Because of Color Guard

By Dan Dufresne

Published on Apr 19, 2007


Disclaimer: So you know the deal right. This is my story there is no duplication with out my permission don't read this if you underage. Contains homoerotic situation don't read if you're going to be offended, names of characters and places are coincidental actual this is the beefed up version of my life I changed the names of everything so no one would get hurt and for privacy.

Part I. The Exposition (this actually is quite boring but thought it necessary to introduce the character in this way so you understand him, the flow of time is weird, it's him telling a story, just try to follow along, if you want to get to the juicy stuff you can skip part one and scroll down to "Part II. UGH! Men! Can't live with them can't live without them!")

High School was very easy for me. Maybe it was because my high school didn't have all the stereotypical cliques that you saw in movies. Or maybe it was because I was in Marching Band, which in my school was the coolest organization to be a part. No really I'm not kidding! The Marching Band was the most successful organization of the school, yet they still gave all the funding to the football team. Anyway there was no such thing as a band geek at my school, if there was I was the biggest one! I played an instrument (the bass clarinet) I was part of the Color Guard during the Marching Band season and the in the Winter Guard season. Then I was part of the Pit Orchestra for the Spring Musical at my school, my band class held two concerts, one in the winter and on the spring. Later on I would try out for the Area Band, but we'll get to that later. Should I go on...I think I've proved my dedication to my schools Fine Arts Program. I also aimed to become a High School Music Teacher, and direct an award winning program like the one I was involved in.

Now back to High School. It was easy. I never did much, always passed, and teachers loved me. Everything came easy in life for me. I lived in the town of Rushing Springs it was a very diverse city. Most of the town was Jewish; there was a Synagogue every 15 yards. There were also Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians, and Indian; if there was a culture we had it! It wasn't only diverse ethnically, but culturally as well. Gays and lesbians were well welcomed in out town, tolerance was very high, but of course you always had a bad seed or two.

I was a pretty ok looking young buck at least I thought so. 5' 6" dark hair, deep green eyes, I had a very tiny build, sort of like a swimmer but tinier, I would remain looking like this puberty came and gone as I see it and really didn't bless me that much. I was only 14 at the start of my sophomore year in high school; my birthday was on October 15 that's when I would turn 15. I just moved to the town that November, and I hated it! I like my old town and old friends, and I was leaving my boyfriend, with whom I had my first real relationship, sure it lasted only two months, but I really like him, and I didn't even get to have sex with him yet. I knew that when I moved I would never see him again. I wasn't even able to get a goodbye from him because he was away for a week. So of course I began my search for a new man to enter my life. On my first day of my new school I saw signs for a Winter Guard. I was interested so I checked it out, they were having their first meeting that night at the Community Center, I'd have to get it past my mom...she had no objection when I talked to her later about it.

I got to the rehearsal and noticed the lack of male bodies. I know this is a sport art for mostly females but I was hoping for a guy friend or two. Upon further inspection I found that there were two guys. One was quite undesirable, his name was Chuck. He was short chubby wore huge glasses, his voice cut through glass, you know the yapping voice that you ALWAYS hear in a conversation and it just won't STOP! I didn't even want to know if he was gay or not because it wasn't going to happen. Next was Bastian he was pretty ok. He was tall brown hair, blue eyes, slim but it looked like he worked out just a little, or played some sports. I decided to begin to observe him and took a note in the back of my mind. We rehearsed all night...there was no denying it our guard instructor was gay, I was trying to figure out if the other one was a lesbian, you could see she had a nipple ring and she was very butch and bossy despite her petite figure. Notes for later. I made lots of new friends that night which was good. Sophomore year went off with out a hitch I enjoyed myself thoroughly and I LOVE my new school and town. I never thought that I would say that but I did. Came to find out neither Chuck nor Bastian were gay. Chuck quit before the competition season started he was a smoker and couldn't hack it. And Bastian quit in the middle of the season. He was afraid of all the stereotypes of guys in guard, his own father accused him of being gay so he left to prove that he wasn't. I was the only boy in the guard that season. I didn't care what people said I was gay (even though I wasn't out at the time) and you can say what you want. I tend to ignore stupid people...they waste my time.

