Ball Boy

By moc.liamtoh@2daehseoj

Published on Jul 21, 2001


The following story is entirely fiction; any resemblance to persons living or dead is strictly coincidental. This story contains descriptions of sex between consenting, adult males. If such material is prohibited in your jurisdiction, if you are under legal age, or if you are offended by such material DO NOT READ IT. The author retains all rights to this work and you may not copy or transmit it in any way except in it's entirety and with this disclaimer.

A note to readers who have been following the Ball Boy series:

Thanks to all of you for your comments and compliments. I'm sorry for the unexpected pause in the story - I was sidelined with poison ivy. Had it all over my hands, and well...writing this type of story is hard enough! I've had many requests to beef up the sex. I will do my best, but this tale isn't so much about sex as it is submission, control and surrender. The story of Joe is one that rests deep in the imagination, the fantasy. His plight is not one of sex, but of discovery and a dismantling of self-esteem.

Comments appreciated!

Recap; Pt 1-7 College Jock Joe has a chance encounter with the sports hero of his jack off fantasies during a volunteer outing at the ballpark. Things go terribly wrong for Joe when his hero catches him masturbating in the clubhouse...Major League Baseball player Chris Stone decides it's time to test the limits of how low his new "ball boy" is willing to go.... Thanks to Chris, it doesn't take long for Joe's roommate Kevin, to figure out that Joe is a queer. Between Chris and Kevin, Joe's life begins to unravel as both men plan to dismantle his self-esteem. Chris manipulates Joe into joining him at the ballpark where his cruel plan to humiliate and use is in full swing.

Where we left off:

As they neared the door, Chris turned around to face Joe. He reached down and grabbed Joe's cock and tugged at his boner through the slimy mesh shorts.

"Oh yeah," he spoke through a grin. "I made a little bet with the AAA guys - I bet them that you'd pop wood in the clubhouse once you saw them bareassed. If I win, they each pay me $50 bucks and you suck them all off. If I lose, I pay them each $50 bucks." He jerked on Joe's throbbing hardon. "Looks like I'm gonna win cocksucker." He laughed low. "I hope you're hungry!"

Chris opened the door to the clubhouse and pushed Joe into the room.

Ball Boy Part 8

Joe stumbled into the clubhouse, and stood awkwardly shaking in front of the players. He scanned the room quickly. The AAA athletes were scattered about the room, drinking beer and bullshitting. Most of them were naked, or still in their jockstraps. The room smelled of man sweat and beer, heady and musty. The sudden silence in the room was deafening. All eyes sized him up, paying particular note to the very obvious tent in his shorts. As they scratched idly at their pubes, Joe hung his head. Facing the ballplayers was just too humiliating.

"Gentlemen," Chris paused and grabbed Joe's shorts tight from the rear. "I believe I've won out little wager!" The tugging on Joe's shorts pulled the flimsy mesh fabric even tighter around Joe's shorts, further enhancing his obvious boner. With his grip tight, he pushed him closer to the men. "I think our little ball boy likes what he sees..."

"Dammit!" groaned one of the younger players. "I told you he was a fuckn' queer." His words stung Joe.

"Tell them you like what you see ball boy." Chris leaned in to Joe's ear and grunted, then pushed his knuckles deep into Joe's ass crack. "Go on... tell them how their naked bodies turn you on..."

"I like what I see...sir." Joe mumbled to the floor, barely above a whisper. His boner continued to rage. He clenched the bats tightly in his arms and bit his bottom lip. Chris released his grip from the rear of Joe's shorts, reached around the front and tugged the material up quickly, exposing Joe's drooling hardon. The eyes of the young athletes widened as Joe's cock throbbed. As their eyes bounced from Joe's boner to the tortured expression on his face, their own cocks began to twitch involuntarily.

"I think they can see that ball boy..." Chris yanked on his shorts, forcing Joe's raging cock to dance up and down obscenely. The blatant act broke whatever tension there was in the locker room. Joe listened as they chuckled at his embarrassment. "Real athletes know a cocksucker when they see one, don't you guys?"

