Barbarian Boy

By Colin Baxter

Published on Jan 29, 2023


Here is Chapter 4 of the saga of a young Barbarian Boy who sets out on a quest to prove himself as a warrior. Although brave and courageous he is inexperienced in the ways of the World, and unaware that a boy as beautiful as he could get himself into all kinds of strangely erotic adventures. I hope you enjoy this chapter, and if you have any ideas about things that could happen to Torin please drop me an email. I'm very excited to have this story published on Nifty. I'm a long time fan of this fine website, so if you enjoy reading this or any other of the stories posted here please consider donating to help keep it running. Donations can be made here

I want to thank those of you who have sent suggestions and ideas to include in Torin's adventures. I have begun to include some of them in this chapter. I also want to acknowledge the inspiration provided by an old Tumblr account that told stories of The Outlands, and the many creatures that live there waiting to ensnare unwary travelers. Thanks to whoever it was who ran that excellent account.

Both Torin, the finely muscled and beautiful barbarian boy, and Con, the big brawny hedge mage slept well that night, the man well sated, and the boy thoroughly fucked out. The following morning the boy woke first wrapped in his thin travel cloak. He scanned the campsite for his soft supple loincloth, but it was nowhere to be seen. Only his chest harness could be found. so he strapped it on, with the scabbard which held his wickedly sharp sword. The cloak he fashioned around his enviably narrow waist into a kind of skirt. Then he set about collecting some freshly sprouted mushrooms to brew into a tea. Next he lit the campfire, filled a kettle with water, and placed the mushrooms within. When the hedge mage finally roused himself he discovered that Torin had also scavenged some quail eggs, and prepared a surprisingly tasty pottage for breakfast.

"Good morning Sir." Torin greeted the big brawny hedge mage who's robes hung open revealing his beefy barrel chest, hairy belly, and long swinging cock between his legs.

Torin blushed at the sight of his semi naked traveling companion.

"Have you by chance seen my loincloth, Sir?" the embarrassed boy queried.

"I have indeed," the lascivious lecher responded. "I have disposed of it. I think that garment was partly responsible for your affliction."

"Really? But I have always worn a loincloth, why would it suddenly start making my...erm... making me itch?" the naive boy asked.

"It's possible that you have developed a new sensitivity, has anything unusual happened to you recently that could have caused it?" Con questioned.

Torin's mind immediately conjured up an image of his finely muscled young body sandwiched between three filthy goblins as they ravaged both of his hungry holes. Blood began to flow into his cock, and the itch in his back passage returned.

"No Sir." Torin lied.

The boy was a terrible liar, especially when the person who he was trying to deceive was a hedge mage, who was also an artful scam artist himself. Torin was hiding something, and Con vowed to himself that he would find out what it was.

"But what am I to wear?" Torin asked.

"Fear not my fine young warrior. I have just the thing for you." Con assured the boy.

Rummaging around in a chest in his covered wagon he muttered to himself. "Now where is that thing... Ah! here it is."

Con turned towards the boy holding what looked like a small piece of chainmail.

"This is a most valuable item," Con announced. "Fashioned from sky iron retrieved from a fallen star by one of the most skilled Dwarven Smiths in the land."

Of course the item was none of the things the devious hedge mage claimed, but he wanted Torin to think it was special so that the gullible boy could not refuse the gift.

"But, what is it?" Torin wondered.

"It's to be worn much like your loincloth. Let me show you." Con offered.

The brawny hedge mage moved in front of the curious lad and stripped the cloak from around his narrow waist. Now Torin could see that as well as the triangular piece of glittering mail, there was also a pouch made from the finest sheer silk. The man had Torin lift his feet one at a time then pulled the pale silk up Torin's lovely lithe legs. Torin gasped as the man positioned the pouch over the boy's ample package, reaching inside it to arrange the cock and balls appropriately. A thin strip of silk passed up between the boy's beautiful buttocks, tickling at his sensitive pucker. The silky strip joined a silvery chain that Con adjusted around Torin's slim hips, then tightened the chain and clipped a little clasp into place to secure it. The little triangle of chainmail hung at the front, barely covering the boy's junk. The weight of the mail pulled the thing down so low that most of Torin's veined lower belly was revealed. Torin's tightly packed prick could clearly be seen through the links of the mail. The obscene item made the well toned teen look like a total whore. Con thought it suited the hot little muscle-slut perfectly.

"I can't wear this." Torin complained.

"Nonsense", Con countered. "It will be much more healthy for you. Let the fresh air get to your itch." The hedge mage allowed a fine wispy tendril of magic to tickle at the boy's thoughts.

"It makes you look more manly", Con claimed, and pushed that thought into the boy's credulous mind with force.

Torin considered Con's words for a moment, and realized the man was right. He would look much more warrior-like in this little chainmail item.

"I guess you're right." Torin relented, and he straightened his shoulders and puffed out his chest a little.

"How is your itch this morning?" the cunning hedge mage asked.

Torin winced. The image of his fit young frame being violated by the three coarse creatures had sparked a resurgence of the torturous tickle.

"It's coming back Sir". the boy mumbled shamefully.

