Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Nov 27, 2000


Begin Anew

Copyright 2000 By Frnceso O'Rtg. All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Author.

This story is complete fiction. This story in no way implies the ACTUAL sexual orientation or beliefs of Actual living people. In other words FICTION!!

Any comments are welcome. Good or bad. Feel free to e-mail me at

Chapter 13

"Easy there Jas," Kevin said softly as Jason opened his eyes and tried to sit up. "You just passed out. Give yourself a couple of minutes to recover." Jason swatted his hands away and sat up.

"Where is Johnny?" he demanded looking around. "Where is my son?"

"Jas," Kevin said calmly. "You really do need to calm down."

"To hell with calming down!" Jason shouted. "I want to know where Johnny is!" He felt two hands take him by the face and Kevin's face stared down at his. "Where is my baby?"

"All we know is that he has been kidnapped. We don't know who took him yet.

But the authorities are looking for him. They've set up roadblocks and have helicopters in the air. Jason, they are working over time to find our son," Kevin said with as my much compassion and love in his voice as he could.

Jason nodded as he swung his feet off of the couch and stood up. He noticed for the first time that the room was full of police officers and men in suits. He assumed that the suits were agents like Kevin. He walked out of the room into the kitchen and took out a bottle of water and took the cap off and drank from it. "What do they know?" He asked turning back to Kevin.

"They are pretty sure it is the same people that have been picking up homeless teens all over the country. The fact that they publicly stopped a bus and attacked the driver tells us that they know whom the agent was that brought down the east coast ring almost four years ago. They have a strike force at the Mansion right now. But so far they have nothing to report," Kevin said in a professional voice.

Jason looks hard at his husband and saw that Kevin was struggling to remain in control of his emotions. He was biting his lower lip and his fists were balled up in tight balls. Jason moved forward and laid his hand on Kevin's shoulder. "Now that I have heard from the FBI Agent," Jason replied as he laid his hand against Kevin's face, "can Kevin the father tell me what he is really feeling?" Jason could see the pain in Kevin's face. Once Jason gave him permission to go into dad mode Kevin did. The tears started flowing.

"I'm scared Jas," Kevin sobbed out. "I'm afraid of what those sick bastards are going to do to Johnny!" Jason pulled his husband to him and held him close. "I hate this!"

"What do you hate Baby?" Jason asked softly.

"I hate not being in control! I haven't been in control for over three years and I fucking hate it!" Kevin was holding a glass in his hand and he threw it against the wall shattering it. "So help me God if those bastards hurt Johnny I'll kill them all!" By now Kevin was shaking with rage.

"I know Kevin," soothed Jason. "I hate them too. But we need to think positive that Johnny will be all right!" The kitchen door slammed open and Brian came rushing in. He walked right up to Kevin and punched him in the face. Kevin fell to the ground holding his bleeding nose.

"I told you this would happen!" he shouted at Kevin. "I told you that either Jason or Johnny would get hurt." He dove onto Kevin to try and hit him again but Jason moved quickly and threw Brian off of Kevin.

"Leave him alone Brian!" Jason shouted at Brian. By this time two agents had entered the room and had dragged Brian to a chair and forced him to sit in it. Jason helped Kevin up and led him to a chair and sat him down. "What the hell were you thinking?" Jason shouted at Brian. "Hitting Kevin is not going to help matters. You need to relax so we can all get through this mess." Turning to the Agents. "Have you heard from the Kidnappers yet?" The Agents shook their heads no. "Than get the hell out and don't come back in here until you have some news!" The Agents quickly left the room leaving the three alone. Jason turned to Kevin who had gotten his nose to stop bleeding. "Are you all right?" he asked Kevin as he got him a warm cloth so that Kevin could clean himself up.

"You tell me Jason," Kevin hurled at him. "My son just got kidnapped, my husband is suffering from cancer again. So am I doing all right? Hell no!" He stormed out of the kitchen leaving Brian and Jason alone.

"I'm sorry I hit him Jas," Brian spoke up. "It is just that I am so angry at him for putting you and Johnny in so much danger." Jason let out a huge yawn and sat down on the stool. "You're tired Jason," Brian observed. "You should be in bed."

"My son is no where to be found and you want me to take a fucking nap?" Jason shouted at Brian. "There is no way in hell I am going to take a fucking nap while Johnny is God knows where!"

"You have an illness and a treatment that saps all of your energy. Kidnapping or not you need your rest!" Brian shouted right back at Jason. "Now get your ass up stairs and go to bed!"

"Don't you dare tell me what to do!" Jason shouted back at Brian. "Now if you will excuse me I am going to take a nap!" Brian raised an amused eyebrow and followed Jason up to the room. Once there Jason collapsed on the bed as he looked outside and saw the Halloween decorations that Johnny had hung up. "Johnny!" he sobbed out. "God help those bastards if they harm one hair on his head." Brian watched as Jason got up and walked to the French doors and walked through them and sat down on a chair on the balcony that overlooked the front lawn.

"Jason," Brian said as he walked up behind him. Jason glared at him for a few seconds. "You really need to take care of yourself. Please get some sleep."

"How the hell am I supposed to sleep Brian?" Jason hurled at him. "They have my son!" Jason stood up as he spotted a squad car racing up the drive.

His blue lights were flashing. "Johnny!" he exclaimed as he raced out of the room and down stairs. The front door opened and an uniformed officer walked in. "What do you have on my son? Have you found him yet?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Richardson, we haven't found him yet," the officer apologized.

