By Eddie Glover

Published on Aug 4, 1996



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Chapter 1

The witch known as Diabolique landed on the ground with a loud thud. She was bleeding from the abuse she'd suffered at the hands of the First Pantheon. It had only been because of the Keep's invasion of Earth that the gods had allowed her to escape, but she would die before going back!

"Where am I?", she groaned.

"Look at that freak!", a man laughed.

She managed to raise her head to see a group of young men standing over her, each looking at her like she was personal property.

"Leave me alone.", she groaned. Normally she would have killed them but her powers were at their weakest and she would be unable to defend herself even from these maggots.

They were on her in moments and she was so drained that all she could do was scream...until the men all let her go suddenly.

A tall man in a suit stood at the end of the alley she'd landed in. His eyes seemed to be glowing even as he spoke.

"Leave the lady alone men, in fact stay right there until she is ready to punish you.", he instructed.

"Why would you save me?", she groaned, "You are a man."

"I know of you Diabolique, we both share a common enemy in Youngblood. I was delighted to hear that you'd turned Shaft and the others into women!", he chuckled.

"Who are you?", she asked while staggering to her feet.

"I am called Psi-fire, my mental powers brought Youngblood to their knees mere months before your gender-bending attack. I have only recently escaped torture at the hands of an alien who was using my powers. So you see we have much in common.", he explained.

"You are a man! I have nothing in common with them!", she snapped.

"Is that all? Then turn me into a woman!", he laughed.

"What?", she asked in stunned wonder.

"I have been a woman before my dear, and to destroy my former friends I'll do just about anything!", he swore.

She summoned her last bit of power and a gorgeous brunette stood in the man's suit. She was volumptuos and sexy, especially since her suit had not changed and now was plastered to her curves.

"Excellent!", the female Psi-Fire laughed, "Your powers are all that I have heard!".

Diabolique smirked despite her pain, "You are a different breed than your fellow humans Psi-Fire, perhaps we can make a partnership that will destroy Youngblood!", she laughed.

"What about them?", Psi-Fire asked while pointing to the men her power held in check.

"Bring them with us, when my powers return they'll be made into women and will serve us as slaves!", the witch laughed.


Shaft fired arrow after arrow into his target in the gym. He still saw no evidence of Nu-Gene powers in his performance....yet he knew it was there.

"Don't you ever get tired?", Riptide asked as she entered the room.

"Not lately.", he muttered.

"I need to talk to you Shaft.", she said quietly.

He saw the tears nearly coming from her and put aside his bow.

"What is it?", he asked with concern.

"I'm being stalked Jeff! Someone seems to know my every move, even my boyfriend , well ex-boyfriend thinks I'm being paranoid! He left me, said I was going crazy!", she sobbed.

Jeff hugged her warmly, he'd had his own share of problems with relationships lately.

"Riptide, if you want move in here. I'll watch out for you.", he promised.

She looked surprised, "You would? But I was under the impression you thought of me as a dim- witted bimbo!".

He stroked her hair off her face and kissed her, "Let's just say I've learned a thing or two in the last few months about the ladies, hell I was one for a time!", he smirked.

"And a sexy one at that!", Riptide laughed, "Did it improve your...knowledge in bed?", she smirked.

Jeff seemed stunned but quickly recovered, "Want to find out?", he said sincerely.

She pressed herself against him while kissing him harder. In a few moments they were on their way to Shaft's room.


Glory looked around with a concerned expression, first the dream problem with her friends and now the fact that she could feel Diabolique's power in this city. She looked around at the members of Youngblood that had come upon her request, a concern etched her face that Shaft had stayed behind.

In attendance were Badrock, Combat, Cougar, Vogue, and Task. Except for Combat they were all very aware of Diabolique's powers and didn't want it happening again.

"She's here.", Glory said simply, "I can feel her power.".

Task groaned, "This is a nightmare! I just regained my manhood!".

Glory frowned, "I won't let her do it again lover."

"Oh really?", a familiar voice chuckled.

"Diabolique!", Glory snarled.

She flew to attack the witch only to have her brain explode in pain from a mental attack. Unable to think straight she fell to the ground stunned.

Cougar's eyes widened, "I've got a bad feeling about this!".

"Cougar old friend for once you were very right!", Psi-Fire giggled as she came out of the darkness.

