Bad Luck Bob

Published on Nov 9, 2019


Bad Luck Bob 6

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Ralph had a call from the hospital. It was an emergency and he had to leave. I guessed his double fuck would have been with Kano, but that would have to wait another day.

Philip saw me a few days later and said he and Ralph were having a little gathering Monday evening at his house. Monday night was the slowest time at the club. Ralph had written a Shakespearian style farce based on the Midsummer Night's Dream and he was casting the actors. Phil told me I was the only professional actor he knew, and he needed my professional advice.

I said I wasn't sure I could get there. Philip told me it was an all-nude, all-male cast and I would enjoy it. "Incidentally, you get to play any role you want," he added.

"I can be a star?" I asked with insincere enthusiasm.

Philip smiled. "I think that means you get to fuck or be fucked by anyone you want. I think that one of the characters might be screwed by all the actors and the audience at the end of the drama. Think of they play as being Shakespearian with a touch of modern German experimental theater."

"Where is the theater this play going use" I asked.

"The plans haven't got that far yet," Philip explained. "I have a feeling the rehearsals will be enjoyable."

I realized the only pay I would get was sperm deliveries in my mouth and ass. I was surprised when I said, "I think I can help you out with that." I thought about that decision as I manned the front desk later that evening. My sexual drive usually overruled my common sense. That was happening quite a bit lately.

I had been an actor for years. While I wasn't a headliner; I had made a living at it which was quite rare for an actor. I had some successes. While I felt good about them, that success didn't approach the feelings I had the first time I sucked my shipmate Tolley's cock or the extasy of shoving my cock into a man's tight ass. Applause is nice, but it doesn't generate an orgasm. While acting well is hard work and demanding, sex with men was all but effortless and rewarding.

More surprising was the joy I felt sucking sperm from a spurting cock. I loved the pre-orgasmic drool from the piss slit. If the slit had been wider, I would have tried to suck the guy's balls through it. Tolley and the Captain had both fucked me and I had loved it. I remembered the sensation of the Captain's cum spurting in my ass. When they double-fucked me, I thought it was the Forth of July fireworks in my ass.

Working as the counterman in a gay club wasn't staring on Broadway. The salary was modest, but the job had some benefits. It was rewarding in other ways.

At 8:00 Monday night I was at Philip's house. Sandy, and a couple of his friends were there with Ralph and some of his friends. The group was divided into young, smaller men who might play the fairies; and older men who would be the rustics. There were some older guys like the Padre who would play the Duke and his associates. The auditions were nude. Many of the men were from the club and we used to nudity. Ralph provided beer and whisky. That made the group both relaxed and cheerful.

The pretense was to "modernize" the Midsummer's Night Dream, with an all-male, all naked cast. I had seen a few productions that approached near nudity with the elf costumes, but none had taken the leap to actual nudity.

In Shakespeare's day all the actors were male with boys cast as the females. Ralph's cast was mostly gay, and he thought that would result in more realistic love scenes.

"A few erections would certainly clarify the action," I remarked.

"That was the way I see it," Ralph replied. He was serious about the play. He had a theory that Shakespeare loved men and that this approach to the play would prove it.

Ralph started things by stripping naked. "This is going to be a nude production, so we should get used to it. Wilson, a big burly man who wanted to play Bottom asked what would happen if he got hard.

"Shakespeare liked bawdy interludes. I think he would approve," Ralph replied. The men laughed. The play was funnier than they expected. Wilson and Sandy were first up as Bottom and Titania. They did the scene when the magic potion makes Titania fall in love with the ass headed Bottom. Sandy was pretty, and well equipped. Wilson was six two, coated in curly red hair and 250 pounds.

Both men knew their lines. They adlibbed some of the action. Somehow Sandy's legs ended up in the air and Wilson's cock had vanished into Sandy's ass. The men loved it and applauded. They applauded again when the men broke apart and Wilson's cock was still dripping cum. One man was close enough to lick up the remains of the orgasm from Wilson's cock.

That performance seemed to set the tone for the rest of the performances. The men seemed to enjoy what Ralph called the "genital enhancements" to the Bard's work. Some worked well, such Wilson and Sandy's episode. The scenes between the lovers also worked out well. I was surprised the two men were able to do all the dialog while one was sucking. It was clever. The man playing Oberon, Tom, was much closer to Puck, than in the play. Tom had a bad limp and Puck, Jules, was too short to be drafted.

Oberon picked up Puck, skewered him on his cock and they delivered all the lines while fucking. That certainly clarified the relationship between the two men. These scenes worked well. Other scenes were pure sexual exploitation such as Puck's tendency to suck every cock in range. The men liked it all.

After an hour, all efforts to stick to the Shakespearian play were abandoned. That was when Ralph and I joined in the fun. I didn't like to think it, but some of the men knew of my sexual skills. I think that made me more attractive than my modest good looks justified. Jules was popular, as were Tom and Wilson.

