Beach Vacation

By P P

Published on Dec 30, 2017


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It took a while for Andy to sleep that night, constantly throwing a bone as he remembered the scent, taste, and feel of Wallace's beefy ass and how good it felt to fuck him deep. But once he was finally out, it was some of the most restful sleep he'd ever gotten. When he woke up, he was bright-eyed and refreshed, and already could feel another big load filling up his nuts. He resisted the urge to message Wallace, and to jerk off, knowing the payoff in a few days would be all the sweeter for it.

It was a little rough at first, but eventually he was able to control his cock and get on with vacationing. On the way to the beach that morning, he checked Scruff, and saw a message from Wallace confirming that he'd do some work the morning of this upcoming Thursday, then have the rest of the day to entertain Andy. It was Tuesday today, so Andy steeled himself to be desperately horny for a while.

Reading at the beach helped, and it was always pretty hard to keep an erection when swimming in the cold ocean and choking on nosefuls of salty water. He kept up with his voyeuristic beach combing. Nothing could stop him from eyeing the oiled bodies of all the Dads milling about, even if it made it that much harder to ignore the burning need to jerk off.

That night, Andy was happy to go along with his family and do their usual touristy stuff around the town. Minigolf, some window browsing of all the beachy boutiques, and gorging himself on ice cream. He repeated it all the next day, this time feeling himself approach his limit on sun exposure. It wouldn't be a lie to tell his family he was abstaining from the beach tomorrow to take a break from the sun, and what his parents didn't know about his plans wouldn't hurt them.

He held off messaging Wallace as long as he could, but not knowing times and general plans for the next day was starting to make him anxious, so he caved after dinner and snuggled into his bed with his phone.

Andy: Hey big guy, still on for tomorrow? Wallace: wouldnt miss it for the world, baby. U still good? Andy: Totally! Been horny out of my mind, don't know how I'll sleep tonight Wallace: Better save that load for me, stud. Andy: Don't worry, I will ;) What's the plan for tomorrow? What time do you wanna pick me up? Wallace: is 10 good? And theres some stuff i wanna run by u Andy: 10 is fine as long as we don't get into it right away, I'm sluggish in the morning. And what stuff? :O Wallace: We got all day bud, we can hang a bit at first. Wallace: r u sure that ur neg? Andy: Yea, you're the first guy I've been with since I got tested, and that test was a few months after my last hook up so I'm feeling confident about it. I can send you a pic of the results if you'd like. Wallace: that'd be a big help, bud. Wallace: i been chattin with this other guy on here, lil bit younger than me, married dad. He was wonderin what the action was like here, since hes gotta be discreet and all. Andy: oh yeah? What'd you say?

Andy could guess where this was going. He didn't have anything against Wallace telling other guys what they'd done, since he had no desire to be discreet outside of keeping it from his family. He just wasn't sure if he was brave enough to get into threesome territory with a guy he'd just met and what was sure to be a faceless, near-blank profile on scruff. But he'd be lying if he said the idea didn't send a thrill down his spine.

Wallace: Said most of the discreet types round here are guys my age, either married like him or bachelors like me. He said he'd prefer a younger guy, said he liked taking raw loads from college aged studs who know how to follow direction. Wallace: told him bout you, that we had a HOT time. Told him how much u love to eat sweaty butt, fuck it, that you give a good stretch and a nice sized load. Wallace: now i wouldnt just hand u over to a stranger, but he said hed be cool with the three of us gettin together. Said he kinda liked the idea of one young stud servicing the two of us. Wallace: no pressure bud. He seemed nice, pretty handsome. We would all get to know each other first, not get into it quick. I know we could give you a rockin time, but if u dont want a third that's fine too. Either way your face is gettin rode hard ;)

If Wallace had asked him about this as he drove him home after sex two days ago, he'd probably have said no. But after two days of no jacking and thinking of beefy man ass and watching guys on the beach, he was feeling like a threesome was a great idea.

Andy: I'm down with a threesome. When can you pick me up?

And then it was real as they arranged a time. Andy could get picked up right from his house since no family would be around to see, so at least he didn't have to wait at some corner feeling exposed. The picture that Wallace sent of the other guy, Mark, was a pretty nice consolation though.

He looked the picture of ex-jock suburban Dad. If Wallace was tan with a hint of burn, Mark was burn with a hint of tan. He was a little thicker than Wallace all around, but Andy could tell he still carried heaps of muscle on his tall frame, and he couldn't argue against the cushioned mounds of beef that was Mark's ass. Blond hair in a high top buzz cut, and a pearly smile straight from the dentist's office. Once again Andy was surprised to find an uncut cock staring up at him from the photos, but he certainly wouldn't complain. All in all, Mark would be an interesting contrast to Wallace, and the prospect of getting ravaged by two older studs was a dream come true.