Part II. UGH! Men! Can't live with them can't live without them! (The juicy part you probably skipped to because you're a horny hard feelings...thanks for reading anyway!)

This summer was going to be my first Marching Band season. I was now a rising Junior and proud. I already got to know most of the people in the band and there were a lot of hot guys that I would mind doing the nasty nasty with. In particular was the Junior Drum Major James Krasner. He was a very hot Pilipino boy, no one else could pull off the tall dark and handsome like him well at the time anyway. And he was so sweet, always dressed for school, he said he enjoyed dressing up. He also wanted to become a music teacher so maybe we would be working more closely in the future. Anyway I decided not to try anything with anyone until I got to Band Camp, because EVERYTHING happens at Band Camp. (For those who have seen American Pie Band Camp well almost everything is accurate...the only thing we don't have are bagpipes...If you haven't seen it shut off you computer right now and go rent it cause it's a much see....I promise you'll love it...You see Stifler's little brother's balls and ass, and one of his friends fuck an oboe!)

This was my first Band Camp and I was going to make it an enjoyable one too! The bus ride there wasn't too long, only long enough to get to 20 bottles of beer on the wall out of 99. When we arrived there was the Band Camp smell that everyone talked about it wasn't all that pleasant. We moved into our cabins for the week...None of the boys in my room I wanted...oh well whatever. I made sure I knew where David's bunk was. We rehearsed all day had dinner rehearsed after dinner and finally dismissed at 9:00. Well the Color Guard at 8:30 cause we were awesome (and the instructor knew how long the lines get for the showers. I was the only boy so I didn't have to rush, but the girls had to fight amongst themselves. I took my time in the shower waiting for other boys to enter. HEY! Don't judge me I wanted a peep show. What else do you expect from a 15 year horny teen! Well the first to enter were the rowdiest it had the be the boys of the Drum Line. All of them were really hott. Justin Lynch was also Pilipino, he was real short like his sister who at the time was Senior Drum Major, dark hair dark eyes defined body, he played ultimate Frisbee he was a Junior also. There was David Hope, he was a super sexy black boy, now maybe he could compete for tall dark and handsome. He had short could tell that he worked out large mounds for pecs six pack abs, biceps, triceps, quadriceps, any other ceps you could think of! And was he packing a huge bulge that day! I don't think he was wearing underwear I would have serviced him right there if he was so preoccupied in brushing his teeth. There was Ryan Handler, he could be a blonde pretty boy if it weren't for his attitude. Petite like I was he had blonde hair down to his neck, and very pale skin, which would be fixed shortly as he would be spending the next week out in the sun. Those two were also Junior as was the next who was Huang Wouk (we all called him Jake his catholic name). He was Korean messy black hair he also played Frisbee but want as thin as Justin, only a little fat was on his stomach and that all, the rest of him was Asian goodness. Finally there was Michael Brown, tall white and handsome...he was a senior and Captain of the drum line. He was a god among mortals. Dirty blond hair super sexy body not as much as David but close...what made him so much better was that he was a was just so HOTT!!!

Now you know the hotties of the band that every girl wanted to bang. I left the bathroom for my cabin where I lay for several hours. Now the drum line somehow got a cabin for themselves and I was curious as to what they were up to. I was in no danger as cabin wars were two nights away, or that's how it was planned. I was outside of their cabin in just my pajama bottoms (No I do not wear underwear when I sleep). Now I have to take a quick detour from the story to esplain the setup of the cabins so you understand better. In on cabin there are 4 rooms. 2 rooms on the sides of equal sides that have 8 beds each and 2 rooms in the center in the back is another bedroom with 4 beds and in the front is a living room with couches and stuff not too fancy just a place to sit and relax. All the beds are bunk style so 8 beds mean 4 posts with 2 beds atop each other. There are three doors to each cabin 1 for each of the side rooms and one for the center to get to the bedroom in the back you have to walk through the living room. All the rooms are connected inside with open doorways, no doors, only the girls were blessed with curtains, not that the boys wanted them or anything...also we had no ceiling a roof but no ceiling, we had rafter so you could stand on the top bunk and see into all the rooms from there since the wall didn't meet at the top. Again the girls had ceilings but we didn't care anyway.

