Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Jan 9, 2001


Begin Anew

Copyright 2000 By Frnceso O'Rtg.

All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Author.

This story is complete fiction. This story in no way implies the ACTUAL sexual orientation or beliefs of Actual living people. In other words FICTION!!

After this installment only one more to go!!!! I hope you enjoy it.

Any comments are welcome. Good or bad. Feel free to e-mail me at

Christmas at South Fork

Part One

Jason opened his eyes to find that Kevin was staring at him. Kevin wrapped is arms around Jason and kissed him gently on the lips. "Hey cutie!"

"How long have you been awake?" asked a sleepy Jason.

"About an hour, I been watching you sleep," Kevin bent down and kissed Jason again.

"It is way too early to be up," Jason said as he let out a huge yawn and rolled over to sleep some more.

"Uh uh Jas," Kevin giggled softly. "You have a chemo session to go through this morning." Jason glared at Kevin and swung his feet over the side of the bed and stood up and headed for the bathroom. "Come on baby don't be that way," Kevin whined a little. Jason had been in a blue mood for most of the week. Ever since that the kidnapping thing had been settled Jason had fallen into a depression. Kevin had tried everything to bring Jason out of it. But nothing seemed to work. Kevin sighed and headed out of the room to head downstairs. He could hear Johnny yelling about something. Frowning he headed into the living room. Brian was standing on a ladder near the tree trying to put some garland on it.

"No no!" shouted Johnny. "That is not how you do it! Here let me show you." Brian rolled his eyes and handed the bundle of garland to his nephew.

"Are you slave driving your Uncle Brian again?" Kevin asked ruffling Johnny's hair.

"I can't help it if he can't decorate a tree!" stated Johnny as he clamored up the stepladder and started to apply the gold tinsel garland around the tree.

"Do you think you have enough lights on it?" asked Kevin raising his eyebrows at the sight before him. "There has to be close to five hundred lights on it."

"I lost count at 700," grumbled Brian. Johnny elbowed him in the side. "Well you do have that many lights on that tree!" argued Brian.

"Actually there is about 1200 lights on it." Kevin grinned widely at Brian's shocked expression. Johnny just grinned and shrugged. "You can never have to many lights!" Johnny stated as he wrapped Brian up in the garland. Brian tried to get loose but failed. Finally he gave up and looked to Kevin with a pleading look. Kevin just shrugged his shoulders and laughed. When Johnny was satisfied that Brian was safely wrapped up he promptly hung an ornament on him. "There now we can hang ornaments on Uncle Brian." Johnny ran out of the room laughing his head off. Scrappy took off after him barking loudly.

"Your son is a brat!" laughed Brian as he tried to untangle himself from the garland. "Some times I wonder if he is blood related and not adopted."

"I seemed to remember you pulling something like that to poor Nick when we first got started in the group," laughed Kevin as he tried to hang an ornament on Brian.

"Yea and I remember you helping me decorate the sleeping Nick," giggled Brian as he swatted Kevin's hand away.

"You have admit it was funny!" laughed Kevin thinking back on the memory. He heard the stairs creek and looked up to see Trevor walk into the room.

"Hey cool!" exclaimed Trevor. "My own personal Brian tree!" Brian flipped him off. "Ewwww, let's go up to the room baby!" Brian looked over at Trevor and his heart stood still. Trevor had just come from his work out. Brian licked his lips in anticipation of what was to come.

"You like what you see?" smirked Trevor as he struck a pose.

"Um yea," stuttered out Brian. Trevor walked over to him and took an ornament from Kevin's hand and hung it on the garland that crossed over Brian's crotch.

"There that looks a lot better," giggled Trevor as he leaned in for a quick kiss. Brian let out a small moan and pulled Trevor close to him. It didn't matter that Trevor was soaked with his sweat from his work out. It only to serve to feed Brian's desires more. They were rudely interrupted by Kevin's loud clearing of his throat. Reluctantly Brian looked back at Kevin glaring at him.

"Ok you two horn dogs. Knock it off," groaned Kevin. "Besides I have a mission for you two. We have a party to get ready for and plus I need help with Jason's present."

"Oh no you don't!" exclaimed Brian. "You are not dragging us into one of your schemes. They never work!" Trevor looked at Brian confused. "Take my word for it. You don't want to know!" Brian said as he kissed Trevor on the lips and grabbed his hand and drug him out of the room and upstairs.

"You're not getting out of it that easy!" yelled Kevin. "Christmas is just a few days away and we have to get ready for the Party tomorrow night and and--," shouted Kevin at the retreating lovers. "Oh fuck it!" he grumbled. "They're in love Kevin," saying to himself as he looked up at the towering tree and decided that Brian was wrong. "You can never have to many lights on a tree," he laughed softly and picked an ornament and set about decorating the tree.

Brian opened the door and led Trevor into the room. "Now we can be alone," he whispered seductively into Trevor ear as he rubbed Trevor's crotch. Trevor let out a whimper and tried to capture Brian's lips in a kiss. Brian wrinkled his nose at the smell of Trevor's work out. "Uh uh lover boy!" Brian scolded as he slid Trevor's shirt over his head. "You need a shower first!" Trevor pouted momentarily and headed into the bathroom trying to drag Brian with him. "You go and get cleaned up and I'll get the bed and myself ready." Brian lightly rubbed Trevor's crotch again causing Trevor to moan a little. "Now hurry, cause Jr. hear needs some attention!" Trevor grinned and bolted towards the shower.

Jason made his way downstairs and into the living room. Once he rounded the corner he spotted the object of his desire. Jason snuck in and stood by the fireplace to watch his lover at work. Kevin didn't see Jason walk into the room for Kevin was distracted decorating the tree. This was the first time that Jason had seen Kevin decorate a tree so he decided to watch for a while. His lover's lean and hard body mesmerized him as he twisted and turned hanging ornaments on the tree. The light from the white lights reflecting off of the gold garland cast the entire room in a golden haze. He let out an involuntary gasp as he beheld Kevin looking at the tree thoughtfully. Kevin heard the noise and turned around and smiled at his lover.

"Hey sexy!" he exclaimed as he put the ornament down.

"Don't stop on my account," Jason said softly. "I was enjoying the view."

"Decorating the tree?" asked a confused Kevin. "What is so exciting about that?"

"Oh my dear husband," sighed Jason as he moved into Kevin's outstretched arms. "You have no idea how arousing watching you hang ornaments on the tree truly is." Leaning up on his tiptoes he planted a small kiss on Kevin's nose. Kevin moved his mouth down so that he was kissing Jason on the lips. He lightly probed until Jason parted his lips to allow Kevin in. Kevin deepened the kiss driving his tongue to the hidden areas of Jason's mouth. As Jason allowed Kevin to kiss him deeply he traced the jaw line of Kevin causing Kevin to moan softly. Kevin responded by grinding his crotch into Jason's. Jason let out a small moan as he wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck and held him close. A gagging noise interrupted them. Kevin let out a small whimper as Jason pulled away. The gagging noise continued. "I wonder who that is?" Jason asked he looked behind him and smiled and spotted Johnny standing at the doorway with his arm wrapped around Scrappy's neck. Jason almost busted up laughing at the look on Johnny's face.

"Do you guys have to do that in front of me?" whined Johnny. Kevin choked back a laugh and went back to work on the tree. "Where is Uncle Brian? I need him to help me put out the Nativity scene out front."

"Why don't I help you with that?" asked Jason. "I still have a couple of hours before my next chemo treatment." Johnny wasted no time grabbing the help that was offered. Kevin smiled at his family as they rushed outdoors to decorate the yard. This was going to be a great Christmas. One that he was looking forward to. After what Jason and Johnny had been through the last three years plus the fact that Kevin had missed the last three holidays seasons with Jason he wasn't going to miss this one. He peeked out the window and busted up laughing as he saw Johnny throw a snowball at Jason. Jason of course retaliated by tackling Johnny in the snow. The sight of his two most important people in his world playing in the snow brought tears to his eyes. He allowed them to fall for they were tears of happiness. He jumped as Johnny lightly threw a snowball at the window.

"Oh now you've done it little man!" laughed Kevin as he hurried to get his coat and gloves. It was time to teach Johnny who was the master snowball fighter.

In Orlando four hours earlier.

Justin opened his eyes and looked around the room. JC was gone as usual he had woken up from a nightmare and left the bed to be by himself. Justin frowned as he thought of his lover suffering through this all by himself. Justin had tried so many times to break through that hard shell that JC had built around him. Justin still didn't know the whole story. He knew that JC was raped by five teens. But there was much more than that Justin knew it. Sighing heavily Justin swung his feet over the side of the bed and made his way to the hallway. As usual he could hear JC's sobs coming from the study down the hall. For the first time in almost two months Justin decided to interrupt those sobs. It was time for the truth to come out. Taking a deep breath he walked towards the study. Reaching for the door handle--,

"I want to be alone Justin," JC said from inside the study. Justin forced himself to open the door anyway and step inside the room. "Didn't you hear me?"

"Yes JC," Justin said sternly. "I heard you but I'm not buying it this time. You and I are going to talk this through!"

"Not now Justin!" ordered JC as he glared at Justin. His glare softens as he saw the hurt in sadness in Justin's eyes. "I'm sorry babe, it's just that I am not ready to talk about what happened."

"God JC, it's been almost two months. I miss you so much!" Justin said with tears falling. "I want to be able to make love to you." JC cringed when he heard those words out of Justin. "What?" demanded Justin. "I can't make love to my boyfriend?" JC looked away praying that Justin would just leave. "Why the hell not?" Justin shouted at JC.

"You don't understand," JC shouted back. "You have no idea what happened to me back there!"

"Than make me understand JC!" Justin demanded. JC remained silent as Justin continued to wait for a response from his lover. Walking up to JC Justin planted a light kiss on JC's bare shoulder. Hurt when JC pulled away from Justin's loving embrace. "Why?" he sobbed out. "God JC if you only knew how much I love you!"

"You will never understand Justin," JC said quietly as he turned and faced the window once again shutting out Justin from his life.

"Fine JC, if that is how you truly want it I won't argue with you anymore," Justin said sadly as he left the room and walked down to his room. Once inside he went to the closet and took out his luggage. He heard JC walk into the room.

"Where are you going?" asked JC.

"Somewhere where I can be alone and think things through," Justin said as he shoved things into a bag. "I mean it is pretty plain that you have no intentions of opening up to me."

"It's just that I'm not sure that I understand what is going on with me," JC mumbled.

"Well don't worry about me JC. Cause I am going to give you all the time in the world to figure out what you want!" Justin hurled as he pulled the zipper shut with an angry gesture.

"Please Justin," pleaded JC. "I don't want you to leave."

"Than let me help you through this!" Justin pleaded. JC looked to the floor and didn't answer Justin. "I guess I got my answer." JC remained standing in the bedroom as he heard the door slam.

Back at South Fork. (Back to present)

"OOOOH God Brian!" shouted Travis as he rammed in to Brian's ass one last time blasting his load deep into Brian's ass. Breathing and moaning with exhaustion he collapsed on top of Brian's sweaty body. "Wow!" he sighed rolling over on his back.

"That was wonderful baby," breathed out Brian as Trevor snuggled back up to him.

"I live to make you happy baby," Trevor said as he planted a kiss on Brian's cheek. He was tired out from his lovemaking session with Brian. It was always like that with Brian. Whenever he made love with Brian it was whole consuming love. Brian never did anything half way. Brian's hand found his way to Trevor's cock. Trevor shivered at the touch. "God Brian," he gasped out. "Don't you ever quit?" Brian just giggled softly as he lowered his mouth onto Trevor's cock. Trevor surrendered himself to the feelings that Brian was unleashing. He stared down with love at his lover as he bobbed slowly up and down on his cock. Brian looked up at him and smiled with his eyes. Trevor closed his eyes and laid back to enjoy the gift his lover was giving him.

"Ok Ok!" pleaded Kevin as his husband and son bombarded him with snowballs. "I surrender!" Laughing he broke away from the war zone.

"Yes!" gloated Johnny as he waved his hands in the air. "We are the masters!" Only his gloating was cut short as a snowball pelted him in the back of the head. He turned around in time to see Jason pelt him with another one. "Traitor!" he giggled as he picked up another snowball and threw it in the direction of Jason. Only problem was Scrappy decided that he wanted to play catch and caught the snowball in mid air. For the next few seconds Scrappy coughed and choked on the snow. This threw Johnny into a fit of laughter and of course Jason used this opportunity to gain an advantage over poor Johnny. After a few more moments of war the two called a treaty and went to work on the Nativity scene.

