Bandini Affair

By Draginacht

Published on Jun 19, 2009


The Bandini Affair 24 (AKA Jeff)

Disclaimer: The following is a work of fiction and any resemblance to real people or events is purely coincidental. The story contains graphic descriptions of sex between men. Anyone who is forbidden by law to read such material must stop now. This story is being posted to the Nifty Archive solely for the enjoyment of its readers.

This story is a spin-off of an earlier story, "David's Initiation." If you haven't read "DI," that won't be a problem because this story can stand-alone. However, some of the characters from "DI" will appear throughout the story. "David's Initiation," along with earlier stories can be found in the Author's section of the Nifty Archive.

Reader comments are welcome, just be sure to include the title in your subject line (even "TBA" will do) so that it doesn't get dumped as spam.

From Chapter 23

"Can we go to that church this morning, the one down on the corner?" Leo asked.

"Sure," Matt replied and pressed his lips gently to Leo's. "You think we need absolution for what we just did?" He smiled playfully and Leo chuckled.

"I didn't know we needed absolution for that."

"Ha-ha, we don't; they don't take confession but if they did, Father Tim would probably give us a blessing and tell us to do it again... many times." Matt kissed Leo's forehead.

"Father Tim? Is it a Catholic Church?"

"Ho-ho, not likely; it's a non-denominational church that serves this gay community. Tim Fields is our pastor but everyone calls him Father Tim. He's gay and has a partner, too. Now, you ready for a shower?"

They had plenty of time to catch the 10:00 AM service and were joined by Mike, Todd, Dan and Berk. A teenager came with Mike and Todd and after the service he was introduced as Trace, their adopted son.

Chapter 24

It was approximately nine months ago, the first Wednesday in March to be exact, that Leo Carlsen's life took a dramatic turn from the ordinary. He flew to Amsterdam, Netherlands, to research and write an article about the gay lifestyle in that cosmopolitan city. The experience opened his mind to thoughts he never knew he had and had suppressed for years.

Arriving back home unexpectedly a day early, the drama increased exponentially. He found his wife entertaining another man in his own bed. Following the annulment, Leo struggled to find out who he really was. He allowed his mind to delve deeper into almost unthinkable questions about his sexuality, things he'd never considered before. He sought counseling and ultimately concluded he was gay but he had no idea what to do about it.

In late October, whether by fate, karma, divine intervention, luck or whatever, Leo's father's mini-stroke intervened to present a new set of circumstances that would change his life forever. Leo rushed home to be at his father's side and help out at the family business, the Bandini Nursery. That brought him in contact with Matt Close, a valued employee.

Through a series of events during the early days of November, Leo had to confront many life changes, including a rapidly developing loving and semi-intimate relationship with Matt. Two days after Pop was released from the hospital, Leo spent the day with him and they had a long overdue father-son conversation. Leo learned that his father was more accepting of Matt and homosexuality than he'd ever imagined. Pop explained that he and Matt had reached an understanding that Matt's being gay wouldn't be a problem as long as it didn't interfere with his work.

A few days later Leo's secret was compromised when Megan saw him and Matt kissing in the storage shed. That forced the issue and he came out to his family the next day. However, he never mentioned one word about being involved with Matt. He'd misinterpreted his father's statement about Matt not letting his homosexuality interfere with his work and Leo feared if their relationship became known it would jeopardize Matt's job.

The next day, the Sunday before Thanksgiving, Leo abruptly and sadly decided the only way he could protect Matt was to returned to Nashville and begin rebuilding his professional life. The problem with that plan was that it left his personal life in shambles.

Monday morning Matt appeared unannounced at Leo's apartment door and by Tuesday morning had convinced Leo to return home and move in with him. The rest of the week was a whirlwind of activity that helped Leo adjust to his new situation.

Tuesday evening the two men had dinner at Meg's and Mom and Popp were there. Everything went fine; there were no awkward moments. Late Thursday afternoon they shared Thanksgiving dinner with Leo's parents and Megan's family. After dinner, Leo and Matt spent the rest of the day at Matt's Uncle David's house where he met a whole group of well-adjusted, successful gay adults. Friday was a workday for Matt while Leo proceeded to cover the coming NFL game but Saturday evening they returned to Dave's house where Leo was introduced to Matt's Parents and extended family.

