
By Jo Jo

Published on Jun 30, 2004


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 3 "The Mistake"

As humiliating as Friday was for me, I still felt that it was nothing compared to how fucked up my life is without constant humiliation.

But that wasn't the thing that had me so bothered. It was, well............

Why was homework so hard to finish? Actually it was probably because I had a lot on my mind. Gino, that sonuvabitch had humiliated me not once, but TWO FUCKING TIMES in the course of a week.

So much so that I wasn't going to talk to Alex at all until Monday. I was way too ashamed. I mean it was always going to be there. Some lingering feeling of-

I stopped and froze. There was someone trying to get through my window. I looked over at my clock. It was exactly 12:53a.m.

Alex knew I wasn't going to talk to him, not that he wanted to talk to me after the whole football thing and me not showing up and all......and Jade rarely talked to me or Alex on the phone and I knew she'd never try to get into my house by window.

Which meant, oh yeah, a robber.

I slowly got up and grabbed my baseball bat. I crept toward my window. This sucker was gonna see stars in 3....2....

"Wait. Wait wow!!!" A very familiar voice said.

I peered through the darkness and stared into those unbelievable gorgeous eyes. Green and piercing. Ones I knew could only belong to--

''Adam!?!" I gasped.

"Sure are jumpy. Trying to hide something?" he chuckled.

I realized I was still clutching the bat hard and placed it against the wall.

This wasn't happening was it. Up until Monday, Adam hadn't spoken but two words to me (move loser) and now he was actually in my room, talking to me.

I watched very carefully as Adam took off his shoes and laid on my bed in such a fashion that would suggest that he and I were the best of buds.

"Ah, not that I hate it or anything, but what are you doing here?" I asked

"Came to check on you. That Gino's such a stupid mother fucking dick sometimes. Okay, all the time," Adam replied.

He was still acting as though just showing up in my room was something he did on an average basis.

"What are you talking about? You think I'm a loser too," I said coldly.

He may have been the most beautiful thing my eyes had ever laid on, but that didn't change the fact that he was still an asshole.

"Look, I really am usually just joking. I got nothing against you," he said.

Then, like it wasn't even happening at all, he started towards me in a distinctly seductive manner.

"In fact," he said starting to unbutton my shirt "I think you're pretty hot"

And suddenly our lips met. It was the most amazing feeling I'd ever felt in my life. So may times Id dreamed of this moment. And now it was actually happening.

His lips felt soft and sweet. His kiss was gentle. I felt his hand slowly start to caress my chest. His mouth opened slightly and I opened mine to allow his tongue access to my mouth.

We must have kissed for a full ten minutes before we stopped briefly so that I could get his shirt off and he could get mine off.

We fell back on the bed and our make out session really started getting heavy.

My hands traveled up his smooth back. I wanted to feel every part off him.

I let my hands wander up to his chest. I lightly caressed his nipples and felt him moan in pleasure.

We broke our heavy make-out session while I pulled more clothing off his body.

His hands crippled down to my boxers. I could feel him tugging at them. This was it. This was actually going to happen.

His hands felt almost icy cold as he slowly used them to claw away at my boxers.

I broke the kiss.

"Um, Adam, are you sure about this?" I asked.

Why, I don't know.

Adam smiled down at me before completely yanking my undies off.

My 9 inch, cock sprang to life, standing completely up.

"Ohhh, somebody's excited," Adam noted.

I watched as his head slowly lowered down towards my mouth-wanting dick.

Adam Ventura, captain of the varsity football team, boy of my dreams, was about to suck my cock!

"And yet it seems the captain isn't interesting enough to Mr Jameson," Adam said.

"What?" I asked.

"I said," my teacher Mr.. Turner snapped me back into reality.

I blinked hardly and looked around. I suddenly remembered what was going on. I had dreamed about Adam last night and had had the same daydream again today.

I casually tried to shift in my pants so as not to reveal the gigantic woodie I had right about now.

"Mr. Jameson, try to keep up," Mr. Turner said.

Everyone else in the class laughed.

"It's getting worse. Ive never had sex dreams about Adam before. And now I have em all the time. What's going on?" I asked Jade.

The only person I could talk to about absolutely anything. Including Adam.

"You've never really had so much face time with Adam either. I mean before this school year, you'd never talked to him and he'd never talked to you. And now you two have been closer than usual," Jade explained.

It was my experience that women are usually smarter than boys. But Jade was way smarter than boys. She had so much more insight into things I could never begin to explain.

"Have you ah, had any...."

I finished for her.

"Yes. Ive jacked off to Adam lots of times. But Ive never really remembered him so clearly or anything we've ever done. And trust me, we've done a lot of shit," I replied.