"Than what the hell are you doing here?" Jason screamed at him. "Get your ass out there and look for my son!" Kevin came up behind Jason and put his arms around him and pulled him back.

"Jason!" Kevin said sternly. "You need to realize that these men are working around the clock trying to find Johnny. You need to be patient and let them do their jobs!" Jason looked at him like he was nuts.

"You want me to be patient?" he yelled at Kevin. "You want me to sit and be patient while those sick bastards are doing God knows what to our son?"

"They are doing every thing they can to find Johnny," Kevin said as he ran his hand down the side of Jason's face. "Please Jas." The use of his pet name calmed down Jason.

"I'm worried about him Kevin," Jason whimpered out. "What if they hurt him?"

"I'm worried too Baby," Kevin said softly as he led Jason to the sitting room away from all the activity. "Promise me you will sit here and rest for a while." Jason nodded silently and Kevin kissed him quickly and than left the room.

Brian watched his cousin as he quietly closed the door to the sitting room. "Is he all right?" he asked Kevin.

"I convinced him to sit and rest for a while," Kevin informed Brian.

"The officer has some news for you," Brian said as he pointed at the waiting officer. Kevin looked over at the police officer and nodded for him to continue.

"The Mansion was empty," the officer stated. The forensic team is there going over evidence. But so far we haven't turned anything up Jonathan's where a bouts."

"Where is the Mansion?" Kevin asked.

"The Belair, it is on Water Street on the way out of town," the Officer stated. Kevin nodded silently and turned and headed into the living room.

In a room somewhere outside of Front Royal on Blue Mountain.

Johnny opened his eyes and looked around. He was lying on a bed in a room with no windows and no door that he could see. He stood up and walked around the room looking for a way out.

"They are not going to let us out buddy," spoke up a voice. Johnny looked over in the direction of the voice.

"Uncle JC!" he shouted as he threw himself into JC's arms. "I'm scared." JC wrapped his arms around Johnny and hugged him close. "Where are we?"

"I don't know Johnny," JC stated as he ran his hand through Johnny hair. "I've been here for about a day. And no one has talked to me yet."

"Where is Justin?" Johnny asked. "Do they have him too?" he was suddenly frightened for his adopted Uncle. JC was quick to reassure him that Justin was safe. "But are you sure?" Johnny asked JC.

"Yes Johnny," I'm sure that the last time I saw Justin he was on his way to Disney World with his brother. So please don't worry about him," JC replied to ease the worry in the young boy. He also looked around for a camera or something that would tell them where they were. He had broken free of the mind control once again and the Bitch wasn't in contact with him to reactivate the control. JC was scared of what was going to happen to Johnny. He had witnessed four teenagers shot and killed at the mansion. Apparently they were acting on his orders. He shuddered to think that he was responsible for this.

"I wanna go home," Johnny said as he wiped a tear from his eyes. "What do they want?" He pleaded looking into JC's eyes.

"I don't know little Buddy, I don't know," JC felt a huge wave of guilt rage through him. He had to remain in control of his mind. If he fell again into this other personality all would be lost. He was afraid of his alternate personality. When he was not in control he was evil and calculating, every thing that he hated.

Back at South Fork

Brian looked in on Jason. He was sitting in overstuffed chair looking into the flickering flames in the Fireplace. Scrappy was lying at Jason's feet guarding his master. The doorbell was ringing almost constantly as the press and trick or treaters stopped by. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked back to Kevin. Brian frowned at the sight of Kevin. Kevin was unshaven and had bags under his eyes. He was holding a cup of coffee in his hands and they were trembling.

"How is he?" Kevin croaked out. Clearing his throat, "how is he?" he asked again.

"He is still sitting in the same spot he was four hours ago," Brian said as he turned and headed back into the living room. "How are we going to get him to bed?" Brian sighed as he poured himself a cup of coffee. The phone rang and Kevin nodded to the agent manning the recording devices. Kevin and the agent picked the receivers at the same time.

"Richardson residence," Kevin said trying to control the tremor in his voice.

"Kevin?" asked Justin. "What the hell is going on?"

"Justin," Kevin said as he brought his hand to his head. "Oh God Justin, I forgot all about you."

"So is it true?" Justin said. "Did someone kidnap Johnny?"

Chapter 14

"Yes Justin, it's true," Kevin said into the phone. "They've kidnapped Johnny."

"Agent Richardson?" asked a police officer.

"Agent Richardson?" yelped Justin. "Why the hell did he call you that?"

"Justin I have to go now. I promise I will call you back as soon as I can," Kevin said.

"Like hell you will!" shouted Justin. "I'm on my way up to Front Royal." The phone went dead and Kevin swore silently. Turning to the Officer.

"What is it?" he demanded.

"We have something," the officer reported.

"Well tell me. What is it?" Kevin demanded.

"We believe that we have found their hide out," the officer said as he led Kevin to the other side of the living room. "We have live footage set up and the first pictures have just arrived." He turned on a TV set and a picture of a large cabin appeared on the screen. It looked deserted but at a closer look you could see that there was plenty of activity around the place. Kevin glared at the men.

"A fucking Halloween party?" he hurled at the police officer. "What kind of nut cases are you. You are staking out a Halloween Party!"

"That is what we thought at first. But if you take a closer look you'll realize that there is more than just a party going on." He pointed at the large limousines parked along the driveway. He also pointed out the armed guards walking around the compound. "We are pretty sure that we know where they are holding the prisoners."