She leveled them with a psionic attack and laughed as they struggled to get up.

"I've given you the time you required partner, now cast your spell!", she laughed.

Diabolique released a huge burst of magic, far larger than the same spell she'd used months before.

Beneath them all the heroes were changing, all the men were now female. But also they were reverting into humans, or being transformed into them in Combat's case.

Badrock had shrunk into a sixteen-year old girl, a normal female with no powers! All of the others were likewise altered and de-powered, even Glory herself!

Cougar touched his now smooth skin, lingering upon the large breasts he now possessed. He'd lost all trace of his cat-like appearance or powers!

"Thank you for sparing me.", Psi-Fire laughed.

The witch smirked, "I never betray a sister. Now let us go to invade the land of Glory's mother, sister Demeter!", she growled the last.

Even as they disappeared from the witch's powers the six powerless women on the ground were stirring.

Glory was unchanged in body, but she now lacked her powers. Even with this her first concerns were for the others.

"Task!?", she asked the buxom woman in her lover's clothes.

"Yes.", she frowned, "I'm even bustier now than when I had the nightmare!", she growled.

"NO!!", Badrock sobbed. He was a girl and seemed so small and weak that he was horrified.

Combat was gibbering madly, apparently having become unhinged due to the sex-change and also the loss of his true form.

"We need to get a hold of someone, find out if it's like before!", Glory snapped.

She gathered the women and they flew back to Washington in Youngblood's ship.


Knightsabre sat on his cot, he knew that his bunkmate was yet another of the killer's Dredd had planted to kill him. He'd already dealt with five such assassins in a brutal, but non-lethal fashion and wanted no part of more.

Suddenly he felt strange and put his head in his hands as the dizziness passed. When he opened his eyes he saw long, red fingernails on his thinner fingers. He looked down and was stunned to see huge breasts that had torn open the front of his shirt, now exposing those breasts to view!

"No!", he screamed in a woman's voice, "Not now!".

The man below had heard a woman above him and jumped out to face his bunkmate.

"So, turned into a woman did we?", he laughed.

Knightstrike kicked him in the nose without thinking then slammed a loose brick onto the man's head.

"Guard!", she yelled.

"What the hell!?", the stunned guard gasped on seeing a topless women in his cell.

"I need to get out of here!", she snapped.

"Uh, I don't....", he was so stunned that he didn't know what to do.

"Listen! I'm a woman now and I can't be held in a man's cellblock!", she snapped.

After they led her away she could only wonder what would happen to the others, since they were probably affected as well.

Chapter 2

Jeff Terrell was awakened by the buzzing of his intercom. As soon as his eyes were open he realized that something was very wrong....because he was a woman again!!

"Ahhhh!", he screamed in shock.

Riptide nearly fell out of bed from the shock of the scream then saw a gorgeous woman with long red hair in bed with her.....and it was Shaft!

"Jeff!?", she gasped, "Oh my God, it's happened again!".

"This can't be happening! I though Glory said that witch was gone for good!", he...she gasped.

The intercom continued to beep madly until Riptide punched the button.

"Jeff! Are you there!?", Vogue's voice asked.

Riptide frowned for a moment, she knew that Vogue and Jeff had enjoyed a brief affair and wondered if letting the woman know she'd just slept with Shaft was wise.

"Jeff! Talk to me! Die Hard and Battlestone just turned into women, like before!!", Vogue screamed in near hysteria.

Riptide answered, "Vogue, this is Riptide. Jeff's been transformed as well, he's a little shaken up.".

Vogue seemed to ponder hearing her voice from Shaft's private intercom then continued, "Try to get him down here, the jet is returning with Glory and her team. From what I'm hearing it doesn't sound good!".

Shaft punched the button himself, "This is Shaft, I'll be there in a minute.".

Riptide seemed amazed, "Just a moment ago you were a wreck, now you're slipping into that team leader mode!".

Shaft started pulling on his uniform, and growled at how it showed off his breasts and hips. "Crying about it won't help. I've got to get my mind on something before I go nuts!", he snarled.

"I can't believe this!", Riptide groaned, "I finally find a guy that isn't freaked by my lifestyle and he turns into a woman after we have sex!".

Shaft pulled on his quiver and smirked, "You could always become a lesbian.".

