Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on Apr 22, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 89: Going Out

Adam looks at his ceiling on his bed, twiddling his thumbs. It's only been one night since Jessica's warning. Merrick is dangerous? He is the reason he was put into the hospital? How, and why?

"Aghhhh..." Adam groans as he feels his head, throbbing painfully, before rolling to the side and getting his secret stash of Ibuprofen pills Jessica made him keep -- doesn't know why they have to be so hush-hush about it, but they do help with his headaches.

He pops a few pills, and downs a whole bottle of water.

Merrick... Dangerous... How? He doesn't seem dangerous. He was downright playful and kind. "Maybe I should just ask him... Nnnhhh, dammit..." He rubs his forehead, "If I insist... Ffffuck, probably not... He's probably just going to evade the question like everyone else I talk to..."

"And who is this Jessica..." Adam says as he puts his legs up and around the bed, sitting upright. "She was so concerned for my safety... And I think I may have made her suffer..." He says to himself, "What did I do in my old life..."

"Gaahhh, this sucks." He frowns, "I don't have a freakin clue about me, and no one will even tell me..."

He sighs as he gets up, walking around the bedroom, more like pacing. It feels like a prison in here, nothing to do but maybe fiddle with his laptop, or else lie in bed and wait for his headache to disappear. Hell, he's not even allowed to go anywhere without supervision.

"Screw it. I'm going for a walk." Adam leaves through the door, looking both ways of the hall, and strolled out.

He goes around and walks casually past several areas. Passing by a disabled patient now and then, passing by a teaching class or casually peering into the cafeteria.

"... Hahhh, what am I even doing??" Adam says as he turns back and aims to walk back to his room. He's so frustrated and bored and irritable. What is he even doing here??

Adam turns the corner to his arm, and staggered a bit.

There he is, the blonde man from yesterday. Adam blinks and stares at Merrick's back, while he took his shirt off and let it drop to the floor. Before Adam can even ask why, Merrick pushes his pants down, and steps out of them, wearing what looks like very tight and smooth boxerbriefs.

"A-Ahhh..." Adam's mouth gaps as he looks at Merrick's body as he picks up his cloths and puts them neatly on the chair. He stopped for a moment to look at his left hand, moving it a little, and seeing a small sparkle from it, "Merrick??"

He turns, and smiles as he walks to him, "Adam, there you are." He said happily. Adam glances down at his package, his face feeling hot as he trembles.

"M-Merrick, I- Wha you, what're you doing?"

Merrick smiles at him as he puts a hand on his hip, "Waiting for you~"

"I-I know, but why are you naked??" Adam asked, his chest pounding like crazy. THIS is crazy! What the heck is going on??

"I told you..." Merrick walks up to Adam, looking at his shocked, blushing face, until they were right up against each other. "I've been waiting for you~" Merrick pushes the door knob and closed to the door.

"U-Uhh," Adam stepped around him, and walked over to the small desk in the room, "Th-That's nice, did you want to go to the garden, o-or come with me to the Job Course classes?

"I think I'd rather stay in here..." Merrick answered as he hopped up on the bed, and stood on his knees. Adam's eyes immediately go to his bulge again, outlining a strange shape within.

"Why- Why, why stay in here, Merrick?" Adam says as he forced his gaze to those blue eyes, "It's... Really boring, you know."

"Doesn't have to be." Merrick grins as he slunks off the bed, and approaches him. Adam's face starts to sweat as this suggestive man gets close again. Adam's skull begins to throb as Merrick moves one of his legs over Adam's lap.

"Na-No, please, don't," Adam says as he pushes Merrick's thigh away, and gets up from the chair, "Look, I-I don't know what's going on, but I'm extremely nervous, ok? C-C-Can we just get dressed and maybe go to Art class again?"

"I really like you Adam." Merrick said, "I've been waiting so long for you." Merrick feels a pull of reluctance inside his chest... Donna would probably not approve what he's trying to do... But Sasha did say something about Sexual Healing, and this might help Adam, "I saw how you look at me."
"I- No, I haven't been looking at you." Adam says as his pacing lands him on a spot on a wall, "Look, Merrick, just stop this. I don't know what from anything, please, I don't know how to handle this."

"It's ok..." Merrick comes up so close and personal, his hand gently holding Adam's wrist. Adam's heart punches inside his chest as he sees Merrick bringing himself mere centimeters to him. "You're shaking..." Merrick whispers as he puts his hand onto Adam's chest.

"Merrick, stop..." Adam whines, breathing becoming very hard to do right now. "Please..."

