Being Different

By moc.loa@yobnymalF

Published on Jul 23, 2002


Disclaimer: You have to be 18 to read this if you aren't and get caught I am in no way liable. This is a story that involves gay characters and gay situations between male teenagers. If you find that offensive, or it is illegal for you to view this please find another site to hang out at.

This is my first story so any feedback would be welcome. Please E-mail me at:

Chapter 1- Failing Algebra

"Jonathan!" screeched his irritable bat like teacher Ms. Howell, "Will you please wake up!"

"Sorry" he groaned as he turned his attention to the whiteboard and tried to act mildly interested in the algebra lesson. Another fabulous day at St. Mary's High. Jon glanced up at the clock, only 10 minutes left. As he sat his mind began to wander. The end of the school year was coming he was gonna get a summer job to get some extra money. And then there was the sex. See, Jon was a virgin, and at 17 he was frankly sick of it. So he put his mind to it and began to devise a way to get laid. Which was fun to think about even if it was unrealistic. As he sat there thinking of possible candidates his mind wandered to Paul Miller. Paul had to stand about 6' even, he was certainly well defined, no doubt from all the sports he plays, and he also had all the girls' guy could ask for. Jon was rudely interrupted from his daydream by the bell signaling that class was getting out. He slowly gathered his things, which allowed for the swelling in his pants to subside.

Jon got up and headed across campus for his locker. On his way there he saw Paul, looking damn good in his A&F. Paul looked straight at him and they locked eyes for a moment and he smiled. Jon quickly averted his eyes and made a beeline for his locker.

"I must seem like such a spaz!" Jon said to himself "Don't know why I am worried he is straight" He stole a sideways glace over at Paul who was deep in conversation with Trish (his latest arrangement).

"Lucky bitch" Jon looked at the calendar in his locker and marked off another day. One week left. He placed his algebra book in his locker and grabbed his Psych book, he would need to study for that one tonight. He closed the locker and then headed for his car. As he walked down the hall way he heard his name.

"Hey Jon!"

He stopped in his tracks, it couldn't be...

"Hey how's it going?"

It was Paul.

"Not too bad how are you?" he asked while wondering while Paul was talking to him they rarely engaged in conversation.

"Pretty good. Hey you have Ms. Howell for Algebra right?"

Thinking back to the unpleasant class Jon responded, "Yeah don't remind me."

"Cool. Well that miserable old bat is failing me, and I was wondering if you can help me out?"

"Sure when is good for you?" Jon replied trying to contain his excitement

"Well what are you doing now?"

"Just heading home."

"Well can I catch a ride with you? We can study a bit and then maybe hang out too."

"Totally!" Jon replied suddenly realizing how hopeful he sounded, "My car is this way"

They walked towards the parking lot talking about school and what they were going to do over the summer. Paul is a pretty cool guy Jon thought to himself as they entered the parking lot.

"This is it." He said as he approached a green 1996 Neon "It's not much to look at but it does what I need it to."

"This is really nice, a lot nicer that what most of us drive"

"I guess being a nerd finally paid off then, huh?"

Paul just smiled that killer smile of his and they got into the car. Jon started the car and the stereo was blaring "Like a Virgin". He smiled sheepishly and turned it down.

"Hey I love this song!" Paul exclaimed as he turned the radio back up.

Jon laughed, "Yeah! I love Madonna" Jon put the car in gear and headed for the parking lot exit his hand resting on the gearshift. They pulled out 5mph... 10 mph and Jon shifted the car into second.

"Is driving a stick hard?" Paul asked

"You don't know stick?" Jon said exasperated suddenly realizing how sexual that sounded

"I can work a stick, but not one like this" Paul grinned

"Perv." They both laughed, "Driving a stick is a pain to learn but once you get used to it, it is really fun. I love sticks!"

They drove the rest of the 5 miles to Jon's house listening to the radio occasionally singing along if something fun came on. Jon pulled into the two-story house and they got out and headed to the door.

"Nice place dude, this would be a great place for parties." Paul said scooping out the place

Jon unlocked the door and they walked in.