"Not funny!", she chuckled despite herself.

She quickly got into uniform then followed the female Shaft down the halls.

Washington D.C, a downtown hospital

"This is like nothing I've ever seen!", Doctor James Ternall gasped while looking at his patient.

"It's not a bed of roses for me either doc!", the buxom blonde in the bed snorted.

"Brahma I've never even heard of men just spontaniously changing gender!", the man gasped.

She glared at him, "It's not like I did this by choice! My guess is that man-hating witch Diabolique is back!", she growled.

Finally Ternall's senses returned and he moved to calm the woman, "Easy, those stitches in your chest still need to heal!".

"Would you be calm!?", Brahma snapped.

Ternall pondered that, "I imagine not, but you will do your friends no good if you die here, whether as a man or a woman.", he said .

Brahma sighed, "Right doc. Man I wish Shadowhawk had killed me!".

"Just because you're a woman?", the doctor said with a hint of disgust.

Brahma sat up, "You'd have to understand where I come from doctor, if I show up at my parents or my friends looking like this I'll feel like a disgrace, and I don't need pity!".

"You need a psychiatrist! This is hardly the worst fate that God could deal you, think on that....young lady!!", the doctor snapped while slamming the door.

Youngblood HQ, Washington, D.C.

The ship landed in the suddenly crowded hangar as nearly all of the heroes had gathered to deal with their change in gender.

Glory staggered out looking like she'd fought a war....and lost. Behind her were a group that the assembled heroes scarcely recognized. Most of them were normal humans for the first time, and defintetly normal women for the first time.

Battlestone walked forward to greet them, her large breasts jutting even more than Glory's to his mortification.

"So it's happened everywhere?", Glory groaned as she saw the room of women.

Battlestone frowned, "Yes. Who are those women with you?".

Glory looked beaten, "Badrock, Combat, Cougar, and Task.", she managed.

"Rock is that really you!?", Shaft gasped at the teenage girl before him.

The altered youth broke down sobbing in shame and ran to his...her quarters.

Riptide smacked Jeff in the back of the head, "Smooth you moron! He's obviously feeling bad enough without you adding to it!".

"That's enough!", Alan Keever snapped as she walked into the hangar..

"Keever!?", Battlestone was stunned, "How did you get here, I assumed Dredd still held you on a leash!".

The brunette tossed her hair out of her face and frowned, "I don't care what you think idiot, we all have a common enemy this time.".

"Diabolique.", Shaft said firmly.

"Not just her.", Glory said as she sat down. "There was another woman with her, calling herself Psi-Fire.".

Shaft immediately looked to the woman who Cougar had become. He somehow recognized him even though he was a woman and now totally human.

Cougar didn't even wait for the question from his friend, "It was him. Don't ask me how but it was Psi-Fire transformed into a woman."

"Diabolique must be controlling him, like she did the last time with you.", Keever said.

"I don't think so.", Task spoke up, "They seemed to be partners.".

"God help us all!", Riptide gasped.

Shaft frowned, "Have we gotten any other heroes on the screens yet, or is it just us?".

Keever sighed, "No. It's like the last time. Supreme just appeared in New York as a female, and I'm sure it wasn't Lady Supreme. Also Prophet just reported in that he was a woman as well. Apparently he and Chapel are both en route to here.".

Suddenly Vogue realized something, "If....all of you from before are changed...then Knightsabre is a woman in a man's penetentiary!", she screamed.

"Keever, get him released. And I don't want Dredd to know!", Battlestone snapped.

Sentinel had been silent as they bickered but now he spoke, "If Psi-Fire is involved we'll need help. I doubt that even a full Youngblood team can stop them both.".

"That's why I'm here.", Maximage said as she appeared out of nowhere. Seeing the various men she'd known in Youngblood transformed into women was unnerving to her.

"Lady your timing is the best!", Shaft laughed.

"Okay. Here is the plan. Shaft, Riptide, and Maximage go to the federal penetentiary to free Knightsabre. Sentinel will wait for Chapel and Prophet then set about finding allies for the fight to come. I'll take Vogue to help me find our targets. Until we get reinforcements I want no attack against them should you cross their path!", Battlestone snapped.

The various groupings scattered to find their goals, each hoping they could achieve some small victory.

