Becoming a Model Patient

By Jeff B

Published on Oct 20, 2009




Hi guys, this is my first time writing a story and I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. All characters contained within are entirely fictional; any similarity to any real or fictional person living or deceased is totally unintentional. Do not read this story if you do not enjoy reading about consensual sexual activities of an exhibitionist nature. Otherwise read on......


My story starts approximately 20 years from now in the UK, when following decisions made by successive governments the NHS as we know and love is all but dead and forgotten. The only medical treatment available is either personally financed or through corporate insurance. If you are in employment or wealthy then the treatment received is excellent but for the common person (like me) it is virtually non-existent. One side effect of these changes was that the medical industry was wealthy and attracted a great many students wanting to get foothold on the career ladder and so Universities were expanding rapidly to cash in on the available money and cope with the demands placed on them.

Fortunately for me, although I am now thirty years old, I have always been healthy. So until now I have never had to seek the services of the medical profession. Since leaving school with good qualifications I have been continuously employed and enjoyed the style of living that comes with good wages, for example my own home, regular holidays abroad, my own home, nice clothes, gym membership & a personal trainer to keep me as young and fit as possible (holding back the years I guess you might say). However that abruptly came to an end six months ago when my employer made me redundant. I was left with only just enough money to keep the roof over my head and food on the table but no medical cover which I found disconcerting.

So began my long search for a new job, and I'm elated to say that with this morning's post came an offer of a post from a rival of my former employer (ironic eh?). I am so happy, I almost overlooked the fact that the job is subject to references (no problem there) and a mandatory medical (should be okay, not aware of any problems).

Well, here I go, off to my new job, washed and brushed and looking damned smart I don't mind saying. It's been a long time since I had worn a business suit and I felt good! Into the main lobby I confidently strode and handed my temporary security pass to the guard standing in the main foyer. He glanced at it and waived me to the chic looking receptionist by the main lift. She was at least more welcoming and explained that I was expected and an appointment had been made for me to see the company medical officer and that I should proceed directly to his office on the fourteenth floor. Pleasantly surprised by the organisation displayed so far I felt that I had made the right choice by accepting this new job although it wasn't as well paid as my previous one, but then beggars can't be choosers.

Arriving on the fourteenth floor, I turned left and walked along the corridor, casually looking in through open doors into plushly decorated meeting rooms but otherwise empty of staff. Shortly I arrived at the door I was seeking; it had the name "Dr. Baxter-Hendrick" on it. I knocked on the door to be greeted with a gruff "Come in please".

The voice belonged to a regular looking man, mid-fifties, average build and height, brown hair and blue eyes which twinkled with humour. "Ah, you must be Joseph Ashram. Please close the door, take a seat and make yourself comfortable. According to my notes you start today with this company, subject to this medical, which I am sure, looking at you will not be a problem." I smiled and I said I hope so as I need all the money I can get, to which he laughed.

He was calm and confident as he explained what the medical would consist of, first the standard question and answer section, then secondly the physical examination before writing up the report. The questions were of no great concern i.e. previous medical history, family medical history, next of kin, exercise regimes, hobbies etc. Each answer I gave him he faithfully noted down before looking me in the eye and asking the next question. Finally he put his pen down and said that we were now ready for the physical examination, which I must admit, I was slightly nervous about.

He asked me to remove my clothing keeping only my boxer shorts on and to sit on the couch. I did so and as I stripped I neatly folded my clothes neatly on my chair before sitting on the couch as instructed. My blood pressure, pulse, breathing and reflexes were measured and found to be perfectly normal. As the doctor wrote the readings down he absentmindedly asked me to remove my boxer shorts and stand by the couch. I choked and asked him why. Frowning he said that there were still more tests to be carried out which required me to be naked, without which he could not complete the medical.

With a sigh I slipped my fingers into the waistband and pulled my boxers down, stepped out of them and put them with the rest of my clothing. I stood in front of him, naked and feeling a little awkward but rather turned on by the idea of what was to come. He stood in front of me and gently cupped my balls in one hand, asked me to cough and then felt them for any abnormalities. After a couple of minutes he pronounced them fine, by which time my cock was almost standing to attention. I'm sure a saw a trace of a smile as he carried on writing his notes. Just as I was beginning to get restless he looked up and asked me to turn round and bend over the couch. I guessed what was coming, sure enough after a brief explanation I felt a greased finger touch my anus and gently push its way in until it could go no further and then started to feel around until it found my prostate. I must admit I groaned at that point, the finger stopped moving and withdrew. The doctor told me to stand up and again confirmed that everything appeared fine. One final test remained to be done, his tone was rather apologetic. He wished to see me walking to see if I had any back, knee or hip problems. Unfortunately his walking machine was out of action so he would need me to walk up the corridor and back so he could get an accurate picture of my gait.

I went to say no way, but the look on his face reminded me that I still needed to have the medical successfully completed in order to keep my job. The doctor assured me that it would be very quick and no one would see me, so reluctantly I walked to the door and opened it peering round the corner to see if anyone was around. Thankfully no one was. He told me to walk casually to the lift door and back. I did so, with face burning in embarrassment and was immensely relieved to get back to the safety of the doctor's office. I was told that I could put my clothes back on and that I had successfully passed the company medical. I was now a fully fledged member of the company and the report would be given to my line manager by the end of the week.


As I got up to leave the doctor asked me to wait a minute, he had something to give me which I night find of interest. My curiosity was aroused especially when I was handed an envelope with my name on it but he instructed me not to open it until I got home. He assured me it was absolutely genuine, his contact details were included inside so that I could call him to discuss the contents without needing to use the official channels.

My first day at work felt like the longest day of my life, the work was boring but most of all my mind kept coming back to what might be in the envelope. My imagination ran wild and I came very close to opening the envelope in the company toilets but I managed to resist until I got home before tearing the envelope open.

I sat at my kitchen table with my mouth agape; I could not believe what I was reading. It was an advert and this is what the advert said:

"Are you outgoing, open minded, friendly, approachable, available at short notice and in need of extra cash? If so a career in medical modelling might be for you. Please call Dr. Baxter-Hendrick for further details and an application pack. What are you waiting for?"

Well I started to laugh, it wasn't what I had imagined it to be but boy was I interested! I called the number on the advert and left a message on the doctor's voicemail asking for an application pack and further information to be sent to me. I was grateful that I didn't speak to him directly as I might just have changed my mind.

Two days later I received the package and it looked all very corporate and professional. The job advertised would be based at the local medical university and the successful applicant would help the tutors with their lectures in various ways, mainly as a model but also in a practical way. The initial contract would be for seven weeks but if after this initial period both parties were satisfied with the arrangement then the contract would be made permanent. In view of the sensitive nature of the role and that the university was being very particular when seeking the right candidate intensive interviews would be held followed by a medical examination before the appointment could be confirmed. It emphasised that the salary was very generous and that an incentive scheme existed for successful completion of the contract. Not only that but lifelong free medical cover was also offered.

I decided I had nothing to lose, certainly not the job I currently had which was extremely boring and one I was already growing to hate. This university post sounded much more interesting so I wasted no time in completing the application form and posted it back the next day.

Oh how that week dragged, until the day I finally received the reply I had been hoping for, "Yes" I shouted. My application had been accepted and that I was being invited for an interview that weekend at the university. It said I should bring an overnight bag in case the interview overran on the Saturday and that the medical would be held on Sunday. If successful I would be starting on the following Monday. Wow that was fast moving I thought. I called Dr. Baxter-Hendrick to accept the invitation for interview.

Saturday morning arrived; I was like a cat on a hot tin roof! I packed, unpacked and repacked my overnight bag -- how stupid, it was only an interview however well paid and interesting it might sound. Finally it was time to leave, my taxi had arrived, I slammed the front door shut and briskly strode to the waiting car. We arrived at the university early giving me plenty of time to explore the campus and get a feel for the place and the students within. I fell in love with the place and felt at home straight away, making me that much more eager to pass the interview, I couldn't bear the thought of walking away and going back to my dull job, ugh!!

With butterflies in my stomach I approached main reception and told the receptionist that I had an interview with Dr. Baxter-Hendrick at 2.30pm. Ah yes, was the reply, that would be over in the main lecture theatre and I was given a visitors badge and directions on how to find it. Following the directions carefully (the campus is huge) I found the building; a very impressive modernist building covered in polished steel and mirrored glass. I was surprised to find controlled access on the front door, but in these days of terrorism I guess you can't be too careful. However on my approach the doors opened and a familiar face greeted me, Dr. Baxter-Hendrick; he smiled warmly and beckoned me in.

He made small talk as he led me to the main staircase and we started to climb. I was slightly out of breath by the time we got to the top floor but Adam (as he insisted on being called) carried on talking without a pause. Laughing when he noticed my heavy breathing he promised this would be a thing of the past with all the facilities they have available, assuming of course I passed the interview. At the top of the stairs was a door with a "staff only" sign again with controlled access. Inside was a large open plan room which seemed to occupy the whole of the top floor. To my left was an area containing the usual office type furniture e.g. desks, computers etc. To my right was a lounge area with large leather sofas where two suited men were sitting chatting and casually observing my entrance. What caught my attention was straight in front of me; I can only describe it as being a pseudo consultation room with a wet room adjacent, but again all open plan.

Before I could think any more about it Adam called the two men over and introduced me to them as Dr. Peter Miller (Head of Human Resources) and Dr Tom Wallis (Head of Student Services), they would be interviewing me in conjunction with Adam (Medical Advisor to the University). With the preliminaries over we walked over to a large oval table, me one side and the three doctors on the other side and the interview began.

The position of "model patient" had arisen due to the expansion of the teaching faculty and its increasing success academically. However it was becoming a victim of its own success and the university was finding that its students were lacking practical experience and intimate hands on "knowledge" so they needed a person who would be able to facilitate the gaining of this valuable experience and knowledge. Adam had been tasked with finding suitable candidates and I had been shortlisted, there were five others also being considered (so I still had to impress them).

Over the next two hours I was quizzed by all three of them assessing how I responded to possible situations, personalities and what would be expected of me along with the usual personal history questions. I must have ticked the right boxes because by the end of the interview all three seemed satisfied and were happy to announce that I had passed the initial interview. We had a short relief break, then I was informed that the compulsory medical examination would commence now as we had made good progress and they saw no reason to delay further.


I was warned that it would be intensive, possibly embarrassing but essential to assess if I would be right for the position. I was free to refuse any part of the examination but it would of course disqualify my application (which I was not going to do at any cost).

Having done well during the interview, I felt confident that I could pass the next part with ease. Ignorance is bliss as they say! I was led over to the consultation area and was asked to strip down to my boxer shorts; Tom thoughtfully placed my folded clothes neatly on to one of the sofas. Peter and Tom sat down on two nearby chairs while Adam carried out the medical. Then while standing in front of the two men Adam carefully measured my physical statistics e.g. height, weight, muscle definition, fat levels, lymph glands and nerve responses etc. Peter then instructed me to remove my boxers, which I did without hesitation, having had to do so in my previous examination.

Stepping over to a nearby desk, Adam opened a drawer and pulled out a metal bowl, a spoon and two glass screw top jars. He placed the bowl and one jar down on the desk top, then turning round with one jar and lid in his hands he asked me to provide a urine sample for him. "What, right now?" I asked. Yes, please if you will. Well it took some concentration, but I managed to squeeze out half a jar for him, I wished that I had left a little in reserve when I'd had my relief break earlier on. The picking up the bowl, spoon and other jar he informed me he needed a stool sample. I went white, stammering "s-s-s-sorry, stool sample, w-w-why?" Adam's tone hardened and explained that they needed the sample to ensure that I wasn't harbouring any nasty bugs and the urine was to check that my kidneys etc were working fine. "Now, it's quite simple, all you need to do is squat down over this bowl, release a stool and that's all. So, come here and let's get on with it." Reluctantly I walked over to where he'd gestured, squatted down and tried to relax sufficiently to release a stool. I was so self-conscious with three pairs of eyes watching me all the time. Finally a chunk hit the pan, Adam said that was sufficient and gestured for me to stand again handing me some tissue to wipe myself clean before disposing of it into the bin. Adam then palpated my balls checking for lumps and any abnormalities.

Seemingly satisfied with their findings they retreated to the interview area to write up their findings. Feeling somewhat at a loose end I sat down on the couch while I waited for whatever was to follow. When they eventually returned Adam asked me to follow them to the wet area where they would explain the next stage of the examination. They apparently needed to carry out an internal examination, okay I can cope with a finger up my hole but why in the wet area, why not simply on the couch?

Seeing the puzzlement on my face Adam explained they had to be certain that I was in good physical both externally and internally, which required me to be "cleaned out". As my confused look was still evident Adam offered to help me with this task, which in my naivety I accepted with thanks. Adam led me over to the shower area having picked up a pot of Vaseline on the way. I could see a second shower hose with what appeared to be a butt plug attached to the end and became a little concerned when he picked it and started greasing it up. He explained that it had a hole at the tip through which tepid water could flow and demonstrated this fact by turning the tap on and once adjusted to a comfortable temperature poured some over my hands.

Then he asked me to kneel down on all fours and to put my head on the floor, as a result my bum was raised and my hole felt very exposed! I heard him say relax and to follow his instructions, with that I felt the tip of the plug touch my anus and gently push into me. As it got to the widest point I began to feel the strain and started to flush red all over. Adam assured me that it was almost in and with that it sank past my ring which then gripped it tightly. Oddly it felt really good; being the first time any object larger than a finger had been up my arse. However the pleasant feeling didn't last long as the water flowing into me was making me feel very bloated. After what seemed an eternity Adam asked me to scoot over to the toilet, gently removed the plug and invited me to release to contents, I needed no second asking, a forceful jet of faeces and water filled the pan until no more came out. This whole process was repeated another three times until Adam declared he was satisfied with the cleaning out.

Tom and Peter congratulated me on being so laid back with what was obviously a first for me. The three men indicated that I should join them in the consultation area and climb up onto the couch, again taking a position on all fours facing away from them. I heard the quiet snapping of rubber gloves being put on and guessed what was coming next. Sure enough, out the corner of my eye I saw Adam approach with a tube of KY lubing up his fingers. He again asked me to relax, this time they were going to be assessing the elasticity of my anus, why I don't know but I wasn't exactly in a position to question him. I felt a finger gently slide in, this time it was easier as I was more relaxed and had had it done before. It was withdrawn and then a second finger slid in beside it, not quite so easily but not uncomfortable either. They were withdrawn and then three fingers tried to gain entry. In they went but I was squirming with discomfort. Adam thanked me for my patience and asked Peter and Tom to join him as he thought he might have encountered a problem. Oh shit I thought I can't fail now, not when I was so close and had to endure the intrusions that I had. I was about to ask what was up when I felt Tom's fingers slide into me, his fingers must have been slimmer than Adam's because his three fingers felt okay but when he tried four I could relax no further. "Mmm" was his only comment. Then it was Peter's turn and his fingers were like sausages, I could only take two of his. I was asked to sit back down on the couch whilst they discussed their findings. When they returned Adam was carrying what appeared to be a long flexible torch, he asked me to lay on my side in a foetal position and then with Peter and Tom intently watching it was smoothly slid up my arse until Adams fingers were touching my hole, that had to be a whole 18 inches of tubing up my arse! Crikey! Whatever they were looking for they seemed satisfied. The torch was withdrawn and I was offered a towel to wipe myself clean. Time for a coffee break they declared.

I followed them over to the lounge area, still naked, and drank coffee and making small talk as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. Finally it was back to business and I was led back to the interview area where I was informed the interview and assessments were over.


Peter smiled at me and said that he was pleased to announce that I had successfully passed both the interview and the assessments. He went on to say how impressed the three of them were with how I had behaved during what must have been a very gruelling interview and assessment process. They would like to offer me the position of "Model Patient" providing of course I still wanted the job and that I am happy to sign the contract they had drawn up. I beamed with pride at the compliments and replied that while, yes it was the first time I had experienced the various activities it certainly hadn't put me off from applying for the job, if anything I was even more determined to be successful in the role considering what I had been through to get it!

Peter reached into a draw and pulled out a folder containing the contract, job specification and salary details and pushed them over to me inviting me to read them carefully before signing the contract.

Turning to the salary page I stifled a broad grin at what I read:

1st week - £100 per day

2nd week - £120 per day

3rd week - £140 per day

4th week - £160 per day

5th week - £180 per day

6th week - £200 per day

7th week - £220 per day

Successful completion of the initial seven weeks will result in a 50% bonus being paid.

Wow, I thought that would be a total of £8,400 cash in hand. Where else could I earn so much money so quickly and it would be totally legal?

Reading on:

After the successful completion of the initial seven weeks and it is mutually agreeable the contract will be made permanent and free life-time medical cover will commence. The annual salary will be £57,200 tax-free and paid in cash on a monthly basis.

I cleared my throat and confirmed that the salary was most agreeable to me. I then went on to read the job profile.

Job Title -- Model Patient

Reports to -- Tom Wallis (Head of Student Services)

Main Role -- Assist lecturers in promoting and facilitating the gaining of practical experience and intimate hands on "knowledge" of all medical students enrolled at the University.

I thought this sounded rather vague and queried this with Tom. He replied that it was deliberately left like this because it was a new venture so the role would evolve with time, not only that but it would give the model greater flexibility when helping in lectures and at other times. That sounded fair enough to me.

I then started to read the contract's terms and conditions:

  1. Whenever the employee is on campus he is obliged to comply with all requests made of him by senior management including lecturers. In return no request will be made which will incur permanent physical harm.

  2. The employee will treat staff and students with respect at all times, in return he will be treated with all due respect afforded to members of staff.

  3. During lectures and other teaching scenarios the employee is obliged to comply with all reasonable requests made by students providing it does not contravene terms 1 & 2.

  4. The employee shall maintain a professional attitude at all times to facilitate the increased learning of the students and success of the University as a seat of medical excellence.

  5. The employee agrees not to divulge any information to the public unless expressly permitted by the University.

  6. The employee has free access to any part of the University and use of its facilities to assist with terms 1 -- 4.

  7. During the initial period the employee will undergo a medical at the end of every week. Once a permanent contract has been attained the medical will occur on a monthly basis.

I couldn't see anything which caused me concern so I happily signed both copies of the contract. One was for me and the other was kept by Peter. All three men warmly congratulated me and welcomed me on board as a new recruit. It was only when I stood up to shake their hands did I realise that I was still naked! I laughed and said I guess I should get dressed now; Tom smiled and agreed before adding that it was great to see that I was relaxed and comfortable in my natural state especially as I had such a good physique. I blushed and walked over to where my clothes lay folded and started to dress.

Peter came over and shook my hand again, said it was a pleasure to have met me and wished me every success for the future. Tom came over too and gave me a joining pack which gave me further instructions for the first day and that he looked forward to meeting me again on Monday.

With that Adam led me out of the building and off campus before confirming that he would be overseeing my medicals mentioned in the contract. I found this reassuring as I had come to trust him and feel comfortable with his calm authority.

I spent the rest of the weekend enjoying the spare time and preparing myself for my new job next week.


Monday morning came all too quickly and before I knew it I was walking through the campus back to the lecture complex where I had been interviewed two days ago. I walked straight past the security desk waiving my temporary staff pass and waited where instructed in the main concourse. Within five minutes I was joined by three other guys who I discovered had also applied for the job and also been successful passed their interviews. We made small talk for a few minutes before Tom joined us and led us into a large meeting room on the first floor overlooking. Once inside Tom closed the door behind us, told us to make ourselves comfortable and help ourselves to tea and coffee etc.

To break the ice we introduced ourselves and gave a brief resume about ourselves and our aspirations for the future as a model patient. First to introduce himself was Ethan, a slim clean shaven blonde guy in his early twenties. He had just graduated from university himself and was trying to pay his student loan off as quickly as possible. Next was Marc, a black guy, early forties, heavy set, close cropped hair with a goatee. Like me he had recently been made redundant and desperately needed the money to pay the mortgage and finance his children's education. Then came Tang, a petite Chinese guy around about the same age as myself who had simply applied for the job because he thought it sounded interesting. Lastly I introduced myself.

Tom asked us if we had familiarised ourselves with the information pack he had given us, we all nodded that we had done so. Did we have any questions? No? Okay then we'll begin with a tour of the campus and the facilities available to you as staff. After the tour we'll be meeting the media team who take all the photographs and videos for the team. Then you'll break for lunch before meeting with the media team again so that the course and publicity photographs can be taken.

Wow I thought, no hanging around eh? Jump straight in, why don't we? I'm not complaining though, at least there's no time to get nervous.

Tom's guide of the campus was actually very informative and he was really quite a funny guy, putting us at ease with little effort. By the end of the tour we felt that the five of us had been best buddies all our lives. It was probably late morning before we walked back into the meeting room; waiting for us was a group of nine men and women. The leader of the group was a middle aged lady called Fiona who headed up the media team; she introduced the rest of the group. They were by and large final year students at the neighbouring Art College who were looking to gain valuable experience in a realistic working environment. Ah I thought to myself, now I know why they look so young to me! Tom reassured us that they were highly professional and subject to the same respect and privacy clauses that we were because they would be with us all the way, so to speak. They seemed a friendly bunch and I thought we would all get along just fine.

At lunch time we (the models) walked over to the canteen to have our lunch having been asked to return an hour later, this time we were to reconvene on the top floor in the main staff room (where I'd been interviewed on the Saturday). We chatted away, curious and excited about the afternoon, wondering what would be involved and were we to become famous film stars?! All too soon we made our way back to the lecture complex and walked up to the top floor and pushed the door open.

Well, I didn't recognise the place. It had been transformed into a photographic studio, although the consultation and wet areas remained the same. Seeing our surprised expressions Brenda laughed and said we'd get used to the place, nothing stays the same from day to another!! She explained the first photo session would be as a group and then as solos wearing the University uniform (black trainers, black jeans, black polo shirt with the university logo on the left breast) in formal and informal poses. This was easy enough and the camera guys were a laugh and it passed all too quickly. Then we were asked to change into sports clothing which had been provided for us, again group and solo photos were taken. Finally, when we were just beginning to get bored with all the posing and we thought that must be it, Brenda wandered over and asked us to remove our clothing because they needed nude shots of us (I gulped) but before we could say anything she assured us it would be done very tastefully as this was for publicity, not pornography! Well, we all glanced at one another, none of us wanting to appear to be the reluctant one, so we quickly stripped and started posing for the camera again.

When she was satisfied that she had enough material for her purposes, she said we could dress into the gym gear again and that the next shoot would take place in the gymnasium across the campus. Walking across the campus I felt like a star, with the film crew in tow following the four of us and Brenda, students stopped and stared for a moment before carrying on again. Brenda explained on route that she wanted the four of us to use the all of gym equipment in turn so that a video could be recorded and photos taken. If we thought we'd have the place to ourselves, we were very much mistaken, the gym was in normal use and we had to suffer the curious gazes of the other occupants. After a while I grew accustomed to their staring and took no notice of it. By the time I completed the whole circuit I was exhausted and sweating profusely, when I commented on it I was told, "don't worry, it all adds to the realism of the film". When we had all completed the circuits, Brenda gave us all pats on the back and congratulated for being `naturals'. "Right then, time to get showered" she said, following us as we made our way to the shower area. There was a large sign at the entrance:

WARNING: Filming will be taking place here at various times throughout the day, only use these facilities if you are willing to appear within the footage.

