
By Andrew Passey

Published on Apr 29, 2019


I left indonesia with no more incidents and and travelled back up to Bangkok for my flight home with a stop off for two weeks in Ko Phagnan to see Boy and the family and we had an amazing and a bit of an emotional reunion. I might come back to that at a later date, ditto my time in Bangkok with Som before I flew home.

So I got back home from backpacking and went off to University. I was desperate to go backpacking around Asia as soon as the three years were up and go even further afield when I finished but I was skint. My Mum didn't have much spare money, my dad wouldn't give me any so I lived off my small grant and overdraft.

As I was late arranging accommodation due to being out of the country, I ended up in a university self catering place with foreign students. A mix of nationalities including two Chinese students, one of which was only 16 and his brother who was 18. They looked younger than they were and I initially assumed they were visiting an older brother. They were both pretty cute and had excellent English. I got friendly with them and found out their father was high up in communist circles, they'd been sent to do computing degrees and I got the feeling there was a whiff of scandal around their father and it was safer for them to be out of the country. The 16 year old was called Li and the 18 year old Wang which always made me giggle. They were minted and it seemed their father had transferred a very large amount of money into a UK bank account for them, not sure if that was part of the scandal. Unfortunately for Li he was underage and looked more like 14 so he couldn't get in any bars or clubs, his brother kept him on a tight lease and he barely left the house aside from lectures. Same for Wang who although wasn't sure if that was as he wanted to keep an eye on Li.

In my first term I fell in love with an amazing girl called Karen. I was totally loved up, we had loads of sex and I was more in love than I'd ever been, I was mentally planning the rest of our lives together. Unfortunately just before the Easter holidays she broke up with me. She said she loved me but she was too young to settle and wanted to go out and have fun. I was devastated and spent the first half of the summer term avoiding all lectures and being incredibly promiscuous with many one night stands. My record was one week where I had 3 one night stands with girls and two with boys. Li and Wang liked Karen and I could tell they were disappointed when I broke up with her, and also a bit confused that I'd bring boys home as well as girls.

I'd been planning on moving in with Karen for my second year so I was beginning to worry about accommodation options. I'd also decided that going backpacking after Uni was my target so spending little money was important and no more relationships for me. Get a good degree by working my arse off, live like a pauper and stay single were my three driving forces. Unfortunately the best way to pull was to go out drinking so that made a dent in my budget, I thought I'd probably have to cut down on that and if I had to be a bit celibate for a while then that was worth it for the long term goal. I was desperate to go and visit Som and Dek, and Boy on the island. And have many more adventures!,

I was revising in my room for year end exams trying to make up for slacking off after the break up, when Wang knocked on my door. He came in and was a bit nervous, I could tell something was on his mind. I told him to spit it out and he took a deep breath and started. "Andy, I have a proposal for you. Me and Li are moving into our own house next year, we've found a great three bed place in a nice area. It's not a student place, it's a proper house." He told me the monthly rent and I couldn't believe how expensive it was, definitely out of my price range if he wanted me to share with them. " We'd like you to share with us. We won't charge you rent and we'll pay you £1000 a term to live with us for the next two years." I almost fell off the chair, this would pay for the next two years, pay off my overdraft and leave me with loads of money for backpacking, I could probably eke it out for two years! I sat there on tenterhooks waiting for what the catch was. He took a deep breath.

"Li is gay. I don't want him going out and sleeping with men, he's too young and irresponsible and bound to get into trouble. Some Chinese students here have parents who know my father. We can't afford any more scandal or anyone finding out Li is gay. Even any scandal with a girl would be bad so that's why I never really go out either. We both really like you, you're a good friend and a really nice guy.. We know you like boys as well as girls. The proposal is that you live with us, and...... Li gets to sleep with you whenever he wants." He took another deep breath and blushed. "And me as well. I'm not gay but I'm just sick of just jerking off all the time. I can't go out and pull girls as my behaviour has to be beyond reproach, so you're my only option really. So we want to be able to sleep with you whenever we want. I know it's a very strange proposal and we won't be offended if you say no" I pretended to think about it but inside I was jumping for joy. I'd happily have slept with them anyway without all these financial add ons. I'd get loads of sex and loads of money.

