Balo the Dwarf

By Hal Courtenay

Published on Dec 29, 1999


Standard disclaimer:

This is a work of fiction. It is intended only for adults. This is an adult piece of erotic fantasy involving the fantasy characters of Dwarves, Minotaurs, Elves, and Humans. If you do not wish to read explicit sexual material or are under the age of 18, do not read this. If you do not object to material that involves men with men, fantasy 'bestiality', water sports and domination, than this is for you... other wise go away!

---------------------- Balo The Dwarf - Part 3 ----------------------

Bottelo then squatted back over Balo, penetrating himself on Balo's erection and quickly slid to the base of Balo's cock. Balo never saw a grimace or hesitation. Bottelo used his anus to massage Balo's cock until it erupted in it's own blinding orgasm. With his anus still full of Balo's cock, he lay himself over Balo and the pair dozed and slept for a while.


Bottelo felt his doze interrupted by a warmth spraying under him. Balo's fleshy soft cock was spraying it's fill of piss between them. Bottelo moved his lips to the fleshy foreskin that covered the tip and bit down on it to close the opening. He let the loose skin around Balo's thick cockhead fill with urine like a balloon and then let it go over his face and into his mouth.

In comparison to Balo, Bottelo's cock was smaller. As a Halfling, it was characteristically thin and about 6 inches long. That wasn't bad considering the size of a Halfling being only about 3 feet tall, but it was somewhat slight next to thick tube of flesh that hung between Balo's thighs. Bottelo knew some Dwarves to have extremely large cocks and heavy weighty balls. He wasn't surprised to see Balo's cock be fatter than his hand could grasp. With Dwarves often having odd sized limbs - overly long arms or very short legs - often the males were blessed with big cocks covered with thick foreskin that was often pierced. Sometimes there was enough foreskins that they could actually draw it to their own lips to suck and chew on. Under those big cocks often hung a long scrotum. Some were so long and heavy that they would drag upon the ground as the Dwarf squatted or knelt. Of course, Dwarves could also have very small genitals in the same way they could wind up with very short hands and fingers.

Bottelo had not been with too many Dwarves. They were often reclusive and they were often fanatical about their devotion to prosperous families. Halflings didn't really care if one was partial to mating with one of their own sex, but it wasn't really talked about aside from the usual gossip about this one's eccentricities and that ones close male friends. Often they are seen as the wise and witty eccentrics that throw the best parties in the most exclusive of holes in the village.

Bottelo had more of an urge to adventure than to be the pontificator of a grand hole in the ground. The taking of his tribe by slavers sealed his fate as he fled to the west. Not far from his home was the coast and with that came ships and fighting men and adventure. This is what he had always longed for. A chance to sail with all types of men and see new places and people. He knew that his desire to explore was as sexual as it was adventurous and so chose a group of sailors that were as diverse as his tastes were.

He hired on with a group of mercenaries under the flag of Captain Every. The rarely seen scourge of the Human Stockade coastline was a sworn enemy of the northern empires as well as the Brotherhood. The good Captain Every left the public eye when war was announced against the Brotherhood to drive them out of the shipping lanes and to release their grip on the coastal trade routes. Amazingly enough, the villagers opinion of Every's men changed considerably when it was known that they were going to fight the guild of thieves and assassins that had an iron grip and long reach on trade through out most of the middle kingdoms. Bottelo knew that they really didn't have much of a chance and that most people wanted to see both the Brotherhood and Every's pirates destroy themselves in an all out war. So far Bottelo hadn't seen much battle with the Brotherhood's assassins, but he had been able to obtain gold, jewels and magic, and had an opportunity to see places from the Elves Grand Forest all the way to the bottom of the continent and it's last outpost Junguro. He would very happy if the occasional bar fight was all he ever saw of the Brotherhood.

In each place he found a new companion to play with. Some have disappeared or died and some remain that he visits regularly. Seiiwiin the Elf far to the north was the first of Bottelo's real sexual encounters with another male, and being an Elf who was not afraid to play and try new things, Seiiwiin taught him many things. Seiiwiin penetrated his anus for the first time which he would never forget. He also taught Bottelo his first few tricks of magic. Seiiwiin had a family and several offspring. Bottelo has never been brought into their family circle, so few outsiders are actually allowed into Elven social and family units, but Seiiwiin did bring one of his sons, Feiiwiil to met Bottelo. He said that Feiiwiil was the only one of his sons so inclined and together Bottelo and Seiiwiin introduced the eager Feiiwiil to many forms of self pleasure and coupling. Seiiwiin treated Feiiwiil as a child, but in reality he was at least 50 years old. Bottelo found that often difficult to grasp as he was considered an adult Halfling and was barely 30 himself.