New York, New York (atop a skyscraper)

Supreme frowned as his long silver hair whipped in the wind. He'd somehow become a woman even as he's entered Earth's atmoshpere. He was sure he knew the cause, his daughter Lady Supreme had told him of the witch Diabolique and her gender spell.

"Supreme!", a girl's voice yelled.

The female titan turned to see a beautiful teenage girl flying towards him, one that he knew well.

"Hello Danny.", he said with a smile.

"How could you know!?", the girl seemed stunned, "It was your daughter that saw me like this before!".

"She showed me a lot from her time as my replacement. Including your unbelievable..situation.", he said with a grin.

"I can't believe you're so calm! My mom freaked when she saw this!", Kid Supreme groaned as he/she indicated her breasts.

"Panic never helps kid, nor does rage and ego. I've been guilty of all three.".Supreme said.

"The witch is in New York, isn't she!?", Kid Supreme snarled.

"Yes. I'm tracking her and her telepath friend even as we speak. By staying up here they don't sense us.", the female Supreme mused.

"I'm not gonna just stay here! I'll force them to restore us!", Kid Supreme howled in rage.

"Kid, NO!!!!", Supreme yelled. But the girl was already streaking towards the women on the street far below.

Supreme wanted to fly after the kid, but a futile attack on the duo would just be suicide, and he had to That was the old Supreme talking, the egocentric man who fancied himself a god. He flew after the kid, hoping the youngster hadn't already been killed.

New York, New York (street level)

"We have a visitor!", Psi-Fire chuckled as the streaking Kid Supreme's thoughts betrayed him/her.

"I remember this one, a mere boy. Let us see how our slaves fancy a toy!", Diabolique laughed.

She hurtled the spell at the girl and Kid Supreme screamed in pain as all his/her power vanished before the spell. The fall to the pavement was only broken by another spell but the girl was helpless as the duo's male slaves gathered around her.

"Show the boy what women have long had to suffer!", the witch laughed.

They were on her in moments, tearing at her uniform, grabbing her.

"Wait! Ahhh!", Psi-Fire screamed as the sonic boom from Supreme's flight drowned out her warning.

Before either woman could use their powers a wind swept past, and Kid Supreme was gone with that wind.

Their slaves were all dead, having been flash-fried by the enraged Supreme's heat vision.

"Where is she!?", Diabolique snapped at her companion.

Psi-Fire was still groggy but managed, "She's out of range!".

"Why didn't she attack us?", the witch snapped.

"I...I don't know, unless she's waiting for help.", Psi-Fire explained.

"Let us be away to Washington then.", the witch said as she warped them away.

Federal Penetentiary, Washington, D.C.

"So little Aussie, you're the guy that turned into a babe?", a tall woman asked Knightstrike as they were introduced.

"As long as we're gonna be cell mates, the answer is yes.", the dejected hero sighed.

"Man you are fine though, I mean if I had boobs like that...", the woman whistled.

"You're not making this easier!", Knightstrike snapped, "I'm not at all thrilled to be in a woman's cell block, but it's better than the other choice.".

"Just look out for the guards babe, with a body like that they'll make your life hell.", the woman observed.

"Prisoner 1002, get your ass out here!", a male voice snapped a few hours into her sleep.

Mick groaned and got out of bed, only to be thrown out of the cell.

"What the hell!?", she growled.

The man decked her then ripped her prison uniform off. He leered down at her naked form even as she struggled.

"That's enough!", a woman snapped.

Mick knew that voice, even female she knew Shaft's tone.

"Little bitches!", the guard snarled, "I'll kill you!".

Maximage smirked, "I think you can take her place, it's a fitting punishment for you!".

She cast a spell and the guard was transformed into Mick's exact twin, as she was now.

"No, this can't be happening!", the newly female guard shrieked in horror.

"You okay Mick?", Riptide asked while giving the naked woman her coat.

"No I'm bleedin' well not! I was just about raped!", she growled.

Mick punched her twin in the face and tossed the transformed guard into her old cell.

She turned with a grin, "I'm still a bit shaken, but that certainly helped!".

Maximage teleported them back to headquarters, hoping that the other teams had similar luck.

Chapter 3

Sentinel sighed as she sat at the monitor. She'd been trying to avoid looking at herself by watching the monitor boards, but she kept seeing her breasts whenever she looked down.

