Balo the Dwarf

By Hal Courtenay

Published on Dec 10, 1999


Standard disclaimer:

This is a work of fiction. It is intended only for adults. This is an adult piece of erotic fantasy involving the fantasy characters of Dwarves, Minotaurs, Elves, and Humans. If you do not wish to read explicit sexual material or are under the age of 18, do not read this. If you do not object to material that involves men with men, fantasy 'bestiality', water sports and domination, than this is for you... other wise go away!

---------------------- Balo The Dwarf ----------------------


The pair grasped and hugged and slapped and pawed at each other soon settling into a tight embrace that both were reluctant to break until Tagger said, "I gotta pee."

Balo looked up at him and smiled and then he flopped over on his back with his head at Tagger's groin. He pulled Tagger's sticky phallus down to his mouth and grinned up at Tagger, "Let 'er rip!" Balo let the head of Tagger's cock bounce against his lips.

Tagger relaxed a moment as he became mostly human once again losing most of his bullish aspects and then concentrated. Soon a quick squirt splashed out across Balo's lips. Balo's lips nipped the rest of the head firmly into his mouth and Tagger relaxed enough to release a heavy stream of urine into Balo's mouth. Balo swallowed several heavy gulps and then let the head slip out and urine ran over his mouth and down his face to his neck.

Tagger gripped his cock and directed the flow of piss up Balo's torso. Balo lifted his legs to draw his groin closer to the pissing stream. Tagger grabbed his legs in his two large hands and drew Balo's legs as far forward as he could. He was pissing directly against Balo's fleshy scrotum. Balo palmed his groin roughly as the warm piss cascaded down his chest to his bearded face. As Tagger's piss died away, Balo's own cock began to squirt a hot line of urine. Tagger pulled Balo's fleshy cock down to Balo's lips. Balo gripped the foreskin in his teeth as his piss poured out onto him. Tagger's cock was again straining in its arousal.

Tagger roughly turned him around so Balo's head was away from him and pushed his legs back. Tagger took a swipe at the huge glob of precum that was dripping out of his cock head and rubbed it across Balo's thickly puckered asshole. Balo moaned and pulled his legs back as far as his oddly large Dwarven body would allow him. Tagger pushed in a finger and felt Balo tremble. Soon Tagger pushed in a second finger. Balo's bottom felt incredibly full and he shuddered each time Tagger sunk his fingers into his bottom all the way. He relaxed a bit as Tagger pulled almost completely out of him and eased a third finger into him.

Balo covered his face with his hands. His cock felt like an iron wood club. It leaked precum constantly as he felt Tagger play with his bottom. All manner of finger combinations pushed into his asshole. Suddenly he felt the intruders pull free from his anus. He felt hugely wide open. Balo peeked out from between his fingers in time to see Tagger's tented fingers and thumbs slide into him followed by his hand. The sudden shock of seeing Tagger's fist slide into his bottom and disappear up to the wrist pushed Balo over into a thunderous climax. He coated his chest and face with a torrent of come.

Balo's cock never subsided. He remained hard and throbbing as Tagger pulled his hand free from the straining orifice. He then hunched over Balo's bottom and Balo watched Tagger sink his tremendous bull cock into his bottom in one single stroke. He felt Tagger's huge swaying testicles slap against his buttocks. Tears flowed from Balo's eyes as he writhed through one continuous climax. Tagger slid his hand along Balo's throbbing cock and pushed the tip of his finger into Balo's huge piss hole. Tagger began to bang his cock into Balo as he wriggled half of his finger into Balo's cock slit. Tagger could feel the cock throb around his finger.

Tagger pulled his finger free and it was followed with a flood of clear fluid. He pressed his finger into Balo's mouth who sucked it clean. Tagger then gently cupped Balo's face as he battered into his anus. All Balo could hear was the sticky slap of Tagger's balls against him and Tagger's gasping breath. Suddenly Tagger pressed deep into him and then bent down to Balo's face. He tenderly kissed him and Balo felt his bottom flood with hot sticky cum from the huge throbbing tool in his butthole. Balo kissed Tagger back as his own cock released another tremendous blast of cum.

Tagger pulled free from Balo, his cock making a sticky suckling sound as it withdrew from Balo's tired anus. Balo dozed in a woozy floating haze. Tagger bent over him and kissed his forehead. "I'll always love you," he heard Tagger say. Then oddly he thought Tagger said, "Be careful, they're here..."

Balo floated away into the deep sleep of the contented and the exhausted.