"Wait here a minute" Jon asked Paul as he dashed up the stairs

Jon went to his room and quickly cleaned it up so it was presentable for guests. He hung up the clothes and half-assed made his bed, but it looked better. Once he was satisfied he turned on his computer and headed downstairs.

"Sorry about that. Wanted to make sure my room wasn't too much of a disaster."

"No prob." Paul said as he walked towards him and smiled, "Hey can I use your bathroom?"

"Sure. Down the hall second door to the left just come to my room when you are done" and he looked to the open door near the top of the stairs.

"Cool. Be right there" Paul winked at him

"Jon went to his room logged onto his system and was checking his e-mail when Paul came up.

"Nice setup" he said glancing around at the queen sized bed, the rather large bean bag in front of the entertainment center complete with a PS2, DVD player, VCR and a decent sized TV. And another door which Paul saw lead to Jon's own bath.

Paul flopped onto Jon's bed, "So what's your story dude?"

"Huh?" Jon replied

"When did you realize you were gay?"

Jon was shocked. How did he know? But he didn't have time to ponder it, he hastily replied, "I-I-I'm not a fag."

"You aren't a very good liar either. Your eyes give it all away."

"Seriously I'm not a homo." Jon replied sounding rather shaky at this point

"Damn. Well I am and I always hoped you were too."

"You're gay?"

"Yeah. Why shouldn't I be?"

"But all the chicks you've been with"

"Hey I gotta keep up an image. If the school found out that I was a fag... I don't even wanna think about it."

"How long have you been gay?" Jon asked now rather intrigued that someone like Paul was gay

"Since last Tuesday... All my life what do you think?"

"Yeah ... sorry"

"Sorry. I didn't mean to be an ass it just comes naturally to me"

Jon smiled, "How did you know I was gay?"

"We've gone to school together since like what? The third grade. I've seen how you look at me, and I know those looks. Those are the same ones I've given you since puberty, only because you are walking around with your head down all the time, like you are afraid to let anyone get close. You've also never had a girlfriend."

Jon took a moment to marvel inwardly at the thought Paul had put into this, "I'm not really obvious am I?"

"No. Most of the time you just look like you wanna be left alone, so people respect that. I think it is more likely that people think that you would go apeshit on everyone."

Jon laughed, "You're kidding?"

Paul smiled, "Think about it. When you see one of the other kids that walks around always looking at the ground, would it surprise you if they snapped?"

"When you put it like that... not really."

They both laughed.

"Wow. I still can't believe that you are gay!" Jon said to Paul, "It'll be nice to have someone to talk to."

"I hear you there. It's not something you can talk about with anyone"

Jon got out of his computer chair and flung himself on the beanbag.

"So is it safe to assume that you don't need my help with your algebra?"

"Ya. I figured this would be a for sure way to get alone with you... I hope you don't mind."

At first I was scared, I wasn't sure if you were gonna beat the shit outta me or what. But now it is ok."

"OK I went about that in a bad way." Paul said, "Would it have been better if I did this?"

Paul got off the bed and leaned in and kissed Jon. It was like electricity was surging through his body. Paul's lips were so full and soft and that tongue. Wow! He had never felt anything like that in his life. He had just thought Paul wanted a gay friend to talk to and stuff. In his opinion this was far better. Jon reached up and put his arms around Paul's shoulders and pulled him closer.

Paul broke the kiss, "Wow. That was awesome"

Jon just stared into Paul's deep green eyes and sighed a sigh of extreme satisfaction. Paul kissed him again lightly this time and then started to kiss his neck. Paul moved slowly to the base of his neck and kissed it deeply. And slowly moving down to what part of his shoulders visible, leaving light kisses everywhere and a few deep ones here and there. Jon had his head laid back in ecstasy as Paul kissed all over his neck and shoulders. He rubbed the firm muscles of Paul's back and wondered how he managed to get in this situation.

Paul came up and asked, "What time do your parent get home?"

"Not until 6:00" Jon replied

Paul glanced at the clock. 3:30. They could do a lot in two hours.

Paul reached down and pulled Jon's shirt over his head. He took gazed over Jon's chest and torso. He was completely hairless except for the small treasure trail. Jon was a lot more developed than he looked. Did he lift weights? He would have to make a note and ask him later. Paul quickly went down and began to kiss and suck on Jon's nipples. Jon seemed to be really enjoying it.