There was a collective "hell yeah!" in the clubhouse. Joe looked up at the AAA ballplayers and attempted an expression of relaxed amusement, but instead - his eyes revealed fear, shame. All eyes were on Joe. As he scanned their faces, Joe recognized the collective lust, the kind of hunger that overtakes athletes after a hard workout and a few beers. The adrenaline drive alone had pumped them up so much, that the absurdity of the situation had separated them from right and wrong. To them, Joe was an easy target, and Chris was offering him up for their use, their abuse. The offer was just too kinky, too perverse to turn down. They were beyond rationale - their lust over the very suggestion of what was about to happen, had overtaken them. Joe watched in dismay as they mindlessly tugged on their steadily growing cocks. Their hard, steely stares revealed a primal, frat-like, animal instinct. Joe could feel the danger, the demand in their hunger.

Chris gave Joe a forceful shove, causing him to lose balance and fall to his knees. The bats rolled from his grip and went sliding around the clubhouse floor. His attempts to stand were cut short. Before he could move, Chris had both hands firmly planted on his shoulders, holding him down on his knees.

"Now gentlemen," Chris spoke as a coach, a leader, as the ballplayers mentally licked their lips. "Our ball boy here is going to hold up my part of the bet." Reaching up, he grabbed Joe's jaw and cupped it in his palm. With his thumb and forefinger, he squeezed Joe's lips, forcing his painted lips into a twisted kiss like gesture. "Look at these purty lips - just waiting for you..." Joe laughed aloud. "C'mon guys - don't be shy...gather round."

The minor league players moved from their benches and drew a semi circle around Joe. Their wide eyes and steadily growing fat cocks revealed their heated desire to fuck the college kid's mouth. As Chris held him down firmly, Joe began to quiver. He was being offered up like a whore to these guys and there was nothing he could do about it. Chris continued to force Joe's painted lips into a kissing motion as the players stared down at him and listened to Chris's hypnotic, lewd suggestions.

"This queer piece of shit love's the taste of ballplayer dick..." He yanked Joe's head up and forced him to stare into the eyes of the horny men above him. "Dontcha?"

"Yes sir" Joe groaned.

"Yes sir what?"

"I love the taste of ballplayer dick, sir." Joe's voice cracked. His throat was dry. All sense of honor and dignity disappeared. The minor league players gave each other inhibited, but victorious glances. The college kid's admission was all the invitation they needed. One, by one, they began to kneed their semi hard cocks.

"Now tell me what you want to do for my friends here ball boy." Chris grinned; his control over the kid was a source of great amusement for him.

"I want to suck their cocks sir." he mumbled. Joe watched helplessly as the minor leaguers closed their circle around him tightly. They mindlessly tugged their cocks, slowly stroking. The bet had taken on a life of its own, and each of them was now more than ready to have their knob polished by the helpless college kid. Before Joe knew what was happening, 6 raging, hard boners surrounded him. He could hear their breathing, heavy and irregular. He could smell their crotch sweat. Joe's head spun as he stared at the carnival of cock. 6 glistening, angry prick-eyes were aimed at him from every direction. Joe's eyes darted back and forth, mentally cataloguing the meat feast in front of him. Part of him was drowning in shame, but his desire was reigning rule. He unconsciously licked his lips as he marveled at the beads of precum that were beginning to drool all around him.

The sexual tension in the clubhouse was reaching a fever pitch. The AAA players were ready for their kill.

"Who's first?" Chris challenged.

"Lemme at him." barked Clark, a southpaw from Minnesota. Joe stared up at the lean, fair skinned ballplayer. Stemming from a thick forest of strawberry blonde pubes, his cock was easily 9 inches long. "I'll give the pussy some dick." The others cheered him on as he stepped forward and aimed his dick at Joe's mouth. "C'mon queer." He jabbed Joe's lips with his slimy cockhead. "Suck my fucking dick!" Joe stared at the fat slab of meat in front of him and surrendered to his own lust. He opened his mouth and swallowed the cock. As the other players drew closer to watch the beginning of Joe's humiliation, Chris grabbed Brian's hand and placed it behind Joe's head and encouraged him to push from behind. The assault on Joe's mouth had begun in earnest. Chris stood back and watched the young players have their way with his new toy. He smiled in accomplishment and let out a low chuckle. His work was done. He walked past the new fraternity of pent-up cum and retreated to the trainer's office. There were other, more important things to do.