Alan Keever walked in then looking agitated.

"Problems beyond the obvious Alan?", she asked.

"Look at my shirt!", the buxom brunette snapped.

Sentinel gasped as she realized that Keever's shirt had been torn open to reveal a lot of cleavage.

"How did that happen!?", Sentinel asked.

Keever seemed ready to pop, "Dredd! The bastard made fun of me during our meeting over Knightsabre. Then he grabbed me, tore open my shirt and....kissed me!", she spat in disgust.

"Well, maybe you...", Sentinel started.

Keever exploded, "Maybe I what!? I'm wearing men's clothes! Do you really think it was my fault!?".

"Ladies, ladies...there's no need to shout!", Dredd laughed as he walked in.

"I'm not a lady you bastard!", Alan snapped, "I'm going to get you for harassment!".

"That would be a...mistake.", Dredd said with obvious threat, "I could do far worse to you.".

Sentinel couldn't believe this, she'd heard what an evil prick Dredd was but...this, this was worse!

Suddenly a gun appeared next to Dredd's head and his eyes widened. Holding the weapon was a gorgeous black woman with very large breasts straining against her t-shirt.

"Leave before I splatter your brains!", she snarled.

Sentinel had never seen Chapel female the first time so the sight of one of the manliest men he knew looking like a Playboy playmate stunned him.

"You'll regret this.", Dredd said with a icy air.

"Yeah, that's what they all tell me.", Chapel grinned wickedly.

"You got here quicker than we expected.", Keever said calmly.

A very tall, very beautiful woman walked into the room, "We both want to get to the bottom of this as quickly as possible.".

"Prophet!?", Sentinel gasped.

The tall bombshell frowned, "Yes, although I'm not proud of that fact right now!".

Chapel looked around for a moment, "Where's everyone else! It shouldn't be that big a fight to deal with this witch".

Sentinel frowned, "It's worse than that. She's allied herself with Psi-Fire.".

Chapel's eyes widened, "I thought he was in a coma?".

Keever groaned, "He was awakened by the torture of an alien recently, now he's out there at full power!".

"God will provide us with the answer to all.", Prophet mused.

Chapel snorted, "Well he'd damn well better hurry!".

Washington, D.C.--Jefferson Memorial

"Why are we here Psi-Fire?", Diabolique snapped in annoyance.

The woman chuckled, "You can't just charge into the lion's den, it's wiser to make him come to you!".

"And you believe they will?", the witch asked in irritation.

"They're already here!", Psi-Fire laughed. "Come out, come out wherever you are!", she laughed.

Battlestone knew that they were screwed but attacked anyway. She knew that if they tried to run the witch would easily zap them.

Psi-Fire leveled the super-strong woman racing at her with a mind blast then realized too late that it was a mere feint.

Vogue's foot hit her dead in the jaw in the moment that she began scanning again. Stunned the gender-bending villain fell bleeding from a broken jaw.

"I applaud you woman!", Diabolique laughed, "That was a masterful strategy!".

Vogue snarled and leaped at the witch, only to hit air.

"Wha...?", she gasped.

Diabolique unleashed a bolt of energy that would have fried Vogue, until Battlestone leaped between them.

"Brave my friend, but also stupid! That would not have hurt your teammate since she has no on the other hand do!", she cackled.

Battlestone realized that she was powerless...and alive! Since Project: Rebirth he'd been a reanimated corpse...but now she was alive!

Suddenly an arrow hit the witch in the shoulder and she fell bleeding and pissed!

Shaft, Maximage, Knightsabre, Riptide, and Vogue now stood arrayed against her, since Psi-Fire was still woozy from the ambush.

She hurled an attack at Maximage but the woman merely wished for a shield and the witch's spell bounced off.

"Im...impossible!", the amazonian sorceress gasped.

"I owe ya witch!", the aussie Knightsabre snarled.

Battlestone spun the witch and punched her in the face, even though she was merely human the blow caused the woman to stagger in pain.

"You'll have to kill me!", she snarled, "I'll never restore you men!".

Psi-Fire lashed out at that moment, having played possum until they'd forgotten about her.

Maximage screamed in pain as the mental power ripped through her brain. She fought it but that left her defenseless against Diabolique!

