
By Jo Jo

Published on Oct 18, 2005


Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. I do not write about frank sexual situations, nor do I have any desire to.

This is a story about teen love and discovery. Still though, it is a gay work of fiction.

If such work offends you or you are not old enough to read in your area, then do not continue reading.

Please do not copy and paste onto another website without emailing me first. In most cases I'd be glad to let you post on another site, as long as you ask first!

Angst Episode 40 "The International Affairs"

I loved March for a few very important reasons. For starters, March was always the month Spring Break happened to fall in, and this year was no different.

And of course, Jade's birthday was also later in the month.

But birthday was at the beginning of the month. As in next week. As next week, I would be the second to last person among my group of friends to finally turn 18.

I was excited about that, no doubt, but I was also excited about something I considered even more important.

The fact that Adam and I were unofficially back together. I had to say it was unofficial because the only two people that knew about it were us. I guess we were just trying to find the right time when to tell everyone.

Adam leaned back in for another kiss and pinned me against the wall of my room.

"You thought about what you want for your birthday?" he asked, once he broke the kiss.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and waited as I thought about the question he'd asked.

"As far as I'm concerned, I already got my birthday present," I replied, kissing him again.

"Okay, but I mean like a real present," Adam said. "You know, shit you can use or something."

"Oh but Adam, I am using my present, three times a day," I smiled, kissing Adam again.

This time Adam and I got lost in kissing each other and neither of us stopped, knowing full and well we both had to be at school within the next half hour.

Not really wanting to, I broke the kissing after a good couple of minutes.

"When are we gonna talk about you and Vanessa?" I asked.

Adam sighed and pulled away from me, walking over to my bed to make it up after having slept with me again last night.

"Look, I'm gonna tell her. I've been meaning to tell her..."

"You want me to do it?" I spoke. "I mean, we both know she hates me but-"

"She does not hate you," Adam replied.

I flashed him a bemused glance.

"Okay so she just really dislikes you," Adam replied.

I flashed him a 'duh' look before turning and opening my closet.

Adam walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck.

"You're not one of those guys that likes to have a girlfriend and a boyfriend are you?" I asked.

"Why, you into threeways?" Adam laughed.

I shoved Adam off of me playfully and the both of us fell on top of the bed, trying to pin down the other. I knew Adam wasn't putting his full strength into trying to pin me. Especially when he let me pin him a couple of times.

We continued wrestling with each other until we both heard the door to my room opening and saw Alex walk in with a puzzled look on his face.

"This how you start all your mornings?" he asked, sounding amused.

I threw a pillow at him as he walked in and sat on the edge of my bed.

Adam and I hadn't told anyone about us being back together yet, so Alex didn't suspect anything. Of course, I knew that I was going to have to tell him soon. He was my best friend after all, and sooner or later, he'd put everything together himself.

"You know, in some countries, they practice this concept called knocking," I joked, tossing another pillow at Alex, who dodged it and threw it back at me.

"So your house is a country now, huh?" he joked.

For some reason, as of late, I'd been feeling really strange around Alex. I guess part of me knew why. I guess I felt like I was lying to him by not telling him about Adam and I. After all, Alex was my best friend and I knew that if I told him, he wouldn't go and tell Vanessa behind my back.

But yet, I hadn't told Alex and I really didn't know why. Maybe I felt that if I told anyone, then what Adam and I had would go away. Like it was only real until other people knew about us. Then our perfect little world would come crashing down like a ton of bricks.

"Okay, well I'm off," Adam spoke. "A lot of work goes into me looking as good as I do everyday."

"Shut up!" I yelled, throwing a pillow after him as he left.

When I looked over at Alex, he was smiling at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Don't what know what," he replied.

This was what I was worried about. Alex finding out what was going on before I had a chance to really tell him.

I stood up and walked over to my dresser, pretending to go through the drawers.

"Brandon how long have I known you?" Alex asked, behind me.

"Just about all my life," I replied.

"So of course I'm gonna know when you're seeing someone," he continued.

"Uh huh...hey do you wanna go see that new John Travolta movie this weekend-"

"Brandon, come on....this is serious."

I sighed and turned around.

"I just pretended like I didn't know because I thought you'd tell me."

"And I was going to-"

"It doesn't matter now. You know I know. And it's good right? I mean, Adam's never been happier....and're actually doing that thing girls do when they're really happy."


"Glowing," Alex clarified.

I guess Adam and I were happier. Whenever we weren't trying to hide our relationship from other people.

Alex layed back on my bed, tossing a pillow above his head.

"So, you two planning on telling Vanessa or are you just waiting for her to figure it out like I did?"

I sighed and leaned against my dresser.

"It's just harder with her, you know?"

"She can be pretty scary."

"Yeah," I replied. "Which is why Adam and I were waiting for the perfect opportunity."

"Well the years wrapping up," Alex started, sitting up again. "Can't say there's gonna be a perfect opportinuity any time soon."

And I knew he was right. I just really didn't see the point in telling Vanessa. It was cruel, but I just didn't care about her. Maybe if she and I had gotten a better chance to know each other...then again, with her latching on to Adam the very day she arrived, I don't think it would have made a difference.

"Okay, so I smell something cooking," Alex said, getting off of my bed and heading for the the door.

"Don't eat my food and yours like you did last week!" I called after him.

I felt a whole lot better now that my best friend was a part of my semi perfect new life. It would only be completely perfect if Vanessa knew the truth.

"So I was thinking that maybe we could...."

Gino just sighed as he continued going through his locker.

He was having a really hard time trying to finally get Brandon to be his. After all, he'd done so much. He'd made sure Adam saw Brandon kissing another guy. He'd even hired a guy to try and break up everyone's relationships.

Of course, that hadn't gone quite as planned and Justin unfortunately died in the process, but there was nothing he could do about that now.