About a half an hour later Kevin stepped onto the front porch and had to laugh at Johnny. It seemed that Scrappy decided that he wanted to play instead of letting Johnny decorate. Scrappy had one of the sheep in his mouth and was running around the yard trying to keep away from Johnny. Johnny was attempting to stop Scrappy by throwing snowballs at the hyper dog. This only served to excite the dog even more as he continued to play the game of keep a way from Johnny.

"Scrappy!" shouted Johnny." "You stop right now and give me that sheep!" Scrappy stopped for a few seconds and waited until Johnny got almost up to him and than took off running again. "Scrappy!" whined the boy. "Fine! No snacks for you for a month!" Scrappy dropped the sheep and walked up to his young master with his head low. Johnny patted him on the head to show that all was forgiven and retrieved the plastic sheep and trotted off to Jason so that they could finish putting up the Nativity Scene. Kevin frowned as he heard the front gate speaker system buzz. He pushed the talk button. He almost wished that this moment could be frozen in time forever. Every thing was perfect. His son was happy and his husband was having fun too playing in the snow. It had been a long time since Kevin had seen Jason this happy. Swearing softly he picked up the phone and spoke into it.

"Come on up Doctor, we're expecting you," he sighed. He made his way slowly up to Jason. "Hey babe," he said softly wrapping his arms around Jason's waist. "Nice job, it looks real nice." Jason nodded and leaned back into the arms of his husband.

"He is on his way isn't he?" he asked softly.

"Yea he just buzzed in a minute ago," Kevin replied planting a kiss on the top of his head. "You want to head up to the house?"

"I'll be up in a few minutes. I want to finish helping Johnny," Jason said as he walked over to the Nativity scene to help Johnny finish up. Bending down he picked up a handful of straw and helped Johnny arrange it around the manger set. Kevin sighed heavily and headed back to the house.

An hour later.

"Ok, that is it for this time," said the doctor. "Now remember Jason, you need to keep up your strength. I don't like the way you have lost so much weight. You need to try and eat more. And it wouldn't hurt for you to pick up on your activity a little. Take a half-hour walk once a day. I think you will find that helpful."

"I'll try doc," Jason said with a tired voice. He was ready to drift off into a drug-induced sleep. The doctor had given him something for the nausea and pain.

"He should sleep for most of the afternoon," the Doctor said to Kevin. "I have to tell you, I am really worried about his weight. If he doesn't start eating I'm going to admit him." Kevin cringed at the sounds of those words. "I know he hates hospitals so try to get him to eat."

"I promise to get him to eat," Kevin assured the doc. "I'm going to move him back to our room so he can rest better." Bending down he easily picked up Jason and carried him out of the room. The doctor frowned at the ease of Kevin being able to pick Jason up like that.

"Jason is so lucky to have you Kevin," he said softly as he headed down stairs to head out. On the way out he ran into Johnny.

"Is Dad going to be all right?" asked Johnny as he petted Scrappy on the head.

"With you and Kevin around to support and love him, yes I think that Jason will be all right," replied the Doctor as he put his hand on Johnny's head. The Doctor climbed into his car and drove off. Johnny waited until the car was out of sight before heading into the house. He passed Brian and Trevor as he headed up stairs. They were kissing each other and their hair was all messed up. Johnny rolled his eyes at the affection that his uncle was showing.

"Did you two just have sex?" demanded Johnny with his hands on his hips. Brian choked back a laugh as Trevor blushed a million shades of red. "I thought so!" Johnny laughed. "You guys are gross! You are always hugging and kissing on each other, just like my Dads. That's it!" he shouted as Brian and Trevor exchanged smiles. "I'm gonna find me a boy friend so I can gross you guys out for a change!" Johnny made his way to his fathers' room to spend some time with Jason. He could hear Brian laughing at what he said. Opening the door he spotted Jason lying in bed asleep. Kevin was nowhere to be seen so Johnny climbed in with his Father and snuggled up to him. Jason opened his eyes and looked down at Johnny.

"Hey Johnny," Jason said softly. "You done decorating?" Johnny nodded quietly and pulled Jason's arm around him so that it was hugging him. "What's wrong?" Johnny shrugged his shoulders. "You know that is not an answer buddy," Jason lightly scolded him.

"Are you going to die?" Johnny asked bluntly. The bluntness of the boy's question startled Jason. He slowly sat up in bed and helped Johnny sit up with him.

"Where is this coming from?" Jason asked with concern.

"I heard the Doctor talking with Dad, and he said if you don't take better care of yourself he will have to admit you," Johnny said in a small voice. "I just got you two back. Both of you at the same time under the same roof. I don't want you to leave." Tears started to form in Johnny's eyes. Jason gathered the small boy in his arms and kissed the top of his head.

"You won't loose me Johnny, I promise to take better care of myself, deal?" I asked smiling down at Johnny. Johnny nodded and yawned at the same time snuggling deeper into his father's arms and closed his eyes. Jason lay back in the bed and closed his eyes too. He needed his rest so that he could get back on his feet. "I think Kevin and I will go for a nice walk this evening," he thought to himself just before sleep claimed him.

Standing at the doorway was Kevin. He had been watching in silence as the two most important people in his entire life held their private conversation completely unaware that Kevin was listening. "Just maybe Johnny will be the one that will pull Jason out of this depression," he thought silently to himself. He heard his named called, sighing he turned and headed downstairs. He would've loved to take a nap with his family but someone down stairs needed him. As he stepped off of the stairs and onto the marble floor he was shocked to see Justin standing at the door with his bags. It was obvious that Justin was upset about something.

"Justin?" he asked softly. "What is wrong?"

"I left JC," Justin said bluntly as he turned and headed into the living room. "I got tired of him shutting me out of his life all the time. Ever since the rape he won't open up to me." He went right to the bar and picked up a bottle of water and poured him a glass over ice. Taking a huge gulp he sat down by the fireplace. "Has he called here looking for me?" Kevin shook his head no. "I'm not surprised, he is so wrapped up in himself and his self pity that he probably doesn't even know I am gone," Justin spat out bitterly.

"What happened Justin?" asked Kevin feeling his heart soften when he saw the pain in Justin's eyes.

"You know JC was raped?" Justin asked. Kevin nodded for Justin continue. "Well ever since he came back he won't open up. It's like he is an entirely different person. I can't even remember the last time we made love."

"Is that what is about?" Kevin asked softly. Justin nodded with out saying anything. "God Justin, do you have any idea what JC has been through?" Justin looked up at Kevin glaring at him. "I'm sorry Justin. But if you're expecting me to take your side on this I can't."

"What about me?" Justin demanded. "What about my feelings? Or do they count?"

"Of course your feelings count Curly," Kevin replied sitting beside Justin. "But JC has been through hell right now. This isn't going to go away overnight."

"But I love him so much!" Justin sobbed out. "Why can't he see that?"

"What if the shoe was on the other foot?" Kevin asked. "I mean what if you were ganged raped instead of JC. How would you feel?" Justin sat quietly for a few minutes prompting Kevin to push a little. "Justin? How would you feel if you were the raped victim instead of JC?"

"I guess I would be hurt, and I would feel violated and dirty--," Justin stopped as it became clear as to what JC was going through. "OH God!" he sobbed out. "It isn't me!" Justin stood up in a hurry to leave but Kevin stopped him.

"Justin you need some rest before you take off again," Kevin said softly.

"But I have to get back to him. I have to make him understand that I don't blame him for this!" Justin was frantic to make JC understand.

"Not until you get at least a few hours of sleep. And than when you wake up you're going to eat a good health meal and than we'll see about getting you back to JC," Kevin ordered. "Once you are rested and not dead on your feet than you can talk to him with a clear head."

"You aren't going to let me go are you?" Justin retorted.

"You need rest Justin," Kevin said wrapping his arm around Justin and guiding to the stairs. "Take the guest room on the left at the end of the hall." When Justin was well on his way to sleep Kevin walked back to the living room and picked up the phone and dialed a number. After a few rings JC voice answered. "JC?" Kevin asked.

"Yea Kevin?" JC asked. Kevin could tell by his voice that JC had been crying.

"Justin is here with us," Kevin stated.

"Thank God!" JC breathed out. "Did he say why he left me?" Kevin could tell that JC was frantic with worry."

"Yes we did talk about why he left. But that is something that you and him need to talk through," Kevin said. He stifled a yawn and it dawned on him that he was tired too. Maybe he would take a nap latter. "He is resting right now. I plan on sending him home tomorrow unless you want to come up here and spend Christmas with us."

"Are you sure it won't be a problem?" JC asked.

"No problem at all. Jason would enjoy having you and Justin around for the holidays. And Brian would love it too," Kevin said trying not to laugh.

"Brian?" asked a confused JC.

"Yea you see Johnny been slave driving poor Brian around for the past week decorating the place. It will be nice to have someone else around so that Johnny can pick on someone else," Kevin laughed out. The two friends talked for a few more moments as they made plans. After hanging up Kevin headed to the bedroom to see how Jason was doing. As he quietly opened the door he was mildly amused to see Johnny still curled up in the bed snuggled up to his father. It had seemed that Johnny had taken to sleeping with his Father more than in his own bed. Kevin sighed as he closed the door and headed back down stairs to nap on the couch.

Three hours later.

Kevin heard voices in the distance.

"Are you sure he won't mind?" asked Justin.

"Oh he'll mind all right. That is what makes it fun!" giggled Johnny. Kevin opened his eyes in time to see Justin sneaking up on him with an ornament in his hands.

"Oh hi Kevin!" said Justin all innocent. Kevin sat up and realized that he was covered in garland.

"Do you mind explaining why I look like a tree?" he asked as he started to remove the ornaments that were hanging on his body. Johnny let out a giggle and took off down the hall. About three seconds later he came back in with Jason behind him.

"Oh no you don't mister!" Jason scolded lightly. "You have to face the music mister!"

"Don't he look great Dad?" giggled Johnny.

"Yea he does look good except for this," Jason said with a mischievous grin on his face. Picking up the star he walked over to Kevin and planted it on his head. "There perfect!" Before long the entire room was rolling with laughter.

"Ok ok!" grumbled Kevin. "Now that every one has had their fun will someone please help me out of this stuff?" Jason took pity on his husband and started to help him remove the garland and ornaments.

"Kevin?" asked Jason.

"Yes sweetie?" asked Kevin as he kissed Jason on the lips.

"Can we go for a walk this afternoon?" Jason asked hopefully.

"Are you sure you're up to it?" Kevin asked.

"We don't have to make it long. It's been so long since we've seen the river," complained Jason.

"Ok, but you have to promise that if you get tired we come straight back home," Kevin relented.

"Deal!" Jason exclaimed as he hurried off to get his coat.

Fifteen minutes later

"Thank you for taking me on this walk Kevin," Jason said as he snuggled closer to his husband.

"You cold?" asked a worried Kevin.

"No, I just like to snuggle up to you is all," Jason said with a giggle. Kevin laughed softly and pulled him closer to him. They had reached the bank of the river and Jason sat down on the ground and patted a place next to him. "I love the river this time of the year," he said as he laid his head on Kevin's shoulder. "It's so peaceful and quiet."

"Not to interrupt this moment but JC is on his way over," Kevin said as he pulled Jason closer to him.

"Is Justin and JC having problems?" Jason asked grabbing Kevin's hand and kissing it. "I mean first Justin shows up and than JC is coming too."

"They are having some problems and they need some help with it. Why don't you take Justin out to dinner tonight and get him to open up. I'll take JC and try to talk some sense into him."

"What happen to JC when he was kidnapped?" Jason asked. He felt Kevin tense up when Jason mentioned the Kidnapping. "Kevin?" Jason pushed. "I need to know if I am going to help Justin."

Kevin sighed heavily, "He was gang raped by five guys." Jason sucked in his breath heavily.

"Oh my God!" he breathed. "Why didn't any one tell me?" Jason was mad. "I could've helped him through this mess! I've been in his shoes not once but twice!"

"You are in no shape to be counseling anyone especially JC!" Kevin hurled back at him. "Or have you forgotten what he did to you?" (Once again refer to the twist and turns series to find out.)