The witch quickly attacked with her power-draining spell...a mistake.

While Maximage and Riptide depended on super-powers the other three did not, and so they were unaffected by her spell!

Knightsabre punched her in the jaw even as Shaft's arrow hit Psi-Fire. The mentally powered woman looked stunned for a moment then hit the archer with a mental bolt that knocked her out.

Vogue avoided a spell from the witch only to scream in pain as Psi-Fire burned her brain. In the process she left herself open and a powerless Riptide tackled her with help from the teenage girl that Maximage was without her powers.

Diabolique started a spell then looked up...and gaped in shock.

Coming from all directions were super-humans! She could see Supreme flying in from the north looking as if she wanted blood.

From the east were the NewMen, a group of Nu-Genes she'd altered the last time and apparently again!

The remaining forces of Youngblood were coming in a jet from the other direction. With so many heroes she knew that even her powers wouldn't win the day.

She teleported away, leaving Psi-Fire to the mercies of her former teammates.

Supreme picked the dazed mind-ripper up and grinned, "She left you behind you know, apparently your friendship was only a business transaction!".

Psi-Fire started to burn a hole in Supreme's mind but the woman's hand tightened on her throat until her concentration broke.

"I can crush steel in this grip woman, would you like to see what it can do to flesh!", the female Supreme snapped.

Reign of the NewMen lashed out with her own mental powers and knocked the enraged Psi-Fire out.

Dash frowned at the group of women around her, especially Byrd who seemed afraid of something.

She decided it could wait and voiced what they all felt, "So now what!? We have no clue where the witch will turn up!".

The powerless Glory had been on Youngblood's ship and she now spoke, "Diabolique isn't one to run very far. On the other hand she also knows when to run. We won't see her again until she's convinced the odds are in her favor.".

"So what, we're stuck as women!?", Byrd sobbed suddenly, "This can't be happening again...please no!".

The former Maximage, Lori Sanders looked at the sobbing blonde woman and immediately recognized post-rape trauma. She'd seen a lot of women abused on the street and those memories flashed through her now.

Reign was stunned as she read the buried memories that Byrd was replaying in her own mind.

"Dash...I need to talk with you...alone.", she said firmly.

They walked off together until the newly female Reign turned to Dash.

"She was raped....I couldn't help a quick flash when she collapsed....apparently when she was abducted before the alien raped her before she changed back into a man.", she said in disgust.

"Oh God!", Dash gasped, "That's why he's been so different since returning from the Keep's ship! I should have been there...if only I'd been fast enough!", she cried.

Reign hugged her warmly, "You did all you could. Even you can't outspeed a teleport.".

Supreme watche the two return and frowned, "I must return to New York, one of my friends needs me by her side.", she said.

Exit and the other NewMen had been stunned by Byrd's emotional collapse and so were unsure exactly what to do until Reign herded them into their own transport.

The various heroes didn't want to speak to each other, each wanted to deal with the total, and quite possibly permanent, change in their lives in private.

New York, New York---Home of Kid Supreme

Danny sat on the edge of her bed staring at the posters on her wall. They were pictures of her, Kid Supreme. At least they had been her, before she'd been turned into a gorgeous girl.

Her mom had been stunned of course to see her superhero son now transformed into a woman, but she seemed to be dealing with it even better than Danny herself!

Suddenly she felt a gust of wind and Supreme stood before her, or the babe that the old man had become anyway.

"You look like Lady Supreme you know.", Danny said with a small smile.

"She is my daughter.", Supreme smirked then sat beside the girl.

"How did things go, I assume since I'm still a babe that you guys lost?", Danny asked.

Supreme sighed, "Yes, and no. We defeated them, actually Youngblood did before I even arrived. But the witch escaped.".

"What about Psi-Fire?", Danny growled.

"She's in custody, her mind powers are dampened by a headband. But she doesn't know anything about where the witch might have gone.", Supreme said quietly.

"So this is permanent!?", Danny screamed.

"Yes.", Supreme whispered.

"No!", the girl who had been Kid Supreme sobbed, "I can't stay like this!".

Danny's mother entered the room and stopped stunned upon seeing the silver-haired Supreme standing before her.

"Are...are you okay baby!", she asked the sobbing girl on the floor.