Brenda instructed us to enter, strip naked chatting all the while, as a group walk into the showers and wash as you would normally do. No horseplay was to happen and we should interact as little as possible with anyone else in there. Once washing & rinsing is finished we were return towel dry and put on the clothes that would be provided. I was beginning to enjoy myself, exposing my body (which I'd always been quite proud of) to anyone who happened to want look at it. Surprisingly, despite the notice -- or perhaps because of it, the changing room and showers were busy, with many guys busy trying to watch without appearing to do so. However we managed to do the filming in one shoot and obeying all of Brenda's directions. The clothing we found on our return to the changing room were smart suits with shirt and ties, again all in the University's colours. We looked damned smart by the time we had finished dressing. Brenda told us we were to walk as a casual group starting at the main entrance to the campus all the way to the Lecture Complex, to enter, walk up to the security desk and that would be the end of the filming for that day. It was getting late and we were getting tired, so although it was a relatively simple task it took three takes to get the right casual ambience to the film. Finally we were finished and escorted up to the staff room on the top floor where we were met by Peter and Tom.

They praised us for the patience we displayed today in what can be a frustrating task satisfying demanding media staff and the willingness to comply with all requests made of us. If we continued to maintain this attitude we would all succeed in passing the initial contract period. We beamed with pride. Tom asked if we had any questions at this stage, when we didn't come up with any, they thanked us again and said they would see us tomorrow when we would get to meet the students and start working for real. I said goodnight to Ethan, Marc and Tang before making my way home feeling mentally exhausted.


Tuesday morning and our team of four were bouncing with anticipation by the time we walked into the staff room, as expected Tom was waiting for us with a cheerful smile ready to outline our day ahead. Most of the day would be spent touring the campus going into all forty classes where our services will be provided. We will be introducing ourselves to the students with Tom outlining the role we would be playing in promoting their education. Sounded easy enough, although I felt nervous about having to talk about myself to a classroom full of students, not just once but forty times! Then if there was any spare time left we were free to use the gym if we wished to do so. Later on it would become a requirement that we regularly attended the gym.

After the first couple of classes we got into the swing of it and our speeches were free flowing and more confident. Everyone was welcoming and seemed genuinely interested in how we would assist their studies. Most of the questions revolved around the filming yesterday, word sure got round fast! Tom fielded all questions on this subject, simply stating that they would find out soon.

Unfortunately our timetable slipped, we managed to have a half hour lunch break but never got to use the gym, never mind there's always tomorrow.

During the feedback session Tom again praised us saying we had done very well and the feedback he had received from his lecturers were positive and all thought introducing us into their classes next week would be a great idea. We replied that this was great news and that we were really looking forward to getting started properly next week. Don't worry about next week Tom replied smiling ever so slightly, there's plenty of work to do and experience to gain in the remainder of this week. Tom went on to explain that tomorrow (Wednesday) and Thursday mornings would be spent with the media team again, we would be having one to one sessions with them, then in the afternoon we were to report to the gym office and collect our personal training plans designed to increase our fitness, lose any excess weight we were carrying and generally buff our bodies up. There would be no need to report to the staff room until Friday morning unless we had any problems. With that he wished us good night and we went our separate ways home for the evening.

Wednesday was a complete change of pace for me. I reported to main reception and having met up with the media guys as planned I spent most of the morning sitting before a camera and the interviewer asking questions about my life's experiences and aspirations; how I came to be working at the University; what I anticipated the job role to be like; what were my impressions of the University; did I feel the University was helping in the struggle to provide enough qualified medical staff for the UK; how far was I prepared to go in helping the University achieve its goals and so on. It didn't take me long to work out the direction the questions were going and how they wanted me to answer. I ended up saying that I was prepared to do anything to help the University as I had already come to love it and the students felt like my family. The interviewer grinned broadly and said what a great compliment that was for the Uni. As I sat outside enjoying a quick sandwich for my lunch I reflected on how strange it felt to have spent all morning without being told to take my clothes off!

Once I felt refreshed I reported to the gym office and collected my training program and spoke to the gym instructor (Dave). He remembered me from the Monday filming session, we chatted briefly about that episode and how I was getting on in general while I quickly changed into my gym gear. Dave went through the program with me, showing me the equipment I needed to use and how to use them. Some students then came into the gym and indicated they needed to speak to him, so he apologised for having to go but promised he'd catch up with me later. After all the attention I had received this week it was good to have some time to myself while I went round the circuit taking my time to get the exercises correct and receive the most benefit from them. As I got to the last machine Dave returned and carried on chatting as if he'd never left and continued talking as he followed me into the changing rooms. I said I was going for a shower to freshen up, he said don't mind me and followed me in still talking. Boy could he talk for England! I didn't mind as he was a friendly, fit, good looking guy in his fifties and was laid back in his manner. Not only that, I remembered our contract and asking him to leave would be disrespectful and bad mannered. So there I was stark naked showering whilst discretely being ogled by the gym instructor. I guess the exhibitionist in me must have enjoyed it as I soon sported an erection without embarrassment, not even when Dave commented on the size of my cock.

Showering over, I casually dried myself and slowly dressed, I was playing a game in my mind on how long I could hold Dave's attention. Forever apparently as he never let me out of his sight until I left the gym to go home.

Thursday was easier as the media team wanted film me using the swimming and sauna facilities, this would be part of their promotion drive to increase the use (read as profitability) of the facilities as until now they were running at a loss. The same warning signs from Monday were up again; strangely the place was busier than usual according to Dave (he'd appeared as if by magic).

Once the camera guy was ready to start filming I walked into the changing rooms accompanied by Dave. This time he was acting as my official guide and commentator for the film, his role was to sell the facilities while I provided the entertainment. Making sure that I behaved normally and ignored the camera totally I slowly undressed, folding my clothes up and placing them in a locker close by. I noticed that as I removed my boxer shorts the camera followed my actions, focusing on my behind as I bent down to pick the boxers off the floor and then on my swinging cock as I walked over and placed the shorts into the locker. As I was about to pull my Speedos on Dave diverted my attention as if to prolong my nakedness in front of the camera. After a few minutes he couldn't prolong it any further and allowed me to pull the Speedos up. Strolling into the pool area I noticed that although the pool was busy a lane had been reserved for my sole use. Dave suggested I swim a few lengths until they indicated that enough footage had been recorded. In the end I only needed to swim five lengths before I was invited to climb out, rinse off under the cold shower to rinse the chlorine off before going for a sauna.

Dave explained that the saunas were single sex to prevent any shenanigans going on, so clothing was optional in this area. I decided to keep it realistic so I removed my Speedos (again noting the camera following my actions) but wrapped a towel around my middle for `modesty' reasons as I walked into the sauna followed again by Dave and the camera guy. There were two other guys already in there, both wearing trunks as they'd seen the warning sign. Somehow whilst making small talk with them my towel managed to slip off me without me noticing and completely vanish, leaving me no choice but to carry on the session completely naked. Remembering my role here, I made no comment but I was beginning to suspect that these two guys could have been plants for the purpose of the filming. I quickly forgot about being naked and enjoyed the whole sauna experience (I made a note to myself to make sure I use these facilities whenever I had spare time as it was so relaxing). Eventually time was called on the session and I was free to take a shower and call it a day. I left having the distinct feeling that Dave would like to get to know me better if given the chance.

I was looking forward to Friday morning as I hadn't spoken to Tang, Ethan or Marc since Tuesday, having only seen them fleetingly as our timetables had taken us in different directions and I was curious to know what they had been doing. I bounded up the stairs of the Lecture Complex to the top floor to find that the other guys were already waiting for me. Obviously they were as keen as me to see what would be happening today, the last day of our first week. The staff room was empty except for us, so we took the opportunity to make ourselves a coffee and catch up on our activities over the last couple of days, we laughed and joked so much that we didn't notice Tom, Peter and Adam enter the room. We all jumped at their good mornings, making them laugh too.

Once pleasantries were over we all sat round the large oval table (where I'd originally been interviewed) and Tom began the review of the last four days. In brief they were very impressed with all four of us, we had shown outstanding professionalism and willingness to complete any task put in front of us. If we continued in the same way then we were destined to become very valued members of staff indeed. The Media Team had virtually finished compiling the first set of promotional videos for the University and the posters were with the printers at the moment. We would be offered first viewing before being released to the general public. We expressed our interest and amazement that we were going to be `stars'.

Well, first things first said Adam. There is the small matter of the weekly medical that you all need to pass before this week can be signed off as being complete and you get your first wage packet. We said fine, after all what else can happen that we haven't already experienced? Adam merely smiled. He explained that the purpose of the medicals were to check our general health, fitness levels and if any issues needed to be addressed from activities in the previous week. As this was the first week there should have been little change from the interview medical but the University needed to follow procedures all the same. Fair enough I thought taking care of our well being can only be for the good. Right guys, who wants to go first? Marc said he'd get it over with and set the pace for the rest of us, giving us a wink and followed Adam over to the consultation area. Tom and Peter gestured to us to follow them over to the lounging chairs nearby so that we would have an unrestricted view of the proceedings so we'd know what to do when it came to our turn.

Adam asked Marc strip naked, which he did without hesitation. I could see why, boy, was he one hell of a beefy guy. Heavy set but mainly muscle, close cropped hair with a short goatee and only a smattering of body hair. What drew my attention was his large pendulous cock, it had to be about five inches long when soft and decently thick and sat above a decent pair of balls. As he removed his pants he gave them a tug to release them and set his cock bouncing. Mmm, yum yum I thought! Adam wasted no time in starting his measurements. First came blood pressure, heart rate, reaction tests, then he weighed Marc before measuring his muscles and testing his flexibility. On completion he asked Marc to turn round and bend over the couch, he did so using his elbows to support himself and closed his eyes in anticipation. Adam pulled on a pair of latex gloves and put a generous amount of lube onto his index finger. Gently he slid his finger up the exposed puckered hole, bringing a sigh from Marc's lips, feeling around before withdrawing it and asking Marc to turn around. He did so, revealing a massive hard on which had to be at least nine inches in length. Adam thanked him and asked him to rejoin us, but he was to remain naked for the time being.

Ethan stood up as Marc approached, slapped him on the back before commenting "well done big fella, I guess I'll go next." Ethan quickly stripped without being asked to revealing his slim youthful body, modest musculature and fine covering of blonde hairs. He initially covered his crown jewels before taking his hands away exposing a decent sized package. He stood to attention during the tests as if he felt a little awkward, when asked to turn around he seemed almost relieved to be facing away from us and in his eagerness he backed onto Adam's finger drawing a chuckle from the rest of us. On turning around he too sported a hard on of a decent six inches, again he was instructed to remain naked and to rejoin us. He gave me a bashful smile before swapping places with Tang.

Tang went next, stripped slowly, folding his clothes neatly before turning around giving us a big grin which made us laugh. His virtually hair-free body made him appear younger than his thirty years but did show his six-pack off to perfection! Unfortunately (to my taste at least) he was not only petite in stature but also petite down below, even after the prostate examination. What he lacked in size he made up in personality and gave me a high five as I got up to take my turn.

As I stood and removed my clothes I wondered what the others made of my appearance, what with the olive skin tones and black hair which covered most of my chest, arms and legs (but thankfully not too much on my back). I was quite proud of my package, it wasn't as big as Marc's but at least I came in second. Having a finger up my arse was nowhere near as embarrassing as walking back to group with a hard on bobbing with every step. Once I was sitting down Adam started to give his feedback on the examinations.

Over all it was positive, we'd all started to show signs of losing excess weight but it was a little early to see any muscle building happening. Our health was good and showing no signs of stress etc. There was only one area of concern he had which was also shared by Peter and Tom. All four of us were displaying signs that our anal ring muscles were tighter than they should be and would almost certainly cause us significant problems in the coming weeks if nothing was done to rectify the situation. We looked non-plussed and asked him to elaborate. Adam looked up from his report and flipped through it until he found the page he was looking for. He said that I was only 27% flexible as I need to be, Ethan was 17%, Tang 13% and Marc only 10%. These figures were very worrying and put the whole project at risk. Shit we said in unison, what could we do to help? Peter took over from Adam, saying that as observers they were unable to recommend a suitable course of action but they did have a muscle development specialist they could call in for guidance provided we were prepared to follow whatever his recommendations were. Hell yes, we agreed, our new found careers were at risk. Fair enough, Peter nodded confirming he would set the ball rolling and that we could take a relief break for fifteen minutes while we waited for the specialist to arrive.

Fifteen minutes later as we waited expectantly, Dave entered the staff room to all of our surprise. Looking at the shock on our faces Peter explained that Dave is a specialist in all muscles of the human body so we were in very capable hands and that we were to follow his instructions to the letter if we were to overcome this serious problem. Dave asked us to follow him to the wet area (uh oh I thought, I've been here before) explaining that if he was going to be able to accurately analyse the problem and provide us with a solution then he needed a clean hole to work with. He said he knew that we had already met the hose and hollow butt plug before so didn't need us to explain its workings to us, the only thing he wanted to know was did we want him to clean us out or would we work on each other. The latter would be preferable as it would be good team building and we would learn to trust and appreciate one another. Good point I thought, so I offered to go first and asked Marc to clean me out. Tang asked Ethan to clean him out and I cleaned Ethan. Marc seemed reluctant but then Tang's gentle manner won him round and we finally got to see that muscled butt raised up in the air with a hose coming out of it. Once we were all done and towelled off, Dave asked us to climb up onto one of the sofas. Our knees were to be on the seat and chests resting on the back in doing so presenting our four rears to him in a row. Peter, Tom and Adam wandered over and perched on a nearby table watching the proceedings intently. With latex gloves already on, Dave walked up behind us and carefully applied lubricant to all our holes. Then telling us to push backwards, he inserted first one finger, then two and if possible three fingers to establish our anal elasticity. With Marc he only managed one and that was with difficulty. When he commented on this, Marc turned his head and said "What do you expect? Up until this week I've never had anything up there.��� He performed this test twice before seeming satisfied with his findings and walked over to the three men to give them his recommendations.

Once we'd wiped ourselves clean and sat back down with the others Dave summed up his findings for our benefit and what exercises he recommended for each of us. With Marc he said he had no option but to take things slowly, he recommended using butt plugs at least twice per day, starting off small before working up to larger sizes. With Ethan and Tang as they were a little more developed he recommended a similar routine but this time it would be using dildos. Lastly with me, I could use either of these tools but he thought I would make faster progress if he used digital stretching on me, did I have any objection if he carried this out? It would keep things more professional and there couldn't be any claims of a conflict of interest if Adam did it. Put it that way how could I object, plus I liked Dave so it was no problem as far as I could see. Peter concurred with this idea as Tom, Adam and he needed to remain impartial observers when recording our progress. So that was settled then.

As it was nearly lunchtime Tom suggested we get dressed, have something to eat and be back in the staff room an hour from now. Over lunch we discussed the morning events and how we felt about it, I couldn't believe how laid back Marc was considering he was straight and had children. I quizzed him about this, he simply said he was comfortable with his sexuality; the money was too good to pass by; he enjoyed showing off his body and he didn't care if the eyes watching were male or female. Fair enough, I thought.

On returning to the staff room, we did a double take as we looked at the oval interviewing table. There was a huge selection of butt plugs and dildos neatly standing in groups according to size and width. Dave beckoned us over and explained he'll be selecting the ones we needed for our exercises (including me). He told us to strip again and assume the position on the sofa again, we must have looked a picture -- four raised bums in a row. I felt my hole being lubed up and the head of a dildo briefly being inserted then removed. Then another one pushed in, this time a little bigger, again it was withdrawn and the final one was inserted. It was uncomfortable but at least it was taken out again straight away. Dave indicated I could get up, take hold of the three dildos he'd given me and sit down while he deals with the other three guys. I was impressed with the length of the dildos, they were at least twelve inches long and even the smallest was wider than my own cock, the largest was wider than my wrist! I watched as Ethan and Tang were fitted with their dildos, it was so erotic that I quickly sported a hard on much to Dave's amusement. When Ethan and Tang were finished they sauntered over to me showing their trophies. We commented on the fact they had six dildos each: three were six inches in length and the other three were the same length as mine, they varied in width but their largest ones were about the same width as my middle sized dildo. We then watched in awe as Dave worked his magic on Marc's hole, managing to get several butt plugs of increasing size into it before having to admit defeat on a medium sized one. "Ok big guy, that's enough for now". With a groan Marc stood up and stretched, sporting a semi-hard on which made me raise an eyebrow. Dave gave Marc four butt plugs, one of which was bigger than he'd managed to take today.

Dave provided us all with gym bags to keep the butt plugs and dildos safe along with a can of Crisco each. Giving us a serious look he asked us to use the equipment at least once per day and to treat our bodies with respect, never pushing them beyond their limits and to make sure we cleaned ourselves out thoroughly beforehand. He also suggested that the best time to do it would be when we got home after having completed our exercise regimes because our bodies would be more relaxed and accepting of the intrusions. Turning to me, he said that I am to report to his office after my exercises where he will administer the digital stretching there. He reminded us that our efforts and achievements would be assessed in our next medical the following Friday.

Tom entered the staff room, nodding a greeting to us and asked Dave if he was finished with us. Dave confirmed that he was. Tom informed us that we were now free to go and enjoy an early finish, make the most of it he joked -- it will be the last for a few weeks. He then handed us each a brown envelope containing £500 cash asking us to be in the staff room on Monday morning nice and early so he can outline our timetables for the week ahead. Thanking him we dressed and made our exit having put our pay packets in a safe place. I wished the other guys farewell and headed home for a chill out weekend.


Monday morning already, and here I was again waiting in the staff room with the other guys comparing notes on our respective weekends and how quickly it had passed. We had put our gym bags into our lockers for use later on today. Right on time Tom walked briskly into the staff room and joined us with a cheerful smile. Welcome to the beginning of your second week and this is where your real work starts, up to now it has just been preparation and assessing your aptitude and willingness to accept new challenges (which we're very satisfied with at present).

He gave each of us a timetable; each day would be basically the same except for Friday when we would have the compulsory medical. This was my time table:

Monday to Thursday: 9.00 -- 12.00 Anatomy class, 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch, 13.00 -- 16.00 Anatomy class,

16.00 -- 17.00 Exercises in Gym, 17.00 -- 18.00 Digital stretching

Friday: 9.00 -- 12.00 Anatomy class, 12.00 - 13.00 Lunch, 13.00 -- 16.00 Anatomy class,

16.00 -- 18.00 Medical

It seemed simple enough; although I was slightly apprehensive I was reassured by the fact that we had already met the students so they would exactly be total strangers. All too soon it was time for us to go to our classes, we had a group hug and wished each other good luck and we'd meet up again at lunch time.

I walked down the stairs to the second floor, along the corridor to the main lecture theatre doors and knocked briskly on the door. Upon hearing a "come in" I stepped inside to face a room full of expectant students and the lecturer bouncing over to greet me and warmly shake my hand. He introduced himself as Neil and understood that this was my first class as a model patient, so he would be gentle with me which drew a chuckle from the students. Turning to the class he introduced me as "Joseph" and as already explained he will be helping us demonstrate the physical and practical aspects of medical practices. This lesson with be covering anatomy and utmost respect is to be shown to Joseph throughout.

I was beginning to relax when Neil said, right let's begin then, Joseph would you please remove your clothes and stand on the platform to the right of the whiteboard. Taking a deep breath, I smiled briefly at Neil and calmly stripped naked placing my folded clothes on a vacant chair near the door. Walking across the front of the class I tried to ignore the stares of the student, I stepped up on to the platform and taking an upright but relaxed stance I faced the students. Neil was in the process of selecting students who needed extra help in remembering the physical structure of the human body. For the next couple of hours I had a procession of students walking up to me pointing to various muscles, tendons, ligaments all over my body. Very quickly I forgot I was the only naked person in the room and the students grew accustomed to it rapidly too. Finally the last student sat back down and Neil said that he had only two areas left to be covered before lunch, one being the anus and the other being genitals. I quietly gulped to myself. Neil asked me to get down on all fours, put my head on the floor and raise my bum up in the air exposing my hole to everyone. He then explained the function of the anus and that the anus was a ring of muscle which could contract and relax at will. He also reminded them that it was through the anus the prostate gland could be examined (by touch). I heard a scraping of chairs and I realised that he had gestured that the first row of students were to come down and take a closer inspection of my hole. Neil asked my permission for him to lubricate my hole and to allow the students to explore my rectum if they wished to. Remembering the terms of the contract, what else could I say? I said sure, be my guest. With that I felt a liberal amount of lubricant applied to my hole and also inside, thankfully I'd decided to have a clean out before I left home this morning! I felt the first finger hesitantly touch my hole making it quiver reflexively, Neil told the student not to be scared and carry on, the finger then pushed in and started feeling around until it found my prostate and then withdrew. The novelty soon wore off; one finger was much like another except for the occasional one which tried to go deeper or a second one entered too. At long last Neil invited me to stand exposing my raging hard on, well what was to be expected having had all attention paid to my hole? In response to the gasps and stifled sniggers of the students Neil explained that this was a common side effect of anal examinations. As I was so turned on Neil said, perhaps I would like to demonstrate ejaculation to the students? I was so embarrassed but as he said I was rather turned on so in only a matter of minutes I shot a load all over the nearest student causing a cacophony of hysterical laughing and a smile from Neil.

This brought the class to a suitable end, Neil thanked me for my assistance and said he looked forward to working with me this afternoon with the next class and that I could now get dressed and go for my lunch. I quickly got dressed and waved goodbye to the students as I left.

I met up with Ethan and Tang in the canteen where we sat and ate our lunch exchanging news on how our mornings had gone. It appeared that the class routine and content was standard as we'd all had to perform the same tasks. We agreed that it was pretty embarrassing for the first time but not as bad as we had anticipated. I asked where Marc was, Ethan said he was skipping lunch with us as he'd previously arranged to meet his son for lunch now that he was back in paid employment.

The afternoon session was virtually a word for word re-run of the morning class, except that it was a room full of different students. Knowing what lay ahead I felt a whole lot more confident, this time when asked to strip I did so and was able to face the students at the same time, thereby seeing their admiring glances as my body revealed itself. I enjoyed the experience and was a little saddened when it was all over. At least I knew I had another four days of this displaying myself in this way.

After class I made my way to the staff room, as it was deserted I took the opportunity to clean myself out again, before collecting my gym bag and heading off to the gym. I spent the next hour conscientiously doing all the exercises I had been instructed to do. From time to time I'd recognise a face from earlier in the day and smile at the startled expression on their face. I'd then wave, breaking the ice enough for them to say hello before moving on. By the time I had completed my circuit I was exhausted and ready for a hot shower. I quickly stripped off and enjoyed a refreshing shower. Afterwards I simply wrapped a towel round my waist, picked up my bag and walked over to the gym office. The door was open and Dave was evidently waiting for me because he smiled and beckoned me in, telling me to lock the door behind me and pull the blind down as we won't want interruptions he assured me.