That night was rough, but Andy survived it somehow, and even managed to get some meaningful rest. He crawled out of bed about 30 minutes before he was gonna get picked up. He ate as much breakfast as he could manage, knowing he'd need the energy. He lazily told his parents that he was gonna head back to bed for a good nap soon, waving them goodbye as they left for the beach with ten minutes left to spare until go time.

He played with his half-hard cock while he waited, waking up the sleepy nerves. He wasn't much for morning sex, and even though they were all gonna chill out for a bit he didn't know if he'd have an hour or twenty minutes before he was expected to perform. Plus it gave him something to do to keep the nervous butterflies at bay.

Time crept by slow until he heard a loud truck pull up outside. He peeked and confirmed it was Wallace before he went outside, walking fast to the rusting truck. Wallace was just as handsome as he remembered, a grizzled older man with sunbaked skin and hard earned muscles. He had his regular crooked grin on as Andy hoisted himself into the raised cab, already holding an arm out. Andy didn't hesitate to scoot himself across the bench-like seat and nestle himself into Wallace's side, feeling the strong arm curl around his shoulders.

Before he could lay a smooch on the man, he caught a whiff of his underarm. It was pungent, muskier than when they'd last hooked up, but not gross. It was just so...raw and manly. His face stopped halfway to Wallace's, his nose twitching as he sniffed the air.

"Hah, hey buddy," Wallace said, his deep drawling voice vibrating in the cab. "Didn't get to shower last night, and I did some heavy lifting earlier today on a job. Hope that's okay with you?"

"You smell so...dreamy." Andy sighed, smiling. "Good to see you." He said, closing the rest of the distance and pressing a kiss to Wallace's lips.

The man kissed back, sighing into Andy's mouth. It only lasted for a few seconds before Wallace pulled back and started driving, one hand on the wheel while the other stayed draped over Andy's thin shoulders, rubbing the boy's arm softly.

"Good to see you too, buddy, glad you're okay with this whole situation. I know it's a lot to spring on a guy."

"Don't worry about it, I'm excited. Plus you seem pretty trustworthy." Andy shrugged, leaning into Wallace's warmth. "It'll be your job to keep me safe, big guy." He winked.

Wallace laughed a little, then looked serious.

"Bud, I wouldn't have invited you if I thought this guy was a wacko. And if he starts gettin weird, I'm getting him the fuck away from you as quick as I can. You're safe with me, okay bud?" He said, sounding so sincere that Andy couldn't help but melt a bit.

"That's really sweet of you, big guy." He said, blushing a bit. "Glad to know you're watching out for me. Just curious, is this Mark guy okay with the musk thing too?"

Andy didn't remember Wallace saying much about that, and Andy knew it was the type of thing that could turn a guy off if he wasn't into it.

"Oh don't worry, bud, he's into it. I get the feelin he's into things having that sleazy hookup feel, and sweaty manfunk really helps with that." Wallace laughed. "Doesn't hurt that I talked up how great it feels to grind your musky butt on a cute stud boy's face."

Both Wallace and Andy had big tents in their shorts at this point, and it was all Andy could do to stop himself from straddling the man and grinding out some sweet friction. They didn't talk quite as much on the drive to Wallace's house this time around. Andy just took the time to enjoy the physical contact, knowing he that a lot of socializing and fucking was about to happen.

"Mark's due to come by the house just a few minutes after we get there," Wallace said as they wound through the neighborhood. "Figured we'd shoot the shit for a while before gettin nekkid."

"Sounds like a plan." Andy said, happy enough to go along with whatever. "Is he on a tight schedule like I was?"

"Nope, don't know the specifics but he said he's good for most all day. So we can take as long as we need to do whatever we want." Wallace smirked.

Andy could tell when he got stepped out of the truck, once again helped down by Wallace and his strong arms, that it was gonna be a hot day. The sun was almost too hot on his skin, but something about it just made him hornier. That might have been the two days of abstinence talking, though.

Andy had noticed the day before that Wallace had a huge amount of privacy in his yard. Tall bush and trees lined the edges, along with an old fence, and there was a ton of space between his house and any neighbors. The dock behind his house was at the end of a small channel, so there'd be no reasons for anyone else to boat up this far.

All of this meant that when Wallace pushed him up against the truck, slowly and gently but very firmly, Andy wasn't worried about southern neighbors being scandalized. Wallace wasted no time in drawing him into a powerful kiss, the bigger man dominating it and controlling every little action. Andy let himself be brave and reached down to grab two big handfuls of beefy ass, kneading and squeezing them through Wallace's damp shorts.

Both men groaned. Wallace's ass was just as hefty as he remembered it, and he so badly wanted to stick his fingers down the back of them and feel up that meaty hole, but that was going too far too fast. Instead he focused on the feeling of Wallace pressing up against his entire body, his back curving against the truck as the older man loomed above him. The wet smacks of their lips mashing together was broken up by the sound of tires on Wallace's gravel driveway. They popped apart, Andy looking embarrassed and Wallace looking guarded as they watched the truck pull up to park on the other side of Wallace's truck.