Wilson came over to me with one of the Rustics, Hank. They introduced themselves, Wilson was the purchasing agent for the hospital, Hank was a janitor. "Have you ever taken Bottom in your bottom?" Wilson asked.

I smiled and said no. "I assume you have already unloaded in Titania."

He nodded, "Titania was fun, but I'm not a one-shot-wonder."

"Wilson is more of a five or six shot wonder," Hank said. Despite his name, Hank was clearly native Hawaiian.

"If you think I am the sort of man who opens his ass for anyone with a good line," I said, "you would be 100% right!"

Wilson and Hank laughed. "Hank and I are close, really close," Wilson said. "Ralph told me you can't get any closer than in your ass. Is that true?"

I reached out and fondled their cocks. They took that as a yes. A minute or two later I was bent over Wilson with my ass available to Hank. Hank's cock was long and thin, and he had no problem getting it in me. He fucked for twenty or thirty seconds and shot off.

"Wilson's cock looks lonely," another man said then Wilson entered my ass. He moaned as he went deep. It was an impressive tool. Wilson rolled me over and Sandy enter me. Sandy possessed a thin cock crowned by an oversized head. It stretched my sphincter, but when it was in, the bloated cock head felt good. Wilson moaned as Sandy's knob rubbed his cock. Hank must have shot a huge load. There was more than enough lubricant.

When they shot off, Ralph took their place. I wasn't that surprised when Kano decided to join him in my ass. I soon realized that Ralph and Kano weren't just friends. It was more like kissing than fucking. Kano wanted to please Ralph and Ralph's cock was almost proposing to Kano. They shot off together and I sensed their love. I realized I was getting carried away with the moment too. I went back to the club after that. I was exhausted. Philip said there might be more rehearsals in the future.

The war was unpredictable, and it seemed to strike random people. Aaron Silverman was a long-term member of the club. His family had been jewelers in Germany, but his family came to the United States in the1880s. Aaron was a science teacher in a high School. With his sexual tastes, he was an early member of the club. We had no members under twenty and he wanted to insure he avoided anyone of school age. He was quiet and discrete compared to many of the members.

He was well equipped and polite. I connected with him and his friends a few times. It was good, recreational sex. It wasn't true love, but he didn't mail it in either.

He was surprised when a cousin, Moses Silverman contacted him in 1938, trying to get into the country. Aaron said he would sponsor him and his family. Moses appeared at his door in 1942. He had escaped to the Netherlands, but the rest of the family escaped to France. He hoped they were in France, but he had heard nothing of them since the Fall of France. It had been thought France was safer than his route, but he made it out on a fishing trawler with several military officers. Moses was a good sailor, so when the ship was strafed and the Captain killed, he got it to England.

Escape from France was either by going to North Africa, Algeria or through Spain. All routes required a great deal of money, but the family had spent most of their money on bribes to get out of Germany. Moses was a mathematics professor in Germany, but did not speak English well, so he was all but unemployable. Moses was well hung and desperate for work. Aaron was well off and would have supported him, but Moses didn't want charity. I gave him a job cleaning the locker and shower rooms.

Moses was a small, hairy man, he wasn't good looking, but if you liked your men masculine, he was the man for you. Moses shared Aaron's sexual tastes, so he made friends at the club. He wasn't pushy or aggressive, but he seemed to find a way to connect to interested men. Some were Jewish, but Moses was interested in uncircumcised men. Aaron told me Moses had never sucked an uncut cock, and it was a novelty for him.

While he was active sexually, he was also an obsessive cleaner, and as the younger men who worked for me joined the Navy or Army, Moses could take up the slack. Some of the sexual adventures of the younger men seemed to reduce their working hours. Moses could do it all.

He met Philip and they bonded mathematically. Philip discovered that Moses's work in Germany was in high level mathematics. I didn't know what that was, but it had something to do with probability, a form of math I didn't know existed. It made sense to Philip and seemed to have some relationship with code breaking.

I was surprised when I encountered Moses at Philip's house and somehow, they shared my ass. They were both big and it was a tight fit. Both men enjoyed it greatly. Moses wasn't Philip's type, but it seemed they were sexually compatible, so compatible that Moses moved into Philip's house.

It turned out that Philip and Moses were sexually and mathematically compatible. Moses' English skills were limited, but his mathematical interests aligned with Philip's obsessions. Probability and permutations were their interest. I had no real idea what they were, but it related to code breaking.

While the Honolulu code operations was focused on Japanese and Chinese codes, German codes were of interest. Moses had moved in the uppermost tiers of German mathematics. While the Jewish mathematicians had been purged, some had escaped and were teaching in American Colleges. There was a scientific war underway. This was mostly done by British and American scientists, but refugee scientists played an important role.

Philip was connected to important people in Washington. He made inquiries about Moses' family. He discovered only his sister and her children survived in Spain. Her brother and husband didn't get out and were in a concentration camp. There was no way to contact them.

I thought of Moses as being a human adding machine. He could find repetitive letters or numbers, and then see what other letters were associated with these letters. It took him a week to crack a German code. Philip sent it to Washington under his name. Moses didn't have security clearance, but that was in the works.