Balo awoke coughing for air. He sat up suddenly with a splash and looked around. There was quite a commotion in the street below. He was still in the bathtub, though now it was quite chill. He pulled himself out of the basin and shook of the excess water as he reached for his towel. He looked over at the bed. It was just as it was when he had been working on his hammer. He walked over to the window feeling his fleshy cock slap against his scrotum and thighs.

Balo watched a procession of people walked past on their way deeper into town. Suddenly his heart sank. The Brotherhood! They'd been followed after all! Balo turned quickly and dressed and pulled his loose gear together. He reached over into Tagger's pack and pulled free a jewelled dagger. It was magical and always seemed to hit it's mark. He rushed down the stairs of the inn. The tavern below was empty. He crept over to the door and watched the procession of men going by. The Brotherhood was easy to spot in their dark clothes with their symbols and high boots. They stopped at the intersection of the two blocks. Balo stuck his head out as far as he dared.

One of the Brotherhood climbed up into the back of a wagon. He shouted over the crowd. "Good people of Talenheim, we come to you today only to retrieve those who have been accused of treachery and thievery against the sovereign state of Wolfheim to the south. To show our good faith, we offer a reward for the last member of this muderous crew we have yet to catch: a Dwarf known as Balo. Turn him in to us and receive 100 platinum crowns! We await him at the market square."

The crowd gasped as the Brotherhood continued on. Excited shouts turned into crowds pushing their way into every shop and home along the street. Balo retreated quickly to his room. He packed away what he could and then he climbed out of the window. He looked down from the queasy height and putting faith into the runes sowed into the lining of his boots by Maruutin, he jumped into the alley below. He fell like a rock, but amazingly landed quietly, yet solidly, on two feet and felt none of the impact. Balo immediately ducked into the shadows and scurried away.

Balo spent a good hour manoeuvring through the back streets of Talenheim to make his way to the market square. On his way, he pulled out his head wrap and a hooded clock to disguise himself. He kept Tagger's knife close by putting it in his boot. His stomach growled and he ignored it. He took a moment and noisily urinated his full bladder into a gutter. He edged his way through the tables trying to avoid the most crowded streets and rows. Many of the Brotherhood guarded and patrolled the area listening to the excited crowd.

It was them he saw them. Maruutin, Tagger and Terrian upon a platform. They hung horribly by their necks as blood flowed down their naked forms. They had obviously been dead for sometime. How could this be? Tagger was with me last night wasn't he? They must of been caught out a club by the Brotherhood. How could this be? I would be up there if I hadn't stayed behind. Tagger came to me though, I know it! It was judgement - it just wasn't mine...

Balo pulled his hammer free and threw it with all his might at the Brotherhood commander. It sailed over the peoples gathered there and bashed cleanly through the man's head in a shower of blood and gristle. Balo yelled, "BASTARDS!" as tears streamed down his face. The hammer raced back to him and he grabbed it with his hand.

One of the Brotherhood looked up from his fallen comrade and said, "I knew he'd show himself if we did this. Poor Pete though." He then shouted to the men about him, "Okay, kill him and we'll be back to Wolfheim by nightfall tomorrow." The men cried out and rushed from the platform as the people crowded about pushed forward as well.

Balo knew immediately he was going to be overwhelmed. He turned and ran. He darted down an alley here and there. The angry townspeople were hot behind him though. He leapt up to a window sill blessing the magic in his boots once more and climbed up to a roof top. He leapt to the ground below and continued on. His short legs just could not gain any real distance on this hard solid flat ground.

He veered down another alley. It crooked around a short corner and stopped at an abandoned well. "Blast!" He peeked back the way he come. The people were to close to him to go back. He was worth 100 platinum crowns. They wouldn't give up. Suddenly he heard the creak of wood behind him.

Balo looked back at the well and saw the wood cap was sliding off the top. A blonde headed Halfling with a blue rag tied over his head popped out. He waved his hand and said a nonsense word. Suddenly the end of the alley was bricked over and they were sealed off from the others.

The Halfling spoke, "Balo, right? If you want to be in one piece this night, come with me."

Balo moved toward him as the Halfling popped down into the well once more. Balo carefully lowered himself in afterward. He dropped down a short way and then found himself landing silently upon a dirt floor in a 10 by 10 area.

"This is nuts! Where are we?" Balo turned to the Halfling.

"Oh we're away from those screaming bloodhounds. That's all that matters."

"Who are you?" Balo asked him.

"I'm Bottelo." the Halfling said.

"What do you want?" Balo snapped.

"Let's just say, any enemy of the Brotherhood is a friend of mine." the Halfling laughed.

"You're a boatman?" Balo asked.

"Pirate ... dear friend and don't let anyone tell you otherwise." Bottelo grinned.