Andy could feel Wallace's tight muscles relax when the driver got out and came around towards. He was definitely the guy from the photos Wallace had sent him. Preppy ex-jock, could either be an office worker or a Coach, maybe even both. Not quite as tall as Wallace, but still much taller than Andy. He was wearing a godawful hawaiian shirt and some cargo shorts, and Andy had no trouble noticing the shining ring around the man's finger. He was a married Dad through and through. He looked around, eyes hawkish as he took in the privacy of the area. He relaxed a bit when he saw there was no chance of being seen.

"That sure is a good way to know I got the right address." The man said good naturedly, though the wholesome look of him was ruined when he lewdly grabbed his package, highlighting how plump his cock and balls were through his shorts.

Wallace peeled himself off of Andy, walking over and holding a hand out to Mark. He was completely unperturbed by the massive bone tenting his shorts, and smirked when he saw Mark check it out. Andy followed behind, a bit unsteady after the breathless kiss, shifting his own bulge so the head wasn't pressed so tight against his underwear.

The two older men shook hands, which struck Andy as a bit of an odd greeting for a threesome, but he supposed since they all agreed not to get right into it that they were falling back on what they'd do in nonsexual situations.

"Glad you could make it, Mark." Wallace said, slinging a big arm around Andy's shoulders as the younger man stood next to him. "This here's our young stud for the day, Andy."

Mark held out his hand, so Andy shook it, feeling the man's strong grip. His hands weren't as calloused as Wallace's, but they were still huge and hairy. The contact lingered as Mark rubbed his thumb against Andy's hand, feeling the younger man's smooth skin and delicate fingers. He eyed up him just like Wallace had when they first met.

"Mind if I get a quick taste?" Mark asked, though he was looking more at Wallace than Andy.

That really sent a hot shot down Andy's spine. He could see Wallace looking at him out of the corner of his eye, so he quietly nodded, not wanting to break whatever scene was slowly getting set up.

"Go for it, boy tastes good."

It was an interesting feeling, Mark stepping close so they're bodies were barely touching, wrapping a big paw around his waist and ducking down for a kiss while Wallace's arm kept him steady. Andy was halfway pressed between the two men, feeling their muscles flex against him. Mark started out the kiss with some tongue, easily slipping it into the younger man's mouth, but it never got much dirtier than that. It really was just a taste, a quick swipe of tongue and lips. When Mark pulled back, he leered at Andy like a piece of meat.

"This is a sweet young top you've got here, Wallace." He said, his voice a husky purr. He groped Andy's crotch, a fast grab to feel his hard cock. "Very sweet."

"23 and in his prime." Wallace agreed, bending his head to lick against the shell of Andy's ear.

"Oh man." Andy mumbled, shivering at the combined assault.

Barely anything was happening yet and Andy was already feeling deliciously harassed and oogled. He wondered why they had even planned on relaxing for the first bit, since everyone was obviously horned out of their minds. He could feel two steamy gazes burning him. Silence started to stretch on, and just as Andy was about to say fuck it and ask if they could move to the bedroom, Wallace tugged at his shoulder and started walking with Andy still stuck under his arm.

"Thought it'd be nice to hang out on the boat for a while." Wallace said, using his free hand to point towards the sailboat parked in the dock behind his house.

"Woah, she's a beaut." Mark said, falling into step beside Andy. "Looks like a Hoenn Seastar?"

"Damn, right on the nose." Wallace said.

They started talking about the boat, and pretty much every word went right over Andy's head. He had fond memories of the sailboat his Grandfather used to have, but never cared much for actually learning anything about them. His knowledge base started and stopped at how to get on without falling and which ropes are safe to grab onto if he tripped.

He could see as they got closer that Wallace had already set up some chairs and a cooler on the front deck. The view was actually pretty nice, a wide channel ending in some marshlands. It was on an old part of the island that the rental industry hadn't grabbed yet, so they could probably even get away with fucking on the deck if they really wanted, though Andy would prefer some place with cushions and mosquito nets.

Andy relaxed a little when they got onto the dock. The smell of wood and salt, the sound of water lapping against the boat as it gently bumped into the dock over and over, it was right out of his childhood. Which kinda made it hotter that he was about to fuck these two older studs.

Wallace was the first one on, stepping over the gap between dock and boat confidently. Mark eagerly stepped over and grabbed the railings. Both men turned around to hold a hand out to Andy. In a weird way, it was hot that they thought he'd have trouble just because he was younger, quiet and shy. He could have gotten on the boat just fine by himself, but he still took both hands, letting them pull him over and keep him steady until he got his bearings on the shifting ground.