"Yes I am perfectly aware of what happened to me. And I don't hold JC accountable for that. He wasn't in his right mind when that happened and you know it!" Jason shouted at Kevin. After calming down, "You take Justin out and I'll handle JC." He could tell that Kevin wasn't going to like it so he pushed. "I'm budging on this Kevin."

"Ok but if you get hurt in the process I will never forgive myself," Kevin relented. They heard the front gate open and saw a rental car drive up the drive. "Ok JC is here let's get you back up the house." Jason nodded and got up to his feet and slid his hand in Kevin's hand and squeezed it.

"I love you babe," he said with a smile.

"I love you too Jas, and I worry about you so much," Kevin replied with tears in his eyes.

"Hey," soothed Jason as he reached up and wiped the tear from Kevin's face. "We will get through this. You and me and the rest of the family. And we will come out stronger for it too." The two lovers headed back up to the house. Once there he could hear Justin shouting at JC. Kevin and Jason picked up their pace and ran into the house.

"What the hell are you doing here?" demanded a pissed Justin. Johnny was staring at his adopted uncle. He had never heard Justin shout like that. "I thought you wanted to be alone to sort things out!"

"Uncle Justin?" asked Johnny in a soft voice.

"What the hell do you want?" shouted Justin. Johnny backed up few steps and bumped into the coffee table and dumped it over. There was porcelain Santa and Sleigh set stetting on the table. It was Johnny's favorite decoration one that Jason had gotten him on their first Christmas together. When it hit the floor it shattered into a million pieces. Johnny backed up looking at Justin in fear.

"All right!" shouted Jason. "Every one to their own corners!" JC glared at Justin and Justin glared back. "NOW!" Turning to Johnny who was now in tears. "Johnny come here please." Johnny walked over to Jason expecting the worst but was surprised when Jason hugged him. "This is not your fault Johnny. It was an accident. You and I will go out to the store and get another one OK?" Johnny nodded and wiped his eyes with his sleeve. "Now I need you go up stairs to your room. Kevin and I need to talk to JC and Uncle Justin for a moment." Turning to Brian, "Brian can you spend a few moments with Johnny while we discus this?

"Sure, come on Johnny, let's go play some video games. I'll even let you beat me," Brian said as he messed up Johnny's hair.

"Yea right Uncle Brian!" giggled Johnny. "You know you can't beat me!"

"Hey one can always dream," said Brian.

"Well keep on dreaming Uncle Brian cause it is not going to happen!" laughed Johnny

Jason walked up to Justin glaring at him when he was a few feet away from him he spoke. "I'm only going to say this once! Don't ever yell at Johnny again! You got me?" Justin nodded with out saying anything. "He is a child and doesn't understand what is going on. You have no right to take your anger out on him. How dare you!" Kevin walked up to Jason and put his hand on his shoulder. He could feel Jason calming down the minute his hand touched his shoulder. "Now let's all sit down and decide how we are going to fix this mess."

An hour later Justin and Kevin on their way into town and JC and Jason was up stairs in the study talking. "So JC have you talked to any one about what is bothering you?" JC looked up at Jason with fear in his eyes. "Ok, I'll take that as an no." Jason stood up and walked to the bar and poured a brandy for JC and opened a bottle of water for himself. Handing the brandy to JC he sat back down. "I know you were raped," Jason said. He heard JC groan in pain when he said the rape word. "It wasn't your fault JC!" urged Jason. "It was a horrible crime and they had no right to do that to you."

"I hate myself!" rasped JC. "I'm dirty and I don't want Justin to get dirty too."

"Ok I wasn't going to bring this up but I have to. You remember when you raped me?" JC cringed at the memory of that horrible night. "I don't hold you accountable for that Josh. It wasn't your fault you were being controlled by someone else."

"But you're different from me!" shouted JC. "You are a stronger person than I am. You would never allow some bitch control your fucking mind!"

"I don't know that, you don't know that!" Jason shouted back at him. "Justin is sick with worry over you. He doesn't understand why you won't let him love you. He has given you his heart and he sees that you are in pain and you shut him out! Do you have any idea what it feels like when some one you love shuts you out and won't let you in?"

"I don't want to hurt him!" sobbed JC.

"But you are hurting him by shutting him out. JC I've been a recipient of Justin's love. And I can tell you that when he gives you his heart it is completely and unconditionally. You have to find away to let Justin in. Cause if you break his heart you will have made an enemy of me!" Jason looked at JC for an answer but JC remained silent. "Are you even trying to understand what I am saying?"

"Of course I am trying!" snapped JC.

"Hey don't snap at me!" shouted Jason. "I didn't ask for any of this! I didn't ask for my holiday to be put on hold while we try to repair you and Justin's relationship!"

"Well I am so fucking sorry that I interrupted your holiday!" shouted JC as he stood up and tried to walk away but Jason grabbed his elbow and forced him back down.

"OH no you don't!" shouted Jason. "You are not going to come into my house and upset it and than walk away and hide. We are going to make this work! You are my friend and I happen to care a great deal for Justin. Not to mention that Johnny is crazy about him too!" JC sat back down in the couch cushions glaring at the floor. "Do you love Justin?" Jason asked placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Of course I love him!" JC hurled at Justin.

"Than let him in!" demanded Jason.

"NO!" shouted JC as he got up and walked to the bar and in a fit a rage pushed it over. "I won't let him see how this has fucked me up. I won't do that too that too him!" JC was in tears now and his knees started to shake as he lowered himself to the floor sobbing into his hands. Jason got up and went to him and knelt beside him and wrapped his arms around him. JC tried to get away but Jason continued to hold him tightly.

"I'm not going anywhere, you and I are going to sit here until you are ready to take the next step," Jason said softly into JC ear.

"What are the next steps?" sobbed JC. "My life is so fucked up now! I mean I have no career. My love life is in shambles and I've been--," JC stopped looking down.

"Say it JC!" Jason urged.

"NO!" shouted JC as he tried to break away from Jason. But Jason held on tight.

"You are never going to beat this thing unless you face it!" Jason urged him.

"I've been - - -," sobbed JC. He was shaking in fear and anger and grief.

"Go ahead and say it," urged Jason. "You are safe and they can't touch you they can't hurt. It is just you and I in this room. The monsters are gone."

"I've been," started JC and than finishing with the softest word. "Raped." Once he said it he buried his head in Jason's shoulder sobbing uncontrollably. Jason just held JC in his arms while JC cried for the first time in a long time facing the demons that threatened him and his life with Justin.

Three hours later.

Kevin and Justin walk back into the house. "Thanks Kevin," Justin said softly. "That talk really helped." They heard laughing in the living room. Walking into the room they were greeted with a bombardment of laughter. JC was sitting in the couch beside Jason drinking a cup of hot chocolate and Johnny was digging in a box that held the replacement Santa and Sleigh set that got broken earlier.

"Can anyone join this party?" asked Kevin. Jason stood up and walked over to Kevin and slid into his arms.

"Hi!" he exclaimed as he stood on his tiptoes and kissed Kevin's nose. "I missed you!" Gagging noises were heard in the background. Jason looked over at Johnny and saw him making a sour face.

"Can you guys give it a rest?" Johnny whined. "First it is Trevor and Brian sucking face and now it is you two. I need to find me a boyfriend real soon." Kevin busted up laughing. "What is so funny?" demanded Johnny.

"I'm sorry, Johnny," Kevin laughed out. "I just think it is so funny seeing you like this. I guess we never thought about showing affection in front of you so much. Does it bother you?"

"Well not really, I mainly complain just to tease you guys," Johnny giggled. This caused Kevin to pick up Johnny and start tickling him. Soon the room was filled with a child's laughter and the dog's barking.

Justin watched Kevin and Johnny playing by themselves. Jason had gotten up and went to the couch and lied down. Justin could tell that Jason was tired. He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked back to see JC's pleading face.

"Umm can we talk?" asked JC. Justin nodded and took JC's hand and headed into the other room. Once they were in the sitting room JC turned and faced Justin and lightly pulled Justin's head down to meet his lips and he graced Justin's lips with a gently kiss. "I am so sorry that I pushed you away," he whispered leaning his head against Justin's chest. "Can you ever forgive me?"

"I'm so sorry that I pushed and tried to get you to open up when you weren't ready. Can you forgive me?" asked Justin.

"Tell you what," smiled JC. "I'll forgive you if you will forgive me."

"Deal," giggled Justin as he kissed the top of JC's head. "Come on, I want to show you something." Justin drug JC to the hallway and handed him his coat. "You're going to need this." JC looked confused as he took the coat. "Don't worry Josh, you're going to love this!" Soon the two lovers were on their way to Jason's secret hideaway.

The ringing of the phone caught everyone's attention. Kevin reached for it but Johnny got to it first. "I got it Dad!" he exclaimed as he snatched the cordless phone away. "Yo!" he shouted into the phone. Kevin gave him a scolding look and Johnny just grinned at him. "Oh hi Tyson!" he exclaimed blushing and grinning as he headed out of the room. Kevin looked at Jason raising his eyebrows and Jason just shrugged his shoulders. Kevin snuck into the hallway to see where Johnny was. "Daaaaaad!" shouted Johnny. "Some privacy please?" Kevin jumped back laughing softly. Heading back into the living room, "What was that all about?" asked a confused Kevin.

"Tyson has been calling all night. It seems that our son is indeed finding himself a boyfriend," smiled Jason.

"What?" exclaimed Kevin as he sat down. "Are they serious?"

"Relax Kevin," giggled Jason. "I've checked with his parents. Tyler has had a crush on Johnny for a long time. It actually took some match making on the part of his mother to get him to talk to Johnny. And poor Johnny, it took him forever to get up the nerve to even say hi. It was really cute. So now Johnny and Tyler talk on the phone constantly."

"Wow," breathed Kevin. "I mean is this for real? Are they in love? They haven't had sex yet have they?" asked Kevin.

"Ewwww! Gross dad!" gagged Johnny as he walked back into the room putting the phone on the table. "No we haven't had sex yet. We haven't even kissed yet!" Johnny busted up laughing when he saw his father breathe a sigh of relief. "But I would love to kiss him!" Kevin jerked his head up in shock. "Hey you two do it all the time. I mean you had to figure that sooner or later I wanted to try it too," Johnny reasoned. Kevin lowered his head into his hands and sighed. "Come on Dad, don't have a cow!" Johnny laughed as he sat down beside him. "Umm I have to ask you something." Kevin nodded for him to continue. "Umm Tyson wants to come over tomorrow night for a sleep over. Is it all right?" Kevin looked over at Jason and Jason nodded.

"Well since tomorrow is Saturday and we do have a party I guess it would be all right," Kevin said.

"Cool!" exclaimed Johnny as he quickly gave Kevin a hug. "I've got work to do. I have to clean my room and find something to wear and give Scrappy a bath and and," Looking to see if Scrappy was still there in the room. "Well come on Scrappy, let's get you cleaned up!" As soon as Scrappy heard the word bath he took off. Soon Johnny was chasing Scrappy around the house trying to catch him. Kevin sighed and kissed Jason on the lips.

"I'm going to help our son," said Kevin as he left the room. Jason pulled the comforter around him and closed his eyes.

"Wow!" breathed JC as he and Justin rounded the corner and stood at the edge of the hill that overlooked the valley. The sun was just barely setting and the whole valley was cast in a reddish glow. "Is this Jason's secret spot?" Justin came up behind JC and slid his arms around his waist. JC leaned back against the taller man. "I guess it is not such a secret anymore huh?" Justin didn't answer because he was busy kissing on JC's neck. JC let out a small moan of pleasure as Justin's lips on his neck sent waves of pleasure down his neck. "You are not being nice Justin," JC scolded him as he turned around and wrapped his arms around Justin's neck and pulled him down and kissed him on the lips. Justin's tongue gently probed JC's lips until JC parted them to allow Justin in. JC could tell by the reaction of Justin's body that Justin was getting excited. "Is my baby getting a riled up?" he asked breaking away from Justin's persistent assault.

"Uh huh," smirked Justin as he reached out and gently rubbed JC's crotch. JC watched in amazement as Justin fingers found his belt. It was amazing how fast Justin could move when his mind was set on what he wanted. Right now he wanted to give JC pleasure. "Please?" begged Justin as he looked into JC's eyes. "Please let me do this for you." JC swallowed hard and nodded with out speaking. He watched as Justin undid his belt than his button on his pants. Next his zipper was lowered and his pants lowered. Justin made his way back up to JC and pressed his body to JC's kissing him fully on the lips. As he slid his tongue into JC's mouth he gently ground his crotch into JC's.

