Begin Anew

By Frnces O'Rtg

Published on Oct 20, 2000


Begin Anew

Copyright 2000 By Frnceso O'Rtg. All rights reserved. With the exceptions of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without permission in writing from the Author.

This story is complete fiction. This story in no way implies the ACTUAL sexual orientation or beliefs of Actual living people. In other words FICTION!!

Any comments are welcome. Good or bad. Feel free to e-mail me at

Chapter 11

Trevor woke to find the bed empty. He looked round the room for Brian when he found that he was alone he picked up his cell phone and dialed a number. After three rings a voice answered. He shuddered at last nights memory.

"Yea this is Trevor," he spoke.

"Trevor baby!" said the voice from out of the past. "Long time no hear! I got the report last night." Trevor was silent as he thought about last night. Last night was a grim reminder that he was still under the control of the ring. No matter how it may look he was still a captive. He shuddered at the memories. "Trevor?" asked the voice. Trevor could have sworn that it had real concern in it.

"I'm still here sir," he answered.

"I want you to come by the house. I have a gift for you," requested the voice. "I think you will like it. Say about nine this morning?"

"Yea I'll be there as soon as I can," Trevor said trying to hide the fear from his voice. He remembered the last time he was late for a meeting. He couldn't sit for almost a week.

"This isn't an option Trevor. I have ten boys who haven't gotten off in a month. Don't make me turn them loose on you," threatened the voice.

"I won't be late sir," he finished as he turned off the phone. The last thing he needed was ten horny teenagers raping the shit out of him. He quickly got dressed and headed out the door.

Brian stepped into the guestroom looking for Trevor. "Trevor?" he asked. "Where are you baby?" When he received no answer he left the room to go and find him. When he walked down the hall he collided with Johnny who was running down the hall to meet the bus. "Whoa there cowboy!" laughed Brian. "Where are you headed in such a hurry?"

"I'm late!" said Johnny. "I'm going to miss the bus!" Brian laughed and let the youngster go.

"Have a good day in school Johnny!" he shouted after him. "Now to find my sweetheart!"

Brian walked into the living room and spotted Jason sitting and watching MTV. "Hey Jas?" asked Brian. "Have you seen Trevor this morning?"

"Yea he headed out of here about two minutes ago. He said he had a meeting to attend and he couldn't be late," yawned Jason. Brian noticed that Jason's breakfast was not touched.

"You going to eat?" asked Brian pointing at the food on the plate.

"I'm not hungry this morning," Jason said as he pushed the plate aside. "Besides I don't think I could keep it down."

"You worried about Kevin?" Brian asked. Jason nodded quietly. Kevin had left this morning to meet the FBI to discuss beefing up security at the house.

"I'm just having a hard time adjusting to the fact that he was a deep undercover agent all these years," Jason confessed. "I mean for the longest time I thought he was just being an ass. But it turns out that he was really worried about me and Johnny."

Across town Trevor pulls into the drive way of an old mansion. He stops the car and climbs out and goes to the front door and opens it. A very young and attractive blonde man comes up to him. "Welcome home Sir," he said in a seductive voice. "The master is waiting for you in the pool room." Trevor nodded and walked passed the youth and headed to the pool room. Once there he walked in and looked around. Everywhere he looked was naked teens laying around. Some of them were engaged in casual sex and some of them were swimming to keep their bodies toned. And there were a couple of them that were being punished. Trevor shuddered at the sight. It was never pretty.

"Trevor!" shouted the voice. He turned and spotted him. He was about a year older than he was. He was being serviced by a youth. "Come and join the fun. Leave your clothes with him." Ordered the lord of the house. Trevor knew better than to argue with the Master. So he relinquished his clothes and sat next to him. He felt a pair of lips wrap around his cock and he looked down in shock. The teen couldn't have been more than 17 maybe 18 at the most. The pleasure was intense so he shrugged his shoulders and leaned back to enjoy.

"Brad tells me that you may have stumbled onto something," stated the Master as he removed his dripping cock from the mouth of a young man. The young man immediately went to Trevor and assisted the other teen in servicing Trevor.

"Well you know that Kevin the guy I replaced is back in town," Trevor started. He found himself having to bite his lower lip to stop form moaning from the pleasure he was receiving. It did not do well to let your control slip in the presence of the Master. "Well something happened last night that upset the Richardson house. I'm not sure what it is because they kept me out of the picture. All I know is that security has been beefed up since yesterday. The guards have been doubled and the cameras have also been doubled. It is almost like a fortress."

