Aquata Cove

By Andrew Bailey

Published on May 7, 2017


Aquata Cove Chapter 90: Water About

"And then I'm in this big, dark space." Adam says with his back to the cushion chair, looking at the ceiling, "And everywhere I look, there are these glowing playing cards, all arranged neatly in a circular array around me."

"Was there anything else there, Adam?" Donna asked as she sits in her chair with her notepad and clipboard, "Did the cards do anything at all?"

"Some of them flip over, and just light up white, and sometimes I see images coming out of them, like... Like... Gaahh, I don't know. All of them just seem so familiar."

"It's alright, Adam, we often can't remember what happens in our dreams."

"That's the thing, though." Adam said, "Half of these dreams are so vivid, I can't remember almost all of the details -- in THIS one, the cards literally do feel familiar, whether I'm awake or asleep. As in, they feel like I know them and I know what they're showing me, but I can't remember what they're supposed to look like. I think it's like... Eating some kind of food 2 weeks ago, and you know you LIKE it, but you can't remember what you ate in the first place, and when you try to remember, nothing is coming to mind, and it gets frustrating..." He sighs as he peers around to his psychologist, "Is this making any sense?"

"Ahahahah, I think so, Adam." Donna chuckles, "You're very good with your wording. See, what you're telling me is that your dreams are reaching out to you, from your old life. So far, these dreams of yours are the safest approach to helping your mental health."

"Well, that's not all to the dream."

"Oh? What happens next?"

"Well, it's like, I'm in the middle of the cards, and I look around, and... I see ME."

"You see yourself? Like, as in a mirror?" Donna asked.

"Not really... It's like, while I'm looking at myself, I'm some kind of stranger, and myself is looking right at me... Except this guy who looks like me, he's... He doesn't have any color on him -- he's all black and white and grey. And I remember my appearance was a little distorted."

"Really..." Donna says as she leans in, "Does this copy of you talk?"

"Well, I ask him, `Who are you?'. And he doesn't respond until I ask him a second or third time."

"What does he say?"

"All he said was... `I am something that is supposed to exist'. And that's all. That's all he says."

"That is interesting." Donna says with intrigue, "It seems like some portion of your memory is still trying to reconnect yourself in a metaphorical way."

"It's kinda scary though..." Adam says, "No matter what I say to him, he just says the same thing. Over and over again, I am supposed to exist', I am supposed to exist'. No matter what I ask him, he just keeps repeating that."

"Does he do anything to you, Adam?"

"No, he just stands there, and tells me that phrase."

"Is there anything else in the dream?"

"Yeah... Eventually, I hear another voice. When I turn around, I see someone else."

"Who does this person look like?"

"I... That's another thing... I can never remember what this one looks like either..."

"What do you mean?"

"It's like, this person is the same no-color tone as the other guy, but... I can't remember what he looks like. If anything, he's lighter, but he's a lot more distorted than my look-alike."

"Does THIS individual say anything?"

"Well... That's the scary part..." Adam says lowly.

"How scary is it?"

"Well, sometimes, the dream ends differently. Most of the time, this blurry person just does the same thing the other guy does, and just repeats the same sentence."

"You mean, `I am supposed to exist'?"

"No. THIS guy says `I am a place you are supposed to go'."


"And again, no matter how many times I ask, or whatever I say, these guys just repeat themselves."

"... And what's the other ending like?"

"In the other ending... There is no second person... The guy who looks like me just starts to hold his head and scream. He just starts yelling, like he's in pain, and he eventually changes into the other person I see, still shouting like he's being stabbed or something... And then he just turns into smoke, before I'm suddenly falling into a bunch of shattered glass all around me."

"How often do you have this dream?"

"At least about... Twice a week, I think. And I have other dreams besides that one that are strangely detailed that I can remember."

"Such as what?"

"Well, last night, I dreamt that I was falling through the sky... Along with a whole bunch of arrows -- like a bow and arrow -- and these... Like, balls of light keep flying from below me and flushing out the other arrows. When I look down, I see one of the balls of light in my face, and then I woke up..."

"That one... MIGHT indicate you being under some sort of attack? I don't know quite what to make of it." Donna says as she jots down a note, "What else have you dreamt, Adam?"

"Well, in one dream, I see myself in this castle... This big, complicated, crystal castle that has a lot of areas and structures that look more like optical illusions. And I'm trying to find this one person who keeps getting lost. Half the time, when I have this dream, the castle itself breaks apart like it's under attack."

"Wow, that sounds amazing." Donna says while jotting a few notes.

"But... Every time I find whoever it is that I'm chasing, I only see them for about a minute or two and then I wake up." Adam said sadly, and I can't, for the life of me, remember who this person looked like."

"If these dreams are as familiar as you're describing them, would it be possible for you to recognize real people if you were to meet them on the day after you've had the dream?"

"Haven't so far, and I've been having all kinds of dreams like that for as long as I can remember -- even when I was still in the hospital."

"Oh, I see." Donna nods, "Anything else that's been troubling you? We still haaave," Donna checks her watch, "About 10 minutes left for this session."

"Well... A couple of days ago... I-It's about Merrick."


"Yeah... See..."