Now all he could do was to continue dating Sam, which was starting to bug him beyond belief. While he and Sam had been good friends a couple of years ago, now that they were 'dating', Sam seemed to be getting on his nerves all the time the way he kept planning everything.

It was like he was planning their future together. A future he only wanted with Brandon.

All qualms he'd first had about using Sam the way he was went completely out the window once he realized that nothing he was doing was actually working.

For all he knew, Brandon and Adam could already be together and he just didn't know it. It wouldn't matter to him if they were. He'd just break them up somehow, plain and simple.


"Huh? Oh sorry, just thinking about something," Gino replied, rejoining reality.

Sam smiled at Gino and pushed some of his spiked hair towards the side of his head.

"You let your hair grow long," Sam spoke looking it over. "It's sexy."

Gino couldn't help but to look out the corner of his eyes as Sam continued to caress his hair.

He grabbed Sam's hand and pushed it back.

"Stop it," he said in a low growl.

"Gino I was just-"

"Can we not do this right now?"

Sam's once calm look turned a bit angry as he crossed his arms and stood back.

"I thought..."

"Yeah, and everything is great it's just..."

Sam looked at Gino as Gino looked down.

"What? You're still unsure about whether or not-"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, yeah I am," Gino replied. "That and the fact that I think I might still have feelings for..."

"Oh...." Sam sighed, looking down.

Gino looked up slightly at Sam to see his reaction. Using Sam and playing with his emotions was so easy for Gino now that it was almost fun to do.

As long as he had Sam's love and sympathy, he could get him to do anything he wanted. And that was the whole idea.

He hadn't forgotten the fact that Sam had kissed Brandon, and he was still planning on using that somehow, someway....

"You hate me now, don't you?" Gino asked.

It took a few moments for Sam to respond.

"No...I don't think I could ever hate you.."

"But, I mean if I still-"

"I knew that when we first started going out," Sam replied, smiling now. "I said I'd be wiling to help you and I meant it."

Gino was smiling as well, but for an entirely different reason. Every now and then he had to check Sam's loyalty, which still seemed to be in tact.

"Great, because I'm gonna need all the help I can get," he spoke.

"Ugh....I'm so freakin pale," Michelle complained looking into a mirror in her locker. "I can't wait for spring break to get here so I can go to Cabo to tan."

"You can tan anywhere, Michelle," Krystal spoke.

"Yeah, but I can also tan anywhere, in Cabo, kay?" Michelle spoke with her trademark fake voice.

While I myself was excited about our upcoming spring break, I was more excited about the fact that Adam and I were together.

Although, any happiness I felt was always slightly dashed once we got to school and Adam did what he usually did, which was to be Vanessa's boyfriend.

He wasn't her boyfriend. He was mine, and I felt like a jealous fool everytime I saw them together.

I knew that Adam was just waiting for the right time to break up with her, but did he have to look so cozy with her like he wasn't planning on doing that at all?

"So I was thinking, for your birthday we could go to Speedzone," Michelle started. "How much do you think it would cost to rent the place out?"

"More money than you have," Gino spoke, joining our group.

When I noticed he was with Sam, I instantly tensed up. Here I was not caring about Vanessa's feelings when it came to my own relationship with Adam, when just weeks ago, I'd kissed Sam behind Gino's back, and still had yet to tell him.

I felt guilty but each time I started to feel even just a little bit like telling Gino, it would seem as though the timing just wasn't right. It didn't even seem relevant to me anymore.

It was one kiss, that I hadn't initiated, and I was beginning to feel as if not telling Gino wouldn't be that big a deal. It wasn't like I was going behind his back kissing Sam on a routinely basis. And I certainly didn't have any feelings for Sam.

I noticed Sam look over at me with a slight smile, but I looked away.

"Besides, don't you think you need to be saving some money for another birthday, later this month?" Jade spoke, as if she weren't talking about her own birthday.

"Jade, you're so vain," Michelle spoke.

"Oh come on, me?" Jade smiled, shoving Michelle some.

I really wasn't paying attention to anything being said. I felt somewhat trapped being near Sam, but then there was Adam and the way he looked so comfortable pretending to be Vanessa's boyfriend.

Stupid cow.

" you think maybe I could chat with you for a sec?" Gino asked, looking me deeply in the eyes.

I guess it was obvious that something was bothering me. I was just surprised that Gino of all people was the one who was picking up on that and saying something about it.

But part of me was smiling on the inside once I noticed the slight look of cautiousness form on Adam's face. Now it was my turn to make him feel trapped while I went to go speak with the guy we all knew had admitted to being in love with me.

"Come on," I spoke, wrapping my arm with Gino's.

Sure I was trying to make Adam feel jealous. And hopefully it was working and would make him feel obligated to finally break up with Vanessa.

"So, what's up?" I asked, as the two of us slowly started down the noisy hall.

"I'm not exactly sure...but I get the feeling you don't really like Sam that much," Gino started.

Part of me was wondering what his first clue was, but then I also had to wonder exactly what he knew and if Sam had told Gino about the kiss after all.

"What makes you say that?" I decided to ask, playing it as safe as possible.

Well," Gino started, as we turned a corner. "Sam and I were talking...."

Damn. He knew. Now what was I supposed to do?

"He really wants to get along with my friends, you know, but he says with you, he doesn't feel that big a connection."

Well if that wasn't just the biggest flat out lie I'd ever heard. Sam told me he was in love with me, for crying out loud. The guy even kissed me. No connection my fucking ass!

"Maybe Sam is over compensating for something, I don't know what," I replied, trying my best not to sound spiteful.

Granted, if I wasn't as in love with Adam as I was, I might have actually found Sam's crush on me flattering. But since I did love Adam, the crush just complicated things. Kinda the way it did when Gino had a crush on me.