"Thanks." Andy smiled.

"Anything for our boy." Wallace said, leading them all towards the bow. "Beer, anyone? Got some water and soda too."

"Fuck, a beer sounds great." Mark said, heaving himself into one of the chairs and letting himself go limp.

"Just water." Andy said. He was old enough to drink, but hadn't developed the taste for beer.

Wallace handed the drinks out and got a beer for himself. The three of them sat in silence for a minute, cracking open their drinks and tagging big gulps. The cold water felt good, cooling down the burning fire in his gut, and the two older men seemed to enjoy their first swig of beer.

They quickly started talking sail boats again, so Andy enjoyed the scenery. Wallace and Mark seemed to have really hit it off. They didn't talk about any personal details, but they still had a lot in common, and seemed to have an easy chemistry. Andy piped in when he could, but he didn't have much to say on boats and home improvement and landscaping. It was nice, though, being able to sit there and listen to them talk like old friends.

"So what do you do, Andy?" Mark asked after a lull in conversation.

"Huh? Oh, I work at a library." Andy said.

The same lusty look that Wallace got in his eyes when he learned what Andy did appeared in Mark's. The Dad looked critically at Andy, weighing what he'd heard about him from Wallace with his outward appearance of shy librarian. He adjusted his cock in his shorts, obviously liking where his own thoughts were going.

"And what do you do?" Andy asked to fill the silence as Mark eyed him up. "If that's too personal though, don't worry about it."

"Let's just say office work." Mark said after a moment.

"Bet your ass looks great in office casual." Andy laughed.

That got a grin out of Mark, and they spent another few minutes talking about things that Andy could join in on. Mark and Wallace both got another beer, and by the time they were done with them, they were looking antsy. The hot sun was beating down on everyone, a layer of sweat shining on their skin. Tents that had gone down during conversation were starting to pitch back up, and even Andy found himself squirming in his seat.

The delayed start in action paid off, letting the three of them trust each other just enough to really relax. The pent up loads were making themselves known, and there were grins all around when they all realized that the others were hard and ready.

"Now, we could go back into the house for some fun," Wallace said, "Or we could try it out down below in the cabin. Think it's just barely be big enough for us to mess around."

"Always wanted to get bred on a boat." Mark said gruffly, pounding back the last of his beef before standing up.

"That sounds hot." Andy agreed.

Wallace hoisted himself out of his chair and led them all to latched door down into the cabin. Andy was intimately aware of the fact that Mark was trailing him closely, a leering presence he could almost physically feel behind him. While Wallace unlocked the door, Mark took the opportunity to reach around Andy and get a handful of the shorter man's bulge, massaging it so firmly it was almost rough. It drew a moan out of Andy, and a chuckle out of Wallace as he kept one eye on the two men as he fumbled with the lock and key.

When it was open, he gestured them in, and Andy had almost no choice as Mark started walking forward and herding him down the stairs and into the cabin. For a moment Andy was taken back to his childhood by the scent of mildewy musty boat. The cabin was pretty standard fare, miniaturized amenities crowded in corners with most space being took up by two cushioned benches on either side. Further in the back he could see a big mass of cushions and blankets that covered the room under the bow, no doubt where they were going to be having their fun.

There was enough sun filtering through the hazy windows that they didn't need to turn any lights on. Mark looked around and made appreciative noises, but didn't seem to be in the mood to talk about boats anymore. Once he got the lay of the land, he turned all his attention towards Andy, walking around to his front and looking down at him. They stared at each other for a moment, Mark licking his lips and Andy eyeing how tight the man's shirt was on his beefy body. Goosebumps prickled down his neck and arms as he felt Wallace come up behind him, the man's big hands settling on his hips. Mark sidled closer, putting one hand on Andy's shoulder as the other resumed its groping of the younger man's tent.

"You gonna fuck me with this dick, boy?" Mark asked, voice dropping into a growl.

Andy knew if he spoke his voice would crack or he'd stutter, so he just nodded.

"Gonna fuck Wallace too? Gonna load us both up with your cum?"

Andy nodded more vigorously, pressing his crotch into Mark's hand.

"Our boy's gonna take good care of his Dads, and his Dads will take good care of their boy." Wallace said softly, grinding himself against Andy's back and moving his hands up and under the man's shirt to feel his flat stomach.

"Yeah, you're a Daddy's boy, aren't ya?" Mark asked, pressing himself closer to Andy and practically mauling his hard cock.

"Yes, Daddy." Andy panted, finally finding his voice. He ground his hips up into Mark's hand and back into Wallace.

"A Daddy's boy, and a musk pig, right?"

"Yeesss, Daddy."

"Feel my ass." Mark growled, pressing himself flush against Andy. "Get a handful of what you're about to fuck."

