Animal N Styncts

By Kyle Smiley

Published on Mar 4, 2000


Hi, This is my first story so I hope you like. There ain't much action yet cuz I'm building a relationship but there will be later so the story is not intended for those under the legal age in your area. The story is totally fictional and not meant to imply anything anout any of the members of *N Sync. I would just like to thank Eshy for being there for me through everything and encouraging my writing. Any comment can be sent to


Animal 'N Styncts

The air is very humid tonight. I can feel the water in the sky brushing my sweat soaked skin. I have just finished my exercises for the day and decided to go for a walk in the park. My name is Garrett O'Ryan and I live in Toronto. I'm almost twenty; in fact my birthday is in three days. I'm five foot eleven with chestnut hair and sky blue eyes. I have lived here all my life. Oh there is one other really important detail about myself is that I am a member of the Clan Tigris. I should probably explain that. Basically I am what would be called a shapeshifter or lycanthrope which is like a werewolf only more in control and a lot less violent. I shift to a tiger as stated by my clan name. The clan is like a family and mine consists of about twenty members that I know of. Another important thing is that the "Time of Selection"(a Clan members twentieth birthday) is almost upon me. This is the time when I must choose a mate. A life-long partner. It is really hard for me though because unlike the rest of the Clan I am gay. I have known it for a while now and dealt with it as best as I can. I have told the whole Clan and they all support me and am glad they accept me but I'm worried about finding a mate. Usually you pair up with another Clan member but as I said I'm the only gay one so I can't do that. This means I have to find a non-Clan and convert them; make them a Clan member.

Tonight I am going to a club called Tonic. I heard it's the best club in Toronto but I've never been there before. I dressed up in a pair of simple black jeans and a black short-sleeved dress shirt with brilliant ivory white dragon print across it. I think I look dashing. I've been here for about three hours when suddenly I smelt him. It was my mate. You see when a mate is chosen it is through scent and right now I could smell the one my body has chosen and where the body goes the heart and soul soon follow. I tried to sort him out through all the bodies but there are just too many people here. I went outside and sat at the door so that I could smell him when he comes out. About half an hour later he came out so I followed him very stealthily. I noticed that he had the palest green eyes and spiky blonde hair. He was gorgeous. He walked for about half a block and stopped at a hotel and turned around. I instantly recognized him in the bright streetlights. It was Lance Bass of *N SYNC. I always thought he was hot but what am I going to do now. It is hard enough converting a non-Clan member let alone one who will be in the public eye so much and I didn't feel I could force the decision on him. Usually you introduce yourself to the person and establish a friendship or relationship and then inform them of you, the "Time of Selection", and their right to decide but how could I do that with a famous pop star. I can't even meet him let alone explain my situation. I would have been fine if I hadn't found my mate yet but now that my body knew whom it was I have a limited amount of time to do something before it takes over. I have to go home and rest. I'll think about this situation in the morning.

The Next Morning... I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and bright sunlight streaming through the blinds of my room. It was too bright for someone who just woke up. I live in a small apartment out in the West End of the city. It was plain and simple, one bed, one bath, a small kitchen and a living/dining area. I have been living here ever since I finished high school. I'm now planning on getting a degree in zoology. I went and took a warm relaxing shower. As I sat at the table for my routine cup of coffee my mind wandered back to last night. How could my mate be world famous pop star Lance Bass? I don't know what I'm going to do about this situation. I have to find him tonight and hopefully talk to him, maybe be able to establish a relationship, even with so little time. Unfortunately I will have to convert him tonight if he's to be a Clan member at my "Time of Selection". This is so hard for me cause I can never force anything on anyone and I wouldn't want to but I could become dangerous without the balance of a mate.

I will go talk to the Clan; maybe they can get me a way to meet him or the group in general.