"Wait a minute," Kevin demanded. "You just said prisoners, are you telling me that there is more than just Johnny?" The police officer nodded and handed Kevin a stack of pictures. He took a look at the first one and his face paled. He was staring at a hooded man with a medallion around his neck. It was the medallion that gave him away. His arms were bound behind him and it definitely looked like he wasn't coming along willingly. "Do you know who this is?" he asked.

"No we haven't been able to ID him yet," the officer said.

"Well put the word out that they have also Kidnapped Joshua Scott Chasez," Kevin said as he ran his fingers through his hair. "Fuck!" he shouted. "This just keeps getting worse and worse by the moment." He picked up the phone and dialed a cell phone number. "Hello Justin?" he asked.

"What the fuck is going on?" demanded Justin. "And don't give me that later crap Kevin, or Agent Richardson or whatever the fuck you're name is at this point in time."

"How fast can you get here?" Kevin demanded.

"My plane leaves in five minutes, why?" Justin asked.

"They not only got Johnny but they also got JC," Kevin said wincing at the anticipated response.

"When I get there you had better be able to tell what the fuck is going on!" Justin shouted. "I just know that your fucking ass is messed up in this some how and when I find out how I am going to kick it all the way to hell and back!" Kevin slammed the phone shut and stormed out of the house.

"Fucking ass hole!" he shouted.

"Kevin?" asked Jason as he walked up behind Kevin. He looked at his watch and saw that it was after 12.

"Jas," Kevin said looking out over the lawn. "You should be in bed resting."

"Could you sleep?" Jason asked bluntly. Kevin jerked his head back and glared at Jason. "Well could you?"

"I'm not the one with cancer Jas!" he hurled at him.

"I will rest when Johnny is safe in this house where he belongs!" Jason hurled back at Kevin. He walked up to his husband. "Besides, I'm not the only one who needs rest." He wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist frowning when he had to adjust his hold to accommodate the holster. "I don't know if I will ever get used to you carrying a gun."

"It's my job Jas," whispered Kevin as he turned around to look into the eyes of Jason. "I never met for any of this to happen."

"I know sweetie, you were looking out for your family, and I do not fault you for that," Jason replied as he leaned forward and upwards to kiss his husband on the tip of his nose. Kevin wrinkled his nose at the touch and Jason let out a giggle. "Did I hear you talking to Justin earlier?"

"Yes I did talk to him," Kevin paused not wanting to continue. Jason caught on at once that Kevin was hiding something.

"There has been a development hasn't there?" he demanded. Kevin nodded and broke his hold and walked to the gazebo and sat down and patted the seat beside him. Jason sat down next to him and leaned back into his arms. "They found where they are holding Johnny." Jason sat up and turned and looked up at Kevin. "But there is more." Jason nodded for Kevin to continue. "They have also kidnapped JC." Jason took a sudden breath in.

"Why don't we go in after them?" asked Jason. "And what do they want with JC? And does Justin know about this too?"

"We can't just go in after them. They are heavily guarded, and I don't know what they want with JC. And yes Justin knows about this and he flying in now," Kevin answered all the questions in one breath amazed that Jason didn't interrupt him.

"What is your plan?" Jason asked.

"We are bringing in an assault team. As soon as we can and when it is safe we are going in," Kevin informed Jason. He saw Jason's face pale at the prospect of Johnny being exposed to gunfire. Kevin laid his hands on either side of Jason's face. I promise Jason, I will do every thing in my power to keep our son safe."

"I just want him home safe where he belongs," Jason sobbed out. "I never in my wildest dreams thought that he would be exposed to this hell!"

At the compound on Blue Mountain.

"Where is that Skinny faggot!" demanded a female's voice. "Bring him to me now!" The two guards scrambled to follow her instructions. "Any word on Agent Richardson?" Her face contorted with hate as she said the words. Rightly so too. For in her eyes he had cost her millions of dollars when he brought down the east coast ring. She was going to take great pleasure in taking away his most precious child.

"We have someone who is watching the Richardson Estate. The place is swarming with cops and FBI Agents," answered a guard. "We have no word on what is going on in there."

"What about that traitor Trevor," she demanded. "I want him dead!"

"They placed him in protective custody. We don't know where he is," stated the guard.

"Find him!" she screamed at him. The door slammed opened and a hooded man was shoved into the room. He stumbled over a table and fell onto the floor.

He let out a groan of pain when he hit the floor. She thought she heard one of his ribs crack. A smile of satisfaction crossed her face. "Well well, how the mighty has fallen." She walked up to him and ripped the hood off. JC blinked several times to clear his sight.

"Doctor--," he gasped out.

"Yes JC, Doctor Angela Jackson at your service. I see you have recovered from your little drug habit," she said smiling.

"But you sound just like--," he started.

"Yes, yes I know, people say that all the time. I sound like that bitch pop star Britney Spears," she laughed. "How do you think I was able to control your mind?" Refer back to the Twist and Turn Trilogy when JC was being controlled by Brittney Spears. For those of you who haven't read it yet you should read it so you can be up to date.

"What do you want from us?" he demanded trying to stand up only to be shoved down by one of the guards.