"It's ok... I can show you how to handle this..." Merrick doesn't like how scared Adam seems... Maybe he should just put his pants on... Then again, the night is always darkest before the morning. Maybe once he does this... Adam will be able to get through this better... But doing this reminds him of his harsh hunting lessons with Arnaav.

"Don't be scared..." Merrick whispered.

You can't trust him!' Jessica's voice echoes in Adam's head. Adam panics as Merrick closes his eyes, He's the reason you almost died! HE put you in that hospital! He DID this to you!'

Adam gasps and whimpers fearfully as Merrick's face gets closer, his lips coming closer.

`He's dangerous, Adam!'

"STOP IT, NO!" Adam yelps as he shoves Merrick back, and runs to the left side of the room. Merrick staggers as he looks at him with hurt eyes.

"Adam...!" Merrick looks at him, seeing Adam pant, almost hyperventilate as he looks back at him, like a terrified rabbit cornered by a fox. A pause goes by, before Merrick takes a step forward, "Adam-"

"Merrick, no." He tells him. He takes several deep breaths, before talking again, "I think you should go. I-I can't handle this..."
"Adam..." Merrick's voice shook, "I-I can explain, I-"

"Merrick, please don't, please!" Adam begs as he backs away again, "I can't handle anything right now, and I can't handle you." Merrick gasped lightly from that, "I-If this is what's going to happen when I see you, then I don't think I need to see you right now." 
"A-Adam..." Merrick said sadly, "I... I didn't mean-"

"Please, just go." Adam turns away from him, looking his head down, "J-Just please get dressed, and go..." He sniffs as he turns around completely and faces the window, looking at the floor, and holding into his hair. He's still feels himself shaking, completely confused and cornered. He hears the shifts, clicks, and slight rustle behind him.

"I... I'm sorry, Adam..." He says, "I'm sorry,"

"I know, I know, just..." Adam barely responds. Merrick turns, and opens the door, taking one last look at what he's done, and then leaves.

Adam huffs as he holds his head. He clenches his eyes as his brain starts to spark an electric pain, pulsing as he climbs into bed, curling up and whimpering as it plunges his psyche into waves of hurt.

"Dammit..." Adam said on his bed, leaning forward with his head bowed down. His insides are still pulsing with the recent event. He feels scared... At the same time, he wished he would've let Merrick explain himself... The look on his face... He looked rejected and hurt... Adam's insides purge with guilt as he remembers Merrick standing there in his underpants, right after he screamed at him... "Hi, Adam~!" 
"Hm?" Adam looks his head, and sees Jessica come in, holding a fruit basket. His eyes brighten as he sits up when she comes in, "Hey."
Jessica heart swells as he smiles at her as she comes to him, "I'm just here for a short visit, wanted to let you know you're still on my mind~" "Awww, thanks, Jess." He said as he accepted the basket. "I've noticed you have gained a few in your time in bed." Jessica says as she tugs at Adam's belly area, "Just bringing you some fruit to cut out those carbs." "Uh, thanks..." Adam says, a little degraded from her comment and gesture, "I um... Don't suppose you also brought a game for me to play, did you?" "Hehehehe, not this time, but I'll bring on next time." She sits down on the bed, "So how are you doing, Adam?" "Bored. A little scared after what you told me yesterday."
"It's alright, Adam." She said softly, holding his hand, "I am here for you in case anything happens. "Ah, actually..." Adam says, "S-Something DID happen a while ago..."
"What? What is it?" "U-Um... You know that blonde man you warned me about? Merrick?" "Yeeees?" Jessica says as her eyes locked onto his. "Well, I came in here, a-and he was there, and he... Was removing his clothes." "Hhh!" Jessica gasped, "He did not! Oh my gosh, Adam!" "A-And the way he was talking to me, he, uh..." Adam's face feels so very heavy and hot as he admits to this, "He said he WANTED me, and he kept getting too close to me."
"That is EXACTLY what I was afraid of." Jessica says as he gets up and crosses her arms, "Adam, you can't allow this man to come that close to you again."
"What?" Adam asked, "I-I think I can reason with him, if I just told him I'm not comfortable with what he-" "Adam, no!" Jessica said sternly, "You can't believe a word he says, or he will violate you in every possible way!" "J-Jessica." Adam says with a hint of disbelief, "He made a mistake, he was really sorry when I refused him. I want to at least give him a chance."
"No, Adam, that's how it starts." Jessica says before she both her hands onto his, "He ruined you once, he almost killed you. I can't stand the thought of losing you again." "A-Alright," Adam nods, "I-I, if he comes back, I-I'll tell him not to..." "No, Adam. You've been through enough." Jessica says, "I'll tell the officials myself not to let him through, or he will tamper with your health." "O-Ok... J-Just... Nothing, ok."
"I'll see you soon, Adam." Jessica leans in, and kisses his lips. Adam sits there, looking at her as she goes. His chest feels strange after this kiss... It doesn't feel the same as when Merrick kissed him... Her kiss just feels... Awkward. Like he doesn't really want it again.

