
By Jo Jo

Published on Oct 7, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!


I want to say thank you to Beebs, Maddy, Chris B., Chris G. and everyone else who has continued to support my story!

Angst Episode 11 "The Get Together"

A new day was another day Adam was in my life.

"So Michelle totally surprised me the other day. Didn't you baby? Adam asked.

"Of course I did sweetie, have to keep the relationship steamy," Michelle replied.

Jade looked up from her locker.

"And how'd you manage to 'surprise' Adam? You tell him something important? Maybe something about one of your friends?" Jade asked.

Michelle put on her signature fake smile and crossed her arms.

"No, Jade. What are you talking about?"

All of us stared at Jade.

"Nothing. I gotta get to class," Jade said shutting her locker and walking off.

"Ah, let me handle this one," I sighed.

"All right man. See ya at lunch," Adam said. He put his arm around Michelle and walked off. I hurried to catch up with Jade.

"Not gonna jet set with Adam today? Or his girlfriend for that matter," Jade asked.

Uh oh, something major was up. But as smart as Jade was, she'd probably figure out a way to avoid telling me what was really wrong.

"Jade, what's the matter. And don't give me any bullshit about grades or anything because you'd never take that kind of frustration out on Michelle over grades," I said.

"You're right. Guess it just must be me on my period huh?" Jade asked.

What was she trying to do? Make my ears bleed?

"Jade, I've told you everything that's ever bothered me. Including me know," I said, lowering my head slightly.

Jade must have sensed my sincerity because she stopped walking and turned around, untense.

She looked around and then pulled me into an empty corridor.

"What would you do if you had this...friend, who was cheating on one of your other....friends with this friends best friend?" Jade asked.

"Okay, what?" I asked, scratching my head.

"Look I don't wanna say this. I'm not sure how it's going to affect things," Jade replied.

"Jade it would help if I had the vaguest idea what you were talking about," I said.

"I I KNOW, Michelle is cheating on Adam with Ryan," Jade replied.

"WHAT?" I asked, alarmed.

"I know. But we can't say anything yet," Jade said.

"What? Why not?" I asked defensively.

Jade sighed and turned her head.

"Adam"s still in a fragile state. Besides, I'm not exactly sure what to do," Jade sighed.

It was weird hearing Jade tell me that. She always knew what to do. And her not was the strangest thing.

But then, I didn't know what to do either. Telling Adam wasn't gonna make him happy. All I wanted was for him to be happy.

"So what do we do? Do we keep it secret?" I asked.

Jade lifted up off the wall slowly.

"I'm not sure. I can't tell him. I'm not the right person to do it. But if we do decide to say anything, it has to come from you. Adam would believe you on the spot," Jade sighed, walking off.

I felt bad for her. I could tell knowing something this big and not being able to solve it like she normally did everything else was killing her.

And me? I wasn't sure about it. It just seemed like Michelle cared about Adam almost more than I did. And cheating on him with his best friend seemed so......but Jade has never lied to me before. And even she ever had, she would never lie to me about Adam. She knew how I felt about him.

"Hey, what was that all about?" Alex asked walking up to me.

"I'm not sure yet. But when I figure it out, I'll let you now," I replied.

I looked back at Michelle and Ryan who were both laughing at something Adam had said.

I had to figure this out soon. I couldn't let the boy I loved with every fiber of my being be betrayed like this.

Especially with Michelle. I was gonna bring that hypocritical bitch down.

Adam sat lacing his shoestrings up. Football practice was about to start. There were only two more games left in the season and they were both important. After losing the first game, and winning all the rest, they had to win the last 2 in order to continue their 15 year winning streak. And of course that made everything a lot more stressful than usual.

"Hey man. You're gonna have to catch some fucking passes for once," Alex said to Ryan.

Adam stood up and walked over to his friends.

"Alex, maybe if the person throwing the passes was just a little bit more coordinated-"

"Aw not that shit again," Alex started.

"Guys this whole two-games-left-in-the-season thing is stressful enough without you two bitching like women," Adam said pulling over his shoulder pads.

"Speaking of women, you know sex is always a good outlet for stress. How many times have you and Michelle fucked in the past week?" Alex asked, a slow grin spreading on his face.

Ryan cleared his throat and grew rigid.

"Well, I haven't really.....things haven't exactly.....," Adam stopped trying to get ready.

Ryan tried his best to remain calm.

"Actually, I kinda get the feeling that Michelle's been cheating on me," Adam replied.

"What?" Alex asked, genuinely surprised.

Ryan shifted slightly.

"Yeah, and worse, I think it's with somebody I know," Adam continued.