"He just feels like an outsider," Gino replied. "And I can see why, I mean, our little group hasn't really changed since we all started hanging out with each other at the beginning of last year."

Yeah but everyone in our circle, including myself, had changed. And even still, whenever we did let someone in, someone had a problem with them. Just look at Alex and Gino's hatred for Chris or my hatred of Vanessa. Actually, maybe hate is too strong a word.

"Could you talk to him?"

Once again, this was one of those times where one part of me was telling me to stay out of it all while another part of me wanted to help my friend with his problems.

I knew what happened last time. But in my defense, it had taken me off guard. This time, I'd be ready for it, that way I could prevent it from happening again. That is, if it even happened again.

Gino seemed to be waiting for me to say yes, so with a sigh and frown, I did.

"Oh god, thank you," Gino replied, hugging me.

I was almost certain I was agreeing to something that I would later regret, but I hugged Gino back without trying to let on that I was regretting my decision.

"Well if this ain't a Kodak moment, nothing is."

I knew who had spoken right away and for some reason, I grew more relaxed upon seeing Chris.

Things between Gino and I were steady, but never had been as great as they were between Chris and I, excluding our brief falling out.

"Great, it's you," Gino mumbled.

I just pretended not to hear Gino as Chris joined the two of us.

"So, whatcha know good my friend?" Chris asked.

It was weird. Chris and I had spent a long time not talking. But the moment we start talking again, it was almost like we hadn't stopped talking at all.

"Nothing...just, talking with Gino here," I replied.

I noticed Chris look over at Gino who crossed his arms and frowned at Chris.

"So basically, you were begging for someone to come along right?" Chris spoke.

"Oh you know what, why don't you just grow the hell up-"

"You first, love hag," Chris replied.


"I didn't forget what you told me," Gino said.

As uncomfortable as I felt, I couldn't help but to begin to wonder if I was about to finally figure out what was going on between the two of them. I was already intrigued enough.

"Really? So I guess that's one problem I can cross of your defect list," Chris joked.

I couldn't tell if he was joking or not because I could sense the tension between the two of them.

"And what do you want anyway? This conversation is just between the two of us-"

"Oh, did I interrupt something then?" Chris asked, sounding apologetic.

"Yeah, you did-"

"You know," Chris started. He'd put his arms around both Gino and my own shoulders, getting between us and leading us down the hall. "The two of us are gonna have to learn to get along if were gonna have something in common."

"I don't have anything in common with you-"

"More like someone," Chris spoke.

Gino looked over at me, the features on his face visibly softening before he threw Chris's arm off of his shoulder.

"We'll see," was all he said before leaving the two of us standing together in the middle of the hallway.

"He's one bitter little boy, wouldn't you agree?" Chris asked.

Gino was certainly interesting. I just hoped what ever problems the two of them were having would be resolved soon.

And then after them, I could work on getting Alex to like Chris. Then everything in my life would be perfect. Well, it'd be perfect after Adam told Vanessa about us.

I just hoped that part happened soon. Before other people besides Alex started to catch on.

"So anyway, I told him that I'd seen leprechauns cuter than him and that there was no way in this lifetime I'd give him my number," Michelle continued as she reached for her bottle of expensive water.

"Interesting, considering leprechauns don't really exist," Adam spoke.

"Hey you see plenty when you're drunk off ten jello shots," Michelle replied.

We were in Theater working on group acting assignments. Random groups had been picked and Michelle, Adam, and I were in a group together.

I found it oddly amusing that random never seemed to be all that random whenever a teacher put people in groups, especially in this class.

Alex was in a group with Ryan and Gino. Everyone had pretty much started to tolerate Ryan in the past few weeks, so I really didn't think either of them minded having him in their group.

If only I could say the same for myself having Michelle in my own group.

"You know, sometime today were gonna have to talk about this project," Adam said.

"What do you think I've been talking about the past half hour, myself?" Michelle spoke as if she hadn't been talking about herself for thirty minutes. "But you're right, I guess I could let the two of you voice some of your opinions."

"Thank you," Adam said, breathing a sigh of relief.

After getting the football scholarship, Adam had suddenly become a lot more focused when it came to his grades at school, and he took his school work completely serious now.

"So what about a risky mockumentery style approach to sex?" Michelle started.

I wasn't surprised that she started talking again. And about sex too. The girl really just didn't shut up.

"Which is all you think about, right?" I asked.

"Please," Michelle replied, as if it were a valid answer. "I'm trying to be serious here."

"So am I," I replied.

"You know, Adam you'd be the perfect candidate to interview. I mean, with the way things are going with you and Vanessa....I'm sure you know plenty more about sex than I do lately," Michelle spoke.

Adam looked over at me briefly and I couldn't help but to start smiling. I really did try not to, but talking about sex with the guy I'd been having sex with the past couple of weeks sitting a couple of feet away from me really was amusing.

I guess Adam thought so too because he was smiling just as heavily as I was, almost to the point where he was blushing.

I was trying hard not to look at either him or Michelle just then.

"Right...." Michelle suddenly said, looking both of us over.

"No, I're right, I do know a lot about sex," Adam replied, still sounding like he was trying to keep from outright laughing.

I noticed Michelle staring way too hard at the both of us before she finally decided to open her mouth again.

"Right because you're having sex with Brandon," she spoke.

That instantly took my goofy little grin away. Adam's too, once I looked over at him, as he was back to looking completely serious.


"Oh please, I did used to date you remember?" Michelle replied. "I was the first person to suspect you were into Brandon way back when and apparently I'm the first person again."

"Michelle.." Adam started.

"Oh don't worry, I'm not gonna tell anyone," Michelle replied. "It's not like I haven't cheated before."

Which was true, but completely irrelevant to what was going on right now. It scared me a little that Michelle was this perceptive. I mean, she was definitely a smart girl, not nearly as smart as Krystal and Jade, but still smart. But the things she talked about made her seem so ditsy, you almost wouldn't expect her to catch on like she had.