Jessica marches up to the receptionist desk, her chest and mind full of conviction. This is the beginning of her life, and pushing that disgraceful sinner away from the love of her life. She comes to the receptionist, who looks rather bored and drowsy.

"Hello, I need to have someone reported." Jessica began.

"Name." The man behind the desk dully.

"Merrick... I don't know his last name, but-"

"No, ma'am. YOUR name."
"Oh, I'm sorry. My name is Jessica Foster."

"Alright..." The receptionist typed a few things on the computer. "And the person you wish to report?"

"His name is Merrick, but as I said, I don't know his last name."
"Is he a patient, staff, or visitor..." The man said, looking more asleep than awake.

"He's a visitor, and he's been interfering with the recovery of a patient, name of one Adam Bryant." She says indignantly.

"And what is the nature of the report, ma'am..."

"He exposed himself to Adam, and inducing a panic attack."

"That is a serious accusation, ma'am..." The receptionist said. He's actually met Merrick a few times -- Merrick gave him a weird fish-paste that took care of a rash this guy has been suffering for a couple of weeks. Exposing himself though? From what he's seen of that kid, that sounds a little far-fetched, "Do you have any proof or witnesses of this taking place?"

"Adam can tell you! He just told me so himself."

"Mr Bryant is under a thorough program, his claims will not be enough to open an investigation about this claim..."

"W-What?? Adam is mentally sound! He's-"

"If you want to open an investigation on this claim, you will have to speak with Adam's psychologist..."

"Alright, fine." Jessica nods, "Tell me who it is, and I'll bring the news straight to him."

"Here's HER card..." He said as he takes a contact card, and gives it to Jessica. She takes it, and reads it.

[Doctor Donna Dietrich-Bryant -- Mental and Emotional Psychologist]

`Bryant?? Is she related to him? I don't think I can go to her, she may not understand yet.'

"Hang on, are you sure there isn't anything else you can do for me??" She asks, "Um... Dr Bryant may not always be around, can't you just put Merrick on a ban list or something??"

"Mr Piscien has been volunteering at the ward for a couple of weeks, any accusation that has anything to do with a patient must be taken up with their therapist, counselor, or otherwise chaperone."

"Please! Isn't there something you can do??"

"Unless you have any other evidence for you to take to security, there is nothing I can do for you."

"But-" Jessica was interrupted when the phone started to ring. The dreary receptionist holds a finger up to stop her from talking, before he picked up the phone.

"Hello, thank you for calling Enrique Psychiatric Ward, how may I help you..." The receptionist nods as he types into the computer again, "Alright, let me check that for you..."

Jessica huffs as she waits for him to finish whoever is calling.

"Ah..." Adam's hands shake as they try to inch a wire to a tiny fishhook. They can't stop moving as he tries to concentrate. "Ya almost got it, steady..." Jamal says as he sits with Adam, guiding him through this. Adam tries to aim and coil the string around, but meshes it for the 6th time. "Fuck..." "You good, just try again." "You sure I did this for a living?" He asked. "Not all the time, just like, twice a month. You were really good at it, man." 
"I just can't seem to get it straight..." He hissed as he looks at his thumbs, seeing tiny dots of blood appearing there. "Aight, you had nuff." Jamal says as he puts the tools and materials away. Adam sighed as he leaned back. "Again, you're telling me I did this as a job?" "Kinda." Jamal answers, "You were a fishing guy -- you fished on the dock and delivered stuff around." "I fished, huh?" Adam asked as they get up, "What does that entail?" "Well... Think I can just show ya." He smiles as he pats Adam's shoulder, "C'mon, you'n'me." "I can't go anywhere, Jamal, I'm stuck here." "Naw, you can't go no where without permission." He pointed out, "Lets git you a pass."

"Just to the docks?" Donna said sternly, "No where else?"

"Yeah, Doc. Just wanna take Adam on a short fishin trip." Jamal says as he and Adam stand before her for her written consent."

"I don't know..." Donna pondered fretfully, "The last time he went further than a mile than here was when he got a searing migraine. I don't want him exposed to too much again."