From the long lived Elves, Bottelo was fortunate to meet up with a host of Humans and the rare Dwarf, the rarer still Gnomes and in the more roguish of crossroads he was actually able to hook up with a 1/2 Ogre of great sexual skill and rarest of all a 1/2Troll - 1/2Elf that was quite the dashing heroic figure. The great ferocity and build of a troll coupled with the finesse, sensibility and the magic of the Elves made for an incredible combination. The flare of the small horns from his forehead, the great teeth from his lantern jaw, the penetrating eyes and delicate hands as well as a great musculature and intense penis and large scrotum made for one heck of a sexual encounter. The Troll was a valiant fighter and attempting to become a paladin in a secluded order. When next they sailed to the far ends of the world, he would surely look for this great Troll once again.

His last encounter before he met Balo was with a tall Human. They met in a grove not far from where his boat was now docked. Under the stars and moonlight, the Human fucked him with a nicely shaped 7 inch prick that instantly penetrated him to the root. The Human didn't want to give or get anything in return. He just wanted to fuck Bottelo's tight anus until he jetted his large spurts of semen into his bowel. Bottelo bent over a log and let the man have him. His rutting was long and loud. Bottelo spattered his golden hued cum onto the forest floor as the man flooded his backside. The Human marvelled at the length of Bottelo's orgasm. Golden sperm continuously splattered into the grass for several minutes. The man retrieved his pants and left thanking Bottelo for a nice encounter. Bottelo stripped the rest of his clothes off and swam in the clear cold water for a short while before dressing.

Bottelo helped Balo up and together they went below to get something to eat. Balo stomach was really rolling at this point.

"How did you get caught up with the Brotherhood, Balo?" Bottelo said between mouthfuls of cheese and bread.

"I'm not really sure. Seem's that the warrens I come from are in alliance with the Brotherhood and when you start to step on their toes everyone knows about it. We did a little petty thievery and we left when the heat got too great. I think the last fight we had with the giants would have put an end to everything. We left the territory to ply our trade elsewhere. I guess they just followed us."

"Yes, the Brotherhood has a long memory. Often longer than their reach." Bottelo returned.

"The thing is, we don't give a fuck about them. Let them have their little bullshit politics. We just wanted to have some fun. All we did was fight and make some money. Me an Tagger beat all them fucks in the city. No one thought we'd get along or be able to survive as a team. But we did! We beat them all."

"Yes, the reputation of the Dwarf and Minotaur team spread even this far!" Bottelo laughed.

"Damn straight. I'm just a country fool. I want to have some fun and bust some heads. Now I've lost everything." Balo pulled a deep swig of his ale.

"What do you want to do?"

"Well, I know one thing," Balo said, "I don't want to go back home and listen to all that 'I told you so' bullshit and then get stuck mining ore for the rest of my life to make horse shoes or something."

"Well, we can always use another man in our own brotherhood." Bottelo offered.

"The sea? That's no life for a Dwarf. Pounding a few heads with your feet on the ground is the life of a Dwarf!" Balo said dismissively.

"Well there is magic to counter the Dwarf's natural tendency to sink like an anvil!" Bottelo laughed. "And we could certainly fill your pockets with coin!"

Balo thought and ate for awhile. Then suddenly, he laughed loudly. "Fuck. Why not? What do I do?"

"First, I'll take you to see Master Fredrickson. He's my group leader if you will. Then we'll outfit you with a spot of magic to keep you a float and get you some proper gear."

The pair set quietly eating and swigging ale.

Balo looked up. "Bo? Do you think there's a big enough bastard of Dwarf out there that would like me?" Balo said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Bottelo looked seriously at him.

"A bull Dwarf that could put up with me... you know... really like me?" Balo asked.

"Indeed." Bottelo said flatly. "There are - ones that will bring you fulfilment the way you wish Tagger could have."

"Okay. Good." Balo said and silently finished eating.


Master Fredrickson turned out to be an astonishingly brutal 1/2Elf. He radiated an intensity with every word and movement. Balo even doubted he'd want to tangle with this fellow. Amazingly the Master readily accepted him. It seemed that he was ready to take anyone with a set animosity against the Brotherhood. The fact that he could actually fight and survive was a bonus.

He was outfitted with handsome new clothes from a Dwarven clothier. Bottelo took him to a specific shop and there the clothier openly admired Balo's bold foreskin, "That's need a jewel if ever anything did!" He even handled Balo as he fitted him into his new brown hide pants. Bottelo gave him a knowing wink. His new white shirt was open down the front and fit just right around the open shoulders. His hide boots were fit with a spot for a dagger.