Ryan knew exactly where this was heading. He had to stop it soon.

"Guys, practice, we can totally talk about this later," Ryan said, shakily.

"Don't you get it Ryan? If Michelle is cheating on Adam, then we have to find this guy," Alex started, getting slightly riled up.

"Michelle...cheating on Adam? Come on," Ryan said, chuckling nervously.

"Yeah Ryan. We have to find this guy and beat his ass," Alex replied.

Adam started to laugh hard.

Both Ryan and Alex stared at Adam who was laughing so hard, it looked as though he was having a heart attack.

"Dude, what the hell is so funny?" Alex asked.

Adam looked up.

"I completely had the both of you going. Come on, Michelle cheating on me? That would never happen," Adam replied continuing to suit up.

Ryan let out a sigh of relief.

At least he knew how Alex would react if he found out about him and Michelle. He was saved, for now. But for how long?

"Hey," I said, slowly.

Gino looked up and then back down.

"Hey," he replied.

I sat down and moved my lunch tray to the side.

"So, did you watch Heat Guy J yesterday?" I asked.

Gino looked up.

"Yeah. Had to, finale remember?" Gino said, smirking slightly.

I smiled a little as well. So far, so good.

"So, Gino started, where's Adam?" Gino asked.

Great, he had to start with this.

"He, Alex, and Ryan are at extended football practice. I don't think we'll be seeing Alex in economics today," I replied.

Gino looked as though he didn't really want to talk about Adam anymore.

"How's Jade? Is she okay?" Gino asked.

"Well, I've never really seen her not be able to solve something before. She's all conflicted," I replied.

"Yeah, I know what it's like to have a problem you can't do anything about," Gino said, shortly.

I looked down. I knew he was talking about me and Adam being best friends. I knew he felt like he wasn't at that level. And he wasn't. But that was because I was in love with Adam. I just didn't feel that way about Gino.

And maybe Gino felt like he couldn't compete.

"I just feel bad because I can't help her. And she's always been able to help me somehow," I sighed.

"You know, I might be able to help. If I knew what the problem was," Gino said.

Maybe he was right. Maybe he could help me to help Jade.

"Well, Jade seems convinced that Michelle is cheating on Adam with Ryan," I started.

"What?!" Gino asked, sounding just as shocked as I was when Jade told me.

"Yeah but, she isn't 100% sure, and I'm only 75% convinced. And she's not really sure how to tell Adam," I replied.

"I'm with you. I mean maybe I could see Michelle cheating on Adam, but with Ryan?" Gino said.

"I think what we need here is an intervention. Prove to ourselves and Adam that Michelle could be cheating on him," I replied.

What we really needed was to be wrong. But part of me wished it was true. Then maybe...........

"So, the funniest thing happened at practice today," Ryan tried to say.

Michelle stopped trying to inject her tongue into Ryan's mouth.

"Ryan, how many times do I have to tell you? I'm not interested in what you and Adam do at football practice," Michelle said unbuttoning Ryan's shirt.

Ryan wanted to tell her. But he was thoroughly enjoying his sexcapades with Michelle. He decided he needed to tell, but casually.

"Well Adam freaked me out," he started.

Michelle started to kiss up and down Ryan's chest.

"He ah, well he thought maybe you were cheating on him," Ryan tried to say nonchalantly.

Michelle sat up abruptly.


"Relax, he was just kidding. Keep going," Ryan replied.

Michelle climbed off of Ryan and sat back.

"That's it. He just said he thought I was cheating on him? Michelle asked, impatiently.

"Well he said that maybe you were cheating on him with someone he knew," Ryan replied.

Michelle began to bite her nails.

Ryan sat up and started to massage Michelle's shoulders.

"But he was kidding right? You said you thought he was joking," Michelle said.

"Well, yeah. It's so nothing we need to worry about," Ryan replied.

Michelle thought to herself. This was a bigger problem than Ryan made it out to be. She had to stop this.....after sex. Yeah she had to break up with Ryan tomorrow and find somebody else to be her boy toy.

Alex walked over to my dresser and placed his half full soda can a top it.

"So I think were gonna win these next two games," Alex said plopping onto my bed.

"Don't you have to?" I asked.

"Only cause Gino messed everything up that first game," Alex scowled, distaste in his voice.

"Come on, can't we all just get along? What ever happened to male bonding?" I asked playfully.

"Well, I can tell you the football team is very male bonded," Alex said seriously.

I decided I was gonna run with this moment while I had it.

"Yeah, I'll bet. All the football group orgies? Hey wait. Don't you guys all take showers together?"

