Bad Girl

By Mas P

Published on Mar 20, 2009


The story continues...this one is a little longer than the first two. Just a little though. :) Enjoy. Hope you all like it...

If you'd like to fan my ego, or take it down a notch then hit me up at:

Bad Girl - 3

By Mas

The day couldn't end soon enough. I had Kia on the brain since she asked me if I wanted a ride home. My heartbeat was on a constant race against time, drumming itself to exhaustion. But when I thought of Kia, about her touching me...I was far from exhausted.

The bell rang and I rushed to my locker.

"Hey," Donna said as she loaded up her books. I hardly ever saw the girl take books home.

"Hey yourself." She watched me then shook her head. I tried to ignore her at first then glanced over at her and caught her trying to hold back a smile. It was like trying to ignore an erupting volcano.

"What?!" She just smiled some more.

"You are soooo sprung." She started to sing the popular R&B song, stopping only when I threatened to kill her in her sleep. "You won't be able to get in my house."

"You gave me a key to your basement last year." I said dryly. That shut her up. I jammed the last of my books in my bag and hurriedly zipped it up.

"You're goona meet her aren't you?" I smiled and nodded my head. "I wanna meet her too."

"You're planning on embarrassing me aren't you?" She managed to look offended. If only I didn't know her so well. "Please Donna, no big sister act okay?"

"I'd never do that to you!"

I stood at the hood of Kia's car as she answered Donna's questions in monosyllables. The only other answers would be a scowl or a raised eye brow. I always wanted to learn how to do that. It seemed as if she mastered it.

"...and you better put your seatbelt on too. If I hear about you drinking and-"

"Donna! That's enough!" I pulled her away and looked apologetically at Kia who looked as if she was holding in a smile of her own. She shook her head and leaned against the car.

"I'm just checking her references." I looked at her until she rolled her eyes in defeat. "Okay, so I'm protective. Whatever, just drive safe and call me when you get home."

"I live 3 blocks away Don." I said then hugged her. I stood back, surprised at her sudden mothering. "She'd never hurt me you know?"

"How do you know that?" I opened my mouth but realized that I had no answer for her. I just shrugged my shoulders instead.

"Oh go on before dark and brooding over there gets fidgety." I approached the car again and Kia walked me over to the passenger side.

"Thank you," I mumbled as she held the door for me.

"You're welcome." She said then closed the door. Everyone outside was tinted in blue now behind the dark windows. I reached over and quickly unlocked her door before she could get the key in. She sat inside and turned to smirk at me as she started up the car.

"Thanks" I just smiled. I watched a Bronx Tale.

It purred to life. Heavy rock blasted from the speakers and she fumbled with the buttons to turn it off. It looked adorable to see her flustered, if only for a moment.

"Sorry," she mumbled. I giggled as she finally turned it off then shifted the gear. "There's a case in the back seat if you want to pick some music."

I grabbed it and began to flip through. The first few CDs were not so surprising, heavy rock, some names I didn't know, others I did. Aerosmith...MCR...but then I started to see CDs like Bach, Beethoven, Pachelbel...I pulled out the Pachelbel and looked over at her. She looked at me then at the CD then focused again on maneuvering though the mass of jay walking students.

"Surprised?" She asked. I picked up on the annoyance behind the question. It didn't make any sense lying. I had the feeling she'd know anyway.

"Yes I am." I slid in it the player and watched as it was sucked inside then immediately began to play. I sat back and shifted until I was huddled in the corner with a great view of her. My eyes took in her jaw, the slight cleft at her chin that I saw when her face shifted in my direction. I wanted to dip my tongue into it. Her eye lashes, her lips...her lips...god I loved those lips...

They were so shapely, so soft. Deceptively soft considering how they were so good and driving me crazy. I watched the muscles shift beneath her skin as she gripped the wheel. She looked so strong but so feminine at the same time. I looked at her thighs and watched her quads bunch each time she pressed down or released the gas. All at once I wished that I cold touch them. I wanted to rest my head on them...I was going crazy. I shook my head and looked outside. We stopped at a stop light and watched students cross.

"Had your fill huh?" I glanced back at her but she still had her eyes trained on the street. She opened up the compartment above her rear view mirror and slid out dark shades that hugged her face perfectly but they also hid away her eyes.