"Well then," Con gleefully growled, "I had better give you another treatment before we move on."

"Yes Sir, Thank you." Torin smiled sheepishly.

With the boy bent back over the fallen tree trunk Con pulled aside the thin strip of silk and happily humped his horny cock into the bashful boy's bowels. Pounding the sluts' inflamed prostate, an evil smirk on his face, the hot blooded hedge mage pumped a new load of creamy cum into our hapless hero's pussy, then pushed the polished wooden plug back into the gaping hole.

"There, that should fix you for a while." Con told his submissive slutboy. Slapping one of the boy's peachy buttocks, making it jiggle appealingly, and leaving a red handprint on the velvety smooth skin.

Torin's own cock strained inside its silky prison, but the boy hadn't cum, just seeped a sticky slick of boy juice into the pouch so that the fabric was even more transparent.

Con held up a hand, palm out. "No need for thanks, just clean up my cock for me." another insidious wisp of mucky magic snaked its way through the slutty boys synapses.

"Of course Sir." Torin replied. It was only fair after all. It was his fault the man's cock had got all slimy in the first place.

So Torin fell to his knees, took the lecherous hedge mage's pole into his mouth and used his tongue to lick all the cum and ass juices clear.

The mischievous hedge mage knew that each time he used his magic on Torin, his control over the boy would deepen, but what Con didn't realize was that the changes taking place within the handsome barbarian boy due to the goblin cum invading his body was making him even more desirable. While goblins exude an animal funk that inspires erotic arousal, one of the effects that the goblin seed was having inside Torin was to force his body to produce a heady mix of pheromones that would attract the attention of the males of any species. Con believed he was in control, but in truth Torin was unknowingly exerting his subtle beguiling influence on the man.

Torin gingerly climbed onto Nuala's back. The pounding he had just received had left him feeling sore, but worse still the polished wooden plug that ensured the cream would remain where it was needed to help the itch, was pushed a little deeper each time he bounced up and down on his steed's back. The sensations that the little plug was producing kept Torin's meaty cock semi-hard all morning.

Con let the boy lead the way North since this allowed him a pleasing view of Torin's tight little ass, and the occasional glimpse of the plug that rested inside the boy's hole. The scheming hedge mage had taken the boy's cloak, and packed it away inside the covered wagon, so that aside from his boots, the tiny piece of chainmail at his groin and the chest harness Torin was practically naked. Con couldn't keep his eyes off the muscular barbarian boy's V-shaped back. Just like the boy, Con's own hefty cock remained swollen within the moist and sweaty confines of his long dark robes.

The road they were following cut through an ancient oak wildwood. The trees stunted and gnarled, with mossy rocks littered beneath. Around the middle of the afternoon they came across a sluggish slow moving stream which the road crossed at a shallow ford. A little way to the east the stream widened into a placid pool and Torin suggested that they pause for a while and bathe. Con agreed, if only to see the boy naked again. The older man watched as Torin removed his boots, unstrapped his chest harness then slipped the little piece of chainmail down his bulging thighs. Con admired the lithe youth's body as Torin stretched it out suggestively before slipping silently into the murky waters.

Suddenly Torin yelped. Something in the water had touched him. Immediately he began splashing his way to the bank, and as he rose out of the water Con groaned. Two small brown slug-like creatures were attached to the boy's cock, wiggling their way towards the head.

"Quick boy, come here." The hedge mage demanded.

"What?... What is it?" Torin asked, an edge of panic in his voice.

Then the boy followed Con's gaze and saw the pair of pernicious parasites clinging to his cock.

"Argh!!! Get them off, get them off." He cried, his arms flapping wildly, but one of the little creatures had already found its way inside the boy's foreskin and was burrowing into the piss slit, the second not far behind.

"Damn it boy. Keep still... keep still." the hedge made demanded, but it was already too late. Torin could feel the wiggling worms working their way down inside his cock.

"What the fuck are they.?" he asked.

"Cock leeches, God's damn them," Con replied.

Torin had never heard of cock leeches, but Con knew of them all too well. The nasty little buggers fed on cum, so they would burrow down their victims cock and into the balls where they would stimulate them to produce more seed. Unless they were removed they would cause their host to be unbearably aroused, but never allowed to ejaculate. Eventually the poor overstimulated subject would become crazed. Locked in a never ending orgasmic haze.

Torin squealed as he felt the pair of leeches lodge themselves in his ball sack.

"Oh God's," the boy groaned as he felt the sleazy slugs beginning to stimulate his stones. His balls jiggled and twitched in their fleshy sack, and his cock instantly became fully erect.

The hedge mage didn't want to frighten the boy, so he kept the possible consequences of the cock leeches infestation to himself.

"Stay calm boy," he told Torin. "We just need to get them out of you, and you'll be fine."

Torin wasn't listening however. A paroxysm of passion forced the boy to his knees. Every muscle in his fine young frame tensed, and he ran his hands feverishly over his torso, and a fine sheen of sweat shimmered over his entire body. Rocked by another convulsion the overstimulated stud toppled backwards to the ground writhing in an ecstatic reverie.