Once at the weaponsmith's which was all business, he received a new warhammer and some new knives. Oh the joy of being able to hand select his weapons and make sure they were built strictly for him. He made sure the hammer was just so, and that the runes of his name and tribe and the runes of Every were in place just so. This was the most important. His weapons and his fighting skills were his calling card.

The magic shop was the longest and most tedious of the places they visited. Here he was given a magic ring that would allow him to breathe and swim like a fish in the water. He was also given bracers that would protect him like armour, but keep him free from having to wear armour. His weapons were also endowed with an extra bit of magical might as well. The time was long in waiting for these things as they had to skirt around the natural Dwarven tendency to make magic fail. Just holding a magic item in his hand could cause the magic to vanish. Soon enough, they had all his trinkets working and set upon his fingers and wrists.

Balo found that he was actually happy. In the longest of hours since his loss of Tagger and his companions, he really felt as if he belonged to something and had a future. He spent the next several days hiding and ducking throughout Talenheim with Bottelo as they fixed him up to be a true member of Every's mob. He found out that not all of Every's men were sea going pirates. No indeed, several of them were stationed throughout the many coastal cities and acted as spies and bully boys. He thought this might be a good goal for him after he got his feet and beard wet working with Bottelo.

The following day Bottelo gathered supplies and the day after that, they sent off their final messages to Bottelo's crew mates. Their work done, Bottelo led Balo through the twisty back-streets of Talenheim in an effort to avoid being noticed by anyone that might be the eyes and ears of the Brotherhood. Balo kept a wary glance about him hoping that he would be able to get out of the city clean. So far they had very good luck. Bottelo set a few shiny pebbles upon the ground at a particularly dark crossroads between two warehouses. He said some of those confusing words and then waved a hand over them. They all rolled back toward him in a lazy fashion.

"What does that mean Bo?" Balo asked.

"Well... I believe that any direction we take will inevitably have a bit of danger about it, but nothing terribly perilous. The way the stones just weakly rolled back to me indicates that there is no real danger beyond what one might normally expect wandering through the lost alleys of old warehouses." Bottelo looked about them as if testing the air.

Balo looked down one pathway, "Which do you think is best?"

Bottelo said, "We need to get to the hidden door two streets over. The shortest distance is down the left hand path. If there is something in our way, we just need to be prepared to take it out."

Balo pulled out his warhammer and unsnapped the clasp on his dagger. They quietly and quickly moved through the narrow streets. Bottelo motioned to Balo to hold his position as he moved ahead. Balo slunk back into the shadows and waited.

Bottelo was just out of sight when a dark weight from above fell just in front of Balo. Balo immediately crouched into a fighting stance with his warhammer readied for action. It was one of the Brotherhood. His dark cloak was unmistakable.

"Getting close to you is troublesome work little one with meddling Bottelo in the way. It's time for you suffer as your friends have."

The dark man slid forward with a quick strike of his short blade. Balo barely had time to parry. The blade glanced off the warhammer sending a shower of sparks into the air as the magic of the two weapons fought against each other. Balo made another feint and then surprised the man by throwing his warhammer at the dark figure. It caught him just under the jaw and knocked him backwards. This surprised Balo to see the man stay upright. Without pause he continued his plan and leapt toward the taller man. He forced him on over backward by jumping into the man's arms. He rode the dark man down to the ground where he knocked out the man's wind with his tremendous Dwarven mass.

They fought briefly over the man's magical blade. Balo took several cuts to his hands and forearms in order to wrest it away. The man below was out of his wits watching this Dwarf take blows openly - flaying back his skin and yet still not relenting! Once Balo managed to knock the blade to the side, he looked down on the man pinned below him with a bloody grin and bloody cheeks. The man blanched in fear looking at the Dwarven palms that brutally gave him open shots to his head and shoulders leaving a sticky and bloody hand print behind. Balo spit in his face. The dazed man looked around him for any sign of help. He had obviously not expected much of a fight from this Dwarf.

Balo hitched himself further upon the shoulders of the man and pulled the dark wrap from about the man's face. His bloody cheek ran red and his nose puffed out little red bubbles. Balo continued to giggle at him as he pulled open the wide front of his brown breaches. His erection was huge and sprung out like a mallet. He grabbed it in his fist and pumped it in lurid long strokes as it ran with clear fluid from the wide hole in the head. Then he spurted thick long streams of cum across the helpless man's crying face. The force of the orgasm was incredible as he coated the man's head in thick white Dwarven semen.