"What?" I said. She looked at me and shook her head.

"Directions...?" I told her. She nodded her head then reached to turn up the music.

"I wouldn't have guessed you like classical..." I began then realized how it sounded. "I mean...I..." I shut my mouth. I expected to see irritation on her face but only met a smile, and it was a real one too.

"I think that there are a lot of thing you don't know about me Chloe?"

"Tell me one of them." She looked at me then nodded her head slowly. We rode on in silence for a bit, getting closer and closer to my corner.

"Well, I know that YOU don't know that you like bad girls." The frown was immediate.

"That's not true!" She just smiled and drove. I pouted then looked back at her. I knew that she saw me looking at her so I turned away and looked outside the window instead.

Did I? Well, some of the women...well, most of the women that I think are hot are kind of bad girls. I guess. Michelle Rodriguez...well it was just her. So Kia had to be wrong. One crush on one bad girl doesn't make you only like bad girls. I sat back satisfied with my reasoning.

I looked back at Kia, ready to voice my theory but couldn't. I watched her handle the gear shift and the wheel like a racecar driver, then the cocky smirk on her lips.

Kia was a bad girl and I finally admitted that I liked her a lot. I didn't want to leave her presence, in fact, when I thought about her dropping me home my heart sank. She promised me nothing, hardly revealed a thing about herself and beat up guys just as big as her with out breaking a sweat.

I did like bad girls. "I don't wanna go home yet." I said as the signal on the dash board blinked to turn onto my street. She glanced at me and then back at the street. We drove some more when she suddenly did a sharp U turn. I screamed as the car screeched around until it was in the other lane driving in the opposite direction.

My breath was coming in gasps as I held onto the shit-your-pants handle above the door. It nearly lived up to its name.

"What in the HELL is wrong with you?! You could have killed us!"

"I checked the lanes before I did it, no one was coming..."

"You checked the lanes?! Oh I feel MUCH better now. YOU'RE INSANE!" She was outright smiling at me then, looking at me, the street, me, the street...until I had enough of it. "Watch the damn street Kia!" She smiled and nodded her head.

I grabbed my chest, breathing deep to calm my racing heart. I still heard the echo of the on coming car hornS as they blared in annoyance. I wanted to slap her I was so mad. So I did, right on the arm.

"Ouch! Hey!" She shouted and the car swerved a bit.

"Watch the road Kia!"

"Kinda hard to do when you're beating up on me," she grumbled.

"I was scared Kia, you scared me half to death with that little stunt!" I glared at her and saw her cockiness soften into embarrassment. She looked at me but I looked away. We drove for a bit, the city was slowly being left behind and more greenery began to rush past my window.

About 30 minute passed but I wasn't saying a damn thing. My cell phone rang, it was Chris. I ignored it. It buzzed, I flipped it open, Chris again.

<Where are you?>

You'd think that with her being in college now she'd care less. It was the opposite.

<I'll be late. Out with a friend. L8r>

The phone buzzed again but I turned all of the rings off.

"Are you hungry?" She asked finally.

"Why do you act like that? Act as if you don't care?" Her gaze was trained forward.

"Guess that's a no." It was as I didn't ask a question at all. I wanted to go home right then and told her as much. "Why?"

"Because you're crazy and you don't care Kia."

"I do care."

"You don't"

"I do." I shut my mouth. I wasn't going to have a back and forth about it. She slowed down and pulled over then turned to look at me. "I looked both ways before I did that. I'd never put your life in danger like that. I've been driving since I was 13."

"How old are you now?" I asked.


"Oh yeah, because 6 years means that you're ready for NASCAR." She scowled. I leaned closer. "You ever try that with me again, you can drop me off the second the car stops and prepare for a black eye." She smiled at me, when I didn't return it her smile dropped and she at least had the decency to look chastised.

"Do you still want to go home?" She asked quietly.

"No." I said, now tired. I just wanted to sit somewhere. Any where. I didn't tell her this though. I just let her pull that car back into the street and we continued to drive.

I fell asleep. I looked at the clock and was surprised to see that it was for only 20 minutes. We turned through a street passing a few houses then it was just trees. The street then changed to unpaved road, then I gasped at what was revealed at the end of that road.