"Say don't start. Football players don't think of their teammates that way."

I liked where this conversation was headed. It was the perfect opportunity for me to test how strong my friendship was with Alex. Gay or not.

"All guys think about other guys at least once in their lives," I spat out.

The reaction I got from Alex wasn't what I was expecting.

Alex shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe."

"So, have you?" I asked.

Alex looked me dead straight in the eyes. Making me wish I hadn't asked.

"I guess. Have you?"


It grew silent.

"I mean, not like fucking a guy or anything. Just wondering what it's like to kiss a guy. I know it sounds gay," Alex sighed.

"No, no. Actually, I've always wanted to know what it's like to kiss one too," I replied.

See there. Didn't I set that up nicely?

Alex and I stared at each other.

"You know, if we both wanna try it......I mean were friends right?" I said.

Alex's expression was unreadable.

"Okay, let's do this then," Alex replied.

I couldn't believe it. I was not only about to have my real first kiss with a guy, but with my best friend too!

I could feel the heat the both of us were generating as we got closer to each other.

Alex tilted his head, closed his eyes and leaned in.

I did the same.

Our lips met soon. His lips were soft. Softer than I would have thought. I could feel his tongue slide slightly into my mouth. I began to slide mine into his. We explored each others mouths for about 10 seconds. Then Alex pulled back. We both knew in order for the kiss to remain experimental, we couldn't kiss any longer.

"That was strange," Alex confessed, rubbing his lips.

Strange? No it was incredible.

"Yeah," I muttered.

"No offense fool, but you're a fuckin terrible kisser. I don't know if it's you or just the fact that you're a guy," Alex said.

"No, I'm pretty sure it was you," I laughed.

"So what was wrong with Jade earlier? She okay?" Alex asked sullenly changing the subject.

"Actually, she thinks Michelle is cheating on Adam with Ryan," I replied, almost jokingly.

I wanted to believe Jade, I did. And maybe I would if she hadn't said that the person Michelle was cheating on Adam with was Ryan.

I noticed that while I had a smile on my face, Alex looked deadly distraught.

"What?" I asked.

Alex stood up and moved over to my window ceil.

"You say Jade thinks Michelle is cheating on Adam with Ryan?" Alex asked, looking out the window.

"Well yeah, but come on...." I chuckled.

Alex crossed his arms and sighed.

"How could he have been right?" Alex mumbled.

"Alex, what are you talking about?" I asked.

Alex turned around and looked at me.

"Today at practice Adam completely freaked me and Ryan out cause he was saying that Michelle was cheating on him with someone he knew," Alex started.

"What!" I asked, almost shouted.

"Accept he said that he was joking. And I really thought he was. But Jade was upset this morning. We had practice in the afternoon, which means-"

"Jade was right. Michelle is cheating on Adam with Ryan," I finished.

I started pacing around nervously.

"We, we have tell him. Like now," I said turning towards my door to leave.

"Wait B," Alex said.

I turned around.

"Adam thought it was just a joke. And without proof that's all he's gonna think it is. Hell I wouldn't even have believed it if it weren't for Jade," Alex replied.

"Oh so what do you want me to do? Grab a camera and videotape Ryan and Michelle fooling around?" I asked sarcastically.

"No, I'm just saying that unless Adam sees it for himself, it's pointless for us to try and do anything," Alex replied.

Yeah okay how long though? How freakin long was it gonna take?

The next day was a day that I wanted to try to get through without screaming Michelle's mother fucking head off.

I spotted Adam alone, digging through his locker.

"Hey," I said.

I felt a little a nervous. I didn't exactly know what to say to him for fear of saying the wrong thing.

"You know what, I don't have any of my books. I haven't really used them all year, got by with yours, or Ryan's, but now...." Adam said, lifting all sorts of junk out the way.

"Ouch. Those things all cost at least fifty buck's," I said.

"Yeah well," Adam said shutting his locker. "I'll find em latter. So, what's up?"

Ahhh, the sky.....see, I actually considered saying that.

Luckily, I was sparred having to respond.

"Hey guys. Planning another wild and hip party?" Krystal asked walking up with Jade.

"Yeah, when was the last time we had one of those?" Adam asked.

"Ah, two weeks ago," Alex responded walking up behind me.

Michelle was walking down the hallway about to greet Adam when all of a sudden she was rushed into the closet she and Adam normally met in.

"Wanna play doctor?" Ryan asked rubbing Michelle against the wall.

Michelle pushed him off.

"Ryan, we need to talk," Michelle started.

"Okay, you can be the doctor this time. I'll be the patient in need of sexual healing," Ryan said kissing on Michelle's neck.