"Aaaawwwooo!!! I'm such an IDIIIOT!" Merrick whines out as he presses the pillow on his face. He grunts and moans as he slaps the couch cushion into his face. "Here, lemme help you." Yuri says before she takes Merrick's forehead, and shoves the back of his head into the wall. "Oowwww!" "Merrick, I can't stress enough to you just how serious this is." Donna said firmly in a chair, leering at him "Exposing yourself like that to Adam, seducing him even?? His head is still damaged enough as it is, he doesn't need you trying to sexualize him." The door opens up, and in comes Jamal, "Hey'all" "You!" Merrick says as he points to Jamal, "This is partially YOUR fault!" "Whaat?" Jamal's voice cracks up as he stares at him, "The hell did I do?! I just got here!" "Your friend Sasha told me to get freaky with Adam, and I ended up freaking him out!" "I- Wha- Oh, is this about when you tried to fuck'im?" "You KNEW about this??" Donna asked accusingly, "And can you please use a better phrasing than that?" "Hey, I took the wrap fo you, man!" Jamal says, "I told Adam it was a dare I made ya do." "Gaaaahhhhhd!" Merrick whined as he pushes the pillow in his face again. "Whoever this Sasha is, Jamal, if you know her, I think you should tell her just how this affected Adam." "Agghhh, fiiiine." Jamal groaned. "And YOU, Merrick." Donna turned to leer at him, "I expected better from you. Seducing Adam before he's even ready to step outside the ward without a chaperone?? What were you thinking?! You've always told me how disciplined you are, and you do something like this?" "Sasha told me about Sexual Healing, and I don't know what you humans do, you have all kinds of ways of doing everything, I hardly know what and what not to take seriously!" "And at what point did you ever consider asking ME about any of that??" "It's not fair. It's been a couple of months since this thing happened. I've got needs, Donna, and he seems fine to me." "Merrick, as his mother and his psychologist, I, and I alone will be the judge of that. And I expect you to be patient and not pull anymore of these stunts in the future." "I hate thiiiiiis." Merrick groans, "Ok, so I went overboard against my better judgment -- even I was feeling uncomfortable about it. All I wanted was to get on my knees and have Adam melt in my mouth." "PKLL!" Donna chokes in her teacup from that remark. "Is that so much to ask?" "Merrick!" "Ooook, Merrick, tone it down a bit." Yuri said, while Jamal snickers and shakes his head in the kitchen. "What? It's not like I go around blowing every guy I see like Nick. You get me, right, Jamal?" "Hahahaha, leave me outta this, dude." Jamal barely says as he smirks as he sucks an orange slice. "I mean come on!" Merrick continues, "After two moons worth of hate and fear that I've had to put up with, who wouldn't want to pet and ride a big hairy beast-" "Merrick!" Donna says at him, "You are talking about my son here! I am not a prude, but I am not comfortable with you talking like that about him, if you please!" "You work with people's feelings and thoughts, don't you? You should know better than anyone how sex relieves stress." Merrick asked, "Don't YOU process that sort of tension with Luther??" "Oh my God." Yuri says as she turns her face away, her cheeks getting a bit pink. "Merrick that is between me and my husband, and wish you would drop this matter." "I would, except me and Adam aren't married yet. I'm sorry, it's just been far, far too long since Adam removed his pants and-" "Alright, that's enough!" Donna says as she puts down her cup, "I'm going to the TinTop to see Luther, and then I have to go back to the ward. Do let me know when you want to stop being so childish, Merrick." She says before she stormed off. "Wow man, that was whack even fo me." Jamal says as he takes a load off with them. "Eh, it's how I handle my resentment towards her for keeping Adam locked up like an infant. I still have my problems with her besides that." "Merrick, you know she's only doing this for his own good, and even you said you didn't like stripping and seducing Adam." "I know, but honestly, I was hoping Sasha was right about the Sexual Healing stuff, and since Adam is my soulmate, I honestly thought I had a good shot." "Yeah, blood rushing to and from his bruised brain, adrenalin racing though his coping vessels, and unfamiliar feelings racking his nerves. Yeah, brilliant plan there, Nemo." Yuri says snidely before she gnaws on a red bean pastry. "Which reminds me," Jamal says, "How's you and Dennis, by the way? You two still goin out?" Yuri swallows her treat, "Well, first of all, that was an unexpectedly mature way of asking me, Jamal, bravo." "Psshhh, aight, sorry" Jamal smirked, "You and he-" "Ah-ah-ah, Jamal, I'll take this one." Merrick said, "Yuri, you and Dennis: are you, or are you not, shaking the medical closet and shocking the nurse staff with your wild and proper intercourse?" Jamal snickers as he flops back and covers his eyes. Yuri stays silent as she closes her eyes, and almost robotically, turns her head to Merrick. After a few seconds of starring into each other's eyes, Yuri's hand goes to the side, and slaps the back of her fingers into Merrick's lower jaw. "Ah, ow!" Merrick says as he rubs his chin area. "Now that that's settled." Yuri says as she shifts back around in her seat, "Yes, me and Dennis are still going out. He's a very patient young man for my schedule, and he is incredibly shy, and that's just fine with me. Now, take your sex jokes, and shove them up your prostates, you filthy pigs." "WHA-" Jamal gaps his mouth, "What'd I do?!" "You were THINKING, Jackass. And he gets that kind of junk from you - and don't build off of that!" She pointed quickly. "What? WHAAAT?" "Still don't like this though." Merrick whines, "I miss Adam like crazy. I just, I know he'd be fine if we were more intimate, and thinking that, I feel like I can't go to him without wanting to hug, kiss, cuddle, and fu-" "Merrick, I swear to God, I just beat that out of Jamal a while back, I do NOT want to beat it out of you too." She said with a pointed finger. "Ghh, alright alright, I'll lay off the bed stuff." Merrick said. "So what'ya gonna do then?" Jamal asked. "Think I'll spend some time in the ocean." Merrick said, "Maybe I'll give Chibaku a call and see if he needs any research assistance." "Wait, you're going back out there again?" Yuri asked, "For how long??" "Don't worry," Merrick smiled, "I'm not going anywhere, I'm just going to spend some time in the reefs and local areas. I'm still going in for work and such, and I'll come see Adam when he's a little better." "Aight, cause Nick's still not cool wit'chu just yet." Jamal says. "I know, and I'm going to make up for it." He tells them. "I just think some time in the water will do me some good. Maybe I'll swim by the docks and screw with a couple of fishermen by pulling on their hooks again." "GggGGG!" Yuri snickers and laughs, "Hahahaha, that actually does sound funny. Right, well, I'm gonna go see Adam and introduce him to a few video games to familiarize him." "Aight." Jamal says as he gets up, "C'mon, Salls! Lessgo to the Hound Hut" He calls, instantly getting his dog's attention as he goes to get her leash, while Merrick gets up to go put on his sea equipment.

"Ok, thank you, Jessica." Adam says as he takes the black leather-bound book with shiny golden pages, "I'll read it tonight." He assures her with a smile.

"Bless you, Adam." Jessica says before giving him a kiss, "I'll see you tonight."

"Alright. Oh- and thank you for-"

"I have to go! Bye, love!" Jessica says quickly as she climbs over the railing, and scales it down.