It was like the scene of some Hallmark card. I lowered the window eager to see it all; peaceful water reflecting the setting sun, the sound of nature all around, birds and little insects flying around. It was beautiful deserted surprisingly, not a soul in sight.

"It's beautiful Kia..." I said as I stood at the edge of the shore. I look up the shore and saw a dock that led to some house hidden behind a forest. Tires hung off the sides. I wish I had my notebook to get the description down on paper.

"I come here when I want to escape you know?" She said quietly standing shoulder to shoulder with me. Well, more like my shoulder to her bicep.

"Escape from what?" She sighed and slipped her hands into her pockets. She looked at me and then slid her shades up until it held her hair back. I watched the sun light penetrate her eyes. They lit up, turning into a light topaz right before my eyes. I stepped closer to her. She turned her body to face me. "What are you escaping Kia?"

I felt her fingers move up my arm then pause at my neck as her thumb traced my lower lip. Her head tilted to the side as if trying to figure out some puzzle in her head.

"What everyone else is running from," I breathed in deep. I didn't know what was going on but I felt as if something was changing and that it was completely out of my control.

"What's that?" Her finger ran down my nose to dip into the valley above my lips then it moved over them. I opened my mouth and sucked the digit inside. It was salty. I studied her face as my teeth racked over the top of her finger then soothed it at the bottom with my tongue. Her eyes darkened in arousal. Her nose flared out and she stepped closer.

"Pain," she said. I had already forgotten the question though. She pulled her finger out and pressed her lips to mine, searching my mouth with her tongue.

She was so sweet, so warm, moving against me. She handled the organ with skill and control. Every touch sent a spark down south. With every stroke I felt myself twitch in awareness.

My hands gripped her jacket then snaked beneath it to hold onto her body. She was so warm. It felt so right to hold her like that. We both pulled away at the same time.

She looked at me unsure and I thought that she'd move away a moment later. I didn't want that. I pulled her closer and reached up to kiss her lips again. This time it was a soft kiss. A kiss to tell her that I wasn't letting go of this...what ever it was.

She took my hand and led me back to the car. She glanced at her watch. I reached for the passenger door as she let go of my hand and I settled back into the car about to put on my seat belt when I felt her touch my hand.

"You won't be needing that." She closed her door and turned the key only to switch on the CD player. I saw her flip to the back of her case and pull out a CD. Otis Redding's I've Been Loving You Too Long poured from the stereo. My heart stopped at the choice. It had to be a coincidence though. I looked at Kia but she was pulling her seat back, way back. It was right up against the back seats. She turned to me.

"You need to get those jeans off."

"Why?" I asked dumbly and a smile lit up her face. It made her look so much softer, I wish she smiled more often, maybe I could make that happen...

"Well it'll make what we're about to do so much easier..." I blushed as it all began to make sense. I unbuckled my jeans and tugged them off. "Panties too." I looked at her, the smile was gone, now she had her lips slightly parted. Her eye lids grew heavy as she looked at my legs. Knowing that I did this to her made me more confident. I slid down the panties too and didn't wait for her to tell me before I shrugged off my shirt. She leaned forward and I felt her fingers spread over my stomach then slide down between my legs.

"Ummm..." I moaned as her lips nipped at my neck. She pulled at my waist and I followed until I was straddling her thighs.

She studied me. There was nothing to hide in this position and nowhere to hide. Once again she had complete control and she knew it. She looked at my breasts and slid her fingers behind me. The bra fell away. The look on her face made me want to kiss her.

"You're so fucking beautiful..." Her hands ran up and down my back firmly. She pulled me forward until her lips met my breasts. I sighed in relief when she finally pulled a nipple into her mouth. God how I needed her...I didn't know how someone I barely knew could drive me so insane with wanting her.

Her hands moved down my back and grabbed my hips. She lowered her seat and soon I was on top of her. Her fingers dipped into my heat and I groaned above her.

I ran my hand beneath her t-shirt over her tight stomach and tugged at her until she rose up. It was enough room to pull off her jacket and her shirt. Only her sports bra separated my hands from her breasts. I yanked it up and she grunted until she pulled it over her head then finally I saw them.

Two perfect globes. Their areoles, a dark brown, surrounded firm nipples begging for my touch. So touch them I did. She moaned into the silence.

I rubbed them between my fingers, then I shoved myself down until my mouth could grasp them. She shivered with the first kiss.

