Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Dec 2, 2016


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Being Dylan O'Brien's Assistant

Chapter 13

Dylan and I enjoyed a shower together and then spent the day cuddling in the living room watching TV and movies. We fixed a light lunch and then went out to dinner that evening. We tried to spend as much time together as possible because we both knew that Dylan would be starting up his filming schedule in the next day or so for the next season of Teen Wolf and we wouldn't see much of each other.

That night as we lay in bed together I asked Dylan, "Now that the Teen Wolf staff knows about you and us, have you come up with a plan for the other projects?"

"I hadn't thought much of it. I did see an email from my agent today, saying that he wanted to meet for lunch soon to discuss some things. I have a feeling that is what it's about."

"Why didn't you tell me? I'm supposed to be your assistant," I said with a smile and a slight push to his shoulder.

He laughed and said, "I was going to tell you. I was just enjoying our day together so much I didn't want to ruin it with work stuff. I'll forward the email to you in the morning and you can contact him to set up a time. How does that sound?"

"That's perfectly reasonable. Thank you," I replied with a kiss.

He smiled at me and said, "Whatever happens, it will all be ok. We have each other and nothing can get in the way of that."

"So very true, Baby. I love you. Good night."

"Good night. I love you too," he said as he turned away and backed into my side for me to hold him. I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight.


We sat down to hot cereal the next morning for breakfast and I said, "I think I want to have Tyer over again sometime soon, for dinner. I think Brian should come too. They might get along really well."

Dylan looked up from his bowl, "Who's Brian?"

"Brian is the guy you kissed me in front of yesterday at the gym. He told me he had a crush on me and he's mad at himself for not making a move sooner."

"Oh. Should I be worried?" He asked as he looked down at his bowl again, clear sadness present in his voice and face.

I reached across the small table and touched his face, prompting him to look up and into my eyes. "Never. You're the one I want and that will never change."

He smiled and replied, "Ok. So, you think Tyler and this Brian guy will hit if off?"

"I think so. They may not be right for each other in the long run, but they may be good for each other for a little while. I'm not sure if Tyler is really ready for a relationship right now. But if we can plant a seed, maybe he'll be able to move on a little faster, you know?"

Dylan's smile grew slightly, "Yes, I understand completely. Let's do it."


We finished breakfast, had a quick workout and swim then showered and got dressed for the day. Dylan was starting his recording time for the new season of Teen Wolf today and I was going to contact his agent to set up a time to meet with Dylan and to introduce myself.

We pulled into the parking lot and headed for the production office where everyone was to meet before starting the process.

I asked Dylan, "Do you want me to stay here? Or should I go find a coffee shop to work at? I don't want you to be uncomfortable."

"I don't know. I see other crew members that have their assistants around, but I don't think you need to be here. It's not like we're going to be doing much that requires your presence."

"I completely agree. I will find a coffee shop close by and do some work. I need to contact the production crew for the Maze Runner so that I can find out more about your schedule. I also need to get ahold of your agent. Did you forward that email to me yet?"

"I forgot. Sorry, let me do it right now," he said as he pulled out his phone and tapped away. "Hey! Let's take a picture for Twitter." And he proceeded to pose us for a selfie. It turned out well and he posted it right away with a caption of "First day of getting ready for the next season!"

I smiled at him and thought to myself, `People are going to wonder who that other guys is...' But let it drop as soon as the thought formed.

Without thinking about it, I leaned in and kissed him, saying, "Have a good day, Ba..." but I didn't get to finish my statement as I was interrupted by cat calls and shouts of "Get some, Dylan!" and the like. Dylan instantly blushed and I started to apologize, but he stopped me right away and said, "Thank you. I hope you have a good day too, Baby." Then he kissed me and turned to head towards his co-workers, who were still cat calling and making obscene comments. I smiled and shook my head as I turned towards the door and made my way back to the car.


After running a few errands and stopping at the store for a couple of things, I drove back to the studio and parked in the lot outside the Teen Wolf production office and grabbed my bag and headed to one of the coffee shops around the corner. I figured parking here would be easier than trying to find street parking near the shop.

Once inside and after ordering, I sat at a booth in the corner and pulled out my computer and phone. I quickly emailed Dylan's agent, and let him know who I was and that I'd be calling shortly to schedule a time to meet.

I quickly got to work making the other calls and sending emails I had planned on doing today. After about an hour I decided I had waited long enough and called Dylan's agent.


"Yes, Mr Stevenson please," I requested.

"One moment, may I ask who's calling?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, this is Dylan O'Brien's new assistant, Jason Andrews."

"Oh yes, of course. He's expecting your call. One moment."

"Thank you."

After a brief hold I heard, "Hello Mr Andrews, John Stevenson here. How are you today?"

"I'm fine, thank you. How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing alright Mr Andrews. I am a little concerned about Dylan though."