"It's gonna be at the Fish House, he gonna be around a lotta good people, we's just gonna catch a couple of marlins or somethin and come right back. 2 hours, just gives a couple of hours."

"What if he collapses again? Jamal, the docks are further from here than the house."

"If he gets his head wrecked-"

"Jamal!" Doctor Donna sternly said, "Can you rephrase, please?"

Jamal huffed as he resisted rolling his eyes, "If he gits hurt, I will call the ambulance if it gets bad before we git to mah car."

"Agghhh, I'm still not sure."

"Oh come on, Doc, ain't there somethin about fishin bein therapeutic or something?"

"He's right, Donna." Luther said as he looks into her small office.

"O-Oh, Luther... Dad." Adam said.

"Luther, I just..." Donna huffs as she gets up to him, "I don't want him falling again, not like after the first time..."

"Look, Jamal's a quick kid. He's the one who saved Adam, you remember?"

"What?" Adam's eyebrows raised.

"Luther...!" Donna hushed him, straining herself as he stands there, "Luther, you know what I've said about-"

"He will be fine, Donna. I trust Jamal, he's been with Adam for years, he can look after him, and Captain will be there too, he'll have his hand on the button if anything happens."

"Hagghhh... Fine. Fine..." Donna relented. Irritably defeated, Donna bent to her desk, and signed her fancy signature onto the permit, "Just the docks. 2 hours, I want him back before 4PM."
"You got it, Mrs D." Jamal says as he accepts the permit.

"Take that to the receptionist, and he'll have you cleared for the time."

"Aight, thanks." Jamal grinned before he and Adam turned to leave. Adam peeks his head around, glancing at Luther curiously, and seeing Doctor Donna again before he turns his head back around.

There's something about how Luther came in and talked to Donna, he didn't even call her `Doctor'...