Small, gentle kisses. Her hands found my neck and began to run through my hair as I sucked her nipple into my mouth.

"Oh God..." she groaned as I sucked on her, moving from one nipple to the other. I couldn't get enough of her. My hands drifted to her buckle and unclasped it. I had my hand down her jeans a moment later and felt the heat there before she grabbed my wrist.

"Come here..." she said and tugged me up. Our lips met again and I felt her fingers snaking their way down my stomach. She pushed me back a little and began to tease me, running her fingers up and down my folds. Then she wasn't teasing at all. She slid two fingers inside of me and I grabbed onto the back of her chair as my back arched.

It felt so damn good. Her thumb pressed into my clit and began to rub it, dipping into my wetness now and then.

"You look so hot right now," she mumbled into my neck as I bit my lips to keep from screaming. She pulled her head back and watched me. "Let it out Chloe..." she whispered.

She bit down on my neck and I began to moan louder now. I grasped her breasts and began to squeeze them with every stroke she made. She moaned too now. She pulled me to her again, pulling my lower lip into her mouth. Running her tongue over it as I rode her fingers.

She curled her fingers inside of me and my body stiffened. I began to jerk on top of her. Screaming out as she touched me as if she had for years. My mouth opened in a soundless scream as the orgasm burst around me. Only when it passed did I shout out into the car.

"No one..." I tried to speak. I tried to tell her what I felt. How no one made me feel like she did. How no one ever tired. It was ridiculous. I could count the number of words we said to each other and still I felt as if she knew me like no one else. It was insane.

She held me to her as my lungs began to calm down. My heart settled. I breathed easier but still she held me running her hand over my skin from my hips up back then through my hair only to do it all again.

Her breasts were pressed tightly against mine and it made me want to rub against her like a cat. I didn't know if it would be right, if she'd like it.

I ran my hand up her arm instead and squeezed the muscle there. It was so sexy to me. I wondered if she could lift me up. Thinking back to what she did to Micheal I decided that she could.

"Do you work out a lot?" Her caress stilled for a moment then resumed. A chuckle vibrated through me.

"What do you think?" She asked. I squeezed again, holding my breath to keep down the sudden arousal when she flexed her arm.

"I think that you do. Lift weights or something..." She snorted.

"Not likely." She chuckled. "I think that you'd be surprised at the extra curricular activities that I do. It keeps me in shape all right." I was beyond curious after that but I decided to ask about it later. I was starting to feel drowsy again. Kia had no intention of letting me sleep though because soon I felt her fingers slipping back down into me but I grabbed her wrist from behind me.


"Why?" She asked as she nipped on my jaw then moved to my lips. She tugged at the swollen flesh then pulled it into her mouth. It was a good distraction. My hands released her so she moved again. I pulled away and grabbed her hand again, this time pulling them in the front of me then over her head.

"I said no. It's too soon Kia." I said and leaned into her.

"But I like your pussy." I trembled. The word sounded so dirty rolling off of her tongue. So bad. I liked it.

"Say it again..." she looked at me confused for a moment then I leaned in close and began to rub our breasts together. Her eyes grew heavy.

"What? Pussy?" I nodded my head and felt myself getting wetter. "I like to touch your pussy. I like to lick your pussy..." She began to groan beneath me. It felt incredible to be in control of her like this, to know that my touch was keeping her on the edge. "I like to eat your pussy..." she whispered against my lips. "Pussy, pussy, pussy..." I slid my tongue into her mouth and kissed her the way she kissed me just a few minutes ago. She let me do it. She allowed me to pull her tongue into my mouth and rake my teeth across it. I explored her mouth, pulling back only to pull her lips into my mouth and suck on them too.

She tasted so sweet that I began to wonder if all of her tasted that hand was at her jeans in a moment. I had my fingers down her jeans again and like before her wrist held mine. Our gazes connected. Wariness creeped up behind the obvious arousal in her eyes.

"Won't you let me touch your pussy too Kia?" Her grip loosened and her breasts began to rise and fall even quicker.

"You say that word much better than I do." I smiled and closed my eyes as my fingers delved into the short hairs that led to the wetness that I dreamed of. There was so much, it was so hot, nearly burning my fingers.