Clark jammed his cock deep into Joe's throat over and over while his teammates jacked their cock's inches away from the teen's face. Together they grunted their encouragement - "Yeah suck it you fuckin homo!" "Eat that dick! Eat that dick!" They chanted as they watched in wide-eyed amazement while Joe swallowed Clark's humoungous cock like a pro. Clark grabbed Joe's ears and began ramming his fuckstick in earnest - He could feel the seed in his nutsack begin to churn and wanted the cocksucker to work harder. "You want my fuckn babymakers faggot???" he grunted.

Joe made a feeble attempt to nod only to feel Clark's cock lodge even deeper down his throat. Brian shoved the helpless teen tight to his buddy's crotch - pushing his nose deep into the musk of his thick pubic mane. "Yeah take it all faggot!" Clark groaned, feeling his head lodge deep into Joe's throat. Joe's head trembled; tears began to well in his eyes. And then it happened. Joe could barely feel the first torrent of cum exploding down his throat. He felt Clark's whole body tremble. He could feel his tormentor's knees buckle and felt the muscles of his cock flex in his mouth.

"OH FUCK!" Clark groaned "I'm fucking feeding the cocksucker my cum!" Joe began to feel his mouth fill with Clark's nut milk. He couldn't really taste it, but he could feel it occupy every vacant crevice in his mouth. Joe gagged reflexively, and attempted to swallow the flood of cum. "Take it all QUEER!" growled Brian, pressing Joe tight against Clark's crotch. The other players stared in amazement, in lust, as Joe's Adam's apple bobbed up and down in machine like movement.

"Holy fuck!" Clark moaned as his upper body shook and his chest muscles heaved. "This piece of queershit has one hot fucking mouth!" He looked around at his teammates and grinned. They patted him fraternally on the shoulders as he withdrew his engorged cock. The retreat made an obscene "plop" sound. Cum drooled liberally from Joe's mouth. "Check it out Jose'...fuckn rape his mouth - it's wild!" Clark took a step backward, grabbed the elbow of his teammate and guided him into position.

Jose', the youngest of the bunch, was by no means the smallest. His body was a perfectly chiseled mass of muscles. Pure, 100% beef. He hailed from Cuba, and while his English was limited - his body language was universal. He stood inches away from Joe, his massive legs spread wide, anchoring him. With his thumb and index finger, he waved his fat, 8-inch cock teasingly at Joe. Jose' had no words for the queerboy beneath him - there was no need for conversation. He began to pistol whip Joe in the face - smearing his precum lewdly all over Joe's face. Joe instinctively opened his mouth and waited. The other players jerked their cocks wildly as they watched the silent giant humiliate the young college homo. Joe stared up at Jose's massive pecs and then felt his thick manshaft slide into his mouth.

Clark relieved Brian's duties from behind Joe. With his palm now resting on the back of Joe's head, he leaned over and whispered in his ear... "We're just getting warmed up faggot...I hope you're nice n thirsty..." With that, Clark shoved Joe's mouth hard and deep onto Jose's cock, the action causing Joe to choke. The minor leaguers all laughed loudly at the sound of him gasping for air. Jose's eyes open wide as he stared down at Joe. They were filled with angry lust and contempt. He began to thrust his prickmeat rhythmically in and out, in and out of Joe's mouth. He shut his eyes and let his mind believe that Joe was a sexy, dark skinned Cuban woman. He was fucking Joe's mouth, but in his head, he was far, far away - planting his cock in a tight, warm pussy. He rocked his thick meat back and forth, ignoring the envious eyes of all those around him.