"All in good time JC," she laughed. She snapped her fingers and the doors opened again and five young men came walking in. "You know what to do. And boys? Try to be gentle." The five young men grinned as all of them reached for their pants. The only sound you heard was the sound of zippers being lowered. Than you heard JC scream as the men descended upon him. "Oh relax JC," laughed Doctor Jackson. "How many times in your life do you get the chance to be fucked by such good looking boys?" She laughed as she walked out of the room. On her way out she turned to the guards. "When they are done with him kill them and clean him up and return him to his room."

At South Fork. 3:00 in the morning.

A calm has descended upon the mansion as they wait for word on what the kidnappers want. Kevin is standing outside the bedroom looking in on Jason.

Jason is standing at the window looking out. Kevin swore silently at his husband's stubbornness.

"Is he asleep yet?" asked Brian, Kevin closed the door to the bedroom and shook his head.

"No he is still awake, he says he is not sleeping until Johnny is home safe," Kevin said. He walked across the hall to Johnny's room. He turned on the light and looked around. He frowned when he saw the mess. The frown soon turned into tears. "God Brian, what do they want?" Brian wrapped his arms around Kevin and held him close.

"I don't know Cousin," Brian said softly in his ear. "We just have to be patient and wait for word."

"I am tired of waiting for word!" shouted Kevin. "I want my son home!" They heard the door open and a voice cry out.

"That could only be one person," Kevin said. "I guess it is time to face the music." They heard him running up the stairs and saw him reach the top.

"Have they found him yet?" asked Justin as he tossed his bag to the floor. Brian motioned him into the study. Once all three of them were there Kevin began the process of telling him the tale. After words Justin just sat there looking straight ahead.

"Are you going to say anything?" Kevin asked.

"How is Jason?" Justin asked.

"Not good, he hasn't been asleep since yesterday morning," Kevin said as he ran his fingers through his hair again for the millionth time that day.

"Can I go see him?" he asked.

"Yes, please do, maybe you can get him to rest," Kevin said pointing in the direction of the bedroom.

"You and I are not done yet, Agent Richardson," Justin said glaring at Kevin as he made his way to Jason's bedroom. He knocked on the door lightly and opened it and stepped into the darken room. "Jason?" He asked softly.

"Over here Justin," croaked Jason. Justin made his way over to the large window that over looked the lawn.

"How are you holding up Jas?" he asked as he laid a hand on his shoulder. He could feel Jason's muscles relax at the touch.

"Not to good," Jason sighed leaning back into the arms of Justin. "I want Johnny home." Justin felt a warm tear fall on his bare arm and he looked down to see Jason's eyes filled with tears. "I'm afraid of what they are going to do to him."

"You've been smoking again," Justin said, as he smelled the cigar smoke in Jason's hair. "Kevin is going to have a fit," he giggled softly.

"Let him throw a fit!" Jason said harshly. "Have you heard about JC?" Justin nodded and bent down and kissed the top of Jason's head. Jason tried hard not to yawn but failed.

"It is almost four in the morning Jas," Justin stated.

"I'm not sleeping until Johnny is home safe!" Jason hurled at Justin. "And I am getting really tired of people telling me what to do!"

"Ok Jas, I'm sorry I brought it up," Justin apologized. "But will you at least lie down on the bed for a few minutes?" Jason shrugged his shoulders and headed for the bed. Justin helped him under the blankets and started to leave.

"Justin?" Jason pleaded.

"Yes Jas?" he asked.

"Hold me?" he asked. Justin smiled down at Jason and climbed in and wrapped his arms around Jason.

"Better," Justin asked as he stroked Jason's hair. Jason nodded and closed his eyes to the touch. In a few moments Jason was breathing quietly a sign that he had fallen asleep.

"Is he asleep?" asked Kevin as Justin snuck out of the bedroom.

"Finally," Justin said as he quietly closed the door.

"Justin?" Kevin started looking at the floor. "I um want to thank you for being here for him."

"I'm here for Johnny too, not to mention that JC is kidnapped too," Justin hurled at Kevin. "And just so that you understand, I blame you for this fucking mess! And if any thing happens to Johnny or JC I will never forgive you!"

"What was I supposed to do Justin?" Kevin asked glaring at Justin.

"You were supposed to stay the fuck in Parris or France or where ever the hell you were hiding. Instead you come back to Front Royal and put everyone in danger!" Justin stormed passed Kevin and down stairs. Kevin swore quietly and headed into the bedroom. Once there his eyes fell upon Jason. He had to smile for Jason was sleeping on his side of the bed hugging Kevin's pillow close to him. His smile turned into a frown when he saw the tears on Jason's cheek.

"God Jas," he sobbed quietly. "I should've never come home." He sat on the side of the bed and buried his head in his hands. He felt a hand on his arm and he looked down and saw Jason staring up at him. "God Jas, what have I done?" he sobbed. Jason held out his arms and Kevin lay down and allowed Jason to surround him with his arms. Finally after almost 24 hours the Richardson couple fell asleep with a heavy load on their minds. What was going to happen to Johnny, their family, and JC? Maybe when they woke up they would find the answers to those questions.

Chapter 15

Kevin woke with a start and looked out the window and saw the sun shining in the window. He also heard the sounds of a helicopter landing in the front lawn. He quickly got out of bed and headed down stairs. Jason was still asleep so Kevin decided to let him sleep for a while longer.

"Anything new to report?" Kevin asked as he walked into the living room. Justin glared at him and Brian handed him a cup of coffee. Kevin took the cup and than walked to the bar and picked up a cigar and lit it and took a draw off of it. Brian's eyes flew open with shock. "Close your mouth Brian, a bug might fly in."