When he finished, with his thick cock still bloated and laying on the man's face he pulled out his jewelled dagger and reared his hand back. Suddenly he felt it caught in another's grip. He turned back quickly to find Bottelo staring at his giddy and bloody, sexually flushed face.

"Don't kill him Balo. Set him free as a message. He is just a useless Runner."

Balo understood Bottelo and jumped to his feet and with his pants still open, he let out a bellow and picked the man up by his robes and slammed him into the ground several times before letting him loose. Bottelo took Balo's arms into his hands and healed them as best he could with a few minor spells. They departed the alleyways quickly dropping through a door that led them to the dock of Bottelo's boat. They left almost immediately.

Balo got a small taste of water travel as they left their station at Talenheim. Bottelo wanted to meet back up with his crew mates before their next big assignment. They had just come from a nice heist of Brotherhood black market Ivory that was destined for who knows what kind of evil Necromancer or Dark Mage. They brokerd it off for quite a hefty sum and split their shares up and headed off for their own vacations. Once Bottelo had secured Balo as a part of Every's organization, he made sure Balo could join up with his own crew. He liked this Dwarf and thought he'd make a solid addition to the fighters they already had.

When they arrived they were greeted by the Dwarf Olgin, the 1/2Elf Yuiirtin and Balca another Halfling. Balo stood and watched as Bottelo hugged them and greeted each in turn. He was glad he would become part of that kind of association.

Bottelo introduced Balo to each of his friends. "These are my mess mates in the crew," he said.

Balo greeted each in turn.

Olgin turned to Balo, "You feel like a bit of sparring then?"

"Take it easy on the lad, Olgin," Bottelo said, "he's not been here even an hour."

"I'd like a chance to work off some frustration." Balo said not removing his gaze from Olgin's.

"Oh suit yourself. I'll trust that Olgin will fix anything he breaks?" Bottelo smiled and winked.

Olgin pushed against Bottelo's shoulder, "Ah don't worry mother, I wont bust him up too bad! har har!"

He led Balo away into some wooded areas. He brought with him a pack and his weapons. Balo watched him as Olgin led him through the thickets. He had a nice mien of rust coloured hair that led to a closely cropped beard. He wore clothes very similar to Balo and he had a great chest and great musculature. He was probably several years older than Balo as well.

Once they had arrived in a secluded spot Olgin asked, "What's your sport son?"

Balo cautiously said, "I like hand to hand the most."

"Oh ho!" Olgin laughed. "My kind of Dwarf. Been awhile since I've had a straight up wrestling event. Let's go!"

Balo and Olgin circled and immediately launched at each other. Balo realized this Dwarf was good. Good enough in fact that he was sure he could learn a thing or two from him. Balo was no slacker though and soon found a few holes of his own to wiggle through. He noticed immediately when Olgin's hand groped over his crotch looking for a hand hold. He returned the favour when he could and found quite a package of thick Dwarven cock and meaty balls. Balo's cock was achingly stiff. Eventually, Olgin caught Balo's ankle in a brutal move and if he didn't end it, Olgin would break it. Balo quickly let Olgin know he conceded. Olgin laughed loudly and offered a hand up to Balo.

"Son, that was good. I've not wrestled so hard in a long long time. I think we could teach each other a thing or two!" Olgin laughed again at Balo still bent over heaving in breathes of air.

Olgin looked up at a branch in the trees above him. Balo gasped as Olgin sprang up and grabbed it and hung from it. That was quite a leap!

Olgin looked down at him, "I'm good son!" he said winking at Balo.

Balo noticed the detailed work of his boots and he was sure there must be a similar magical stichery sewn into Olgin's as there was in his own. Balo kept watch on Olgin as Olgin reached down with one hand and unclasped the front of his pants. They sagged down in front revealing the thick hairy cock that Balo had just gotten a feel of. Olgin swung back and forth letting his cock flop around. Suddenly it burst with a heavy stream of piss that splattered on to the ground as Olgin roared mightily with laughter. His spurting piss seemed to last forever. Olgin's cock finally relented and he put one hand down to the fleshy foreskin and shook out the last remaining drops of urine. Balo's eyes never left that thick tube.