Unlike Clark, Jose' took his time. He hadn't shot a load in 2 or 3 days and was more than happy to take full advantage of Joe. The other players jerked wildly as they watched him pump unforgivingly. Joe just sucked and sucked. It was the only thing he could do. The oral assailing went on and on, Jose' never changing his rhythm, never slowing. Each thrust punched deep into Joe's throat. Each thrust brought the players around him closer and closer to their own orgasm. The sexual display had all witnesses breathing hard. Saliva and precum drained regularly from Joe's mouth.

Suddenly, Jose' picked up his pace. His thrusts now had anger and purpose. All eyes opened wider as they watched Jose' clamp around Joe's ears. Joe stared at Jose's dark-skinned, hairy, balls and amazed at how tightly they were drawing up around the shaft. He knew Jose' was close. "ARGGGGHHHHHHHHHH!" Jose' grunted, followed by a string of foreign words that Joe could not recall from high school Spanish. Then it came: a volcanic eruption of Cuban manspew that instantly flooded and overpowered Joe's mouth. As Jose's massive body shook, his fresh batch spilled obscenely from the corners of Joe's mouth. Joe swallowed as much as he could, but the attempt was futile. Jose' had easily deposited what seemed like a full pint of cum in his mouth. A torrent of white pearl jam had gushed from his mouth onto his chest, oozing slowly down into his bush. A silence fell upon the other players as they gazed in amazement at the power and intensity of Jose's climax.

"Home Run Amigo...Damn...!" grunted Jason as he patted Jose' playfully on the ass. Jose' pulled his slime covered cock from Joe's mouth and shook the excess sex juice all over the college kid's face. He stared down at Joe. The expression was filled with disgust, with confusion, with satisfaction. The exchange filled Joe with shame, but as he let his eyes drop from Jose's eyes back down to his cock, he admitted silently to himself that he wanted more of Jose's cock. He would do it all over again. Anywhere, anytime.

Before Joe could even ponder the opportunity of Jose's cock another second; Jason has stepped in place in front of him. The center fielder from Virginia was big - everywhere. Standing over 6'3", he towered over most of his teammates. With his hands on his hips, and his thick 8 1/2" cock waving back and forth in front of Joe's face, he grinned through his dark brown goatee.

"Batter up queerboy.." he teased. Joe leaned forward with his tongue wagging, only to Have Jason pull back. Joe looked up at him. Jason was enjoying this. "You want it faggot?"

"Yes." Joe surrendered.

"Tell me how bad..." Jason enjoyed his newfound power. 3rd in line for the cocksucker - he wanted to have some fun.

"Real bad. Real bad." Joe's voice had a tremble - he struggled to block himself from hearing his own words. The truth, however, is that he did want it. He stared at Jason's cock wagging in front of him and all he could think of was wrapping his lips around it. He did want it bad.

"Do anything for it???" Jason stared down at the college kid, covered in cum; lipstick smeared lewdly all over his mouth.

"Yes." Joe pleaded. "Anything."

"Tell my buddies here that you live for my cock..." He grabbed his cock by the base and placed the tip on Joe's nose.

"I live for your cock." Joe stared cross-eyed at the fat piece of manslab resting on his nose.

"And you want my babies in your belly - don't you?" He rubbed his cock up and down on Joe's nose.

"Yes. I want your babies in my belly."

"Kiss it faggot" Jason purred. Joe eased forward to kiss Jason's piss slit. Jason once again, pulled it back.

"Say please."

"Please let me kiss your cock." Joe was now so hungry for Jason's dick; he was oblivious to the chuckling from all sides. The other players were enjoying his suffering.

"Good boy" Jason spoke condescendingly. He leaned forward and placed his dick tip on Joe's cum/lipstick coated lips. "There. Kiss it. Kiss it like you mean it." So Joe kissed. He kissed like a teenager kissing for the very first time - with passion, with desire, with tender eagerness. His kiss was to last but a second however. Before long, Jason's cock was deeply launched into his throat. The cocksucking session had begun in earnest.

"Suck it queer... Suck it queer... Suck it queer... Suck it queer..." chanted Jason over and over as Joe worked feverishly on the ballplayer's cock. Unlike Jose's rhythmic thrusts, Jason paused periodically, withdrawing his cock and commanding Joe to lick his balls. "Check it out guys..." He'd gloat, "He really is a ball boy!" The others chortled as the watched Joe lap hungrily at Jason's nuts.