"What the hell are you doing smoking those things?" Brian demanded. Kevin responded with a gesture. "Real mature Kevin."

"I'm not in the mood right now Brian!" Kevin hurled at him as he walked to the back door where the Chopper had just landed. He slid open the sliding door and stepped out on the patio. The air was cold and crisp. Normally it was perfect running weather but not this morning. He needed to stay close to the house incase something happened. A smile crossed his lips when he saw who it was. He ran up to him and pulled him in a tight hug. "AJ!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here because two of my brothers need me. I brought Nick and Howie too," AJ responded as he gestured to the chopper. Nick stepped off of the chopper followed by Howie. Nick went right up to Kevin and pulled him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry to hear about Johnny," he whispered into Kevin's ear. "How is Jason doing?"

"Brian told you about the cancer coming back?" Kevin asked. Nick nodded. "Well besides that he is being stubborn. It took us forever to get him asleep last night. Or should I say early this morning. Justin was finally successful in getting him to sleep. Other than that he is worried sick about what is happening to Johnny." The four men headed back into the house. Kevin frowned when he saw that Jason was up talking to Justin. They were laughing about something. Even in all of this disaster it was good to hear Jason laugh. Kevin noticed how pale Jason looked. This was taking a toll on him and Kevin had to figure out a way to get Jason to relax so that he could rest properly. "Hey sweetie!" he smiled as he walked up behind Jason. "Look what I found wondering around." Jason looked over at AJ and Nick and Howie and grinned.

"Hey guys, when did you get in?" Jason asked giving them each a quick hug. Nick held his hug a little longer frowning at Jason. "Don't worry about me Nick. I'll be fine just as soon as they get Johnny and JC back. Now tell me, what are you guys doing here?"

"We are family Jas," Nick said. "We go where our family needs us and you need us here and now. Now point me to the kitchen so I can whip up some breakfast for you."

"I'll help you," Jason said as he wrapped his arm around Nick's shoulder as the two headed into the kitchen.

"He doesn't look good Kev," AJ noted.

"I know Bone," Kevin replied taking another drag off of his cigar. AJ reached for it but Kevin shot him a glare of death and AJ backed off.

"Agent Richardson?" asked an Officer. AJ's eyes popped out of his head.

"Yes Officer?" asked Kevin.

"We are expecting some new pictures from the hideout in about an hour," the officer said.

"Good, let me know when they arrive," Kevin replied. The Officer nodded and walked out of the room.

"OK, Agent Richardson," demanded AJ. "Explain your self!"

"You had better sit down because this is going to take a while," Kevin sighed as he plopped down in the couch. AJ sat next to him. "It all started about a year before I joined the Backstreet boys."

In the Kitchen.

Jason sat down at one of the kitchen tables and he picked up a book from Johnny's school. He paged through it thoughtfully. At some point the tears started again. He buried his head in his hands allowing the tears to fall onto the pages of the book. A hand reached out and gently took the book away and closed it and set it aside. Jason didn't even look up. "He missed Halloween," Jason commented. "He always loved Halloween. Look he even decorated the yard. You should've seen him driving Justin and JC and even Kevin around. He worked them to death." Jason laughed softly at the memory.

"Want to share what is so funny?" Nick asked.

"He tried to get Brian to help but Brian pulled the old "Halloween is for devil worshipers" routine on him. Johnny just glared at him and pulled him along to help anyway," Jason replied. "Brian enjoyed helping him out anyway."

"Johnny has a way of bringing out the best in people," Nick said. Jason looked at him and frowned at the haunted look on Nick's face.

"What is wrong Nick?" he asked laying his hand on Nick's shoulder.

"Just thinking back on a day a long time ago when I hurt that boy's feelings," Nick said wiping a tear away. "I still can't believe I was so fucking immature. He was just a kid Jason and I should've been better than that."

"He forgave you along time ago Nick," Jason said softly. "Stop beating up on yourself. Johnny would want you to forget about it."

"Easier said than done," Nick whispered. "For that matter Jason, why did you forgive me? I mean I did something worse to you and you still forgave me." (Refer to the Twist and Turns series As the last Stone falls.)

"Nick," Jason said. "I forgave you along time ago. You are one of my best friends. Friends do things that hurt each other all the time. So my question is why won't you accept my forgiveness?" Nick sat at the table looking into his hands for the longest time. Finally the door opened and Brian stuck his head in.

"Hey! How about some food?" he whined. Nick looked up and shook his head and laughed. Brian walked over to Jason and laid his hand on his shoulder. "You look like shit!"

"Gee thanks Brian!" grumbled Jason.

"Brian is right Jas," Nick agreed. "We know that you have been going on a sleeping strike."

"What the hell would you have me do?" Jason shouted at Nick. "They've kidnapped my son!"

"Yes Jason!" shouted Nick. "They've kidnapped your son! But that is no excuse for you not to take care of yourself! You are going to kill yourself if you don't get rest."

"I will fucking sleep when my son is safe in his bed in this house. Not before!" Jason stood up and stormed out of the room and into the living room.

"Well we've handled that well," Brian mumbled as he picked up the bowl of eggs and started cracking them. Nick started slicing ham to be fried. "What are we going to do? Kevin is tired too they are both ready to drop dead of exhaustion."

"You work on your cousin, and I will try and convince Jason to get some rest," Nick suggested. "Now help me cook breakfast."