He made small talk as he folded up a number of towels and placed them on the desk in front of him. He decided the most comfortable position for me to start off with would be laying on one of the exercise benches he had at the back of the office. He carried it through, draping a couple of towels over wooden surface to provide padding for me. He stood back and nodded towards it. Following his drift I removed my towel and got into position -- laying face down with legs either side of it and my arms folded underneath my chin. I raised my hips to allow him to put towels underneath me thereby raising my bum a little and increasing my comfort. Dave then pulled out a can of Crisco from his drawer, slipped on a pair of latex gloves and scooped up a handful of the Crisco. He told me to relax, to trust him and enjoy the experience. I lifted my head towards him and smiled an acknowledgement then rested my head on my folded arms again.

He sat down, straddling the bench close behind me and then started to apply the Crisco to my hole. Gently he pushed a dollop up into my arse, and then another followed. While he waited for those to warm up and melt he started to knead my hole with both hands, massaging and swirling his fingers it around all the time exerting a light pressure which had a relaxing and mesmerising effect on me. In a light daze I felt a finger smoothly glide up inside until it could go no further, then in withdrew before re-entering at the same pace. This was repeated many times until I could barely register it, then a second finger joined it and the whole process was repeated again. After what seemed a short while I felt a third finger join the other two, boy I thought, I must be really relaxed as I felt as comfortable now as I did when Dave first started. Dave must have read my thoughts because at that precise moment he asked me if I was ok, I groaned a "yes, please don't stop!" He laughed and said he had every intention of doing so. For what seemed like forever those three fingers kept going in and out and swirling around, at some point a fourth finger joined, I only realised because I began to feel a little uncomfortable and that I was reaching my limit. Dave told me to relax, I did my best to do so and eventually it felt good again. Finally the fingers withdrew completely and Dave told me to stand up, we were giving my hole a rest for five minutes. I was told that was the first part of this afternoon's exercises, the second one was about to start.

Walking over to my sports bag Dave retrieved the three dildos and started greasing them up, straddling the bench again he stood the smallest one upright but still holding it around the base to keep it stable. Beckoning me over he instructed me to also straddle the bench and lower myself until my hole touched the tip of the head. Then I was to slowly slide down on it until I had taken it all in. I did so under his guidance, the first six inches went in easily, and then it stopped. Dave told me to relax in exactly the same was as before, sure enough, with a slight flush to my face, I continued sinking down until I was sitting firmly down on the bench and able to feel the whole twelve inches inside me. He gestured for me to rise up and then slowly lower myself down again, each time the head slipped past my inner sphincter I felt the flush to my face until after about a dozen repetitions I had become accustomed to it and was able to swallow the whole dildo in one smooth movement. Dave then swapped the smallest dildo for the middle sized one and I repeated the whole process again. Then came the largest one, this time Dave told me just to take it completely inside and then rest, I'd done enough for one day. While I was sitting on the bench with the dildo stretching me from inside I asked him why the other guys had two sets of dildos while I only had the one.

Dave looked up saying that I was more advanced than the other three, the exercises were designed to stretch and increase the control we had on both the outer and inner sphincters. The six inch dlildos are for stretching the out ring while the twelve inch one are for the inner one, which as you can feel have been effective. Hopefully by the end of this week Ethan and Tang will be at your stage today with Marc being ready for the dildos but we will have to see how they progress. With that he called an end to the session, standing up I let the dildo slowly slide out with a quiet plop. Strangely I felt empty and missed the sensations it provided but I was feeling tired too. As I towelled myself clean and started to dress I asked how I was progressing, Dave confirmed that he was very pleased with my progress and was hoping to get both my sphincters almost completely open by the medical. He would then be satisfied that I was able to cope with whatever lay in store for me in the coming weeks. I thanked him for all the care and attention he was devoting to the four of us, it's all part of the job when you're a muscle development specialist! I laughed, wished him good evening and that I'd see him tomorrow evening.

Tuesday morning and it was business as usual in the Anatomy class, as I knew what to expect I wore less clothing so as to save time and look more professional. I had chosen to wear a snug fitting T-shirt, jeans and flip-flops. That's it and it worked a treat, the clothes came off smoothly and I felt more relaxed. Neil (the lecturer) must have noted this fact as he commented on it during break time and at the same time he confirmed that I would be working with him for the rest of the classes during the initial contract. I felt a great sense of pride that not only was I doing something I really enjoyed but I was also coming across as an experienced professional (I just hoped that I could keep the act up). At the end of the morning session Neil asked if he could join me and the other models for lunch as he had something to show us which might be of interest. I replied sure, it would be a pleasure. In the canteen the three guys were waiting for me and seemed genuinely pleased to meet Neil. After introductions and small talk about how our mornings had fared Neil led us out into the main campus and through to the main public entrance. I couldn't believe my eyes. Everywhere I looked there were images of us four -- on posters, magazine covers, fliers etc. It was very tastefully done and looked so professional. The media team had used us to promote virtually every aspect of the University and what it had to offer; from courses, leisure facilities, student accommodation to campus life, it all seemed to be there! Our faces must have been a picture because Neil burst out laughing and waved to Brenda who'd been hiding in the background waiting for our reactions. "I told you they'd love it, you should trust your instincts more" Neil said to Brenda, who then spent the next five minutes quizzing us on our opinions of the artwork. We unanimously thought it was excellent with Marc being the most relieved that it had been done tastefully with intimate parts being kept covered.

I was on such a high I barely noticed the afternoon session and I only really came down to earth half way through the exercises in the gym when my fatigued muscles made their presence felt. Not even cleaning myself out in the staff room wet area registered on my radar I was that taken up with the literature! By the time I'd showered and walked into Dave's office I was back to my normal self and looking forward to the next stretching session.

Dave was ready and waiting for me; the bench was laid up with towels, a number of dildos lay on his table (I swear they're bigger than the ones in my bag) and a can of Crisco sat by the bench. He closed and locked the door behind me, saying as I know the routine we'd get straight into the exercises. Nodding my agreement I shed my towel and laid down naked on the bench as I had done yesterday. He suggested that I tell him all about my day, that way I will not focus on what he's doing and my body will be naturally relaxed. Sounds good to me I thought, so I lay with my head on my folded arms and told him everything that had happened. I barely noticed him applying the Crisco to my hole and only started to hesitate in my story telling when I realised he had four fingers in me, but it was a lot easier that yesterday. Dave stopped his motions but leaving them in me he asked me if I was still okay. I nodded a yes and he resumed his invasion of my arse. When I was totally loose from the four fingers I felt his thumb draw in behind them and he starting the pushing swirling motion again. I could no longer continue with the tale of my day as all I could utter was quiet groans. He told me to stay relaxed but to push out as if I was having a dump, following his instructions as best as I could, I starting pushing out with my sphincter. There was a moment when discomfort almost became pain when suddenly it was over and I felt the widest part of his hand push past the sphincter and slide smoothly in up to the wrist. Crikey I said is that really your hand inside me? In answer Dave simply wriggled his fingers tickling my prostate and making my cock throb wildly. I said I felt incredibly full and that I needed a shit right now. Calm down he said, this is a natural reaction for your rectum, I want you to just lay there and relax, feel the hand inside you, cherish it and soon enough you will become accustomed to it. The next task for you is to be able to release my hand and let it back in again easily, this is not as easy as you may think and we are going to spend the next half hour doing just that. He was right, letting it back out was not easy, I thought I was giving birth to a baby! I kept sweating and groaning but eventually his hand was released from my hole. Before I could sigh a breath of relief his hand was pushing back up inside me, this time there was less resistance, then it was pulled back out again. Each time he repeated the process it got easier and easier. After what must have been half an hour his fist went in and out of my hole just as easily as if it had been a single finger. I never thought being fisted could feel so good and while at work too!

Dave told me to rest a minute while he went to collect the dildos from his desk and started greasing them up before my eyes. They were not shaped like other dildos that I'd seen before, the head was exaggerated when compared to the shaft and I made this observation to Dave. He explained that they were designed to stretch the rectum, inner sphincter and beyond rather than the anus as it had already received enough attention. Instead of squatting down onto the dildo Dave got me to lay back down on the bench in the same position as when he'd fisted me. The dildo needed supporting and this way he could feed it into me better. He reached for the smallest dildo; the head was about the size and shape of a lemon with the neck about an inch and a half wide and eighteen inches long. I didn't believe that I could take all of it, but I was shortly to find out otherwise. Dave pushed a large wad of softened Crisco up my hole before inserting the head into my arse; there was little resistance until it reached the inner ring. After some gentle pressure and deep breaths from myself it slipped through the ring and up into my intestines. It seemed to go on forever until at last I felt Dave's fingers at my anus, I heard him say "good boy" before slowly pulling it out again. Again when it reached the inner ring there was resistance which slowly surrendered to pressure. After a dozen repetitions the inner ring gave up all resistance and the dildo was able to glide in and out smoothly. Time for the next one, Dave declared. This time the head of the dildo was the size of a small orange, again it entered me easily until the inner ring and history repeated itself again. Moving on to the largest dildo he'd greased up Dave advised me to totally relax, if I was unable to accommodate it I was to let him know. After a lot of huffing and puffing I did manage to take it past the inner ring but my body had had enough and we called it a day. Dave praised me for my endurance and was absolutely certain that I would be 100% anally flexible by the medical on Friday. I sure hoped so as I could imagine how much more I could take up there......

The Wednesday morning session passed without incident, over lunch Marc, Ethan, Tang and I chatted away like we had known each other and been working together for years, rather than the week and a half it actually was. No one raised the subject of the stretching exercises so I said nothing either, assuming that my progress matched theirs. After a group hug we went off to our afternoon sessions as if it was just another day at the office.

Here I am again in Dave's office, wondering how much stretching I will have to do today. This time Dave's laid the towels out over an upright arm chair rather than the usual exercise bench and there's no signs of any dildos which surprised me. He asked me to sit on the chair backwards; with my legs stretched out over the arms of the chair, my chest touching the chair's back and my fingers interlocking behind it to keep my balance. As a result my arse hovered in the air with my hole totally exposed. Dave knelt down behind me, applied the Crisco to my hole and his gloved hands then gently started to fist me. Within a few minutes his hand was enveloped inside me and started to explore further, teasing the inner ring. Then I could feel him adjust his position and the hand withdrew a little, looking behind me I could see the he'd moved his arm so that his elbow was resting on the seat and his forearm was vertical. He told me to release my grip on the chair and slowly let the weight of my body impale itself on his arm. I felt his coned fingers once more touch the inner ringer and slowly push through, stopping at widest point. After a few minutes of deep breaths and words of encouragement from Dave the ring gave way and I carried on sliding down his arm until I came to rest on chair seat. The sensations pulsing through my body was incredible and I was in a reverie only broken by Dave instructing me to rise and fall until the inner ring had stopped resisting his hand. Finally all resistance had gone and I was told to take a break for five minutes while he prepared the desk for the next exercise. Stretching and walking to get my circulation back I asked what was next, the cryptic reply was that I could now do depth but I also needed width as Adam has big hands.

When he was ready Dave got me to lay on the desk on my back with my legs held against my chest, again my hole was exposed for the assault to come. Gently he fisted me with one hand then with the other, slowly increasing the pace until I was unable to tell which was which. Then instead of one fist he coned the two hands together and slowly pushed them into me. The pressure was gentle but relentless and after what seemed eternity I felt the familiar release of tension as the widest part was reached and my arse swallowed his two hands. He released his hands and slowly slid them out. Patting me on the rump, he congratulated me again on being so talented and that as far as he was concerned I had passed the stretching course and that he wouldn't need to see me again until Friday at the medical. This was music to my ears, yet I was a little saddened as I had grown accustomed to all this personal attention. Before I left Dave gave me some tips on how to strengthen my ring muscles without losing any of their elasticity. After getting dressed I thanked him for all of his help and hoped that teaching me hadn't been too much of a chore. He assured me it had been a pleasure and that he had a feeling we would be working together in the future.

Thursday was pretty mundane except that I was sure the Neil seemed to be sizing me up as if trying to make his mind up about something. Oh and a wise guy tried inserting more than one finger into me, in fact he went for the whole hand! I would have stopped him but I remembered the contract so I had no choice but to let him, right there in front of a classroom full of people watching.

At last Friday afternoon had arrived; posing can get awfully tiring you know! Tang, Ethan, Marc and I sat in the staff room passing the time talking about our plans for the coming weekend, waiting for the others to arrive so our medicals could start. Adam arrived first apologising for his lateness, he said Tom, Peter and Dave would be along shortly, the meeting they were in was overrunning. He hoped we hadn't been waiting too long and suggested that we make a start by cleaning ourselves out in preparation. It seemed like a good idea otherwise we'd never get home tonight. Ethan and Tang paired off immediately and cleaned each other out, laughing a lot and being very tactile, I guess they were becoming more than just good friends. Good for them, I thought, being in love is wonderful, I hope they make the most of it. Marc must have read my mind because he chuckled, and said that just leaves the two of us, would you mind doing the honours for me? It would be a pleasure I smiled (and boy did I mean it!).

In the middle of being cleaned out myself; Tom, Dave and Peter let themselves in quietly, catching my eye they asked me to carry on and not mind them. Finally we were ready for the medical. Adam told us to remain naked for simplicity's sake and then called us up one by one to the consultation area for the same medical tests carried out last Friday. While the that was being carried out we sat as a group and discussed all that had happened in the intervening week going over all the positive and negative aspects. Tom and Peter seemed genuinely concerned for our wellbeing.

Tom announced it was time to assess how well we had progressed in the anal ring stretching exercises we had been given last week and indicated that we were all to go over to the couch in the consultation area where one by one we'd be assessed by Adam, Tom and Peter in the same way has we had been assessed by Dave last week. Who would like to go first? No, not you Joseph, we know you've exceeded expectations and we will ask for your services at the end of the assessment. Okay Tang you go first. So Tang climbed up on to the couch, assumed the position and in doing so gave us a perfect view of his puckered little hole. The three guys slipped on latex gloves and started to grease their hands up, Adam went first carefully inserting one, two and finally three fingers but that was all. Then Tom went next, as he had thinner fingers he just about got four fingers in before Tang started to groan in discomfort. Peter only managed two fingers. Adam allowed Tang to get down off the couch and rejoin us and confirmed that there had been significant improvement in his elasticity. He was now at 30% compared to 13% last week, clearly there was a lot more work to do next week. Ethan smiled at Tang encouragingly and said he'd go next. Up he got onto the couch and obligingly presented his hole for inspection. Adam managed to quite quickly work up to four fingers but then had to stop, this time Peter went next and got three fingers in before reaching the limit. Tom went last and to our surprise without much delay inserted his whole fist in the hole, making Ethan flush and brought a look of shock to Marc's face. Clearly Tom wasn't getting any further and gently removed his hand. Adam congratulated Ethan saying he was at 40% compared to 17% last week. Adam beckoned Marc over who said as he climbed up on to the couch that he didn't think he was going to match the first two in elasticity. Don't worry, Adam assured him, it's not a race you will all reach the same destination before too much longer. I'm not sure Marc was all that reassured. It was a pleasure watching his hole being invaded by the three men's fingers. Peter just got two fingers in, Adam and Tom both managed three fingers after a lot of huffing and puffing from Marc. I gave him a mock punch on the arm telling him well done as Adam announced that he'd improved from 10% last week to 27% this week and that he should be proud of himself. Marc gave a bashful smile.

Oh well, here goes I thought, I just hope I do myself proud and justify Dave's hard work with me this week. Climbing up onto the couch I winked at Marc before resting my head on my hands with my bum up in the air. Before long I felt Tom's fingers explore my ring and with only slight resistance his whole hand slid up into my rectum in one smooth push. It carried sliding up until the second ring, with words of encouragement from Tom I took some deep breaths and his fist slid past that ring too. I was breathing rapidly and felt every movement his hand made, finally I felt his elbow touch my cheeks before he stopped and started to carefully withdraw. The room was silent as Adam stepped up and took Tom's place behind me. Again his hand smoothly pushed passed my anus, up my rectum and with only slight resistance pushed through the second ring. Again he only stopped when he went in up to the elbow before slowly pulling out. Finally it was Peter's turn and I was dreading it as I knew his hands were larger than any hand I'd taken so far. Peter took his time with me and soon enough had his fist in my rectum, however the second ring was far more resistant. I simply could not relax sufficiently to let him pass and I thought I would fail in my task. However Peter had a trick up his sleeve, while keeping his hand in me he got me to rise up until I was almost standing then slowly squat down until his elbow was resting on the couch for support (and resistance to my ring). He then told me to slowly sit down allowing my body weight to help push his fist passed my inner ring, with a groan resistance gave way and I slid all the way down until I was sitting on the couch and had the whole of his forearm inside me.

There was a loud sigh of relief and a short round of applause from the guys that had gone before me. When I was finally allowed to get off the couch Adam said that there would be no surprise when he said I had achieved 100% elasticity and that I should be very proud of my achievement. As I had proven to be such a keen student Dave had asked if I would act as his assistant in bringing the others up to speed. I asked Ethan, Tang and Marc what they thought of this idea. To my astonishment they all agreed quite readily, even Marc nodded his agreement, though he did make one request which was that before I got my hands on his arse he wanted me to ride his arm like I had done with the Peter and he would like to see if he could go deeper. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven but where had this sudden desire come from? Who cares! I said that sounded good to me but it would only be fair if it happened during the usual training sessions after work next week. I glanced over to Dave who looked like the cat that had got the cream but I made no comment.

Tom called an end to the evening and gave us each our cash pay packet of £600 again praising us for our hard work this week. Walking rather stiffly across the campus I bid good night to Marc, Ethan and Tang and headed home for a well deserved rest.


By Monday morning I was fully recovered, raring to go again and had a spring in my step as I walked into my first class of the week. According to this week's timetable I would be role playing, acting as a patient for the students who were training to be physicians. This would make a welcome change from standing naked in front of a class and then having my arse systematically prodded and poked until I felt like a pencil sharpener.

Neil welcomed me into the room and explained to the class that this week they would be assessed on their medical knowledge in a practical session to be held in a mock doctor's surgery. With that Neil led me and the students to the floor below, through a "staff only" door and into a large viewing room. It looked very much like a miniature cinema with tiered seating; the focus of the room was a large glass window with speakers on either side. Through the window could be seen a realistic looking doctor's consultation room, Neil gave me a number of scenarios to act out for the students who would then have to diagnose my `ailment' from the symptoms I described and acted. Then he and the other students would give their feedback to the trainee doctor.

Each consultation took about half an hour and for the most part I kept my clothes on though I did on occasion have to strip down to my boxer shorts and in one instance had my testicles checked for lumps and abnormalities. Feeding back to Neil I gave my opinion on each student's performance and overall it was positive.

Over lunch I chatted to Ethan and Tang and they confided in me that they had become lovers and were considering setting up home together. I expressed how happy I was for them and wished them the best of luck for their future together. Then they became a little coy and made a passing comment about last Friday obviously waiting for me to raise the subject. I was feeling mischievous so I didn't bite for a few minutes, and then smiled before agreeing that it was an awesome experience. That opened the confessional floodgates and they animatedly told me about their anal stretching exploits, apparently I had really set their minds racing and they were determined to attain my level of elasticity by Friday. In fact they were confident I would see a vast improvement this afternoon and they had a neat trick to show me and Dave. Abruptly they clammed up and then I heard Marc's footsteps before he greeted us with a warm "hello guys". Hi we replied in unison. The subject changed direction completely and I didn't get a chance to ask what this new trick was, I guess I would have to wait until this evening into find out.

With lunch over I headed back to the lecture room to repeat the morning's session with a new batch of students. This time I gave the students a more realistic experience and I had already played the scenarios out before and could put more acting into the role. By the end of the afternoon I was mentally exhausted and was pleased to go to the gym and do my round of exercises. When I looked into the many mirrors I could see that my body had begun to show the benefits of conscientiously doing those endless exercises each afternoon. My stomach was looking flatter and my muscles were beginning to bulk up, I was really quite proud of what I saw! Another thing I noticed was that I was getting better known amongst the students in the gym, some knew me from the classes I had been in and others knew me because of my daily attendance to the gym. No longer was I ignored by everyone, rather I would have one or more guys chatting to me while they exercised or simply watched me working out. Again in the showers I'd rarely be alone, not that I minded, it was good to socialise and also rather erotic having guys giving you appraising looks while pretending to do otherwise.

Enough of posing and horsing around, I had an appointment to keep with Dave and the other guys in his office. Knocking on his door I slipped inside and quickly locked the door behind me. Inside Dave was waiting for me wearing his customary tracksuit bottoms and T-shirt, also waiting were Ethan, Tang and Marc but like me they were simply wearing a towel wrapped around their waists. Marc was sitting facing me, with his legs apart and I could see his cock laying there fat and heavy. I licked my lips unintentionally, which brought a smile to Tangs face and a wink from Ethan.

Right guys, who's first tonight? Dave asked. I looked at Ethan and said I do believe Ethan and Tang have something to show us which I believe will impress us all. Ethan blushed, looked at Tang who simply nodded, and then said okay, we'll go first. Ethan fetched some towels and laid them on the floor in front of us, one on top another to create a thin mattress. Then took the can of Crisco Dave was holding out before removing the towel from around his waist and laying down on the towels. Tang removed his towel too then laid next to Ethan but with his head next to Ethan's feet and his feet by Ethan's head. Then they simultaneously rolled onto their sides facing one another and raised one knee thereby exposing their holes. Ah, I had an idea of what was to follow. Then they each took a handful of the Crisco and started to apply it to the hole facing them before gently massaging the ring and inserting one finger after another. Within about five minutes each had a hand up one another's hole and they slowly began to fist each other, in and out repeatedly until they were moaning softly. Sorry to interrupt guys, Dave said tapping them on the shoulders; this is very impressive but not the right setting to begin an orgy. Congratulations on getting past the first ring, how are you doing on the second ring? "Second ring?" they asked in unison "we haven't been able to go in any further, perhaps our position is wrong?"

Dave agreed it was the wrong position for deeper penetration and asked them to disentangle themselves as they would need his and my help to go further. While they were doing that Dave and I fetched the exercise bench and placed towels on it to cushion our elbows. We sat cross legged on the floor, used the Crisco to liberally grease up one hand and forearm before resting the elbow on the bench with our forearm vertical and our fingers formed into a cone. Tang and Ethan clearly understood what was expected of them as they walked over and straddled the bench aiming their holes for our finger tips. Tang slowly lowered himself onto Dave's hand while Ethan quickly swallowed my hand with his ring briefly squeezing my wrist as he winked at me. Dave advised them to continue slowly lowering themselves until we told them to stop, looking at me he said, you know what to do. I nodded then concentrated on the task at hand. Ethan followed the instructions to the letter, only stopping his slide downwards when I tapped him. At that point I could feel his second ring and I started to massage it with my fingers; inserting one finger, then two before withdrawing them again. This was obviously having an effect on Ethan as he had a hard on looking fit to burst. Dave told him to ignore it and keep focused on the goal ahead. Slowly I increased the tempo and two fingers became three, then three became four. Sure enough Ethan's erection had shrunk and sweat was beading his forehead. Finally he was loosened sufficiently for me to tuck my thumb in behind the fingers, coning my hand and I indicated that he should continue to lower himself down again letting gravity help him. I could feel him taking deep breaths to help him relax, and suddenly with a deep groan his ring opened and my hand slid past and up into his bowels. With his legs getting tired, gravity took over and he quickly slid down my arm until he was sitting on the bench firmly impaled on my arm. With my free hand I patted him on the leg and gave him a big thumbs up. He smiled weakly before looking over to Tang who was still struggling getting Dave's fist past his second ring. I asked Dave how he was doing; he shook his head saying he could only get three fingers in. I suggested a change of tack and that the second ring dildos might work instead. Good idea was his reply. Whilst Ethan slowly fucked himself with my arm, loosening himself up further, Dave withdrew his hand from Tang and started to feed the bulb ended dildos up him. This seemed to do the trick with Tang quickly being able to take the largest dildo. Then he tried sitting on Dave's hand again, success! Tang smoothly slid down until he too was sitting on the bench grinning at Ethan over his achievement. Ethan leant over and tenderly kissed him on the lips and congratulated him before standing up and giving his hole a well deserved break. Wrapping his towel around his waist Ethan sat on a nearby chair so he could relax and watch the Tang and Marc exercise.