"Ok..." Adam says, before putting his hand over his mouth and wipes it a little. He appreciates her going to these lengths for him, but he's not really comfortable with the kissing. He's gonna need to talk to her about that... If it won't hurt her feelings TOO hard, that is...

"Hi Adaaam!" Yuri says as she beams in carrying some hard black box-like item, just as Adam puts the Holy Bible onto his nightstand.

"Oh hey, Dr Yuri!" Adam says as his chest feels lighter as he feels a smile come back on.

"You're looking better today." She pointed out as she closes the door.

"I'm doing ok, still bored with the job classes."

"Well, that's what I'm here for." Yuri smiles as she sets down the device she has, "Got the O.K. from your psychologist, and I'm going to try jogging your memory a little."

"Really? How so?" Adam looks curiously at the piece, "What's this thing?"

"It's a PlayStation4." Yuri answered, "It plays video games, aaand..." She tucks her hand into her purse, and takes out a game jacket, "When we first moved in together, this was the first thing we played together as roommates."

Adam looks at the image of the jacket, "... Kingdom Hearts 1.5... 2.5 Remix? What does that mean?"

"Long story, but there's about 4 games in this disk, and 2 theaters worth of scenes."


"Just trust me. This was one of your favorite games ever." She says as she takes a few cords, and hooks them up to Adam's TV.

"Alright, I'm game." Adam smiles as he takes a seat on his bed, while Yuri starts it up. They go to Kingdom Hearts 1.5, and started a new game. Adam raises his brows as the title on the screen flashes with twinkling music.

"Oh, wow..." Adam coos as he watches the graphics of the night sky and dark clouds and the sheer metal-like sound effects of the letters and words. The screen then shows the sleeping eyes of a boy with spiky brown hair, as if he is sleeping on and off in a weird abyss of color.

The screen then goes to a blank area with flashing golden letters, before a young voice speaks, "{I've been having... These weird thoughts lately...}"

Just then, Adam feels something. His fascination quickly turns into quiet bewilderment as his mind goes back to his previous session with Dr Donna. The screen zooms and moves around some different words, before the boy speaks again.

"{Like, is any of this for real? Or not?}"

"Huh... Wow..." Adam mumbles as some tapping and techno music begins to climb in the game.

"Hm? What?" Yuri asked as she sits on the floor, holding the controller.

"Ah- What? Nothing, just... It seems weird and cool, and kinda relates to my life right now."

"I know, right?" She said with a smile before they both turn back to the TV. "We spent so many hours playing these games in the past.

"Errff. Nnnhh!" Arnaav growls as he contorts and flexes his body as the Kenovani hunts in the local rock barriers. "Are you ok, Arnaav? You have been squirming like that for a long time." Jegola says as she pushes her tentacles to move "My items feel so uncomfortable!" Arnaav says, "It's almost like they are trying to choke me." "Hm..." The octopus mermaid examines his belts and ropes, "It seems you are growing bigger than what you're wearing. You will have to mend or make new wares." "Grrrrrr," Arnaav frowns as he tugs at his vest, "I'm going to search in this area." He tells her before his tail pushes him forth. "Please, be careful!" Jegola calls after him. Arnaav paws and swims through a large, gapping opening, with filtering green and blue light around. His belly pushes against his belts, feeding his frustration as he curls around in the water. "Rrrrhh! No more already!" He says as he yanks at his items, and finally kicks them off, breaking off one of the belts that held his dagger and knife. "Fix it later." He growls as he just takes the two short blades and swims up. He sends a signal in one direction, one in another, and rolls in the water, before his eyes spot something odd. Among the field of healthy algae-grass, there is a pale, green-tinted round object tucked into the water gravel. He swims downward and puts down his weapons. "What is?" He ponders. It can't be a rock, it's too round and white among the surroundings. Arnaav puts his paws onto it, and dug into around the object. Pulling the orb from the rubble, Arnaav sees half of it is somewhat preserved, before rubbing off the green mush off of it, and looking at it all around. Still half white and half light green, he sees a weird symbol on the ball that is within the greener half. "Ooh, I think I remember this." He says as he holds it up, and lets go. The small ball sinks back down in front of him, before he picks it up again. "Hehehehehe... Hey..." He looks all around the well-lit cavernous basin around him. His eyes take in all the surroundings, small fish, and branches of coral here and there. "This... This is where..." He looks back at the ball in his paws. It looks so much smaller than it used to... "This is where I found that human girl..." He said, "When I..." His eyes feel a tinge of sadness as he looks down. His little ears droop as he recalls what happened. Arnaav looks up to the surface, before kicking his hind legs from the bottom. Arnaav's head breaks the surface as he looks around. He takes a small gasp as he looks around. The same environment as all those years ago, the same two pink-flowered trees as before, all those years ago... Putting the ball onto a nearby rock, Arnaav irks as he pulls himself out of the water, and picks the ball back up, leaning it onto a rock for balance, turning his head around. "Mizu!" "MEEP!" Arnaav squeaked as he jumped, turning to a sudden voice from above. He gasps as he sees a young Japanese girl standing up in an open yard of an authentic, old-fashioned house. A young teenage human girl, holding a school bag and dressed in her school uniform. "Fumiko!" He squeals in his merfolk speech, which sounds like a strange, purring noise, as he leaves the ball on the rock, and hops up on rock after rock. He grunts and irks as he climbs up, slipping here and there, now proving difficult to get up more. "Mizu desu!" Fumiko makes her way downward, her heart pounding as she keeps looking at the struggling otter. "[Is it really you?! Where have you been for so long?!]" Arnaav hears her, and watches as she approaches her, speaking that language again. He needs to go back to Yuri NOW! Can't she be here right now or something?! "Mizu-" Fumiko hesitates as her eyes go to the intricate black symbol imprinted onto the left side of Arnaav's chest, "Mizu, nani wa desuka?" She asked as she pointed. "Eerrr?" Arnaav purred curiously as he tilts his head. "[What is this word?]" She says as she points closer, "[I don't think they teach that kanji in school, what does it mean?]" Arnaav looks to his chest, and puts a paw over it. He purrs sadly as he lowers down to all fours. "[Oh, wait, does it make you hurt?]" She asks with concern, "[What happened?]" Arnaav shook his head. He can't understand her one bit, not a single word. And this place... This place was where he was... And she doesn't even realize... "[Wait here, I will get my grandfather and ask him.]" Arnaav's ears point up as he hears Fumiko's feet move away from him. "Wait!" He squeaks as he crawls and scratches up as she goes. Fumiko turns back around, and quickly pets Arnaav. The otter freezes as he stares at her, his back flexing as she strokes him. "[I will come back. Please stay, I'll be back soon.]" Arnaav nods, gulping before she turns back around, and scurries off. "Eeerrrfff!" He shudders and shakes for a quick moment, his fur fluffing for a moment as a very weird vibe just raced down his spine.

