Be the One

By Myke D

Published on Feb 2, 2020


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*** To Be the One ***

Volume One: The Awakening

By: Myke D

Part 1: Coming Together

Chapter 4: The Awakening

Brayden leaned back from me and smiled nervously.

"I hope that was okay..."

I didn't say anything. I didn't need to. Instead, I pressed my lips against my best friend's and held him tightly. I had spent two years waiting for this moment, but something in the back of my mind told me that this was our destiny since before our birth.

I needed answers, and the only people that could give them to me were in the house in front of us. Brayden seemed to sense my hesitation.

"Just, let me enjoy this for a moment longer." He said quietly as he nuzzled into my neck.

I rubbed my hands up and down his back and kissed the side of his neck in response. I didn't want this moment to end, either. I just needed to figure out what was going on with me. I slipped my hand inside the back of Brayden's shirt, and he sighed as I touched his damp skin.

"We're soaked," I told him.

"I know," he said with a shrug. "At least it's summertime."

"True," I agreed.

"How did you do that, Elijah?" Brayden asked me quietly.

"I don't know," I said. "That's why I need to talk to Aunt Mattie and my mom. They have to know something."

"Why do you say that?" He asked.

"They've both been acting weird," I told him. "Plus, I feel like I've been missing something... Like, I feel like something happened, and whenever I try to remember what it was, all I get is static."

"Like forgetting how you got to the kitchen?"

"Something like that," I said with a shrug.

"Well, let's go figure it out." Brayden suggested before he kissed me gently. "Together."

"You're not weirded out by this?"

Brayden shrugged.

"You saved my life," he replied. "That's really all that matters to me right now, Elijah."

I smiled and hugged him.

"Thank you, Brayden." I said quietly. "I love you."

"I know both of you want answers," we both jumped at the sound of Aunt Madison's voice and I turned to see her standing on the back porch with a slight grin on her face. "But, there's something else we need to do first."

"What's that, Aunt Mattie?" I asked with a blush as I realized my aunt had saw me kissing Brayden. She had to have saw us.

"Come with me, boys." She said before she turned and went back into the house through the sliding door.

Brayden and I glanced nervously at each other.

"Okay," Brayden said softly. "I believe you that she's acting weird. Aunt Mattie has never refused to give us answers before."

"That's what has you confused?" I asked with a roll of my eyes. "You would think I didn't just hop through space to save your ass from falling to your death."

"I think you've gotten your reward for saving me, Elijah." Brayden teased me.

"And, what was it?"

Brayden grinned smugly and kissed me.

"You got me, Elijah."

I smiled before I grabbed Brayden's hand and pulled him into the house behind me. We were both suddenly accosted by my mother as she handed us towels.

"Weird that you knew to have these handy," I said absently to my mother as I wiped the water off of myself. She just smiled tolerantly.

I knew that I was pressing my luck, but I also knew when I was being kept in the dark. I thought back to when I had told my mother about my dreams, and how she never reacted like a normal parent would. No, she always just seemed to take a passive interest. Just enough to let me know that she was concerned, but not enough to pressure me into telling her about the strange dreams. Aunt Madison turned to face us, and I realized that Natalie was seated at the kitchen counter.

"What's going on, Aunt Madison?" I asked quietly. I had stepped through space and managed to save Brayden's life without even truly knowing how I had done it. My aunt smiled and motioned for me to sit at the table. My mother sat down at the end of the table, and Natalie took the spot beside her. I glanced at my best friend nervously. He shrugged his shoulders and took the seat next to his mom. I sat across the table from him, while Aunt Mattie took the spot at the head of the table. "Where's Elliott?"

"He's in bed," my mother said softly. "This won't concern him until his sixteenth birthday."

I scowled in response until Aunt Madison spoke up.

"That will be enough of the attitude, Elijah." Aunt Mattie scolded me. "You were kept in the dark to protect yourself. You have no idea what kind of trouble you've avoided just because you don't know... Your mother has spent her entire life protecting you from the evils of this world just so you would have the chance to grow up in life. Now, if you're ready to actually listen to what we have to tell you..."

I nodded sheepishly and looked down at the table. It wasn't often that my aunt would scold me, but when she did – I felt like shit for days. This time, I knew it would last even longer. I wiped away a few tears that had formed in the corner of my eye as the lump formed in my throat.

"Your dreams aren't just dreams, Elijah." Aunt Mattie said. I couldn't bring myself to look at her. "They're visions."

"That doesn't explain the girl," I said quietly.

"What girl?" My mother asked.

"She keeps telling me to come to her," I said with a shrug.

"It would seem that we have less time than I thought," Aunt Madison said darkly. "There are clothes for both of you sitting on Eli's bed. Go change, then come back downstairs. I promise that you will learn about everything when you return."

"Aunt Mattie?" I glanced at the woman questioningly. She smiled in return.

"Go take a shower, Elijah. You smell like chlorine," she told me before she turned to Brayden. "You smell like a sweaty amusement park, Brayden. Go shower, as well. It will give us a few minutes to get things ready."