"I guess the sex with Vanessa just wasn't cutting it for you, huh Adam?" Michelle replied. "Hell, that would have been my excuse if someone would have asked me beforehand about...well... you know."

"Michelle, it's a lot more complicated than....Vanessa's still great."

"Yeah and tough titty said the kitty," Michelle replied, crossing her arms and getting serious. "But you know what? The milk is still good!"

"Will you keep your god damn voice down please?" Adam spoke through gritted teeth.

Michelle just shook her head slowly with this weird little smile on her face as she looked the both of us over.

"You know, I actually kinda like Vanessa," she said. "So I would hate for her to get hurt because you two can't keep your dicks in your pants-"

"I was gonna tell her-"

"Were you Adam?" Michelle asked. "Because truthfully, I get the feeling that you don't really want to."

That statement had me now looking over at Adam, as it was somewhat voicing my own concerns.

All this time, I'd known that Adam still wanted me. He'd even told me so himself. Yet, for one reason or another, he hadn't broken up with Vanessa.

Now, the two of us were finally together, yet Adam still has yet to break up with Vanessa.

And now, I wanted to know why.

Adam sighed and looked down. I looked over at Michelle who flashed me one of her looks before I looked over at Adam again.


I didn't know what to say and apparently neither did he. Only, it was different that I didn't know what to say. He however, was completely different. This was our relationship we were talking about here!

"Uh oh, looks like there's trouble in gay cheaters paradise," Michelle spoke, sitting back in her seat.

Adam looked over at me with a pleading look while I looked at him with an annoyed one.

"It's still complicated...."

"How is it complicated Adam? Just tell her!"

"Look you don't-"

"Hey guys," Gino said, interrupting Adam's words.

I sat back in my chair and crossed my arms, feeling seriously pissed off while Gino took a seat on my other side.

Alex took a seat next to Michelle.

None of us said anything, but I could just feel Adam staring at me still.

"Doesn't look like any brainstorming I've ever heard is going on over here," Alex said, somewhat jokingly.

"That depends on the definition you wanna use," Michelle replied smugly, looking over at me.

While I did love Adam and was determined to make our relationship last this time around, right now, I was really pissed off at him.

I just wanted to know what the hell was going on in his head right now.

As for what was going on in my was just...Vanessa had always just been Vanessa to me. While I'd never really altogether hated her, I'd also never really liked her. If I were in Adam's shoes, I'd have broken up with her in a heartbeat. Of course, I would also never really be in his position just because I would never had started dating a girl, let alone Vanessa, to begin with.

"Well, I hear the closets were renovated again," Michelle said, looking over at Adam and I.

Alex and Gino flashed each other confused looks as I let out an annoyed sigh.

I guess feeling upset with Adam did wonders for how I felt about doing certain things that I hadn't exactly wanted to do earlier.

Like having Sam.

While I hadn't really felt that it would be in anyones best interest to spend more time alone with Sam, now I was starting to feel like I needed to just be away from things I wanted to do, and focus on something else.

Otherwise, I'd spend all day frustrated.

I was going to wait until later to talk with Sam, as in another day, but I figured with the day being over and everyone going home, I could get in a few words before Sam left.

"Uh..hey," I started, coming up next to Sam as he worked to put things in his locker.

I hadn't exactly told my friends that I had something to do as I was hoping things would be quick.

"Hey..." Sam replied, looking a bit taken off guard.

It wasn't like I'd prepared anything, so I didn't know what to say. I guess I was just supposed to get Sam to feel as though I didn't hate him. Which would be easy enough. I mean, I didn't hate him at all. I just felt awkward around him.

But that was what talking was for. To help dispel those feelings.

"Um, so how is everything? I mean, I know you and Gino....but we haven't really talked so.."

"No um...well I mean, Gino's great. I just..."

He sighed and looked down and the way he was looking, I could almost say the words he wanted for him.

I knew why. Gino was right. He obviously did feel awkward around me.

"I'm sorry if's just you kinda kissed me and-"

"Look I'm really sorry about that," Sam started. "I thought I was in love with you but I finally realized that I was just scared of what I had with Gino...because of what happened between us in the past."

He seemed sincere enough.

"I didn't blame you and I still don't," I replied. "I guess maybe I have been avoiding you but that was before I found out how you felt."

And now that I knew, Sam didn't seem like such a bad guy.

I breathed a sigh of relief as Sam smiled and turned back to his locker.

"Gino said your birthday is coming up," He said, putting one of his books in his locker.

"Yeah, finally old enough to do porn legally," I replied.

Sam laughed as he put another book in his locker.

"I guess now that things aren't so awkward between us, you wouldn't mind if I got you something for your birthday."

"Never too upset for gifts," I replied, jokingly. "Of course, now I sound like Michelle."

"Hey," Gino spoke kissing Sam on the cheek.

"Oh hey, Sam and I were just having a friendly little chat," I said.

"I see, and no scratches cuts or bruises must mean the talking went well," Gino replied.

"I'd say things are back on track," I replied. "So yeah."

"Well," Sam started, shutting his locker. "I'll see you guys later. I'm off to practice."

"Alright, bye babe," Gino replied, kissing Sam again before he left.

It made me so happy to see my friend finally enjoying a meaningful relationship with someone. I even envied him some. At least neither of them were hiding things from each other or holding back.

"Ugh, how much do I love you right now!" Gino spoke practically jumping in my arms with happiness.

"But if you can keep it to a minimum," I joked.

I was happy for Gino, but I couldn't exactly say that I myself was happy. Which I guess was something that he must have noticed.

"Okay, what's going on?" he asked, releasing me from the hug.

I let out a sigh.

"It's Adam...god, why can't he just make up his mind already?"

