At the End of a Film Shoot

By JamesJenkins4253

Published on Mar 25, 2020



At the End of a Film Shoot

At the End of a Film Shoot

Author: James Jenkins

Twelve-year-old American actor Cayden Boyd needs to relieve some stress after a hard day on set.

(This is a fictional story. The sexuality of the characters and the action

taking place are not real. Feedback is greatly appreciated.)

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The front door clicked closed as 13-year-old Cayden Boyd collapsed against it, exhausted and tired of the heavy air outside. The final two hours of his workday on set had stretched into meaningless eternity, made worse by the humid, thick blanket the summer weather was casting over the city, promising a storm any moment but never delivering the goods. All he needed now was to be alone and in a peaceful place to chill out. He sat there for a good five seconds, back against the barrier to the outside world, and with immense relief he untied his blue-yellow sneakers, pulled them off, and delighted in the coolness that the motion of wiggling his toes allowed in, now confined only by stinky white socks.

For maybe a minute more he sat with closed eyes and heavy limbs, then with theatrical effort for an invisible audience lifted himself up and moved into the bedroom, where he planned to sleep until either the end of the world or he got hungry, whichever came first. He went through it to the bathroom, stopped at the sink and regarded himself with a long, wiped out look. His mirror-self's unsmiling face gazed back at him with the exhausted, sympathetic gaze of shared hardship, and they both agreed not to judge the other for the perfunctory hygiene routine that followed for about thirty seconds. Giving his teeth a once over with a brush and splashing water on his face, he then slunk back out the door and into bed, leaving his blue Nike sweater, t-shirt and jean shorts on the floor behind him as he peeled them off one at a time on the way.

Cayden had leaden eyelids and had been yawning almost rhythmically since he entered his private apartment, and nothing now would stop him from having a rest. The orange evening sun still vainly attempted to intrude through heavy peach-colored curtains still closed since the morning, but Cayden paid it no mind; now as he entered the cool, soft embrace of his bedsheets it was no external force that stopped him sleeping, but a suddenly uncooperative and hormone-charged brain that was being fed exhaustion stimuli by every aching inch of his young body and yet chose now to awaken and review the day. Specifically, it chose to reminisce on Eli Marienthal.

His awesome (and good-looking) co-star had consumed his thoughts for about two months after he got hired, and Cayden had spent as much time around him as he could find excuses for. Eli was funny, fit, witty, adventurous, outgoing, and wore cool, well-put together outfits with jeans just tight enough not to leave his developing butt to the imagination. They had laughed and joked and mildly flirted together, and Cayden was a day away from taking the initiative and asking him on a video game date when he casually dropped that he was seeing the amazing - and frankly heart-stopping – Shane Haboucha from the floor above. Cayden greeted the news with a smile and congratulatory hug which he had held on to for too long while he felt his warm, energetic body against his, and a swelling ache in his ribcage that told him he was never going to be satisfied. Cayden then excused himself to the restroom, and tried desperately to think of handsome fellow celebrities instead of Eli as he directed his adolescent frustration into nearly an entire break's length of distractedly masturbating himself.

That was his preferred method of stress relief, and thinking about acting stressed him out, so that was where he went now, hoping it could also do something about the insomnia. Flexing his back and moving his thighs apart was an action well-practiced enough to be a reflex as he slid his hand between them and gently began massaging his 5" cock, his heartbeat starting to feel as heavy in his chest and eyelids. Cayden imagined himself in his local Burger King, enjoying a soda and a Big Mac as Taylor Lautner walked in. He caught his best friend's eye immediately and he smiled a charming smile, walking over to Cayden and telling him he was awesome and hot. His right hand slid slightly below his cock and inside him to briefly lubricate himself before resuming the soothing fluid motion. He sat down and ordered a Coke, they chatted for a while about their respective careers, and how he admired Taylor's work, and how he found Cayden to be smart, brave and very inspirational, and then he invited Cayden back to the house he was staying while he was in town. It was only five minutes away and he was just in the Burger King exploring the local neighborhood.