"Aight, we here." Jamal says as his car parks in the piers garage, "You feelin ok, man?" "Yeah, I think so..." Adam says as he rubs his forehead, "I think my head's going to be ok, I took some ibuprofen before we went." Jamal quirked his brow at him. "Where'd you git ibuprofen?" "Um... Just some friend gave some to me." Adam shrugged. "Aight." Jamal shrugged as he got out of the car. Adam climbs out too, and walks around the vehicle, waiting for Jamal. Jamal turns after a few steps, "What you waitin fo?" "Oh, um... Don't you have fishing stuff?" "Naw, we gotta git it first. C'mon." "Ok..." They walked below the old, aged, ornate bronze sea-horse archway as they walk along the shops. "You just tell me if yo head starts goin nuts, ok, bud?" Jamal said as he pats Adam's shoulder. "Ok..." Adam nodded. This guy seems kind of... Protective? Well, that's not really the right word. Since he's been at the ward, Jamal's been showing up everyday, not always at the same time, but he always hangs out with Adam whether he's in a job-training class, doing therapeutic gardening, doing coordination exercises or playing some sports at the outdoor area. Doesn't matter what time of day, it just seems Jamal is always checking up on him. "Yo, Harold!" Jamal called as they approach the back of a huge tin warehouse. Harold looks to them as they come, fully dressed in his Fish House uniform. 
"Oh, hey Jamal. And, wait, Adam??" He smiles at him as he comes, "Hey, buddy, how've you been?" "Ah- w-what?" Adam took a step back as the stranger in the blue rubber overalls and green top and hat comes to him. "What? Oh..." Harold nods, "You still don't remember me, huh?" "Nobody. But he's getting better." Jamal says, "Can we barrow some fishin stuff for a while?" "Um... Sure, I guess. Under my card, right?" "Yeah, that cool?" "Sure, just gimme a minute." Harold said as he walks into the warehouse. He comes back minutes later with some checked out rods, a bucket, and a tackle box. "Here you go, just have it returned within an hour, that's when my card is expired for the check-out." "Aight, thanks." Jamal says as he accepts the equipment. "Thank you..." Adam said, feeling slightly more awkward as this Harold guy pats his shoulder. He and Jamal walk along the very tall docks over the wavering ocean. Jamal pulls one of the old metal chairs up, while Adam looks over the railing.
"Aight, lets git..." Jamal glances at Adam, and sees that he looks unsure. "... I... Don't think I like it here." Adam says, "I think we need to go to a different spot."
"Hm? Aight." Jamal nods, and picks the stuff up. They walk around and around, Adam scanning the water's area each time they stop. Jamal wonders what he's doing as they go, wondering if Adam's alright at the moment. "... I like this spot, I think..." Adam says as he chooses this part of the dock, which is on the other side of the Fish House from where they came. "Why this spot?" Jamal asked curiously. "Just... Feels like we need to be here for this." Adam shrugged, as does Jamal. "Aight." Jamal says before he sits down to set his things up. He took out some small, live shrimp, and start to put them to a hook. Adam watches as Jamal gets them ready. "Was I any good at that?" He asked. Jamal smirks and laughs a little. "Naw, you can't hook live stuff like worms and shrimp. The squirming always freaked you out." He chuckles more as he gives a rod to Adam, "Aight, I'mma show you how to throw yo line." They both stand up, and Jamal shows Adam just how to pose the rod, before letting the hook and line fly into the sea! Adam thrusts, and watches as his line glides over the water, and then dips in. "Now we just kick back and wait fo the fishes." He says as he sits down, before Adam sits down too. 
"So... Did I do THIS for a living?" "Naw, this is just fo fun." Jamal answers, "You mostly deliver stuff `round the pier." "I see..." Adam says. His head still feels uneasy, but it's not getting worse. "Hey, Jamal?" "Hm?" "This guy, named Merrick..." Adam says, "Does he... Have any weird... I don't know, tendencies?" "Whaddyu mean?" "Well, earlier today, he just... Showed up to my room, and took off his clothes until he was in his underwear." Jamal's eyebrows yank up. "Seriously?" "Yeah, and then he started... Talking all weird to me. I... Kinda freaked out and asked him to leave."
"Aw shyit..." Jamal shook his head. "So... I'm wondering if he does that regularly ooorrr..."
"O-Oh naw, that uh... That was actually MAH fault."
"Wait, what?" "I kinda dared him to git a lil naked in the ward, and see how long it takes fo anyone to get on his case."
"You... Dared him to get naked with me?" Adam asked with a sense of hurt coming. "No! No... Well... Ok, kinda."
"Why would you do that? He scared me, he turned me upside down this morning!"
"I didn't think he'd actually DO it!" Jamal said defensively. "So why even suggest it?? What was the point??" "Cause we used to do that kinda shit when we were younger." "Wait, did what?" "When we got to know each other better, we pulled pranks on each other. Like, one time, you put oil in mah shampoo, and then another time, I put a pinch of itchin powder onto yo towels, and sometimes we just wrestled." "We did all those things?" Adam asked, slightly amused. "Yeah, we grew out of it though." Jamal said, "And Ah told Merrick to try that stunt fo ol' times sake."
"Ok... I guess..." Adam trailed. `Dafuq, Merrick?' Jamal mouthed silently as he looked to the side, his face furrowed in weirded confusion. Just then, Adam feels and sees fishing rod start to twitch, "Wait, what's happen- Jamal my rod is moving." "Aw shit, think you got something!"
"O-Ok, what do I do??" VEEEEEEVVVVVV "Whoa!" Adam grips his rod with both hands as the line suddenly started racing. "Ah shit, aight, aight, aight, careful now," Jamal says as he gets up and quickly tends to Adam's rod.

It's dusk now, partially dark outside. Jamal and Yuri have already gone home, with the promise of coming to visit tomorrow. Adam sighs, his mind tracing back to Merrick... He has some very weird and strong feelings about what went down...

With his stomach churning with anxiety and a little fear, Adam sits down and pulls up his laptop, opening it up and prepping a new Word Document.

-- Dear Diary, Today was still as boring as the last few, but at least this time, Jamal took me fishing for about an hour. We caught a few large fish, but my head started hurting again, so we had to leave sooner than when I was allowed. My psychologist was a little unhappy with me, she didn't even want me going in the first place --


"Hm?" Adam hears the tapping sound of a glass door, and turns to see Jessica on his porch, knocking at the sliding door. "What the heck??" He says as he gets up and goes to open it.

"Hi, sweetie~!" Jessica chirps before she pops a kiss on Adam's mouth again before Adam lets her in.

"A-Ah, Jessica, what're you doing here?" He asked sheepishly.

"Wanted to see YOU of course, babe."

"O-Ok, but..." Adam closes the sliding door partway, "But visiting hours were over about 20 minutes ago, you might get in trouble."
"Oh, we're fine, Adam." She says, "How was today? Did that man come back again?"

"M-Merrick? No, he didn't come back."

"Good~" Jessica says as she leans in and gives Adam another kiss, this time a little thicker.

"Mmfff, a-ah, alright..." He backs away from her, his stomach twisting again, "Was uh... Was there something you wanted to talk about?"

