Backstreet Bet

By Allan B

Published on Aug 1, 1999


Backstreet Bet 5

by Allan

OK, here's part five of Backstreet Bet. I apologize if I kept you all waiting so long for this episode. I finished writing it about two weeks ago but kept postponing its release because I was feeling the pressure of making this a story you will all enjoy. Many thanks to those of you who have taken the time to write and provide many kind words of encouragement. Thanks also to those of you who read this story but haven't had the chance to write yet; I am waiting to hear from you :). My email is so please feel free to send me your comments or just to say G'Day.

Thanks to Nifty for allowing writrers such as myself to share our work with the whole world!

This story is completely pure fiction and depicts relationships and love between males. If it is illegal to read this type of material where you live, please leave now. This story does not imply that any members of the Backstreet Boys are gay.

Part 5: New Eyes

The next few days seemed like a blur for Nick and Locky. As one would expect, the young lovers spent every possible moment with each other. It was kind of tricky for them because of the busy lifestyles that they led but somehow, they managed - even if it was just for breakfast or dinner, they made sure they spent time together.

Three days had passed since they rekindled their relationship and both boys couldn't be more happier. The Backstreet Boys had finished the Florida portion of their US tour so that meant that Nick had no commitments for the next two days. What made them even more happier was that it was Friday today and after a special press conference organised by Locky's management, they would have two whole days to themselves. The conference was held at a fancy meeting room at the Hotel Locky was staying in. He invited Nick along for support and Nick agreed to be there for him.

As the alarm rang to wake Nick up, the sun's rays beamed into his room. He was comforted by it's warmth but he didn't need any comforting right now because he was just hours away from spending a whole weekend with the love of his life. They hadn't made any plans yet and that made it all the more exciting. They both agreed that after Locky's press conference to promote the new single, "Reason Enough", they would drive off somewhere far and have a good time. Nick was so excited that he made sure that all of his clothes were packed before he went to bed the night before. Just as he finished getting dressed the phone rang, it was Locky.

<ring, ring>

"Hello" Nick answered in such a cheerful tone.

"G'Day stranger!" Locky replied in his best Aussie accent and made Nick smile.

"You're so cute when you say that."

"Why, thank you! You know I only do it because I know it makes you smile."

"Well, you got me! I'm smiling from ear to ear. So did you sleep well?"

"Of course I did but I got to admit, I'm a little nervous about this press conference today."

"Oh really? I thought you'd be used to them by now?"

"Well, not really, I've only been in this industry for a few months you know, and this conference is going to be pretty big. There's gonna be journalists from all over the world there. Uncle Tarq tells me that there will be at least 20 reporters."

"Locky, I'm sure you'll do fine. Just turn on that Aussie accent of yours and you'll have them eating out of the palm of your hand - it works for me" Nick said almost laughing

"Well that's because you're my boyfriend, so of course it would work for you."

As Locky said that, Nick felt an intense surge of happiness come over him. They were at the stage of their relationship where they were still getting used to being boyfriends, and everytime one of them mentioned it, the other would feel the way Nick was feeling right now.

"You know, I'm so lucky to have you. You have no idea how happy it makes me feel to hear you call me your boyfriend"

"Um, I think we are both lucky to have eachother. Not very many people find the person that makes them feel the way we make each other feel." Locky stated wisely

"Yeah, you're right. So I better get going if I am gonna be there on time. I'll be sitting in the back row so that no one recognizes me and if you are feeling nervous during the conference just look for me and it will be ok." Nick said in a reassuring manner

"Thanks Nick, I am glad you're gonna be here for me. I'll see you in an hour ok?"

"You can count on it"

"Remember it's conference room B on the main floor of the hotel"

"Yes, Kevin" Nick jokingly replied

"Hey, I just wanna make sure you don't get lost"

"Don't worry, I won't and besides, I have it written down so just relax ok?"

"Ok cool, see you in an hour Nick"

"Yup, I'll be there. Bye"


Just as Nick placed the phone down it rang again...

<ring, ring>

Before the caller could say anything Nick spoke,

"Ok Locky, you don't have to worry. Conference room B at 10am. I'll write it on my forehead if it will make you feel better" Nick jokingly suggested.