After about ten minutes Tang was fully loosened up with Dave's fist meeting encountering little resistance at the second ring. Sweating profusely he rose up for the final time and Dave's fist slipped out with a quiet squelch. Using a spare towel Tang wiped himself clean before sitting down next to Ethan, choosing to remain naked while he cooled down.

Dave turned to Marc and said it was his turn in the arena. Marc was looked distinctly uncomfortable and said quietly that he wasn't sure if he was going to be able to match Ethan and Tang today. Dave assured him that all they asked from him was that he try his best and to trust Dave and myself. Standing up, Marc slowly nodded his acceptance, removed his towel from his waist and walked over to the bench. He turned towards me and asked if I remembered the agreement made on Friday. I said sure thing buddy, in fact Dave and I have been discussing this and think we've come up with an exercise which will help stretch your rings while you learn to relax and at the same time discover what it feels like to have your hand buried in a guys arse. But he would need to trust us. His expression was mixture of uncertainty and eagerness to catch up with the rest of us. Ethan and Tang encouraged him by saying that if they could do it then it would be simple for him. He smiled at this and said let's go for it then.

Dave pulled the towels over that Ethan and Tang had previously used and arranged them in front of Marc, he then asked Marc to lay down on his back and lift his legs up towards his chest. He then instructed Tang to straddle Marc's chest and firmly hold his legs to his own chest. The result of this was to expose Marc's anus without Marc being able to see what was going on. Marc was aware of this and again sought reassurance that he wouldn't be hurt. Dave gave this reassurance and told him that he was going to warm his hole up while I kept my end of the bargain. As Dave started applying Crisco to Marc's hole and his own hand I walked over to the can of Crisco and took a large handful from it. Asking Marc to raise one arm up in the air I liberally applied the grease to his hand, forearm and past the elbow then started to grease up my own hole. Marc's eyes seemed to have a lustful look which I found a huge turn on and couldn't wait to make a start. However I had agreed to delay my moves until Dave's administrations were beginning to reach Marc's limits. Under a gentle but constant pressure Dave managed to insert three fingers before he began to meet resistance, at that point he nodded towards me and I began my diversion tactics. I positioned Marc's greased up arm so that it was held perpendicular to his torso with his elbow resting on the floor, the forearm held vertically and his fingers coned. I then knelt down facing him with my hole just touching his finger tips. He tickled my ring in response. When he'd coned his fingers again I sank down onto my haunches pushing his hand slowly up my hole until the widest part of his hand was just touching my ring. Glancing over my shoulder Ethan mouthed at me that Dave was about to put his fourth finger into Marcus, I nodded in acknowledgement. Then with a deep breath I relaxed my ring and swallowed the rest of Marc's fist into my rectum. I heard him mutter Jeez; looking down at him I gave him a big grin indicating that I was enjoying the experience. I told him to keep his hand coned while I went for the second ring. He nodded then made a soft grunting noise; I presumed that Dave was hard at work on breaking down his resistance. Again breathing deeply and relaxing as much as possible I sank down further and felt his hand push past my second ring and into my bowels. At that moment Marc groaned and arched his back, nearly throwing Tang off and then I heard Dave announce "Well done lad, we're in!" I asked Marc if he was okay, he nodded that he was, so I asked him if he'd still like to go deeper? Again all he could do was nod; sweat was beginning to bead his temples. Standing up I told Marc to hold his arm straight up and I would see how far I could go down this muscled pole. Quickly reinserting his fist into me I lowered myself and again felt his hand slide past the second ring and up into my bowels. Before long I felt my anus stretching taut as his elbow inched closer. Now it was my turn to sweat, any moment now I thought his hand would emerge from my mouth! But no, I kept on slowly sinking until with a sharp intake of breath the widest part of his elbow had been swallowed. I had reached my limit and told Marc I needed to rise up again. Giving me his permission to do so I slowly straightened my legs and inch by inch his arm reappeared, glistening from all the grease that had been applied to it. As his fist emerged Marc started bucking again, giving Tang a rough ride but he hung in there. Dave said hang in there lad we're almost there, good was Marc's only reply. Then with a guttural growl Marc shuddered and lay still, Tang stood up releasing Marc's legs revealing a sweaty but very happy Dave. Hi there lad, do you want to have a look at how much you've taken? Marc weakly nodded and raised himself up on his elbows. The look of shock on his face was almost comical because it was very clear that Dave was in up to his elbow, then he started to gently withdraw his arm until his fist slipped out with a quiet squelch. Jeez, Marc whispered, I never once thought that you'd be able to get your fist up me without ripping me open. I told you to trust me, Dave responded, I am an expert when it comes to getting the best out of your muscles.

With that Dave called it a day, told us to get cleaned up and go home and he would have new exercises for us tomorrow. We groaned as one at this news but did as we were told, towelling ourselves clean, quickly dressed and bid Dave good night. As we walked across the campus we spoke little, all were lost in thought over our recent experience. Just as I was about to leave the group, Marc turned to me and said it was awesome what I had done for him, how much he had enjoyed fisting me and that he would like to do it again at some point. I blushed and said the pleasure was all mine and if it had helped him relax at the same time then so much the better. He play punched me on the shoulder, said good night and strode off home.

Tuesday's lessons flew past me, to be honest I was on autopilot, all I could think about was this evening's exercises and what exactly Dave had in store for us. Over lunch I discussed this with the others but they didn't have a clue either, after all how much further could we go? Well I'm sure we'd find out soon enough! Finally the time had come and as pre-arranged the four of us met outside the gym and then entered Dave's office as one. Dave sat in his office chair grinning like a Cheshire cat at us and then pointing with his head he directed our eyes to the exercise bench in the middle of the room. Along the length equally spaced were four 18 inch black dildos standing proudly upright. They weren't usual shaped dildos, rather they were slightly conical, about two inches across the rounded top slowly widening to about four inches just above the base before steeply flaring to create a stable base. Walking up to one of them I reached out and felt it, it was spongy but quite firm and not at all floppy despite its size. Dave stood by my side, explaining that he'd had them specially made to be extremely durable as they would be our permanent stretching exercisers all the time that we were employed by the University. Today was going to be our last formal training session with him, of course if we needed any assistance in the future his door was always open and of course he would be attending our compulsory medicals to provide advice if required.

Right, Dave said clapping his hands, let's get moving then, off with your clothes, get yourselves and the poles greased up, and then stand by your poles! This made us laugh and got us in the mood, clothes were rapidly removed and the Crisco can was plundered. Within about five minutes we were standing next to the glistening poles feeling the Crisco melting inside us. At the nod from Dave, we positioned ourselves above the poles and then slowly sank down on to them. I found it a welcome change from the usual fingers and fists, it felt so smooth and soft as it glided up into me. I was so focused on the pleasurable sensations that I didn't notice my descent until I was sitting on the bench with my anus being stretched by the flaring base. Looking round, I could see our progress had been neck and neck and even Marc was now sitting down on the bench, he gave me a wink and said no problem. While we sat there enjoying the sensations from the poles Dave congratulated us on our progress, he said we'd reached the goals he'd set. We only needed to use the poles probably every other day to keep ourselves stretched but obviously if we wanted to use them more often then we could do so. This was indeed a short session, within half an hour we were cleaned up, dressed and on our way home!

Wednesday and Thursday passed by without anything out of the ordinary happening, just two regular days at the office. I was glad when Friday arrived, it was pay day and I would be getting a much needed cash injection into my finances. Just the rest of the day to go and then hopefully a quickly completed medical before I could go home and get ready to party the weekend away.

Friday afternoon finally arrived and as I walked up the stairs to the staff room I was praying that it would be a quick session, I was mentally exhausted and just wanted to get home. I must have been early because no one else was there, so I stripped off and cleaned myself out enjoying the peace and quiet. By the time that I had finished the last clean out the other guys were starting to arrive. I waved a greeting to them, towelled myself dry and went to sit on a sofa to wait for them without bothering to dress again. I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew was Ethan tapping me on the shoulder, making me jump, and saying that they were waiting for me. Sorry I mumbled, rubbing my eyes as I wandered over to join the group.

Adam had already done the medicals for Ethan, Tang and Marc so he was just waiting for me. Apologising again, I presented myself for examination and spread my cheeks for the prostate examination without prompting. Once Adam was satisfied that he'd completed all of the tests he needed to do he gestured for me to join the others. Tom then told us to assume the presentation position on the long sofa, I glanced over to Marc who shrugged his shoulders and got into position between Ethan and Tang. I quickly followed suit kneeling on the sofa seat, placed my hands onto the back rest, pushed my hips backward and looked over my shoulder. I could see Adam, Peter and Tom greasing up their gloved hands and then greasing up their forearms before walking over and started to grease up our holes. With a brief instruction to relax our holes from Tom, they started to fist us in succession. Adam started with me, once he had gone in up to his elbow he withdrew before moving on to Ethan, Tom then worked his forearm up me again before moving on to Ethan by which time Adam had worked his way into Marc. Then it was Peter's turn, because of the regular stretching my hole had been getting Peters large hands no longer caused me any problems. I thought it was all over but no, unknown to me Dave had joined us and stuffed his fist up me (and the other guys) for good measure. Finally after we had all been fisted up to the elbow by all four guys we were given permission to clean ourselves up and to get dressed.

Tom, sitting down opposite us said that they were extremely pleased with the progress we had all made under Dave's expert tuition and that we had all attained 100% anal elasticity. This means that we will be able to complete any task required of us with no risk of injury which was the purpose of these exercises. We had therefore successfully passed the medical and were entitled to this week's cash payment of £700 and were free to go home and enjoy our weekend ready for the busy week which lay ahead.


I had an enjoyable weekend, spent Saturday catching up with all those household chores which get put off during the working week, then on Sunday I had lunch with Tim and Alison, a couple of friends from my old job. It was great to catch up with them and find out what we'd all been up to since we'd all been made redundant. After we'd eaten and were enjoying a strong coffee the conversation turned to current jobs. Tim was still looking for gainful employment but Alison had managed to find an administrators post at the local art college. How about that I remarked, I'd managed to find myself a job at the Medical University. On saying this Alison burst out laughing and said Yes! I thought it was you, but didn't have the courage to ask in case I got it wrong. I asked her what she meant, then she explained that her administrators post was based in the Media Department and her line manager was Brenda. Oh shit I thought, the games up then. The expression on my face must have said it all, because Alison stopped laughing and looking suddenly serious, said that I had nothing to worry about. The four of us had gained an awesome reputation and were known in the department semi-officially as the "Horny Four". Marc was called "The Black Stallion", Ethan "Golden Balls", Tang "Peking Fuck", go on I said -- and what am I called? Well, you're known as "Turkish Totty" I groaned with embarrassment, but Alison pointed out it could have been worse, their second choice of name for me was "The Italian Salami". Mmm I had to agree that was pretty bad.

So how much have you seen? I asked. Oh just about everything that can be seen, and there's plenty to see! She said grinning at my expense. Don't fret so she assured me, the unused film and photos are kept securely under lock and key. Oh, by the way there's a major project coming up soon, I don't know many details but I do know that you four will be involved in a major charity fund raising event involving the Art College, Medical University, the town council and the local media. You're joking I said, but it was true apparently but the in depth information was being kept secret and she wouldn't know more until just before the event was publicly announced (Brenda was very good at keeping secrets), but if she discovered anything beforehand she'd let me know. The conversation moved on and the rest of the afternoon flew by. But that night I lay in bed tossing and turning worrying about what lay ahead, imagining all the possibilities I eventually fell asleep exhausted.

Monday morning, as I walked to work I decided that at lunchtime I would ask Tom what was going on regarding this charity event in a few weeks time. First though, I needed to meet up with Neil to discuss the coming week's classes and what would be involved. In the staff room, over a cup of coffee Neil told me that I would be helping him to demonstrate medical hygiene and medical appliances in one of the mock up consultation rooms. Oh, like last week? I asked. Not exactly he said, the students wouldn't be in the next room but would be standing on around me taking turns to participate and to watch (taking notes).

Okay, fair enough, shall we make start then? I volunteered. Sure, said Neil, stood up and led me down to the consultation room. Inside waiting for us were forty students (two classes had been combined into one as the morning class would be different to the afternoon class), just chatting, on our entrance they stopped talking and started to take their positions ready for the lesson to begin. They stood in a semi-circle two rows deep around what appeared to be rather a short padded table with four straps hanging from one end, not the usual couch that I had been expecting. Neil asked me to remove my clothes and stand by the table. While I was removing my clothes I watched him attach two metal devices which to me looked very much like arm rests, it didn't make much sense to me but I wasn't here to worry about what Neil doing. By the time I had removed the last of my clothing and folded them up he was ready and waiting for me. He instructed me to first sit on the table between the appliances, then lay back bringing my legs up with me before placing them on the rests provided (ah, I now understood their function). Once I was comfortable he had one the students to place a cushion under my head and then asked me if I was comfortable. I confirmed that I was (apart from that I felt rather exposed in this position). Then talking more to the students than to me he said that the following procedures required stillness from the patient, to facilitate this, the patient needs to be secured (eh? I thought) and without further ado using the straps he secured my wrists to the table and my legs to the rests. Then a further one was wrapped over my chest, I shot Neil a questioning look but he chose to ignore it. Turning to the class Neil said the first rule of medicine was cleanliness so before any procedures can take place the part of the body being treated must be sterilised, in this case alcowipes would be used to clean my cock, balls and crack. Having selected a student at random, the student was given this task who I am sure was more embarrassed than me as she would not meet my gaze and looked rather flushed. Once she had cleaned me thoroughly, Neil again turned to the students and informed them that as the procedures would take a long time and it would not be possible for me to go for a convenience break I would need to be cathetered. This as qualified doctors and nurses would be something they'd have to master, which is why he was showing them how it's done. Telling me that it might be a little uncomfortable but I should try to relax, he started to lube up a narrow plastic tube at one end with a tap at the other. Then gently holding my cock with one hand he proceeded to slowly insert the tube into the piss slit. It stung and continued to sting as it worked its way into me, on and on it went until it met resistance. Neil paused his insertion, checked how much had gone in, told his students that he'd reached the bladder's sphincter and that with a careful push the tube it would enter the bladder. It felt like I badly needed to piss, then once the tube had stopped moving the feeling stopped as did the stinging. Then reaching for a bucket he held the tube over it and opened the tap releasing a stream of urine into the bucket. Shortly the flow slowed to a trickle and then stopped, satisfied Neil closed the tap and removed the bucket. He told me to let him know when I needed to urinate again and he would open the tap again for me. Turning to the students Neil said that before a doctor can investigate any bowel or large intestine issues the rectum and large intestine needs to be thoroughly cleaned out using a process commonly called Colonic Irrigation. It is useful as the contents on the faeces can monitored as it leaves the body through a clear tube. With that he briefly left the room before returning with a trolley upon which stood an electric motor, a large tank of water, an empty covered black plastic bucket. There was a clear plastic tube leading from the water tank via the motor to a metal butt plug. Then a second tube led from the butt plug to the black plastic bucket. Then applying KY jelly to the butt plug he gently but firmly pushed it up my arse until my ring clamped down onto the narrow neck, then turning round he switched the motor on and I felt tepid water slowly enter my rectum. Before long I felt the pressing need to empty my bowels which I mentioned to Neil. He halted the motor, stopping the water flow, then beckoning the students closer, he turned the release tap and the water evacuated my rectum taking the faeces with it. To my discomfort he described the constituents, accurately assessing what I had eaten yesterday. Then when the water ceased flowing he stopped the tap and turned the motor on again, again when I could take no more in, he stopped the motor and released the water/faeces mixture. Each time the cycle was repeated the amount of water entering increased and the faeces released decreased until finally the released water ran clear. Neil took the equipment out of the room for safe disposal of the waste water before returning with a rather large speculum. Waving it around he explained to the students that it can be used for internal examination of either the anus or vagina and here is how it's used. Again he applied KY jelly to the speculum before smoothly inserting it fully up my rectum, then when it would go no further he started to ratchet the arms apart thereby opening my hole. Finally the speculum was fully extended and my hole stretched wide open so that everyone looking could see right in up to my second ring and I quickly found out that a hand could comfortably reach in barely touching the sides! Neil did exactly that to demonstrate the fact that the inner ring served the same purpose as the outer ring. He then invited anyone who wanted to feel what the inner ring was like could do so and they could also test the elasticity of it at the same time. I looked up expecting little response only to find that they were now all queuing up to reach inside me. Tom's words from the previous Friday echoed in my ears and I finally understood his concern for our wellbeing and insistence that we were 100% elastic down there. One by one I felt a hand feel round inside my rectum before prodding my second ring with a finger or two. Every now and then a brave hand reached further and pushed right past and into my bowels before pulling back out. Word must have gone round the remaining students because very quickly every hand was pushing past the ring wearing down my resistance and allowing easier access to deeper depths. Neil realised what was happening, then to make sure that the students hadn't got one over on him, after the last student had taken his turn he knelt between my legs and informed the watching students that the human body is very resilient and can cope with great demands placed on it. With that he released the speculum and withdrew it from my rectum. Before I knew it he had inserted his coned fist, pushing past the second ring and into my bowels, then slowly and inexorably his hand pushed deeper and deeper into my bowels. Before long his elbow had disappeared, then his biceps started to stretch my hole even wider and to my incredulity he only stopped when his shoulder pressed against my cheeks. I could not believe and by the expression of the students neither could they. All I could do was quietly pray that no harm was being caused internally, how would I explain this to the hospital? I felt incredibly stuffed (no surprise really) and uncomfortable, sensing this Neil started to withdraw very slowly and carefully until his fist finally left my gaping hole. He gently tapped it making it reflexively contracting to a normal shape and size.

Neil then turned to me and asked me if I needed to urinate, I nodded weakly, so Neil fetched the bucket and turned the tap at the end of the catheter releasing a stream of urine into the bucket. Once finished he closed the tap again, removed the bucket and turned to the students informing them that an alternative method of examining the large intestine (other than digital exploration) was to use an endoscope and proceeded to wave this flexible black tubing with a small camera and bright light at one end. It was about three feet in length, at the other end were two cables, one was a power lead, the other was attached to a television screen. He turned the television screen on and then applied some KY jelly to the tubing before inserting it up my rectum. On screen you could see my flesh close up, all glowing pink with small blood vessels tracing across it. Then before long a puckered ring came into view before the camera pushed past it and on upwards into my bowels. All the time this was going on Neil was giving a running commentary. Finally the tube had been fully inserted and the tour was on the return trip out. On exiting my anus Neil reached for a towel and carefully cleaned me up. Then he turned his attention to the catheter, which I had become accustomed to, warning me it may sting a little and then proceeded to pull it out. Sting it sure did but at least it had been removed.

Ok class, time for lunch Neil announced dismissing them. He apologised to me for the lack of warning he had given me but if he had told me what was to come I would probably have refused to co-operate and thereby broken my contract which he wanted to avoid at all costs. I had to agree on that point and asked him if this afternoon was going to be a repeat of this morning. Oh no, he assured me, your body can only cope with this once a day, this afternoon will focus on the upper digestive system. That's fine by me I replied until I was informed that ideally I shouldn't eat at lunch time otherwise it will spoil the afternoon's class. I told Neil I was starving, the only thing he could suggest was that I had a couple of energy drinks and ate some glucose tablets he had spare. It was better than nothing I guess. While I stretched my legs walking round the room I expressed my admiration of Neil's expertise in getting his whole arm up me, it reminded me of Dave's abilities. Laughing, he said it should, Dave taught him well. I was silent for a minute, then asked how that situation had arisen. After making me promise to keep it to myself he divulged that he was part of a secret social club where Dave was the chief events organiser. Noticing that I hadn't displayed an adverse reaction he then asked if I might be interested in joining the group however it is by invitation only and will depend on the level of discretion I display with this information. I assured him the secret was safe with me and yes, if invited I would definitely be interested in joining the social club. After all what harm can it do to extend my network of contacts?

Neil seemed pleased with my response, told me to leave it with him and above all not to say anything to anyone otherwise the invitation would be withdrawn. By now I had drunk the energy drinks and sucked the glucose tablets and was getting restless. I decided to get dressed and go for a quick walk round the campus to get some fresh air before my lunch break was over. During my brisk walk I met Tang who said they'd missed me at lunchtime, I apologised for my absence but I had stayed behind chatting to the tutor and simply forgot the time, now I was having a change of scenery before the afternoon's class. He seemed to accept with this explanation, told me not to work so hard and that he'd see me tomorrow lunchtime without fail. Smiling I said he would indeed.

On returning to the consultation room Neil asked me to strip but I could leave my boxer shorts if I wished as they were focusing on my upper body this afternoon. The first half of the afternoon was spent on the respiratory system with Neil demonstrating various exercises and devices which can be used to test the capacity and efficiency of the lungs when at rest, during and after physical exercise. This was easy work for me and a relief from the intimate activities this morning. Then Neil turned his attention to the digestive system, starting with the mouth, throat, stomach and small intestines. The only way to investigate the latter three was using an endoscope, similar to this morning's but on a smaller scale. Uh oh I thought but I kept my thoughts to myself and my expression composed. Neil asked me to climb on to the consultation couch and lay on my side facing him. He then explained to the students that a local anaesthetic is applied to the mouth and throat to prevent gagging making the endoscope's insertion easier. With that he picked up a small spray bottle, asked me to open my mouth wide and sprayed the bitter fluid in my mouth and down my throat. It was foul! But it was effective, within a couple of minutes my mouth, tongue and throat was totally numb. Reaching for the endoscope Neil instructed me to remain absolutely still and take deep breaths while he inserted the tubing otherwise I would still gag. I did as I was told although my eyes watered and focused on the breathing. Looking at the TV screen I could seen the camera travelling down my throat and into my stomach, I was vaguely aware of Neil giving a running commentary. Then the camera started to withdraw and with a small retch it was removed from my mouth.

Neil thanked me for my assistance today and the students clapped their appreciation too. Smiling I thanked them all and proceeded to dress before wishing them good bye to start my session at the gym. As I pumped iron and ran on the treadmills it was so good to give my muscles a hard work out after spending most of the day held in one position. I kept thinking about the social club Neil had mentioned and wondered when or if I would receive an invitation to join them. Once finished with punishing my body on the exercise machines I dragged myself into the showers and enjoyed a refreshing sluice down before wandering off home for a well deserved rest.