"Fucking fag's licking my sweaty nuts..." he boasted, more for himself that the others. Jason liked the sudden power he had over the kid. He jerked on his cock as he inspected Joe worshipping his balls. The sight was just too much for him. The gentle tongue strokes on his sack were driving his cum motor into high gear. His fist clamped tightly around his prick, he pushed Joe's head away from his crotch and held it firmly in one hand as he gave his cock one last jerk. Joe had no time to react when the first sticky white rope arced onto his face. It was followed by a second. Then a third. Joe's face and hair was quickly coated with the ballplayer's cum. The other players groaned in amused approval as they watched their buddy give the cocksucker a sperm facial. Jason's body jerked back, his six pack abs rippled like waves as the last blast shot squarely into Joe's eye. His eye began to sting instantly and he reached up to wipe it clear.

"Fucking queer..." Jason slapped Joe's hand down. "I've fucking tagged you. Now wear it." Jason stepped back and motioned for Roger to take his position. "Your turn buddy - I warmed him up good for ya..."

Roger wasted no time. Back in Texas, he had plenty of queers hungry for his dick - this scene wasn't much different than the gangbangs he and his teammates at home had played out with the town faggots in the woods. He lumbered into place and without missing a step, grabbed Joe by the back of the head and instantly impaled him. He pushed his fat, bulbous head far back into Joe's mouth until he felt the familiar throat muscles clamp around the crown and sighed. "Yeah. Nice. Just like that...Fucking throat me pussy." Joe looked up and attempted a plea for sympathy with his one good eye. The brawny Texan would have none of it. He loved the feeling of a throat stretched tight around his knob. Joe struggled for air through the cum blocking his nostrils. Fear enveloped him. He couldn't breath! His face began to turn red. Precious seconds ticked away as Rogers hands shook and then, without warning, Joe felt the warm spew sliding down his throat like maple syrup. He couldn't breath. He couldn't swallow. He began to see white spots. Joe's body began to shake. He was convulsing.

"Yeah..." Roger growled. He had thrust his cock deep into Joe's throat only once. The tight clamp and flex of the cocksucker's esophagus was just what he needed to pop his nut. His teammates stared in amazement. As he pulled out his cock, Joe began to gasp for air, choking and spitting. He doubled over, his face near the floor. Roger stared down in amusement. The sight was familiar to him. He knew that cum had been safely planted deep down into the queer's throat. Roger took his foot and jammed it on top of Joe's head, mashing his face into the rough carpet below. "That's where you belong faggot..."

BJ and Mark stood on both sides of Joe. The last of the 6 players eyed each other as they watched Roger grinding the kid into the carpet. Without uttering a word, they read each other's minds. Mark reached down and yanked Joe by the hair back to his kneeling position. He and BJ closed in on the kid, aiming their cocks at his face simultaneously. Joe had no strength to resist. He had barely caught his breath before both players began to jab both their pricks into his mouth.

"That enough dick for ya queerboy?" Mark chortled. He and BJ high fived each other as their cocks slid into Joe's mouth and stretched his lips out widely. The invasion from both sides was more than he could handle, but neither BJ or Mark would give up so easily. Together the rocked back and forth in synchronized harmony - Mark pushing in while BJ was pulling out and vice-versa. They worked like true teammates on Joe's mouth.

"Yeah! Fucking tag team him!!" Boomed Jason as he watched his teammates rape Joe's mouth simultaneously. The other players cheered them on as they fucked the teen's face. The sight was so lewd, so obscene, it brought most of them back to full erection. Together, the ballplayers all jacked their dicks as they assailed Joe with verbal abuse and rooted BJ and Mark on.

"Oh man..." Clark pulled his cock from Joe's mouth and yanked it furiously. BJ stared at the stream of manmilk that shot from Clark's raging prick. The spew planted squarely on Joe's nose and cheek and slid down like candle wax onto his lips where BJ's cock was still squarely planted.