"Ummmm... actually Nick, this is your mom." Mrs. Carter replied

"Oh sorry mom, I thought you were..."

"Yes, I heard. You thought I was Locky. So what are you guys up to anyway? I spoke with Denise McLean last night and she tells me that you guys have the weekend off."

"Yeah, that's right. We got two days off before heading to New York, Illinois and California."

"Well I was wondering..." Mrs. Carter tentatively spoke

"What's that mom?"

"May be you and Locky could come home and spend the weekend here. Aaron misses you so much and we all wanna meet the famous Locky Nash."

Nick felt a sense of completeness knowing that his entire family accepted his relationship with Locky. Building a relationship was hard enough on it's own but he couldn't imagine how much harder it would be if he didn't have their support. When he told them of the relationship, they were a little apprehensive about it but a few days had passed and they could hear the happiness in his voice and that was all that mattered to them.

"How about the famous Nick Carter? Don't you wanna see him too?" Nick playfully responded

"Of course we wanna see you honey! We always wanna see you." Mrs. Carter was starting to feel bad. She didn't want Nick to ever think that he was not missed.

"Mom, it's okay! I was just kidding around"

"Oh ok, you had me worried there. So you still haven't answered my question."

"What was it again?" Nick pretended to forget what his mom had asked. He did this to her all the time because he knew it annoyed her but in a fun harmless way.

"Nickolas Gene Carter, pay attention!"

He hated it when she called him by his full name but he figured that all mom's did that to their children when they were frustrated.

"Ok mom, what was the question again?" Nick said snickering into the phone

"Nick, I want you and Locky to spend the weekend here in Tampa. I think it will be a great opportunity for all of us to get to know each other and it will be lots of fun. So what do you say?"

"Mom I can't say yes right now because I wanna check with Locky first. I wanna make sure that he is ok with it. I don't want to make any decisions without his input. Is that ok with you mom?"

"That's very considerate of you and it's a good idea!"

"I'm going to see him soon. He has a press conferance and after that he and I will decide together."

"Ok, honey, just give me a call when you guys decide ok?"

"Yes mom, I'll talk to you later."

"Bye Nick"

"Bye mom"

Nick quickly put the phone down, grabbed a cap and headed straight for the door. He wasn't running late but he didn't want to take any chances. He collected the keys to a BMW that the concierge had arranged for him to use and drove to Locky's hotel.

When he arrived at the hotel he asked someone at the reception desk for directions to conference room B. As he walked into the room he couldn't help but be relieved that he didn't have to be the one fielding the questions today and took a seat in the back row, hoping that no one would recognize him. Looking around the room, Nick recoginsed some of the journalists that were in attendance and others that he hadn't seen or met before.

As Nick got comfortable in his seat, Locky walked into the room accompanied by two people who Nick assumed to be from Locky's management team. Cameras started flashing and the room was buzzing with reporters preparding to ask their questions. Nick noticed that Locky looked composed, he was new to this business but it was obvious he was a fast learner and even if he was nervous, he wasn't showing it now. He admired Locky for being so professional. Facing the media was never an easy thing but Nick always had Brian, Kevin, AJ and Howie to call upon if reporters asked him a tricky question; Locky didn't have anybody, he was all on his own.

The reporters started asking their questions. It was the usual stuff; who were Locky's role models, what were the inspirations for his songs, what his aspirations were, when his album would be released, and other common questions that reporters seemed to ask all celebrities. A few minutes before the interview was scheduled to end, one of the international reporters raised his hand and asked a question. It was a French reporter who didn't speak much English so he asked his question in his native tounge. Before the stand-by interpreter could translate the question, Locky answered it fluently in French. The contingent of reporters along with Nick were pleasantly surprised. They aplauded. Naturally, the following question asked was, "What other languages can you speak?". Locky explained to the reporters that he was fluent in French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and of course Australian. That last response got a laugh from the reporters but Nick just sat there with his jaw dropped. He had not known Locky for very long but he was already seeing him with new eyes. At that moment, Nick realized he was falling deeper in love with Locky, he admired the way Locky seemed unaffected by all this attention, taking it all in his stride.

