As We Lay

By Mel Mac

Published on Jun 4, 2001


Heres another short by me... just to tide you guys over until I actually decide to write another lengthy JC/Justin fic.

Evil Disclaimer: Only in my wettest dreams do I know Justin and JC from Nsync. If you're offended then whoo dee do on you and if you're not old enough then go away and I'll give you a cookie.

As We Lay: Stolen Moments

"Yes we've stolen this moment. We forgot to face one simple fact. We both belong to someone else. As we slept the night away. As we lay."

Shirley Murdock... As We Lay


"Josh..." Justin spoke softly over the phone.

It was one in the morning, not exactly the best time to wake up Mr. Sleepy but Justin had nowhere else to go. He stared at the road with teary eyes as he rounded the corner, almost knocking off a street sign in the process.

"Yeah, Justin... its... its one in the morning... whats wrong?" JC sat himself at edge of his bed as he listened to his crying friend on the other line.

"I need somewhere to go..." He sniffled a little then used the back of his hand to wipe away some tears, swerving the car slightly.

"Hey, just come over here, okay? I'll wait up for you, okay? Just... just get here safe okay? Promise me?" JC did his best to comfort his best friend but doing so over the phone just didn't seem to work good enough.

"Okay... I'm... I'm close... and I'll be safe, I promise." Justin bit at his lip lightly as he sucked in a few tears and a sob. He kept JC on the line a bit longer then spoke again.

"Thanks Josh..." He waited on the line a little longer constantly sniffling.

"No problem, thats what I'm here for." JC smiled and waited for Justin to hang up.

He threw on a pair of sweats not even bothering to slip any boxers on underneath figuring it would be easier since he was more comfortable sleeping nude anyhow. Next came an old sweatshirt he had stolen from Justin.

Justin. What was he going to do about Justin. Justin was the reason he moved out. Justin was the reason he stayed in NSync. Justin was the reason that he came back to Orlando. Justin was with Britney and she always managed to treat him like shit in some form or another. Justin Justin Justin. And he could never really bring himself to tell him how he felt. And everytime Justin needed something he was the first to offer.

A knock on the door startled him. He ran to answer it knowing exactly who it would be. Justin stood on the other side. Eyes red, hair a mess, clothes thrown on haphazardly not even anywhere close to matching. He had on two different shoes and his left sock was bunched up over the leg of his blue jeans. He was literally a mess.

JC immediately pulled him into his arms. Justin rested his head on his bestfriend's shoulder and immediately started sobbing all over again. He wrapped his arms around JC's neck gripping him tight. JC soothingly ran his hands up and down his back in comfort.

"Britney?" He asked softly as he listened to Justin's sobs.

"Yeah..." Justin sniffled and started to collect himself.

"You wanna talk about it?" JC offered warmly knowing everytime Justin spoke of her he grew to hate her more.

"She said I had a little dick and I was the worst lover she ever had. She said she always faked it and that... and that..." Justin started sobbing again.

"Shhhh... shhh..." JC walked Justin into his room and laid them both down on the bed.

"Start from the beginning." JC pulled the covers over both of them as soon as he got Justin changed.

Sleeping next to Justin was nothing. It was normal for them and they had done it several times. Just never really as close as they were that moment.

"I went to see her in Tampa... and... and... she wanted me to stay for the whole week... and then... and then I told her that you wanted me to go with you to Bowie to visit your family and then... and then..."

JC held him tighter and lightly placed a kiss on his temple. He sniffled and wiped his nose with his sleeve then continued

"And then she said I spend too much time with you and we got into an argument. And she said all those things... and then... and then..."

He remained quiet not wanting to finish. He was scared to finish and succeeded in scaring JC in the process.

"And then Justin?" JC inquired calmly. He gently placed another kiss on Justin's temple.

"And then..." He sobbed loudly. "And then she said that if I wanted to spend so much time with you I might as well fuck you too since I suck in bed anyways."

Justin turned around and buried his face in JC's chest. He held onto JC tighter as he cried into his best friend.

"Justin... why do you let her keep treating you like this... you deserve better." He ran his hands up and down Justin's back soothingly.

"Because she's all I've known... she's all I have..." Justin resumed crying.

"You know me..." JC spoke up timidly hoping he wouldn't make his friend feel akward.

"What's that supposed to mean Josh?" Justin cried out a little as he sniffled into the sweater JC was wearing.