"But you can still come and go as you please?" asked the Master. Trevor grunted a little as he blasted his load into the waiting mouth of the teen. The Master sighed as he waited for Trevor to get control of himself. "You need practice! Control is very important when training new servers!" Trevor nodded silently as he waited for the boom to be lowered. It didn't come. "Come with me, I have a surprise for you," turning to the two teens. "You may pleasure each other for the rest of the day." The young men smiled at each other and smiled their thanks to the Master and walked away hand in hand. Trevor shook his head as he remembered those care free days. He thought he was happy back then but he realized that it was just slavery in a different way. He followed the Master into a room. As it turned out it was an observation room. Trevor stared out of a window and gasped when he saw what was in it. A young man strapped to a bed. He was blindfolded so that he couldn't see. All of his clothing had been removed. Trevor had to admit he was gorgeous. He looked at the Master. "He is yours to train."

"I don't know what to say," Trevor stammered. "How old is he?"

"He is nineteen. All of our servers are over the age of eighteen now. The child molesting thing is old now. There is just not the demand of the young ones any more," Trevor took a hard look at the new captive. He looked so helpless lying there. 'What the hell am I going to do?' he asked himself. 'I'm trying to get away from this hell and now I have to train someone else to do this crap?' Trevor asked himself. "You might as well start now. I thought you would use the rescuer method. I find that works much easier. By the way he has been tested and he is a virgin so you don't have to worry about catching anything. I want him broke in ten days!"

Back at South Fork!

Kevin walked into the living room looking for Jason. "Jas?" he asked.

"He is outside on the patio. He wants to enjoy the leaves," Brian stated. Kevin smiled as he headed out onto the patio. He found Jason lying on a lounge chair with Scrappy beside him. He had fallen asleep. Kevin walked over to him and kissed him on the lips. Jason let out a small moan and wrapped his arms around Kevin's neck. Kevin laughed as he laid down on top of Jason.

"Good morning baby," he giggled at Jason when he opened his eyes. Jason yawned loudly and Kevin laughed harder.

"Stop picking on me," pouted Jason.

"I'm sorry sweetie but I can't help it. You are so cute when you first wake up," giggled Kevin as he kissed Jason on the tip of his nose. "I missed you babe," he whispered as he moved to his neck and sucked on it gently. Jason let out a small moan and ground his crotch up against Kevin's "Oh my aren't we excited?"

"Well I can't help it if you turn me on!" Jason said as he nipped at Kevin's chin.

"Why don't we take this inside?" asked Kevin as he stood up and held out his hand for Jason. Jason smiled as he took the outstretched hand. Kevin opened the door and they rushed past Brian.

"Hey!" shouted Brian. "Where are you two headed?"

"Don't bother us for next two hours!" instructed Kevin as he lightly bit Jason's neck. Jason let out a squeal and bit Kevin's ear.

"Love birds!" grumbled Brian.

Kevin slammed the door of the master bedroom and he turned to Jason. Jason was already tearing off his clothes as fast as he could. Kevin started removing his clothes too. Finally they were both naked and Kevin gathered Jason up in his arms and carried him to the bed.

"Make love to me?" begged Jason as he took a hold of Kevin's cock and lightly stroked it. Kevin's eyes were glazed over with lust. "Please Kevin?" he pleaded again as he ground his crotch into Kevin's. Kevin smiled as he got out the condom and slid it on his cock. He than turned Jason over so that he was laying on his side and he slid his cock into Jason's ass. Jason let out a groan as Kevin slid all the way in. "Fuck me Kevin!" he ordered. "Fuck me hard!" Kevin begin to thrust in and out as hard as he could. Each time Kevin's cock rammed into Jason's ass Jason was hit with wave after wave of pleasure.

"Oh God Jason," breathed Kevin. "You are so beautiful!" Kevin's body was soon covered in sweat as he continued to ride Jason. Jason lay there enjoying the sensation of Kevin making love to him. He could tell by Kevin's breathing and moans that he was close. "Oh Fuck!" yelled Kevin as he slammed into him one last time letting loose volley after volley of cum into the condom. Jason felt Kevin explode him filling the condom. Kevin quickly withdrew and removed the condom and threw it in the trash. He than turned Jason's over and began to kiss Jason's tired body. When he reached Jason cock he got out a flavored condom and rolled it on Jason's cock and than engulfed the entire thing. Jason threw back his head and groaned loudly. Kevin smiled to himself as he continued to give Jason pleasure.