"Yes, ma'am." Brayden said with a nod. HE stood and motioned for me to follow him. I blushed at the fact that my aunt had pretty much told us to shower together but followed Brayden upstairs. Brayden ducked into the bathroom and turned on the water before he pushed me into my bedroom and closed the door. Then, he pulled me against him and kissed me tenderly. I felt my cheeks flush red as I leaned back and bit my bottom lip nervously.

"You're so fucking cute, Elijah." Brayden said confidently before he kissed me again. I giggled nervously as I leaned into his embrace and let his tongue slip past my lips. I couldn't get enough of this. I couldn't get enough of him. "Come on. Let's go shower."

I frowned slightly and Brayden reached up to touch my cheek.

"Don't worry, baby." He said with a smile. "There will be other times for that kind of stuff. I'm pretty sure we don't have time for anything like that. Though, I it has been a long time since I've seen you naked."

I blushed even more and leaned into my best friend. Brayden touched his fingertips to my chin and lifted my face until he could kiss my lips again. My heart fluttered with the contact, and I felt a tingle flow across the surface of skin.

"Ouch!" Brayden yelped and jumped back from me. His eyes were wide with surprise before he smiled and chuckled nervously. "You are just full of surprises, Elijah."

"What happened?" I asked anxiously. "What did I do to you?"

Brayden smiled and reached out to take my hand. HE slid his fingers through mine before he pulled me towards my bedroom door.


It was pointless for me to ask him anything I decided as I followed him into the bathroom. I closed the door behind us before I pulled off my shirt hesitantly. Brayden did the same before he stared at me with hunger in his brown eyes, but I knew that I was looking at him the same way. I reached out nervously and touched his chest with the palm of my hand. He was toned, but not bulging with muscle. His chest was firm, and I couldn't help but run my hand down across his abs, feeling his treasure trail with my fingers before I stopped at the hem of his pants. I wanted to go further, but Brayden was right when he said we didn't have much time.

"Later," he said with a low growl before he began to take off his pants. "Hurry up, babe. This is going to fuel my jackoff fantasies for a year."

I chuckled lightly before I slipped my sweatpants down my legs and dropped them onto the floor. Brayden was wearing pale blue boxer briefs, and I could see the shaft of his cock stretching across his left hip. I resisted the urge tor each out and grab him by turning away and dropping my boxers to the ground. That was a mistake...

"Oh, fuck." Brayden said with another growl. Suddenly, I felt his hand reach out and squeeze my ass firmly. "The view from the rear is almost as good as the view from the front."

I laughed and swatted his hand away before I stepped into the shower without looking back. I knew Brayden had a big cock. He had been the focal point of the boy's locker room in middle school and high school. He was sort of a legend, and now he was all mine.

I heard him step into the shower behind me before he slid his arms through mine and pulled me back against him. I felt his hard cock rest between my ass cheeks, and I couldn't stop myself from pushing back against it.

"Tease," he murmured in my ear before he kissed my neck. His hands slid down my chest and onto my stomach as he thrust his sock against my ass. I moaned deeply. Then, Brayden slid one of his hands down and around my cock without touching it.

"Now, who's the tease?" I asked with a giggle.

I turned and kissed Brayden quickly before I set to work washing my hair. Brayden took that as a cue to grab my loofah and proceed to wash my back once he put a huge glob of soap on it. I purred with delight at the feeling. He stood behind me and washed my front with the soapy sponge while he used his other hand to wash my ass. I moaned as his fingers brushed against my rosebud, and he seemed to spend a lot of time rubbing the spot. I squirmed under his grasp and jumped slightly when I felt one of his fingers slip inside me. My cock twitched with the new sensation and it took everything I had not to cum on the spot. I reached behind me and wrapped my fingers around his cock, making Brayden groan with pleasure before he slipped another finger inside of me.

"Fuck, I wish I was inside you, baby." Brayden cooed in my ear before he nibbled on my lobe sending chills down my spine.

"Me too," I moaned softly as I slid my hand up and down his hard member. Then, Brayden pushed me forward forcing me to brace myself up against the shower wall. He pulled his fingers out leaving me wanting more, only to replace them with the head of his cock. He pushed gently against my hole and the tip slid inside.

"Jerk your cock, baby." My boyfriend commanded as he slid inside me. I only felt a moment of pain as he pushed inside of me, before my entire body was overcome with pleasure. My cock was harder than it had ever been in my life as I felt Brayden's pubes push against my ass cheeks. "I'm all the way inside you, baby."

"It feels great," I encouraged him.

"Are you sure?" I could hear the concern in his voice.

"Absolutely, Brayden." I said. "I've never felt anything better."

Then, Brayden pulled back and I saw stars. Neither of us lasted more than a few seconds before we were spilling our loads together. Feeling Brayden's warm cum splash across my insides only heightened my own pleasure as I coated the walls of the shower. I could feel Brayden pulse inside me, and he groaned as he leaned forward to nibble on my neck.