"Oh God Justin," groaned out JC. Justin let out a small giggle as he lowered himself on his knees and reached out and took JC's Boxers in his hand and lowered them finally releasing JC's cock from bondage. JC let out a shiver as the cold air hit his erect cock.

"Is my baby cold?" asked a smiling Justin as he lightly blew on JC's cock.

"Please Justin," whimpered JC. "Don't tease me like that." Justin just laughed and lowered his head and slowly engulfed JC's aching cock. "OOOHH fuck!" JC groaned as Justin soon had JC's cock buried down his throat. Very slowly Justin started working his way back up JC's cock. He loved the feeling of JC's cock in his mouth. He eagerly lapped up the Precome that flowed from the head of JC's cock. "That feels so good Baby," moaned out JC as he began to gently thrust in and out of Justin's mouth. As Justin was getting into it really good JC was hit wit a huge wave of fear. Tears came to his eyes as he tried to gently remove Justin's mouth from his aching cock. "Pleas Justin, stop please," he sobbed out. Justin stopped at once when he heard his lover say no. He sat back looking up at JC with confusion and hurt. JC knelt beside Justin and pulled the younger man in his arms. Gently kissing him he ran his fingers through his hair. "You are so beautiful you know that?" JC asked.

"Than why did you make me stop?" asked Justin wiping a tear from his face. "I wanted to give you pleasure."

"I know you did sweet heart and I love you for that," JC soothed as he kissed Justin again. "I can't put you in danger."

"What do you mean?" Justin asked again not understanding.

"Justin, I was raped by five guys, I don't have any idea what they had. And they sure as hell didn't use protection," JC said looking down. "I don't want you to get hurt baby."

"We can use condoms," Justin suggested.

"You know as well as I do that condoms are no guarantee. Even if there is the smallest chance in the entire world of you getting HIV from me I would die if I hurt you," JC replied. "I'm sorry baby but no orgasm in the world is worth you dying." Justin stood up and walked to the edge of the hill looking out over the valley. "Justin please say something." JC walked up behind him and slid his arms around the younger man's waist and pulled him close. He felt Justin shaking form tears. "Please try and understand, I won't put your life in danger." Justin turned around and looked down at JC and smiled sweetly. Than he raised his eyes to heaven.

"God?" he prayed out loud. "What did I do to deserve this incredible man?"

"Stop, you're making me blush," giggled JC.

"But Josh you look so cute when you blush like that," giggled Justin back leaning down and kissing JC on the nose. Justin held out his hand and JC took it and followed Justin back up to the house. "So when will you know if you are clean?"

"I have to go through a series of tests first. I would say about a year and a half," JC said softly. He heard Justin let out a small sob. "Hey hey," he said soothingly. "There are other ways we can make love."

"But I've waited so long to give myself to you. I wanted you inside of me so bad tonight," Justin was sobbing again and JC pulled him in his arms and held him close. "Why doesn't the world give us a fucking break just once!"

"I'm so sorry Justin," JC said hanging his head. "I will understand if you want to break up."

"Don't you dare say that!" Justin shouted turning on JC. "I love you and I don't want any other man in my life. "Don't ever say that again!"

"Ok Ok," cringed JC. "I won't say that again. But I don't want you unhappy and if not being able to have sex is going to make you unhappy than that would kill me Justin."

"Like you said, there is more than one way to make love. We can have fun exploring those possibilities," Justin said as he stroked the side of JC's face. JC let out a small moan and leaned into the touch. "What do you say we turn in and snuggle in bed?"

"Whatever makes you happy sweetie," smiled JC as he grabbed Justin's hand and headed in side of the Mansion. As Justin closed the door he thought he heard a noise and turned to see what it was but the grounds were empty so he shrugged his shoulders and headed inside.

Johnny watched Justin close the door and he stepped out from the bushes. He had chased Scrappy out doors and followed him to his Dad's private place. He was confused. He had found his uncle on his knees doing something to JC that he didn't understand. All he knew was at first JC seemed to enjoy it than he got all sad and pushed Justin away. Words were said that Johnny didn't quite understand. A wet tongue licked him on the hand. Looking down he smiled at Scrappy's face. It had seemed that Scrappy was tired from running and decided to come back home. "Come on Scrappy, let's get your bath," sighed Johnny as he grabbed Scrappy's collar and drug him into the house.

Later that night Kevin had just closed Johnny's door and headed down stairs to the living room to spend some quality time with Jason. He walked through the door and spotted his husband lying on the couch sleeping peacefully. Kevin grinned as he took the piles of soft imitation bear skin rugs and laid them by the fireplace. Than walking to the bar and picking up a bottle of sparkling grape juice and two champagne flutes and placed them on the hearth. Than he made his way over to his sleeping lover he lightly kissed him on the lips. "Jason?" he asked softly. Jason let out a moan and turned over trying to remain asleep. "Jason?" Kevin whined again. Jason opened his eyes and looked at Kevin. "I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise for me?" smiled Jason. Kevin held out his hand and pulled Jason up and led him to the fireplace and sat down on the rugs. Jason giggled and sat down next to him. "This is nice," he said as he lay back on the rugs. Kevin smiled as he poured some chilled sparkling grape juice and handed it to Jason. Jason took a sip and smiled. "What is this for?" Kevin lay down beside Jason and gently unbutton Jason's shirt and eased him out of it. Bending down he caught Jason's nipple in his teeth and gently bit it. Jason let out a small whimper. "What are you doing?" he breathed.

"Making love to you?" Kevin asked looking into Jason's eyes with hope.

"Well I think you are a little over dressed for that," giggled Jason as he tugged at Kevin's belt. Kevin giggled as he pulled his shirt over his head and tried to help Jason wit his belt.

"No!" scolded Jason. "Let me do that." Kevin shrugged his shoulders and lay back as Jason stripped Kevin of the rest of his clothes. After Kevin was naked Jason sat back and admired him for a few moments. "It would appear that I now to many clothes on."

"Well we certainly can't have that now can we?" smiled Kevin. With a quick move he had Jason in his arms kissing him hard on the lips and grinding his crotch into Jason. Kevin could feel himself growing hard as he felt Jason's cock grinding against his. Kevin stopped kissing long enough to remove Jason's pants and boxers and laid him back on the soft confines of the furs. He than hovered just inches over Jason making sure he remained just out of reach of his lover. He watched with love as his lover tried to touch him. Finally out of frustration Jason let out a little growl and reached up and grabbed Kevin around the neck and pulled him down. The shock of their naked bodies touching sent shivers up both of them. "Please Jas," whimpered Kevin as Jason found Kevin's cock and lightly stroked it.

"Make love to me Kev," rasped out Jason as he took Kevin's cock and guided it to his entrance. "Make love to me now."

"Do you want me use a condom?" Kevin asked.

"No, I want to feel you inside me," Jason said as Kevin wrapped his arms around Jason's chest and slowly eased his cock into Jason. Jason let out a small hiss of pain and Kevin quickly kissed Jason's neck to distract him. Finally Kevin's cock slipped passed the ring and into Jason. This time the sound from Jason was one of pleasure. "Oh God Kevin, you feel so good," Jason moaned out. Kevin was silent as he concentrated on giving Jason as much pleasure as he could. Gently he slipped a condom on Jason's cock and begins to lightly stroke Jason off. The fire from the fireplace flickered in the almost dark room making the two naked bodies glisten in the firelight. Time seem to stand still as the two lovers engaged in the ancient art of lovemaking that transcend the centuries. The only sound was the low groans from Kevin and whimpers from Jason and the sound of flesh meeting flesh. Kevin continued to gently thrust in and out of Jason's ass watching Jason's face for signs of discomfort. For Jason it was a ride into heaven. He relished the feeling Kevin wrapping himself around him and sliding his cock in and out of Jason. Every time Kevin would thrust in, his cock would grace Jason's prostrate gland sending waves of pleasure throughout Jason's body.

"Oh Jas," breathed out Kevin as he lightly tweaked Jason's nipple causing Jason to whimper out again. "You are so beautiful."

"I love you Kevin," Jason moaned out as he arched his back to meet Kevin's thrusts. "I'm close Baby." Kevin quickened his thrusts so that their orgasms would come at the same time. "Ooooh God Kevin!" Jason yelled out as his cock exploded into his condom. The contraction of Jason's orgasm sent Kevin over the edge and he plunged in one last time before cumming deep into Jason. Jason was hit with one wave of pleasure after another as Kevin's seed flooded his bowels. At some point Jason blacked out from the intense pleasure.

Kevin gently cleaned Jason up and slid his boxers back on and covered him up with one of the furs. After making sure that Jason was sleeping peacefully he went into the kitchen to get him a drink of water before joining his lover in front of the fireplace. Once Kevin returned to his lover and slid under the furs Jason wrapped his arms around Kevin's waist and pulled him close. "Thank you Kevin," he moaned out sleepily.

"No, thank you baby," Kevin replied kissing him on the lips before allowing sleep claim him.

Jason opened his eyes and looked around and found that he was in the living room lying on a pile of furs. The fireplace was still flickering and the light from the flames bounced off of his bare chest. He heard a soft moan and he looked down to see Kevin sleeping quietly beside him. Jason smiled as he bent down and kissed Kevin's lips gently. "I love you Boo," he whispered softly to him. He laughed softly as Kevin swatted him a way and turned away. "Ok I'll let you sleep for now." Standing up he made his way into the kitchen slowly. He was soar from the love making session that Kevin had given him. As always Kevin was gentle, but it had been almost a month since they had last made love. His cock twitched at the memory of last night's session. "Easy there Junior!" he scolded himself. Switching on the light to the kitchen he shuffled over to the refrigerator he retrieved a bottle of water from it.

"Kevin give you a good work out last night?" asked a voice. He jerked his head in the direction of the voice and found a sleepy Justin standing in the doorway. "Oh don't act all innocent. I can tell by the way you are walking," giggled Justin as he swatted Jason on the ass. "So how was it?"

"Great as always," sighed Jason as he sat down on the stool wincing slightly at the soreness.

"Dam!" yelped Justin. "What did he do to you?"

"You only whish that JC would do to you what Kevin does to me," teased Jason as he waggled his eyebrows at Justin. He saw the hurt in Justin's eyes and regretted saying it at once. "I'm sorry Justin, I shouldn't have said that."

"No It's all right Jason," Justin said not wanting to tell him everything. Jason caught on at once and gathered Justin up in his arms.

"You want to talk about it?" Jason asked trying smooth out Justin's curly hair. Justin laid his head on Jason's shoulders and started to sob. "Is it that bad?"

"JC won't make love to me," he sobbed out.

"Why?" asked a worried Jason.

"He says he won't put me in danger because of the rape," Justin whimpered.

"So I take it that the rapists didn't use any kind of protection," Jason said wiping a tear from Justin's face. Justin shook his head no. "Oh, Justin, can't you see how much JC loves you?" When Justin didn't answer Jason took his finger and placed it under Justin's chin and raised Justin's head up so that he was looking Jason's eyes. "You are so lucky to have JC in your life. There are not to many people that would put their boyfriends health and well being in front of their own pleasure."

"But what about my pleasure?" he whined a little. "All I hear is what JC wants. What about me?"

"Justin, you can be so childish some times. JC loves you, if he didn't love or care for you he would jump into bed with you with out a second thought about your safety. Give him some fucking credit will you?" Jason shouted at Justin as he stormed out of the kitchen. Jason was too pissed to go back to sleep he tossed and turned for about an hour.

"Want to talk about it sweetie?" a sleepy voice asked. Jason winced when he discovered that he woke up his husband.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you," Jason said turning and looking into the loving eyes of his lover. He had to giggle a little at Kevin's messy hair.

"What is so funny?" asked Kevin.

"You're hair is a mess," giggled Jason. "You look cute with your hair all messed up."

"Ok ok so I look cute, now how about we talk about why you are tossing turning and waking me up," Kevin said leaning down and kissing Jason on the nose. Jason wrapped his arms around Kevin and snuggled closer to him burying his head into Kevin's chest.

"Justimph isth upseth," said Jason into Kevin's chest.

"Say that again sweetie," giggled Kevin as he took Jason head in his hands and gently pulled his head away from his chest.

"Justin is upset," Jason said as he tried to attack Kevin's nipple and pouted when Kevin wouldn't let him.