"You're so wet," I began to move over her then through her folds. Her eyes drifted close. I wanted more though, I wanted to be inside of her. I leaned forward, wrapping my arm around her neck. She ran her hand down my back and slid her fingers into my warmth too. I groaned as I felt her. I pulled at the skin of her neck then began to suck on it. She arched up against me, her hips began to move with my touch.

I entered her. Her body stilled and tensed. I looked at her and watched her eyes flutter open. I framed her face with my hand and leaned in to press my lips to hers.

"Let me Kia...let me..." She swallowed and held loosely onto my wrist. It was permission enough. I began to move inside of her. My fingers pushed against her walls, picking up more moisture with each stroke. I moved my other hand down and ran the fingers over her pussy, bringing them to my lips to taste them.

My fingers stilled as I slid the finger into my mouth. It was different...salty yet somehow sweet. I liked it. I wanted more.

"You taste so good." My hands began to move with purpose as I imagined licking her pussy all night long. "I want to lick you Kia." She groaned into me and began to get even wetter. "I think someone likes it when I talk dirty..." I whispered into her ear then dipped my tongue into said ear. She came grinding into me as I sucked greedily on her ear lobe, then the skin beneath it.

Her walls surrounded me and I closed my eyes, savoring the feeling. I never wanted it to end. I pressed soothing kisses onto her face, now sweaty since we had the windows up and the air off. The scent of sex hung thick in the air but I didn't want to change a thing.

She clung to me as her body calmed. I had my arms wrapped around her neck as she breathed into me.

Soon I shifted until I had my ear pressed against her chest. Her heartbeat was strong and steady now. I closed my eyes and must have drifted off again. She was running her fingers through my hair and squeezing my ass.

"We need to get you home. I have to get home too." I sat up groggily and inched my way over to the other side of the car. I just settled back into the chair ready to fall back to sleep again when she chuckled. I looked up at her then followed her gaze. I was still as naked as the day I was born. It was ridiculous how confident she was shirtless and braless while I on the other hand was scrambling to put on my jeans and t-shirt. The panties seemed to have disappeared.

She already had on her t-shirt by the time I was done. She flung her bra into the back seat. I rubbed my arms, the sun was on the edge of the lake and the temperature dropped significantly. Kia was soon draping her jacket over the front of me. I looked up at her and smiled my thanks. She smirked then started the car up. "Donna told me to take good care of you, can't have you catching a cold can I?"

I laughed and settled back into the seat. Soon the car was nice and warm, just like Kia. I felt it come rushing at me, what I was been trying to avoid like the plague. I was falling hard for Akia Pratt. That party had to be a preview of the coming attractions.

"Kia..." I stopped the words before I made a fool of myself.

"What?" She glanced at me but I shook my head.

"It's nothing." I felt tears begin to form behind my eyes and had no idea what to do with them. How can you fall for someone who doesn't care about you the same way? Every time we came together it was physical, just physical. A voice in me wanted more, demanded more, but was to scared to ask for it. I should have fought my way out of that damn bathroom after all...

"I won't hurt you." It was said quietly. I closed my eyes and just nodded my head. We continued to drive in silence until she decided to stir me up again. "I want to fuck you again. Right now."

"Me too." We gazed at each other until she was forced to look back to the road. Tension built up again. I saw myself suddenly taking her the way she took me that night at the party. I saw her long, strong thighs wrapped around me as her ass grinded into me. The thought of someone so strong and so in control begging me to let her come filled me with excitement. I shifted in my seat. She smirked. How can she read my body so well already?

"What are you thinking about?" Should I tell her or just let it go? I decided to be bad that night.

"Would you let me make love to you with a strap?" I clamped my mouth shut, once again wishing that I kept my mouth closed. Make love to you...what was I thinking?! "Never mind...I didn't mean that...I mean I did but..." I rubbed my face in frustration. I refused to look at her. I looked outside the window at the darkness.

"I don't let women penetrate me like that." So that's a no. I nodded my head. "I never let women penetrate me anymore...period." She said with enough meaning for me to look over at her. It was dark so I couldn't see her features as clearly but they did seem to be strained. Was she saying what I think she was saying...

"Were you...?"

"No, I wasn't a virgin. I gave that away to an asshole a long time ago." She fiddled with the radio but I touched her hand. She stilled and I placed the hand back on the gear shift and kept mine there. "I just haven't had a woman fuck me like that in a long time...even finger fuck."