As my luck would have it Astoria, my aunt, was able to get me a ticket to the band's meet and greet. This is going to be great. Not only would I get a chance to talk with Lance but also I would get to meet one of my favourite musical groups. Just an hour left to go. I'm so excited and so nervous. What can I do for the next thirty minutes before I have to drive over? I know! I'll get a Tim Horton's French vanilla cappuccino. I love those things and the caffeine rush is phenomenal. Yum Yum.

After finishing my cap it's about time to head off to the meet and greet now. I have a small black Jetta but it gets me around so I'm happy. The meeting is at the Sherway Gardens mall, which I know by heart so here I go. I made it in record time of fifteen minutes but it took another five just to find a parking spot. This so better be worth the headache but its N SYNC so how could it not be worth it. A lot of my friends are real hot for the BSB but I personally don't get all that lusty from them whereas every single N SYNCer turns me on at least a little. Of course I always thought Lance was the best looking of all of them. I hope this works out. I'm now standing in a long line at the pavilion where the boys are setting up. I hope I can get to meet them cause the line is pretty long and I'm like right near the back of the line. About three hours later the meet and greet ended but I didn't get to meet any of them. I was so upset. How was I going to meet Lance? I went outside and sat on the curb thinking about how tonight had gone. It was depressing that I had lost him before even getting the chance to meet him. Suddenly I heard some noise coming from behind me. There they were - 'N SYNC. I could talk to Lance. They were coming right towards me.

"Hello. I know you guys. Your 'N SYNC. I really like your guys music. It's so good," I said.

"Thank you. It's great to know that we inspire our fans. What's your name by the way?" asked JC.

"Oh, my name is Garrett O'Ryan," I replied.

"That's an interesting name I haven't heard before," Justin said.

"Thank you. I like it too. Supposedly it means to watch or something like that," I said.

"That's cool. How did you know that? Can you tell us what are names mean?" Chris asked.

"Sure. I just read a lot of baby name books to pass my time," I replied. "Let's see, Christopher: One who believes in Christ, Joseph: God will increase, Joshua: Jehovah saves, Justin: Just or true, and Lance: Spear, but if you use your first name James it's supplanter. I personally like Lance and its meaning better."

"That's so cool," Lance responded. "Hey you want to hang out with us for a while since you seem like such a cool guy?" he asked.

"I'd love to," I answered him.

"Let's grab some pizza and some movies and we can head back to the hotel" JC said. The others all nodded in agreement so off we went to Pizza Hut and Blockbuster. The guys decided to rent 10 Things I Hate About You and Scream. I liked both those movies but especially Scream. When we got back to the hotel we dug into the pizza and then went to watch the movies. I even got to sit next to Lance on the couch. The whole time I was giving off major alpha male pheromones trying to impress my mate. I noticed that Joey and Justin got apprehensive and I thought that was strange. Then I realized that they could detect the pheromones but didn't know what they were and it set off the normal reaction of a defensive alpha male. So there were two alphas in this group who didn't even know it and I never would have suspected Justin as being one of them. But this meant I had to be more careful or they get more defensive then they already were. Justin was even bearing his teeth a little while sniffing the air. I cut back on the pheromone release. I also noticed that Lance and JC also seemed to be reacting to the pheromones but more in the manner of the mate than the alpha. That was also totally unexpected cuz I didn't think any of them let alone two would pick up on it.

As the night progressed I learned more about each guy and found that I could be really good friends with all of them. I also found out what a wonderful person Lance is and I didn't know how I was going to be able to bring him over. The movies soon ended and everyone was really tired so I said good night and got up to go. I asked them if I could use the phone to call a cab.

"You don't need to do that. I'll drive you," Lance insisted. I wasn't going to pass up this opportunity so I said that would be really appreciated. So we went out to the hotel parking lot and luckily there were no fans around as it was so late. He led me over to their rental car and we were on our way. When we got to my house I said thank you for the ride.

"No problem," he replied. "Hey do you want to hang out again some time?" he then asked.