Jason looked down at his lover as his head bobbed up and down on his cock. He loved Kevin so much. He was sorry that he had cancer again. It put a hamper on their lovemaking. Kevin had to really protect himself so that he wouldn't get any bodily fluids on him. And the chemotherapy always wore Jason out. They would go for weeks with out making love. Making love was an important part of their lives. A part that Jason missed terribly when Kevin was apart. Jason was getting closer and closer to cumming and Kevin showed no signs of stopping. "Oh baby, I'm close," groaned Jason as he ran his fingers through Kevin's hair. Kevin muffled groan sent Jason over the edge. He shot three good loads into the condom before coming down off his high. He eased his sensitive cock out of his lovers mouth and removed the condom and tied the end of it and flushed it. Kevin was right behind him and wrapped his arms around him and kissed him on the lips.

"Hi!" he said as he grinned looking Jason up and down. "God are you ever sexy!"

"You're not so bad yourself stud!" laughed Jason. "Come on let's get cleaned up so we can go out and play!"

"Play?" Kevin asked wiggling his eyebrows. "Isn't that what we just did in there?"

"Come on Baby," begged Jason. "It's a great day out and I want to enjoy it!

Beside the children have already had their fun." He said the last part when he saw Kevin's cock standing at attention again. He bent down and kissed the tip. "No more fun for you Kevin Jr," he scolded it. Kevin stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. Jason let out a laugh as he took Kevin by the hand and led him into the shower.

Trevor stepped into the room where his trainee was strapped to the bed. He was awake and was straining at that straps. Every muscle in his body was straining. Trevor swallowed hard to calm himself down. He had to admit he was a good looking kid. He allowed his eyes to travel down to the boy's cock. It was cut and surrounded by dark blonde bush of pubic hair. He quickly put the thoughts out of his mind. He was here to do a job. Free this kid from the living hell that had plagued him all of his life. "Easy there guy," Trevor said in a hushed voice.

"Who's there?" demanded the youth. "Where am I?" Trevor laid his hand on the young man's shoulder. Surprisingly he relaxed. "Please don't hurt me," he begged. The helplessness in the boy's words tore his heart in two.

"I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to rescue you," Trevor answered truthfully. He worked quickly at the straps to remove them. "Do you have a name?" he asked the boy.

"Yes I do but I can't remember it," said the young man as he sat up and rubbed the wrists. He than went to lift the blindfold but Trevor reached and stopped him.

"Leave that on," he instructed. "The only way I got them to agree to let you out of this room was to leave the blindfold on." The boy looked confused and tried to take it off again. Trevor gently grabbed his hands and held them away. "Please, if we are going to get out of here you have to listen to what I say. You have to trust me that I am not going to hurt you in any way. Can you do that?" The young man nodded. "Good now we have to walk out of here now. I am going to take you by the hand. You have to walk out of here with your head down. Don't ever look up or our cover is blown. Let me do the talking."

"What about clothes?" he asked.

"That's another thing, you have to walk out of here naked. You were kidnapped for sexual slavery. The slaves don't wear clothes while they are on the compound. I have to get you off the compound first than you can have some clothes. Do you trust me?" Trevor asked.

"Do I have much choice?" the boy asked.

"Right now, no you don't. But if you play it by the book we will get out of here. Now come on let's go," Trevor said as he took the young man by the hand and led him out of the room. He led the young man out of the training area thankful to out of there. The air was thick with the smell of sex. As they made their way to the back of the house Trevor passed many other trainers. They smirked over at Trevor's direction knowing what Trevor was getting ready to do. Typically Trevor would take the victim into the breaking room and work him over with about three others teens. It was basically a rape session. But Trevor had no intention of doing that. His intention was to get this kid out of the house into the car and get the hell away from this place. They made it outside and than all hell broke loose.

"Hey where the hell are you taking him?" shouted a voice.