"How long?" I was too far down the rabbit hole to back out now.

"Since I was 14. My first time with a woman."

But she let me inside of her just over an hour ago so...oh shit! The hugeness of what she just confessed hit me upside the head. This was big and I had no idea how to handle it. It changed everything. Her face was a mask now, impassive, but I was starting see that it was a cover. "I'd never force you to do something you're not comfortable with Kia." She smiled and nodded her head. I inched over and placed my hand on her thigh. "Thank you." Her face didn't change but I saw her eyes soften even if they weren't looking at me.

"It's gonna be a while yet 'til I get you home." I guess that was the end of THAT conversation. I pulled her jacket closer and breathed in the scent that clung to it. If only I could bottle it and spray it on my pillow. My body shifted until I could comfortably keep my hand on her thigh and still look at her. My eyes focused on her profile until they drifted close. There was the constant purr of the engine and then there was blackness.

The car was turned off. That's the first thing I noticed. I opened my eyes and met Kia's gaze. I sat up and stretched. The jacket fell off of my shoulders onto my lap. She was studying me so intently that I began to feel nervous. Once again she sensed this and smiled. I saw her leaning forward so I did the same. Our lips connected with a soft kiss. She pulled back and touched my cheek, "I don't think that there's much I could deny you Chloe." She turned from me and opened her car door. After putting a foot outside she looked back. "Take the jacket, its chilly tonight." She opened my door and held it as I grabbed my school bag and slipped on her jacket.

Kia closed the door and we stood looking at each other. I stepped forward and placed my hands on her waist. "Thank you for tonight Kia." She smiled and nodded her head. I reached up to kiss her.

"Your sister's been watching us for about 5 minutes now," she said when I was only a breath away. I jumped back and glanced at the doorway. There was Chris, in the flesh. And she had her arms crossed.

"Oh shit!" Kia laughed and ran her hand down my arm then held my hand. She squeezed it and stepped back.

"I'll see you at school." With that she was in her car and driving away a moment later. I watched the road until her lights disappeared. Then I breathed in deep and turned to face the force that was my big sister.

"All I know is that you had better have a good excuse for ignoring my phone calls." She was on me from the moment I stepped into the house.

I learned that she covered for me to my mother. Our dad was still stuck in the 60's so we had a little more freedom with him. But mum needed a different approach. Lying. I know, it's bad, but she could be over protective at times.

"You come in some stranger's car at 8pm when school ends at 3? You better have a good excuse."

"Chris, I'm not a baby anymore, you can't bully me into telling you anything anymore." She scowled at me and followed me into my bedroom.

"I know about her Chloe." She whispered. My heart began to race but I continued digging through my draw for boxers and a t-shirt for bed. Just keep busy, she'll go away if you just keep busy Chloe.

"I'm not going to ask you any questions..." It didn't work. Naturally. I didn't turn around. She saw me and Kia, it made no sense lying to her. "All I'm saying is be careful."

"Why? Did you and Josh talk about how careful I need to be?" I turned around then. Her defensive look said enough. "I can't believe you did that! I was sooo hoping that was a lie, you both talked about me too?!"

"Listen, he knows her. He just told me-"

"No Chris! You CANNOT do this!" I opened my bedroom door. "You don't know her."

"And you do?!" She walked over and stood face to face with me. "He didn't have to tell me anything, I heard from someone else about her Chloe."

"Just get out Chris." Suddenly I felt as if I was alone. In a room with my sister and completely and utterly alone.

"This isn't about you being..." She swallowed and sighed. "Look, I've been wondering for a while now anyway. This isn't about you being a lesbian Chloe." I sat on my bed and felt my eyes water. Not again. I was an emotional wreck now. I wondered if this was how pregnant women felt. Probably not even this bad. What made me even more scared was that this was only Chris. My mum, my dad...

"Shit!" Chris sat next to me. We didn't touch. It surprised me how much we never touched. No one in my family ever did. If ever I needed a touch though it was then. I couldn't help thinking that if I were with Kia that she would have already been holding me. I felt it with all my heart despite what everyone else thought...or said.

"Listen, I don't know what to say. I didn't have any speech planned out. I guess I just want you to know that I'm here...if she's the girl you're with then so be it. Just...I ready if mom and papa aren't as understanding about it."