"Sure. Here let me give you my number," I replied. So I wrote it on a scrap of paper and he was off. As soon as he was gone I shifted to my Clan form. A big white tiger. I then proceeded to head for the hotel through some shortcuts I knew that would get me back there before Lance. About 30 seconds after I got there he pulled up into the parking lot. He got out of the car and was heading for the entrance at the back of the hotel when I made my move. I jumped out from my hiding place in the shadows and stalked towards him. When he saw me he seemed to just freeze. I got up to him and I could see him trembling so I just rubbed my head against his legs and then his hand. He relaxed a little but was still very afraid. Then I did it. I bit his hand. Not to hard but enough to break the skin cuz that's was all I need to initiate his conversion. He screamed and I took off. Two more days and he would be part of the clan and hopefully my life long mate but I had to talk to him and explain. I didn't want him against his will. I hope he understands.

The Next Day... It was about four o'clock in the afternoon and I still hadn't heard from the guys. I figured they probably weren't going to call but I had to talk to Lance to explain what he would go through, how to deal with it, and why I did it. I thought of calling them but that didn't seem right because it felt forceful. At about five thirty the phone rang so I went to answer it. It was JC. Boy was I surprised.

"Hey Garrett. It's JC. I was just calling to ask if you would like to stop by the hotel for some dinner in about an hour. The guys and I are planning on going clubbing all night but Lance had a traumatic experience when he got back from dropping you off yesterday. He isn't up to going and he really liked you so maybe you could stay with him and watch some pay-per-view movies or something," he said.

"Are you sure it's okay with him? I asked.

"Ya, he's totally cool and as I said likes to hang out with you," he replied.

"Okay, I'll be there at six thirty," I said. Alright, I get a chance to explain everything to Lance. Hopefully he would understand and maybe even return my feelings because I realized how fast I was falling for him. Tonight was going to be eventful no matter what happened.

An Hour Later... I slowly approached the main desk of the hotel.

"Hello. My name is Garrett O'Ryan and I'm here to see Lance Bass," I told the clerk.

"Oh yes, your name is on the list. Just head on up. Room 540," she replied.

I went over to the elevator and pushed the button. It finally came and I got in hitting the button for the fifth floor. When it stopped I stepped into the hall and went looking for the room. I found it and that is when the nervousness of telling Lance and how he would react hit me. What if he hated me and never ever wanted to see me again? Would I be doomed to live alone for the rest of my life? He could easily find another but as said mine had already chosen him. I couldn't move from the worries running through my head. Suddenly the door opened and Justin walked right into me. I collapsed to the floor hitting my head and he fell on top of me.

"Ow," I said.

"Oh Garrett, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were there. Why were you just standing in front of the door anyways?" he asked.

"I just got here and was about to knock when WHAM. I'm fine though so don't worry," I replied.

"OK. Come on in. Lance is in the living room watching MuchMusic. I'm going to go round up the rest of the guys and head out. We'll see you guys later," he said. "Bye Lance."

"See ya Curly," Lance yelled back.

Justin went back into the hall and closed the door on his way out. I headed towards the room where I heard Lance's voice coming from. When I reached the doorway I saw him just lying on the couch and he looked so kissable/edible.

"Hi Lance," I said timidly.

"Oh hey Rett, hope you don't mind me calling you that but your names too long and everyone else has a nickname," he said.

"Oh, That's fine. I like it in fact," I told him. "So why didn't you go out with the guys tonight?" I asked. Like I didn't know.

"Well yesterday after dropping you off I came back here and there was a tiger in the parking lot. It just rubbed against me and then it bit my hand. I guess I'm still kinda shook up," he answered.

"I'm really sorry," I said.

"Why you had nothing to do with it. Just one of those freak occurrences you here about but never believe," he said.

"Lance I have to tell you something," I said. To Be Continued...

Thanks for taking the time for reading my story. I would love to hear what people think so I can improve it. My e-mail is

Next: Chapter 2

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