Cayden shifted slightly, inhaling sharply as a bright, warm tinge of pleasure emanated from the pressure within the palm of his hand down towards his abdomen, and he wondered vaguely, as he had done many times, if most peoples' fantasies had this much of a run-up. They exited the restaurant and strolled along a pleasantly warm and sunlit fictional avenue, laughing and joking, and after a few dozen steps Taylor took his hand in his as if it was the most natural thing in the world. It was a temperate day to match his warm, smooth tanned palm, and Cayden's heart leapt at the casual intimacy.

Now they were in front of his door, and Taylor turned to him and said "You're so cute, Cayden. I'd like to kiss you," and without even waiting for a reply, he lifted the blonde boy's chin with one hand and planted his lips on the others.

The next few moments were a whirlwind as Cayden's slick palm gained pace, now abandoning their slow-paced motion in favor of a quick and twitching up-and-down.

Now they were in his bedroom, removing an item of clothing each in turn. Down to underwear alone, Cayden was stroking his body, admiring the hidden power that seemed to whisper from tight muscles. As Taylor was moving his hands over him, from a light touch of his white neck, down Cayden's collar bone and around his nipples, then down to his belly, whereupon Taylor reached around Cayden into an embrace, and placed one hand on his butt while the other removed his MIB t-shirt. They shared a long, deep kiss as he drew Cayden in close, his tongue as powerful as it met his, and they teased and circled each other within their joined mouths. A soft blossom of comfort and bliss radiated through Cayden's lower body, but he did not slow his movements. Rather he pushed his head back further into the mattress as he jerked and murmured, and redoubled the quickness and strength he applied to his small, increasingly-reddening cock.

Now the fantasy gained pace, and Taylor pulled down his tight green briefs to reveal a penis that curved upwards to point at the ceiling. If Renaissance statues had erections they would look like that: perfectly smooth the whole length except where it enlarged at the end, but even that followed a shapely contour which was total eye candy; a dignified and respectable size that would definitely fit inside Cayden and didn't dominate the view as he admired his friend's naked body; hard as a marble sculpture too as he reached out to slowly place a hand around it. Taylor's face swam out of view in his mind's eye, and as fantasy Cayden leaned back to adopt the same pose as real Cayden, and as real Cayden fumbled for the toy in his secret hiding spot behind the deodorant and under the toiletry bag, he realized with mounting annoyance that it had just been Eli all along mimicking Taylor Lautner's voice. Cayden's right leg kicked as another, larger pulse moved through him, making him feel light and giddy as seemingly every pleasurably sensitive nerve inside him flared, and with his left hand he tossed the bag to the floor and gripped his plastic blue dildo, bringing it underneath to slide inside him as Eli did the same and his mind tried vainly to picture Lautner's handsome face again. That failed and a heavy, comfortable sensation of being filled caused another wave to break within her torso and curl his toes. His horny brain was in open rebellion.

While his right hand reached vibration speed and his left hand moved the weighty silicon penis in and out of her, Cayden tried frantically to find a suitable celebrity crush for it to represent. Jake Thomas, Aaron Carter, Cainan Wiebe, and Thomas Sangster tried and failed. Daniel Radcliffe, Josh Hutcherson, Reiley McClendon and Ryan Merriman all gave way. His mind betrayed him as Eli's face kept returning over and over and his body betrayed him as it greeted him by twitching and shaking and glowing warm within from his prolonged orgasm, ebbing and surging. Eventually the teen admitted defeat and gazed into his attractive greenish eyes, no less able to will his face out of Cayden's mind than he was able to will the comfortable pressure of his trusty dildo out of his ass. Eventually he became oversensitive and slowed down, heavy breaths matching a thumping heartbeat as she held the length of the toy inside him for another few timeless moments, enjoying the intimate pressure while not ceasing to jerk off. His right hand lay still now next to him, and with a final physical jolt of sensation he slid the model dick out while five spurts of cum flew onto the white tile floor. Without any energy left, Cayden rested it back on the bedside table, rolled over, and started to fall into a deep sleep in his large and empty bed.

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