My tears started again, this time she did hug me. "I'll always be here Chloe. No matter how annoying you get." We both chuckled at that. She told me that she had some homework to do so I let her leave.

"Chris," I said as she began to close my door. She pushed it open again, "Thanks." She smiled and nodded her head.

I was in bed when I heard the door open downstairs and low, earnest conversation. A familiar tread stomped up the stairs and I sat up in bed right before my door was flung open. Jasmine stepped inside and let the door close behind her. Chris was nowhere in sight.

"I KNEW it!"

"Excuse me?" She came over and flopped onto the bed. Unlike Chris, Jasmine loved to do things like that. She's the kind of person that'll hug you and kiss you just to see you smile. Or plop onto your bed whenever she felt like it.

"So, you're on the other side of the fence huh? For a minute I thought you rode it."

I was still trying to figure out what it was that she knew. "Jasmine, what are you talking about?"

"I came as soon as I could." When I still looked just as lost she continued. "You ARE a lesbian right? I mean, I thought that's why Chris called me in a panic..."

I couldn't believe that she called Jasmine. I couldn't believe that she TOLD her. My feet hit the floor and I began to rise only to have Jasmine pull be back to bed by my shirt abruptly stopping my mission to kill Chris.

"Whoa there tiger! Before you go to rearrange her face you need to know that she told me for a reason."

"She told you a secret!"

"You were kissing the chic on the sidewalk on the street Chloe. A very public street I might add. If you wanted it to be a big secret you should have been discreet at least." She rolled over and looked down on me. "She called me because I'm bisexual Chloe." If I had a drink in my mouth I would have spewed it all over her right then. I had no idea.

"What? How?" She laughed and I realized a moment later how stupid I sounded.

"I'd guess the same way you're a lesbian." She sat up and arranged her legs Indian style. "I mean, I guess what I'd like to do is offer my support. You need to talk about anything...I mean ANYTHING, I'm here." I sat up and hugged her. She ruffled my hair and patted my back. "You sure picked a live one though. I don't gossip but I will tell you this-" I held up my hand, already stopping her.

"No Jas, I don't want to hear it! Everyone's talking about her and no one knows her. You all don't know her like I do." She leaned back on her hands and studied me. I expected the responses I got from everyone else. Slowly she began to nod her head.

"Fair enough. I'll tell you anyway that I asked about her. I had to!" I rolled my eyes. "You're like a little sister to me."

"You're worse than Chris sometimes." She shifted until she sat at the end of the bed.

"I don't think that any of us are perfect Chloe. I think that if you find someone who treats you the way you want, that person is worth looking into, no matter what anyone else says." With a squeeze to my shin she was gone a minute later.

I sat in bed staring at the ceiling thinking about her last words. That's just what I wanted to do. Look into Kia. Now, if she wanted to look into me too was another issue; one that I hoped to have resolved soon if I could ever find the courage to find out.

I wish that I had her number that night. I wish that I had her.

"...and the student council talent show is coming up soon too." I grunted my response. "And those aliens got me home in time for Americal Idol last night..."

"Hmmm," I stopped and looked up confused. "What?" Donna just shook her head as I rubbed my eyes. It was like someone poured sand beneath the lids last night.

"Well someone had a bad night..." I didn't even look up as I grabbed my books for class. It was a bad night. I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. I'd remember the way Kia smiled or touched me and my fingers would wonder under my sheets then slip under my boxers. Then I'd jerk them away and glance at my door. Unlike Chris's room mine had no lock. So everyone had free run of the place.

It was a long, long night.

"I wish I drank coffee for just one day. I didn't get any sleep." Donna grabbed my hand and dragged me through the masses until we stepped into the stairwell. A few people were hanging out there but it was mostly abandoned..

"Were you with her last night? Where did you go?! What did you do?!" She was an inch from my face and vibrating with excitement.

"I was not with her last night. You're such a pervert."

"You weren't last night! But you were with her though?!" I rubbed my face and she squealed in excitement. "Tell me everything!"

"Don, you know I hate talking about sex..."

"With men," she added. "We never said you hated to talk about it with women. Now spill!"

"Don't you have a boy toy now? Why don't you go play with him or something?" I nudged her away and sat down on a step, she sat down too.