Andy instantly obeyed, wrapping his arms around Mark's thick waist and grabbing two big handfuls of his ex-jock ass. The cheeks filled his hands so nice, big squishy globes of fat and muscle that practically spilled out of his palms. The man's cargo shorts were a frustrating barrier that prevented him from feeling the true heft of his married bubble butt, so Andy stopped groping the ass just long enough to find the hem of his shorts and shove his hands down into the moist heat before grabbing another handful. Mark's underwear was soft and damp on his hands as he squished and groped the juicy cheeks. Andy was rewarded for his aggressive ass groping with a mouth against his neck, Mark sucking and nibbling his skin and rumbling his pleasure.

"Fuck, your ass feels fucking amazing." Andy said, jiggling the ass cheeks in his hands and digging his fingers into their thickness. It felt a little bigger than Wallace's, understandable if Mark really was an office worker compared to Wallace's more active job.

"Touch my asshole," Mark said, low and deep, right in Andy's ear. He paused to nibble and lick at the soft shell. "Rub your finger on that Dad cunt."

Both men could feel a shiver go through Andy's body. Wallace had been quiet up to this point, making meaningful eye contact with Mark while they sandwiched Andy between them. The scene was turning him on more than he thought it would, two big beefy bottom Dads and one scrawny little service top. He found himself looking forward to Mark being rough and sleazy, so he could play up his doting Daddy and really hit Andy's buttons.

"Yeah, baby, feel up his hole." Wallace said softly. "He told me he'd let it get musky just for you, right, Mark?"

"That's right. My cunt is sweaty and ripe for ya, little guy. You sure you want my Dad musk? Might be too much for a boy like you."

The dirty talk was going right to Andy's cock. For a second he was worried that the guy would be actually dirty, but he could sense that Mark was just posturing, acting like the big Alpha Dad he was and pushing the envelope a little bit. Plus, Wallace was still grinding up behind him, and he trusted the older man to step in if he thought something was off.

Andy looked straight into Mark's eyes, letting the man stare down at him with intense eyes as he let go of one of his cheeks and pushed the hand underneath the man's tight, damp underwear. The inside of his underwear was humid and muggy, his entire ass sweaty from sitting in the sun. He trailed his finger to the top of the man's crack, and slowly sank his finger into the sweaty trench. He could feel soaked hairs brush against his fingers as he trailed down, his hand sinking deeper between the pillowy ass cheeks.

A moan escaped Andy as he felt how swampy Mark's ass was. Even if the man had showered right before he showed up, his hole would still smell decently sweaty and musky. But if he hadn't, then this really would be a strong musk for him to enjoy. The heat on his fingers grew stronger as he got closer to the man's hole.

"Ohhh, fuck." Andy whispered as he made contact with Mark's asshole.

"There you go, son." Mark rumbled, holding eye contact with Andy. "Rub it, get it all over your finger."

It felt hot and sticky, the wrinkles and hairs covered in sweat. His finger slide around the rim and center smoothly, and every few seconds he felt it twitch and clench. It was buried so deep in Mark's trench that it was hot to the touch, a blaze of trapped heat. Mark was still staring down at him, not moving an inch, so Andy kept rubbing his hole, making sure every side of his finger got an equal amount of ass sweat.

"How's his hole feel, baby boy?" Wallace asked.

"It feels, fuck, so amazing. So sweaty." Andy moaned.

"Rub it a bit more, champ, there ya go." Mark said. "Fuck, you know how to touch a man's hole."

Mark finally broke the eye contact to savagely mash his mouth against Andy's, plunging his wet tongue into Andy's mouth while he backed his ass onto the boy's finger. They kissed for a breathless ten seconds before Mark pulled back just as quick.

"Sniff your finger. Smell my stink." He growled.

"Oh, fuck yes." Andy said.

He was careful not to rub his finger against underwear or shorts as he withdrew his hand, wanting to preserve the musk. Andy was practically squished as Mark pressed forward even more, and he could feel Wallace lean closer against his back, but all of his attention was on Mark and his hand as he brought it up to his face. He paused for a second, enjoying the intense way Mark stayed at his finger, before he quickly brought it up to his nose and sniffed loudly.

Spicy musk exploded in his nose, drawing a load moan out of Andy. The scent of Mark's suburban asshole was deep and intense, fermented asshole and raunchy sweat. As rank as it was, there wasn't any stink of filth to speak of, which relaxed something inside of Andy and made him go hog wild, snorting and sniffing his sweat soaked finger.

"Fuck, look at that fuckin musk pig. Fuck yeah boy, sniff Daddy's ass stink." Mark said.

"I can smell your fuckin finger from here." Wallace said, sounding horned up.

"I love your ass musk." Andy panted. "Smells so good, need more."

"How about this, kiddo?" Mark said, bringing one of his thick fingers up to Andy's nose.