"Oh shit we've been spotted!" shouted Trevor. He ripped the blindfold off the youth's eyes. "The car!" he ordered as he pushed the youth into it. He sprung for the car too and started and peeled away from the mansion. As he approached the entrance he saw the gates closing. He heard the cell phone ring and he reached over and tossed it out of the car. "Hang on!" he shouted as he floored the 2003 mustang. Roaring passed the closing gates he could feel bullets whizzing past him. After about five minutes of speeding through the town making several turns he stopped the car and handed the young man a bundle of clothes. "Quickly change into these clothes. Than I am taking you someplace where you can be safe." Trevor said.

Back in the Mansion.

The outside guard walked into the training room where he found the Master bent over a young trainee as he slammed into the young man. Another young man was shoving his cock in and out of the trainee. The trainee was blindfolded so that he couldn't see what was going on. The guard grinned as he walked into the room and observed one of the rarely seen breaking sessions. He leaned against the wall watching the scene unfold before him. The master slammed into him a couple of more times and pulled out. The other trainer let out a grunt as he shot his load into the mouth the trainee. "Untie him and get him cleaned up and to his quarters. Make sure he gets plenty of rest for tomorrow he goes on the auction block," instructed the Master as he wiped the cum and sweat off himself. Turning to the guard, "Well what do you have to report?"

"He got away just as you wanted him too," reported the guard.

"And was he followed?" asked the master as he climbed into the shower room. The guard followed him. The master turned on the water and allowed the water to cascade over his body. "Well? Was he followed or not?" demanded the Master.

"We did as you requested, he was not followed," the guard said swallowing hard. He couldn't take his eyes off of the Master. He was a gorgeous man.

"Well don't just stand there, come on and take off your clothes and join me!" demanded the Master as he eyed the young guard. The young guard wasted no time in stripping out of his clothes and walked into the arms of his Master.

Back at South Fork

Kevin and Jason walked back down stairs and into the living room. Brian was sitting in a chair looking out the window. "Hey Brian," Jason said cheerfully. Brian looked over at his cousin and his lover and smiled. He had to admit they did look very much in love.

"How are the two lovebirds doing?' he asked grinning as he caught Kevin blushing.

"We are going outside for a while, you want to join us?" asked Kevin.

"No you two lovebirds go on and enjoy the day. I'm waiting for Trevor to come back any way," Brian said as he slapped Kevin on the back. "It is so good to see Jason happy again Kevin."

"I know Brian, and believe me I intend on keeping him that way," Kevin said as he grinned. He followed his lover outside and around the house to their special spot, Gazebo. Jason was already there sitting looking out over the view. Kevin noticed it was chilly out and was thankful that Jason had brought a light jacket. He sat next to Jason and pulled him close. Jason snuggled up to Kevin and laid his head on Kevin's chest. They heard the squeal of tires and they giggled. "Must be Trevor, I heard he is murder on cars. I can just hear Brian now," Kevin said as he shook his head.

"What do you think of Trevor?" asked Jason.

"Well to be honest I really don't know what to think about him. On one hand he seems to be a great guy. But I get the impression that he is hiding something," Kevin said as he took Jason's hand and looked at the wedding ring on it.

"Is that Kevin the lover talking or the Kevin the FBI Agent talking?" Jason asked.

"I guess it is the Agent side of me talking. I've been trained to study people and I can tell that Mr. Trevor is definitely hiding something from all of us," Kevin said as he kissed the back of Jason's hand.

"Do you think he is dangerous?" Jason asked taking his hand back and sliding it under his arm to keep it warm.

"I don't know. I don't know him that well to make that kind of judgement. But given Brian's history of past lovers I guess anything goes. Here they come now and it seems that they brought a friend." Kevin stood up to meet the approaching trio. He could tell that all three of them were not happy.

The newcomer who appeared to be no older than 18 or 19 looked scared to death. Brian looked hurt and angry at the same time. Trevor looked scared and hurt too. Turning back to Jason, "This can't be good Jas," he said softly.

"We need to talk guys," Brian said his voice thick with emotion. "There has been a development."

"Who do you need Brian?" asked Kevin as he stood up.

"Both of you Kevin, Kevin my cousin and Kevin the FBI agent," Brian said. Trevor took a sudden breath in as he looked at Brian than at Kevin.

Chapter 12


"Oh by God it's you the deep undercover agent!" he breathed. "I would've never guessed."