"Uhhh..." he moaned

Paul continued to kiss and lick all over his chest and abs. Stopping here and there to linger and give a little extra attention. Paul reached down and unbuttoned Jon's pants, and took them off. Then came the boxers. Paul sat there a moment and took in the awesome sight of Jon. Jon's cock stood erect, damn that thing had to be at least seven inches and pretty thick.

Paul moved down and licked the tip of it and then dragged his tongue all the way down the shaft. Jon shuddered. Paul moved back up and began to work the head. He licked it and sucked on it like a lollipop before taking it into his mouth. Paul moved all the way down until those full lips touched the base of his cock, he then used his experienced throat muscles to massage the head.

"Oh my god!" Exclaimed Jon as Paul started to hum sending vibrations all over his dick. Paul continued to move up and down on Jon's hard dick for a while longer until...

"I'm gonna cum!"

At these words Paul deep throated Jon's monster and felt the jizz hit the back of his throat. He came up swallowed quickly and went down to get the rest. Paul expected Jons cum -- like anyone else's -- to be bitter. It was however surprisingly sweet. Eight times Jon pumped his cum into Paul's mouth, and Paul swallowed all of it. Once he was satisfied that he had gotten all of it, he moved from Jon's dick to his mouth and began to kiss him, allowing him to taste himself.

They kissed for a minute before Jon pulled away, "How did you learn to do that?! It was awesome!"

"Practice. Lots of Practice."

"You know other gay guys at school?"

"Dude, half the football team screws around with each other." Paul replied smiling at Jon, "Most of them have `girlfriends' but they are just not ready to come out yet."

After saying that Paul settled in next to Jon. He slid an arm around his waist and lightly began to kiss his neck again. Jon turned around so he could look at Paul. He kissed him lightly, and laid his head against Paul's chest. They laid in the bean bag for a few minutes before they dozed off.

The Phone rang.

Jon woke up and looked around, Paul was beginning to stir. Jon saw the clock, 6:15, "Shit!" Jon exclaimed

"What's wrong babe?"

Jon held his finger up as he answered the phone, "Hello?"


"Oh hi, mom" Jon smiled at Paul, "You're running late."

He Paused for a moment, "Yeah, pizza sounds great. Hey. Can my friend Paul stay for dinner?"


"What do you like on your pizza?" Jon asked Paul

"Anything but onions" Paul replied with a grin

Jon relayed this to his mom. Another pause.

"Meat Lovers, ok?"


"That sounds great mom, see you in a while."

Paul pulled Jon down on top of him as he hung up the phone, "So pizza huh?"

"Yeah Meat Lovers." Jon replied putting emphasis on the title. Paul laughed.

"It's a damn good thing she is running late." Jon said, "I would have hated to explain if she found us like that."

"Not like much of an explanation would have been needed." Paul replied

"You know what I mean"

"I'd suggest that you go get dressed but I am really enjoying looking at you."

Jon smiled

"You should do that more often, it looks really good on you."

"Do what?" Jon asked

"Smile, you dork."

Jon blushed and kissed the end of Paul's nose.

"So your mom is on her way home with Pizza, where is your dad?"

Jon's eyes teared up and he got up and began to get dressed.

"What's wrong."


"If it were nothing you wouldn't be fighting back tears."

"How long have you known me?" Jon asked as he pulled up his pants

"Since like the third grade"

"You don't know anything about me really do you?"

Paul shifted in his seat.

"Freshman year I was out of school for a month. Do you know why?"

"I had heard you got mono."

"Wrong. I was in a car accident..." he swallowed his eyes began to swell, "with my dad. We had just gotten in an argument. He was pretty mad and wasn't driving as safe as usual. He took a moment to turn his head and yell at me some more and when he had his head turned we hit a pole. I wasn't wearing my seatbelt and I was tossed out of the car." Tears were now streaming down his face and he was gasping for air but he continued, "I hadn't even hit the ground before another car hit dads side of the car. They say he died on impact." Another pause. "If I hadn't pissed him off he would have been driving better and we wouldn't have gotten into the crash..." He fell to the floor and sobbed, "he would still be alive..." Paul got on his knees and embraced Jon tightly who continued to sob into his chest.