Balo pushed his sack off as well as his cloak and sunk to the dirt floor. He looked up a moment later with deeply red eyes and quietly said, "How long do we stay here?"

Bottelo looked into the darkness above them and said, "Oh, now should be good."

The Halfling moved over to the far wall and pulled something from his pack. He said a few more nonsensical words and apparently drew a square area upon the wall that glowed bright with magic. Bottelo nodded toward the wall and pushed on it. It slid open and before the Halfling was flowing water and a night sky.

Balo gasped, "How is that possible. It was only morning when we dropped in here moments ago."

Bottelo chuckled, "The Brotherhood is not the only ones who know how to track and to travel."

The pair stepped out onto a dock where a double masted sloop was at anchor. Bottelo ushered him on board and they went below the deck immediately. Here in quarters that would be cramped for taller humanoids, Bottelo begged Balo to make himself comfortable.

"Please Balo, sit and be comfortable. Its no hole in the ground, but what is?" Bottelo doffed his blue kerchief and pulled a fresh bottle of something from a rack on the wall.

"It's nice..." Balo said looking about.

"Ah... but it's on open water?" Bottelo chuckled. "Not to worry she is on solid mooring and sways very little. Besides this little tidewater leads not to the ocean but merely to Ice Lake. From there we could travel to the ocean."

"Is this your boat?" Balo asked.

"No, working for Every's boys has it's perks." Bottelo smiled at Balo. "Hey, we do what we have to do to survive. This is the rugged outback. The final frontier. If you don't take it, someone else will."

"Don't you have a family?" Balo asked sitting down on a solid and heavy looking wooden chair.

"No. If I did, do you think I'd be out on the waterways? No! I'd be at home with a hole full of furry feet and friends. My hamlet was taken by slavers Balo. Quintorian slavers and the Brotherhood."

"The Brotherhood is slaving with the Quintorian's?" Balo gasped.

"Oh indeed my brother and don't let anyone tell you any different. How could mere Humans traverse the land and pass off bodies if they didn't have help? The Brotherhood is everywhere - even peaceable lands like the Elven Forest. Oh believe you me they have a finger in this pie.

"What about you Balo? Where's your family?" Bottelo passed him a cup of wine.

"There back at the warren's. They're safe. The Sword King sees to that."

"Aye." Bottelo agreed.

"But I'm not cut out for that role just yet. I don't want to work in the mines until I have to. I don't want to be cut gems. I want to be cutting throats."

"You don't look like much of a fighter. You more seems to be a journeyman."

"Oh I'm not a Warrior, but I can bash heads with the best of them. Why me and Tagger..."

Balo stopped and put down his cup. He put his face in his hands. Bottelo put a brown jug on the table next to him and quietly left him alone. He slid the door shut to the outer passage and made his way down to his cabin.

In the morning, Bottelo slid the panel back a bit and peered in. The muttering and the drinking and the crashing sounds had stopped long ago. He saw a figure curled up on the floor still in his clothes from the evening before. Bottelo crept in and looked over the Dwarf. He was breathing pretty hard through his nose so at least he was still alive. The brown jug of ale was empty. The Dwarf probably didn't even feel that weak ale.

He bent down and gently shook him. Gingerly Balo cocked one eye open. It was bloodshot and swollen.

"How do you feel?" Bottelo quietly said.

"Like killing someone." Balo muttered.

Bottelo took his index finger and thumb of his right hand and pinched them together. He said some words that Balo didn't understand and then pressed his two fingers into the flesh of Balo's forehead. He then removed his fingers and pulled out with them a slew of black liquidy mess. He held Balo's head as he gently pulled the sick from him.

"How's that?" Bottelo asked when he was finished.

Balo sat up and nodded at him rubbing his neck. "I still feel like killing someone."

Bottelo pulled at Balo's cloak. Balo let him pull it off of him. He laid it out across the table there. Balo gingerly stood up and held onto Bottelo to steady himself. Bottelo pulled Balo's shirt free of his heavy breeches and while standing at his back, he wrapped his arms around Balo and undid the buttons and then pulled it off his arms. Bottelo's warm thick hands pulled at the muscles in Balo's neck. Balo moaned as Bottelo's thumbs pressed into the ridges of muscles around his neck. Balo looking down saw one hairy backed hand grasp his right breast and trail over to his nipple quickly before going back to the shoulders. Balo's nipple couldn't help but be thick and fleshy and excited from the Halfling's talented hands.