Con's eyes glazed over with lecherous delight, watching the tormented teen squirm and suffer. What if he just let the cock leeches do their worst and turn the boy into a quivering mindless wreck? He could use the boy's body as he wished. Perhaps even whore him out to other men. His dripping cock throbbed at the idea of having a witless wanton fucktoy at his disposal.

In truth though, the hedge mage had developed an affection for the guileless young barbarian. He couldn't let that happen. Luckily he had some ideas about how to remove the leeches, but he better act quickly before the boy really lost his mind. He ran to his wagon and began to hunt through a series of drawers and cubby holes until he found what he was looking for, a small metal device like a vice. He rushed back to Torin who was now arching his back, and drooling, while his pulsing prick sent a few strands of precum flicking out from its tip. The boy's hands stroked tantalizingly across his sweaty straining torso, and he whimpered pathetically.

The hedge mage placed the device over the twitching jiggling ball sack, and began to turn a handle that tightened the jaws of the vice-like device. Gradually the boy's balls would begin to be crushed and the evil little parasites would hopefully be squeezed out.

However as soon as the pressure started to build the boy began to scream and wail in agony. The leeches were torturing his testicles even more.

"Please, please stop," he gurgled. "You're killing me."

So Con released the vice and tossed it to one side frustratedly. Then a new idea struck him and he ran back to his wagon, snatched up a metal wand and returned to the tortured teen. He placed the tip of the wand of the fleshy sack and pressed a little button on the shaft of the wand. A blue lightning burst of electricity sheathed Torin's nutsack. The boy's whole body arched upwards until only his feet and shoulders touched the ground, and a horrifyingly unnatural high pitched noise burst from his mouth. Then Torin slumped back down with a heavy thump, tears pouring from his eyes, and chest heaving as he gasped for air. Yet still the boy's balls twitched and twisted as the leeches went about their business.

Con wracked his brain for a moment. He remembered he had a Bestiary in his wagon. A reference book on the creatures that inhabited this part of the world. He hurried back to the wagon, found the book, and leafed through until he found an entry for Cock Leeches. According to the book the parasites had only one natural enemy. A species of worm that usually lived close to the pools where the leaches lurked. The worms could be located by the presence of a worm cast, a swirling coil of excreted silt on the surface of the mud around the pool.

Con ran to the edge of the pool and scanned the muddy bank frantically until he saw what he was looking for. A neat little spiral of excreted silt. Scrabbling through the mud with his hands he came across the worm and pulled it out by its tail. The head looked like a tiny sucker. The sinuous slimy creature wriggled and squirmed as he carried it back to the ecstatically aroused barbarian boy.

The only way to hold the boy steady was for Con to sit on his belly. He had no idea if his plan would work, but it was his last hope. He lowered the wiggling worm to Torin's nutsack hoping it would sense the presence of the cock leeches within. For a moment it looked like it wouldn't work. The worm continued to aimlessly wiggle and twist, but all of a sudden it stopped and almost seemed to be sniffing the air. The hedge mage threw out a quick appeal to whichever god might be listening, then touched the suckered head of the creature to the tip of Torin's rock hard erection. The worm seemed to explore the slippery head of the boy's cock for a second then dove into the piss slit and slithered it's way down through Torin's prick until only the last little bit of its tail protruded.

"What now?" The hedge mage wondered. "Just sit and wait?"

Con got off the boy's belly. For an agonizing few moments nothing happened, then abruptly the wormtail started flailing around madly for a while, before it slowed and almost came to a stop. The Hedge mage worried that maybe the thing was dying, but as he examined the boy's balls he noted that only one of them was twitching and writhing in its fleshy bag. After a few more moments the tail poking out of Torin's dickhead thrashed wildly again, then went quiet again . "Was that it?" Con thought to himself.

The boy's balls had both stopped moving, so maybe the worm had consumed the leeches. Not knowing what else to do, Con took the worm's tail between thumb and forefinger and began to tug on it. Torin let out an anguished moan as slowly the body of the creature began to emerge from his cock. Finally Con had the whole worm in his grasp, and he carefully took it back to the muddy bank and let it go.

Torin looked more peaceful now, and Con retrieved the boy's cloak from his wagon and almost affectionately tucked it around the exhausted boy. Taking a seat beside Torin for a moment the hedge mage resolved to watch over his charge until he hopefully recovered. He collected a few pieces of firewood together and retrieved a flint and steel from his wagon.Using a few scraps of oiled paper he managed to spark a flame, fanning it until it took hold.

Con heard some hoof beats from behind as Nuala trotted around the side of the covered wagon. She tossed her head and snorted, almost as if she was acknowledging the help that the hedge made had given to her boy. "You're welcome?" Con responded. Then scalded himself for thinking that the beast was communicating with him.

With a relieved sigh Con leaned back against a mossy rock, noting that Torin seemed to have drifted off into a serene slumber. He slipped a flask of Giniver out of the folds of his robes, flicked open the lid and took a swift nip of the fiery liquid, hoping that it would help to keep him awake as he stood guard over the beautiful barbarian boy.

Next: Chapter 5

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