"You mean about if he loves you or Vanessa? Because I think him dating Vanessa pretty much says..."

"No it's not's..well, you were gonna find out eventually anyway," I sighed.


"Adam and me...we kinda...well we've been seeing each other," I started.

"Oh," Gino said, the look on his face turning more somber.

"Yeah, and we've been getting along great. The only problem is, obviously, like you said, he can't make up his mind."

"Wait a second, I was just kinda kidding. You mean, Adam really can't decide?"

"Well I assume that's what it is. How hard can it be to just break the hell up with her?"

I was frustrated and felt like I was ready to just kick something. I was breathing heavily and walking in a slow pace back and forward past Gino, who seemed to be thinking while I was trying to calm down.


"I don't know."

I didn't even know what Gino was going to ask, I just replied because that was how frustrated I was.

"Hmmm," Gino spoke.

I didn't really hear him as I noticed Adam coming my way with, to my disbelief, Vanessa.

Sure his arm wasn't around her nor was he holding her hand, but clearly he hadn't told her shit!

"Gino will you take me home, please?" I asked, as Adam approached.

Gino looked over at Adam before responding.

"Uh yeah, sure," he replied.

"Great, let's go then," I said, turning the other way and starting down the hallway.

I knew I'd see Adam when I got home, but right now, I just didn't want to be around him. He could blame himself for that.

The next few days were good and bad. They were good because we were closer to my birthday and things between Sam and I had been great.

But then there were things between Adam and I.

He kept thinking he was going to be able to go to school and be the perfect boyfriend to Vanessa and then come home and get some from me.

But I decided, it wasn't happening. Not until he grew a pair and broke up with Vanessa. Yeah, the girl was scary, but the thought of being with Adam would be what would have me finding courage if I had to break up with her.

And at this point, I was considering doing it. Being the one to break Adam up for him.

Of course, those were fleeting thoughts. Most of the time, I was avoiding Adam and by now, everyone knew something was wrong.

Gino was the only person who knew anything about what was really going on, which was ironic considering I knew everyone else so much better.

But the past few days, Gino had been wonderful. He'd been there when I needed to talk and it just seemed like he and I understood each other better.

And I think I did understand him better. That was a good thing.

"What about.....UTA?" Michelle asked, as she looked through some handouts we'd gotten during homeroom that pertained to college.

Jade and Krystal had long since applied to their respective colleges. And Adam and Alex both had scholarships.

While it did seem like we were all applying to different schools, no one seemed like they really wanted to make up their minds, because none of us probably wanted to face the possibility of never seeing each other again after we graduated.

But, we did still have nearly three months before that happened and even more than that before we stepped foot on a college campus for real.

Besides, I had other things to think about.

"It's a good school, but come on Michelle, I thought you said you were gonna look at Princeton," Krystal replied.

"Well, I do have the Princeton money, but I doubt I have the Princeton grades," Michelle replied. "Besides, I know what the guys here in Texas look like, which is great. The last thing I want is to be stuck up at some college in New Jersey with fugly trolls."

"Moving on," Jade spoke. "We should be talking birthdays, specifically mine and Brandon's."

"Yeah, have you decided what you wanna do yet?" Krystal asked me.

I liked my fair share of parties, but with the stress of everything that had been going on, I really didn't feel like doing anything to big.

"I don't know...just like a small thing with you guys," I replied. "Nothing too heavy."

"Are you serious?" Michelle asked, sounding shocked. "I'm appalled. A small thing? Ew!"

"Oh lay off Michelle, not everyone loves big expensive parties like you do."

"Says the girl who got into Yale," Michelle replied. "We understand why you say that."

"Anyway, I just don't think it'd be a good idea..." I said, looking briefly over at Adam.

He knew why. And I knew why. This was all his fault.

Things suddenly grew amazingly quiet among our group even though we were in the center of the cafeteria during the loud lunch hour.

"Um..Brandon, can I talk to you for a sec?" Gino asked, standing up. "Alone?"

In an effort to get away from the tension around us all, I agreed and followed Gino out of the cafeteria to a quiet hallway.

"So what's up?" I asked.

"I was gonna ask you that," Gino replied.

I sighed and leaned against the wall while Gino just stared at me with all seriousness.

"I thought you and Adam would have worked your problems out by now," Gino replied.

"Yeah well you can blame Adam for everything," I replied.

Gino ran his fingers through his hair and thought for a moment before saying anything at all.

"Well you can't be doing well with the two of you living together and then having to see each other at school," Gino replied. "That's basically twenty four seven."

"Tell me about it," I mumbled.

"It sounds to me like you two just need to spend some time apart then," Gino suggested.

I never would have even thought about that, considering before all I wanted was to be with Adam all the time. But now...even though I couldn't stand him, I did still love him and still wanted to be with him.

But until he took care of what needed to be taken care of, maybe time apart was what we really did need.

"I guess you're right," I replied. "But spring break isn't for another couple of weeks."

"Okay, well then that's when we'll go away," Gino replied. "Just the two of us, for your birthday."

I'm sure my eyes must have jumped completely out of my head just then. What was he talking about, getting away? And just the two of us as well.

"Gino...what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Well," Gino replied, joining me on the side of the wall. "Spring break is coming up and I have been wanting to give you something special for your birthday."

"Yeah but, going away, just the two of us.....are you really sure that's a good idea?" I asked.

"Well, I mean, you're having problems with Adam and things are great with Sam and me....a little too great. I think what both of us need right now is just space. And time away from our boyfriends is probably what we both need."

My boyfriend? Sure Adam and I were together, but I certainly didn't feel like he deserved that title right now. Thinking about it started to frustrate me again. Just frustrating enough to have me believing that time alone with Gino away from Adam was really what I needed.

Which was why I'd agreed.

"Great! I was thinking maybe we could go to Europe...or maybe Asia...I don't know, just somewhere really far away," Gino replied.