Sunday was "Game Day."

Mom and Popp had insisted they fill in for Leo at the nursery so he could attend the game and be with Matt's family the rest of the day. However, with the rain continuing to fall coupled with below normal temperatures, Pop decided not to open the nursery and gave everyone the day off.

Matt and Leo arrived at the stadium early, took the elevator to the skybox level and quickly found what they were looking for. They were the first to arrive, which helped Leo figure out the best way to do his work. He chose to set up shop outside the glassed-in area so he could hear and feel the crowd noise and the PA announcements Ð that made it seem more real. There was also a 32-inch HDTV nearby so he could watch replays and hear the announcers as well as view the jumbo screen at either end of the field.

Family members began to arrive and the only ones new from last night were both sets of Matt's grandparents. Leo was excited; he'd never covered a game in this way. He worked hard typing his column in his laptop while Matt made sure he had something to eat and drink. Family members would come out, look over his shoulder, and generally give him support. They knew he was working. By halfway through the fourth quarter, the outcome of the game was no longer in doubt and Leo actually finished his column before the game ended; he only had to enter the final score and a few closing remarks. Mark had played well but he couldn't overcome his team's weak defense, which allowed the home team to score at will.

After the game, all the family left for Dave's house except Matt and Leo. Matt had previously arranged to wait for Mark and drive him to Dave's. That worked out well for Leo because it gave him time to finish editing his article and email it to his client, thus relieving him of the pressure to do it later.

Matt thought it would be fun to surprise his brother and suggested Leo go to the locker room on the pretense of conducting a brief follow-up interview and then accompany Mark outside where he would be waiting. Leo was to ask Mark to introduce him to his brother, whereupon they would embrace and kiss right in front of Mark and surprise him. Leo agreed to the plan even though he expressed some reservations about it being too far out of character for them both.

Leo entered the almost empty press area of the locker room. Most of the press had completed their interviews and left. Leo advised the team media rep that he was waiting for Mark and sat down. It wasn't long before Mark walked in, dressed in business casual with a sport coat and carrying a small bag. The team would leave without him and he'd fly home tomorrow with his wife and kids.

"Hey, Leo, nice to see you again; sorry we couldn't give you a better game to cover."

"You played well, Mark; too bad the defense couldn't do a better job." Mark sat down and Leo asked a few perfunctory questions that would justify calling this an interview. "Thanks, Mark, you going home now?"

"No, I have family waiting so I'll be leaving without the team."

"Mind if I walk with you?"

"Please do; my brother should be outside with my ride." Leo smiled.

"You mean your twin brother?"

"Why yes, would you like to meet him?"

"Absolutely," Leo grinned. This was working out better than he and Matt had planned and he felt excitement building.

Exiting the stadium, the two men walked around the team bus. The rain had slackened and parking lot was virtually empty, which made it easy to spot Matt leaning against his truck. Matt pushed away from the truck as the two men approached.

"Oh, Bro, it's so good to see you. How are you?" Mark and Matt embraced and held each other for several seconds while Leo watched with interest. It appeared as if they were engaged in some kind of re-bonding process.

"I'm good Bro, I'm good." Matt hugged his brother even tighter. Finally they separated.

"Oh... I forgot," Mark began. "Matt, I'd like you to meet Leo Carlsen, he's one of the reporters who just covered the game; I've known him for a few years." Matt and Leo smiled at each other then Matt stepped up beside Leo, placed his arm around Leo's shoulders and looked down into his upturned smile.

"Yes, we've met," Matt said and looked at his brother. Leo instantly realized Matt must have had second thoughts about his plan and changed it; this seemed to work much better. Matt didn't waste any time. "I haven't had time to tell you but Leo and I've become an item. In fact, he moved in with me last Tuesday and two days ago we agreed to become partners." Matt grinned proudly.

Mark was slow to react, like he was trying to process the information clearly and carefully. Then his mouth dropped open slightly and as a smile began to form. He just stared at the two men like he was watching pieces of a puzzle drop into place.

"So that's the reason for all the personal questions yesterday." Mark stated. Leo and Matt began to chuckle and Mark joined them.

"That's great, Matt, just great? And Leo? Never in a thousand years would I have suspected anything like this. I'm amazed!" Mark stepped forward and wrapped his arms around both men. "I'm really happy for you. Why, you even found someone I already know!"