The remainder of the press conference went off without a hitch. Locky spent a few minutes socializing with the reporters, had a few photographs taken and then he was ready to be a normal, regular guy again. Nick waited for all the reporters to leave before approaching Locky and giving him a warm hug.

"So, how did I do? Was I ok?" Locky asked unassumingly

"Ok? You were more than ok! You looked so comfortable up there." Nick reponded in amazement

"Well, trust me, it was a little terrifying at first."

"You didn't look terrified, and that part when you answered that question in French... that blew every body away!"

"You think so?"

"Most definitely, you never told me you could speak so many different languages"

"That's because you never asked" Locky replied laughing

"So, what else don't I know about you?"

"Stick around kid, and you'll find out" Locky was acting playfully cocky now

"Don't worry, I intend to be around for a long time."

As Nick said that, Locky leaned in to kiss him but restrained himself remembering that they were still in the conference room and people could walk in at any time. The two guys went to Locky's room and collected his bags and hopped into the car that had been rented for Nick.

"So, Nick. Where are we off to?"

"Um, well I was wondering. Would you be interested in spending the weekend with my family?" Nick asked hesitantly. He wasn't sure how Locky would react.

"Are you kidding? Of course I am interested. I'm nervous about meeting your family but I do want to meet them. Do you think they will mind if we pop up unexpectedly?"

"Actually it was my mom's idea."

"Cool! That settles it then. Let's spend the week end at your place." Locky said that in such a confident manner but deep down he was a nervous wreck, more nervous than when he had to face the press. It didn't matter if the press didn't like him (althougth they did) but Nick's family's impression of him DID matter and that's what made him so nervous. With that settled, Nick called his mom using the car phone and to say that she was excited to hear that they were coming to visit would be an understatement.

It took them two hours to drive from Locky's hotel to Nick's family home. During the drive, Nick explained that only his mom and little brother would be home because his father and sisters had gone off on a father/daughter camping weekend. As Nick entered the access code at the security gate, Locky placed his hand on Nick's and explained that he was a little nervous. Nick assured him that everything would work out fine. Afterall, Nick's parents and siblings knew about, and accepted their relationship so there was no need to worry.

As they walked to the front door, Nick held Locky's hand and the door burst open. In what seemed like a flash of light, Nick's little brother Aaron, came bolting out the door. He was such a bundle of energy and ran straight for Nick, giving him a welcome hug. Locky stood back and observed how Aaron looked like a mini version of his boyfriend. It was obvious to him that these two brothers were close and that they were glad to see each other.

"Whoa, little buddy, it hasn't been that long since you last saw me has it?" Nick asked Aaron as he backed away from the hug.

"Yeah I know but I've missed not having you 'round, BJ's been picking on me." Aaron defended.

"I'm sure it's because you asked for it though" Nick cleverly observed and before Aaron could defend himself, Nick introduced Locky,

"Hi Aaron, it's nice to meet you" Locky said in a tentative manner. He wasn't sure if Aaron would accept him but his concerns disappeared as soon as Aaron came up to him and gave him a hug too.

"Wow," Locky surprising said, "I was just expecting a 'hello' but this is good too."

All the boys laughed and just as they walked into the Carter home, Jane Carter greeted them with a welcome hug too.

"Mom, I would like you to meet Locky Nash" Nick proudly said

"How do you do ma'am. Thank you for having me over this weekend." Locky replied politely

"It's a pleasure, please don't mention it and please call me Jane. 'Ma'am' sounds so formal"

"Ok, ma'am - oops I mean Jane" Locky playfully joked. Everyone was laughing again.

"Don't you guys just love Locky's accent?" Jane asked Nick and Aaron, making Locky blush.

"Yeah, I it's kinda neat" Aaron replied

"Actually, I think it's you guys that have the cool accent." Locky stated

"Gee, I never thought about it that way before," Nick commented, "I guess we do sound different to you guys."

After the introductions were completed, Jane pulled Nick aside while Aaron showed Locky their house - and what an impressive house it was too; it was huge and yet it had a sense of homeliness to it.

"So, Nick. Will you guys be sharing your room or should I prepare the guest room?" Jane casually asked.

Nick was a little embarassed. He didn't feel totally comfortable talking to his mom about the details of his relationship but he was thankful that she could be open about it.

