Are You Chicken

By Rob Aaron

Published on Jun 8, 2014


Are you chicken. Part 1. This is a gay male high school story.

Randy and Tom had been out of school for three weeks and were already bored. Tom had learned to stay away from his house as much as possible. His mom just loved to create chores for him to do. They were things like move all the blankets from the downstairs closet upstaris to the hall one. He thought his mom was just making up things for him to do that didn't even need to be done.

Randy had a secret. He knew Tom was straight, but Randy wanted Tom. He wanted him bad and did not know what to do. Both guys had athletic builds since they played soccer. They had muscular legs and remained thin. They had pretty good tans so had the typical hot body look. Randy was going to try something today. It would either work out and he would get Tom's body. Or it would be the end of a friendship. Either way, Randy was committed. He was not going go another day lusting after his friend.

Randy sent Tom a text asking if he was coming over. Tom sent one back saying he had just finished showering and could be there in about 10 minutes. Perfect Randy thought. We will have about four hours with the house to ourselves. I will jump in the shower and be totally clean too. As he hurried to shower before Tom arrived, he realized that he was totally hard again. His 6.5 inch dick wanted some attention. Randy had jacked off that morning, but was totally horny again. It will just have to wait until later he thought. I don't have time to cum again before Tom gets here. Randy slid on a pair of boxers, shorts and a t-shirt. Pretty much the normal summer outfit.

Tom knocked on the front door and went on in. Randy and Tom had been friends for a few years so nothing was unusual about just walking on it. The knock was more of a courtesy to let the other one know that they had arrived. As Tom walked through the door, he saw Randy sitting at the kitchen table eating some cereal. Tom sat down and poured himself a bowl too.

While they were eating, Randy asked Tom what he wanted to do today. Tom said he didn't care but wanted to stay inside for a bit. Tom's mom had made him cut the grass earlier that morning, so he had enough of the heat already. Randy just thought that was perfect. So he suggested that they try a new game that he had seen on Youtube. It is called "Are you chicken?". Tom had never heard of it so said "Sure, I will play. How does it work?"

Randy didn't want to push to far too fast so he explained just a little bit of the game. He thought he would add parts a little at a time and see how far he would get Tom to go. "Well, it works like this. Each person has to suggest doing something. If both do it, then nobody wins and you start another round. If one person does the thing and the other chicken's out, the chicken loses."

Tom asked "What am I going to win? You know I never back down. lol"

Randy just smiled. He knew this was going to be the day. "Maybe we can think of something special. How about we agree that the loser has to be the winner's slave for a day?"

Tom laughed. "Dude, you are going to be so sorry. My mom has tons of chores that she just creates. I will be glad to have a slave to take care of them for me."

Randy said "Great. You can begin first. What is the first dare?"

Tom thought about it and said "You have to crawl on your hands and knees around the swimming pool and bark like a dog."

Randy said "That is lame. No problem." He opened the back door, got on his hands and knees and started barking. When he got back, Tom was laughing so hard, he almost could not do the dare himself. Tom got himself under control and did the dare too.

I won't bore you with the details of each of the early dares, but just picture two boys standing on their hands, turning flips, running backwards, etc. After about an hour of these things, Randy decided to move the game to a more sexual nature.

"Ok Tom, it is my turn again. You have to take your shirt off and rub your nipples for a minute." Randy decided that every dare from this point on would be more sexual until Tom either chickened out or until Randy got control.

Tom pulled his shirt off and rubbed his left nipple with his finger tip. He said "Dude, this is a crazy." After the minute was over, Randy did the dare as well. Tom started to put his shirt back on when Randy stopped him. "Just leave your shirt off. Otherwise, you will just have to take it back off again. I am going to make the next dares pretty interesting."

Tom shrugged and dropped his shirt. His dare was to dance for a minute. Both boys knew that they could not dance at all. They just did not have the moves. But Randy smiled and knew this would move the game up another knotch. He started grinding his hips and moving his arms and legs as best he could. He knew he looked dumb, but moved closer and closer to Tom. When he finally got close, he kept grinding his hips very close to Tom. Almost like he was getting ready to rub against him. Tom didn't even move, but watched closely. Randy was not sure, but thought Tom was getting a little excited by the game. After the minute was up, Randy stopped. He backed up from Tom but only about two feet and said "Your turn."

Tom did the same things as Randy, but got even closer. As he was grinding a couple of times, his crotch actually touched Randy's body. Randy thought it was by accident, but was not complaining. He was loving it. Hid dick started to get a little plump. After the minute was over, Tom stopped again. He was a little flushed but didn't say anything either. Now it was Randy's turn for the dare. This was his moment of truth. It was now or never.

Randy said "Now we move a little further into seeing if you are chicken. My dare is an easy one. All you have to do it strip." Tom's eyes opened wide. He wasn't sure if he heard right. He asked "Did you say strip?" Randy said "Yes." Tom decided to go with it. He was a bit uncomfortable with how this was turning a bit gay, but a dare was a dare. He slid off his shorts and started with his boxers. His 7 inch dick was just slightly plump. As he slid off the boxers, it flopped down. Randy just looked almost in awe. He knew that Tom would begin to either get sexually excited or totally disgusted and stop the game. There was no way that Randy would be able to hide that he was excited about the game now because he was hard.

When Tom stepped out of his boxers, he smiled. He was almost blushing but just looked at Randy to say "Are you chicken?" Randy dropped his shorts and lifted the waistband of his boxers. As he lifted them out over the head of his dick, he just dropped them to the ground. His 6.5 inch dick was fully hard and sticking right out. Tom looked at his dick and said "Wow. I think you are enjoying this."

Randy looked right back at Tom and said "Yes. I have wanted to try this for a while now. Do you want to keep playing or quit? We can keep taking turns or will you let me just keep going? You can say stop at any time. If you don't say stop, I am going to keep going. Okay?"

Tom finally got it. He was not sure about this. He knew he was not gay, but he was horny. He knew that Randy had basically said that he was gay or at least bi-sexual and wanted to explore with Tom's body. Needless to say, Tom's resistance was failing. He knew he was not gay, but was curious to see just what Randy had in mind. Tom said "I will make you a new deal. I am not sure if I will do any more to you, but I think I know what you want to try. You can keep going until I say stop. I don't want to keep talking, but go ahead until I say stop."

To be continued. And as always, please support Nifty if you can. They provide many great stories and have to cover the site expenses with donations.

Next: Chapter 2

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