Merrick walks along the cliff by the house, naked and fully armed with his gear, with the addition of his cellphone securely inside an air-tight bag with a hand towel, just in case.

He rolls his head to crack his neck, before diving right into the sea!

The water explodes all around him, instantly transforming his whole body into his true form. His strong tail glimmers beautifully as he beats it strongly. He closes his eyes and sighs a breath of water as he twirls playfully. He needs to do more of this.

He pulls himself up and around a rock, signaling around, holding his harpoon as he goes.

"Merrick!" Comes a voice. He turns, and scoffs with glee as he sees a green merman swim his way.

"Brishen!" He calls back as he kicks his tail hard to speed up. The two of them take each other's forearms before embracing, "Is the pod here then?"

"Yes! We have just arrived!" Brishen takes Merrick's hand, and starts to swim, "I am sure everyone will be glad to see you-" After pulling, his webbed hand slips from Merrick's, who is now drifting backward. "Merrick?"

"I am Coshiton, Brishen, I cannot go back, remember?" He says, "If I come near the pod, the Ningyo will awaken and come forth to get me."

"So what? We are far from Atlantis, it will not catch you for a short visit."

"That's not how it works, Brishen." Merrick says with his arms crossed, "If I go back to the pod, it will seek out the location of where we meet, it won't just go away if I only stay for a less than a sun. If I come, so will the Ningyo, and I do NOT want the authority of the Kingdoms anywhere near these waters."

"Alright, I see." Brishen nods, "Is it even safe if we are together?"

"As... Long as I am not with the bulk of the pod, I should be fine. That's what Father and Mother says."

"Great!" Brishen says as he tags Merrick's arm, "Let's go find the Tohora!" He says as he swoops around and swims.

"Brishen! The Tohora is a sacred creature!" Merrick says as he quickly follows his best friend, "Don't tell me you are going to hunt it!"

"Of course not! I just want to take some fins it sheds to make armor."

"Brishen, whales don't shed."

Arnaav waits on the rock patiently, turning his head here and around, in case if anything else shows up. Patches of tan skin begin to show around his body as the water has been dripping off of him; he's been waiting for Fumiko to come back for up to an hour. "HHH!" He suddenly gasps as a thought just occurred to him! He turns, and dives back into the grotto. Arnaav quickly burrows himself through the water, jetting quickly to his discarded equipment. His paws seize his small pouch and nearly tear it open to deposit his arm into it. "... Wha??" His paw shuffles and grabs into the carrier, "Where is it??" He pulls it open, and looks inside. The otter's insides purge with fear as he can't see the magical, colorful twinkling of the butterfly ornament! "No nononononono!" He turns it upside down and shakes it, letting his items drift out of his case. He takes his belts and his sheaths, raiding through them vigorous. "No, please no! HHH!" His senses spike inside his little head. Arnaav whips around, and sees a few distant humanoid images appear. He swims slowly up, trying to make out the rippling images, before the water above drops a small cluster of bubbles, before the half green half pale ball sinks into it. "The ball!" He paddles swiftly up, and catches it mid-drift, before he instinctually goes right back up to the surface. "Ahhh!" He gurgles as he shakes his head quickly, and looking up to see the figures. "[There he is! It's my pet otter, Mizu!]" Fumiko pointed out as Arnaav looks up at the girl, accompanied by two grey and silver-haired elders. "[Mizuuu, come over here!]" "Huh?" Arnaav tilts his head, until he sees Fumiko start to gesture her fingers to point down onto the rock, "Oh!" Holding the ball with his paws under his chest, Arnaav dips down and undulates his way back to the wet rocks. He crawls and pulls himself up on the rocks taking the ball with him. "[Fumiko, that is no otter!]" The old woman tells her, "[Look at the markings of its fur!]" She says, pointing to the elaborate formation pattern of the boundary where the brown fur meets the cream-colored belly fuzz. Arnaav looks curiously as she points. "[It is a kitsune from the sea! A spirit who has wandered its way to our midst...]" Fumiko's grandfather says. "[But he has never hurt me. When we played all those years ago, he never even left the water.]" "[We never know of their true intent...]" Grandmother tells her, "[Be it trickery or benign...]" "[You must be careful, Fumiko. We do not know whether this kitsune plans to take you away, or leave you in peace.]" Grandfather says auspiciously. As they look at him, Arnaav's nose twitches, right before he sneezed and tossed his head. Arnaav murrs awkwardly as his little paws rubs and brushes at his face. "[I'm sure he's harmless.]" Fumiko says, "[He's just a little different from a regular otter. Here, I'll-]" "[Wait!]" Arnaav's posture suddenly erects, his ears turning, before he turns about, and flops back to the water. The three of them watch as his body disappears into the jade-colored waves. Arnaav looks, and spots Ebba's shell vibrating and calling him. "Oh so that's it. I need to go back." His short arms gathered his things, before he looms forward to meet them.

Brishen and Merrick swim along a reef that is adorned with what appears to be pearl/silver like ore. They cautiously look about the surroundings until they find enormous, cavernous-like areas.

"Brishen, are you sure this is even a good idea?? Tohoras are rare and gentle, but do we really want to provoke it?"

"I don't want to fight one, Merrick." Brishen says, "I just want to explore their habitat, and see what I am able to find. You know we never hear tell of any merfolk looking into a Sand Maze in these waters."

"Yes. Ever occur that there might be a reason for that? For all we know, we could be disrespecting them."