"It's not your fault." Paul told Jon, "If it was gonna happen it was gonna happen." They sat on the floor for almost twenty minutes and Paul held Jon and let him cry.

"C'mon. Lets get you cleaned up." Paul rose and went to the bathroom and got a warm washcloth. He came back and began to gently clean Jon's face. "There that is better." Paul said as he leaned down and kissed Jon's forehead.

"Thanks Paul." Jon stood up and hugged him, "Nobody knew that we had the fight. I never told anyone. Not even mom."

"Well I am glad that you were able to open up to me." Paul said before he gave Jon a light kiss.

At that moment they heard the front door open and heard Jon's mom beckon him, "Jon? Can you come help me with some stuff?"

"Yeah. Be right down." He yelled towards the stairs. "Do I look ok?" he asked Paul quietly

"You look great to me?" Paul replied with a smile

Jon winked at him as he turned around and headed down the stairs with Paul trailing behind him.

"Thanks boys." She said as they approached the door, "Just bring the rest of the groceries into the kitchen."

They headed outside and unloaded his moms Expedition. "I don't know why she has this thing. She is the only one who ever goes anywhere in it. She should sell it and get something smaller." Jon said

"But where would she put all these bags of food she got for the two of you." Paul replied gaping at the overabundance of food.

"It's not usually like this. People from the firm mom works at are coming over this weekend." Jon groaned he hated that, he would be expected to stay upstairs, or go out for most of the evening until everyone left. She must feel like more of a career girl when he isn't around.

"Hhmmm..." Paul replied noticing the disappointment in Jon's voice. But he grabbed as many bags as he could carry and took it to the kitchen. With Jon following him. Jon loved watching Paul walk, he loved the way his muscles moved against his clothes. He had to have the best ass in town. Jon smiled as they made one more trip outside. When bringing the remaining bags in Jon's mom asked, "So are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" as she smiled at Paul

"Mom this is Paul, Paul this is my mom, Morgan."

"Nice to meet you Mrs.-"

"Call me Jennifer. I only keep things formal in court." She cut in

"OK, Jennifer." Paul replied sheepishly

There was an awkward silence and Jon went to the cupboard and got some plates. He handed one to Paul and the other to his mom. "I'm so hungry." He said

"Yeah, me too." Paul replied

"We're gonna go eat in my room, ok." Jon said to his mom

"Sure hon." She replied as she started to put stuff away

"Soda?" Jon asked Paul

"Sure, whatcha' got?"

"Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Code Red, and Sprite"

"Code Red."

Jon handed him a soda and grabbed one for himself, and they headed upstairs.

"Have you seen Moulin Rouge yet?" Jon asked Paul


"Cool we can watch that while we eat. I watched some of it last night but I fell asleep."

The boys sat down on the beanbag and started the movie. Once they had finished eating Jon laid his head against Paul's shoulder. He thought about himself, how he had never let anyone get close, because it was preferable to be alone than to risk getting hurt. He didn't know what it was about Paul, but he felt he could trust him, and for the first time since his dad died he felt safe and happy. He sat there for another 30 minutes before falling asleep.

Jon was awoken by someone shaking him. He looked up and saw the end credits rolling. He glanced up at the clock, 9:15. "Hey. Can you give me a ride home?", it was Paul.

"Yeah hold on." Jon stood up and stretched. He grabbed his plate and soda can and headed down stairs. He saw that the expedition was gone. His mom must have gone back to the office.

Paul showed up behind him, "Do you have a turtleneck?"

"No. Why." Jon replied

"Follow me" Paul led Jon to the downstairs bathroom and showed him the mirror. Near the collar of Jon's shirt and entirely too visible was a good sized hickey.

"Oh shit!"

"Lift up your shirt."

Jon did as he was asked and saw that there must be at least 12 more just like it all over his chest and stomach. "C'mon we need to go shopping." Paul told him.

"Yeah, lemme get my keys and wallet."