"Later Jas," Kevin lightly scolded him. "Now why is our Justin upset?"

"JC will not put out because of the rape and he wants to make sure that he is safe," Jason said as he snuck a quick kiss on Kevin's chest. Kevin rolled his eyes and gave up and let Jason attack him to his heart content.

"Well JC cares for Justin very much and doesn't want to put him in danger. I would do the same for you," Kevin said finding it hard to concentrate on talking because Jason had now moved from Kevin's chest to his stomach. Kevin knew where Jason was headed and debated on whether to stop him but gave up on the idea because he knew how much pleasure it gave Jason. Jason lightly tugged at Kevin's boxers and soon had them off. Jason than took Kevin's cock in his hand and lightly stroked him for a few seconds to get him hard.

"Hmmm," giggled Jason. "It would appear as if Jr. wants some attention. What should we do about that?" He asked grinning up at Kevin innocently. Kevin rolled his eyes and chuckled silently. "He looks yummy too." Jason leaned down and licked the tip of Kevin's cock. "Yup I was right it does taste yummy." With that he popped the mushroomed tip into his mouth savoring the taste and texture of it. A huge drop of precome slid out of the slit, which Jason eagerly swallowed. Kevin looked down at Jason with love as Jason continued his assault on Kevin's cock. Jason let out a whimper as he slowly engulfed Kevin's cock. Concentrating on breathing through his nose he closed his eyes and continued his descent. Kevin let out a low moan as he was assaulted with multiple feelings. It was early in the morning and Kevin was normally horny this time of the morning so he knew he wouldn't last long. Jason knew it too and began to bob up and down in earnest. Kevin marveled at the way Jason looked at peace when he was sucking Kevin off.

For Jason it was where he loved to be. He certainly loved it when Kevin would make love to him. He loved the feeling when Kevin would shoot his load deep into him. But he had to admit taking Kevin into his mouth and making love to him with his mouth was his all time favorite. Jason was alerted to Kevin's moans and groans and the gentle thrust. Jason looked up to see Kevin's head thrown back and every muscle in his body tense up in an attempt to hold off the approaching orgasm. All ready his cock was twitching uncontrollably and swelling in size. Jason knew that his treat was fast approaching. His mouth watered at the anticipation of the first shot. That was always the best one. It was strong as it shot to the back of his throat coating his tonsils and back of his throat. The rest of it shot out landing on the back of his tongue coating it. Jason leisurely swallowed every drop taking his time in cleaning off Kevin's spent Cock. Kevin finally gently eased Jason off of his sensitive cock. Jason looked up at him and smiled as he licked his lips on last time. "There!" he said with satisfaction. "I think that Jr. is happy now."

"Jason," laughed Kevin. "You are to much sometimes." Jason made his way up to his lover and laid his head on his chest and closed his eyes. Just as he was about to fall asleep he heard the sounds of little feet running down the stairs. He opened one eye at the clock and saw that it read 7:00 in the morning and than he promptly closed his eyes. "Do you want to sleep some more babe?" asked Kevin as he kissed Jason's damp hair. Jason nodded quietly. Kevin gathered Jason up in his arms and carried him upstairs and laid him in his bed and covered him up. Jason looked up disappointed. "I'm just going to make sure that Johnny stays out of trouble and than I'll be right back," Kevin said leaning down and kissing lightly on the lips. Once he made sure that Johnny was out of trouble he made his way back to the bedroom. Once there he crept in, in time to see Jason take off to the bathroom. Kevin walked in and gently rubbed Jason's back as Jason threw up in the toilet. It happened very time Jason swallowed Kevin's load when he had cancer. "Jason, I wish you wouldn't swallow baby," he said with tears in his eyes. "I hate seeing you like this."

"I love swallowing your cum Kevin, cancer or no cancer I'm not going to stop!" Jason argued stubbornly. Kevin knew he was fighting a loosing battle.

"Ok you win for now," Kevin sighed. Jason smiled happily and rinsed his mouth out and made his way back to the bed and climbed under the blankets. He looked at Kevin who was standing there looking at him.

Jason let out a little growl and patted the mattress hard. "Getting lonely over here!" Kevin let out a laugh and jumped in the bed wrapping his arms around Jason pressing his lips to Jason's. Jason let out a small moan and surrendered himself to Kevin's demanding lips.

Kevin was happy again. He had his lover where he wanted him right next to him kissing him for all he was worth. "I can die happy right now," he thought to himself as he pulled Jason into his arms and covered them both up.

A couple of hours later the entire clan was gathered in the dinning room eating breakfast. Kevin and Jason were feeding each other. Johnny kept glaring at the two of them.

"Um dad?" asked Johnny. Kevin took a drink of orange juice and nodded for him to continue. "What is an Orgasm?" The orange juice promptly sprayed out of Kevin's mouth causing him to cough and choke. Silence reign supreme at the table.

"Umm why do you want to know?" asked Jason handing a red faced Kevin a napkin. "And where did you hear that word?"

"Well I heard JC say it to Justin last night when I was trying to find Scrappy," Johnny said looking at his plate.

"You were spying on them?" Kevin asked sternly.

"I couldn't help it I thought I heard Scrappy at dad's private place and I saw JC and Justin," Johnny said softly. Kevin glared over in the direction of JC and Justin and caught notice of their horrified faces. Kevin and Jason had to reframe from busting up with laughter.

"We'll discuss this after breakfast alone," Kevin said using a much softer tone than before. "JC and Justin don't go any where either, Jason will want to talk to you."

"I will?" yelped Jason.

"Yesss, Dear!" Kevin hissed at him.

"Oooohh yes I guess I do have to talk to them," Jason said sadly regretting the upcoming talk. But in a way he was glad that he got the better deal. He would've dreaded talking to Johnny about SEX.

After Breakfast Jason led JC and Justin into the living room. Kevin had left with Johnny to Johnny's room to talk to him.

"Have a seat you two," Jason directed them. Justin looked over at JC with a guilty look on his face. "We need to be more careful in the future where Johnny is concerned." Jason looked at JC and Justin for reaction.

"We are so sorry that Johnny heard that," JC apologizes.

"I am not to concerned as to what he heard but I am more concerned as to what he might have seen. Did he see anything?" His heart sank when Justin exchanged glances at JC and than looked down at his feet. "Justin, what did Johnny see?"

"I was giving JC a blow job and maybe he saw that," Justin replied wincing at the look Jason gave him. "We had no idea that he was watching us."

Jason got up and went to the bar and poured himself a brandy and drank it down in one gulp shuddering at the first taste. Justin gave him a scolding look but Jason glared back at him and Justin backed down. "We all have to be more careful in the future. Johnny is going to be a teenager soon and you know what that means."

"Don't remind me!" groaned Justin shaking his head at the memory. "God I was such a nerd back then."

"You were not!" exclaimed JC. "You were adorable." Justin just glared at him. "Well you were and don't argue with me. You know I am right!"

"Can we get back on the subject please?" Jason broke into their private talk. "I don't want Johnny to get confused. This is hard enough on him as it is. Kevin and I work very hard to give as normal of a childhood as we can. Being the son of gay parents is hard enough. He also has to contend with being gay himself. So for now please confine your "activities to your bedrooms unless Johnny is either gone or in bed."

"Ok," Justin answered for the both of them. "Again we are really sorry about what happened."

"Stop apologizing Justin," Jason smiled as he started looking for some Christmas Cds to put on. It was the day of the Christmas party and he was getting in the Christmas Spirit. "Ohhh Justin?" he asked giving him a naughty look.

"Oh oh I know that look," said Justin giving Jason a worried look. "What are you up too?"

"Nothing, just you and me have to go shoppppppiiiiinnnnn!" exclaimed Jason rubbing his hands together.

"Yesss!" shouted Justin. "We've haven't been shopping in so long!"

"You guys are starting to worry me," laughed JC.

"No seriously, I need to buy Kevin's Christmas present and I need your help picking it out," Jason grinned.

"Do I get too see what it is?" asked a deep and soft voice behind them. Jason turned around and wrapped his arms around Kevin and kissed him quickly on the nose.

"Um that would be a no!" he giggled. Kevin pouted for a few moments. "Sorry Kevin that won't work with me."

"But it always works when you or Johnny do it," he whined a little.

"Johnny!" shouted Jason. "Get your coat hat and gloves we have to go shopping for your dad!" He laughed as he heard Johnny shout for joy and than heard the thundering of feet on the upstairs floor. "Do you think we will ever get him to walk in the house?" giving his husband another quick kiss.

"I think it is hopeless dear," laughed Kevin. "Take care of yourself and Justin if he gets tired I want him home!"

"Yes Kevin," Justin assured him. "I will take good care of our Jason here."

"Come on!" exclaimed Johnny! "I want to hit the arcade!" Justin reached and snatched Johnny's hat and ran outside. "Hey give me that back!" Jason shook his head as he followed the two pranksters out to the car. "I got shot gun!" Johnny shouted as he hopped in the front passenger seat. Jason busted up laughing as Justin grumbled and climbed in the back seat.

"You have shot gun on the way back Curly," Jason smiled.

Part Two

"So what do you think?" Jason asked as he ran his hand over the dark polished wood. Justin just stood there speechless. "Well come on Justin say something."

"Wow!" he exclaimed. Why do you want to get him this?"

"Come on Justin, you know how much he misses it," Jason said with tears in his eyes. "And I miss it too. I can't remember the last time I heard him play."

"But a grand piano?" Justin yelped.

"Nothing but the best for my baby," Jason grinned as he played a few bars of silent night. Looking at the sales person. "I'll take it!"

"You will want to finance it?" asked the sales person. Jason looked at Justin and busted up laughing.

"No my good man, I will be paying with a cashiers check. Just give me a few minutes at the bank. Than I will give you instructions on when to deliver it," Jason smiled as he grabbed Justin's hand and drug him out of the store. "Come on Justin, times a wasting!"

"All right!" whined Justin. "Don't pull my arm out of socket. I'm coming."

Back at South Fork

"So do you know what he is getting me?" pressed Kevin. You see Kevin hated mysteries and this was a mystery.

"You are just like a kid," laughed JC. "No I don't know what it is and even if I did I wouldn't tell you!" Kevin pouted some more and than he got up and went to his office. JC could hear Kevin playing on his keyboard. "Hmmm I wonder? Nahh," he replied shaking his head.

In the study,

"So what do you think?" asked an excited Kevin.

"I love it. And yes Jason will love it too Kev," said Brian who was sitting on the couch listening to Kevin play on his keyboard. "Why haven't you gotten a piano? You know how much you love to play."

"I just haven't had time to get one. I mean I've been going crazy the last few years trying to protect my family that I haven' had time to concentrate on my music. This last month has been the first time in a long time that I have time to work on anything remotely connected with music," Kevin said as he poured over the sheet music that he was working on. He was working on his Christmas present for Jason and he wanted to be perfect.

"Have you thought about returning to performing?" Brian asked.

"I would love to perform again," Kevin said as he got up from his keyboard and sat across from Brian. "I'm actually talking to a few people in the business. I start working on a solo album next month."

"Does Jason know?" asked Brian.

"Know he doesn't know yet. He has been bugging me about getting back into it. So I decided to take his advice and do it. It is going to be part of his Christmas present," smiled Kevin. "How about you guys? When are the Backstreet Boys going back on tour?"

"Well we are getting ready to release our 6th and final album shortly after New Years and than we start our "Moving on Concert" in February," Brian said excited. "You ever thought about coming back to the group?" Kevin shook his head no. "Come on Kevin, you know the fans would love it," pressed Brian. "Actually I've got this huge idea!" Brian got up and ran from the room.

"Brian!" shouted Kevin. "What are you planning?"

"Later!" shouted Brian back as he left the room to find Trevor.

"I am going to regret this," moaned Kevin as he started to input some more music in to the computer. Soon Kevin was back into his recording mode. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he worked on his Christmas Masterpiece for his sweetie.

Three Hours later.

The doorbell rings and Jason opens the door to find an eleven-year-old boy standing on the front porch. "Oh hi Tyson," Jason smiled. "Come on in. Johnny is up in his room." Tyson stepped into the house and handed his coat to Jason.

"Jason?" asked Kevin from the living room. "Who is at the door?" He walked into the entranceway and looked down at Tyson. "You must be Tyson," he said softly sticking out his hand to shake Tyson's hand. "Welcome to our home."

"Umm thank you sir," Tyson stuttered out.