Mark had always been concerned about Matt finding the right man for his mate. He knew his brother well enough to know how much he wanted to settle down with one special friend and build a life together. He thanked his Uncle David for that role model. His main concern had been about the temptations for risky sexual behavior. He wanted to believe his brother was too smart for that scene but that didn't completely eliminate his concern.

"Hey, let's get out of this weather; I'm sure it's warmer in the truck," Mark suggested. Moments later Leo sat in the back seat, directly behind Matt, with Mark's bag in the seat beside him. He'd insisted Mark ride shotgun because it gave him more room. Matt started the truck and reached for the transmission selector.

"Wait," Mark said, stopping his brother. "I'd like to sit here and talk for a while; you know we won't have time when we get to Uncle Dave's house."

That's exactly what they did. Mark wanted to know how they met and was surprised to learn they first met when Matt was only fourteen years old. Leo and Matt took turns bringing Mark up to date on how they met a few weeks ago, some of the events that happened (like the attempted robbery and getting caught in the shed by Leo's sister), and how they developed a relationship. As they talked, Mark would occasionally reach back and hold Leo's hand for a few minutes then release it, only to do it again. Leo thought how strange it was that he never liked to talk about his personal life but here he was, actually enjoyed it.

Later at Dave's, Leo watched with amazement at how adding Mark to the group seemed to change the group dynamics. Mark and Shannon definitely took control and seemed to feed off each other while Matt, JD, and PD fit into supporting roles. And they brought Leo right into their group like he belonged.

"Okay, Mark, you have to settle a question." PD hadn't forgotten last evening's discussion. All eyes turned to Mark and Shannon. "Remember the first time we all went to Vail? Well, Shan says it was your idea to go moon bathing in the hot tub. So what's the real story?"

Mark began laughing. "The truth?" Mark looked around the group and saw heads nodding. "It was Shan's idea but I was already thinking it so I can't let him take all the credit." The two men draped their arms around each other and shared a hardy laugh. It was clear that both men shared a spirit of adventure and it surfaced at an early age. Mark was now an NFL quarterback and Shannon was about to enter astronaut training.

At one point, Leo found his way to the bathroom Ð even though he didn't need to go Ð just so he could relax and allow a few tears to well up in his eyes. He was sure the emotion of happiness was the cause. He splashed water on his face hoping that would cover the slight redness in his eyes. Matt's grandparents made a point of welcoming him into the family, something they felt comfortable doing because they had full confidence in their grandson making a good choice.

Later Sunday night, Leo and Matt lay pressed against each other in Matt's king-size bed. Matt felt moisture on his chest and lifted Leo's head so he could look at him.

"What's the matter, Leo?" He could see the tears trickling down Leo's face.

"NothingÉ" Leo replied with a smile. "I'm just happy, that's all." And more tears began to flow. "Hold me, please." Matt did just that. And he began to rub Leo's back in soft, smooth, soothing strokes. Leo lifted his head and brought his lips to Matt's. In less than a minute Leo had maneuvered himself on top of his lover, his erection pressed firmly into Matt's lower abdomen. He could feel Matt's member stiffening and lengthening. He allowed his knees to slide off on either side of Matt's hips then took Matt's left hand and placed it on his left cheek.

Matt took the hint. Using both hands, he slowly massaged Leo's globes, separating his cheeks and fingering his rosebud. As the action heated up, Matt moistened his finger with some of their combined precum, lubed Leo's ass and, for only the second time, invaded Leo's core. A few minutes later, Matt gathered more lube and added a second finger. Leo's response was positive and Matt was considering adding another finger when Leo straightened his legs, thus restricting access to his hole. Again Matt read Leo correctly, removed his fingers, and placed his prick between Leo's legs, along the length of Leo's crack. Leo seemed to know what to do next. He pressed his thighs together, trapping Matt's member and began moving in slow, short thrusts while lifting his hips to stimulate Matt's dick. Matt's precum provided all the lubrication they needed.

Their lips, mouths and tongues played together while farther down their bodies were communicating as perfectly as two lovers can. The action was different from anything they'd tried before and both men were at a fever pitch. With each stroke, Matt's cockhead brushed Leo's anal lips, adding more precum to the recently opened hole and causing tremendously erotic sensations.