In the living room Jason stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes for a few moments. He had to admit he was tired. He closed his eyes to rest them for a few seconds. Some hushed whispering alerted him. He discovered that it was AJ and Kevin talking just outside the living room.

"This is not a good idea Kevin!" AJ hurled at him. "Jason is going to flip out when he finds out!"

"That is where you come in," Kevin informed him. "Your job is to keep him for finding out that I have gone with the other agents to rescue them. Promise me AJ!" AJ swore and walked to the door and peaked in. He saw Jason lying on the couch with his eyes closed. "AJ!" Kevin insisted. "Promise me!"

"Ok!" AJ hissed back. "I promise. But if you get your ass killed I am going to beat the shit out of you! Now get out of here before they suspect something! Oh and you will need this!" He said handing him the vest. Kevin nodded his thanks and took it and ran out of the house. "You better come back safe Kevin!" He hurled at the exiting figure. He watched Kevin climb into the chopper and it lifted off the ground banked to the right and flew off of the compound. Turning he walked back into the living room to check on Jason. He watched for a few moments to ensure that Jason was asleep. Once he was satisfied that Jason was sleeping he crept out of the room leaving Jason alone.

Once Jason heard the door shut he opened his eyes and looked around. "Good all clear," he said to himself.

"Not quite!" spoke up a voice.

On Blue Mountain in the hide out.

Johnny sat at the table glaring at the plate of food before him. Dr. Jackson was standing at the door glaring at Johnny. "Jonathan!" she shouted. "You have to eat something!"

"I want to go home now!" Jonathan shouted at her. "Let me go!"

"I'm sorry Johnny, but I can't do that. You Daddy has to pay for his crimes right now and you are part of that payment. Now be a good boy and eat!" she said smiling her sweetest smile. Johnny picked up the plate and threw it at her.

"I don't want your stinking food!" he shouted at her.

"Why you little fuck!" she hurled at him as she wiped the eggs off of her blouse. "You will pay for that!" She stomped out of the room slamming the door.

"You know that you shouldn't have done that!" a voice scolded him. Johnny turned around and grinned at JC.

"Yea I know but it was fun!" Johnny said as he sat next to JC. He noticed that JC acted differently when he was brought back into the room last night.

He remembered hearing JC crying last night when he thought that Johnny was asleep. JC also wouldn't let Johnny hug him either. "What did they do to you?" he asked softly. He watched as JC tensed up at the question. "Did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine Johnny," JC lied. He hated lying to Johnny because he knew that Johnny didn't believe him. He also knew that Johnny wouldn't understand that JC was raped by five guys. Johnny didn't need to know that. "Don't worry about me Johnny."

Back at South Fork.

"Justin?" asked Jason as he spotted Justin sitting in the chair facing the fireplace. How long have you been sitting there?"

"Long enough to know that what you are planning is not a good idea," Justin said. "You are not going up there to get Johnny!"

"What will you have me do? Stay here and wait for them to bring him back?" Jason hurled at Justin. "There is no way I am going to sit here and do nothing!"

"Brian! Nick!" Justin shouted. "Get your Asses in here!" Jason glared at Justin and plopped back down in the soft cushions of the sofa. Brian and Nick stuck their heads in the doorway. "Jason wants to go and get himself killed!"

"I do not!" retorted Jason.

"What you are planning is going to get your ass killed and I won't let you go!" Justin shouted at Jason. "Help me out here!" he demanded of Brian and Nick. Nick and Brian came into the living room with confused looks on their faces.

"Why don't you tell us the whole story," Nick suggested.

"Mr. Rambo Want to be wants to go out and get him self killed!" Justin said loudly. "Kevin left with the assault team to rescue Johnny and JC and Jason thinks he should go to."

"Are you nuts?" yelped Brian. "Jason you are in no condition to go anywhere. Kevin is a professional and he knows what he is doing!"

"So I am supposed to stay at home and do nothing while my family is at stake?" asked Jason glaring at the three friends who were trying to help Jason.

"Yes that is exactly what you are supposed to do!" Justin said. "Remember I have JC up there too! And I am sick with worry over him. But you don't see me running up there to rescue them. Please Jason let the professionals handle it!"

"So this is how it is going to be?" asked Jason. Brian noticed that he was biting his lower lip. Jason was mad. And it looked like it was going to take a long time to calm him down. "Fine!" he shouted as he stormed out of the living room. The three cringed as they heard one of the doors slam up stairs.

"Great!" exclaimed Brian. "Now he is going to hide upstairs all day!" He stormed out as well.

"Well now what are we going to do?" asked Nick. "I have a whole table full of food and no one to eat it."

"I'll take a plate up to Jason," suggested Justin.

"Why I don't I take a plate up to him. You go rescue Brian. Jason is pretty mad at you right now," Nick said hoping to get Justin to leave Jason alone for a while. Justin nodded and left the room in search of Brian. Nick trotted to the kitchen to get Jason a plate of food.

Up stairs in the study.

Jason is sitting behind his desk looking out the window. "Don't go Jason! You will get yourself killed. You can't handle it! You're to sick!" he said in a sassy voice. "I can take care of my self!" Grabbing a stapler and throwing at the door. The door opened to reveal Nick's head.

"All clear?" he asked.

"I don't want to be disturbed!" Jason hurled at Nick turning his chair away from the door. "Go away!"

"Oh real mature!" Nick shouted at him. "You do understand that we care about you and don't want you to get hurt?" Jason kept his chair turned facing the window. Nick shook his head and laid the plate on the desk. "Well I made you a plate. You should at least try and eat." Getting no response from Jason he turned and headed out of the study. As he headed back down stairs he ran into Brian. "Did Justin talk to you?"