Tuesday morning was basically a re-run of yesterday, even down to the arm insertion. I was beginning to suspect that these classes were in some way preparing me for the following week, surely I was just being paranoid! Wait and see was the order of the day. At lunch time I was better prepared than the day before, I had made sure that I had had a large breakfast and I had a couple of energy drinks with me. So I quickly got dressed after the students broke for lunch and joined Marc, Tang and Ethan in the canteen. Surprise surprise they too were drinking energy drinks. I looked at Ethan and asked him if his tutor had reached up inside him and didn't know when to stop. Choking and spluttering, he laughed and said, yeah something like that. Go on, how far did he get? I asked pushing for information. Glancing at Tang and making sure no one could overhear he said halfway between the elbow and shoulder, he couldn't believe it. We went round the table and found out that we'd all had similar experiences; Tang had managed a similar range and Marc like me had been able to take the whole arm up to the shoulder. Marc and I high fived and crowed that we were the champions, the four of us laughed and asked what were we like? Soon enough the lunch break was over and it was back to "work", strangely I was less keen on the afternoon session than I was on the morning.

While exercising afterwards I remembered that I hadn't tackled Tom about the fundraising event that Alison had mentioned at the weekend. So once I was freshened up I paid a visit to the staff room but it was empty so I made a quick exit and went home for something to eat.

The rest of the week followed much the same pattern until Friday afternoon when once again it was time for the weekly medical. On arrival we found that Tom, Peter and Adam were already waiting for us and indicated that we should strip and clean ourselves without delay. While we were doing so Tom and Adam were busy arranging what appeared to be four gigantic dildos on an exercise bench with Peter busy greasing them up with Crisco. When we were finished cleaning out we joined the three men and I took the opportunity to study the dildos in closer detail. They were approximately twenty four inches in length and looked for all the world like two hands coned together, on verbalising this Peter explained that I was quite correct and that in fact they were a rubber cast moulding of his own hands! He thought we would appreciate the personal touch. But before we were to become better acquainted with the monsters Adam needed to do the routine physical checkups. Afterwards he announced that he was pleased with our progress in the gym as our muscle definition had shown a marked improvement and that we should be proud of our hard work and how well we were justifying the investment the University had made in us. I saw Peter make a quick phone call before inviting us to join them for a quick cup of coffee while we waited for a member of the media team arrive. Peter had decided that he wanted to record our progress with a mini film shoot.

About fifteen minutes later there was a knock and a young scruffy student entered carrying a large holdall bag and a video camera attached to a folded tripod stand. Come on in Callum called Peter, come and meet the guys. As he approached we stood up to shake hands. The look of shock on his face was comical, clearly he hadn't been briefed before coming over and hadn't expected to meet four naked guys in the staff room. I had to give him credit because he recovered his composure rapidly and asked Peter where he wanted the gear set up. This reminded me of our first photo shoot in the very same room especially when the lighting and white backing sheets were set up. Peter wanted photos taken of us individually and in various grouped combinations; in casual, classical and erotic poses; but most of all they were to emphasise our musculature and masculinity. If I'm honest it was fun especially when Peter asked me to get erect and watching the expression on Callum's face as he tried to remain focused. Time flew past and before I knew it Callum had finished the shoot. Peter thanked Callum for his time and asked him to pass a note on to Brenda, I wondered if it was anything to do with Alison's information, I shrugged my shoulders, what will be will be. He then said to Callum that the four of us would be shortly trying out his new toys he was welcome to stay, have a coffee and enjoy the entertainment but be warned it's not for the feint hearted! He looked from Peter to us trying to make his mind up, he caught Marc's eye and Marc, bless him said feel free to stay. What we're about to do is nothing compared to what we have already one in front of forty students. This seemed to make his mind for him, so with a smile he said why not and took a mug of coffee that Tom was offering and sat down on a nearby chair for a good view. He looked thoughtful for a minute and then reached into his bag and retrieved his camera, just in case he spotted some good shots. What an excellent idea Tom agreed, shoot away he invited.

Right guys, Tom said turning to us, let's get the show on the road shall we? Knowing already what was expected of us and bearing in mind Callum was going to be taking photos we took the can of Crisco offered by Adam and carefully packed each other's holes with the grease. All the time I was aware of Callum moving around taking shots, sometimes moving in for a close up sometimes stepping back for a wider view. When we were fully greased up and the Crisco had softened we walked over to the bench and straddled the giant dildos. Before we started to lower ourselves on to them Adam cautioned us saying that they weren't expecting us to be able to take the dildos in completely today but over the coming week we would be expected to practice with the help of Dave so by next Friday we'll be able to swallow them whole and be able to sit down on the bench. We simply nodded but Callum muttered "fucking hell, this has got to be seen to be believed" I laughed and said, that's the general idea.

Wasting no more time I started to take deep breaths, relaxing as best I could and slowly lowered my hole down onto the rubber fingers and let gravity push them up inside. Focusing on relaxing I was able to accept the intrusion until it got to the widest part of the hands i.e. the knuckles and despite my best efforts I was unable to progress any further. I was not the only one the other three were faring no better. Peter clapped his hands and said enough for one day, he'll have a word with Dave who will be able to help during the classes next week. That was the first clue we had for the week ahead. As we cleaned ourselves up Callum bid us farewell and promised that he'd be back next Friday to finish the photo shoot. Once he had gone and we were dressed again Peter gave us our cash in hand wages of £800 each and that was our fourth week completed.


Over the weekend I phoned Alison to see if she'd heard any more about the charity fund raising event but she said she hadn't because Brenda had been out of the office a lot this week and when she was in she was ensconced in high level meetings which Alison hadn't been invited. Oh well, not to worry, I said but please do let me know if you hear anything. Sure will sweetie she said and then after a short catch up gossip we said our goodbyes and I hang up. Generally it was a quiet weekend and a little boring so I was glad when Monday arrived and I could once again socialise with three guys I now considered good friends and colleagues who were very close to being friends.

Turning up at the staff room as normal first thing Monday morning the four of us found that we'd be working together in the same class for the first time since we started working for the University. This week we'd be working down in the gym with Dave covering Sports Therapy and Massage. This was going to be very much a hands on week with us being on the receiving end of the students practicing physiotherapy and massage treatments. We were told to wear our usual university issue clothing and either a pair of sports shorts or a jock-strap underneath to save our blushes with the sports jocks.

Having donned our "uniform" we trouped down to the gym where we found Dave setting up a mock physiotherapy area including couches, chairs and exercise machines etc. Dave waved us a greeting and indicated that we were to join him as he wanted to brief us on the following lessons. He explained that the students were from the sports therapy division of the university and were generally of a male heterosexual disposition unlike the broadminded metrosexual medical students who took most things in their strides. In view of this we would not be asked to strip naked which might cause discomfort for the students. The most we would be asked to strip down to would be our undergarments this afternoon in the sports massage lesson. This morning would involve mock physiotherapy assessments (much like the consultation assessments in the second week of lessons) where we would act out scenarios and the students had to correctly diagnose the problem and prescribe a suitable course of treatment. We were each allotted to a cubicle containing a chair and couch and saw one student at a time, each scenario took about half an hour including feedback from Dave. Most students were pretty well mannered, accurate and took it seriously with only a couple of guys acting like idiots fooling around before being reprimanded by Dave.

Finally it was lunchtime and we were able to escape, so we retreated to the canteen and laughed about the morning's events. While the sports students might be generally better looking and have fitter bodies we all agreed that their general behaviour towards us was poorer than the medical students and that we would rather work in the lecture block than over here. Nevertheless, as Tang reminded us, we were committed to treating everyone equally so we shouldn't make up our minds so quickly, after all it was only Monday morning and the rest of the students would probably be better behaved. This was a good point we all agreed so we returned to the gym in better spirits.

The afternoon lesson was a lot easier for us, mentally and physically. We were asked to strip to our undergarments (shorts in the case of Tang and Ethan, Jock-straps for Marc and myself), then lay face down on the four couches before having a white hand towel draped over our buttocks. Then under the guidance of Dave the students practiced various massage routines. It was very relaxing laying there doing nothing but feeling oiled hands massaging my muscles all over my body front and back. For once there was nothing erotic about it, as had been stressed by Dave to the students beforehand; no hands had tried to slip underneath the towel for a sneaky feel.

Once the final students had left for the day we helped Dave tidy the room up again, but at his suggestion we remained undressed as we would be stripping naked once we were in his office to continue with the stretching exercises as requested by Peter. Having tidied up we grabbed a glass of cold water from the drinks dispenser and headed to Dave's office, as usual the door was locked once we were all in and we quickly removed the last of our clothing. The furniture in the room had been moved to the edges leaving a clear space in the centre, in which had been placed a padded plastic covered mat. It was large enough to accommodate all five of us and we were soon going to find out its purpose. Dave brought over four new cans of Crisco from a nearby stock room, opening them he gave three to us and kept one himself. He then told us to get onto the mat, on all fours, one in front of each other. Marc was at the front, followed by myself (what a fucking hot view I thought to myself), then Ethan and Tang with Dave bringing up the rear. He said the purpose of this exercise was to warm up our rings again having had a few days rest and to encourage trust between the four of us (and with Dave as our tutor). Then as instructed we liberally greased up the hole facing us before warming it up by gradually inserting fingers slowly increasing the number used until the whole hand smoothly slid inside. It was the first time that I had been fisted at the same time as fisting someone else and felt fantastic. Then we were told to take our time working our hand past the second inner ring until the elbow too had been swallowed. There was a lot of grunting and heavy breathing but finally everyone had accomplished this feat. I looked over my shoulder and the scene that greeted my eyes was very surreal, only Dave was looking up and he gave me a wink and mouthed a "well done" to me. I grinned back so as not to disturb the other guys. We then were told to pull out completely and form two rows, again one in front of another. This time Marc said it was his turn to fist me and Ethan was to fist Tang, I had no problem with this suggestion at all! As we were already warmed up Marc's hand was in my rectum in no time at all and before much longer his hand was sliding up into my bowels before sliding back into my rectum and coming to a stop. Then I could feel a finger sliding in beside his wrist, wriggling around before a second one joined it, then a third and a fourth. Slowly Marc pulled his fist part way out but keeping his four fingers in place which had the effect of stretching my hole wider, then he pushed it back in before pulling it out again. After a dozen repetitions I felt his thumb slide in beside the other fingers, realizing what was about to happen took a deep breath and tried to relax further. Sure enough when his fist withdrew and then moved back in his other hand joined it clenched together within my rectum. Looking over my shoulder I could see that Ethan was receiving the same treatment as me. At that moment Marc tensed his shoulders, then relaxed a little before returning his attention to the task in hand. Unknown to me Dave had been spending time warming up Marc's hole and had just succeeded in getting both of his hands up inside him. Gently withdrawing his hands he turned his attention to Tang.

Satisfied that I was sufficiently loosened up Marc pulled his fists out of me and slapped me on the rump, laughing and saying that should see me right for a while. Within a short while we were all uncoupled and sitting round discussing our experiences of the last hour. I asked why we were now expected to take two fists instead of one. Dave semi-avoided the question by stating that Peter had requested this (which we already knew) and that he believed we would soon find out, probably within the next couple of weeks. Clearly we weren't going to get a straight answer so we let the matter drop, at the end of the day we were getting handsomely paid so we couldn't complain. After a while we dressed and bid Dave good night before making our various ways home.

The rest of the week's lessons were pretty much a re-run of Monday, the guys didn't get any better. Yes they're fit and good looking but by and large all they were interested in were girls and out competing each other. It was amusing to start off with but soon became trying and finally infuriating!

Only the after work stretching exercises brought any relief from the tedium of the jocks. Tuesday and Wednesday exercises were spent building on Monday's progress. By the end of Wednesday we were able to sit down on two fists as easily as one, sliding down in one smooth motion until the elbow was snug between our cheeks. Dave was satisfied with our progress, so on Thursday he presented us with Peter's custom made double handed dildos to try them for size in preparation for the medical on Friday. Having spent that last three days expanding our horizons, as it were, they were no longer as scary as they had seemed the previous week. To make it more fun Dave set us a challenge, whoever managed to completely swallow the dildo and be sitting comfortably on the exercise bench first would be given a blow job to ejaculation by the person who came second. Then who came second would be given a blow job by who came third and so on. The one who was last would have to make do with a wank. On your marks, get set, go! Dave cried. Quickly we greased up our holes and the dildos before doing our best to swallow the enormous rubber dildos. It was rather a slow race because you can't relax and rush at the same time. I kept monitoring the progress of my rivals and saw that Marc was leading the race. For a straight guy he sure was talented (and has a big dick) and I decided I was to be the one who's slurp on his love juice, so making sure I was ahead of Ethan and Tang but slower than Marc I concentrated on sliding down that monster. Finally with a huge sigh of relief my cheeks made contact with the bench and I was able to declare myself second. Marcus slapped me on the shoulder and gently mocking me asked what had kept me, I'd made it too easy for him, perhaps I'd deliberately lost in order to get my mouth on his cock? I feigned confusion, pretending I didn't know what he meant and that the best man had won. By then Dave had clapped his hands to attract our attention and declared the order of finishing as follows: Marc, Jo (me), Ethan and Tang. So once we'd released the dildos from our arses and cleaned ourselves up we knew what we were to do.

I'd been waiting for this moment for a very long time, I savoured every moment as I walked up to Marc who stood with legs apart, hands on hips and a big grin on his face. His dick was hanging down thick and heavy but already beginning to stir. Then I knelt down in front of him and put my hands round his muscular legs to steady myself before slowly taking his cock in my mouth. Running my tongue round the head I tasted him before lowering my head further down his pole, on and on I went until his pubes were tickling my nostrils and I was finding it difficult to breath. All the while his cock was expanding and getting harder and harder. When I thought I could take no more down my throat his hands took hold of my head and he started to thrust in and out. Getting accustomed to his size and movements I started to relax, sensing this he made his strokes longer and harder. Before long he started to spasm and shudder, then with a growling moan he shot a load of spunk down my throat. Once he'd finished spurting he pulled his softening cock out of my mouth, all the time I was sucking and licking it clean and continued to do so until no more jism would come out. Marc looked down at me and said there's no need to ask if you enjoyed doing that is there? Grinning like a love sick puppy I said that was the greatest and that should he ever feel the need to shoot his load down a throat again I would be more than happy to be that throat. Smiling he said he'd bear that in mind.

It was clear that from the erection I was sporting that it was a mutually enjoyable experience and Ethan made a quick job of bringing me to orgasm. In the middle of servicing me, Tang crawled underneath Ethan and took Ethan's dick in his mouth. It was this horny view which made me shoot so quickly, I was left hoping that we would be able to repeat it again one day. Dave must have felt sympathy for Tang because he knelt down and wanked off Tang while he was sucking on Ethan.

When we'd all climaxed and got our breaths back, Dave asked us if we'd enjoyed that little competition, what could we say but yes! Good, he replied, he didn't want us getting bored but now it was time to tidy up and go home.

Friday's lessons were a little easier knowing that it was nearly the weekend and that it would be the last time that we would have to deal with the sports jocks. We just had the usual medical to pass before we were free for the weekend and that ever larger cash payment. I won't bore you with the details of the medical as it went along the same lines as all the previous ones. We were still fit and healthy, our muscle tone was good and the anal elasticity levels were spot on target. As we were finishing the medicals there was a knock on the door and in walked Callum to finish the photo shoot as promised last week. Once he'd set up his studio again we then demonstrated to him our ability to accommodate Peter's dildos. It must have turned him on big time as his trousers quickly sported a tent pole that refused to go down no matter how much he rearranged his trousers. Half as a joke, half to tease him as I was cleaning myself up I asked him if he needed some relief from his predicament. Blushing he stuttered yes, but was this the right time and place? Peter laughed, sure why not? We're all men together and we're very discreet. I took this to be a green light and knelt down in front of Callum, unbuckled his belt and slowly pulled his combats down around his ankles, then his shorts were lowered releasing his cock which sprang upright as only young men's do. I think he was ready to cum there and then, so I told him to relax and at the same gently pulled on his balls to distract him. Then taking a deep breath I swallowed his cock in one go bring a gurgling noise from his lips. Ethan had decided this looked like it could be fun so had fetched a tube of KY and walked up behind Callum. Without saying a word Ethan lubed up one finger and inserted it up Callum's virgin arse who suddenly had a look of panic on his face but made no move. Peter told him to go with the flow, no harm would come to him and who knows he might even enjoy it. Callum gave in to his lust and started to fuck my face, instantly making it easy for Ethan to work on his hole who within a couple of minutes had worked three fingers up inside. God, he was a smooth operator, without missing a beat Ethan had substituted his fingers for his cock and Callum was fucking himself on Ethan's cock. All too soon I could feel Callum's cock pulsing and then he shot his load into my mouth, overflowing and ran down my chin. His orgasm and muscle clenching triggered Ethan's own orgasm and within seconds he was firing his spunk up the young guy's rectum. Suddenly self-conscious Callum blushed, pulled his trousers up, gathered his gear up and made a quick exit. Well Peter said, that seems to have provided a diversion for a slow Friday afternoon and he commended mine and Ethan's ability to spot an opportunity and put it into action. He thought this would stand us in good stead in the next couple of weeks. Before wishing us a pleasant weekend he gave us this week's pay packet of £900 cash each.

Walking across the campus I noticed that Marc was quiet and had hardly said anything since the "Callum incident". I asked him what was wrong, he shrugged his shoulders and admitted that he'd felt jealous of Callum when I had given him a blow job and was now feeling confused about his emotions. This disclosure had come out the blue for me and I was at a loss for what to say to him. After what seemed like eternity I turned towards him and apologised for making him feel like that, it had not been intentional. Now Marc looked concerned and said I shouldn't say things like that, after all I was openly gay, as far as I knew he was straight and we had no emotional connections other than working together and being friends. How and what I do is my business, not his. There's a lot of analysing he said he needed to do to get his head around what he's been feeling recently and where it fits in with his life. Fair enough I said, but you've got my telephone number if you want to talk. If you want to meet up just let me know. Okay thanks, he said but it's unlikely as he's going to have a hectic weekend as both of his boys were playing football at their respective schools as they're both showing potential talent at the game. Then he'll have the usual fatherly things to do, like shopping, housework and taking them out in the evening etc. It's likely the only time he'll have to himself would be in bed before falling asleep. Well the offer still stands and you know where I am I repeated. I gave him a mock punch on the arm before departing to make my way home.

Over the weekend I kept my phone switched on at all times but the phone never rang, not a great surprise, I just had to hope that Marc was okay.


Monday morning eventually arrived and I wondered what lay ahead as I walked up the stairs to the staff room. Inside already waiting for me were Peter, Tom, Brenda, Ethan and Tang but no Marc. Uh oh I thought I do hope he's not done a runner because of me. However hot on my heels Marc came bounding into the room wishing us all a good morning, apologised for being late and threw me a wink to say everything's cool between us.

I wondered why Brenda was in the staff room on a Monday, I was soon to find out. Tom informed us that we had joined the University towards the end of the academic year and the sports therapy week had actually been the last active learning week for the students. This week was going to be a revision week where we would be helping as and when required by the lecturers. If we weren't required Brenda had put a request in for our help at the Art College.

I spent Monday doing the consultation simulations, Tuesday I was naked again in the anatomy class and Wednesday I was on my back having medical appliances inserted into every orifice. Only on Thursday did I have any spare time to take trip over to the Art College and see how I could help. Already over there was Ethan and Tang, they'd been there since Tuesday but Marc wasn't expected until Friday as he was doing the Sports Therapy and Massage revision class (poor sod I thought).

Brenda greeted us in the main lobby, thanked us in advance for our assistance, it was very much appreciated by both her and her students. Today she wanted two of us to help in the life drawing classes and the third one was to help in the photographic class. Tang had already done a stint in the life drawing class so I volunteered to take his place. Ethan was happy either way so that was that and we went our separate ways to the classes. Having never been to the college before it seemed a very different beast to the University I was accustomed to, the students for one thing were a lot younger and generally louder. Having got lost a couple of times I eventually found the classroom I was seeking, I knocked, opened the door and entered. Inside I was greeted by a friendly looking woman and about thirty students around the age of eighteen, with fifty fifty split between male and female. I felt a small blip in my self-confidence, forced a smile onto my face and shook Shirley's (the teacher as she introduced herself to me) hand. In front of me was a raised stage upon which stood a mock Grecian pillar, a sword and shield (mmm, tacky I thought). Arranged in concentric semi-circles were the student's easels, Shirley explained to me that they were free to use various media such as charcoal, pastels, water colours or oils and in this term they were studying classical themes (hence the stage props).

Shirley asked me to strip naked and assume a pose on the stage using the sword and shield reminiscent of an Ancient Greek soldier. Folding my clothes neatly on a spare chair I walked up to the stage, acutely aware of the quiet sniggers coming from several students and the odd wolf whistle. I nodded and smiled in the general direction of the whistlers but ignored the sniggerers. Climbing up onto the stage I picked up the sword and shield doing my best to look like a Spartan soldier. Within a few minutes the class had settled down and concentrated on creating their masterpieces. After an hour Shirley invited me to change position and to get my circulation back as I had been motionless for so long. Taking up the offer I put the props down, stretched my limbs and briskly walked round the classroom a couple of times. All the time I could feel eyes burning holes in my body but this time I felt better able to meet the students gaze and smiled back at them. This seemed to have the effect of making me more human in their perception of me, I wasn't just an object of lust or ridicule.

The morning carried on in the same vein, stopping every hour to allow me to change positions. Then at lunch time I was able to dress once more and went to meet Ethan and Tang for a bite to eat and catch up on gossip. All too soon the lunch break was over and I was once more assuming poses on the stage, at least this time I knew the score and the novelty had worn off so it was straight down to business. At the end of the afternoon once the students had cleared up and left, Shirley came over and thanked me for helping her out and for not letting the students get the better of me. Apparently they could be a handful and more than one live model had refused to come back. She then said she thought I would be brilliant next week and be a real crowd puller, certainly by what she had seen today, if I knew what she meant giving me an exaggerated wink. When it was clear I didn't know what she meant she clammed up, saying she'd said too much already and that I'd find out soon enough. Suddenly very preoccupied she bid me goodnight and walked out the door leaving me to get dressed.

Mulling things over as I walked home I decided I would give Alison a call this evening and drag it out of her what she knew about next week. However all thoughts about Alison evaporated when I picked up a voicemail message left on my home phone, it was from Marc announcing that he'd been thinking things through and really needed to talk to me "man to man" over a beer, was I free tonight? Oh shit, what was he going to say to me? Only one way to find out I guess, so I called his number to get the answer phone. Grrrr! Just when I got myself psyched up he decides to be unavailable. Knowing he had teenage kids at home I left a generalised bland message thanking him for his invitation, was sorry to have missed him and that I would chat with him tomorrow at work. About two hours later he called apologising for having missed me, his youngest son had announced at the last minute that he needed a lift to his mum's (oh, they don't live together then?) as he was going to stay there for the weekend and wanted to meet up with some friends beforehand. It was a bit late now to meet up for a drink, could we meet up tomorrow night instead? I played it cool and said sure, I don't see why not, we'll discuss it tomorrow at work. He ummed and aahed then came out with what was on his mind. He wanted to know if it would be okay to drop an overnight bag round in the morning before work, his other son was going to be out tomorrow evening and he didn't want to draw unwanted attention to his activities. This way there'd be less questions from his son and he'd have maximum freedom on his options depending on how the evening went. Again I said sure thing, while my mind was yelling out YESSSS! Then I started chuckling at Marc's directness -- just what I liked in a man.