A familiar scent curled up his nostrils, and Andy could feel Wallace start to kiss and nibble his neck. Andy leaned forward and rubbed his nose against Mark's finger, feeling the sweat from Wallace's ass covering the digit. He got goosebumps again as he sniffed both fingers at once, smelling the combined scent of two sweaty manholes.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." Andy moaned, rutting his hips against Mark as he sniffed those sweaty fingers.

"Woah, slow down, baby boy." Wallace said, grabbing hold of Andy's hips and holding him still. "Looks like we got our young bull all worked up, Mark."

"Boy knows hot hole ready for breeding when he smells one." Mark said. "Let's get a quick load out of him. You ready to get drained dry, boy?"

"OH fuck yes, Daddy, I'll give you as many loads as you want." Andy whined. The butt stink was really getting to his head, making him ravenous for sweaty hole.

Mark started to undress, exposing his chunky chest . There was some softness to his body, but the bulk of muscles underneath was still clearly evident. He had a farmers tan going on, the pale white of his chest broken up by sunburns. He had a surprisingly large chest, round balls of muscle and fat topped off with some thick nipples. Andy's eyes went right to the man's dripping pit.

Andy moved to start taking off his shorts, but Wallace's firm grip stopped him.

"You let your Dads take care of you, okay, sweetie?" He cooed,

"C'mere to Dad's pit." Mark growled, lifting an arm to expose a bushy, sweaty hollow.

Mark's hand cupped the back of Andy's head while Wallace got to work on the boy's shorts. Andy's face was ground into the sopping bush of hairs, and he snorted and licked as best as he could. It was a dense haze of pure armpit, just starting to turn from sweaty musk to manstink. Andy's shorts dropped, and he could feel Wallace grip his bulge tight in his big hand. Andy had to grab hold of Mark's thick body to brace himself, resisting the urge to rut into Wallace's tough grip and blow a load. He focused instead on the musky pit, making sure to snort and moan loudly so Mark knew how much he was enjoying himself.

"Take my shorts off, champ. Get your Dad naked." Mark said, his voice a bit softer.

Andy kept his face pressed into the sweaty hollow as his hands fumbled with Mark's shorts, tugging blindly at the button and zipper. He only pulled back when he'd pulled the shorts down as far as he could without getting down. Andy kneeled quickly, impatient as he pulled down Mark's shorts in one pull. The man was going commando, and his leaking uncut cock and dangling hairy nuts flopped around from the jostling. Andy moaned and buried his face into the silky wrinkles of the man's ball sac unprompted, drawing a hearty groan from the Dad.

"That's it, boy, get into your Dad's nuts!" Mark groaned, jutting his hips forward so Andy's face was pressed firmly into his sweaty crotch.

The damp skin was pressed tightly against Andy's nose and mouth, the ample sac spilling loosely around his face as he snorted in the wonderfully pungent nut musk. He couldn't help but open his mouth and suck straight on the sac, drawing a mouthful of wrinkled skin into his mouth to fill his tastebuds with salty goodness. His moans vibrated against the bull nuts as he felt Wallace press his own crotch close against the back of Andy's head, trapping him between two meaty packages.

Andy popped off Mark and turned his head, tongue stretching out of his tongue at Wallace's lowhangers, greedily sniffing in the combined dick musk swirling around him. He licked at both men with a needy hunger, dragging his tongue indiscriminately against hairy balls and veiny shafts, teasing their puckered foreskin and lapping at the warm skin between crotch and thigh. Two sets of strong hands pawed at his head, not guiding him around, just letting him know how good it felt.

"He sure is wound tight, huh bud?" Mark said to Wallace, using his fingers to push more of his sac into Andy's drooling mouth.

"He could use a milking, I think." Wallace laughed. "Take the edge off. I bet he wouldn't even last five minutes breeding one of us the way he is now."

"I'm harder than I've ever been before, but I have more self-control than that." Andy complained, though his chastising tone was muffled by the testicles jiggling on his lips.

"Is that so, champ?" Mark said teasingly. "Think you could last five minutes in Wallace's hole?"

Andy nodded vigorously, using the motion to wiggle his tongue deeper past Wallace's balls to start tickling his sweaty taint.

"You better, cuz I want that first load of yours, boy." Mark said, voice going deeper again. "You wanna make your Dad happy, yeah? You gonna give me that thick load?"

"Yeah, Daddy, I'm gonna give you my first load, it's all yours." Andy said.

"That's my boy." Mark smiled. "You got one minute to get Wallace ready, then five to fuck him. If I don't have your load up my butt in ten I'm gonna be disappointed, got it?"

Wallace had already moved into a good position, on his knees and bent over the couch on the side of the boat interior. One rough hand pulled at a beefy asscheek to expose the sweating hole buried in his trench, the other braced himself against the cushions.