I agreed and said I did want to be able to bring the odd girl home and if I did then obviously I wouldn't be available for sex. And I didn't really want to be woken up in the middle of the night for it very often! I didn't want to be their whore, but I was happy to have mutually beneficial sex. I also wouldn't bring boys home though as I was sure I'd get more enough boy sex from them. Wang agreed, blushed, and took another deep breath, "one more thing..Er..we have noticed you sleep with lots of different people. So we'd like you to have tests for STDs before we do this." I said I was clean but that was fine, but that they should too. Wang blushed, "no need, we're both virgins. The only action we've had is with our hands".

So everything was sorted, I had a test and came back clean. I went to visit the house which was amazing, much nicer than my house at home! A million times better than all the student houses I'd seen. They'd agreed a two year contract including the summer holidays as they were staying there the whole time, it was too dangerous to go home to China apparently. The end of term came and I felt I'd done well with my exams so was really happy. I was heading home for the summer. I'd got a part time job helping Olly's dad although financially this deal meant I would be fine but you can never have too much money when backpacking!

We moved out of the student house on the Saturday and as Wang and Li were living in the new house over the summer I thought I might as well move some of my stuff in too. So they moved into their new house the same day and I moved my stuff in as well. Wang had brought a few bottles of champagne to celebrate and he cooked a delicious Chinese meal. We toasted our new house and the next two years, and had a fun evening of chatting and drinking. It was getting a bit late and thoughts of mine were beginning to turn towards bed. Since the proposal and the STD test the sex part of the deal hadn't been mentioned. I was getting the train home on Sunday so I thought I better raise it as it was hanging in the air unsaid between us.

" our new house you can sleep with me whenever you like. We're in our new house. I'm going home tomorrow. Does anyone want to sleep with me". Wang and Li both said "Yes!!" very quickly. We agreed that Wang would come and have sex with me now and then Li could sleep with me all night. After that they'd have to wait until I was back in September. Wang stood up shaking with nerves and we went upstairs to my room. We undressed him and I checked him out. He was pretty hairless aside from a bush above a not particularly large cock, a bit smaller than average I'd say. He gave me a once over and he started to harden. "I might like girls not boys but you have a very attractive body Andy" he said. I could tell he was nervous so I took him by the hand and pulled him over the bed. I pulled him close to me and put his hard cock in my mouth to see how he tasted. He gasped in pleasure as I gave it a few sucks. I got the lube out and lubed up my hole, then gently rubbed a big amount on his hard dick which was leaking precum. "Are you sure you want to do this? " I asked Wang. "Fuck yeah" he said with a grin, "I don't think I've wanted anything ever as much as I want this". I lay on the bed and guided him into me with my legs around his shoulders. He slipped all the way in and stayed there for a minute: "Oh my god, this feels amazing, you are so tight and warm". He started going in and out slowly, and started to speed up. He'd barely done more than a few thrusts when he groaned and grunted and shot inside me. "Fuck, so quick!" He said looking disappointed. I told him to stay in me and then he'd hopefully harden and could go again. He did and lasted longer this time, he made a racket, moaning, groaning, grunting and words spewing out of his mouth "this is fucking amazing", "oh my god why haven't I don't this before" finally coming with a cry of "oh fuck...oh fuck...Oh FUCK....OH FUUUCCCKKKK!" as he shot inside me. He then said just said "Wow" and looked at me intensely. I was hard as nails the whole time and he obviously only just noticed, he put his hand on my cock and said "Er, do you want me take care of this for you".

I said thanks but not to worry "am sure Li will enjoy it more, but yeah next time that would be nice".. He looked at me and grinned, "oh yeah, next time. Two amazing years of next time! How many weeks till September?" with a laugh. He softened and pulled out and we cleaned up. He picked up his clothes and pulled on his pants and I walked him out the room saying good night . He gave me a kiss on the cheek and thanked me. He then touched my hard cock again and said softly. "hmmm, it is attractive looking I have to admit, I wish mine was as big." I told him his was plenty big enough for me to enjoy. He smiled at me "Roll on September".he said . Li was at the top of the stairs smiling saying he could hear us all the way downstairs which Wang blushed at, Li's eyes widened when he saw my hard cock and I could see him tenting in his jogging bottoms. He walked into my room and I shut the door behind him.....

Next: Chapter 16

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