For Matt, the realization that he was so close to entering the man he'd desired for so long sent him over the edge. His first volley landed just above Leo's crack and drained down into the small of his back. The rest of Matt's cum found it's way back into Leo's crack, providing even more lubrication.

Leo wondered if his anal lips were still parted from when Matt's fingers were inside him and he imagined Matt's swimmers attempting to enter his body. That, combined with Matt's glans rubbing against his pucker was all it took to push Leo over the edge. This was the closest he'd come to losing his virginity and he was extremely aroused and excited. Leo knew he wanted it, and soon.

"You okay?" Matt asked quietly, followed by a soft kiss on Leo's forehead.

"YeahÉ" Leo exhaled slowly, kissed Matt's lips gently and rested his head on Matt's chest. He could smell the aroma of raw sex, of fresh whipped semen. It permeated the room. He smiled. He'd come a long way since last March.

"You wanna shower with me?" Leo asked.

"Bear shit in the woods?" Matt replied. They chuckled, crawled out of bed and showered. That's one thing they wouldn't have to do in the morning before going to work.

Monday morning and both men struggled to wake up. Leo was first into the bathroom while Matt got dressed. They shared a quick kiss as Leo left the bathroom and Matt entered it. They moved quietly around the house getting ready for work and eating cereal for breakfast. Leo was first to break the silence.

"You going to work?" he sounded a little surprised. "It's Monday Ð your day off."

"Yeah, but I promised Tony I'd go look at those properties."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. I guess we should drive separately." He was going to suggest that, anyway, because there was something he wanted to do.

"Okay, and there are some things I need to do this afternoon, so I'll call it a half-day." Matt paused then added, "Oh, Wednesday evening I'll be conducting another training class at the Academy; wanna come?"

"HmmÉ Maybe I'll stay home and fix a nice meal for my man when he gets home." Leo smiled. He loved the way they seemed to coordinate their activities so effortlessly.

Megan arrived at the nursery shortly after 9:30 and Leo gave her about twenty minutes to settle in before he asked if she could cover for him while he ran an errand Ð he promised to bring her lunch when he returned. Of course she could. At 10:25 AM, Leo drove into the parking lot in front of Roehl House, home of The Philos Foundation.

Leo returned to work with two Subway value meals, Meg's favorite. He also asked his sister for the recipe of the baked chicken breast she served last Wednesday Ð Matt had really liked it.

Matt spent the morning examining the properties Tony asked him to look at. He came up with sketches for each and recommendations of what to plant and where, along with a cost estimate. Matt caught Tony at his office and he offered to spring for lunch while they reviewed Matt's proposal. After lunch, at about 2:10 PM, Tony pulled into the Roehl House parking lot.

"HeyÉ" Leo said into his cell phone. He'd seen Matt's name on the screen before answering. "Wha cha doin'?"

"Oh, callin' you; wanna have a date tonight?"

"DependsÉ" Leo responded. This was beginning to get funny and he was trying not to laugh.

"Mother invited us to dinner. I told her I'd check with you first. Whadda ya think?"

"I need to shower and change first but sounds good to me."

"Want some help?" Matt was beginning to chuckle and Leo could hear it.

"Depends on how much time we have." Now Leo was chuckling.

"She said to plan for 6:30 and it's about an hour drive."

"Then I'd better not have any help." Leo paused, then continued when he didn't get an immediate response. "I can get away from here a few minutes early and I'd love to see your parents again."

"Okay, I'll call Mother and tell her. She sounded excited when she called so be prepared."

"Yeah, you mother's a really nice lady."

"Thanks, I'll tell her you said that."

"Okay, see ya later."

"Bye." Matt closed his phone and smiled. How could he be so lucky?

Dinner with John and Kate Close was very warm, welcoming and relaxing. Kate baked a large chicken and all the things that went with it. Matt had a chance to show Leo his old room, which Leo found interesting with all the trophies on shelves along the walls. Leo felt remarkably relaxed as he and Matt explained how they met, the first and second times, and about the attempted robbery that sent Leo to the hospital. The conversation continued until they had to leave at 10:30 PM.

The two men felt even closer as they drove home. `Home,' it sounded so good and comforting. Both men were too tired to think of anything more than snuggling and going to sleep.

Tuesday was a normal day, as was Tuesday evening.

(To be continued.)

Next: Chapter 25

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