"You are worrying too much-"

"Brishen, LOOK OUT!"


Merrick flips as Brishen swerves out of the way as a 5-ft demonic looking shrimp races suddenly out of the sand! Merrick shoots his harpoon, which only rips once into the prawn's tail before it darts to them! Brishen blocks as it reaches one of its thorny claws at him. "Ghhh!"

"It's a Lava Shrimp! Don't pierce it!" Merrick yelled, "Its insides burn!"

Brishen yanks his arm back, and flips to cut his tailfin into one of it's whiskers and eyes! The shrimp growls a shrill noise as it thrashed at them again.

Just then, a flash of aurora light illuminates the space between the mermen and the shrimp, before swirling ice rabidly grew around and restrained the crustacean. The devilish shrimp squirms and growls as the ice reforms and shrinks like glowing, freezing vines as it is pushed down.

Merrick smiles as he looks up, and sees Savarna's hand glowing with the cold power pinning the Lava Shrimp, with her short staff spiraling with shards of light.

"Sister." Merrick says once the ice cracks solid and safely traps the shrimp.

"Brother!" Savarna cuts off her magic, and swims to him, going into a tight hug. "I sensed your aura, and I needed to see you!"

"I have missed you too..." Merrick said, "It has... It has been a difficult time..."

"What?" Savarna asks her eyes looking into her sibling's. Right then, her eyes see glimpses of a male human, with eyes that show no emotion, like a heart was taken from him. The human suddenly seems so close, and then an entire world away in distance, "Brother, what am I seeing?"

"What?" Merrick blinked, and then scoffed, "Oh, I get it. You are seeing into my soul..."

"Mother said I can see the recent and most residual memories of others..." She feels disquiet as she feels Merrick's energy, "I feel... Longing and sadness... Brother?"

"It's my mate, Sister..." He tells her as he drifts back, "He..."

"Waaaaaahhhhhhlllll." A long, calm song sounds around them. They turn to see a blue and platinum humpback whale, white-metallic swirl designs run all along its body, shimmering in the sun's light from the surface as it slowly swims by in the distance.

"The Tohora..." Brishen mumbles. These peaceful and lonesome whales are smaller than the average humpback whale, and they live in huge labyrinths of sand deep beneath the ocean floor in tropical regions.

"My mate's memory has been erased..." Merrick tells his sister as they gaze in awe of the distant creature, "Savage humans attacked him to the brink of death, and he lost every single moment of his past..."

"Brother, that's... I'm sorry..." Savarna says while she faced him, "Is that really even possible?"

"I cannot even go to him, because his mind is so delicate now, and all I want to do is hold him every time I see him."

"Will... Will he ever get his memories back?" Savarna asked. Merrick merely closes his eyes, shaking his head, "Ohhh..."

"Me and Brishen were about to explore the sand maze of the Tohora." He says, "Can you please come with us, Sister? We need your light..."

"Y-Yes! I will, Brother."

"Alright, lets go." Brishen says as the three of them swim into the dark opening of the sand.

"With this, I have been able to contact several colleagues across the sea," Chibaku says to Yuri as he shows her the brand new, used communications device that he uses for his research. "So it's like a telephone, right?" "Hahaha, yes, but I can call places or locations placed with the same system, or I can send signals and Morse code to even the most remotest locations connected with the same satellite. "Cool. Can I try it?" Yuri asked. "Yes, Yuri, but..." Chibaku hesitates around and looks about it, "I think it wise to... Choose a less-often channel..."

Arnaav ponders as he sits on a large rocking buoy, the water dripping from his fur, wearing only a belt with his knives and his pouch with his little arms crossed.

"I lost her little treasure, this is horrible." He whines, "How am I supposed to get her to like me when I am in human form? I can't just stay like this with her forever."

"And that language. I can't understand them at all! Grrrrr..."


"MEEK!" Arnaav jumps and tumbles onto the water, clutching onto the buoy as it suddenly started to ring and send all kinds of weird and disturbing sounds.

"Base CHI-04 to Red Base 0.9, Base CHI-04 to Red Base 0.9, over." Says a female voice.

"Hhh! Yuri!" Arnaav says excitedly as he climbs back up, "Yuri! Can you hear me??" He asks out loud.

"Repeat, Base CHI-04 to Red Base 0.9, Base CHI-04 to Red Base 0.9, over."

"Yuri, it's ME! Are you there??"

"Come in, Red Base. Over."

"Grrrr! What is this human... Thing?!" He says as he takes pads and click and press on whatever is supposed to make this thing work. It keeps blinking with lights and sounds, and it's confusing him, along with how Yuri is able to talk through this thing. Is it even her, or some illusion created by humans?!

He squeaked with alarm as something suddenly fell, connected to a coiled link. His paws quickly snatch it as he holds it up to his mouth, "Yuri! Yuri, can you hear me?!"

"Come in, Red Base! Over."

"Ahh, ahhh," Arnaav looks at the number buttons on the panel of the buoy, and press on random dials, "Yuri! Where are you!? I'm here!"

"Red Base, do you read me? I think you are coming through."

"Yuri! I can hear you! Yuri, are you there??" Comes a fuzzy response. "Oh hey, someone answered." Yuri says with a little surprise. "Now we adjust the frequency to tune the connection." Chibaku says as he turns the dial. "Yuri! Can you hear me?? I'm trying to talk to you!" "Uh..." Yuri looks strangely at the machine, "This is Base CHI-04, what is your identification number... And why do you know my name?"

"Yuri, it's me! Arnaav!" The otter says as he holds the communicator with both paws, "I found a weird human metal thingy on the surface!"

"Oh my gosh, this is awesome! How are things with the Kenovani?"

"Yuri, you gotta help me! I lost the little treasure!"

"The... The what? I'm sorry, I'm having a hard time hearing you, let me adjust the signal."

"The little treasure! The one that looks like a manta ray with tiny stones on it!"

"Manta Ray? What are you talking about?"

"The- grrrrr! Th-Th-The sparkle thing, I was trying to give back to Fumiko!"

"Ohh! The butterfly hair piece."

"Yes! That! I don't know where I dropped it in the ocean! And-"

"Wait, Arnaav, calm down. I have it."