"Yea, he talked to me. I'm going to try and talk some sense into Jason. He gotta understand that Kevin is the right person to handle this. I just hope he listens to reason.

"I'm just hoping that Kevin will come back in one piece. And that he brings back Johnny and JC," Nick replied laying a hand on Brian's shoulder.

"So do I Nick," Brian whispered. Nick pulled Brian into a quick hug before letting go.

Blue Mountain.

"Well what is the plan?" asked Kevin. He was standing beside a table wear a lay out of the property was stretched before him. The building where they were holding the captives was highlighted n red.

"This is where they are holding Johnny and JC," said an agent pointing the red building. "This is where we are pretty sure the ring leader is. We have spotted her traveling from building to building in the last twelve hours. She just left and it looks like she was pissed. From what we can tell she was wearing food on her clothes. It would seem that one of the captives decided that he didn't like his breakfast." Kevin couldn't help but laugh softly when he heard that.

"When do we go in?" he asked as he ran this fingers through his hair.

"We go in, in about fifteen minutes. Your riot gear is in that van. Go and get suited up. Your team will be the one that goes in after the captives. And Kevin?" asked the Agent.

"Yes?" answered Kevin turning back towards the agent.

"I know he is your son, but try not to do any thing crazy in there ok?" asked the Agent. Kevin nodded and trotted off in the direction of the van.

In the House

"Get the brat!" yelled Dr. Jackson. "We are moving him to a more secure location. And you can dispose of JC!" The men in the house scrambled to follow her orders. Just as they left the house the house was shook with several large explosions. Dust flew from the hall way as a grenade detonated the front door. The force of the blast threw Dr. Jackson to the floor. Scrambling up she bolted for the back door. Making sure on her way out she grabbed a machine gun. Once outside she rounded the house and dove into the joining building that held JC and Johnny. Already the assault team was attacking the main house. Running into the room where Johnny was being held she grabbed him and headed outside

"Hey let me go!" yelled Johnny as he struggled in her hold.

"Shut the fuck up you little brat. Or the next words you will say will be your last." Out of the corner of her eye she saw JC dive through a window. Apparently he was successful in relieving her guards of their weapons. Johnny chooses this time to bite down on her hand. She loosens her hold just long enough for Johnny to scramble away. Dr. Jackson took off after him and reached him before he got to the driveway. Tackling him in a flying leap she wrapped her arm around his neck. "If you want to live you will stop struggling and do as I say!" She laid the muzzle of the rifle against his skull. Johnny eyes went wide with fear.

"Let him go!" shouted an enraged Kevin. Dr. Jackson turned around and grinned. "I said let him go!"

"I don't think so Agent Richardson!" she spat at him. She slowly turned around so that Johnny was in between Kevin and her. "I think you are going to let me leave with him. Because if you don't he is dead!"

"You fucking Bitch!" Kevin yelled. "If you hurt him I will hunt you down and kill you!" Seeing a movement behind her he almost shouted for glee. It was JC apparently he had gotten away. He crept up behind her and places the muzzle inches away from the back of her skull. "You might as well give up Bitch. Because you will never get away with this. Every law enforcement agency in the nation is alerted to you. You have no where to run!"

"I have more power than your pathetic law enforcement!" She rasped. The sound of a gun chambering in the round sounded through the cold fall air.

"Drop the gun bitch now!" shouted JC. Kevin heart leapt to his throat as she tightens her hold on Johnny. He could see the trigger finger tensing on the trigger. She was seconds away from pulling the trigger. If she was successful in doing it first Johnny was dead.

"You don't need to do this," Kevin tried to reason with her. "Please that is my son."

"Oh but don't you see Kevin?" she said in an insanely calm voice. "You took way my life almost four years ago when you put my husband away. You took my life away so I have to take something of yours."

"Than take me!" Kevin begged. "Just don't take my son!" Tears were forming in his eyes. But the tears soon turned into hatred as she smiled. At some point he snapped. Quickly winking at JC he dove towards her. She took a step back dragging Johnny with her. Kevin heard the explosion of a gun and felt the warm moist feeling of blood land on his face.

"Nooooo!" he screamed grabbing what he thought was the body of his son. "Pleas not Johnny!" he screamed again. He and Johnny landed to the ground hard. Kevin struck his head on a rock and all went black.

South Fork

Brian softly knocked on the door of the Jason's study. "Go away Nick!" shouted Jason from inside the room.

"It's me Jas," Brian said softly. He waited a few seconds until he heard the doorknob turn and door opened. Jason let Brian in and Brian went to the bar and poured himself a brandy.

"Isn't it a little early for a drink?" asked Jason as he picked up a bottle of water and took off the lid and drank from it.

"I won't tell Kevin you've been smoking cigars again if you won't tell him I was drinking," Brian said with an amusing twinkle in his eye as he handed Jason a cigar. Jason grinned and took the cigar and lit and took a drag off of it.

"Deal!" he said as he sat down in the soft leather cushions of the couch. Brian sat next to him. "God Brian what is going to happen to Johnny and JC?"

"I've been praying all morning for their safe return," Brian replied. He noticed that Jason was holding his Rosary in his hand. "I've see you've been doing the same thing."

"I need to pray. It is the only thing that keeps me sane through all of this. I'm sorry I've been such a jack ass earlier," Jason mumbled.