"Um, actually mom, we haven't slept together - we've only been going out for a few days you know."

"Yeah I know, and I'm not saying you should have slept together by now, I was just wondering if you were gonna share your room or not."

This was getting more awkard.

"We haven't discussed it but as soon as Aaron finishes his tour of our home, I'll ask Locky about it ok?"

"Ok honey"

By the time Aaron had finished "the tour", it was lunch time. Jane had prepared some turkey sandwiches. The guys were all hungry and scoffed them down. Right after lunch, Aaron asked Nick and Locky to play some nintendo games with him. The guys played video games for a while and after what seemed like a few minutes (but in actual fact it was 3 hours), they decided that they should give the nintendo a rest and go out and get some fresh air at the nearby beach. Aaron wanted to tag along but his mom did not let him go with Locky and Nick. She knew that the two boys would want some time together and besides, Aaron had some school work to finish off. Nick was glad that Aaron wasn't tagging along. He loved and missed Aaron but sometimes he tagged along too much and Nick wanted to spend some valuable time with Locky.

Down at the beach the two guys held hands and spent some time getting some fresh sea air into their lungs. The sound of the waves crashing was very soothing and the boys just talked and got to know each other better. They talked about their childhood and marvelled at how much they had in common. During their conversation, Nick asked Locky about the sleeping arrangements,

"Hey Locky" he tentatively spoke

"Hey Nick" Locky responded playfully

"um, about where you'll be sleeping tonight..."


"well, you see..." this wasn't going to be easy and Locky wasn't helping the situation either.

"I'll be sleeping at your house right?" Locky teased

"yeah of course you will be but I was wondering..." Nick's words faded

"What were you wondering Mr. Carter?" Locky asked with a mischievous grin on his face

"Well would you like to sleep with me tonight?" Nick asked and it seemed like time had stood still.

Locky knew that Nick was dying to ask him this all day and he wanted to keep Nick in suspense a little bit longer before saying, "Of course!"

"Really?" Nick asked excitedly.

"Yes, really!" Locky replied equally excited, "so long as your mom is cool with it."

"Yeah she's fine and as long as we keep the moaning down there shouldn't be a problem" Nick added suggestively and sarcastically at the same time.

Both guys laughed a little and Locky added, "What makes you think you'll get some huh?"

"Oh, just a feeling I have that's all" Nick replied in his best cocky tone

"Well we'll see about that." Locky smiled back.

Before they knew it, it was getting dark. The sun was setting, mother nature was painting a beautiful picture and the sky was her canvas. They decided to walk back home seeing as it would be dinner time soon.

When they got home, everything seemed quiet.

"Mom? Aaron?" Nick called out.

"In the kitchen honey!" Mrs. Carter replied

They went into the kitchen and found Mrs. Carter preparing a casserole and some mashed potatoes for dinner - it smelled so appetizing in there.

"Hi Mrs. Carter, oops I mean Jane"

"Hi Locky, hi Nick. Did you boys have fun?"

"Yeah, I took Locky to the beach and we just talked"

"You are very lucky to live in such a beautiful place - I love it here" Locky commented.

"Why thank you, but if I remember correctly from our trip in 1996, Australia isn't such a bad place either"

"Yeah, I really like it there too." Locky added

"Hey mom, where's the little tiger?" Nick was referring to his younger brother.

"Oh, I sent him up to his room. He wouldn't stop watching tv but he needed to get some homework done so I told him to stay up there until he finished. He left in such a huff, looking so cute. I almost let him stay downstairs and watch tv." Mrs Carter recalled.

"Well why don't Nick and I check up on him and see how he's going then?" Locky suggested.

"Would you? I think he's having problems with algebra" Mrs Carter stated

"Albegra. Yuk! I always hated algebra when I was in school." Nick added

"Ok, I'll help him out and may be dinner will be ready when we are done." Locky offered.

"Thanks so much Locky, I appreciate it."

"No worries Jane, it's a pleasure. Are you coming along Nick?"

"You gotta be kidding. Like I said, Algebra isn't really a favourite of mine so I think I'll leave you guys to it. While you help him out, I'll get your stuff from the car and take it to my room."

"Ok sounds good."