Danny clung to her mother, crying in rage and pain at all that she'd lost.

Supreme suddenly spoke up, "Danny, I can't turn you back into a man but I do think I can give you something else.", she said firmly.

Danny spun with tears streaming, "What a bra!?", she snarled, "This is all your fault!".

Supreme grabbed the girl's hand and Danny's eyes widened in suprise.

"What...what did you just do!?", she gasped. She could feel strength returning to her.

"We share a link with my powers, the real Supreme powers that is. As long as I kept my powers I could restore yours.", she said with a smile.

Danny floated in the air, joy at her returned powers momentarily erasing the pain of her lost manhood.

"You must be Supreme.", the stunned mother managed.

"Pleased to meet you madam.", Supreme said while bowing, only to have her breasts jiggle about. "Sorry, I'm still trying to adjust. Danny, care to go for a fly?", she smirked.

"Mom! Where's my uniform!", Danny blurted. She raced at super-speed until finding the tatrered remnants of her former suit in the trash.

"Clothes....nor gender make the hero Danny.", Supreme said. "Let's go.".

Danny looked at herself, clad in her old male body's Levi's, that seemed plastered to her wider hips. She frowned at not being able to wear her own uniform at least then followed the older hero(ine?) out the window.

NewMen base

Byrd looked up as Dash entered the room, she'd not spoken to anyone since her outburst in Washington.

"Tell me about it.", Dash said firmly.

"What?", Byrd asked, dreading Dash's answer.

"It will eat you alive if you let it, now tell me!", she snapped.

"How could you know!?", Byrd snarled...then realized what she'd said.

Dash smacked the other woman across the face, "How could I know! As if it isn't important because I started life as a woman!".

Byrd dropped her eyes, "I'm sorry Dash, it's just.....I was a man....then to feel be so helpless!", she sobbed.

"I know, shhh....", Dash soothed, "Let it out.".

Byrd hugged her lover and cried like a baby, she'd buried the memory of the rape after regaining male the shock of her gender change had resurfaced it.

"It wasn't your fault lover, you know that!", Dash urged.

Byrd frowned, "I think I did blame myself.....after I killed him there wasn't an outlet for my rage.".

"You killed him?", Dash asked in surprise.

The bird-like woman snapped, "Damn right! I turned back into a man after he'd forced me, then I tore him apart!", she growled.

Reign sat alone in his room listening to their conversation with his mind. He still thought of himself as a man even though he was very much a female. He remembered being forced to rape Dash...and realized exactly what it had felt like. She reached into Byrd's head and absorbed the rape scene, only in her mind it was her, not Byrd, that was being raped by the alien.

She forced herself to relive the rape time after time until she fell to the floor sobbing, no matter what reason for her crime she now knew what being the real victim was like.

Washington, D.C.--Youngblood HQ

Shaft snapped the bra she'd been given and looked at herself in the mirror.

"Damn! I still turn myself on!", she whistled.

"I must say that I liked the male version better.", Riptide sighed.

"Me too!", Shaft laughed, "I' ll never get used to this!".

Suddenly a huge crash sounded and a rock head stuck through the door.

"Badrock!", Shaft gasped, "How did you get your powers back!".

The huge rock-skinned woman grinned, "I got my powers due to a chemical Jeff, my dad kept a sample of my altered cell structure and recreated the formula. I may be a woman but at least I'm still Badrock!", she laughed.

"Lady Badrock! I like that!", Riptide giggled. She hadn't even missed her own powers yet.

Shaft's intercom buzzed suddenly, "Jeff! This is Keever! Let me in!".

Shaft smirked, "It's not that hard Alan, after all I've got a basketball sized hole in it!".

Alan Keever walked in wearing a bikini, and holding another.

"Jesus Alan! Letting it all hang out are we!?", Riptide laughed.

Keever blushed, "This is Dredd's doing, he's got a new rule that all women wear these 'uniforms'!", she snorted.

Ten minutes later Shaft walked out of Dredd's office smiling.

"What did you do!?", Keever asked.

Jeff smirked, "Look for yourself.",

Alan Keever opened the door and broke down laughing, pinned to the wall by about two dozen arrows was Dredd himself, with Shaft's bikini uniform gagging him.

"Maybe the future isn't so dark after all!" Alan laughed as she closed the door.

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