"Let's go into the house where we can talk in private," Kevin said as he pulled out a small hand held radio. "This is agent Richardson. Send the captain of the guard up to the house now!" Jason looked up at Kevin with fear in his eyes.

"What is going on Kevin?" he asked sliding his hand into Kevin's outstretched hand.

"I don't know Jason, but I think we are about to find out!" Kevin led them into the house and into the living room. Once there he got out a pocket recorder and turned it on. "Let the record show, this is October 19, 2000 at 11:00 am and I am about to begin an official interview as part of an ongoing investigation." Sitting the recorder on the table. "Now let's start with names. As I said I am Special Agent Kevin Scott Richardson and I am now showing you positive proof of identification. Taking his wallet out he handed it too Trevor to look at. "Now I will need to know the circumstances of you being here with this young man."

"I really don't know where to begin," Trevor said with his voice shaking. Brian reached over and wrapped his arms around Trevor and pulled him close.

"Maybe you should just start at the beginning," Brian said softly as he kissed Trevor on the cheek. Trevor smiled and turned back to Kevin.

"About 10 years ago I woke up in a mansion. I had no memory of who I was, where I came from and how I had gotten there. I was strapped down to a table and scared to death. I soon discovered that I was at a school of some sort. A school of all boys ranging from about 11 to 19. At first it was very nice. We all attending classes such as math, reading and history and special attention paid to physical training. I thought that maybe I had screwed up some how with my parents and that they had sent me there. But that all changed when I turned 16. I guess that was when they decided to reveal to us what we were there for." Trevor's voice started shaking as he remembered that day. "They took us into the gym and made us to strip and showed us what we were going to be doing for the rest of our lives. Two of us died in that gym and three others committed suicide. We learned on that day that we were property of a sick bastard named Alex." Kevin took a sharp breath in. "You know him?" Trevor asked.

"Yes I'm afraid I do," Kevin said softly. "I was the one who was responsible for busting him about four years ago. Go on if you can."

"Well the next few years were total hell on all of us. We were used basically as meat. Only there to service our masters. When we turned twenty we were giving a choice. Join the circle or die. The choice wasn't easy. A few of us tried to escape. They were caught and disposed of. We soon learned that escape was impossible. Than one day I was given an opportunity. I was given a mission. They had discovered that the Backstreet Boys were on the brink of destruction so they worked it so that I could replace Kevin. Kevin had left the country and so I replaced you. My mission was to track down the agent that exposed the east coast circle."

"What did you do after you were sent on your mission?" asked Brian.

"I did what I was told. I kept a look out for the agent. I didn't try very hard I just kept up the motions. It didn't take them too long to figure out what I was doing but by that time I was so entrenched into the group that they just let is slide for then. It wasn't until just recently they started pressuring me," Trevor admitted. He looked over at Brian shocked that he was still there with him. Brian must've read his mind and leaned over and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"When I came back to the states," Kevin commented. By this time the Captain of the Guard was standing in the door. "Pull some guards up close to the house." The Captain of the guard nodded and left the house again. "What about him?" Kevin asked pointing at the silent youth. He jerked his head up.

"He is one of the new trainees," Trevor said. "He was assigned to me to train."

"What is he doing here?" Jason asked.

"I pulled him free of their clutches. I'm sorry I couldn't allow him to stay in that hell. I had to set him free," Trevor said as tears flowed down his face.

Kevin turned to the youth. "Do you have a name?" he asked softly.

"I don't remember it," he said looking down. Kevin saw that he was shaking.

He nodded over to Jason. Jason stood up and went to the boy's side. He put his hand on his leg and looked into the boy's eyes.

"We are not going to hurt you," Jason said softly. "Do you believe us?" The boy nodded his head. "Good, now I need you to try and answer some questions for us. Can you do that?"

"I don't know what I can tell you, I don't remember much," the young man said. At that point his stomach decided that it was time to make it's presence known by grumbling loudly. He blushed and looked down. "Sorry about that," he mumbled.

"When was the last time you ate?" asked Jason.

"I can't remember," the young man said.

Jason looked over at Kevin, "I want to get some food into him." Kevin nodded and Jason held out his hand and took the young man's hand and led him into the kitchen to feed him.

Meanwhile back in the living room.

"You do understand what this means don't you?" asked Kevin. Trevor looked up with fear in his eyes.