"You do?? How?!"

"I found it on the floor some time after you left. It's been on my desk the whole time."

"C-Can you get it to me?? I need it!"

"I'm sorry, Arnaav, I can't."

"WHAT?! Why not?!"

"It's hard to explain, I just can't. Why do you need it?"

"I found Fumiko! I found her in an old place I used to go, and she's there! With two other humans who seem old. I need the little treasure to make her happy and show those other humans that I'm good!"

"I'm sorry, Arnaav, but it's going to have to wait."

"No, wait! I can come back and get it! I can be fast, and return it to her!"

"Arnaav, if I understand this right, you're in Japan, that's halfway around the world from where I am. It'll take you a couple of weeks -- er, about 20 or so suns for you to go to Hawaii and back."

"20 suns?! But I need it NOW! Those older humans don't look like they trust me! They're speaking that language you're teaching me, and I don't know what they're saying!"

"Ok, let me think... So, Ryo, yeah, same kind of... If I were to guess, given how superstitious her grandparents are, and if they're ANYTHING like mine, they probably think you're a... Mischievous fox spirit from the ocean."

"What's a fox??"

"It's called a `Kitsune'. They're a mystical creature in Japanese lore."

"Yes! Kitsune, they were saying that word! What does it mean??"

"They're mostly seen as tricksters and shapeshifters who are both playful and deceptive. They can come from any element, so I'm guessing they're afraid of you."

"Afraid?? What did I do?? What's gonna happen??"

"Well, they're either going to set up some anti-spirit tags or other talismans or something like that to try and keep you away -- but since you're not actually a kitsune, that's not going to do anything. At best, they may just leave you offerings like small treats or gifts so you don't curse them or else bring good fortune."

"But I don't know HOW to curse or give them fortune! What do I do??"

"Hahahaha, it's ok, Arnaav. They're not going to hurt you, I highly doubt they're even going to try and chase you off. Just go with it, act like they are appeasing you, and maybe they might like you. It might help if you give them a gift every once in a while -- that'll show you come in peace."

"Ok... Ok, I think I can do this." Arnaav nods, "I'm going to try it, Yuri. Can I talk to you again with this... This thing right now?"

"I... Don't think you can, I can't use this thing a lot, my Father needs it for his work."

"Alright... Alright, I'm going to try. I'll see you when I come back." He says before he then leaps into the sea.

"... Arnaav? Arnaaaav. Are you still there? You have to hang up the device. Arnaav? Arnaav!"