"But you have a lesbian lover-" I slapped my hand over her mouth and looked around. No one seemed to care though. "Are you ashamed of your love?" She giggled at her own joke.

"You need to keep it down loud mouth," The bell and the stairwell began to empty.

"Oh I'm jus' teasin' girl. But I mean, I AM here you know? If you wanna talk." I hugged her shoulder. I knew that I was lucky to have a friend like her. It was a blessing and a curse that I was best friends with the most liberal girl in the city.

Something popped into my head right then that I DID want to check on though.

"There is something..." She leaned in close to me. "Well, it's just that...I mean..." I looked into her anxious eyes and felt the weirdness pop up again. "Never mind."

"Chloe!?" She looked hurt.

"I think you like it when I talk about this stuff jus' so you can tease me."

"Never!" Right, I thought. It didn't hurt to get it out I guess. We walked slowly toward class.

"Ummm, well I jus' want to make sure that something is...normal you know? Something that I do..." She nodded her head slowly. "I read about it so I know that it happens but still, it feels weird. I mean it feels good, really good, but I wanted to run away when it happened...I guess you wouldn't call it weird-"

"CHLOE!?" Her eyes looked like they were about to explode so I just spat it out.

"I came through my urethra." An eyebrow was raised as she smirked. I wasn't amused though. I needed proof that it was normal. "I mean, I read about it afterwards the first time-"

"The FIRST time? How many times has this happened?" Her look made me doubt myself now.

"A few..."

"And may I ask how your girl responded to these incidences?" The hallway was empty again, we were going to be late for class for sure. I thought back to whenever it happened. I'd be too caught up in my own pleasure to react right then but I always managed to focus on Kia. She always looked...cocky afterwards.

"Well. She responded well." Don smirked at me. "Okay, she looked quite full of herself. So it's normal right? For real?"

"Oh yeah! But you'd be surprised how many women never get to ejaculate. It's like the omega code or something. You need someone who can crack it. I've only had that code cracked once." I didn't believe her and told her as much. "I'm serious! Once! And it was intense. He was too clingy though so I had to drop him like a hot potato." I pulled her until we began to walk again. After peeking in the class I saw students still settling down, we were saved by the teacher handing back assignments. "So she has you climbing the walls eh?"

"Shut up." She just laughed then looked at me seriously.

"Can I ask you a question?" She said as I grabbed the door handle.

"Ask away."

"Do you think that I'm hot?" I paused and slowly turned towards her. It was the only encouragement she needed. "Did you ever have a crush on me? Do you picture me naked?" I rolled my eyes as she giggled her way into the room, whispering a few more questions before I smacked her arm. What was really funny was that at some point in my high school life I could have answered yes to every single question. I didn't tell her that though. It was more fun to see the crestfallen expression on her face when I said, "Nope."

My eyes automatically scanned for Kia but only spotted Donald frowning at his test paper.

I walked over to his desk and looked back at Donna who was staring at me as if I grew a third eye. I grabbed her arm and pulled her with me. "They don't bite you know?"

"How do you know that?" She asked under her breath. We stood in front of his desk until he slowly looked up. He sighed and held out his hand.

"Okay ladies, I can have your homework done by the end of class." I smiled. Something about him made me want to pet his head.

"Ummm, no thanks Donald. I'm wondering about Akia..."

He looked confused then sad, and then he looked trapped. "Ummm, she's not in school today. Why don't you call her?" He lowered his eyes to his paper again. Something about it felt weird though. I took the paper and then looked at him until he sighed again.

"Look, I'm not supposed to say anything. She's strong you know?" I continued to stare at him. "Look, her pops isn't doing so well. She told me to take her notes today and tomorrow."

"What do you mean not doing so well?" Now he really looked like he wasn't going to say a word. "Can you give me her number?"

"I'd think that you'd have it." I blushed and glanced at Don but her expression just said, 'I agree'. Two against one. No fair.

"Can I jus' have the number please?" He scribbled it down and handed it over. His glasses slid down his nose and he nudged it back up. "Thanks Donald."

"No problemo. I don't think she'd mind anyway." I smiled and turned away. I looked at the scribble on the paper throughout class. I decided to call her as soon as we broke for lunch.

I wish now that I called sooner.



Next: Chapter 4

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