"Well I only see one way for you fix this. You either have to find another guy or talk to Adam,"

Both of which I saw as impossible.

I knew no other gay guys at my school, well accept Darryl Allen, this dinosaur looking black guy who was really ugly to me.

And his most-people-think boyfriend Jesse who actually was a little cute but it was so obvious that both of them were gay it was sickening.

I had a pension for straight guys really. I guess the whole fantasy of being with a guy was a lot more alluring than actually being with one.

"Hey," Alex said sitting down.

He and Jade took turns looking at each other carefully then back at me.

"So ah, you haven't talked to us since last Friday. Are you okay now?" Alex asked.

"Well, I realized that my life already sucked before Gino, and him saying that wasn't going to make things worse," I replied.

Jade and Alex looked like they each wanted to rebuttal, but advised against it for fear of having to endure another week of not having me talk to them.

"So, you think you're ready to brave the public enough to come to the game Friday? I'm starting," Alex asked.

"Are you kidding? Of course. I wouldn't miss it for anything," I replied.

Even though I went back to school on Monday after that humiliating Friday, a week had gone by and Gino hadn't.

Rumors were circulating everywhere. Id heard a pretty good one about me tying him up and keeping him in my basement to torture.

Either way I didn't care. It was just another week I didn't have to see Gino.

Only, my happy mood quickly left me upon seeing him stroll up to my desk.

He sat down and didn't say a word to me.

"Okay, so,today you're all going to do your political questioning in front of the class. Just like a mock conference for the president. And the late bird, Mr. Liongson will go first," Our economics teacher, Ms. Wall spoke.

Gino looked horrified but stood up slowly and made his way up to the front of the class.

"Ahem. Ah thank you my fellow Americans. Ah, I just want all of you to know that as president I fully understand that I must ah, uphold the measure of responsibility needed to give good responses to the questions you may ask," Gino spoke.

Gino looked as if he'd rather be in that basement of mine than in here with all the kids from the party.

"So, Mr. President, you ah, know what it means to bobble?" a boy asked.

I heard instant snickering


"What about point and shoot?" another asked.

More snickering and laughing

"Mr. Torres, Mr. Grace, what kind of questions are those. This is a presidential address, not a comedic act," Ms. Wall spoke.

I looked over at Gino who was now sweating. I could tell this was really getting to him. But what I did next surprised even me.

I got up, walked over to the blackboard and started drawing pictures of weird obscenely things.

"Brandon, what are you doing?" Ms. Wall asked.

Truth was, I wasn't exactly sure myself. But I was going to have to think of something to tell her.

"Well, this is kinda boring, just figured I'd draw," I replied.

"Well since you're so eager to go, why dint you go next," Ms. Wall asked.

Gino walked passed me, sat down, and put his head down on the desk.

"Right then, Ah, Hello my fellow Americans-

"You stuck up for Gino?!" Jade asked, shocked.

"Yeah can you believe that. B, what were you thinking man?' Alex asked.

I really don't know. Saving Gino's ass wasn't me doing him a favor on my part. That was the last thing I wanted to do.

"Yo, Alex!' Adam called.

Alex turned around just in time to catch a flying football Adam had thrown. He and another jock from the team, Ryan, were headed towards us.

I couldn't be here. Id lose it down there if I was anywhere near Adam. I tried to turn around to leave but coming right behind me were Michelle, and Krystal.

"I just talked to coach. Thinks were gonna win this game," Adam spoke.

"Dude, come on. The team hasn't lost a game in 15 years," Ryan said.

I was looking anywhere and everywhere except at Adam. Looking into those gorgeous green eyes would do me in.

"Well, there's party boy. Haven't seen you in a while," Adam said getting ever closer to me. I backed away slightly.

As if Adam talking to me wasn't bad enough, did there have to be so many people around?

Luckily I didn't have to respond.

"Adams taking me out for a fancy dinner Thursday. Were celebrating our three month anniversary," Michelle announced.

"Wow. Where you going?" Krystal asked.

"Anywheres fine with me," Adam mumbled.

"What?" Krystal asked.

"Were going to Le Chice, right Adam?" Michelle asked.

Adam looked over at Alex, Ryan, and surprisingly me. It was almost as if he could care less about going anywhere with Michelle.

Like the whole thing was just getting old.

"Right," Adam sighed.

"Oh my gosh, Krystal," Michelle pulled Krystal, who pulled Jade away to talk "you have to help me find the right outfit"

Adam stood looking at the ground.

"Sucks to be you bro," Ryan said leaving.

Alex went with him, leaving Adam and I alone.