Merrick walks up to the glass sliding door, and pulls it open. "Hellooo! Anyone home??" He calls out. There comes no response, so he turns back around, "Alright, it's safe, this way." He nods as he walks in. Savarna follows him into the house, her bare feet pressing on the soft carpeting as her long dress billows around her ankles, made from transmuted sea foam and sand. She beams around in awe as she looks all around in the human dwelling. So many foreign objects and sights in here, it's all so strange. "So this is where you stay now?" She asked looking at the ceiling, then at the couch, and the TV, questions upon questions about the purpose and function of these things. "When I'm not with the Kenovani pod, yes." "I'm looking into several auras and energies in here. If I focus... I think I can trace the actions of previous beings who were here." "Eeeeer!" Comes a high-pitched mew as a tiny white creature comes running up to them, its small tail in the air as it gallops. "Ah! What is that?" Savarna asked with intrigue. Merrick smiled as he turns and picks up the baby animal. "This is an animal called a `Kitten'. He belongs to my mate." The little cat purrs as Merrick rubs and scritches his fingers into its soft fur. "It is like a tiny shachihoko." Savarna coos as she strokes it. "And in here," Merrick says as he guides her to the bedroom, "This is where I go to sleep." As they enter, he takes off his headband of shark teeth. "Wow..." She says as she looks with her mystical eyes. She sees residual energy clinging to the very walls and objects organized in the areas here and there. "So this is your Sea Spot?" "In a way." He chuckled, "My old one is inside a cave not too far from here." He says as he takes off the belts from off of his body, and setting them up on display he has for them, as well as putting aside his harpoon. "And you never go to stay anywhere else? You and your mate just stay here to live every sun? You don't travel like the pods?" "That's right. We stay in one place." Merrick says as he then takes a pair of satin shorts from the drawers. He sets Skyler down and plays his fingers with the kitten, as he flops on his side as his little legs kick while the baby teeth bite at him. "And your mate... You say there is no cure for his illness? Does the Forbidden Ancient live on this land?" "I've already asked her... A lot. Memories are a part of the soul, Sister, and no one can directly handle them." "Hohhh..." Merrick sits down on the left side of the bed, looking to the floor, "He slept right here... I can't stop thinking about him, Sister..." "Brother... I'm... Sorry..." Savarna says lowly. Merrick turns to her with a strange look. "For what?" "After you were banished... You remember, I tried to kill him... I convinced myself that if the human you bonded with was dead, Father and Mother would let you come back..." "Aheheh, it doesn't quite work that way, Sister. It's ok though, I understand." "No, it's not..." She turns her hand in the air, "I recognize the energy that lingers partially here. I know it's his aura. And there is no such malice or hatred or evil in it that I was trying to extinguish... And even sampling into your memories." She says as she looks at her sibling, "I can see he was so much more than the monster who took my Brother away... I am able to see that he was a protector, loved by so many, a gentle being... I still can't understand what he could have done to deserve what you have told me that happened..." "Yeah... Humans... They're both advanced, and savage..." Merrick takes a breath, and huffs it out, "I can wait though... He doesn't know me anymore, but when we were young, he waited 6 moons apart just for me each and every time the pod came to these waters..." "So you will wait for him to love you again this time." "Yeah." Merrick nods as he smiles sadly, " I can wait... I can wait..." He sniffs as he wipes his tears, and gets up, "Come on, I'll make us some food." "Food? Hunting?" "Humans don't hunt for food," Merrick says, "They-" The door suddenly opens, and Jamal walks in with his golden retriever. "Wha- Jamal!" "HHH!" Savarna gasps as she quickly hides into the room. "Merrick? What you up to, man?" He says with a smile, "Though you was hangin at the sea." "I-I came back, I just felt like it." Merrick said awkwardly, idling casually, and letting a pause go by. "You uh... In the middle of something?" He asked. "No, no, just... Walking around the house." Merrick said. "Psshh, aight," Jamal hangs up the leash and crosses his arms, "Even I ain't that stupid. You hiding something." "No, I'm not, Jamal, I just, I don't feel really social right now." "Aight, what is it, what'yu hiding?" Jamal walks past him. "JAMAL, WAIT!" He grabs him, and yanks him back. "OW! Man, what the fuck??" Jamal tumbles backward, yanking Merrick down with him. "Ah- Jamal, ack!" Merrick grunts as he falls. "Ruff! ARooroorooroo!" Sally barks and jumps around excitedly around them. "Brother!" Both of them feel a panicked wind of ice race along them. "Whoa- shit, wha-" "Wait, stop!" Merrick springs back up, and shots forward. Jamal scurries backward on the floor as he looks at Merrick quickly taking the hands of a young, pale-blonde girl, which is sparkling with bits of cold around. "Who the, what???" "Br-Brother, they were attacking you, he-" "Just get back in the room, now!" He says as he rushed her in. Merrick turns to see Jamal getting up, rubbing a thin layer of frost from his head. "Aight. You wanna tell me why I just got slushied??" "Ahhhh... Ok, Jamal, you got me." He said, "That girl there? Is my Sister." Jamal's brows raised up, "Fo real?" "Yes, Jamal, I thought the house would be empty, what the heck are you doing here??" "I don't go to work fo another hour, I was just taking Sally out fo a walk." Savarna hides behind the doorframe, looking past the frame to see the large, dark-skinned human. His aura flares with a bold presence that rushes from and around his body like a wide stream. "I can... I guess I'll chill someplace else if ya wanna hang with her," "I don't think we should, actually. She's probably already overwhelmed as it is." Merrick says. "Up to you, man." "It's fine. I uh..." Merrick blushed as Jamal's figure and masculinity brings a familiar flash into his face and elsewhere... "She can't stay out of the sea for too long, I need to bring her back." "Aight then. Just... See ya, I guess." "Cool." Jamal then turned and go to the kitchen. Merrick went into the room, and offered his hand, "Come on, Sister, let's go, he won't follow us." "A-Alright..." She said, shaking from head to foot, holding Merrick's hand tightly as they walk. She peers at the man again, and trots quickly with her brother. "Shyit. Make me feel like a creep, why don'tcha?" Walking out, Savarna looks over again at the house, and then sees another human on the property -- a female. One with very light skin, curved eyes, and long black hair. This woman's aura is a cool, silken, and calm breeze around her. "That's Yuri. She's the human healer I mentioned before." Merrick tells her. Savarna looks up at him, "And that human that came into the house just now? His name is Jamal." "I don't know how you can ever do this, Brother..." She says, "Living amongst humans... Let alone living with so many in one place. I'm still so scared... Just this alone has me overwhelmed." "Hahahah, it's not as terrifying as you'd think." Merrick says with a chuckle, "Don't get me wrong, the world is full of bad humans, but there are just as many good ones, like all of the humans that I've come to know. I owe them everything..." "What do you mean?" "Those humans, in that house, right now," Merrick says as Savarna sees the bursting, virile energy, and the slow-whirling wind of the other within the dwelling, "Both of those humans saved my mate's life when he was viciously attacked... Jamal struck down the monsters who nearly killed him, and Yuri nursed him back to health." "Where were you when all of this happened, Brother?" Savarna asked, "Wouldn't you have protected him?" "I... Yeah... It was when I came to the pod, and asked to see Mother... When you, I, and Brishen went to guide those Abyssal Turtles..." He sighs as he shakes his head. "Ohh..." "I was only gone for a few suns... I wanted to give him something special... The one time I left for a short time, and he was broken when I couldn't save him..." "Brother..."

"Alright... Alright... Yuri said... Give them a gift. A gift, a gift..." Arnaav says as he paces around in the water. It's been about one sun since Arnaav spoke to Yuri, and the Kenovani has already moved on. Arnaav had to persuade Samudra and Vanora to go on ahead, he'll just call for a Capricorn when he wants to catch up

"What do humans like? Maybe... A shell??" He picks one up, and lets it drift down, "No, no no no, that won't do. Maybe... Ooh!" He spots his own headband made of smaller scallop shells, "Maybe she will like this?"

Just as he turns it, the band breaks at an end, making it more like a 10-inch belt. "Noooo!" He growls. "Well... From what I've seen, this would make a passable trinket... Alright."

"Alright, Arnaav..." He tells himself, "Act appeased... Show no trickery... Act appeased... Ok."

Holding the link of shells, he flops his tail and hind legs up, and swims to the surface. His head pops out, and he looks around. "Huh?" His eyes spot several hanging paper tags posted on thin metal rods around the basin. The charms twirl in the breeze, clinking the bells attached to them, each paper inscribed with anti-spirit kanji.



Arnaav immediately turns around, and gasps as he sees Fumiko standing at the rocks, a little closer than yesterday. He paddles right on over, squeaking with joy as he comes. Arnaav climbs the few rocks out of the water, just as Fumiko pets him and scratches his back.

"[Good Mizu, good boy!]" She praised. Arnaav's nose moves and sniffs as her hand then dips into a bucket. His eyes brighten as she picks up a pink shrimp, which is soon moved near his mouth. She's actually feeding him?! Arnaav's little jaws snap at the shrimp, his paws tending to his maw as he ate.

"[Wait right here, I want my friends to see you.]" She says before she stands and goes.

"No, wait! Don't go!" Arnaav says as he takes her ankle. Fumiko turns back around, hearing the otter bark and rattle his voice at her. She and coos at him before she squats down.

"[Ohhh, it's ok, Mizu, I'll be back. Don't worry.]" She gently removes his paw, showing him hand gestures for him to stay put, and then trots off, setting the bucket aside on one of the higher rocks.

Arnaav waited anxiously for Fumiko's return, waiting for a little over 10 minutes before his ears perk up when he hears her voice. He turns around and squeaks with joy as she comes into view... With two other young teenage girls, wearing the same uniform as Fumiko, even her same age. He quivers and lowers as they come closer to him.