The sight was enough to dislodge his own hefty load down Joe's throat. "Fucking faggot - drink my goddamn cum!" BJ growled. Both men shook involuntarily after their mutual orgasms.

"Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!" moaned Brian as he unleashed a second load of cum on Joe's back. As Clark forced Joe to lick his dick clean, Jose' silently dumped another dose of Cuban sperm on the teen's head.

As Joe knelt on the floor, dripping in AAA sperm, the clubhouse was silent except for the heavy breathing of the ballplayers. Roger stepped forward and grabbed Joe by hair.

"We haven't seen the last of you cocksucker." He grinned and then walked back over to the cooler of beer. He tossed each of his teammates another cold beer and Joe listened to the sounds of can tops popping. "Get the fuck out of here. This room is for ballplayers only you faggot." Roger boomed.

Joe stood, weak on his legs. His knees were sore and his steps were shaky. He walked from the clubhouse in the direction of the trainer's room.

"Hey ball boy..." BJ stopped him in his tracks. "Aren't you forgetting the real bats?" The ballplayers all had a hearty laugh. They sat bareassed, swilled their beers and watched as the degraded college kid, covered in their cum, scrambled to retrieve the wooden bats around the clubhouse. The ballplayers air punched each other's fists as he submitted himself even further.

As Joe scrambled to get away from his tormentors, they shouted insults, abusing him even further. He heard the laughter of true men, teammates, as he sheepishly retreated to the equipment room. His mind whirled. He was nauseous. Joe was not prepared for any of this. He didn't understand why it was happening. He wished he could somehow rewind the clock, undo this bizarre mess he had gotten himself into.

He deposited the bats into the room and then with trepidation, headed to the trainer's room where he expected Chris to be waiting. At the door, he paused. His desire overruled his fear, his humility. He knocked on the door.

"Get in here." Chris's voice growled. Joe entered the room to find Chris sitting behind the trainer's desk in just his workout shirt and a jock strap. His beefy legs were up on the desk, his feet crossed. A cigar dangled from his mouth. Chris stared at his young subordinate and grinned at the mess of ballplayer cum that had showered him. "Looks like you had fun." He taunted.

"Why did you do that to me?" Joe trembled. He knew the question was pointless. He knew that Chris could do whatever he wanted. Worse still, Joe knew he would do whatever Chris asked.

"Shut up faggot." Chris pulled his legs up off the desk and lowered them back to the floor. He slid his chair back against the wall and opened his thighs wide. "You're mouth is more useful to me when things are going in, not coming out." He grabbed his crotch and fingered his fat cock through the mesh pouch. "Get under there." He ordered, then pointed to the small cavity beneath the desk.

Joe meekly complied, and crawled onto his knees beneath the desk. Chris sneered down at him, withdrew his huge prick from the side of his jock strap and then slid his chair back to the desk. "Suck it boy." was all Chris said. Joe complied, eagerly.

Chris settled into a relaxing blowjob and opened the newspaper on the desk. Picking up the phone, he dialed the security office. "Jimmy." Chris spoke into the receiver. "Can you come to the trainer's office for a minute?" He placed the phone back to its cradle and grinned as he felt the hapless cocksucker nursing on his meat beneath the desk. "This is too easy..." he mused to himself.

Moments later, Jimmy O'Brien waddled into the trainer's room to find Chris reading the paper at the desk.

"Hey Jimmy..." Chris greeted him, still chomping on his cigar.

"What's up Mr. Stone?" He asked. Jimmy was oblivious to the activities beneath the desk. Joe froze. His mouth was clamped around Chris's cock but he was suddenly riddled with fear and doubt. He stopped sucking. Chris kicked him firmly...Joe resumed sucking, slowly with cautious effort

"Nothing special Jimmy. I just wanted to talk, shoot the shit. "Have a seat." Chris motioned to the chair across from the desk. "How long have you been widowed now Jimmy?"

"It's been six years now Mr. Stone..." His reply was sullen, but he felt honored that a pro player of Chris Stone's stature was concerned.

"Jese." Chris spoke with compassion. "That's gotta be rough."