"I love you, Brayden." I told him softly.

"And I you, Elijah."

Once we were dry from our shower, we returned to my bedroom to find two white linen robes laid out on my bed. I picked one up and slipped it over my body while Brayden did the same. The fabric felt itchy against my bare skin.

"These must be older than both of us," Brayden commented as he tried to scratch his back.

"Come on," I said as I walked towards the bedroom door. "Let's get whatever this is over with so we can get out of these things."

Brayden chuckled and followed me downstairs.

I stopped at the bottom of the stairs at the sight that I found in the living room. All of the furniture except for the coffee table and two pillows had been removed from the room, and candles illuminated the darkness with orange flickering light. Aunt Mattie, my mother, and Natalie were all standing on the opposite side of the coffee table with black hooded robes. Aunt Madison motioned for the two pillows that were sitting on the floor.

"Sit on the pillows, boys." She said in a soft voice.

I hesitated briefly before I made my over to the pillow and sat down. Brayden took the pillow to my right and appeared to be just as nervous as I felt. The three women smiled at us before my mother and Natalie each set a wooden bowl in front Brayden and myself. There was a cinnamon scent coming from the bowl, and something told me this was one of Aunt Mattie's concoctions. I frowned.

"Tonight, you will both receive the answers to the questions that you have filled our ears with since you were both little boys." Aunt Madison began in a low voice that sent a chill down my spine. "Tonight, you will learn of your true heritage, and how destiny has chosen you to fill specific roles in this life."

Brayden and I glanced at each other. Aunt Madison ignored us and continued with her speech.

"Tonight, you will finally awaken and join the community that has been waiting for this moment for centuries." She smiled at the both of us. "The world has been waiting for you. The universe has been waiting for you. Now, drink of the potion before you, and do not stop until it is gone so we may continue."

I reached out and took the bowl in my hands as Brayden did the same. The cinnamon smell was stronger now, and I cringed at the thought of what the liquid would taste like.

"Bottoms up," Brayden said with a chuckle before he brought the bowl to his lips and drank deeply of the potion.

I sighed and followed his example. The potion was sweet to the taste, but it felt hot as it ran down my throat. I finished it and coughed before I set the bowl back onto the table. The potion was spicy and sweet as it burned its way down my throat and I immediately felt a dizzy spell hit me. I glanced over to see that Brayden was swaying slightly where he sat, and he had a dazed look in his eyes. Then, I turned my gaze to our elders and frowned. The three women were a blur as I tried to focus on them with no effect. All it did was make the dizzy spell worse.

"Relax, Elijah." I heard my mother say reassuringly. "Let the magic do its job. It's time for you to receive your answers."

I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment as the room lurched around me. My mother had used the word magic. My aunt had given a cryptic speech about how it was time for Brayden and I to fill the roles that destiny had planned for us. I had done incredible things that didn't even seem possible to my confused mind. Too much was happening. Then, there was Brayden... My heart jumped at the thought of him, and I felt my emotions begin to run wild. He was right beside me, and we had joined together in a way that seemed more important than a normal marriage contract. It was like I could feel that Brayden and I belonged together. He was my soul mate. Our spirits had searched each other out across the universe to spend eternity together.

I gasped as I felt Brayden's hand slip into my own. I could feel a strange current begin flowing between us immediately, and it made me feel even more alive. The room was filled with shadows as the flames from the candles seemed to grow in intensity. In the distance, I could hear a strange musical sound that seemed to call to me. I wanted to reach out for it with my entire being.

I turned to look at Brayden and I was shocked to see him surrounded in a blueish light that encompassed his entire form. We smiled at each other during this one instant of clarity before Brayden pushed his lips to mine. The moment he did, the entire world disappeared around us. My body reacted strongly to his kiss as if every one of my nerve endings were on fire. We both moaned with pleasure as Brayden pulled me into his arms, his hands began roaming up and down my body slowly. I lifted the robe from his body and pushed him back before I leaned down and took his length into my mouth. It pulsed slightly and I was rewarded with the sweet taste of Brayden's precum. I moaned as I savored the flavor of him as it rolled across my tongue. I got him as wet as I could. I needed to feel him inside me again. I was about to crawl up Brayden's body, but he flipped me over onto my back instead and pushed my knees to my chest. I cried out with pleasure as my best friend buried his face between the cheeks of my ass and used his tongue to moisten my quivering hole. Then, Brayden crawled between my legs and spit into his hand before he kissed me. I saw stars as Brayden slid his cock inside me. I had what I needed. I was one with Brayden again...

This was the true awakening.

***Thank you for reading this Chapter of "Be the One". Stay tuned for Chapter 5 – The Summit

****I have other stories here on nifty under the Gay/Science Fiction section! The Touch The Legends of Blood – Volume One – Blood Lust

****If you wish to be added to the mailing list for this, or any of my other stories, please feel free to email me at

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Next: Chapter 5: Awakening 5

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