Andy dove in with a wet tongue, only sparing one second to lick all the way up the spicey, salty crack before digging into the twitching pucker. He moaned animalistically at the taste and feel of the older man's familiar asshole. He got it wet as quick as he could, teasing around the edge to relax it before digging his tongue in. A finger quickly joined, and Andy was surprised at how easily Wallace's hole opened up for him. It felt like no time at all had passed when Wallace tugged gently at the back of his head.

"C'mon baby, I'm ready. Climb up and mount your Dad, I need that fuckin cock." The man groaned.

Andy was never one to leave a hot DILF waiting. He could see Mark standing close next to Wallace, looking at him with dark and intense eyes. Andy shivered with lust as he lined himself up, slapping his flushed and leaking cockhead against Wallace's dripping hole a few times. The heat alone from the moist hole deep in the mounds of the man's bubble butt made his balls tingle.

The entry was smoother than a few days ago, Wallace no doubt taking a small effort to get himself ready. Andy spread Wallace's ass so he could have a good look at his shaft sliding in slowly and smoothly, the hairy asshole quivering deliciously around his girth. Wallace let him control the slow speed until he was about halfway, and then the man suddenly bucked back, greedily fucking himself back on the rest of Andy in one go. He groaned from the sharp sting, but his cock throbbed heavily and drooled thick strings of precum onto the couch.

"Fuuuuckin A," Wallace panted. "I missed your cock up inside me, kiddo." Wallace flexed his hole a few times, smirking over his shoulder at the flushed look of concentration on the younger man's face.

Five minutes was suddenly looking a whole lot harder to Andy. The silky heat against his cock was even better than he remembered. He let go of Wallace's cheeks, letting them press heavily against his crotch, and grabbed the man's hips. He ground his teeth and set up an even pace, the barest slapping of their skin filling the cabin. Andy knew too slow or too fast would stimulate him too much.

"Look at that," Mark murmured from the side. "Young bull stud fuckin some prime ass. Go for it, son. Give him that boydick." He ran a calloused hand up and down Andy's flat stomach, marveling at the difference in size between Andy and Wallace's hips.

Sweat dripped down everyone's bodies as Andy fucked Wallace. The combined smell of musk and sex was already starting to overpower the mildewed must of the boat. Halfway through the time limit, Mark got up on the couch and stood straddling Wallace, smirking back at Andy with his ass in his face.

"Time for you to get me ready, slugger." He growled, squatting his tall body down so he was at the perfect height to feed the boy his ass. "I want that load up me ASAP, so you better hold it in."

Andy was breathing like he just ran a few miles, the load in his balls boiling with the need to get out. Experiencing Mark's ass first-hand might put him over the edge, but he was too much of an ass fiend to leave that big beefy Daddy butt unattended. He used both hands to cup the strong muscles of Mark's ass, bracing himself against the man's sturdy body so he could continue to rut his hips against Wallace.

The smell was heaven. More pungent than the sweat on his finger earlier, musky and raw without being dirty or unhygienic. Another happy sigh escaped Andy's lips as he let his face slowly sinky into the sweaty crack, feeling Mark's beefy cheeks swallow his whole face. He spread and released the ass cheeks, giving them a small motorboat and shivering at the feeling of getting his face covered in the Dad's ass sweat.

"Our boy really knows how to treat an ass." Mark sighed, grinding his butt back into Andy's face. Wallace moaned in agreement.

Andy gave Mark the same treatment he did to Wallace, getting it nice and wet and teasing it into relaxation. He didn't have much time left, and the hold he had on his load was tenuous at best. The salty tang of Mark's asshole was going straight to his cock, and every time the deeply wrinkled pucker winked on his tongue it sent a jolt down his spine.

Mark reached a hand back to pull Andy harder against his hole, growling and grunting as he pushed it out against the squirming tongue to get it further up inside his depths. They all lost track of time for a few minutes, but Mark at least kept his ten minute goal in mind. The boy's mouth on his hole was driving him crazy. He'd been feeling the itch for this for months, and far from scratching it, the talented tongue was just making him more horny for a big load.

"I need you, boy. I need that dick." Mark groaned at last, taking his ass away from Andy with a sticky pop.

He got on his knees next to Wallace, his elbows against the couch cushions and his shoulders squared. He looked like real ex-jock, the machismo and posture of a stud varsity star imprinted in him forever. Andy stayed buried deep in Wallace for a few more moments, indulging himself and reaching over to finger the dripping hole with two fingers.

"Holy shit, both of your asses are fuckin beyond hot." Andy panted, looking between the two perky bubbles of DILF beef.

Mark was almost vicious as he clamped down the invading fingers, giving the boy the rawest look of pure lust he'd ever seen.

"It's all yours, stud, just gimme that fuckin load. I need it bad. Now, boy!" He barked, reaching back to spread himself obscenely wide open.