He looked up at me. It was awkward. He looked as if he were sizing me up or something.

Then after what seemed like forever, he turned and left.

Tuesday and Wednesday had gone by unbelievably slow. I hadn't suffered from any dreams about Adam either which was a very bad thing.

That just meant that when I finally did dream about him, the sex would be twice as hot, making me want him even more.

Talk about tomorrows football game seemed to be anything anyone wanted to talk about.

Everyone except Gino, who I noticed was acting dejectedly more sullen lately. Almost as if he'd sunk off the face of the Earth. Or in this case, school.

The only good that came with that was that Gino wasn't making fun of me, which I cherished like a fine wine.

Of course, if Gino did make fun of me, everyone would probably turn around and make fun of him.

"So tomorrows the big day huh. Your nerves have gotta be shot," Jade said.

"Yeah," Alex replied.

"So lets just do something that'll take your mind off of the game. What do you say after school, all of us go down to the lake before it closes for the summer," Jade suggested.

A lake that Id basically grew up in with Jade and Alex. Swam there every day every summer since I could swim.

"Oh, I can't. The guys from the team are planning on going to Speedzone," Alex replied.

"Oh. Well that's cool. Anyway works," Jade replied, proving again that she was the perfect friend.

From a distance I heard Ryan call Alex, who in turn went to him.

"So, what do you say you and I go then?" Jade asked.

Anything to fix my nerves was fine with me.

"Okay," I replied.

The rest of the day passed by very slowly. It was always that way when you were expecting something big to happen later.

Anyway, Jade had told me to meet her at the lake in thirty while I had gone to my locker to get some stuff. The hall was deserted.

Only I heard what sounded like loud shouting coming from where my locker was supposed to be.

I stood behind a nearby corner and listened.

"Adam, it's our goddamn anniversary for Christ sake. Don't you even care about me?" Michelle was saying.

"Of course, it's just you know how tense Ive been about this game. And the guys-

"The guys. The guys this, the guys that. It always something to do with you and that stupid football team," Michelle yelled.

"Its not stupid. Whats stupid is you and the rest of the fucking pom-pom squad," Adam shot back.

There was a short moment of silence before-

"Well you know what? Screw you. Because I don't need this shit," Michelle said storming off.

I heard Adam kicking at his locker as I carefully approached.

I quietly opened my locker and unzipped my backpack, careful not to look at Adam.

"Girls. Are they all so fucking petty? I cancel one stupid date, and you'd think it's the end of the world or something," Adam spoke, now sitting with his back against his locker.

I said nothing as I didn't know if he were talking to me directly, or just voicing his frustrations.

"So, what are you still doing here?' he asked.

"I ah, was just getting some books," I carefully replied.

Adam stood up and took a few books from my hands, looking them over.

"Conceptual Physics AP? See that's your problem. You're too nerdy," Adam replied tossing the books back in my locker.

Actually it was Jade's book. I wish I was that smart.

"What are you doing today?" he asked.

"Ah...." I strolled. Well, Jade would understand if I didn't mention the fact that we were supposed to go to the lake would she?

"Exactly. Nothing," Adam said. Then he looked as if he were deep in thought.

"You know what, neither am I now. Come on, I'm gonna teach you how to have a little fun," Adam spoke.

Was he serious? He had to be. And this time, I wasn't dreaming. Only what kind of fun did he mean?

I obliged and next thing I know Adam and me are having one of the best nights Ive ever had in my life.

We were at my house because he wanted to see it. That was cool to me.

We were also up in my room, cause he wanted to see that too.

So the stage was set. But would the act follow?

"You know what? Girls fucking suck man. I may just switch to guys," Adam mumbled in a drunk gibberish.

It would be really easy to have my way with the drunk Adam right about now. But there was no way Id do that to him.

"Have you ever been in love?" Adam asked.

"No," I replied.

"Me neither. Hey, something we have in common. Well besides having Alex for a friend," Adam spoke. He looked devilishly tired.

"Always speak with your dick first. Ask questions later huh," Adam laughed.

He was so cute when he let his guard down like this.

"I like you Brandon. You're cool," Adam chuckled.

Now, I know he's drunk.

And with that, he passed out.

It was late. Already past 12 a.m. And I didn't want to wake Adam. So I just made a pattelete for him, took off his shoes and jeans and settled him in.

I turned off the light and sat watching him sleep. I did this for at least an hour before I too fell asleep. I didn't have to dream. I'd lived my dream.

Thanks for all the e-mail's once again! For those of you who wanted to know about

AIM, I figured it out and I'll be emailing you soon!

Anyway, feel free to email me with comments, questions, or suggestions! I always reply!

Next: Chapter 4

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