"Yeah. She was a fine lady." Jimmy relaxed in his chair and looked over at the ballplayer. He recognized the expression on Chris's face.

"You must get pretty lonely I bet eh?" Chris let out a sigh, more from the gentle stroke of tonsils on his cock than concern for the employee.

"That's for sure, but a guy my age...what are ya gonna do?" He replied, the words almost rehearsed.

"I suppose." Chris intoned and then locked eyes with the security guard. The idle chatter of the two men was temporarily stopped as the two men stared thoughtfully at each other. Chris grinned broadly as the security guard became aware of Joe's sucking sounds coming from beneath the desk. The quiet slurping was only further reinforced by the occasional draw of heavy breath from Chris.

"A guy like yourself must surely need some company sometime." Chris spoke, his voice almost a grunt, feeling Joe deep throating him below. He winced slightly at the sudden rush.

"I sure think about it Mr. Stone." The guard, now fully aware of the circumstances. He watched the newspaper shake as the ballplayer's hands trembled. The sucking sound pierced his ears. It was a sound he hadn't heard live in a very long time. He began to feel a familiar churning in his groin.

"Sometimes a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do..." Chris coached. He looked over at the Jimmy with a twinkle in his eye. Chris could feel the sperm churning in his nut sack as the security officer smiled and nodded. He leaned back and lowered his hand beneath the desk, resting it on Joe's head. As he guided the teen's mouth up and down, Jimmy stared at the movement, the flexing of the ballplayers arm.

"Apparently" he chuckled. He stared at Chris as he absorbed the slurping sounds that punctured the silence of the room. The ballplayer gazed back at him with a sleepy, almost drugged expression on his face. He watched as Chris's eyes drew half closed and then listened closely to the low, guttural groan. There was something profoundly erotic about watching the professional athlete sharing his climax with him. Jimmy's cock lurched in his tight polyester uniform.

Like every time before, he knew it was the ball boy beneath the desk.

"I think I know someone that can help you out there Jimmy." Chris spoke, opening his eyes and grinning sheepishly to the older guard. He sat back up to the desk and picked up the newspaper.

"Sounds like..." He replied.

"I'll see if I can send someone by to the guard's office. Would that work for you Jimmy?" Chris questioned.

"Oh yeah." Jimmy stood up. The bulge in his uniform snaked halfway to his knee. "I think that would be great Mr. Stone." As he walked to the door, Chris winked at him.

"Consider it done Jimmy."

As the door slammed, Chris rolled the chair away from the desk and looked down condescendingly at the cocksucker. The sight of him so submissively groveling below was a source of great pleasure to him. There was no doubt now that this poor helpless faggot would do anything he asked. He sighed in great accomplishment, but acknowledged that the game was getting too easy, much too easy.

"Get the fuck up you miserable queer." He stood up and walked to the door. Joe scrambled to his feet and looked at his hero. Chris opened the door and walked out, gesturing Joe to follow him. Like a puppy, Joe stayed fast behind him. Chris turned to the bathroom area outside the showers and stopped in his tracks. The minor league players were now all in the showers and they hooted and hawed at the college kid. Chris grabbed Joe by the neck and pulled him forcefully over to a urinal. Joe stared down to see Chris's jockstrap, his jockstrap, lying in the bottom of the urinal. It was submersed in a puddle of bright yellow piss.

"Put your uniform on now, and get the fuck out of here." Chris pushed him into the urinal as the minor leaguers howled in anticipation. Joe pulled his own shorts down and retrieved the heavily soaked jockstrap from the urine bath. Trembling, he slid the now very wet and heavy pouch up over his thighs into place on his waist. Chris, standing with his fists on waist, smiled in amusement.

"And don't forget to stop by and say thank you to our buddy Jimmy on your way out." Chris walked back into the clubhouse, amazed at what a pussy the kid was. The AAA players all rolled in laughter in the shower as the watched Joe slide his shredded shorts up over the piss soaked jockstrap.

They could laugh. It was their piss.

Joe hung his head and walked slowly to the security office.

To be continued.

Comments welcome.

Next: Chapter 9

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