Really far away....alone with Gino. At least I knew that Gino wasn't in love with me anymore, so I didn't have to worry about him having ulterior motives.

"Well in that case, bring on Spring Break!" I said.

"You're hiding something from me," Alex spoke, as I put away some of my clothes.

It looked like I was putting them away, but really I was just trying to decide what the hell to bring on the trip with Gino, which was next Monday.

"No I'm not," I replied.

"Yes, you are," Alex replied, turning on my bed as I opened another one of my drawers.

I let out a sigh. Of course he knew I was hiding something. He was my best friend. And he did find out about Adam and I. When there actually was an Adam and I.

Gino, Jade, and Michelle were all downstairs rummaging through the fridge while Adam and Vanessa were....well, I didn't particularly care at the moment.

"Alex, you know my big bad secrets by now, remember?" I replied.

"Yeah...I guess...." Alex sighed, lying back on the bed.

There was a knock at my open door before Gino, Michelle, and Jade all walked into my room, each holding either a drink or a bag of chips.

"Some major grocery shopping needs to be done for the upcoming two weeks," Michelle replied. "Since you all decided we aren't going anywhere, I at least don't wanna starve when I come over here."

Yet the girl was holding a bag of Doritos.

"Yeah, who says were not going anywhere?" Gino asked, looking briefly over at me.

"Uh, you boring people, remember?" Michelle asked, pushing some of my neatly folded clothes off of my bed in favor of making room for her to sit down.

"Since you put it like that..." Gino spoke, joining me at my side as I looked through my clothes.

"Brandon what are you doing?" Jade asked, noting my clothes rummaging.

"Uh just...early spring cleaning," I replied.

"No but there really is a wolf here, cried the boy," Michelle teased.

"Why does everyone think I'm up to something?" I asked, standing up. "I'm just folding some clothes?"

I noticed Jade, Michelle and Alex staring at me skeptically.

"Maybe he is hiding something.."Gino smiled at me.

I looked over at him, trying to contain how upset I was with him for saying that.

"Uh, Gino...can I talk to you in private for a sec?" I asked.

I was about to tell him exactly how I felt about that!

"Looks like I'm in trouble people," Gino spoke, getting up and heading towards the door.

"Okay but if you're gone too long, we'll all know what you're up to," Michelle insisted.

I just ignored her and left.

Jade looked over at Michelle who crossed her arms.

"They're hiding something," Jade said.

"Yeah, I thought that too," Alex replied.

"But what?" Jade asked.

Michelle thought about it to herself for a moment before looking around the room.

"He's going somewhere," she spoke, standing up.

"What? No, not without-"

"Yeah, he is. He's going somewhere with Gino," Michelle replied.

Jade and Alex exchanged glances.

Michelle started searching the room until she stumbled upon a ticket in one of the dressers.

"See, he's going to....Tokyo on Monday!"

Jade and Alex rushed over to Michelle to examine the ticket.

"How can he be going clear across the world with Gino without telling us?" Jade asked.

"I don't think he was going to," Michelle hissed.

Jade and Alex exchanged looks.

"Well I'll talk to him about it, he's my best-"

"Or better yet," Michelle interrupted, beginning to pace around the room. "We just...tag along."

Jade let out an annoyed sigh.

"Yeah, if only we all had Tokyo ticket money-"

"Oh shut up, I'll buy you guys tickets," Michelle replied. "As long as you guys don't tell Brandon or Gino that were coming too."

Jade and Alex exchanged glances.

"You mean lie?" Jade asked

"Like they're doing? Yeah," Michelle replied. "Only, don't think of it like that. Think of it like....a surprise birthday present for you and Brandon. Brandon gets his friends in Tokyo, and you get the trip of a lifetime."

"Well, I've never been to Asia before...." Jade reasoned.

"Great. Tell Stephen. I'll tell Krystal and Vanessa and I guess you can tell Adam, Alex," Michelle replied. "Oh, this is gonna be so perfect!"

"Hey guys, what's going on?" I asked, upon walking back into my room.

I noticed that Jade, Alex, and Michelle were all standing in this suspicious little group huddle. Something was going on.

"Just planning a surprise birthday party for you and Jade," Michelle replied. "Well, obviously not a surprise...but whatever."


Of course, I would be gone for at least the next week, so it would have to wait until I got back.

Or until Michelle wiped that suspicious little smile off her face.

I had to admit, I was nervous for several reasons.

For starters, I had left with Gino without telling any of my friends where I was going. For all they knew, Gino and I were taking a trip for a couple of days downtown somewhere.

That was the same story I told my parents, who thankfully bought it. I wished I could have told someone the truth, but I knew why I couldn't.

The whole trip was about Gino and I getting to know and understand each other better. And I could be completely comfortable about it since I knew that Gino had someone of his own to love other than me.

And now that we were finally here in Tokyo, I was even more nervous. I didn't know a lick of Japanese and I didn't think Gino did either. But I guess we'd just have to wind it like all the other tourists did.

"Okay so....I guess we need to go check into the hotel..." Gino said looking around.

If I had thought all the airports in the U.S. were crowded, they were nothing compared to the one here in Japan.

It seemed like everyone was busy doing something, and it also seemed like Gino and I were the only two people in the airport without a clue what to do.

"Gives new meaning to the term of a little stuffy doesn't it?" Gino asked looking around.

It did seem all of a sudden like everyone was staring at us. Gino kinda sorta fitted in. He was part Asian after all. But I guess the Japanese didn't see too many black people everyday.

"I feel like I'm on display," I said, clinching a little closer to Gino.

Gino smiled at me and pulled me along.

"Well, we may be lost, but we don't have to look lost," he said. "We'll just find someone who knows how to speak some English."

"Like me then?"

Gino and I both stopped when we heard the words.