I had a restless night, images of naked black men and enormous phallus's drifted in and out of view and woke up with the sheets in a mess. Sighing to myself as I stripped the bed the following morning I just hoped that Marc was going to be saying the things I wanted to hear. I just had time to get myself dressed and fed before there was a knock on the door and standing there was Marc looking very sexy in tight fitting jeans, black muscle vest and wraparound sun glasses. It was all I could do to stop myself from dribbling with lust and grinning like an idiot, instead I welcomed him in and suggested he put his overnight bag in the cupboard under the stairs out of sight. With that it was time to leave, walking to work with someone by my side made a pleasant change from being alone. Although we only made small talk the time seemed to fly and before I knew it we were standing in the main entrance to the Art College with Ethan and Tang waiting for our next assignment. Brenda joined us after about five minutes informing us that we would only be required for the morning session as Peter had requested our presence in the staff room after lunch and that we would be taking part in an end of term fashion show so that the fashion design students could display their course projects.

Leading us through the college Brenda explained that our physical statistics had been given to the students last week and they had created life size mannequins so their clothes would fit us first time. This sounded impressive to me although I found it disconcerting to think that my measurements were being passed around without my knowledge, what other information was being passed on I wondered. I had no more time to think about it because we had arrived at our destination and were being ushered into what looked like a warehouse but it was packed full with students and many rows of clothes rails holding enough clothes to dress an army! Brenda introduced us to the course tutor and then made her exit. Marianne (the course tutor) then pointed us in separate directions where we met the students working on our clothes. The group I was placed with were working on sports/summer wear which to my untrained eye looked rather small for my frame. When I commented on this fact the girls simply laughed informing me that the material was designed to be figure hugging which apparently was all the rage with youngsters these days (gee, I felt like a real old timer considering I was at least ten years older than them). The first outfit I was asked to don was a pair of beach shorts, short sleeved shirt, cap and sandals. I quickly shucked my T-shirt, jeans, trainers and socks (keeping my pants on) and went to get put the outfit on, but a hand reached out stopping me in my tracks. Uh uh, the pants come off too otherwise they will throw out the line of the material. Mmm I thought to myself, but I simply shrugged my shoulders and took them off as well. Standing upright again, I felt slightly uncomfortable, well wouldn't you? There was a dozen pairs of female eyes staring at me, well not exactly at me -- more like staring at my body -- every inch of it. Blushing slightly I pulled on the shorts but the material was so silky and transparent that I felt more naked than before I had put them on. Thankfully the shirt was made of thicker material and just covered my crotch, though when I moved around my cock swung making every movement obvious and eye catching judging by the expressions of the girls. Finally I was ready for the catwalk, looking at the other guys I tried not to laugh as we were all wearing revealing clothes although they were styled differently, I simply smiled encouragement as we stepped onto the stage and the show began.

I didn't realise how hard it would be to be a good catwalk model, no sooner had I walked the length of the catwalk and returned than I was racing to put the next outfit on. All self-consciousness flew out the window in the pandemonium of the changing area, the girls were now too busy to ogle and were very professional in their attitude and demeanour towards me. It was fun but I was exhausted by the end of the show and I was grateful to sit down and sink a large glass of cold water. Brenda thanked us on behalf of the college for our assistance today and over the previous days and hoped that we would be working together again in the future. We waved goodbye to the class, in return we received waves, shouts and wolf-whistles making us laugh before disappearing for our afternoon meeting with Peter.

In the staff room Peter, Tom and Adam waited for us. They informed us that once the compulsory medical was completed they had some exciting news for us which would make the last week of our contract both a memorable one as well as being of immense benefit to the University. All through the medical I kept wondering what lay in store for us, I barely noticed the prodding, the pulling or the fingers up my arse!

Once the medicals were all over, we sat in the lounge area drinking coffees while Peter distributed our cash pay packets of £1,000 which made me just smile from ear to ear while thinking what I could do with it. Then he proceeded to tell us about the plans for next week. Traditionally the last week of the academic year had always been a fund raising period used to boost the coffers of the University and the charities it supported. This year it was going to be different, the University has teamed up with the Art College and the local business forum to compile a complete week of events:

Monday (evening) -- Charity dinner & dance

Tuesday (day) -- Football tournament

Wednesday (day) -- Charity fun run

Thursday (evening) -- Charity slave auction

Friday (evening) -- Private party

To keep costs to a minimum and provide valuable experience the college's media team would be covering Monday to Thursday's events, but Friday was not going to be filmed as this was being sponsored by top business men and they had requested privacy which the University had agreed to due to the vast sums of money being donated. This sounded intriguing but Peter wouldn't be drawn further and after a few minutes of fishing we gave up and took the hint. Peter outlined what our duties would be next week and then told us to go home and make the most of an early finish because next week the working hours would long and all over the place.

Not needing to be told twice we headed off home, Ethan and Tang going in one direction with Marc and myself heading off towards my home to begin what I hoped would be an enjoyable evening. During the walk home I tried to raise the subject of what Marc wanted to talk about, but he very subtly steered the conversation onto safer topics such as what lay ahead for us next week, what his sons were doing this weekend, where we were planning to go tonight for something to eat and drink. Mmm I thought to myself, here is a guy who's done this before, he's such a smooth operator and able to foresee what I was going to ask. I really didn't care, all I wanted to do was to get him into bed.

Arriving home Marc asked if he could jump into the shower while I made a cup of coffee, sure thing I replied, I too want to have a shower before we hit town. I wondered if there would be an invite to join him in the shower, but no, he grabbed his overnight bag and bounded upstairs and into the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Ho hum, I sighed, the night is young yet. Just as I'd finished brewing the coffee Marc sauntered back into the room, God he is such a tease, dressed to kill and smelling gorgeous it was all I could do to keep my hands to myself. No, Jo, don't play into his hands, play it cool. So I offered him his coffee, announced that I was disappearing for my shower now and I told him to make himself at home while he waited for me. As I relaxed under the hot water I heard him walk into the living room and turn the television on, flicking through the channels before selecting a sports channel. I carefully went through my wardrobe choosing clothes which showed my body off without being shouting out that I was a gay man on the pull. Hopefully Marc would like what he saw without feeling uncomfortable. Evidently he did like what he saw as he did a double take but said nothing so I did likewise but smiled to myself all the same as I knew that my plan had succeeded.

Once we'd finished our coffee we strolled into town to the restaurant Marc had selected. He must have chosen this restaurant very carefully as it hit just the right note. It was neither one of those quiet venues where couples go for romantic meals nor one that was so busy we wouldn't be able to talk without shouting. The food was fantastic and reasonably priced, as we slowly consumed more alcohol Marc started to reveal what he wanted to tell me. He started to talk about his younger days before he'd met his ex-wife and it soon became apparent that he'd been a wild child running with several not-so-nice packs into everything, at the same time he'd dabbled in a few same-sex encounters but never actually had a relationship. It wouldn't have been tolerated by his peers and he alluded to the fact that he wouldn't be here today if they'd ever found out, so he became adept at covering his tracks. He then met and fell in love with his ex-wife who quickly produced two sons for him (I wasn't surprised considering the contents of his trousers). The good times however didn't last and her eyes began to wander to pastures new, it didn't take him long to find out as bad news travels fast as he had (and still has) a wide network of friends and contacts. Having discovered she'd been cheating on him, he divorced her and won the battle for custody. Since then he'd devoted his time and energy to bringing his sons up but now they're preparing to fly the nest and make a life for themselves he felt the time was approaching that he could now focus on his own needs. He classed himself as being bisexual and while he was comfortable with his sons seeing their father having relationships with women he was uncomfortable when it came to them seeing men sharing his bed. Perhaps in a few years time when they'd matured a little but for now he kept men as a discreet "treat". This brought him up to date but he wanted to know more about me now. I told him about being openly gay from being a teenager and family problems I had encountered, however it made me independent and self-reliant. I'd had a couple of relationships lasting on average five years but always fizzled out because I was so independent and couldn���t be controlled by them. I was happy to have a relationship but not at the expense of losing my individuality. Marc nodded in sympathy, saying a lot of the women he'd known had tried controlling him, without success.

Over dessert he asked me if I found him attractive, nearly choking on the mouthful I had at the time, I nodded and finally managed to utter that he knew damn well I do. He said I thought you did but I just wanted to hear you say it once I'd told you more about myself and what I was looking for in a man. I smiled and said basically you want a friend who's a fuck buddy but not someone who's going to be demanding and intrusive. Exactly he replied, you've got it in one with a broad grin. Right now all I really want to do is stuff your hole until you can take no more and then you have do the same to me until day break before I return home to my normal routine. I am highly sexed so I'd want to do this on a regular basis, timetables allowing, assuming you were agreeable to this too. I replied as casually as possible that I was happy with this arrangement but I wanted to make one thing clear, I wouldn't tolerate any jealousy if we were simply fuck buddies. I am effectively single and will behave as I wish until otherwise. Fair enough Marc said, he agreed he had no hold over me and I was free to do as I pleased. With that we both decided that we could wait no longer, the bill was paid and we walked home with a spring in our steps.

As soon as my front door was closed, we ripped each other's clothes off laughing like teenagers before he chased me up the stairs into the bathroom for a cleaning out session. Marc commented on the fact that I had the same gear as they used at work, why not I replied, if you can't beat them you should join them and if you don't hurry up I'm going to have to get firm with you. Chuckling Marc did as he was told, kneeling down in the shower cubicle he reached behind and pulled his ebony cheeks apart allowing access to his little pink hole. Lubing up the douching hose I slid it up him with little resistance, once he was full of water he sat down on my toilet to empty out and the process was repeated until he was thoroughly cleaned out. Then it was my turn! In no time at all we relocated to my bedroom and as Marc lay sprawled on the bed I retrieved a can of Crisco from my wardrobe, opened it and told him to spread his legs. Uh, I thought I was going first he muttered. Oh no buddy I said in the firmest voice I could muster, you're on my patch and you'll do as you're told (this time at least) and I've been waiting for a piece of your arse for a long time. Okay Sir, he said with a wink and obediently rolled over on to his stomach and spread his legs as wide as possible. With my cock rigid as a board I crawled up until I knelt with my knees touching his crack, then I liberally applied the Crisco to his hole and my cock. I moved onto all fours and with one hand guided my cockhead into his hole, then in one smooth thrust I was buried up to the hilt in his hot arse. I could have shot my load there and then, to take my mind off climaxing I started to gently bite the back of neck and shoulders before slowly thrusting in and almost pulling out before plunging back in again. This produced guttural moaning which only served to spur me on. After a few minutes I pulled out and told him to roll over on to his back, as he did so I grabbed his ankles and pulled them up and apart, then before he had time to react I thrust my cock back into him and pumped with all my might. His head was rolling frantically on the pillow as my cock repeatedly stroked his prostate, abruptly he started to shudder and groan then his cock exploded jism all over his chest and stomach. Ignoring his spasming I carried on fucking him until my orgasm overtook me and with a final thrust shot my load deep into his bowels. Collapsing on to him he held me in his muscled arms, wrapped his legs around me and thrust his arse into me keeping my cock deep inside me. His movements reignited the fire in my softening cock and it rapidly became hard again. This time I rolled over on to my back and got him to ride me like a cowboy facing me, then as he rode my pole I started to introduce a finger alongside my cock, then two, the three. Getting the drift he pulled off my cock and moved down the bed so I had easier access to his hole, then resuming the motion I quickly inserted four fingers and finally the whole fist, bringing a brief halt to his movements before he continued. After a while he was swallowing the whole of my forearm up to the elbow with ease, I asked him if he wanted to me to go deeper. Shaking his head, he said he preferred width to depth, up to the elbow was comfortable but no further. Respecting his limits I nodded my understanding. After a few more rise and falls Marc stood up releasing my fist with a quiet squelch, giving him a questioning look he smiled and said he needed to take a constitutional and would be back in five. Giving him a wink I said I'd be counting as I wiped my arm clean on the towel nearby.

I must have drifted off to sleep because the next thing I knew was my legs were being gently pulled apart and Marc's face was pressing against my cheeks and his tongue playing with my ring. The sensations were driving me crazy and my hips were bucking wildly, however his tongue relentlessly continued to lubricate my hole and it was beginning to relax trying to draw his tongue inwards. Seemingly satisfied Marc pulled away, adjusted his position and placed his cockhead at my entrance before slowly but forcefully pushing it in. He didn't stop until he was fully inside and started to thrust, within minutes he was pounding my arse as if there was no tomorrow. Not that I was complaining, I was having the fuck of a lifetime, the thrusts became more instant and then with a final thrust he shot his load deep inside me. Slowing his pace a little he asked if I was okay, I murmured a yes, good, he replied brace yourself, the ride is about to start again. He was as good as his word, this time there was no gentleness, simple rutting pure and simple! I think over the next half an hour he must have fucked me in just about every position and shot his load at least twice. I was beginning to get sore from all the friction and I gestured to him that I needed to take a breather. Looking like a kid who'd just had his favourite toy taken from him, he reluctantly pulled out of me, saying jeez man I was just warming up -- then burst out laughing at the sight of my expression. He gave my arse a hard slap saying that I was one hot fuck and that he sure wanted a piece of it whenever he could get the chance. Walking stiffly into the bathroom to clean myself up I assured him that if he wanted it he only had to knock on my "back door" but no more tonight please, I need to recover. I asked him if he was always like this, no was his response but it had been a long time since he'd been able to get a piece of boy butt. Next time he'd take his time and give my arse a proper workout not just the slam dunk he'd dished out. I'll hold you to that! I laughed then pulled a pair of boxer shorts on and made my way to put the kettle on to make a coffee and a bite to eat. While he was showering I heard his mobile phone ring so I once I heard him walk back into the bedroom I called up to him to let him know. Marc joined me a few minutes later having listened to his voicemail and got dressed. I asked him if he was planning to stay the night, slowly sipping his coffee he hesitated before replying. He had originally intended to stay but he thought it better if he went home, even though it was late, perhaps next time. After all he didn't want to outstay his welcome. Disappointed, I simply nodded my agreement and said that was cool with me, we'd agreed to be fuck buddies, not lovers. Having finished the food and drink Marc called the local taxi firm and while he waited for it he packed his overnight bag. All too quickly the taxi arrived and tooted its horn, giving him a manly hug I wished him good night before crawling off to bed for a well deserved sleep.

The rest of the weekend I spent in a bit of a daze, half of me wanting Marc back in my bed, the other half wanting my old solitude back again. Either way things were how they were for the time being, who knew what lay in the future. When Monday morning arrived it was such a luxury to stay in bed until mid-morning, I savoured every moment. Rather than the normal rush to get washed, dressed and out the door first thing in the morning, instead I could take my time and stroll into the University mid-afternoon as instructed by Peter.


In the staff room I met up with Ethan, Tang, Marc and Peter. He ran through the plans for the first of the events this week i.e. the Charity Dinner & Dance which was going to be held in the main hall on campus. The local response had been fantastic and all the available tickets had sold out very quickly even at the purchase price of £250 per person. As previously mentioned the event was going to be covered by the Art College's Media Team and their Drama Team were going to be putting on a musical entertainment both during the dinner and afterwards when the dancing started. I wondered where we fitted into all this, I soon found out! The four of us along with Glen and Oliver (a couple of volunteers from the Student Union) were going to be waiters for the evening but with a difference. We would be dressed in genuine waiters outfits, however each piece of clothing we wore had a price label on it and the price went up with each piece removed. The idea being that by the end of the evening each of us could have raised £50,000 but for this figure to be reached every item of clothing would have been sold. Peter said he appreciated that we might be apprehensive because the public were involved but the invited parties had been carefully selected so we weren't at risk of bumping into our nearest and dearest. The outfits themselves were beautifully made (by the fashion design students apparently, again using our measurements they'd been given) and fitted extremely well. I commented on how professional we looked but where were the price tags? Peter laughed, they weren't on the actual clothes instead they would be on the diners tables as a price list and the guests could pay by cash or credit card from their seats and be given the item of clothing there and then by the waiter who was wearing it. Sounded simple enough but I had butterflies in my tummy just thinking about it. On to a more practical matter he said, we would be expected to serve food and drinks but the menu was a set one with only a couple of options for each round and the guests would have a menu card in front of them for us to use as a guide. Again with drinks there was wine and water available for each table which would require replenishing as it ran out but if the guests wanted anything else they had to purchase it from the bar which was outside our remit.

Okay guys, time for you to have a shower and tidy up before you meet the guests. Trooping obediently to the wet room area of the staff room we took turns to have a shower, shave, and tidy up any unruly hairy bits. Then it was time to get dressed up in our smart outfits and boy did we look good! We made our way over to the main hall halfway across the campus where there was a hive of activity with guests turning up in large groups and students busy organising everyone and everything. The place was immaculate, decorated to perfection and looked like something out of a Hollywood movie set. The main stage had been set up for musicians and singers to perform (rather than an actual musical like I'd imagined) and the performers were just doing some last minute checks to the equipment before disappearing back stage. The four of us and the two volunteers were told to stand in line by the serving entrance and to wait for our next instructions, in the meantime we just had to stand to attention like we were soldiers.

Slowly the hall filled up and everyone took their seats, looking around them expectantly. They didn't pay any particular attention to us but that would soon change. Once everyone was seated and had helped themselves to a drink, Peter made his way up on to the stage and opened the evening officially. He welcomed everyone to what he hoped would be a very enjoyable evening, that the food and entertainment would be excellent and that they would dig deep and be generous in their donations. To add spice to the evening he asked everyone to look at the price list on their table and its purpose. Once it had sunk in virtually every pair of eyes looked over to us and I am sure that we were already being undressed by most of the women present and quite a few of the men! Then without further ado Peter invited the first band to play and we were ready to start serving the starters. For the first twenty minutes we were rushed off our feet issuing the different starters out and replenishing the wine bottles. Half way through doing this I noticed that Glen was called over to a table where he removed his cufflinks and tie before resuming his duties. There was no further action until most of the starters had been consumed and we were clearing the empty plates away. Peter then started whirling round like a man possessed and within the space of a few minutes most of us had lost the cufflinks, ties, jackets, waistcoats an in the case of Ethan his shirt too. Then came the main course which again seemed to distract the guests from donating but once it had been consumed along with plenty of wine the donations came flooding in again resulting in me and Oliver being down to our jockstraps, Tang still had his trousers on but poor old Marc, Ethan and Glen were already naked! Not that they minded, judging by the state of their cocks, the "accidental" brushes they received from the guests when walking between the tables or the bum pinching that we were all experiencing. By the time the desserts were ready to be sent out we were all naked and getting into the swing of it and I quickly became accustomed to this state. The rest of the evening flew past, the musicians played on late into the evening and eventually Peter called a close to the proceedings thanking everyone for such a brilliant evening and announcing that thanks to the clothes auction a staggering £400,000 had been raised. At the news of this the room erupted into a huge round of applause, then Peter called us up on to the stage to thank us too for all of our hard work and how much it had been appreciated by everyone, to which there was a great deal of wolf whistles and cat calls as we took a bow. Slowly over the next hour the room slowly cleared, still naked (after all we had no clothes to put on until we got back to the staff room) we all helped clear the hall up before as a group we made our way back to the staff room. Actually the route back was more nerve wracking for me because we had to walk across the campus stark bollock naked with many students staring open mouthed because they hadn't known about the charity dinner and dance. Finally we made it back to the staff room and were able to put our clothes back on and make our weary way home for a well earned rest before an early start tomorrow.


In no time at all I was back on campus having an early morning cup of coffee and bacon roll with the guys in the canteen, discussing last night's events and laughing at some of the guests' antics with our states of undress. Then it was over to the gym to meet up with Dave and find out what would be involved with the charity football match that would be starting shortly. Dave said that it was going to be a knock out match starting with eight teams, the winning four teams go into the next round, before the final round with the remaining two teams playing for the cup and top prize. The football teams would be made up of volunteers from the sports therapy division and we would be taking part as goal keepers. The games would be held out on the playing fields watched by the rest of the university, the art college and paying members of the public. What the footballers didn't know yet was that as an incentive to play well whenever a goal was conceded the team would lose an item of clothing. If they wished to avoid playing naked they couldn't afford to concede many goals as all they would be wearing was a T-shirt, shorts and a jock-strap (socks and boots were excluded as they would be used to identify the them along with safety reasons). I grinned to myself remembering how macho some of the guys acted, it would be amusing to see how they handled having to strip in a very public situation. Having received our instructions we changed into our goalies outfits and made our way over to the playing fields. If we had thought the previous night had been busy, we were in for a shock, there were hundreds of people milling around finding their places along the touch line jostling for best position. At either end of the pitch and at the half-way position were twelve foot towers housing the camera crews and loudspeakers. The commentator was on the ground meeting and greeting dignitaries before welcoming the two teams onto the pitch and explaining the rules of the game to them and the spectators. Each game would last half an hour, fifteen minutes each way (there was only one football pitch and the tournament would take too long, as it was it would last over fours from beginning to end) and just as Dave had told us, the side conceding goals would lose an item of clothing for each goal scored. At this last bit of news the footballers looked panicked and trapped, of course they couldn't back out without massively losing face and bringing disgrace to their division and the university. In contrast the spectators cheered and whistled. After a minute or two they regained their composure, clearly deciding that there was no choice but to go ahead but from the expression on their faces they had no intention of losing nor conceding goals! The referee (Dave) shook hands with the team captains and the game started in earnest. From where I was standing (on the touchline with my team) I could see Marc and Oliver in opposing goals doing their best to make sure they saved any balls coming their way, the game was highly energised and very intense. I think the organisers had got it absolutely right, the spectators were loving every moment of the game, even though a goal hadn't yet been scored yet. Then in the second half of the match as the guys were beginning to tire, mistakes were beginning to be made and before long the first goal was scored to the spectators delight. Oliver's team were the first to lose their shirts, throwing them into the crowd before continuing with the game. The final whistle was blown and the first match was over with Marc's team winning 1-0, then after a five minute break the next match started with Ethan and myself being in goal. As I took up my position in goal I didn't realise how nerve wracking it would be, I kept praying that the ball would stay in the other half. Of course my prayers weren't answered and before long I had to stop an incoming ball, thankfully I succeeded and did again a further two times. Unfortunately for Ethan the same couldn't be said. In the first half of the match his team had lost their shirts, then in the second half they lost their shorts too. The game ended with my team winning 2-0, I was so relieved to walk off the pitch with my kit intact. Tang and Glen were on next, unfortunately for Tang's team he was a little on the short side and Glen's team quickly learnt to shoot their balls high into the net. In the first half they lost their shirt and shorts, then at the beginning of the second half they lost their jock-straps too. The crowd went wild clapping and cheering as the blushing guys dropped their jocks and threw them into the crowd. Of course their humiliation wasn't over because they had to play on for the rest of the game under the watchful eyes of the excited crowd. I felt sorry for Tang because his team weren't good losers and ignored him as they left the pitch at the end of the game, I made sure that I was there to meet him as he came off and gave him a towel to cover his modesty and a hug assuring him he'd done his best and that the other guys were just jerks. Clearly upset he did his best to smile and evening managed to grin when I pointed out that his team mates were having to make their way back to the changing rooms across campus in just their socks and boots. We could just about make them out, walking briskly with as much pride as they could muster with a camera guy in tow and a large group of girls trying their best to grab a bit of flesh while they had the opportunity. The final game of the first round had two goalies who were in the University's football team, I hadn't seen them before but they were very good and the game went into extra time until finally a goal was scored and we had a winner.