Ten minutes later Jane Carter could hear the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs. She looked at Nick (who was helping out with the mash potatoes). Aaron and Locky walked into the kitchen and Aaron appeared to be in a better mood.

"Hey mom how's dinner coming along?" he said in a cheerful mood

"Wow, you're certainly in a better mood, dinner will be ready in a sec, can you set up the table for me honey?"

"Sure mom"

As Aaron started to set out the plates and napkins, Jane slowly turned to Locky in amazement.

"Wow! what did you do?" she asked Locky

"Well, it seems that Aaron was just a little frustrated with his math because he couldn't understand it. I just explained it to him in terms that he could understand and he flew right through it."

"Thanks for helping him out Locky!"

"It's my pleasure Jane."

"Isn't he just so talented mom?" Nick commented trying to make fun of Locky

At this point, Locky was blushing again and they all laughed.

During dinner, Jane and Aaron asked Locky lots of questions about life back in Australia and what his impressions were of the US. They all talked about his childhood and how he always grew up dreaming of one day becoming a successful singer. They could see why Nick had fallen in love with Locky so easily, he was such a down to earth person. What amazed them even more was the fact that Locky was so courteous and unassuming - nothing was too much to ask and he freely volunteered information to them. After talking about his life and aspirations, Locky decided to turn the tables and ask about Nick. Jane was more than willing to talk about how sweet her eldest son was and had many funny and cute stories that made Nick cringe with embarassment.

After dinner, they all looked at family photos. There were so many but Locky enjoyed looking at each one and hearing the tears, laughter, sorrow or cheers behind each picture. At first it was a little embarassing for Nick and it didn't help that Aaron was playfully making fun of him too. However, Locky explained to Nick that the reason why he was so interested in the stories behind each photo was because he wanted to better understand him and know how he became the person that he was today. "I wanna know the story behind every grazed knee, broken heart and every triumph." Locky explained. That did the trick and Nick didn't feel so embarassed after that.

After looking at the family albums, Jane asked Locky to sing a song - kind of like a special performance...

"Mom! You really are gonna kill me with embarassment here!" Nick shouted out

"Nick it was just a suggestion, Locky doesn't have to sing if he doesn't want to" Jane assured

"Nick it's totally cool with me." Locky said in a calm voice, "I would be honoured to sing a song for you Jane and perhaps we could do a duet Nick?"

"Hey that's a great idea!!!" Jane exclaimed excitedly

"What are we gonna sing?" Nick asked

"Just follow my lead, I'm sure that you'll know this song." Locky replied

Everyone in the room was excited. This would be the first time that Jane would hear Locky sing live but it was also the first time that the two boys would sing together. Locky suggested that they all go into the entertainment room, where he saw a grand piano earlier during the tour with Aaron.

Again, Locky managed to surprise Nick. He didn't realise Locky could play the piano but he figured that there was just so much to learn about his partner that it wouldn't surprise him if Locky could perform magic tricks as well!

As Locky sat down in front of the piano, Nick, Jane and Aaron stood around him and listened intently. They didn't know what he was going to sing so they were really excited. As Locky started to play the first few notes of the song, they all immediately knew what it was and a tear of sheer happiness filled Jane Carter's eyes.

The song was 'Bridge over troubled water' by Simon and Garfunkle. Locky chose that song because he remembered reading about how it was the first song Nick ever sang for his mom and seeing as he wanted this to be a special moment, he felt that it was the best choice - and he was right...

"When you're weary, feeling small, when tears are in your eyes I will dry them all. I'm on your side, oh, when times get rough and friends just can't be found..."

As Locky sang those last words he looked at Nick and nodded; that was his cue to join in.

"Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down."

As the two boys sang the chorus, it was obvious that they both could sing but what was even more impressive was the way their voices seemlessly blended and harmonized. Jane and Aaron listened intently, they were stunned beyond belief at how good Locky and Nick sounded. Nick continued singing the second verse while Locky played the piano...

"When you're down and out, when you're on the street. When evening falls so hard, I will comfort you. I'll take your part oh, when darkness comes and pain is all around."

Again, the two boys sang the chorus together...

"Like a bridge over troubled water, will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down."

They continued singing the last part of the song...