We turned around and noticed a tall tanned guy who was obviously Japanese, but looked like he came from America like Gino and I, the way he looked so modernized.

"You speak English?" Gino asked.

"When I want to," the guy replied. "Girls here think it's cool."

Gino and I exchanged glances.

"Well that's great...maybe you can help us out....."

"Takashi...but I like to go by T.K. And sure, I don't mind helping you out."

"Great...uh, well I'm Gino and this is my friend Brandon," Gino spoke, introducing us.

"Hi," I greeted, shaking T.K.'s hand.

"Were here for Spring Break," Gino replied.

"You and a bunch of other Americans," T.K. replied. "I guess Tokyo must be the new Cabo."

Saying that reminded me immediately of Michelle, and how I was mostly glad to be away from here, even for just a week.

Then again, I also found myself wondering what she and the rest of my friends were doing this very moment. ***********************************************************************

"Ugh, somebody remind me the next time I fly not to sit at the rear of the plane," Michelle complained, while brushing her legs. "You feel every damn bump and shake all twelve long hours of the flight."

"That's coach for you," Krystal replied.

"No that's coach for paying for everyone's tickets," Michelle replied. "Next time, it's first class all the way."

"Ugh whatever, can we please just figure out what hotel the guys are staying in so I can take a long nap?" Krystal sighed.

"Krystal, we fly halfway around the world to a place like this and all you wanna do is sleep?" Jade asked.

"Well just rag on the Mexican, then!" Krystal complained.

"Oh hey, there you guys are," Alex spoke.

"Any luck at the front desk?" Jade asked.

"Well, I learned that I don't really like Chinese people anymore," Alex replied.

"Were in Japan, Alex, not China," Jade replied. "And seriously, what did you learn."

"The girl at the counter defintely understood English, evidenced in the fact that she called Alex a jackass when we were walking away," Stephen replied. "But lucky for us I took a few months of basic Japanese when I was a freshman."

"How much do I love you right now?" Jade spoke, kissing Stephen.

"Thank you, thank you very much," Stephen laughed.

"So what did you find out?" Michelle asked.

"Well.....she said that she saw two guys that fit the description I gave her leave with a sharply dressed guy twenty minutes ago," Stephen replied.

Michelle looked around.

"Well he shouldn't be too hard to spot if she said sharply dressed," she replied. "Because everyone else here seriously needs my help."

"Ugh, let's just go Michelle," Krystal spoke pulling her along.

Krystal, Michelle, Jade , Stephen and Alex all began walking towards the exit while Adam stayed back.

Vanessa noticed it and looked over at him.

"You okay?" she asked.

" isn't like Brandon to just up and leave without telling anyone," Adam replied.

Vanessa sighed with annoyance.


"Not right now, okay Vanessa," he replied.

He didn't want to hear another speech from her because at this point, it was all moot. He had what he wanted. Only for some reason, he was afraid to let go of her too.

He'd find a way. Soon.

I guess Gino and I had decided to forgo checking into out hotel for the time being, as T.K. showed us around the city.

The guy obviously had some pull around the place, as people basically made sure to get out of his way when we walked along. Or like when we went into stores and people grew quiet upon seeing us.

Maybe it was Gino and I. But I kinda got the feeling it may have had something to do with T.K., and I wasn't really liking the feeling.

"So, Spring Break huh? How long did you guys planning on staying?" T.K. asked, as he led us down another corner of the city.

"Oh well it was just one of those rushed things, you know?" Gino replied. "I don't know, maybe like a week."

"A week....really?"

It was already dark out, as it had taken quite a while to get here from the U.S. But as we walked further and further down the streets of Tokyo, I just began to grow more and more uneasy.

Of course, my thoughts were also all over the place so that probably had a lot to do with it.

I couldn't stop thinking about my situation.

I was having problems with Adam, but my solution was to run away? I blamed Adam, but doing what I had done weren't going to make matters any better. Running away wasn't solving anything.

But Gino had suggested that it was just a break, not running away.........

If anything, it had probably made things worse. Too late for regrets now. We were already so far away...

"I wish I could go to America," T.K spoke. "But obligations keep me here, so...."

"Really? What kind of obligations?" Gino asked.

"Gino..." I spoke.

That was just a tad bit rude on his part.

"That's okay...actually my family...they're a little...well, formal and stubborn. They don't exactly like Americans and really don't want me to go to a place they hate, so..."

"That sucks," Gino replied.

"Yeah, well what are you gonna do huh?" T.K. replied, trying to laugh it off.

But while he and Gino were brushing T.K's words off, I couldn't shake the feeling I was being followed.........

"Why are we following them, again?" Krystal asked.

"Would you keep your voice down?" Michelle replied. "Besides, I told you. We don't know where they're staying, plus hell I'd put down money we'll probably catch em getting it on."

"I forgot how sneaky you used to be," Krystal replied.

Michelle and the others had been following their two friends for quite a while, and it was already getting to be too late to be walking around in the dark alleys that they were.

"I'm tired...can't we just go say 'boo, we caught you!" and get this over with already?" Krystal whined.

"Krystal, I'm so not in the mood right now," Michelle replied, trying to keep Gino in her sight.

"Alex, let me get on your back," Krystal said.

"Nice try. You may look little but I definitely know better," Alex replied, with a smirk.

Oh shut up, loser!" Krystal said, slapping Alex on the back.

"I wonder who that hottie with them is," Michelle spoke. "I mean, the clerk was right, he is dressed perfect, unlike everyone else in this city."

"Right now, I'm actually wishing I could be anywhere else but in this city," Krystal moaned.

"You know, I think once we get this all over with, I should go interview a few locals for a story I might do-"

"Baby, can we not think about school tonight," Jade spoke, grabbing Stephen's hand.

"What, I'm just saying-"

"Oh my god look, they're turning around!" Michelle panicked. "Everyone hide!"