"Nope! Get your shoes on!" Jessica says as she claps her hands, "You and I are going to the carnival tonight~!"

"The wh- the what?" He stammers, "Wha- now??"

"Yes! The carnival's absolutely fantastic at night! All the lights are on, it gets super romantic, the food gets cheaper, it's just so magical!"

"But, Jessica, I can't go anywhere without a permit from my psychologist."
"Oh, those are all just technicalities they put in to make you do what they say." She dismissed, "Adam, they're just holding you back and treating you like a child. What good does it do you really to keep you locked up like this?"

"Well... I, I don't know, my head does hurt often, and I get thirsty a lot."
"So, we'll just keep the ibuprofen on hand and we'll keep getting water, it's not that hard."

"Ok, but... What if they see I'm not in the room, won't I get in trouble?"

"Do they check on you during the night?"

"Not really... Except when I need to call in someone, but I haven't needed to do that yet."

"Then we're set, lets go." Jessica says with a smile.

"U-Uh ok," Adam says hesitantly as she skips over to the porch. Jessica climbs over the railing of the tiny porch, and makes her way down. "Oh, I see." He said before he goes to climb out in the exact same way.

Soon, his feet land on the dark grass, and they creep along the dimly lit yard. They locate Jessica's car, and climb in. Adam's stomach turns with unease as he slides into the passenger seat, shaking a little as he looks up at his own room in the ward.

"A-Are you sure we should be doing this?"

"It will be fine, Adam." Jessica assures him, "We'll be back before anyone knows it."

"Mnhh..." Adam whines quietly as the car rumbles up, and they drive off.