"You can call me Kevin," Kevin laughed out. "Why don't you go up to Johnny's room and get him? We are about to sit down for a afternoon snack." Tyson nodded and quickly headed up the stairs. Kevin looked over at Jason with a worried expression on his face. "Why do I get the impression that I just scared the crap out of him?"

"There is something you should know about Tyson," Jason said as he led Kevin into the living room. "When you were in the Backstreet Boys he had a major crush on you." Kevin eyebrows shot up. "Well don't be surprised Kevin dear, if I remember correctly I had a major crush on you too."

"Yea and you ended up marrying me," smiled Kevin as he relived that day in his mind.

"And I still have a major crush on you too," giggled Jason as he stole a quick kiss on the cheek. They heard the thundering of little feet as Johnny and Tyson ran down stairs and into the living room.

"Uncle Brian just likes to think he can beat us," giggled Johnny. "But he never wins. But hey you have to give him credit for trying."

"Do you think he will want to play tonight?" asked Tyson as they walked into the living room holding hands. They let go as soon as they caught sight of Kevin and Jason looking at them. Jason smiled fondly at the sight Kevin just frowned but quickly recovered and smiled at the young couple.

"Well let's all head into the dinning room and have that snack," Kevin said as he led the group into the dinning room. Tyson shied away from Kevin as he passed Kevin. Jason put a comforting hand on Kevin's arm and Kevin smiled down at Jason.

Later that evening the whole house is getting ready for Christmas party. Johnny and Tyson were upstairs beating Brian and Travis at some computer game. Jason and Kevin were in their bedroom getting ready for the party. Justin and JC were playing host down stairs greeting the guests that were arriving.

"Can any one join this party?" asked a voice behind Justin. Justin turned around a smiled warmly at the figure behind him.

"Nick!" he exclaimed wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him. "When did you get in?" he asked leading Nick into the living room.

"So what are we chopped liver?" asked AJ looking over at Howie. Howie shrugged shoulders and followed AJ into the room. Nick had heard AJ asked Howie that and turned to look at his object of his desire. You see Nick had developed a crush on AJ but was scared to start anything. AJ of course was totally clueless.

"I don't think you are chopped liver," Nick said too soft for AJ to hear.

Up stairs in Jason's and Kevin's bedroom.

"Not now Jason!" scolded Kevin as Jason reached for Kevin's cock as he tried to dry himself off. "Jr. can't play right now!"

"Why not sweetie?" pleaded Jason with a pout. "He looks so lonely." Kevin rolled his eyes and slid on a pair of boxer briefs. Kevin laughed when he caught Jason's pout.

"I promise tonight after the party Jr. will get a chance to play," Kevin said with a wink. "In fact he will play so much that you will be worn out."

"Ohhh goody," exclaimed Jason as he slid on his jacket and straightened his tie. "How do I look?" He asked as he modeled himself before his lover. Kevin responded by enveloping him in a hug and kissing him fully on the lips diving his tongue deep into Jason's mouth.

"You look great babe, as always," Kevin smiled as he wrapped his arms around Jason's waist and guided him downstairs.

"Hey you all!" shouted Jason. "We can start the party now cause I am here!" Kevin looked sideways at his lover. It seemed that Jason was extremely hyper this evening. He could see that it was going to take a long time to calm him down. Than he remembered his promise and shook his head wearily. It was going to be long night.

Justin and JC were cuddling on the couch when two people sat next to them. "Hey Uncle Justin, JC," exclaimed Johnny. "Have you met Tyson yet?" Justin looked over at Tyson and raised his eyebrows.

"Hey Tyson," he smiled and ruffled his hair. Tyson laughed and swatted Justin's hand away.

"Justin!" whined Johnny as he started to tickle him. This of course started a four-way tickle war. Finally about five minutes of tickling each other the group got tired of it and broke apart.

Justin looked over at Tyson and took in his blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. Justin had to admit that he was cute for his age. He leaned close to Johnny and whispered into his ear. "He is cute!" Johnny blushed a million shades of color.

"Justiiiinnn!" he hissed. "Not here!" Justin busted up laughing and stood up to get something to drink

"Walk with me nephew," he said dragging Johnny along.

"But what about Tyson?" he whined trying to get away.

"JC will keep him amused, this will only take a minute," Justin said in a tone of voice that said he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Are we talking about sex?" demanded Johnny. "Cause if we are my dad and I al ready had that talk!" Justin turned and looked down at his young nephew and laughed at the firm stand that Johnny was taking. His small hands were on his hips and his mouth was set in a firm line.

"No Johnny," laughed Justin. "We are not talking about sex."

"Good!" said Johnny as he fell into step behind Justin. Once they were out of the range of ear shot Justin grabbed Johnny in a hug.

"Yes little Nephew!" he squealed. "He is sooooo cuuuuuutteeee!" Johnny blushed again. "Well he is!"

"I know that," Johnny said looking down at his feet. "I wanna kiss him!" he blurted out. Justin chocked back a laugh and quickly disguised it as a cough.

"Have you talked about it with him?" asked Justin.

"Uh uh," Johnny said softly. "I don't know how to talk to him about it."

"Why don't you ask him if you can kiss him?" asked Justin trying to helpful.

"I would die of embarrassment!" he moaned.

"Johnny, I think it is safe to say that no one would has died of embarrassment," giggled Justin.

"Oh well that is good cause I am going to be the first one than. At least I will make the genius book of world records," moaned Johnny. "I can't help it! I want to kiss him so much." Justin busted up laughing as he led the distraught boy back to his houseguest.

"Are you having a good time sweetie?" asked a deep and soft voice into Jason's ear. Jason leaned back and looked up to see a pair of emerald green eyes smiling down at him.

"Now that you are here," he said as he ran his finger down Kevin's jaw. "How are our guests doing?"

"Well let's see, Nick is depressed because AJ won't pay attention to him. Howie is busy flirting with your sister Caroline and Justin and JC are snuggling on the couch and our son is kissing Tyson--, He is kissing Tyson!" yelped Kevin. He went to go to them but Jason grabbed him and held him in place. "Let me go Jason!" he hissed at Jason.

"Don't you dare do what I think you are going to do!" Jason hurled at him. "You are going to embarrass our son like no one else can!"

"But he is to young to be kissing a boy!" Kevin hissed back.

"Kevin!" scolded Jason. "He is just kissing him on the cheek! Do you want to ground him for that?"

"I think we should lock him away in his room for ever!" Kevin exploded back. Jason stood up and grabbed Kevin's elbow.

"Walk with me husband!" Jason ordered. Kevin jumped at the tone he knew better than not to argue. He bowed his head and followed Kevin out into the entrance way and into the sitting room. Jason patted the seat next to him and Kevin sat down. "You can't protect him forever," he said looking into Kevin's eyes. "He is going to fall in love and there is nothing we can do to stop that."

"But he is so young," whispered Kevin fighting back tears. "I don't want him to get hurt."

"I don't want him to get hurt either sweetie but he is growing up," Jason said softly as he rubbed Kevin's leg.

"I don't want him to grow up," Kevin pouted. Jason laughed softly at Kevin. "You're laughing at me?" Kevin asked hurt.

"Only because you are the greatest caring and loving husband and father in the world. No one wants their children to grow up. But it is a fact of life and we have to face the fact that our little Johnny is growing up and like it or not he is going to fall in love," Jason soothed Kevin. Jason laughed again as he thought to himself.

"Care to let me in on the joke?" Kevin asked.

"I was just thinking about when Johnny first came to live with us and we found out that he had this major crush on Justin," giggled Jason.

"Yea that was cute," laughed Kevin. "I have to tell you, it was so painful to break his heart like that when he found out that Justin was in love with Ben." Kevin got quiet for a few minutes. Jason looked at him and saw tears in his eyes.

"You still miss him?" Jason asked referring to Ben, Kevin's first husband who died of Cancer during the first year of Kevin's disappearance.

"I didn't even get a chance to say good bye," Kevin replied wiping the tears from his eyes.'

"He knows how you felt baby," Jason soothed him again. "He knows that you will always have a special place in your heart. Nothing will ever change that."

"And you're ok with that?" Kevin asked.

"I am ok with it just as you are ok with the love and affection I still feel for my Wife and Son." Kevin nodded and leaned for a quick kiss.

"Thanks sweetie," he said as he leaned his head on Jason's forehead. "Come on let's head back to the party." Standing up he extended his hand to his lover. Jason smiled and took it and together they walked back out into the living room.

Justin was standing at the buffet filling him and Josh's plate with party food when someone bumped into him. He looked down and saw an excited Johnny. "He kissed me!" Johnny whispered loudly. All the people who were standing next to the table heard him and chocked back laughter.

"How did you like it?" asked Justin.

"Well I kissed him on the cheek first than he kissed me on the lips next," explained Johnny.

"Well how did you like it?" Justin pressed.

"I loved it!" he exclaimed. A shadow crossed over him and he looked up to see Kevin standing behind him looking down at him. "Um hi Dad," he said suddenly very nervous.

"Let's go for a walk son," Kevin said softly extending his hand to his son. Johnny looked back at Justin for help. Justin gave him a shrug and turned back to feeling his plate. "Come on Johnny, I promise it won't be too painful," Kevin laughed softly. As they passed Jason, Jason glared at Kevin as it to say. 'Don't embarrass him!' "Don't worry Jas, I wont hurt him," Kevin said softly. Kevin handed him his coat and took his and put it on and led Johnny outside. Hey walked around to the back of the house and into the gazebo. Kevin sat on the porch swing and patted the seat next to him. Johnny sat next to his father expecting the worst.

"Do you love him?" Kevin blurted out. Johnny looked up at his father in fear. "It is just a question son."

"I think I do," Johnny said softly barely loud enough for his father to hear. "I mean my stomach gets all funny feeling whenever I am around him and I can't eat cause I'm afraid I'm going to puke all over him like Stan does on South Park." Kevin choked back a chuckle when he heard the comparison. "Is that what love is supposed to feel like?"

"Well that is part of it, but I can assure that seldom do you puke on your boyfriend," Kevin replied. He laughed when Johnny breathed a sigh of relief. "So does he like you?"

"He says he does, and he um he kissed me," Johnny answered his father.

"Was this after you kissed him?" Kevin asked him. Johnny nodded. "Did you ask if you could kiss him?"

"Of course I did Dad!" Johnny said raising his voice. "I would never take something with out asking!" Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. "I love kissing him!" Kevin shook his head trying not to laugh. "Come on Dad! Don't tell me you don't enjoy kissing dad."

"You're right son, I do enjoy kissing your father a great deal," Kevin admitted shocked that he was so at ease talking to an 11 year old about this. Johnny laughed as he caught the dreamy look on Kevin's face. "What?"

"You have that look again Dad," Johnny giggled.

"What look is that?" asked Kevin.

"That " I'm in looooooooove look," laughed Johnny.

"You are so much trouble mister," laughed Kevin as Johnny took off into the back yard picking up a handful of snow and throwing at his father. So the next half an hour Kevin and Johnny played in the snow. Little did they know that Jason was watching from the window. Kevin tackled Johnny and buried him in the snow and Johnny yelled for mercy. After a few more moments they called a truce and headed back in side. Kevin walked into the house and discovered that the party was winding down. Nick and AJ decided that they were staying over night. Howie was going back with Caroline. Justin and JC had Tyson occupied in the game room. Once inside Johnny hurried into the game room to see what was going on. Kevin looked in search of Jason and couldn't find him.

"Looking for someone?" asked Brian.

"Yea," Kevin said looking around the corner. "Have you've seen Jason?"

"He told me to have you meet him upstairs," Brian said snickering. Kevin raised his eyebrows and hurried up stairs. He opened the bedroom door and saw Jason lying on the bed with out a stitch of clothes on. All he was wearing was a grin. Kevin could feel his cock harden almost instantly. He walked over to the bed tearing off his clothes as he went. By the time he got to the bed he was naked. He fell on top of Jason grinding his hard on against Jason's. He started to tongue and kiss Jason's body. Jason moaned loudly to the sensations he was feeling.

"I'm gonna fuck you hard baby!" Kevin rasped in Jason's ear. Jason only response was a whimper in anticipation. "You like that don't you?" Kevin taunted as he moved down to Jason's cock. Taking the cock in his mouth for a few seconds and than he moved to Jason's balls coating them in his saliva.

"OOHH fuck Kevin!" breathed Jason.