Philip and Moses had the same thrusting rhythm in my ass. Their cocks reacted the same way. I could feel them climaxing simultaneously. Their cum filled my ass at the same time. Sometimes they broke apart after the orgasm, but other times they stayed in and slowly worked up to a second, paired orgasm.

This excited me. Their cocks partially deflated after the first climax, and then grew in preparation for the next orgasm. I could feel the tension grow. Sometimes I am a bystander in a double fuck. I just provided the playing field for the sexual games. Philip and Moses knew what I liked and made sure I joined in the action. This interluded ended when Moses went to work somewhere in Tennessee to work on a big project. I accidentally found out about his move, but I knew it was beyond being secret.

Ovid, the Master Sergeant, was still sending us men who might enjoy the club. Radar was brand new, and I thought Ovid must have had some new form of radar that identified men who liked men. One was a kid named Dexter. Dexter was 23 years old, so he wasn't a kid anymore, but he was short on real life experiences. He was a mechanic who did repairs on damaged vehicles. His father died when he was 14, and Dexter went to work to support his mother. He finished high school and had a full-time job. He had no social life until his mother remarried.

Dexter was both serious and very shy. Ovid asked me to show Dexter the ropes. I am an outgoing man, so I have no problem having a conversation with a man who doesn't talk. I gave him a tour of the Club. Dexter was a dirty blond, five-eight, slim and muscular. I assumed his mother taught him to be polite, and he called me sir, and clearly thought I was an old man.

He had no problem with showering with other men. Army barracks took care of that. I took him to the steam room. Since he was a mechanic, I told him it would get the oil and grease off. We sat in the central room, but he could see into the side areas where the men were more openly engaged in sexual play.

Dexter noticed. His cock was firming under the towel. "It's kind of different from barracks here," he remarked.

"This is a private club, so you could say it's more free and easy," I said. "The men seem to find their own ways to relax and release tension."

"Are they all good friends?" he asked.

"Many of them are, but some get to be better friends after they have been here a while," I said. I leaned close to him. My cock found a gap in my towel and made an appearance. "A lot of the men here like to help a guy out, especially soldiers."

"Are you one of those guys who likes to help?" Dexter asked.

I smiled. "When I said a lot of the guys like to help, I should have said all of the men are willing to help." I added.

Dexter looked around.

"There is a nice secluded corner in the back," I said.

"Is it private?" he asked.

"It's not exactly private, but it's more private than here," I explained. I stood up and went towards the back. He came with me. In the rear alcove I took off my towel and sat in it. He took off his towel but before he sat, I leaned over and sucked his cock.

Maybe sucking cocks is a sin, but if it is, it is odd that god made it so appealing that almost no one says no. Dexter did not say no or push me away. I sucked him for a few minutes.

"I'm getting close," he moaned.

"I'll take it if you want?" I said.

We broke apart and he sat next to me. "Do I have to suck yours if I shoot off?" he asked.

"I like sucking and I like cum. You don't need to do anything," I said. Dexter looked relieved. I bent over and sucked him off. I took every drop. I'm not sure he knew it would be so good.

"Was it okay for you?" he asked.

I said it was great for me. "Was it good for you?"

"I had no idea it would be so good," Dexter replied. "Is it always that good? This was my first time."

"99% of the time it's good," I said. "I'm a stranger to you. If you do it with a buddy you know, it can be much better."

"Are you sure about that?" he asked.

"Dexter, I'm not exactly new to this. I know it gets better," I answered. I noticed his cock was getting hard. "I see your ready. I wouldn't mind priming the pump again."

Captain Billy came in our area and sat nearby. Dexter looked disappointed. I leaned close to him, "Billy's is onboard with us. There is no need to be shy." Billy winked at Dexter and rearranged his towel so he could play with is cock.

"Why don't you introduce me to your new friend?" Billy asked. I introduced Dexter and Billy to each other. I told him Dexter was new the Club but was a bit shy.

Billy noticed Dexter's semi-erect cock. I was getting hard too. "I see Dexter knows how to make friends," Billy said, "The dress code here is relaxed, members are a friendly bunch." Billy came over and sat next to Dexter.

"Is there an initiation ceremony?" Dexter asked.

"There is nothing like that," Billy replied. "I don't want to seem too forward, but I personally like to drain a man's balls to welcome him to the Club."

"John has already done that," Dexter said. A few second's later, Billy leaned over to suck Dexter and Dexter leaned over to suck me. It took Dexter a minute or two get into cock sucking. I shot off as Dexter fed Billy his load. Dexter took mine with enthusiasm.

Dexter had to be back at the motor pool at 6:00 PM. Like many war related activities, it operated 24 hours a day with three shifts. I hoped he would be back, but you can never tell. Some men suffer from post orgasm regret. Some men refuse to admit they enjoy man sex. Two days later Dexter was back at the club. I was at the desk, but Captain Billy saw and welcomed him.

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