"[Oh my gosh, is that your otter?!]" One of them asked, a girl with a bit more weight on her than the other two.

"[He's cuuuuuuuute!]" The other one cooed, this one is a little taller. Arnaav notices a few things they're holding, like a couple of other buckets, other trinkets and other items Arnaav is not familiar with.

"[I haven't seen him for years, and he just came back out of nowhere just yesterday!]" Fumiko says, "[Here, watch this. Mizu!]" Arnaav looks to her as Fumiko takes out another shrimp, "[Catch!]" She tosses it up in the air. The otter gasps as he reaches up, and catches it! The girls coo as they watch Arnaav munch and devour the shrimp.

"Omnhnhnnhn... Hhh!" Arnaav flinches as the second girl, one with blue and yellow colored streaks in her hair comes near him. His eyes and nose lock onto a shrimp held by a pair of thin wooden sticks.

"[It's ok, Mizu...]" She says carefully, "[Go ahead... It's ok...]" Arnaav hesitantly nears his face to her hand, before his paws gently take hers, and he bites at the shrimp.

"[Good boy~!]" Fumiko encourages as she is suddenly behind Arnaav, petting him, "[How about a nice bath now?]"

"Hm?" Arnaav looks curiously at the brush strapped to Fumiko's hand -- it's covered in a white, bubbly substance. He lets her brush into his back. "Ohhhh, that feels good..." He purred as he arches his back.

"[Oh my gosh, he is so adorable!]" One of the girls squeals as she rubs and scratches under Arnaav's neck. Arnaav shudders as he leans his head back to allow more petting. He smiles as he sees a rush of water pour down his back to rinse off the sea-mammal soap from his fur.

"[I can't wait to see how handsome he'll look with these bands." The other girl says as she adjusts the trinket-like headband and other wares they brought for him, all of them adorned with kanji and Hirogana lettering spelling out `Mizu', including a shiny collar.

"Ohhhrrrroohhhrrr," Arnaav murrs as his fur is washed with the clean-tingling soap, almost just like how Yuri bathes him, "Mmmyes, yes, this pleases me." He flexes his stomach to let them pet and scrub him, "This pleases the otter spirit. Mrrrrr~"

Night falls over the island, and the full moon bares a bright red blare in the night sky. It gives the land a vast, intense glare of crimson to the private picnic on the sand Adam sits on. He looks at the ominous rose-red orb in the sky... Something about the red moon gives him a sense of dark foreboding, and... Comforting nostalgia that he can't quite place. "I don't like this." Jessica says, "The eclipse is really not making me feel comfortable tonight, Adam." "I think we're ok." Adam replies, "Yeah, it's... Kinda creepy, but it'll pass eventually." "I still don't like this, I think we should go ahead and just call it a night." Jessica dismisses as she started to pack up the food. "Wha- Wait, it's not that bad, Jessica." Adam says as he gets up, "The lunar eclipse is a rare event, isn't it? Lets just stay here and look at it." "It's not romantic, Adam. It's satanic." Jessica says sternly, "I'd really not discuss this any further." "I-, hahhh... Alright, fine. Lets go." "Alright, fold up the blanket, and lets get going." "Ok..." Adam says as he does as he's told. Jessica is a little on the demanding side, isn't she? Was she always like this before the incident?"

Else where, perched on a rock in the middle of the splashing ocean, Merrick gazes up in the partical, heart-filled light of the red moon. His dry, human hands rest on his gleaming tail, his upper half smooth and dry by the wind, while his lower body still wet and fish-like.

He takes a deep breath, and lets out a sad sigh as he looks down at the wavering surface. This red moon has almost passed... He and Adam are supposed to be together, to both glimmer in the love of the Sea Mother... Would Adam even have the light in his hair and his eyes like he is supposed to?

"I've missed it again..." He muttered in wry sadness.

"There will be other Red Moons, Son." Comes the deep voice of Kaiken from behind. His hand holds onto the rock Merrick is sitting on, his shoulders above the surface as his powerful tail keeps him afloat.

"... I know..." Merrick replied, "It's still unfair..."

"The Waves of Fate favor no one."

"Has... Has sister found her mate tonight?" Merrick asked.

"No. This was only her second Red Moon." He says, "But the gathering is still young." He noted, seeing the moon half white and half red.

"Yes..." Merrick nodded, "After all, I was bonded when the moon had just a sliver of red left upon it..."

"Yes..." Kaiken says as he looks up to the moon. "There is always a chance in one form of another... Is there not..."

Arnaav purrs and runs his back under Fumiko's hand, under the night sky. His throat rattles with delight as he nuzzles the top of his head into her palm. "Hahaha, [Grandma and Grandpa were so wrong about you.]" She says as she pets Arnaav. Fumiko's friends stayed for a few hours to play with Arnaav before they went home. Fumiko has spent most of the evening playing with her otter. "Ohh!" Arnaav moves his paw up and down, before he turns around to dive into the water. "Huh?" Fumiko stands up, and watches. Seconds later, Arnaav resurfaces, holding a link of small shells, tied by seaweed tethers with a few pearls embedded into it, with a shell slice tied on either end -- Arnaav had time to decorate and add to it. "[Oh you made this? Is it for me??" Fumiko says with a smile as she takes it. Arnaav puffs his chest with happiness as she looks at her gift. "[It's beautiful]" She says as she pets Arnaav some more. "[Grandma will know you favor us now.]" She chuckled. Arnaav smiles more as Fumiko strokes him, under the light of the red moon. "[I am glad you're here again, Mizu... I thought you disappeared a long time ago...]" She scratches at his ears, "[It's good to see you've made it back.]" At that moment, their eyes meet. Arnaav's wet fur starts to radiate a wavering, water-refracting light around and on his body. Though she doesn't really notice, Fumiko rubs her forehead into Arnaav's cheek as her own black hair refracts the same magenta glow, as does her own eyes. "[I think you really DO bring good luck...]" Fumiko muttered as she feels a rush of deep, flourishing emotions. "I still can't understand a word you're saying." Arnaav says, sounding only like a cute array of calm and affectionate squeaks. His chest floods with new and enhanced feelings as he hugs what he can with his short arms.

Next: Chapter 91

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