After a short interval we started the second round of matches, Marc and I were opposing goalies and the wicked side of me hoped that the spectators would get to see parts of him that I had recently got very intimately acquainted with. I reckon he must have been thinking along similar lines because he gave me a high five before running down to his goal. Being the semi-finals the game was fought even harder and to my shame I let in a goal and as I threw my shirt into the crowd I saw Marc laughing and waving from the other end of the pitch. His joy was short-lived because before the end of the first half he'd lost both his shirt and shorts and looking well fit in just his the jocks. At half time as we swapped ends I whispered in his ear how hot he looked and I couldn't wait to see him naked. In your dreams he laughed, I'd just have to wait until the weekend (mmm, yessssssssss please). Oh, he was a smooth operator and this I suspect was a deliberate attempt to sabotage my game because I found it very hard to concentrate through the rest of the game and it wasn't long before I let in another goal. I was fuming with myself as I pulled my shorts down, stepped out of them and threw them into the laughing crowd. I did my best to ignore my teammates glares and Marc's loud laughter. Then within five minutes another ball slipped into the net, it wasn't my fault, I'd dived to save the ball and caught it only to have bounce it out of my hands and a quick acting opponent tapped it in. Oh shit, I thought I know what's coming next. Yep, the referee confirmed it was a goal so off the jocks had to come. Mouthing sorry to my team mates I grasped my jockstrap's waistband and with as much dignity as possible I removed them and lobbed them into the cheering crowd. In response I did a little war dance which sent my cock dancing and sent a message out to the other guys that there was nothing to fear. The message seemed to get through because my other team mates plucked up the courage to remove their jocks too and within thirty seconds they were naked too and we all did a war dance which the crowd lapped up. This boost to our morale had the desired effect and within minutes we'd scored our third goal, and our glee was evident to all. As the opposing team dropped their jocks we catcalled them promised to whip their arses into submission. Marc flipped me a finger and I saluted him in response. The crowd loved it egging us on, now it was 3-3 we had to continue to play until a goal was scored. This spurred us on further, the game became aggressive but oh what a spectacle it must have been! The sight of twelve naked, hot and sweaty guys running around doing their best to outsmart the opponents was fucking horny (at least from my perspective), finally my team managed to land the goal they'd fought so hard for and I felt someway appeased for the goals that I'd inadvertently let in. The atmosphere after this match was different to the previous games, there was more comradeship and the crowd was far more vocal and participative. It was hard to tell who the winners and the losers were as we were all intermingled giving group hugs and cheering to the crowd as we left the pitch.

Dave came over and handed out bottles of water along with fresh kits for our match in the final. I wasn't sure what was more refreshing, the long cool drink or getting clothes on! I think on reflection the drink was, I've become so accustomed to stripping that it seems second nature to be nude in front of clothed people. While this was going on the other semi-final was being played, poor Glen, his team didn't stand a chance, the other team was so formidable and professional that Glen and his team were naked within the first twenty minutes and by the end of the second half Glen's team had lost 4-0, at least my team had put up a good fight and came through victorious. Soon enough it was time for the cup final, the commentator was winding the spectators to fever pitch heightening the pressure on the two teams to produce a humdinger of a game. The atmosphere was electric at kick off and the crowds were shouting all the time until the first goal scored, off came my shirt then my shorts. Oh god I moaned this is going to be a re-run of Glen's game. However by the end of the first half our opponents too had lost their shirts and shorts. At the half-time interval we had a rousing team building coaching session and as the second half started we pressed home our advantage and soon scored another goal meaning that our opponents lost their jocks and were now playing naked for the first time for them and they were clearly weren't comfortable with the fact. Our joy was short lived because they seemed to find their second wind and soon got round our defences (and me) to score a third goal meaning our jocks had to come off too. Time was running out fast and the game got very scrappy, thankfully in the dying minutes we managed to get another goal making the score 4-3 and then the whistle blew. Dave declared us the winning team and beckoned us over (along with the losing team) to the commentators stand. Peter appeared from nowhere along with Brenda and the camera crew, we were shepherded over to the kickoff spot on the pitch for the presentation of the University Cup and prizes (an envelope would be waiting for each of us back in the changing rooms). Once the presentation was over and the camera crew were satisfied that enough film footage and photographs had been taken, group photos were taken. We were then told to do a lap of honour around the football pitch, it was intended to be done at a jogging pace but so many people wanted to shake hands and congratulate us on such a spectacular game that it quickly slowed to a walk and then down to a crawl. In the end it took over an hour to do the full circuit, my arms ached from so many handshakes and my jaws were stiff from so much smiling. Finally we were able to drag ourselves away and managed to slope off to the changing rooms for a well deserved shower and rest. Once we were showered and dressed Dave came in and gave us the promised envelopes. Inside were two tickets, the first was an invitation to appear as VIP guest stars at a mystery event on Thursday evening, we were to dress smartly and report to the staff room at 7pm. The second was an invitation for two people to join the summer camp trip free of charge (details to be sent out later by post). We thanked Dave and all agreed it was a very generous prize considering it was for a charity event, the guys thought participating and winning would be reward enough. My team mates had recharged their batteries and were ready to go on a drinking binge to celebrate but all I was ready for was my bed, so I bowed out gracefully, thanked them for playing so well and for putting up with an amateur like me! Giving me hearty slaps on the shoulder, they laughed, called me an old timer and said I hadn't played too bad either -- I was a real pro when it came to taking my kit off! Chortling, I nodded my appreciation and exited on a good note.

When I got home there was a message on my voicemail from Marc congratulating me on being in the winning team, playing a blinding game and how horny I looked on the field in just my socks and boots. Seeing my body in action had got him so turned on he wanted to come over tonight and put me through my paces all over again. Oh no, I groaned, I simply didn't have the energy for some rough and tumble between the sheets especially when I had a fun run in the morning! However the idea of putting him off to another night didn't exactly appeal to me either. I called Marc back and said that he was more than welcome to come over but I didn't think that I would be much use in bed as I was so knackered. Laughing in response he said that he had just the thing to lift my energy levels and would be over in half an hour, before hanging up he told me to have had a hot shower and have some clean towels available. Intrigued I did as I was told, enjoying my second shower of the day, afterwards I simply put a pair of jogging bottoms on and laid out several folded up towels on the dining room table, not being sure what Marc had in mind. Shortly there was a knock on the door, letting Marc in with a smile he gave me a big bear hug and surprisingly a kiss on the cheek. Not being sure what to make of this gesture, I said nothing but simply returned it. Leading him into the kitchen I asked him if he'd like a drink of anything, orange juice please was his reply, he needed a clear head for what lay ahead. I looked at him questioningly but he merely smiled and took the offered glass of juice. Pouring one for myself I followed him upstairs, leading the way he picked up the towels along with the bag he'd brought with him. In the bedroom he spread out two of the largest towels and instructed me to remove my bottoms and to lie face down on the towels. I lay there watching him retrieve a couple of bottles of massage oil from his bag before he climbed onto the bed, oiled his hands up and began to give me a firm but sensual massage. Starting with my arms and shoulders, he moved down my back before turning his attention to my feet and legs. I was in heaven! The firm warming massage was so relaxing it was semi-hypnotic, I was virtually in a trance as he moved up between my outspread legs kneading my thighs and then my buttocks. I heard a chuckle behind me and realised that I'd been gently thrusting my pelvis in response to his administrations. I just didn't care, it was so enjoyable! I felt a hand reach under me and gently take hold of my balls and semi erect cock, pulling them toward him until they lay exposed nestled between my thighs. He lovingly oiled them until I sported a throbbing hard on before returning his attention to my buttocks. He paused briefly to drizzle a little oil between my cheeks, then very gently started to massage my anal ring. I was moaning from the sensations coursing through my body, before long I felt Marc's fingers slide easily into me, first one, then two, three and finally four of them. Uh oh I thought I'm about to get fisted once more, but to my surprise the fingers were withdrawn and I felt his cock slide up me in one smooth motion. I arched my back and looked over my shoulder, smiling broadly to let him know everything was fine. Throwing me a wink he started to fuck me, slowly to start with speeding up until he was pistoning in and out with such force that I had to grip the bed to stop myself being pushed off the end. I was in heaven! Before long Marc's body started to spasm and with one last thrust he shot his load deep inside me before collapsing onto me. Recovering his breath, he asked me if I was okay, I simply nodded, good was his reply. Lifting off me he withdrew his softening cock, I went to move too, but his hand held me firmly in place so I relaxed back onto the bed. As his cockhead exited Marc's fingers took its place, this time four fingers disappeared inside me with no trouble and before I knew it his fist made its way into my rectum meeting little resistance. Slowly but firmly the fist pushed further up inside, past the second ring until his elbow rested between my cheeks. Again he asked if I was okay, I grunted and nodded that I was. This time he didn't reply but started to fist my hole in the same way as he'd fucked me, my anus was getting so loose that I barely felt his fist. Removing his fist from me he told me to move over to one side of the bed, to lie on my back and bring my knees up. While I did so Marc mirrored my actions, but facing the opposite direction so that his feet were near my head and vice versa. His anus was within easy reach now and as he passed me a bottle of lube I understood his intentions. As I was already well stretched his hand and arm simply slid up inside me again with ease, meanwhile I took my time slowly warming his hole up, inserting one finger in at time until with a grunt he swallowed my hand. Onto the next ring and I repeated the process again until my forearm too was buried up to the hilt, synchronising our pistoning we rapidly reignited the fire in our cocks and before long we had both orgasmed without even touching our cocks, sending jets of jism over our stomachs and chests. Laughing and panting in equal measure we slowly withdrew our hands, grabbing a towel each we wiped ourselves clean before heading to the bathroom for a well deserved shower.

This time I didn't ask Marc if he would be staying overnight, I decided he'd let me know when he was good and ready. I guessed right because he came downstairs fully dressed, bags packed saying he needed to get home as both his lads would be back by now. Sure I said, giving him a sleepy smile and a quick hug. As it wasn't too late he decided to take a brisk walk home, leaving me to clear up the bedroom before going to bed to sleep.


Wednesday morning came round very quickly, the sun was shining and it felt good to be alive! I had a job I simply adored and a man in my life (well sort of) that I could so easily fall in love with (no, he's simply a fuck buddy -- remember that!).

Walking to the University my body ached a little from all the exercise it had done the previous day, never mind I had a charity fun run to complete so no good letting a little tiredness get in the way. I wondered what lay in store, neither of the previous events had been quite like anything I had imagined them to be. Arriving at the gym I was met by Brenda and Peter along with Dave, Callum, Glen, Oliver, Ethan, Tang and Marc. Brenda and Peter took it in turns to explain today's events. This morning would be dominated by the under 12's and under 18's fun runs, then this afternoon would be the adults fun run, in which we would be running. All three events would be televised so it was to be best behaviour all round. For us the morning would be concerned with trying on our costumes along with photo shoots for the College's and University's portfolio. We were told to make our way over to the College and meet the fashion crew who were responsible for designing the costumes. Marianne greeted us at main reception and led us to the Design Centre, where some familiar faces were waiting for us along with the media guys and eight costumes. Marianne explained that this year's theme was mythology and our costume designs would feature gods, monsters and heroes. The costumes were basically all in one jump suits, made of the sheerest silk which had then painted by the students. I had a distinct feeling that like last time I would end up feeling more naked in the costume than if I actually was. I was handed my costume, it felt incredibly light, it was gold in colour and I was told I was going to be Apollo the sun god (hence the colour). At the same time the other guys were handed their costumes, we all had bemused looks on our faces, while the designs were incredible how were we going to get into them? Marianne asked us what we were waiting for, we had a busy schedule to adhere to, chop chop she clapped her hands, laughing we simultaneously started stripping down to our underpants. Uh uh she said, VPL under the costumes will not look good. So off they came and there we stood naked as the day we were born before we attempted to get the costumes on. My bad feelings about this adventure were getting stronger as it very quickly became apparent that down to a man not one of us could get into the costumes. The students were panic stricken, their exam coursework apparently ruined by the paint they'd used which had shrunk the material and made it brittle. Looking bewildered we started to get dressed again. Marianne taking charge again asked us what we were doing, the show must go on one way or another, the press and examiners were expecting eight mythological characters to be leading the fun run -- it hadn't been specified anywhere what the design medium should be. If the artist's original canvas had failed then a new one would have to be used instead. Confused by this vague statement I asked her what she meant as we didn't have much time left. I know she replied. Turning to the camera guys, she asked them to start filming as she had a cunning plan. Turning back to us she said, right guys to be a good canvas you're going to have to lose the body hair so please make your way to the shower room where we'll shave off all that nasty hair -- what we cried, is that absolutely necessary? Oh yes indeed before we were shepherded (still naked) through the college corridors, past some very surprised looking students to the changing rooms and into the showers. The girls then volunteered to soap us up and shave every hair off our body (except the hair on our heads and beards) until we were as smooth as babies. The worst time was when they shaved my balls and crack, I'd never had a girl get so intimate with me before but she and the others didn't bat an eye lid. Then we were towelled dry and led back to the design centre like lambs about to be sacrificed! The students who had stayed behind had been busy in our absence, they'd retrieved their original designs and a huge amounts of body paint. Then they set about painting us literally from head to toe recreating the mythological scenes all over our bodies.

When they'd finished we looked incredible and if you only gave us a quick glance you'd miss the fact we didn't have a stitch of clothing on. There followed a rather hurried photo shoot both solo and group before we were whisked out to meet the awaiting public. I gave Marc and Ethan nervous glances, they seemed as nervous as I did. Just before we made our entrance Marianne gave us a morale boosting speech encouraging us to go along with the charade, with any luck no one would notice until after the event or at least once the fun run had started in earnest. Walking out into the crowd was surreal, trying to act as if everything was perfectly normal when it was anything but. Out of the corner of my eye I could see some people doing double takes and the cameras seemed a little more intrusive than would normally have been expected, but nobody said anything untoward and we made our way to the starting line joined by hundreds of other men and women. Their glances were a little more open and we heard several gasps, giggles, whistles and suggestive comments. Just before the whistle blew Marc came over and wished me luck, betting me he'd finish first and if he did he planned to get two hands up me. I said you're on, but if I win I'll return the favour, we shook on the bet. Then the whistle blew and the race began! The course was five miles long, which just happened to be the length of the University's perimeter fence so we streamed out of the main entrance to the campus on to the streets and ran along the footpaths adjacent to the perimeter fence. All the way round the general public supported us by lining the paths cheering on our progress. I tried my best to keep my eye on Marc but I quickly lost sight of him, not realising that I'd left him behind early on, he wasn't as fast as he thought! Not being able to see him spurred me on to run my best, but there was no way I could keep up with the leading runners. When I crossed the finishing line (the campus main entrance) I was informed that I had finished 57th out of 680 runners, I was chuffed with myself as I have never considered myself a natural runner. Making my way through the exhausted runners to the VIP enclosure (as instructed by Brenda and Peter) all I could think about was had Marc finished before me. Walking into the enclosure the only guys who'd come in ahead of me were Callum and Tang, chatting to them Callum had finished in 4th place and Tang in 23rd, we had a quick group hug before the media team joined us along with Brenda and Peter. Over the next hour the rest of the guys arrived in the following order: Ethan 151st, Oliver 206th, Marc 213th, Dave 248th and finally Glen 372nd. As each one came in we applauded them, with Marc's entrance I clapped especially hard and as he looked in my direction I clasped my fists together to remind him of our wager.

Once we were all together we faced the local TV camera crew and were interviewed as a group. Thankfully Brenda and Peter did all the talking explaining about our costumes etc. putting it down to a funding stunt rather than a design blunder. This explanation was presented to the TV crew before the filming began so that they could decide on the best strategy to prevent viewer complaints whilst remaining true to the story. In the end it was decided that the eight of us would be strategically posed so that our modesty was maintained while exhibiting as much of the students designs as possible with Brenda and Peter sat in front of us and spoke to the interviewer.

Finally the interview was over and having been provided with large blankets for warmth we were free to go to the gym showers to wash off the body paint, still the cameras were following us -- even into the showers! Thankfully it was only the media team, rather than the TV crew. On reflection we must have all been under some pressure because as the paint disappeared down the drain the energy levels rose and we were soon horsing around, nothing sexual (after all this was being recorded) but it was great to release the tension. The commentator asked us if we'd enjoyed the experience, what good timing as without thinking we cried yes, that's good she said because we'll probably be asking you to do it again next year as it's been so successful, a trend could even have been started. Stepping out of the showers, we quickly dried ourselves and were finally able to dress as our clothes had been thoughtfully transferred over from the College. Giving me a sheepish smile Marc asked when I'd be collecting my dues, not tonight I groaned in response, I was thinking perhaps Saturday or Sunday as tomorrow and Friday we've got two late events. Sighing with relief, Marc agreed with me. Callum having overheard asked what this wager had been, oh I replied just a little bet Marc and I had to see who would come first in the race, as he lost he's due to pay a forfeit with me. What forfeit would that be? He replied. Marc seeing potential here, casually said, oh if we were to tell you that you'd be committed to joining in yourself but as you beat Joe in I guess he'd owe the same forfeit to you that I owe to him, what do you think Joe? Keeping my face straight, I said sure, sounds fair enough to me. Callum clearly intrigued readily agreed especially as I would owe him something, are you sure before we tell you Marc asked. Definitely came the answer. Okay, the forfeit is that Joe has the right to double fist me as he beat me in the race and therefore as you beat him you too have the right to double fist him. Seeing the shock on Callum's face I laughed and said don't worry I can take it and so can Marc. Wow was all he could say, I thought you guys were pretty wild in the staff room that day but I didn't realise just how wild you were, there's no way I want to miss this one -- but guys can we keep this to ourselves? I don't want my girlfriend getting wind of this; she works in the design centre and gets pretty jealous if you know what I mean. Sounds fair enough to us we replied, we'll let you know when we're getting together and give you a call, have you got a mobile number? Sure, thing Callum replied writing his mobile number down on a piece of paper and handed it to Marc. Shortly after that we called it a day and went our separate ways home, I took my time because I was in no particular rush plus my body was knackered from today's running and yesterday's football matches plus there were loads of people still milling around some recognised me and wanted to stop and chat which I was pleased to do so. Most people were very supportive and appreciated the hard work that had gone in today's events. Finally I was able to break free and got home approximately an hour after I'd left the other guys, I cooked myself a quick meal and then fell into bed exhausted, sleep quickly overcame me.


I woke with a start to hear my alarm clock buzzing madly; groggily I looked at the time, 10.30am, ugh! Stumbling out of bed I had a quick shower before having a large breakfast, getting dressed and embarking on some retail therapy in town. The purpose of the shopping was to purchase a smart evening suit for tonight, a new shirt and a pair of trendy shoes. I wanted to look like the bees knees if I was going to outshine the other guys in my team. Several hours later, laden with carrier bags containing designer clothes I made my way home to prepare myself for tonight.

I walked through the staff room door at 7pm sharp to find the room buzzing, inside were my football team members, Marc, Tang, Ethan, Glen, Oliver, Callum, Adam, Peter and Tom. Every one to the last man was dressed impeccably and obviously waiting for my arrival so the briefing could begin. Peter, as before filled us in on the coming event and what would be expected of us. This was intended to be a fun evening with us "lucky" guys being selected as the auction lots; it had been promoted as a "slave auction" to gain media and donator's attention. The principle was simple we would appear on stage, dressed as we were now, with lot numbers pinned to our jackets and throughout the evening bids could be placed against our numbers, then at the end of the evening who ever had offered the highest bid would "own" us for the following 24 hours. Oliver asked if we would be the only entertainment that evening, Peter said that the music students from the College would be providing musical entertainment but we would be on stage for most of the evening. He asked if we had any questions, none of us could think of anything to ask so we made our way to the main hall and entered through the main doors where the crowds were thronging. To my untrained eye there seemed to be many clearly wealthy guests, I hoped they had plenty of cash to donate as this evening sounded like it was going to be an expensive one! Peter led the way through the throng and up on to the stage, we followed him close behind and lined up along the stage in a row behind Peter. The only ones who didn't were Adam and Tom who I could see sitting at a nearby table with Brenda and Neil, they smiled and waved at us. Peter explained to the audience how the bidding worked and pointed to the large digital display behind us which showed our lot numbers and currently registered at £0 against our numbers. In front of each guest was a little console where they could select who they wanted to bid for and how much they were prepared to pay. It seemed simple enough and the guests seemed to think so too. Peter would be acting as compere for the evening, off mike he asked us to follow any instructions he gave to facilitate the smooth running of the evening, we nodded our agreement. Back on mike he introduced each of us to the audience, and then asked us to parade around the stage as if we were on a catwalk modelling the clothes we were wearing. This proved to be a laugh as we threw our heart and souls into looking like sultry models. Each time a bid was placed there was a ting from the display board and the bid showed up as a figure against our lot number. Within a few minutes the leading amount was in the hundreds. Oh dear said Peter, the bidding was disappointing, turning to the audience he asked what was the matter. There was a lot of hub bub but the main suggestion was that we were overdressed for the occasion. Okay guys Peter said turning back to us, time to lose your jacket and ties please, and loosen the top couple of the shirt buttons. None of us objected to this so while maintaining our catwalk poses we discarded our jackets and ties. The mood in the room changed rapidly and the bidding was kick started. At Peter's direction we lined up along the stage and stood still for a few minutes assuming classical poses before strutting around the stage again. For quite some time the bids increased until it was into the low thousands then as they approached the ten thousand mark it tailed off and stopped once more. Peter turned to the audience and again asked what the problem was? I guessed what was coming next, and sure enough the audience requested the removal of more clothing. Peter keeping a straight face said of course, this was entirely feasible and asked us to remove our shirts, trousers, shoes and socks. Again we all took this in our stride except for the football players who were looking a little nervous but not wanting to appear scared stripped as quickly as the rest of us. Again we walked around the stage occasionally posing before walking on again. The display board continued tinging until the bidding was up in the tens of thousands before once again slowing down to a stop. Peter got us to line up at the front of the stage before asking the audience for the last time why they'd stopped bidding. OFF, OFF, OFF! Came the reply loud and clear. Not needing to be instructed by Peter we removed our last piece of clothing with a flourish and stood there stark bollock naked with most of us sporting semi hard ons! The bidding went through the roof and by the time the bidding had finished the highest bid had reached over forty thousand pounds with the lowest being a respectable twenty thousand. As the donations were processed Peter, Tom and Adam walked up on stage informing us that as slaves we were obliged to follow ALL demands placed on us by the winning bidders for the next 24 hours. The footballers looked distinctly nervous but standing there naked what choice did they have but to accept their fate with the same professionalism as the rest of us.

Peter stood in front of us and publicly thanked everyone involved for all the hard work put into organising such a memorable evening, then turning to us he thanked us for volunteering to be slaves for the next 24 hours and for putting on a good show. Then finally he turned back to the audience for being so generous and hoped that they would enjoy the slaves as much as they had the evening. Once he'd finished his speeches everyone clapped in response to show their appreciation.