"Woooow." Adam coos as they drive into a dirt lot, gazing with awe at the bright yellow lights of the carnival.
"I know, isn't it wonderful?" Jessica asks. "Two trips in one day, this is exciting." Adam commented, having forgotten his anxiety at the ward. "Two trips?" Jessica asked as they get out, "Did you go somewhere today?" "Yeah, but it's ok, it was just some fishing." Adam said as he walked, but is stopped by Jessica's hand. "With who?" She asked with a stern look. "Just a friend of mine, lets go!" Adam says as he can't take his eyes off the musical dance of the carnival. "Adam. With WHOM did you go out with today? I need to know, I am worried about you. "It's ok, Jessica, my psychologist was fine with him."
"Adaaam." Jessica says. Adam sighs with aggravation. "Just some guy named Jamal, he's an old friend of mine." "Jamal." Jessica said, "Adam, you need to be careful about Jamal too, he has a very questionable life."
"What?" Adam looks at her with disbelief, "Jamal? He's fun though, he sees me everyday." "Adam, he steeps himself in sin everyday, whoring himself out, abusing his God-given life," Jessica lists of with abandon, "I mean, God only knows just how many diseases he actually has."
"That... That can't be true." Adam shakes his head, "He doesn't seem like the type to... Really do that kind of thing."
"Everyone who knows him knows that of him, Adam. And... I've heard tell that he also peddles illegal substances..."
"What?" Adam stares at her, shocked. "He has a record, Adam." Jessica tells him, "God knows just how many times he actually uses, and how long he's been getting away with it."
"If... If he's doing drugs, wouldn't anyone notice?" "Some people are that careful." Jessica says, "If he offers you ANYTHING, Adam, just. Be. Careful." "Ok..." Adam says as they close the doors, and walk from the car. Jamal... `I had no idea...' Adam thought. `But, something's not right... I think Jessica's just jumping to conclusions because she cares so much. Jamal really doesn't seem the type... Wait, what type is that? How would I know?' "Adam?" "Hm?" Adam snapped out of his thoughts as they reach the gate. "A gentleman always pays for his dates~" She said with a smile. "Uh..." He looks at her, and then at the ticket booth person, "But, I don't have any money." "I know, I'm just teasing you, sweetie." Jessica says as she files her hand in her purse, "Just letting you know for next time, when you're back on your feet." "Ok." Adam smiles. `I'm a gentleman.' He thinks proudly. Their hands stamped with black light ink, and red strips of tickets purchased, Jessica takes Adam's hand, and they stroll merrily into the carnival. They rush to a rollercoaster for a 3-minute wait, and soon found themselves in the snake-like vehicle on the large, wooden structure. "Hoh shit, what, fuh," Adam's hands seize onto the bars as the ride climbs up the ramp. The coaster soon reached the peak of the hill, and drops down, "WHOA SHIIIIIIII-" Adam screamed with the other riders as the ride zooms and shoots around. His face breaks in a mixture of amazement and fear as the ride flies in fast curves and rabid dips. "WOO-HOO-HOO-HOOOOOOOOH!" He whoops out. Jessica turns next to him, seeing Adam so excited and happy with her, holding onto the bar on them as the night wind rushes around him. The two of them locate the teacups and find themselves a sunshine-yellow cup to go in. Once started the teacups start to spin and rotate around a giant teapot, blowing smoke and music out of the spout. "Spin the wheel, Adam! Spin the wheel!" Jessica cheers. "Wha?" His eyes go to the thick, metal disk in the middle of the cup, "Oh!!" His hands grab onto the disk. He clenches his eyes shut and grunt harshly as he forces the disk in a clockwise direction. Their teacup begins to turn as the cups rush and orbit around the huge pottery, faster and faster. Adam's stomach growls as they stroll along the games. He smiles as he looks at all the big, colorful dolls up for prizes, all the movie posters up for winning, small gift shop stands set up here and there. "Ooh, Adam, you have to win me a prize!" Jessica says. 
"I do?" "Ugh, baaaaabe," Jessica whines, "You are so out of it, aren't you, honey?" "I-I'm sorry, I'm still new to this outdoor thing." He said with a chuckle. "Alright, lets play some games~!" 
They locate a stand featuring a corkboard with rows of balloons. Jessica gives the correct amount of tickets, and Adam is given a set amount of darts. "Ennhh..." Adam grunts quietly as another wave of pain phases through his skull, before he fiddles with the darts. He takes him, and throws it to a complete miss. "Dammit..."
"It's ok, sweetie, lets try again." Jessica says before Adam throws another dart, and hits the top of the board. He frowns as he tries a third time, and pops a bright green balloon! 
"Oh, got one!" Adam focuses, and throws the next dart, and then the last one, popping no more balloons. "Oh, sorry about that buddy." Says the man in charge of the darts. He gives Adam a small lollipop before he and Jessica move onto to a different booth. Adam throws a ring over to the collection of bottles, unable to land the gold or silver colored one, the ones for a big prize. Jessica stands by anxiously as Adam throws ring after ring. "Ah, out of rings..." Adam says. "Here ya go, sonny." Says the ring person as she gives Adam a small neon orange snake. "It's alright, lets try another game." Jessica encouraged. "Ok, let's go for that one." Adam says as they go to another booth. "Everybody! Start your guns!" Says another game person as Adam aims his water pistol at the target like everyone else. "Readyyyyy... START!" Every single gun immediately unleashes a line of water flying to the targets! Adam grimaces as he feels his head start to hurt again. Still he tries, still agitated with his lack of success so far. His water shakes as it strains to remain on target. The flower-shaped idols for each target rise and rise, until the winner dinged out loud! Adam groans with defeat as his gun reaches 2nd place. "You did great, Adam!" Jessica says as he is handed a shiny, medium-sized pelican doll. Adam chuckles as he gives it to her. "Thank you so much, Adam." "You're... Welcome." Adam says awkward, feeling rather sheepish. He glances aside, and sees two men hug, a chubby black guy and a laughing guy with a bleach-yellow Mohawk. The front of Adam's forehead feels a keen scratching from inside as his vision blurs a little. He blinks as he sees a weird glimpse. He sees himself, laughing out loud as he attempts to balance a bowling ball on an unstable table. He can make out... Someone else. Someone with blonde hair next to him, gesturing like mad as Adam's image tries to move the heavy ball to stay in the correct spot. His smile fades as he feels the light curdle inside him. Adam looks at this very vague and feeble apparition. As he watches, his chest feels a deep feeling, almost as if its heavy and dragging him from inside. The imaginary music dings as the time limit is up, and the bowling ball is still in the very small gold ring! The blonde figure cheers as it jumps up and down. Adam chuckles as he sees himself accept a very fancy Chinese 3-dimensional fish-dragon kite. His heart pounds as he sees himself partially embrace the vague blonde figure next to him. This... What he's seeing... It feels so familiar, it's almost scarey... "Adam!"