"Never mind." JC turned his back to Justin, breaking from the embrace they shared on the bed. He scooted over to the other side then pulled the covers up over his shoulders leaving Justin on the far side of his bed.

"Josh... what did I say?" Justin cried, obviously hurt.

"Nothing... just go to sleep and we'll talk more in the morning." He let a tear roll down his face as he let years of pent up emotion brim to the surface.

Justin scooted in behind him and took his time to wrap JC in a comforting embrace. He cried into his back as the days events swam through his mind.

"You're always here for me... everytime Brit does something... you're the only one I can turn to..." Tears steadily ran down his face and he sniffled again.

"Because I can't say no to you..." JC whispered simply as he stared at the far wall, tears still streaming over his cheekbones that girls went crazy for. Girls and not his Justin. Not his Justin, Britney Spear's Justin.

"Josh... hold me..." He pleaded in a small, childlike voice as he clutched on to JC tighter.

Reluctantly JC turned around and returned the embrace. JC rested his temple on Justin's and fought at the sniffles that started coming. A few tears rolled off the side of his face and wet Justin's temple.

"Josh..." Justin pulled back to look JC in the eyes.

"You're crying Josh... what did I do wrong?" Justin's eyes teared up more knowing he had done something.

"Nothing... I'm just happy that your in love... even if she treats you bad." He started to turn back.

"Josh... its not that... it something else... look me in the eyes and tell me." Justin pleaded, still crying.

JC turned his back to Justin again and let tears fall to the bed. Justin scooted in behind him again, sobbing loudly.

"Josh... tell me whats wrong? You're always comforting me... I wanna do the same for you... if you'd just let me... please... turn around..." Justin begged as he clutched on to JC.

Reluctantly JC turned around to face Justin again. He stared back, his teary eyes meeting Justin's pained expression.

"I'm sorry Justin... I didn't mean to add to your hurt..." His lower lip trembled as tears and emotion burst to the surface.

"Its okay... just let me be here for you and tell me whats wrong." Justin cracked a smile as he put his own problems behind him to reach out to his friend.

"Its..." JC closed his eyes and breathed in. "Its... you're so loved... and I'm not." JC spurted out, tears still seeping from the corners of his eyes.

"Yes you are Josh." Justin wiped away JC's tears with his thumb. He cupped his face in his hands and steadied it, hoping he would open his eyes.

"No... not the way you're loved." His eyes remained closed. All he wanted to do was turn around shrink so small so Justin would forget about him. But his emotions got the better of him.

Justin's thumb brushed across his face again, wiping away more tears. Then he felt it. Soft lips brushing against his in a sweet and gentle kiss. He parted his lips and a tongue met his own flicking against it sensually.

His eyes shot open as the realization hit him. He pulled away frantically almost falling off the bed in the process.

"Josh... I'm sorry... I'm..." Justin stammered as he rushed to get his clothes, tears staining his face again.

JC immediately ran to Justin's side and halted him from finishing. He took Justin's hands in his own and led back to the bed. They sat on the edge, facing each other. Tears slowed down then came to a halt.

"I'm sorry I flipped out." JC smiled a little then leaned in for another kiss.

He hesitated for a moment bringing his lips moments from Justin's. Unsure as whether they both wanted whatever was going on to continue. Justin leaned forward connecting them again. Again their tongues met massaging each other gently. They both moaned until JC pulled away gently.

"Justin..." His eyes pleaded with is bestfriend.

Justin gazed back. He immediately became lost in JC's blues.

"Justin... make love to me." JC laid himself down on the bed and pulled Justin on top of him.

"Josh..." Justin stared into JC's blue eyes before he kissed him again.

"Please..." JC pleaded, eyes brimming over with tears again.

Clothes were shed. They lay in the dark, sheets pulled up over their naked bodies as they filled the room with sounds of their lovemaking. And after what seemed like hours they came one more time and laid there in each other's arms.

"Thank you Justin." A blissful expression filled his face as his fingers intertwined with the young man's beside him.

Justin's breathing had already evened out, his body relaxed. Sleep must have come easily after their intense lovemaking. JC smiled down at him. Justin's sleeping face smiled back as he wrapped his arms around him and drifted off.


So there you guys go. Tell me what you think.

e-mail me peace and adobo grease!

Next: Chapter 2

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