From behind the stage Dave appeared dressed in a rather menacing black leather outfit and was introduced to the audience as the slave master. Placing the bag he'd been carrying down on the floor he reached into it and brought out steel collars, one for each of us. Reaching over our heads he opened the collar then closed it round our neck before locking it with a key. When we had all been collared Dave reached into the bag again and brought out hand cuffs and started to secure our hands behind our back. Looking at the footballers I thought they were going to rebel but one stern look from Dave made them change their minds and they too put their hands behind their backs ready for hand cuffing. Once we were all cuffed we were told to stand in a line and wait to find out who had purchased us. Within about twenty minutes we would find out.

Three of the footballers had been bought by single ladies, they looked very pleased with their lot as they were led away having been offered blankets to cover their modesty. Five footballers had been bought by a consortium of four married couples and would be the centrepiece of a swingers party they were holding tomorrow. The five guys were also chuffed with their lot and grinned broadly over to us before being led away. Unlike the other guys they weren't offered blankets to spare their blushes, they were escorted to the tables that the consortium had occupied and told to wait until the party were ready to leave. Their clothes and belongings had been bagged up and given to the consortium co-ordinator for safekeeping until after the 24 hours. Finally the group were ready; waving good night to Peter and Tom they led their slaves away.

That left two of the footballers remaining with us clearly hoping they'd meet a similar fate, however it was not to be. Brenda and Neil joined us on stage informing that the remaining nine of us had been bought by the University's Social Club and would be the entertainment tomorrow night. As with any purchase the club wanted to be sure of the quality of the goods they'd bought so Dave told us to line up and bend over ready for inspection. Brenda, Neil and Dave slowly made their way down the line pulling our cheeks apart and carefully examining our holes, gently prodding them for receptivity. Seemingly satisfied we were allowed to stand up but were told to remain standing in our line. Dave informed us that we were about to be escorted back to the staff room where overnight accommodation had been arranged. From his bag he pulled out a length of chain links which appeared to have small hoops attached at regular intervals. Indicating to me to approach him I stepped up and found out that the hoop was actually a cock ring. Carefully he fed my cock and balls (as I couldn't do it myself) through the hoop until it was sitting snugly at the cock base, then reaching again into his bag he produced a medium sized butt plug which had a locking clip moulded into the base. Smearing a large dollop of lube over the butt plug he bent me over again before slowly inserting the plug in one smooth push, as it sank in my ring gripped the narrow neck holding it in securely. Standing upright again I adjusted my stance to comfortably accommodate the plug. The plug was then attached to the chain. This process was repeated with the other guys; Marc, Ethan and Tang receiving medium sized plugs; Callum, Glen and Oliver had small plugs (presumably because they weren't so anally experienced, okay read that as stretched). The two footballers (Ian and Matt) were very close to rebelling again but Dave wasted no time in taking them in hand, I think they were so shocked that any resistance was forgotten as the cock rings were attached and plugs inserted. Within ten minutes we were arranged in line connected to the chain by the cock rings and butt plugs, looking very much like a chain gang of slaves which is exactly what we were!

With Dave in front we were led off stage and into the audience. Walking took some concentration trying to match my pace with the other guys while preventing my tackle being yanked off by the cock ring and keeping the plug in, looking over my shoulder I could see the other guys were having to concentrate just as hard. I think perhaps this was the intention as I could see Tom and Adam grinning at our predicament. As we walked through the audience I felt hands feel me up and heard the occasional yelp from one of the guys as they were either pinched or slapped on the bum causing much hilarity from the others. Eventually we reached the main doors and into the chill night air. Thankfully it late and there were few people about as we made our way across the campus and up to the staff room. Negotiating the stairs was tricky but we were given no reprieve by Dave and nothing was said until the whole group was safely inside the staff room.


Dave informed us that from now until tomorrow evening we were only allowed to speak if spoken to by a member of staff that we had to follow any order given to the letter and that any breaking of these rules would be painfully punished. He asked us if we understood and we simply nodded. He also pointed out that we would be able to leave the room as it would be kept locked and that our clothes would be returned to us at the end of the 24 hours and not before. No harm or injury would come to us although our boundaries would be reached and exceeded but this was of no matter to the staff.

Without further ado he removed the hand cuffs and started to detach the cock rings and butt plugs from the chain but as we had nowhere to go we simply stood as a quiet group, obedient in our manner with the two appliances still in place. He then informed us that we were all to be cleaned out in the usual manner which would be administered by Adam and Tom to ensure short cuts weren't taken. One by one we were led over to the wet area where Tom removed the cock rings and butt plugs, placing them into the dishwasher for sterilising later. Then Adam applied the douche to us until we were cleaned out thoroughly. For Marc, Tang, Ethan and me this was nothing new so we took it in out stride and automatically got into position. Callum, Glen and Oliver however were new to this procedure but having watched us undergo the treatment they quickly mastered it with a little bit of guidance from Adam. However when it came to Ian and Matt he had to work a lot harder. First of all they were a lot more reluctant to undergo the cleaning out, they went to protest but a warning growl from Dave soon changed their minds and they knelt down on all fours scowling. When it came to inserting the metal douche plug Adam had great difficulty, clearly they had never had anything up their arses other than the small butt plugs inserted on stage. It soon became apparent they would need stretching before the douche could be used. Turning to Ian he instructed him to lay on his back and bring his knees up to his chest, then he instructed me to hold them in position so that Ian was both unable to move and resist what was coming next. Gently applying Crisco to Ian's hole Adam slowly inserted one finger massaging his prostrate to make it pleasurable for him and at the same time wearing his resistance down. When it became apparent that Ian had relaxed sufficiently to take the one finger with ease, Adam introduced a second finger however Ian clamped down for a few minutes until his resistance was worn down and the two fingers were able to again massage his prostate. By now Ian's cock was rock hard and clearly wanted release but this wasn't going to happen just yet. Finally a third finger slipped into the hole stretching it further than it had ever been stretched before, when Ian had adjusted to the intrusion Adam was at last able to insert the douche plug. While the plug was left inside I released Ian's legs and he was able to assume the correct crouching position. After completing the cleaning out Adam turned to Matt and said do you want to take it like a man or repeat Ian's experience. Matt hesitated for a minute, but without saying a word decided to assume the crouching position and pulled his own cheeks apart as a sign of submission. Acknowledging this Adam gently massaged the hole before smoothly inserting the plug, it paused briefly at the widest point before slipping inside with a quite groan from Matt. Then the cleaning out could begin, the second and third insertions were easier.

With Matt finally cleaned out, we were escorted back to the main living area where a large dining table had been set up, big enough to comfortably accommodate the nine of us slaves as well as Dave, Adam, Tom, Peter and Brenda. Walking over to the table we could see place names and were instructed to stand behind the chairs which were currently pushed under the table where our names were placed. Once we were all in position we pulled the chairs out and immediately saw that these chairs had been specially modified. Dave chuckled at our expressions and explained that these chairs were to be used to prepare us for the party tomorrow. In the centre of each seat standing erect was a soft rubber dildo (approximately six inches long and one inch wide) secured firmly to the seat, he went on to explain that throughout the course of the evening and tomorrow morning at regular intervals the dildos would be replaced by ever larger ones until they were as large as the ones that had been made especially for us by Peter. He acknowledged that the four professionals were further down the road so would reach the target with more ease so it was expected of us to help the novice slaves to reach their potential. With the explanation over he instructed us to grease the dildos up using the Crisco situated on a nearby table.

Seeing the reticence on a few faces I took the lead by demonstrating the best way to liberally apply the grease to the dildo and to my hole. I then stepped round to the front of the chair, making sure that Glen, Ian, Matt and Oliver were watching I positioned myself over the dildo and slowly impaled myself on it until I was sitting firmly on the seat. To be honest I was used to much larger objects up me so I took it easily but I wanted to demonstrate the best method for taking it smoothly without causing pain or injury. Following my lead Marc, Tang and Ethan greased up their dildos and sat down on them in one smooth movement. We smiled encouragement at the other guys who clearly were more reluctant but eventually they too had greased up their own holes and dildos, taking more time and care they too were eventually sitting down on the chairs. Well done commented Tom, next time we expect you to comply with our instructions.

By the look on Ian and Matt's faces they were a little uncomfortable both because of what they were sitting on and the situation they found themselves in. Peter had observed this too, giving them permission to speak freely he asked them why they looked so uncomfortable. Looking at one another, hesitating slightly, Ian and Matt took it in turns to explain that this was not what they'd been expecting and without being rude they were totally straight and not happy with the possibility of being forced to have sex with other men. Peter acknowledged their concerns, assured them that the "team" were fully aware of all of the slaves sexual preferences and that they would be carefully matched to the social club member's requirements. He went on to explain that the stretching exercises they were doing now had two functions, the first was to prevent possible injury from the demands that would be placed on the hole and the second was introduce the pleasures that could be experienced from them whether you are gay, straight or bisexual. Turning to Brenda, Peter asked her to confirm how many social club members were female. Smiling as reassuringly as possible Brenda confirmed that approximately half the members were female with a wide age range and sexual tastes. She would guarantee that it would be a night to enjoy and remember and that every "slave" here would have had their horizons expanded and experience enriched. Peter took over saying that it was time to increase the dildo size, then we would be eating our evening meal provided by one of the top restaurants in town (the owner and head chef were members of the club too). Right has anyone got any questions Peter asked, we shook our heads, fine he said, back to the slave roles no speaking from now on unless instructed to do so. There was a rattling noise behind us, turning round I saw Dave approach with a trolley holding several metal boxes. Opening one box he started to take out nine dildos. They were marginally bigger than the current ones we were sitting on, they were about seven inches long and one and half inches wide. Dave motioned for us to stand, having done so we were instructed to wipe the released dildos clean and unscrew them from the chair seats. The new dildos were then screwed into place and then greased up again. We old timers wasted no time sitting down again; looking over to the others we smiled encouragement. Even though for us it was only a small increase they were clearly finding it more difficult but after some encouragement and practical advice from Dave they too were sitting down again, with their holes stretched more than they had ever experienced.

There was a knock on the staff room door before it opened and two guys entered carrying serving trays stacked high with food containers. They quietly and efficiently served up the meal and didn't appear to bat an eyelid at our nakedness; having worked at the University for now seven weeks and seen the extent of business networking I would not be surprised if they had been here before. The meal was fabulous and for a few minutes I could forget the fact that this wasn't the usual dinner party and a dildo was fully buried in my rectum. The atmosphere around the table was good and even Ian and Matt were looking more relaxed and seemed to be getting into the spirit of the meal. After the main course was finished Dave indicated that we slaves were to stand, give our holes a rest and clear the tables ready for the deserts. With nine quiet plops we stood releasing the dildos and did as instructed, while we were doing this Dave removed the used dildos and replaced them with the next size up (eight inches long and two inches wide) and very thoughtfully greased them up for us! He indicated that we were to mount them, Ian and Matt were having more difficulty this time, and no matter how much they tried they just couldn't relax sufficiently to allow the intrusion. Dave thought about this then turning to me and Ethan he suggested that we might like to provide them with a distraction while their holes learnt to adjust to the lager dildos. I had been waiting for this opportunity ever since the football match so I wasted no time in walking over to Ian and got down on my knees. Looking slightly alarmed Ian tried to stand up to resist what was about to happen, only to find that he was unable to because Dave had placed his hands on his shoulders and was gently pressing downwards so that he was unable to rise from his straddling stance. Seeing this, I leant forward and took his flaccid cock in my mouth and started to give the best blow job I could muster. He moaned in response and started to gently thrust in and out of my mouth as his cock hardened. As he did so Dave increased the pressure downwards, slowly but surely Ian was sliding down the shaft, as if by coincidence as his arse touched the seat his cock pulse a couple of times and spewed forth several loads of jism straight down my throat. Only when he'd stopped shooting did he realise that he was sitting down, wow he exclaimed, that was the best diversion tactic he'd ever encountered! My pleasure Sir! Looking over to Ethan he was having the same effect on Matt. Standing up I walked over to my seat I sat down on my own dildo in one smooth movement.

After dessert had been eaten Peter and Brenda outlined tomorrow's timetable; in the morning we'd be cleaned out again before resuming the stretching exercises; a light lunch will be eaten then we'd be helping to set up the staff room for the private party before putting on our disguises ready for the arrival of the guests.

With the meal over, Peter invited us to take a brief rest from the anal stretching by clearing the table, washing up in the kitchen area and then joining the staff in the wet area. Standing up we slowly released the dildos and stretched our stiff muscles. I think we were all relieved to have a respite from sitting down on the chairs for so long. Working together we quickly cleared the table, transporting the dirty crockery to the kitchen where we washed and dried it. Leaving it neatly stacked on a nearby table we sauntered over to the wet area as instructed. Waiting for us were Dave and Adam, who told us we'd have a shower and then our bodies would be shaved smooth all over and than our holes would be inspected to assess our progress. One by one we showered, washing thoroughly we stepped out of the shower still wet before being wet shaved by Dave until we were smooth all over, and I mean all over. Adam inspected Dave's handiwork before getting us to bend over the couch and lubing up our holes. Having been here many times before I was laid back about it all and smiled encouragement to the other guys, I said there was nothing to it and just trust Adam because he'd never hurt us or cause us any harm. Thank you Adam agreed with me, all the time warming up my hole with his fingers and with barely a pause he smoothly pushed his hand up inside me and continuing the drive inwards until he reached the inner ring. Again he took his time warming up that ring before pushing on through into my bowels until he was inside up to his elbow. Seemingly satisfied he carefully withdrew his arm and hand. Wiping his hand on a nearby towel he confirmed that I had remained open as required and I would not be requiring further stretching before tomorrow evening. Standing upright I stretched and thanked him for this news; it was good to know that I was attaining and sustaining the targets required. Looking over to the other guys I gave them a big thumbs up and sat down on a nearby stool to watch the progress of the other guys. I was pleased to see that Ethan, Tang and Marc retained the same degree of elasticity as me. As Marc sat down next to me I complimented him on how horny his ebony arse looked as it swallowed Adam's white hand and how much I was looking forward to getting my own hand up there at the weekend. Laughing gruffly he playfully punched me on the shoulder and agreed he did have a hot arse and it was all mine for the taking! Turning back to the show going on over by the couch the other guys were being processed by Adam. Callum was next and having been warmed up managed to take four of Adams fingers before reaching his limit. Standing up he looked self-conscious, I wasn't sure the reason for this but we warmly welcomed him back into the group and reassured him that he had done very well considering he was new to this. Smiling bashfully, he too sat down and watched the other guys. Oliver and Glen managed three fingers each; with Ian and Matt managing two fingers but not quite three. Mmm, Adam commented, he wasn't satisfied with the last four's progress, calling Dave over he discussed this with him. After a couple of minutes Dave nodded and walked over to a nearby cupboard and took out what looked like four black leather shorts with poppers down the front along with four large butt plugs. At the sight of these items Ian and Matt blanched and looked like they'd have shit themselves if they had any left inside of them! Oblivious to their expressions Adam indicated that Ian, Matt, Glen and Oliver were to join him over by the couch, rest their chests on the couch and use their hands to pull their cheeks apart. Lubing up their holes again Adam waited for Dave to join him, by now Dave had screwed the butt plugs into the crutch of each shorts and greased them up too. Dave instructed Matt to step into the legs of the shorts and pulled them up until the tip of the plug was touching Matt's ring. Then using all of his expertise he worked on Matt's hole, after a few minutes Matt was sweating profusely and his face was flushed but we could all see that the plug was making good progress on its journey inside him. Without warning Adam slapped Matt's arse hard, the distraction worked well because with one firm push the plug lodged inside his rectum with his ring clamping tight round the neck. Dave then did up the poppers preventing the plug from being ejected. He then repeated this procedure on Ian, Glen and Oliver, before long all four were wearing the shorts with plugs firmly implanted stretching their rings. Dave informed them that the shorts would be worn for the next hour until they were fully accustomed to the plugs and then a larger plug would replace the current one and that would stay in place overnight.

For the next hour we sat down with drinks and a light supper which Brenda rustled up for us and made small talk, principally about the events of the previous few days. Before long the hour was up and Dave asked Marc and myself to help them change over the butt plugs. Turning to Matt Dave told him to undo the poppers on his shorts, then pull them down until they were hanging from the plug, lie on the floor on his back and bring his knees up to his chest. Then instructing Marc to hold his feet still Dave gripped the plug and gently tugged on it. After some resistance it plopped free leaving an open hole behind. Before Matt's hole had time to close up again Dave had detached the plug from the shorts and attached the new considerably bigger one. Then in one swift smooth push the new plug was inserted bringing a groan and slight whimper from Matt. Telling him to stand up Dave pulled up the shorts and did the poppers up again while Matt leant on Marc for support. Having been dismissed Matt walked with some difficulty to a nearby chair and gingerly sat own. Gesturing Ian over to him Dave removed his shorts while he was still standing and indicated that he was to remain on his feet but assume a squatting position. Removing the plug was simpler because he gripped hold of the base and then made Ian stand upright; the action pulled the plug out in one quick movement bringing a sharp hiss of breath intake from Ian. Inserting the new plug was the reverse process with Ian using his weight to force the plug up inside bringing a bead of sweat to his forehead. As he did up the poppers Dave asked Glen and Oliver which method they would prefer to use. Both indicated that they would do the same as Ian as it seemed quicker and more dignified, right o replied Dave, let's get it done then. Five minutes later they too had been fitted with their new plugs and were trying to get used to the intrusions. Peter clapped his hands to get our attention, announcing that it was time to call it a day as tomorrow was going to be a long and tiring day for us. After a quick piss we were lead over to the sleeping area where nine beds were arranged in a row. Before turning the lights off Peter warned the four guys not to remove the shorts or plugs as we would be monitored throughout the night and any attempts would countered severely. Taking heed we climbed into our beds, I must have been exhausted because I heard Marc saying something to me but it seemed so distant and before I knew it I was waking up to the sound of Adam clapping his hands to wake us up informing us breakfast would be served as soon as we'd been cleaned out.

Strolling over to the wet area we let Ian, Matt, Glen and Oliver go first so that they could be released from their shorts and plugs. Once we'd showered, shaved and been cleaned out we enjoyed a large full breakfast before starting the stretching exercises again.

Ian, Matt, Glen, Oliver and Callum were arranged in a row on hands and knees, behind them sat Dave, Adam, Tom, Peter and Brenda. Their holes were liberally greased up with Crisco and the next hour was spent stretching them until all five were able to accommodate a fist up to the elbow. As the fists were removed we applauded the guys for their achievement, I'm not sure if they were pleased or not, their expressions were inscrutable. Dave carefully wiped them clean before allowing them to stand up and stretch their stiff muscles. Then until lunchtime under close supervision we spring cleaned the staff room before clearing the sleeping area and office area of all furniture to make way for a dance floor. The lounge area was rearranged to create a smaller rest area, then Dave with our help brought out of storage what initially looked like gym equipment along with nine podiums. It quickly became apparent that the gym equipment was actually a number of sling supports and gynaecology examination couches. These items of equipment were arranged along two opposite sides of the dance floor at regular intervals and at one of the other ends the nine podiums were lined up creating a barrier between the rest area and the dance floor. Next job was to set up the refreshment area, then finally we were done, we were famished!

Brenda and Tom had laid up a light lunch, urging us to eat as much as we could because we would be needing a reserve of energy for later. For the next hour we chatted and consumed as if there was no tomorrow. After the meal was over and the table was cleared, it was time for another cleanout and full body shave. By the time we'd finished the dining table was covered in boxes of body paints, oh I've seen these before I thought! Sure enough, one by one the nine of us slaves were painted from head to toe in various stone designs. I was painted as grey granite with white marbling; looking in the mirror I was damned impressed I appeared to be a moving statue! It took a total of three hours for all us slaves to be painted and at the end we were instructed not to sit down or touch anything until the paint had fully dried. During this time the finishing touches to the room and decorations had been made and we were just about ready for the guests that were due to arrive in the next half an hour. Brenda indicated that it was time for us to climb up onto the podiums and assume our statuesque poses, no sooner had we done so than the first guests started to arrive. For the first hour things were pretty mundane as the room slowly filled up with guests, drinks and nibbles were served and consumed. As the last guests arrived the doors were locked, this seemed to act as a catalyst and as if by an unspoken agreement people took it in turns to walk over to the cloakroom and remove their clothing returning to the dance floor stark naked (both men and women) and started to pay attention to us slaves. One by one we were selected by the guests and led over to the awaiting equipment, I tried to look for the other slaves to see who they'd been selected by but was unable to as I suddenly had my vision blocked by a crotch and an erect cock was forcibly fed down my throat. Concentrating on not gagging I became aware of a second cock that had already passed my outer gates and was proceeding up the drive. For the next hour or so a constant stream of cocks invaded my mouth and anus, I must have swallowed a pint of spunk at both ends! Then the buzzing atmosphere in the room changed and the activities slowly changed.... As the last cock left my hole it was replaced by a fist, having been fucked for so long and so hard my ring had lost all resistance and the fist easily slid inside and passed just as easily through the second ring. All that jism must be acting as a lubricant. Then for the next half an hour one fist after another made its way into my bowels, sometimes it was one fist other times it was two. Sometimes it stopped at the wrist, more often it went in up to the elbow and once I am sure I felt a shoulder touch my hole. To be honest I was so spaced out by then I didn't have a clue what was going on and I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew was waking up to the sound of furniture being moved and lots of laughing from Adam and Tom.

Groggily sitting up I asked what time was it, 3am came the reply. Jeez that was one hell of a party I exclaimed! Sure was! I was led over to the shower area and was gently washed inside and out by Dave before being led over to the sleeping area. Already asleep were Marc, Ethan, Matt and Ian. Obviously Tang, Glen, Oliver and Callum were still occupying the slings and tables. Dave saw my concerned expression and reassured that they would be taken care of shortly, not to worry about it and have a good night's sleep.


When I woke up late the following morning, most of the guys were still asleep, looking at the bottom of my bed I could see that my clothes had been returned to me and as I slowly dressed my aching body I found it a strange sensation being clothed again. Within half an hour we were all sat round the large dining table eating a hearty breakfast with Peter thanking us for the wonderful performance we had put on last night for our guests. We had been praised highly by them, making me at least grin from ear to ear!

Now guys, Peter continued, I am sure that you are aware that your contracts have come to an end with the successful completion of the last seven weeks hard work. I therefore have great pleasure in presenting you with your last cash pay packet bringing the total cash paid to you to £8,400 -- The five non-professionals looked stunned at this news, it began to dawn on them why we had been so compliant in all of our experiences..... Now Jo, Marc, Ethan and Tang would you like to sign up to a new contract making you permanent members of staff? The duties, terms and conditions will remain as before but you will receive £1,100 cash each week subject to annual increases. After only a slight hesitation all four of us said yes please and signed on the dotted line. Recovering their composure Callum and Oliver asked to be considered as potential applicants when a vacancy arises. Ian, Matt and Glen agreed that they'd had a mind blowing experience but would prefer to keep their day jobs but would definitely be interested in being invited back to make guest appearances. This was a turn up for the books, I thought to myself, I thought they were straight!

I very much hope you have enjoyed my story and I would welcome any feedback. Please email me at:



  1. University Social Club

  2. Summer Camp Trip

Next: Chapter 2

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