"Shut up and get ready for the ride of your life!" Kevin rasped again. "I told you I was going to wear your ass out tonight!" Jason looked up at Kevin and saw the lust raging through his lover. Kevin raised Jason's legs and placed them on his shoulders. Jason grabbed Kevin's cock and guided it to his hole. In one swift thrust Kevin rammed his cock deep into Jason's ass. Jason threw his head back and groaned loudly as the mixture of pain and pleasure racked his body. "That is only the beginning," Kevin smirked as he started to pull out. Jason watched in amazement of the transformation his loving husband had undergone. When only the head was left inside Kevin rammed back in hard. Jason almost blacked out from the pleasure. "You liked that?" Kevin asked as he started to ram in and out hard.

"Shut up and Fuck me!" ordered Jason. Kevin laughed and quickly obeyed his demanding husband. "OOOh God Kevin!" Jason moaned, "You feel so good." By now Kevin's body was covered in sweat causing him to shimmer in the soft candle light. Jason watched with lust in his eyes as he husband continued to ride him hard. Jason wondered what had come over Kevin. He was usually soft and gentle. But he decided not question it. This was turning him on incredibly. He enjoyed the feeling of Kevin's cock ramming in and out of him. He also enjoyed the rough language that Kevin was using. He could tell that Kevin was getting close.

Kevin looked down at his husband. He could tell by the look on Jason's face that he was enjoying the ride. Kevin could also tell that he was getting close too. So Kevin decided to be naughty and stop. Jason looked up in confusion. "Uh uh loverboy, I warn you this evening that I was going to wear your ass out tonight and that is exactly what I intend on doing!"

"Ohh God, this is going to be a long night," moaned Jason as he tried to get Kevin started by wrapping his legs around Kevin' back.

"You got that right baby," laughed Kevin as he rammed in again and started the whole process over again.

Tyson looked over at Johnny and smiled. He was so lucky to have met him. Johnny's black hair and piercing dark eyes captivated him. Johnny was sitting on the couch looking absentmindedly at that Christmas tree. So Tyson took this opportunity to steal a kiss. Leaning over he gently placed his lips on Johnny's and lightly kissed him. Johnny's eyes closed and he let out a small moan and kissed him back. "Hi!" giggled Tyson as he broke away.

"Umm hi," Johnny stuttered back looking down.

"Ahem!" coughed an annoying adult type person. Johnny glared up and saw his Uncle Brian standing over them with a grin on his face.

"What?" demanded Johnny hoping that the Christmas tree would swallow his uncle whole. The prospect of the 9-foot artificial tree eating Brian brought a smile to Johnny's lips.

"It is past one in the morning," Brian said looking as stern as he could.

"So?" Johnny retorted as he slid his hand into Tyson's.

"Shouldn't you two be in bed?" he asked trying not to laugh at the young couple.

"Dad said we could stay up as long as we want!" Johnny retorted.

"Yea, I'm afraid he is telling the truth," laughed Travis. "Come on Uncle Brian, this is a sleep over. You never go to bed until after four in the morning."

"You are being no help at all Travis," scolded Brian as Travis and Johnny exchanged high fives.

"Come on Brian baby, let's go have our own sleep over," Travis said grabbing Brian's hand and drug out of the living room.

"That is their secret word for "Let's have sex!" giggled Johnny.

"Ewww gross!" laughed Tyson.

"They do it all the time!" Johnny said whispering in Tyson's ear.

"I wonder what it is like?" Tyson asked.

"I don't know, and I'm sure not going to find out. Do you know where they put their dicks?" Tyson shook his head no and Johnny leaned forward and whispered something in his ear. "EWWWWWW! That is so gross!" Tyson gagged. "Let's promise never to have sex, ok?"

"At least until we get old like them!" giggled Johnny. The two friends shook hands on it. Little did they know that Brian and Travis were listening in their conversation.

"Ohhh to be young again," sighed Brian.

"But sweetie," whined Travis as he rubbed his hand over Brian's crotch. "Than we wouldn't be able to have sex!" He busted up in a fit of giggles as Brian swatted his hand away.

"Behave yourself Travis," laughed Brian as the two lovebirds headed upstairs to bed.

Jason's whole body shook with each violent thrust that Kevin gave him. Jason had lost count of how many times that Kevin had stopped and started again. The whole room smelled of sex and the scent was intoxicating for Jason. He yelped in pain and pleasure as Kevin bit down on his nipple. Kevin just smiled that same naughty smile he had been using on Jason all night. "Please Kevin!" he whimpered. He still hadn't come yet and it was driving him nuts.

"Please what baby?" giggled Kevin as he stopped to rest for a few seconds before starting to thrust in and out again.

"Make me come?" Jason pleaded.

"You want to come?" teased Kevin. Jason nodded and reached for his cock but Kevin took booth of his arms and held them over his head. Jason felt something-cold close over his wrists. He looked up in pleasant surprise to see that Kevin had handcuffed him to the bed. "You really want to come?" Jason nodded. Kevin laughed as he pulled out and leaned down and kissed Jason passionately on the lips driving his tongue deep into Jason's mouth. The minute Kevin's tongue entered Jason's mouth Jason started to suck on it hard. Kevin let out a moan and rammed his cock back into Jason's ass. Jason screamed into Kevin's mouth and blasted his load into his condom. This sent Kevin over the edge and he too blasted his load into Jason's ass. After lying in bed basking in the after glow of the intense fuck session. This wasn't lovemaking, it was rough sex. Jason loved it. Kevin had been like this before and he had the bite marks to prove it. Jason looked down at Kevin who was resting his head on Jason's chest.

"SO what came over you?" breathed out Jason. Kevin looked up at him and smiled.

"You!" he said as he gently removed the handcuffs from Jason. "God you were so great!"

"I was great! How about you?" asked Jason still trying to recover from the session. "I can't remember when you have ever been like that."

"You didn't like it?" asked Kevin suddenly worried. "I didn't hurt you did I?"

"No sweetie, I'm just a little sore but it was great!" sighed Jason. He let a huge yawn and sat up. "Now I want to take a shower with my baby." He stood up and held out his hand for Kevin to take. Kevin took it and led Jason into the bathroom and started the shower and climbed in with Jason. Kevin insisted on giving Jason a shower from head to foot. Jason decided to be naughty and kept playing with Kevin's cock until it was rock hard again. He looked up at Kevin with pouty lips. "One more time?" Kevin rolled his eyes and positioned himself behind his lover and gently inserted his cock into Jason's soar ass for the second time that night. This time Kevin made love to his lover.

Christmas Eve.

Jason opened his eyes and sat up and immediately groaned in pain. He remembered the workout he had with Kevin last night. While it was fun he knew that he was going to pay for it in the morning. His whole body was aching. Slowly he climbed out of bed and limped into the shower. He looked into the mirror. He looked like crap. A good long hot shower would help him. Setting the water for as hot as he could take he climbed in and stood in the center of the stall and moaned again as the multiple shower heads hit him with steaming hot water. For the moment he was in heaven. He closed his eyes and smiled at last night's events. He wondered what had come over his sweetie. Never before had Kevin been like that. He was an animal. Jason loved it and hoped that he would see more of this side of Kevin. Grabbing the bottle of shampoo and felt an arm instead. "Auuuggghh!" he screamed jumping back. He was answered by Kevin's deep laugh. "Don't do that!" scolded Jason lightly slapping his sleepy husband on the arm.

"Sorry about that," giggled Kevin as he gently massaged some shampoo into Jason's thinning hair. Jason let out a small groan in contentment. "You like that?" asked Kevin as he moved Jason's head under the stream of hot water. Jason nodded. Kevin bent down and kissed Jason's adam's apple lightly sucking on it.

"If you don't stop we are going to get in trouble," warned Jason. With a frustrated growl Kevin broke away from Jason. "Didn't you get enough from last night?" laughed Jason as he climbed out of the shower. "I'm going down stairs to see if our son is behaving himself. Don't be late for breakfast dear."

Later that morning at the breakfast table.

"Brian, could you keep your cousin occupied for about two hours this morning?" asked Jason. "Kevin's present is arriving this morning and he needs to be out of the house."

"Sure Jason, I'll be happy to keep Kevin busy," smiled Brian.

"What is it?" asked Kevin grinning like a kid.

"Uh uh sweetie," scolded Jason. He busted up laughing at Kevin's pout. "Don't worry sweetheart. Midnight is only 14 hours from now. Was he always like this?" Jason asked looking at Brian.

"Um actually both of us were a lot like that," giggled Brian. "You should be proud. You are the only one who has been able to keep a secret from Kevin."

"Wow!" smiled Jason with pride. He frowned as he felt a headache coming on. Kevin of course caught on right away.

"You all right babe?" he asked soothingly as he felt Jason's forehead and frowned. "You're hot!" Turning to Johnny. "Run and get the thermometer." Jason started to protest but stopped when Kevin looked at him. "I want to care for you Jas." Johnny come running back into the room and handed Kevin the thermometer and Kevin stuck in Jason's ear and a couple of seconds later it beeped. Looking at it he frowned again. "101 degrees," he muttered. "You are going back to bed mister!"

"But I have so much to do before tomorrow," argued Jason.

"We can take care of all of that," Justin spoke up. The rest of the gang nodded their heads in agreement.

"Good see it is taken care of, now let's get you upstairs to bed," Kevin said as he held out his hand to Jason. Jason sighed and got up and took Kevin's hand and allowed Kevin to lead him upstairs.

"I hate this!" yelled an angry Jason. "I hate this fucking cancer!" Kevin wrapped his arms around his husband. "Why me?"

"We are going to get through this baby," Kevin said as he laid Jason down on the bed and pulled the blankets up around him. "Now please try and get some sleep." Jason nodded and snuggled deeper into the blankets and closed is eyes. When Kevin was sastified that Jason was asleep he quietly left the room. On his way he ran into AJ.

"How is he?" AJ asked.

"I'm calling the doctor and have him come out to check on him, we'll know more when he sees him," Kevin said as he ran his hand through his hair.

"You need to take care of yourself too buddy," AJ said. Nick came up behind AJ and wrapped his arms around him and bent down and kissed him on the neck. Kevin's eye brows shot up. "Yea umm Nick and I are kinda sorta an item."

"Are you happy?" Kevin asked. They both nodded their heads yes. "Well than I am happy for you two. And I promise I will take care of myself too."

"When?" demanded AJ. "I mean come on Kev, in the last three years your life has been hell and you have been going non stop. At some point you are going to have to rest."

"I will rest when Jason is well!" retorted Kevin. '

"What if he doesn't get better?" pressed on AJ. Kevin glared at him.

"He is going to get better!" Kevin hurled at him as he brushed by him.

"Kevin!" shouted AJ. "This is not going to go away!"

"I don't have time for this!" Kevin yelled over his shoulder.

"You know I think he gotten even more stubborn in his old age!" grumbled AJ.

"Kevin will adjust in his own way, he always does baby," soothed Nick as he nuzzled AJ's neck.

"Baby?" giggled AJ. "I like the sound of that."

"Well you better get use to it," laughed Nick as he took AJ's hand and drug him into the bedroom.

In Jason's bedroom an hour later.

"Stupid cancer," muttered Jason as he stared up at he ceiling. "Go to bed Jason! You need your rest Jason. Well after this I better not need to rest for a fucking century!" he retorted in a sassy tone of voice. "That is all I ever do is sleep!" He turned over and punched the pillow in an attempt to fluff it up. "Fucking stupid pillow!" he shouted at it. When the pillow wouldn't fluff up right he growled in frustration he hurled the pillow at the door just in time for it hit Justin in the face. "Oops," he giggled. "Sorry about that Justin."

"The pillow is the one who should be sorry. Jeez Jason, you trying to kill it?" Justin asked as he handed the pillow back to Jason. Jason snatched it from Justin and plopped back down on top of it. "You can't sleep?" Jason glared at him and turned over facing the other way. "You want some warm milk? They say that is supposed to help you sleep."

"Yuck!" growled Jason. Justin struggled not to laugh. "Have you ever had warm milk?"

"Yes I have and I agree with you," laughed Justin. Justin lay down beside Jason on top of the covers. Jason raised his eyebrows at him. "JC and Brian took Kevin out to keep him occupied and since Kevin's gift is safely tucked away in the music room I decided to keep you company. "So how are you going to keep Kevin from going into the music room?"