So back the main story. I knew all the boys were staying in the room to the far right facing the cabin. So I figured to make the least amount of noise I'll enter through the left entrance and go though the doorways. However there was someone in the living room. I crouched on the bottom bunk of the bed nearest me and peered into the living room, hoping the bed wouldn't creak. And in the darkness I saw Micheal jacking off on the sofa...He was facing me as to not show himself to any of his friends in case they walked in he could try to cover. His head was thrown back so he couldn't see me. I pulled back took a deep breathe to try and relax my body as I was getting hott from watching him and my cock was hardening. I wasn't wearing underwear so it would look even worse. I look back around and found him staring right at me! "Damn", I said loud enough for only both of us. He didn't seem all that mad anyway. He promptly stopped jacking off and looked at me almost as if inviting me to come over, I though I saw him buck his hips toward me a couple of time, but that might have been my imagination. I got up and started walking toward him. Almost as if by instinct I began got down on my knees and placed my hands on his cock. It was an average size 6 1/2 inches but pretty thick. I began to jack him off with two hands, which he responded with a sigh. I moved my head forward and like the heard of his cut cock, I got a whimper from him this time. I continued to like his head while jacking him off. He grew bored of this even though it sounded like he was enjoying this he wanted more! He moved my hands and grabbed my head gently ever so gently and lightly pushed my head toward the head of his pulsating member, I obliged and took it into my warm mouth. This time he moaned loudly that I was worried he would wake up his friend in the next room WHICH HAD NO DOOR!!! I began to suck his cock despite my wish that he shut up...I took his whole dick into my hot mouth down to the bush when I was deep-throat him I though he would wake the whole gosh darn camp! Apparently he knew my name because he kept screaming SCOTT DON'T STOP!!! And moaning at the top of his lungs! So I didn't...I wanted to taste this hotties warm spunk in my mouth. I knew he was coming soon, he began to buck his hips, he put his head on the back of my head and basically face fucked me because I really didn't do anything. He was reduced to a gibbering idiot with cries of, "OH OH OH AHA AH!!!" I loved every minute of it! He managed a "CUMMING" and tried to pull out but I hung on tight, the first and second load I swallowed the next 4 I wanted on my face, I just love a good facial, so I pulled off and let him spew all over my eyes, my nose, my chin, my mouth, at this point I had just released a load of my own watching the face he had on it was pure ecstasy! Not a sound came out of his mouth he just held his breathe and when he was done let out a huge sigh, then he slumped down into the couch as he released his weight. I got up my pants were really wet and sticky as I had spewed my own load watching orgasm. Then he said suddenly, "Did you get all that?" I looked up and saw all the boys from the drum line smiling nodding and Justin had a camera in his hand. "That was fucking unbelievable!" exclaimed Michael. Davie yelled, "I want some of that next!" Then the boys starting arguing as to who I would suck next! I had to stop this before it got out of control! "Sorry boys, I'm turning in for the night, but talk to me tomorrow and we will see what we can do." And with that I left the cabin hopeful of what tomorrow was going to bring.

So how do you like it so far?...Email me comments and suggestions. I'm a very friendly person. I also have a really old story it's in the High School section it's previous to 2004 so you have to click that's called Scott's-Loves (you can hit ctrl+f and type scott till you find the title of my story...happy hunting)

Next: Chapter 2

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