"I haven't broken any laws. I haven't taken part in the training of the slaves or anything like that. In fact I rescued one of the slaves," Trevor spoke up in a hurry.

"Whoa whoa slow down there," said Kevin. "I'm not accusing you of anything.

We are going to have a hard time protecting you and your new friend."

"I will be willing to testify if you need me to," Trevor said willingly.

"It is not as easy as that," Kevin said shaking his head from side to side. "Brian you sit with him and watch him. I need to work on setting up a safe house for him and the kid," Kevin said as he got up and walked from the room.

Trevor looked at Brian with awe. "You still love me?" he asked. Brian answered him by bending forward and kissing him on the lips.

"Of course I still love you baby," Brian said as he wiped the tears from his face. "You did nothing wrong. In fact I am so proud of you for saving the live of that boy in there," Brian pointed into the direction of the kitchen.

"But I did do terrible things when I was living at that house," Trevor said as he shuddered.

"But you had no choice Trevor, don't you see? If you hadn't of done those things than you would have been killed." Brian took Trevor by the hand and led him to the couch and sat down with him. "Now all we have to do is make sure that you are safe from harm. And we have to make sure that horrible place is shut down and those slaves are freed."

"How did I ever find you?" asked Trevor as he looked into Brian's loving eyes.

At the Mansion.

The study is full of young men dressed in black with black stocking caps on.

The Master walks in and heads to the front of the room. He picked up a remote and pushed a button. "Here is our objective! When we accomplish it we will draw out the undercover agent!" stated the Master as he pointed to the large screen television screen. "In your folders you will find everything you need to know about the subject. You all have your duties and I expect them to be carried out!" The room quickly cleared out as the young men headed out. The Master walked to the mirror and looked into it. He reached up and fingured the medallion that hung from his neck. "Finally Kevin!" he seethed. "My mistress will have her day." The phone rang and he picked it up. "Hello?" he spoke into the receiver.

"Hello yourself!" rasped a female voice. "Is everything set in motion?"

"Yes mistress, everything is going along as plan. "You do understand that once everything is in motion all hell will break loose," the master said into the phone.

"I've been waiting for far too long for my revenge!" screamed the mistress. "I won't be denied!"

"Just wanted to warn you Mistress," he replied. His face became blank for a few moments.

"JC?" demanded the mistress. "JC? What is wrong with you? Answer me!"

"Who is this?" demanded JC as he looked around the mansion. "What the hell am I doing here? Where is Justin?"

"Electric slide!" stated the mistress. The confusion was replaced with the mask of hatred again. "All better JC?" (See the Twist and Turns trilogy)

"I'm fine Bitch! Now leave me alone to do my job!" shouted the Master of the house as he slammed down the phone.

On the Bus on the way home from school.

"All right every one," hollered the bus driver. "Everyone sit down and calm down." He eased the bus to a stop frowning when he saw the stopped car in the middle of the road. "What the hell is going on now?" he asked. A young man in a black sweat suit walked up to the door. He opened the door, "What seems to be the problem asked the driver.

"Just some car trouble is all," replied the man. "Do you have a cell phone?"

"Yea sure, just wait a minute while I find it," replied the bus driver. That was all he remembered as the young man hit him over the head with a pipe. He pulled out a gun and leveled it at the children on the bus. "Which one of you brats is Johnny Richardson?"

4:35 pm in front of South Fork.

Kevin and Jason are waiting at the front gate for Johnny's bus. Kevin wanted to meet Johnny at the gate. Jason looked at the watch and he frowned. "He is five minutes late."

"Wait, here comes something now," said Kevin as he heard an approaching vehicle. It was a police car and the closer it got the larger the feeling of dread built up in Kevin's heart.

"Kevin, what is going on?" asked Jason as he headed towards the car. It's blue lights were flashing and it skidded to a stop. An officer climbed out.

"Mr. Richardson?" he asked. Kevin stepped forward.

"I'm Kevin, what can I do for you officer?" asked Kevin.

"Where is Johnny?" demanded Jason. "Where is my son?"

"I'm sorry Mr. Richardson. But your son has been kidnapped," stated the officer.

Ok fellas you know it was coming! The king of Cliff hangers is back in full force. Let me know what you think.

E-mail me

Next: Chapter 10: Begin Anew 13 15

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