"Well Johnny still has some of that crime scene tape from Halloween right?" Justin nodded. "Well we will seal the door with that and will put a Christmas bow on it wit a gift tag on with Kevin's name on it. This is really going to get him going." Jason smiled as he rubbed his hands together. A huge yawn racked his body as he struggled to stay awake. He had taken a dose of painkillers before he climbed into bed.

"You need your rest Jas," Justin said as he wrapped his arms around Jason. Jason nodded quietly and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

In the mall.

"Come on Guys!" whined Kevin. "You guys have kept me out long enough! I want to go home!"

"Uh uh Kev," Brian laughed. "We are going to make sure that it is safe to take you back home. Besides I still have to get something for Jason and Travis before we get home."

"Well hurry up!" whined Kevin again.

"Let's go play in the arcade!" suggested Johnny as he tugged on his dad's arm.

"Those things are a waste of money!" scolded Kevin. But his heart melted when he saw the hurt look on Johnny's face. "But since it is Christmas maybe it wouldn't hurt to---," Kevin started only to be drug away by an excited Johnny. He gave Brian and JC a pleading look and they both shrugged their shoulders. "A lot of help they are," he grumbled.

"Come on Dad!" yelled Johnny. "Times a wasting!" Kevin laughed and followed the anxious boy through the mall.

Later that afternoon the doctor walked out of Jason's room and up to Kevin. Kevin could tell that it wasn't good news. He swallowed hard and expected the worst.

"Umm, how is he?" Kevin asked.

"Well he has an upper respiratory infection," the Doctor replied. Kevin breathed a sigh of relief. "It can be serious. You have to keep him down and quiet or it will turn into something worse and than we will have to admit him."

"What should we do?" asked Kevin suddenly worried.

"Well he needs rest and he is a little dehydrated. When I told him to exercise more I didn't want him to overdo it. What did he do last night any way? He is exhausted!" Kevin blushed and looked down. "Ohh," stuttered out the Doctor. "Well take it easy on him for next few days and make him push fluids and no junk food or alcohol! Other than that he should be fine."

"Thanks for coming by doc and Merry Christmas," Kevin said as he showed the Doctor to the door. After the Doctor left he went into the kitchen and fixed Jason a bowl of chicken soup and some tea and put it on a tray and carried it up stairs. Once in side the room he could hear Jason coughing. He looked around to see him standing by the window.

"What are you doing up?" demanded Kevin as he sat the tray down and hurried to Jason's side. "The Doctor says you should be in bed."

"I miss the outdoors," Jason said as he looked out on the front lawn.

"We'll go outside when you get better now get back in bed," Kevin scolded Jason. Jason sighed and made his way back into bed. "Look I brought you lunch!" Kevin placed the tray on Jason's lap.

"Thank you Sweetie," Jason said as tasted some of the soup. "It is delicious baby." He leaned forward and kissed Kevin lightly on the lips. He allowed his hand to wonder down to Kevin's crotch. Kevin moaned in frustration and gently moved it away. Jason pouted as he resumed his eating.

"The doctor said I should take it easy on you," Kevin explained.

"Yea I guess you were a little rough last night," Jason commented as he took a bite out of his toast.

"I didn't hurt you did I?" Kevin asked worried.

"No, you didn't hurt me. I loved it, I've never seen this side of you," Jason giggled. Kevin blushed as he looked away. "You look so sexy when you blush." Kevin jerked his head back towards Jason. "Well you do!" Kevin just laughed and shook his head.

"Umm sweetie?" asked Kevin softly.

"Yes dear?" Jason asked back as he pushed the tray away. Kevin took the tray and set it on the bedside stand and lay down beside Jason.

"Umm why does the music room look like a crime scene?" he asked looking up at his husband.

"Because that room is off limits to you mister!" laughed Jason. "You're Christmas present is in there." He laughed harder when he saw the look of confusion on Kevin's face. "It was to big to put under the tree baby."

"But I need to get something out of there," Kevin said planting a kiss on Jason's cheek. "It's your Christmas Present."

"Tell Justin what it is and he will get it for you," Jason giggled as his hand found his way to Kevin's belt.

"Jason, you need to rest," sighed Kevin when Jason's hand reached into Kevin's pants.

"I'll rest after I take care of JR first," he giggled as his head lowered in between Kevin's legs.

Kevin got up quietly from the bed and placed the blankets up and around the sleeping Jason. Jason grunted and threw them off. Kevin shrugged his shoulders and left the room quietly. "How is Dad?" asked Johnny sneaking up behind Kevin. Kevin spun around to see Johnny and Scrappy standing there.

"He is resting, so don't bother him," Kevin instructed him. "We should go down stairs and see about dinner." Johnny sighed and reluctantly followed his father down stairs. Scrappy wondered into Jason's room and lay down at the foot of the bed.

"Tomorrow is Christmas!" exclaimed an excited Johnny in Brian's ear.

"Thank you for yelling!" Brian yelled back laughing. "You are way to excited. Did you get into the chocolate?" demanded Brian messing up Johnny's hair.

"Nooo!" laughed Johnny as he started to tickle Brian. "I didn't have too much chocolate! I never even touched the stuff today!" Brian picked him up and threw him over his shoulder and headed off into the living room and laid him down on the couch and continued to tickle Johnny. Johnny called for help and Justin and JC joined in to help Johnny. Soon Brian was begging for mercy.

"Ahem!" cleared a stern voice.

"He started it!" exclaimed all the adults pointing at poor Johnny.

"Traitors!" he grumbled.

"Dinner is ready," Kevin said. "I'm taking a tray up Jason's and I will be eating with him tonight in our room." Kevin walked quietly upstairs to their room and opened the door. He almost laughed when he saw Jason. All of the blankets were off the bed and Jason was glaring at them! "What is wrong baby?" asked Kevin.

"Can't sleep!" grumbled Jason. "And those blankets are bothering me!"

"So you threw them off the bed?" giggled Kevin. Jason glared at him and stood up and stomped off into the bathroom. "You want to talk about it?" Kevin asked softly as he watched Jason wash his hands and face. Jason shook his head no. "Are you sure sweetie?"

"Yes I'm sure!" barked Jason.

"Umm I brought you dinner," Kevin said in a hurt tone of voice. Jason went up to him and hugged him.

"I'm sorry I am so short with you Kev," Jason sighed as he ran his finger down Kevin's jaw. "I'm just tired of being coped up in the room all day is all."

"We can go down stairs after dinner if you want," Kevin suggested as he led Jason to the sitting room off of their bedroom. He sat Jason down and took off the cover of the plate. The two lovers ate their dinners in quiet. Scrappy tried to bum food of their plates until Kevin shooed him away. So with his tail between his legs he slinked down stairs to the kitchen to eat his meal. After dinner Kevin and Jason walked down stairs and into the living room where they saw Johnny and Justin talking excitedly about Christmas.

"Come on Justin," pleaded Johnny. "Let's go play in the snow!" Justin was interested in snuggling with JC and didn't want to leave him. Nick on the other hand grabbed AJ by the hand and headed outdoors.

"Come on Johnny, we'll play with you," Nick said grabbing Johnny's hand and drug him along too. "Let's leave the two love birds alone."

"Kevin?" asked Jason as he put another log on the fire. "Who is going to take Johnny to Midnight Mass? He loves it and shouldn't miss it."

"I'll take him sweetie," Kevin said as he helped Jason stoke the fire. "I haven't been in a long time."

"I wish I could go," Jason sighed. "But since I can't there is no point in pouting over it. Justin?"

"Yes?" asked Justin back.

"What are you two doing for church?" Jason asked.

"Well JC wants to go to Midnight Mass too and I think I will go with him," Justin stated as he stroked JC hair. JC had fallen asleep in Justin's arms.

"Well if you two are going will you take Johnny so I can stay home with Jason?" asked Kevin.

"Honey, if you want to go with Johnny please do, I'll be fine at home," Jason said.

"I don't want to leave you at home alone on Christmas Eve," Kevin replied.

"Don't worry about it Jason, JC and I will be happy to take Johnny to Mass," Justin spoke up.

"There, all settled," Kevin said as he snuggled closer to Jason. Justin smiled at the married couple as they snuggled by the fire. JC let out a soft moan bringing Justin's attention back to JC. At least for now the three couples, Jason and Kevin, Justin and JC, Brian and Travis spent a cozy evening by the fireplace at South Fork. Outside of the mansion you could hear the laughter of one boy and two men as they played in the snow. A light snow was falling from the cold crisp winter night making the entire estate look like a winter wonderland. At least for now Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men had settled on South Fork.

Part 3

Jason was shaken awake the next morning. Kevin was jumping up and down on the bed. Jason looked up at him and busted up laughing. "What are you doing?" he laughed out.

"Come on Jason!" whined Kevin. "It's Christmas!" Kevin bounded off the bed and ran into the bathroom to get ready. Jason sighed and swung his feet over the side of the bed and stood up. "Come on already!" He laughed at Kevin's childish behavior. It seemed that he would have to contend with two children today. Kevin and Johnny. He heard a knock at the door.

"Come on in, it's open!" he yelled out. The door opened in ran Johnny with Scrappy close behind him. "Merry Christmas Johnny!" he exclaimed enveloping his son in his arms. "Are you excited?"

"Santa Came!" laughed Johnny.

"Now Son--," Jason started.

"I know, I know," Johnny said laughing. "I just love to think that there is a Santa."

"Well I happen to believe that there is a Santa!" a deep soft voice filled the air. Jason looked up to see his lover standing there with a smile on his face. "And I want to open presents!" Jason sighed and slipped on his slippers and took his son's hand and Kevin's hand and walked down stairs to the living room.

"Merry Christmas everyone!" Jason shouted out to every one. He was answered back as they all congregated around the buffet table grabbing a quick bite to eat. Jason decided that he should eat too so he got his plate and sat next Kevin.

The morning was filled with laughter and gift changing. Jason was pleased with the gifts he had gotten. He was curious as to what Kevin had gotten him. He walked up to Kevin when he was tapped on the shoulder by Brian.

"I um think you should give him yours first," suggested Brian.

"Umm why is that?" asked a confused Jason.

"Trust me on this one," giggled Brian. Jason shrugged his shoulders and went up to Kevin.

"Umm Kevin?" he asked suddenly very shy. "I umm have something for you in the umm music room."

"Why are you acting that way?" asked Kevin grinning. Jason just grabbed his hand and pulled him to the doorway of the music room. Kevin took off the crime scene tape and Christmas bow and reached for the door handle. "I'm almost afraid to see what it is." Jason lightly hit him on the shoulder.

"Come on Dad!" exclaimed Johnny. "Enough stalling!" Everyone busted up laughing and echoed Johnny statement. So Kevin turned the handle and opened the door and stepped inside.

Silence reigned supreme in the house as Kevin beheld his gift. Finally a small sob was heard. Jason looked up at his lover and saw the tears streaming down his face.

"You don't like it?" he asked worried. Kevin turned to him and took his hand and led him to the Grand Piano and sat him down in the chair beside it.

"Do I like it?" asked Kevin wiping the tears from his face. "Oh baby I love it! And it is perfect for my gift to you." Kevin sat down at the piano and begins to play. Jason sat and listen to Kevin plays the piano. He watched in amazement at the concentration on Kevin's face. He too found himself crying for joy. It was as if their gifts were conceived from the same mind. In a way that is true. Lovers they were they had insights to each other's mind. Kevin loved music and Jason made it possible for him to continue his love. Kevin knew that Jason loved music too and gave him part of himself to him through his music. The rest of the guys quietly left he room as the two lovers spent quality time with each other enjoying their gifts from each other. After an hour they joined the rest of the their family in the dinning room for a Christmas breakfast.

"I have another gift for you Jas," Kevin said putting down his fork. Jason looked up and nodded. "I'm returning to performing."

"Really," Jason exclaimed. "When?"

"Well it is still in the planning stages and all, but if everything works out by the middle of February," Kevin said with a grin.

So as it was on that day, Kevin Richardson and his family entered the New Year with happy hopes of health and prosperity. Jason would recover from his cancer and it would never return. Kevin would return to music. Jason would also continue with his career in writing. Johnny would continue to be a child as he should've been. Brian and Travis would get married and adopt. JC and Justin would stay together for many years to come. The Christmas of 2003 would go down in history as one of the best for the Richardson family.

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year.


Stay tuned for the final chapter in the Kevin and Jason Series. Titled Graduation.

Next: Chapter 12

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