"Ryan I'm serious, we need to talk," Michelle replied.

"Where is my beautiful girlfriend today? You seen her today Krys?" Adam asked.

Even Krystal looked weird. Which means Jade must have told her her suspicions as well.

"Or Ry?" Adam said.

Alex, Jade, Krystal, and I looked anywhere but at Adam.

"What's going on? Did one of em die or something?" Adam chuckled.

None of us replied.

"Alright well I'm gonna go get a soda. But when I come back, I want you all to tell me what's bothering you," Adam replied walking off.

"How much do you wanna bet Ryan is with Michelle right now?" Krystal asked.

"I just don't understand why they're doing it though. To Adam," Jade said.

"Hey guys," Gino said greeting all of us.

All of us looked at him.

"Okay, I killed the mood again I see," Gino said.

"No it's not you, it's Michelle and Ryan," Jade replied.

"Ryan we have to stop this. I can't do this anymore," Michelle said, with difficulty, as Ryan was doing certain....things to her.

"Sure you can babe. You're not ugly yet," Ryan spoke.

"No, I mean we can't fuck around anymore. I'm breaking this thing off," Michelle replied.

Adam didn't seem to believe Michelle and just kept going.

Michelle decided to let him get his last thrill. But like she said, it was over.

"So Michelle and Ryan are off doing the nasty again are they? I still don't think it's right that all of us know that Michelle is cheating on Adam with Ryan and Adam doesn't," Gino said.

"WHAT!" Adam asked, surprising all of us.

I quickly turned around.

"Adam!" I said.

Adam walked straight past me and up to Gino.

"What the fuck man? You trying to be funny!" Adam shouted grabbing Gino by the collar of his shirt.

"Adam stop!" Jade exclaimed.

"Adam, I'm sorry you had to hear it that way. But Gino wasn't kidding," I said.

Adam kept a firm grip on Gino.

"So all of you knew and didn't tell me!" Adam shouted, still holding on to Gino.

"We didn't know how," I replied.

Adam glared at Gino then tossed him aside.

Gino went further than Adam wanted him to go and accidentally knocked into the fire alarm.

People all around us began running past us frantically.

Adam began to walk down the hallway.

All of us caught up with him.

"Adam! Adam!" I called out.

"Some friends I have. A two timing girlfriend too. Maybe I should have moved!" Adam shouted.

"Adam!" I shouted.

It was complete chaos. People were running past us shouting and screaming not really paying attention to us. Not to mention the loud fire alarms whirring too.

"Michelle and Ryan together....."Adam said.

Ryan continued to kiss all over Michelle.

"Wait, Ryan do you hear that? The fire alarm," Michelle said.

"So what. More time for us then," Ryan replied.

Michelle gruffly pushed Ryan off of her.

"Dammit Ryan," Michelle said.

Ryan looked up.

"So, it really is over then?" he asked.

Michelle looked into his eyes.

Her shirt was unbuttoned, her hair was messy. Same with Ryan. This was as over as it was ever gonna get.

"Adam! Adam stop," I shouted.

Adam looked around.

He didn't want to be here right now.

He just wanted to hide and think.

He saw a nearby closet. The same one he and Michelle had......anyways he knew it would be empty.

He ran ahead of everybody and flew open the door.

What he saw inside, wasn't what he wanted to see at all.

He took 5 steps back. By that time everyone caught up to him.

"Adam!" I said, nearly out of breath.

I noticed Adam had this strange look on his face. Like he'd seen a ghost in the closet.

All of our jaws dropped once we saw why Adam looked the way he did.

"'s true then," Adam said.

Michelle and Ryan stopped. Both of them started trying to fix their clothes and hair.

"Adam, wait before you say anything, It not what it looks like," Michelle started.

"Really? And what do you think I think it looks like?" Adam asked.

"I was breaking it off with Ryan," Michelle replied.

"Ohh, and it totally shows too," Adam said, getting louder.

"Adam please, I'm sorry," Michelle said beginning to cry.

"Yeah, me too. I'm sorry that none of my friends...or who I thought were friends can be honest with me. And I'm sorry I had a skank for a girlfriend for two years," Adam replied.

"Adam...." Michelle said, crying.

"Save it. From now on, you're all on your own," Adam said walking off, through the chaos.

And for some strange reason I didn't move. I knew I'd let Adam down. And the truth was, I didn't deserve him as a friend. None of us did.

Comments? Questions? Concerns? Disses? Anythings welcome, and you'll always get a reply so dont be afraid to send me an email!

Next: Chapter 12

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