"I- Wai, what?" He stammers as he snaps out of it. He sees the Mohawk guy kiss the pudgy black male before they get lost in the crowd, with a large bright purple wolf doll in hand. "Adam, I was just saying we should go on the Tilt-A-Whirl next!" "O-Oh sure, that sounds great." Adam says before she takes him away from the spot. Adam still looks at the place he was looking at. Very few fragments of what he has just seen evaporate from his mind, unable to piece together the images, like he just woke up from a dream... As they walk, both of Jessica's arms around Adam's left arm, his attention divert to a funnel cake stand. They slow down as Adam picks up on the sweet, delicious scent clouding from the sizzling fryers and hissing whipped cream cans. The woman deep-frying the long lines of batter into the oil looks up at Adam as she wipes the sweat from her brow, "Enjoying the fair, honey?" "Yeah, it's great! What're you making there, it smells amazing." "Never seen a funnel cake before, honey?" Bertha asked. She's sure this guy looks like Adam, but the beard is a bit thicker and his hair is a bit shorter than Adam usually goes for, plus his skin is a lot lighter since the last time she saw him. Plus he's got a girl with him. "I'll bet ya like it with strawberries." She wagered. "Sure, I'll try it-" "No, no no." Jessica says as she pushes the next available plate away, "He is on a diet." "I am?" Adam asked. "We talked about this, baby, remember? This morning when I brought you the fruit basket?" "Oh... Yeah..." Adam says, "Sorry..." "Oh, he's fine, darlin," Bertha says as she pats to herself, "He's in great shape compared to me." "Thank you all the same, but he does need to take in less sugar." She said, "Lets go, babe." "Ok..." Adam moans as he's led away from the food shacks, still longing for the funnel cakes and the churros and the elephant ears. "Huh..." Bertha tilts her head, "I could swear... Naw, he wouldn't be caught dead with THAT girl. Glad she found SOMEbody at least." She dismissed. "You say something, Bertha?" One of the other cookers asked. "Nuthin." The loud bell rings, and the row of horses charge forth like lightning in the races! Their muscles fold and contort under their brilliant pelts as they gallop with abandon. Adam grunts as his hand goes to his head. His brain is starting to hurt again, like something is pushing outward in the middle. "Adam??" Jessica's voice asked, "Adam, are you alright, sweetie?" "My head is hurting... I think I'm getting another migraine."
"You've taken your ibuprofen, didn't you??" "10 minutes ago... Ahh..." "Oh... Alright then, it's about time for you to head to bed anyway." She says as she gets up and helps Adam to his feet. They walk through crowd, rubbing his temples as they go until they reach the gate. Jessica checks the time, and winces when it reads 11:43. They really should have gone a long time ago. Within half an hour, Jessica's car pulls into the same dark area in the yard lot of the psychiatric ward, and parked. They carefully crept to the same impromptu climbing route they used to get out, and scaled the small height. They sigh as they make it to Adam's tiny porch and past the glass sliding door. "How is your head, baby?" "Still hurting... I'll be alright though." Adam whispered. "Alright, I have to go now, love." Jessica says as she hugs him, which he returns. Jessica's heart flutters as she feels him squeeze her... This is real... He wants her... "Thank you, Jessica, I had a great time tonight." "Ok. Remember, not a word to anyone."
"Got it." Adam nods before Jessica comes in, and plants another kiss onto Adam's lips. She goes back outside, and closes the sliding door. "Hahhh..." Adam still feels uneasy about this whole night. At the same time though, that place was really fun. He just wishes Jessica would've let him eat some of that food. Speaking of which, he takes an apple from the basket she brought him, and bit into it. After chewing, he furrows his brow, and looks down at his midsection. He walks into the compact bathroom, and looks at himself in the mirror. He lifts his shirt and looks at his belly, feeling at the slight round mound. He doesn't know how to distinguish how he's supposed to look, but... Guess Jessica knows him best. Shrugging, he bites into the apple again before setting on the edge of the basin as he takes of his shirt. Better take a shower in case he smells of the fair. After stripping naked and turning on the water, Adam stands at the edge of the shower. "Ahhh... Ghh..." His head rings as it starts to rack with pain again. "GhhHHH!" He stumbles into the shower, and groans as he clutches his head. 
"HHHAAAHHH!" He cries, panting loud and groaning in the water. He clenches his eyes shut as he dries to drag images into his head. Jessica screaming with joy in the teacups. Jamal is whooping at the wild fish he reels in. Donna hugging him after his last therapy session. Luther working on the car next to Adam as they talk. Nothing is working. Adam whines harshly as he cringes, electric stings drilling into his brain. Merrick swiping white paint on his hand. "Hhah... Hhh... Hhh..." Adam pants as his head pauses in the pain. Merrick giggling as he takes the golden sea horse plush doll Adam gave him, his blue eyes sparkling in the sun's light. His lips curling into a smile as he looks over his shoulder. Adam breaths with shaky rasps of air as his brain slowly subsides, still pushing his hands and fingers into his hair.

Next: Chapter 90

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