman intoned.

With the back of her dress unzipped, and her bra unhooked, Angela held both hands in front of her to keep her clothes from falling on the floor.

Lifting one of Angela's hands, her loose, unclasped white bra was exposed. Vivian pressed Angela's hand against one of her own large breasts. The teenager could feel Vivian's bra beneath the soft cashmere of her sweater, and began to squeeze curiously.

Vivian lifted her top, leaving Angela to gape at the Executive Secretary's large, 38-D breasts. Vivian was wearing an old-style bullet bra, which made her big boobs appear to be pointy, like two ballistic missiles.

Distracted by Vivian's big breasts, the 30-something woman lowered Angela's fashionable mini-dress to the floor. Standing only in her unhooked white bra and panties, Angela briefly flailed with her hands and arms in an attempt to shield her nubile body.

Patiently, Vivian reached for Angela's hands and placed them behind her back. The teenager put up little resistance as Vivian began to gently caress the exposed parts of the teenager's youthful, blossoming body.

Angela's 16-year-old belly was flat and smooth. Vivian slowly traced around Angela's belly button, causing the teenager to giggle at being tickled. Gently rubbing Angela's soft shoulders and arms, Vivian leaned in to kiss the still-standing, increasingly-compliant former child-actress.

Angela closed her eyes when the older woman lowered her bra straps. Vivian's eager hands delicately explored Angela's blossoming, B-cup breasts. Angela's maturing tits bore the tan lines of a recent trip to the beach.

With Angela's eyes still closed tightly as if she were receiving a shot at the doctor's office, Vivian softly poked and prodded Angela's young boobs before devouring each of them in her eager mouth.

Angela opened her eyes to see the blonde, older woman feasting hungrily on her perky, young breasts. Vivian's tongue felt warm and soothing as it luxuriated on the teenager's small, erect, brownish nipples. Spontaneously, Angela reached down to stroke Vivian's teased hair, encouraging the Executive Secretary to go on. The teenager had already let things go on longer than she could ever have imagined.

Reassuring the 16-year-old with a kiss on the lips, Vivian opted not to scare Angela off by taking her straight away to her bedroom. Instead, she sat the topless teen on her comfortable couch. Continuing to seductively undress, Vivian removed her black Palazzo pants. Angela was surprised that the older woman was not wearing panties. Vivian's thick pubic hair was much darker than the blonde hair on her well-coiffed head.

Angela audibly gasped when the Executive Secretary released her massive boobs from the bullet bra. Even at 30-something, Vivian's breasts stood proudly upright, seemingly defying gravity. Vivian could see the eagerness now in Angela's eyes, and sat naked next to the still-panty-clad teenager.

Cradling the teen actress across her lap like a nursing baby, Vivian pressed Angela's face into her left breast, bracing Angela by her black-haired head. Angela took to Vivian's breast like the proverbial duck to water, greedily sucking and licking on the older blonde's pink nipple and areolae, while greedily fondling the other big boob with her free hand.

Carefully, Vivian began to probe the outside of Angela's white cotton panties. Eager for the prize within, Vivian took measured steps to ensure that she didn't frighten off the beautiful 16-year-old.

Angela was busily involved with Vivian's big boobs as the Paramount secretary's hand slowly descended beneath the elastic of Angela's panties. The older woman could feel the silky pubic hair of the teenage actress as she lowered her fingers toward Angela's virgin pussy.

Vivian had fucked more than her share of women, but she found herself unusually excited at the prospect of bedding the beautiful, young actress whom she had watched growing up on her TV screen.

Slowly rubbing Angela's labia in order to test the teenager's reaction, Angela offered no resistance, and quietly moaned. Vivian could feel the increasing wetness of Angela's young pussy in her probing hand.

Increasing her intensity with her hand, Angela began to squeal from this newfound pleasure. Removing Angela's panties, the 30-soming woman easily picked up the 5'5" 16-year-old and carried her to her bedroom.

Wanting to relish every inch of Angela's naked, teenage body, Vivian kept the lights on. The older woman looked down appreciatively at her unwrapped young prize. Angela looked slightly fearful, and placed her hands protectively across her slender chest.

Snuggling next to the teenager, Vivian ran her right hand beneath Angela's, and began to once again fondle Angela's tan-lined breasts. Leaning into Angela's smooth, young face, Vivian gently tongue-kissed the 16-year-old beauty. Vivian could feel Angela's heart swiftly beating beneath her.

Crawling atop Angela's slender body, Vivian spread Angela's young legs. Now in the missionary position, the 30-something began to slowly grind her crotch into Angela's pussy. Increasing her speed and intensity with each thrust, Angela wrapped her arms around Vivian's back as the older woman forcefully grinded her lower torso against the lovely teen.

With Angela gasping, Vivian rolled off the 16-year-old, and inserted a probing finger into Angela's black-haired pussy. Angela's hips and stomach undulated as the older woman twisted her lone finger in, out, and sideways of the virginal pussy of the young actress.

Just as Angela was about to orgasm, Vivian finished the teenager off with her experienced tongue. Angela laid on the bed spread eagled following her first-ever climax. Not content, Vivian continued boring into Angela's pussy with her well-practiced tongue until Angela orgasmed a second time.

Moving along Angela's slender body, Vivian pressed her big boobs into Angela's young face. The older woman giggled as she provocatively rolled them from side-to-side, teasingly slapping Angela's pretty face.

Eventually, straddling Angela's face with her dark, hairy pussy, the teenager had no choice but to orally comply. Doing research was one thing, Angela thought, but she could never have imagined that she would be licking her first pussy that very night.

Her first couple of licks were hesitant. Vivian's pussy bounced on Angela's lips in anticipation. Summoning all of her courage, Angela steeled her tongue and plunged it deeply into Vivian's pussy. While Angela's cunnilingus skills were decidedly inexpert, Vivian reveled in the fact that 16-year-old "Penny Robinson" was beneath her, licking her pussy.

The two women continued to have sex for some time before Angela noticed the alarm clock by Vivian's bed. Explaining that she would need to get home before her family "became suspicious," Angela began to dress.

Vivian, still laying naked in the bed, wished that the teenager could spend the night. However, she proclaimed that she "understood." Knowing that she would likely never see Angela again, Vivian wished that she could continue fucking the pretty television star for hours more.

Driving her new Mustang back to her San Fernando Valley home, Angela had done more than her share of "research" to play a teenage lesbian. Her first sexual encounter had been unexpectedly wonderful, and she hadn't had to endure the "wham bam" of an overeager boy taking her cherry.

The controversial French film would never be made. Unable to secure funding, Vadim moved the script from his coffee table to his bookshelf, and went on to other projects.

Angela would work sparingly over the next 50 years, including a 24-episode run in the Danny Thomas reboot, Make Room for Granddaddy. Married since 1976, Angela would use her creative talents to become an award-winning photographer.

The End.

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