The Halfling was about as tall as Balo, but he was only about a third the mass. The Dwarf was robust and not always accurately proportioned, while the Halfling was a miniature looking Human with some exaggerated facial features and hairy hands and feet. In the case of Bottelo, it was blonde hair that poked out from under the cuffs of his canvas pants.

"Let's go out and see the morning, eh Balo?"

"Uh okay," Balo said and followed the Halfling out onto the deck.

The morning was bright and clear and not too hot. The dock they were at was kind of solitary, though Balo could see the beginnings of Talenheim down the river. He looked at Bottelo, "I've really got to piss."

Bottelo motioned him over to the railing. As Balo turned from him, Bottelo slid his arms back around Balo's waist and undid the large open front of Balo's Dwarven trousers. He grasped Balo's cock and aimed it over the edge of the boat. Balo's piss erupted from the tip of the fleshy foreskin. Bottelo held his hand around the opening so that the urine splashed through his fingers. Balo was startled but found the feelings pleasant.

When finished pissing, he undressed Balo the rest of the way. Bottelo led Balo back to the centre of the deck. There he had a pale of water and some other small glass jars. Bottelo had Balo sit in front of him. Bottelo, his hands still wet with Balo's piss, put them into the pale of water and then added what appeared to be herbs from the small jars.

"Are you a shaman?" Balo asked.

"No, I am a priest of Buuterin Stoutheart. He is a godling of journeyman and adventuring Halflings. I have created a healing and cleansing ritual which I shall now preform for you."

Bottelo undressed and sat before Balo. He was pudgy like a Halfling and covered with blonde hair. It was thick over his nipples and down over his groin. His cock was thin, but longer than Balo had expected for a Halfling, though his balls were nearly lost in the thick patch of hair.

Bottelo said some more words Balo didn't understand and drew his hands into the water and it became almost gelatin. He laid Balo back upon the deck and ran his hands across Balo's chest. The thick liquid was very warm and very slick. It was like fire and like lightning wherever Bottelo ran his hands across him.

He pulled his fingers across Balo's face where every now and again more of the thick black goo would appear and Bottelo would wipe it away. He soon moved across Balo's shoulders and then to his chest. Balo moaned and gasped at each new rub and attack on his muscles. Bottelo washed at the hairs under Balo's arms and trailed down to his hands where each finger was pulled and massaged. He pulled at Balo's thick fleshy nipples as he passed over to the other arm. Balo let him do as he would. His mind was awash in pleasure and relaxation. His cock was full but not stiff.

Bottelo sat on the side of Balo as he lifted Balo's legs. He passed his hand over the length of Balo's cock and balls. He drew his fingers along Balo's hairy crack. He noticed that Balo couldn't pull his legs straight back due to the structure of Balo's pelvis and his bowed legs. Balo moaned deeply and his cock came to full erection. As Bottelo's hand made a second pass of the fiery liquid, his cock head pulled free of the thick foreskin. Bottelo's fingers pressed into the anus briefly; Balo could feel the release of his body's toxins most strongly. Bottelo used soothing words to comfort him.

Bottelo then straddled Balo's leg. He could vaguely feel Bottelo's swaying balls and erection against his leg as Bottelo massaged it in the same way as the rest of his body. He pushed himself over to Balo's other leg and then sat between them as he lifted them back once more. Balo could feel Bottelo run his hand down the back of his thighs and then his calves. Next he felt himself being pulled toward Bottelo and he could feel the warm of Bottelo up against his legs and his bottom.

Balo could feel the warm and healing spread through him from the centre of his body. He like he were being rocked in a sea of warmth and love. Balo struggled to look down his body at Bottelo. He could see him between his legs and against his body. He was coated in the thick gooey liquid.

"You're inside me aren't you?" Balo quietly said.

"Yes." He pushed Balo's legs forward a bit more and Balo could see Bottelo's long pink cock sliding in and out of his anus. Balo felt warm explosion in his butthole. Bottelo moaned and then pulled free of Balo's anus. Balo watched it spurt it's golden seaman as Bottelo climbed over Balo to straddle his chest. He pressed his swollen still spurting cock into Balo's mouth. The explosion continued into his mouth. It was a long ejaculation that filled Balo's mouth with the sweet passionate fluid. Finally as Bottelo's cock finished it's climax, he removed it still dripping from Balo's mouth.

Bottelo then squatted back over Balo, penetrating himself on Balo's erection and quickly slid to the base of Balo's cock. Balo never saw a grimace or hesitation. Bottelo used his anus to massage Balo's cock until it erupted in it's own blinding orgasm. With his anus still full of Balo's cock, he lay himself over Balo and the pair dozed and slept for a while.

---------------------- To be continued... ----------------------

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