The man's ability to stay dominant while exposing himself like a needy slut almost sent Andy over the edge, but he barely held on. He took himself slowly out of Wallace's ass, leaning down to give the gaping hole a quick kiss before he shuffled over to Mark. Wallace sighed and turned himself so he could sit on the couch, palming his cock as he looked at the other two with hooded eyes.

Andy had to ready himself not to blow at first contact. Mark's thick fingers, knuckles dusted with virile hair, dug into his thick ass as he pulled his cheeks as far apart as he could, totally opening up his musky crack to Andy's eyes and cock. The man's hole, settled deep in his crack, winked up at him, sticky squelches from spit and sweat every time it flexed closed before relaxing back, the pucker just barely gasping open.

Andy slapped his cock against it, letting Mark know he was about to push himself forward. Mark just arched his back more, pooching out his hole. An embarrassing whimper vibrated in Andy's throat as his flared head sunk into the clutching heat. Mark sounded like a horn was stuck in his chest, a deep sound of satisfaction thrumming through his body. The older man kept himself loose and relaxed, breathing deeply as Andy fed his cock to the hungry hole. Mark didn't buck himself back like Wallace had, but he never complained about constant slow pressure inward.

No one said a word until Andy's bush was pressed up against Mark's crack. Mark sighed heavily and slowly released his grip on his ass, bringing his arms back to the front to support himself. He rolled his hips around slowly a few times, testing the stretch of Andy's thick cock. He let himself clench down, both men moaning gently at the feeling of Mark's powerful ass muscles gripping Andy like a vice. As if in a trance, one of Mark's hands drifted over to Wallace's cock, grabbing it in a strong grip and giving it a few tugs, watching as the foreskin slipped wetly around the head.

"Breed your Dad. Do it fast and I'll let you clean me up afterwards." Mark growled before tugging Wallace towards him and sucking it down to the hilt in on.

Andy was stunned at the display for a moment, eyes alight as he watched Mark's handsome face suck down Wallace's big cock like it was nothing.

"You heard him, son." Wallace said, spreading his thighs and giving a blissful grin. "Breed him with that big dick, give him the fuckin load he needs. Give it to your Dad."

Andy nodded and moved his hips, pulling back against the grip on his cock before pushing back in. He started off slow, but Mark kept pushing his hips back forcefully and shaking his ass. He refused to get off of Wallace's cock, so the other man laughed and told Andy that it looked like the straight Dad wanted it harder.

Andy obliged. He kept fucking harder and faster until both him and Mark were shaking. The smack of Andy against Mark was loud, sharp, and wet. Andy's hands held onto the man's wide hips as he pulled himself forward over and over. Mark kept his ass perked up, and it started quivering once Andy got a fast pace going, the man twitching and moaning against Wallace's cock. The sight of the big strong Dad getting such strong pleasure from getting fucked by his cock finally tipped him over the edge.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, I'm gonna cum." Andy said, moving to pull out for one last stroke.

Mark instantly reached back and clamped a hand against Andy's tight ass, pulling him flush against his ass, giving him no chance to potentially let the cock pop out of his ass. Andy vented his pleasures with grunts and moans as his cock spasmed and shot off a mind-numbing load. It almost made his balls hurt how forcefully he pumped out jet after jet of thick cum up Mark's hole.

He moaned loudly as he felt Mark clench down powerfully, the muscles of his ass squeezing over and over as Mark blew his own hefty load onto the wooden base of the couch. The rippling pressure milked even more cum out of Andy, the boy going lightheaded as he rode out the overwhelming waves of his orgasm.

With Mark grunting and braying loudly with his cock in his mouth, Wallace signaled his own impending orgasm to give the other man time to decide if he wanted to swallow or not. Mark withdrew the cock from his throat with a cough, filling the cabin with his loud vocalizations. Wallace only had to stroke his cock twice before his own load shot out, painting Mark's rugged face with thick pearly streaks.

All three men sagged in place at the same time, shaking from the aftershocks of orgasm. Mark's hole kept gently flexing around Andy's cock, not enough to keep him hard but enough to make him moan and whimper as he slumped against Mark's flushed back. Even as his cock softened, it stayed inside of Mark's tight hole.

The pressing need of his full balls gone, Andy wasn't sure what to do next. He kind of wanted to lay down and give his muscles a break, but he was also promised some cleanup duties if he did well and that was an alluring thought.

"You sure give good dick, boy." Mark rumbled, finally moving and stretching out his body in place. "Fuck, you really blew a big load, didn't you bull boy?"

He reached back to gently guide Andy's cock out of his stretched hole, hissing in pleasure as the head popped out wetly. He clenched down immediately, wanting to keep the big load inside of him for as long as possible. He gingerly turned around and sat himself down on the couch, stretching his legs out and sinking back into the cushions.

Next: Chapter 3

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