"Sail on silver bird, sail on by. Your time has come to shine. All your dreams are on their way. See how they shine. Oh, if you need a friend, I'm sailing right behind. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will ease your mind."

Both Locky and NIck held the last note for as long as they could and at the end of it, there was complete silence in the room. Both Nick and Locky amazed themselves at how wonderful they sounded that they started to laugh in disbelief. Jane and Aaron on the other hand just stood there in awe - they had just heard the most inspiring rendition of Bridge over troubled water and they were speechless. 'Not even Simon and Garfunkle could have interpretted their own song like Nick and Locky had just done' she thought to herself. As soon as she realized that she was just standing there looking like a stunned mother in tears, she started applauding and Aaron joined in and cheered.

"WOW! You boys were amazing!!! And I am not just saying that because I am Nick's mother either."

"Thanks Jane I am glad you liked it" Locky replied trying not to sound too excited.

"Yeah thanks mom! I guess we really do make a good team." Nick added

"Yeah you sure do. I think Brian, Kevin, AJ and Howie had better start thinking about adding a new member to the group." Jane joked

Just as everyone laughed at that remark, the huge Grandfather clock in the family room rang to signify that it was 12 midnight. Everyone was surprised at how fast time had flown but when they realized what time it was, they all started feeling tired. They all decided that it was time for bed. Nick, Locky and Aaron kissed Jane, goodnight, while Aaron gave Nick and Locky a big hug each.

As they finished brushing their teeth Nick and Locky prepared to spend their first night together. They were both unsure of what was going to happen and understandably, they were extremely nervous. Nick felt like he had butterflies in his stomach and couldn't stay still. Locky on the other hand kept thinking of how far they would go so he decided to address it with Nick straight away. As difficult as it would be, they both decided that it would be best if they didn't go "all the way" tonight seeing as they were not alone. A little bit of fooling around was ok but they both agreed to keep their hormones in check. They always slept in their boxers when they were on their own so they undressed and jumped straight into bed and lay next to each other. They lay their in silence for a while before Nick spoke up,

"Um, so... did you have fun today?" he tried to make this as comfortable as possible

"Yeah I sure did. Thanks for having me over I really like your mom and brother. They are so friendly and accepting of me." Locky replied as his heart started to pound from the nerves.

"Hey, no problem! They really like you too!"

"I am glad things are finally working out for us Nick"

"Yeah me too. I still can't believe this is all happening. I am very very happy"

"Well, you're not the only one" Locky said smiling, "but I must admit... I am feeling kind of nervous right now."

"Well... like we agreed, we don't have to do anything, we can just lay here and hold each other tight while we drift off to sleep. How does that sound?" Nick suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea Mr. Carter. I'd like that very much!" Locky playfully responded

As Locky said that he turned to his side and Nick hugged him tightly from behind, planting soft kisses on Locky's neck and shoulders.

"Mmmmmm, Nick that feels wonderful!"

"Thanks Locky, I love you, you know?"

"Yeah I know because I love you too... you have a way of knocking me off my feet and making me feel so complete." Locky whispered back

Both boys had had a long day and they were beginning to feel the effects of it. They planned to spend tomorrow sailling on Nick's boat so they gave in and let themselves drift slowly off to sleep. As Nick hugged Locky tightly from behind, Locky could feel Nick's penis pressing closely against him. It was radiating so much warmth and from what Locky could tell it was getting quite erect. They had to use every ounce of strength they had to resist the temptation to make love right there and then. The last thing Locky could remember hearing before falling asleep, was Nick's voice humming to the tune of "No one else comes close".

as always, to be continued...

Well there you have it. I sincerely hope you enjoyed this installment. While writing this part I discovered that writing a story filled with many happy uplifting moments can be harder than writing one with tradgedy and disaster hmmmm... may be that's why there are so many dramatic stories out there hahaha j/k. Any way, I really want to know what you thought of this episode and what you think of the whole series altogether. I am always open to criticism so long as it is constructive and provides me with helpful suggestions. Good comments help too :).

Like I said earlier, I really do hope to hear from all of you who read this... ok maybe not all of you but the majority of you will do :). I will endeavour to have the next chapter out in 2 or 3 weeks time, until then see you all on email! Remember the address is:

Next: Chapter 6

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