"Don't worry about it Jas," Brian said as he wrapped his arm around Jason. Jason leaned into the hug and laid his head on his shoulder. "I would be doing the same thing if it was my son out there." Brian just continued to hold Jason for a few minutes before he realized that Jason had fallen asleep. He Gently laid him back on the couch and covered him.

Two hours later.

"Jason?" asked a voice. Jason closed his eyes tighter in hopes that this annoying person would leave. "Jason baby?" persisted the voice. Ok so only on other person calls him that. Jason opened his eyes to see Kevin's smiling face shinning down upon him. He quickly sat up.

"Where is Johnny?" he demanded.

"I'm right here Dad!" exclaimed Johnny as he ran into the study and into the waiting arms of his Dad. Jason broke down in tears sobbing into the shoulders of the small boy. Kevin was overcome with emotions as well and he joined the hug. The reunited family stayed in the tight embrace for a few moments relishing the pleasure of being a family again. "Um Dad?" asked Johnny.

"Yes son," answered Jason.

"Um can you let go of my neck so I can breathe again?" he asked. Jason let an out a soft laugh and let go of his son. Than he remembered that he was upset with Kevin. He turned to Kevin and glared at him.

"What?" asked Kevin.

"Don't you what me mister!" he scolded him. "You've could've been killed!"

Kevin laid his hands against Jason's face. "But I wasn't killed. I am safe with my family where I belong."

"I guess I should be thankful for that," Jason said as he got up and headed out of the study. Suddenly he was very hungry. "Any one up for lunch?" he asked. Kevin and Johnny followed him downstairs to meet the rest of the gang.

Three hours later.

Kevin walks into the bedroom to lie down. He frowns when he sees the sight before him.

"It would appear that there is no room for you Kev," laughed Brian coming up behind him. Sure enough Jason was in bed with Johnny lying in his arms. Scrappy was lying beside Johnny and all three were sound asleep.

"Well I guess I have to sleep on the couch than," sighed Kevin as he headed to the couch in the sitting room of the master suite. Just before he closed his eyes he caught one more glance at his family. "Thank you God!" he breathed out.

Justin walked up to JC and went to pull him in a hug but JC pulled back. "What is wrong JC?" asked Justin. JC walked out of the house and Justin followed him. "Please JC, I'm worried about you." JC kept walking away from Justin. Justin stood at the door trying to place the scared hurt violated look on JC face. Justin knew that he had seen that face before. Than it hit him. Over four years ago he was walking into the dressing room at the Nissan Center after a concert where he first met Jason. Jason was scrambling to put on his clothes and he wore the same look. "Oh my God in Heaven," sobbed Justin. He grew weak in the knees and had to sit down on the porch.

After about fifteen minutes a shadow crossed over him and he looked up to see the tear stained face of JC. "Help me?" he pleaded as knelt down and Justin gathered him up in his arms.

"Who did this to you?" Justin demanded. JC cringed at Justin's harsh tone. "I'm sorry JC, it is just that I am worried about you." JC sat down on the porch beside Justin and began to speak in monotone voice with no emotion.

"It happened last night. There was five of them," JC started.

About Four weeks later.

"Hey every body!" shouted an excited Johnny as he tore threw the house. "Come on dinner is ready!" It had been almost a month since the kidnapping.

"Ok ok!" shouted Justin and Nick at the same time. They were involved in a video game battle to end all battles. "We'll be there in about five minutes!" A small hand reached out and turned off the game. "Hey!" shouted Justin.

"Your five minutes always turn into an hour!" exclaimed Johnny as he grabbed his uncle's hand and pulled towards the dinning room. "Come on Nick!" Nick laughed and shook his head and he too placed the controller down and followed Johnny and Justin into the dinning room.

"Hey sweetie," whispered Kevin as he leaned down and placed a kiss on Jason's lips. "Happy Thanksgiving!"

"Happy Thanksgiving too Babe!" Jason smiled as he reached up and ruffled Kevin's hair. Kevin laughed and kissed Jason on the cheek before standing back up. Jason stood up and slowly made his way to the dinning room. Once there he took his place at the head of the table. Kevin stood politely holding the chair out for him. Jason blushed at Kevin's consideration.

"He he," giggled Kevin. "Made you blush!" Jason smiled at him and sat down at the table. Jason waited until Kevin was at his chair before rapping his glass with the side of the fork. The metal clinging against the crystal glass rang cheerfully throughout the dinning room.

"May I have every ones attention please?" he asked. All eyes turned to him waiting patiently for him to continue. Poor Johnny rolled his eyes as he felt like he was going to die of starvation. Nick leaned down and whispered something in his ear and Johnny choked back a laugh and elbowed Nick in the ribs. "A hem!" Jason scolded. Johnny and Nick quickly looked feigning innocence. "Brian will you do the honors of leading us in grace?"

"Dear Lord in Heaven, we are so thankful for this bounty you have set before us. . . ."

Ok that is it for this installment. I hope that every one had a wonderful thanksgiving. I know that I did. It was very special because I got to spend it with James.

I am going to wrap up the Jason and Kevin saga in the next two installments.

It will be a happy ending so please honor my request and allow the story to end on a happy note. I am going to concentrate all my efforts on the little time that I have left with James. The Lord has seen fit to call him home and we must honor that request. Please pray for James and Me as we go through this trying period of our lives.


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Next: Chapter 11: Christmas at Southfork

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