They left and headed straight toward The Gap where Jon could pick up a few turtlenecks to hide that unsightly hickey. He also got a pair of shoes and some jeans. They went to the counter where he could pay for it and Paul pulled out his wallet. Jon shook his head and handed the cashier his credit card. Not for nothing was his mom the best defense attorney in the state. They had money but Jon didn't feel right showing it off. When they headed out to the car Paul asked him, "Why wouldn't you let me pay? It's my fault you have those."

"Ya I think the cashier thought so too. I don't mind paying for myself. Besides I don't think you should be spending that much on me... just yet." Jon said to him

"OK. We better get me home. My parents don't know where I am."

There was a moment of silence as they drove to Paul's house, which Jon realilzed wasn't far from his own. Jon decided to break the silence, "How will we act around each other at school now?"

"Well we don't want people to think we are best buds all of a sudden." Paul said, "We can talk in between classes and slowly start to hang out more. As there is just finals next week and then summer starts we can say we got to know each other real well and you can hang with us all the time."

Jon thought about it for a moment, that would definitely be the best plan until next semester started. "Sounds good."

They made it to the Miller home and Jon killed the engine in the driveway. They both gave a quick look around and shared a quick kiss.

"See you tomorrow." Paul told Jon.

"Bye" Jon replied as he watched Paul walk towards the house.

Jon put the car in gear, and rather than heading home he headed towards one of the less common make out places. It was a school night and it was pretty late there shouldn't be anyone here. Jon thought to himself. Being up here could even make this town look pretty. He stood there a moment looking at the city lights and he began to sing softly;

"I follow the night, Can't stand the light, When will I begin, To live again, One day I'll fly away, Leave all this to yesterday, What more could your love do for me, When will love be through with me, Why live life from dream to dream, And dread the day, When dreaming ends"

When he stopped singing, Jon's feet left the ground. And he slowly rose into the air. As he flew higher he began to sing, more loudly now:

"One day I'll Fly away, Leave all this to yesterday, Why live life from dream to dream, And dread the day, When dreaming ends."

Jon laid on his back as he floated in the clouds and stared at the stars. Today was without a doubt the most incredible day of his life. He liked Paul a lot and felt incredibly close to him, but he couldn't tell anyone about his gifts. His mom was the only other person who knew about them, but that is cause she also had powers. She was like his opposite Fire and ice. She called themselves elementals. Everyone in Jon's family was gifted in one way or another, it must be genetic. He never knew if his father had powers though. He died before Jon's began to develop. His mom didn't like to talk about him much anyway. Jon closed his eyes and began to concentrate. When he opened his eyes there was a perfect ice rose in his hands. He smiled at what he had done and flew towards town. He arrived at Paul's house and saw Paul moving around in what must be his room. "Looks like he just got out of the shower" Jon said out loud, judging by Paul's wet naked body walking around. Jon watched Paul for a moment and then floated down when Paul had his back to the window. He laid the rose on the windowsill and knocked on the window. Then he quickly flew out of sight into a nearby tree. There he watched Paul come to the window and pickup the rose. Paul looked up and down the street for a sign of movement but saw nothing. He stayed there a minute longer before finally going back out of sight. Satisfied that Paul liked it, Jon flew to his car and headed home.

Jon pulled up in his driveway and quickly changed into one of the turtlenecks, as it looked like mom was home and still up. He then grabbed the rest of the bags and went into the house.

His mother looked at him, "Where have you been?" she demande "Shopping." He said holding up the bags.

"Why didn't you leave a note?"

"Why didn't you call me. You have the cell number you are the one that demanded that I carry it" he retorted

"Who was that boy?"

"You met him. Once again his name is Paul. What is your problem anyway?"

"Nothing. Just go to bed, you have school in the morning."

Jon rolled his eyes and headed to his room and put the clothes away. He then brushed his teeth and washed his face before heading to bed. All along wondering why she was having a fit about Paul. He last thought before he fell asleep was that he would find out soon enough. His mom never was very subtle.

"One Day I'll Fly Away" From Moulin Rouge Music By: andy Bradfield Lyrics By: Will Jennings and Joe Sample (c) 2001 Interscope Records All Righs Reserved

Next: Chapter 2

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