Olgin dropped to the ground and reclasped his pants. He pulled up his backpack and motioned to Balo. Balo followed him to a beautiful lazy stream. He encourage Balo to strip and join him for a bath. Balo didn't hesitate. He was soon naked accept for his magic bracers and rings and sat upon the bank letting his feet drink in the cool water. He watched Olgin fiddle with his pack. His pants slung around his thighs in mid undress. He watched Olgin's back side as Olgin dug things out of his bundle. He looked at the dark rust coloured hair that ran up and down Olgin's butt crack and Balo even sneaked a look at the dusky anus within. Soon Olgin stripped the rest of the way and joined him.

Olgin had a cloth and a bag of soaping powder with him. Balo watched as he lathered up a handful with water from the stream. Olgin prepared to bathe as Balo watched intently. Suddenly Olgin pressed the cloth to Balo's chest.

Olgin held it there momentarily saying, "Let me help clean you up after such a great fight."

Balo stuttered quietly, "Okay."

Olgin slid behind him and spread his legs scooting up close to Balo's back. He wrapped his arms around Balo and continued his slow bathing. Balo shuttered at the feel of these great Dwarven arms around him. He could feel Olgin's beard against him as well as the thick rubbery cock that wedged against his buttocks and lower back. Balo's nipples stood out like rocky pebbles as the cool wet cloth and soap slid slowly about his chest and belly. He could hear and feel Olgin's breathing near his neck and face. He meticulously massaged and bathed over Balo's skin, up under his arms and down to his fingers. He washed his hair and rubbed over his tattooed head.

Without hesitation he palmed over Balo's groin that was now at full erection and leaking clear fluid. The heel of Olgin's hand pressed firmly down the underside of Balo's shaft and then over his testicles. Olgin then hugged Balo. Balo thought he would collapse completely as he felt Olgin's strong Dwarven arms wrap so completely around him. Olgin held him tight and drew his arms ever firmer about him. Together they sat and enjoyed the other's skin and warmth and musk. This was the first time another Dwarf had held him so. He lay his head back onto Olgin's shoulder and nuzzled into his beard. Olgin's lips found his own and it startled Balo. He opened up his mouth and felt Olgin's tongue probe inside. Soon he was sucking on Olgin's thick tongue as Olgin pushed it into his mouth.

After a while Olgin walked Balo into the clear water and finished bathing him - their big Dwarven cocks swaying before them. He remembered back to the times in the warren with Kai and Ren as Olgin washed him and then fixed his hair. Balo returned the favour carefully undoing and resetting the trinkets and rings in Olgin's hair and beard. He rubbed through the hair covering his body and making sure it was as clean as he could make it.

He scratched through the hair along Olgin's puckered anus. As he rinsed the water away, he leaned his mouth in to the muscled opening and licked it before pushing his tongue as far inside as he could. Olgin moaned loudly feeling Balo's tongue press into him. He stood up and led Balo back to the grassy bank and lay on his back. His pulled his knees back with his hands. His huge cock led back upon his belly oozing clear fluid into his belly hair as his scrotum hung low enough that Balo had to push it back to get at the anus below. Soon he was sucking at it and forcing his lips and tongue as far into the opening as he could get them.

He pulled away to Olgin's momentary disappointment and replaced his tongue with his fingers. Olgin pulled his buttocks as far apart as he could with his hands as Balo forced fingers from each hand into him. Balo pushed Olgin's legs wider with one hand as he snaked the other completely into Olgin's backside. He popped the heal of his hand through Olgin's rectum with moan of joy from Olgin. Then after awhile he switched hands, churning open Olgin's thick ass muscle.

Balo then pulled his hand out and pressed his thick fleshy cock into the eager opening. Olgin cried out, "Oh yeah, fuck that butthole... yeah, Balo... you fuck me. I knew you'd fuck me good!"

Balo slammed into him as far could and as hard as could. He felt his testicles slap against Olgin's butt and lower back. He pulled at Olgin's nipples almost pulling him up off the ground. He slapped at Olgin's face and punched his chest and belly as he rode Olgin as hard as he could. Olgin threw his head back and cried out as his cock burst over his chest and face with huge streams of thick cum. It caught in his beard and hair and Olgin licked it from his lips. Balo pulled out with a loud popping sound and covered Olgin a second time with his own heavy cream.

Olgin pulled Balo's thick pulsing member to his lips and sucked out the last remaining cum. Balo held his head in place as he pissed out his bladder into Olgin's mouth. Olgin sucked in as much of the spurting cock as he could as he swallowed everything that Balo had to give him. Olgin unloaded his own bit of piss against Balo's back. Balo pulled away and immediately sucked down as much as he could get. When they were done, Olgin pushed him over and they wrestled for a while before cleaning up once again and going back.

---------------------- To be continued... ---------------------- Comments or suggestions (flames ignored) to:

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