Everyone scrambled around looking for things to hide against and behind.

"Sorry guys, I guess I forgot this path led to a dead end," T.K. apologized.

"Well, at least now we know where one dead end in Tokyo is," Gino replied.

I was really getting a bad feeling about all of this. And I still felt like I was being watched....

"Let me just make a call and get a us a limo-"


"Okay you caught me....let's just say, I've been out on my own all day and now I guess it's time to check in," T.K. replied.

I still didn't know what that meant or what was going on but things got a lot more complicated when the two doors on either side of the three of us opened and arms gabbed us, pulling us all inside.

"Hey what the-"

T.K had dropped his cell phone and Gino and I had dropped our bags.

"Oh my god!" Michelle exclaimed.

Adam jumped up but Alex pulled him back down.

"We can't just rush in there...those people looked dangerous!" he replied.

"I don't care!" Adam shouted, jumping back up.

"Shit!" Alex mumbled getting up as well, followed by Stephen.

"What should we do then?" Jade asked.

"Call the police?" Krystal asked.

"With what Japanese phone?" Jade replied.

"Come on," Michelle whispered, pulling Jade and Krystal along, Vanessa following.

"What the hell is going on here?" Gino asked.

No one seemed to be saying anything, but the ultra shady looking Japanese guys in suits seemed to be eying T.K. hard enough.

T.K. began shouting something in Japanese that I would never have been able to understand even if I wasn't listening as hard as I already was.

The arguing between T.K. and a couple of the men in suits continued for quite a few minutes before T.K. began speaking in English.

"I don't care about what my father wants!"

"You were supposed to check in four hours ago!"

"Yeah, so what! Obviously, I've been busy-"

"Frolicking with these ingrate Americans!"

"Hey-" Gino started, but stopped when one of the "Suits" held up a gun.

Damn! Why did this always happen? Why in the hell was I always around when people pulled guns?

"You know how your father feels about Americans-"

"So. I don't really give a-"

"Takashi, enough."

That seemed to shut the guy up enough.

"You will come home with us," the main guy, and scariest looking of the bunch spoke. "As for these...peons...well, they'll obviously have to be dealt with."

"Wait a second, what are you gonna do to them?" T.K. asked.

"Take Takashi to the limo and keep him there. We'll handle this."

I knew what was happening now. Obviously, somehow, Gino and I had gotten tangled up with a member of the Japanese Yakuza elite's son. T.K. may have been a good guy, but us hanging with him certainly hadn't been good for Gino or I.

T.K. really looked sorry for ever meeting Gino or I as he followed two of the suits out of the dimly lit storage room and out to the limo.

"As for the two of you-"


I was shocked when I saw Adam and Alex charging two of the suits to the ground, engaging in a fight with them.

"What the hell?!" Gino exclaimed.

Stephen rushed over to another suit and tried tackling him to the ground.

"Stephen, be careful!" Jade exclaimed.

This was all just weird. Meeting T.K. Finding out who his father was. Adam and the rest of my friends being here, at this very moment......

"Brandon, are you okay?" Krystal asked.


I looked down at Adam as he struggled with one of the suits.

He certainly was giving the guy hell.

The girls and I jumped back once we heard gunshots going off.

Looking around though, I could tell that no one had been hit, as pieces of the ceiling were falling to the ground.

Alex managed to get a gun away from one guy while it looked as though Adam had knocked one guy out completely, rushing over to help Stephen.

"Oh my god!" Krystal shrieked, holding Michelle and Jade.

I looked over at Vanessa who looked over at Adam and then back to me. It was almost like she'd finally figured something out. And I was a little worried of what her reaction was, if she'd figured out the truth. That Adam and I.....

"Lights out, asshole!" Alex shouted before punching the last of the suits out.

Looking around, all three of them were out cold, while the other two that had taken T.K. away, obviously weren't aware that anything was wrong yet.

We still were far from safe.

"Oh my god!" Jade exclaimed, rushing over to hug Stephen.

"I'm okay, no cuts or bruises," Stephen replied, hugging his girlfriend.

Gino had started towards me but Adam rushed past him and over to me.

"You okay? Huh, did anything-"

"I'm fine," I replied.

Adam was holding my back with one hand, while the other was caressing my face gently.

"God, I can't believe what just happened," he said, pulling me into a hug which I returned.

Neither could I. I was still having trouble even considering the full scope of everything.

"Makes me realize just how much I love you," Adam replied.

"What?" Vanessa asked.

When Adam let go of me, I noticed Vanessa standing right next to us and everyone else staring at us silently.

"Vanessa...I was gonna tell you-"

Adam words were cut off when Vanessa slapped Adam with everything she had.

"I hate you!" she exclaimed, before trying to rush off, but stopped when Adam grabbed her by the arm.


"No, just get away from me!"

"Leave her alone Adam!" Krystal exclaimed, rushing over to Vanessa.

"Vanessa please!" Adam pleaded.

"Just back off for now-"


"Just back off!" Alex barked.

While they seemed to be arguing some things, I couldn't help but to think about everything.

Gunfights. Kidnappings. Breakups.

And now my friends seemed to be divided over me.

Everything happened because of me. If I wasn't in the picture....

I really was a curse, and as long as I stayed around, things were only going to get worse. Never better.

They never had been.

"Look, we can talk about this later. Right now, we need to get our asses out of this country!" Michelle spoke.

She was right. We couldn't stay here. Not after what happened.

And I couldn't stay with Adam. Or any of my friends.

Not anymore.


I know I'm a slowpoke, but it's getting there. Only 4 more episodes after this one and I'll be completely done posting the story here(tear, lol)

Feedback is always appreciated. You can send it directly to me at:, where you will always recieve a reply. Or you can leave messages on my yahoo group at:

Copyright 2005

Next: Chapter 41

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