I was prepared for this, so I replied, "How do you mean? Have the rumors already started?"

"Yes, they have. So you know what this is about already. Well, I don't want to discuss it with you until I've spoken to Dylan. I'm sure you understand. The relationship between an agent and his talent is a sacred thing. I only want to protect him."

"I completely understand. And I thank you for your candor. I've worked with celebrities for quite a few years and it's rare that you hear an agent wanting to protect his client's best interests so strongly."

"You're quite right on that. A lot of my colleagues are all about the money and it's a shame. Anyway, I'd really like to meet you. Can you, Dylan and I grab dinner tonight? I know I requested a lunch appointment but I'm free tonight if you and Dylan are. Say 8ish or so?"

I replied, "Sure, that sounds good. We hadn't made dinner plans yet. Dylan's working on Teen Wolf today and when he's finished I'll let him know. I'll email you shortly with the place's information as soon as I've made a reservation."

"Thanks Jason. I appreciate that. It was good to talk to you. Keep our Dylan safe, will you?"

"With my life. We'll talk to you late Mr Stevenson."


I hung up the phone and immediately went to my contacts. I dialed the number I wanted. The call was answered within a couple of rings, "Jason, my good man! What can I do for you?"

"Hello Joel, it's good to hear your voice. I'm sorry I haven't been into the restaurant since I've been back in town, but it has been a crazy last couple of weeks. But I know you're probably busy with lunch, so I'll get right to the point. I need a quiet table for 3 tonight at 8pm. Can that be arranged?"

Joel replies with all manner of excitement, "Of course! Anything for one of my favorite people! Your table will be waiting. Any special requests?"

"Thank you Joel. I knew I could count on you. Ummm...A nice chilled bottle of your almost best white if you don't mind. It should be a mellow meeting and I want something light to help keep that mood."

"Done. We'll see you just before 8."

"See you, bye."

I hung up the phone and quickly sent an email to Mr Stevenson giving him the name, address and phone number for the restaurant and confirmed the reservation was for 8pm.

I then sent a text to Dylan.

*From Jason: Hey Babe. I hope you're having fun. We have a dinner reservation for 8pm tonight with John. I hope that's ok. Will you be done in time to get a shower and changed?

I put my phone down, not expecting a reply right away. No sooner had I put it down that it vibrated. I picked it up and it was Dylan's reply.

*From Dylan: That's absolutely fine. I apparently didn't even need to be here today. I'm not in any scenes.

*From Jason: Oh. I thought they asked for you to be there...

I pulled the schedule I had gotten from the production team up on my computer and confirmed that he was supposed to be there today. I was slightly confused.

*From Dylan: They did. But they didn't adjust the schedule correctly after the fiasco on Sunday.

*From Jason: Ah. That's right. The manager cancelled the rest of the day Sunday. So that pushed everything back I suppose.

*From Dylan: Yep. Now I'm stuck here for another 2 hours. Then I'm free. So we should have plenty of time.

*From Jason: Perfect. I'll be at the car in 2 hours. Unless you want me to meet you somewhere else at the studio?

*From Dylan: I'll meet you at the car. I want to get out of here as quickly as possible. I'm just reading scripts. It's boring.

*From Jason: I understand. I'll be waiting for you, Love.

*From Dylan: I can't wait. X

I put my phone down and continued working. I read the reply from Mr Stevenson that he had the time and place. He mentioned that he can never get into this particular restaurant last minute. He always had to make reservations weeks in advance. I wasn't going to tell him I was friends with the manager. I wanted him to be surprised and impressed by my connections that I hardly ever took advantage of.

I made adjustments to the travel arrangements I had made last week and finalized some other things. Before I knew it, almost 2 hours had passed and I needed to book it to get back to the car on time. So I shut everything down, packed up my bag and made for the door. Thanking the person behind the counter as I passed and placed my cup in the tub by the door.

I walked back to the car and made it just as I saw Dylan coming out of the production office. I unlocked the car and placed my bag behind my seat and went around the car to greet Dylan.

He had a smile on his face that made me melt. He was genuinely happy to see me and I was too. His pace sped up slightly the closer he got to me and he practically threw himself into my arms as he got to me. I hugged him and kissed the side of his neck. "Hey Baby. I'm so happy to see you. Have a good day?" I asked.

"I'm so happy to see you too. Yeah, it was ok. Except for not really needing to be here. But that's neither here nor there. So yeah, it was good."

I then heard Tyler call out, "Hey Jason!"

I turned towards the sound of his voice and he was making his way towards us. As he got to me, I pulled him into a hug and said, "Hey Tyler. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing really well. Thanks. How are you?"

"I'm good. Missed this guy today, but I'm good," I said, smiling as I pulled Dylan to me and held him close.

"Dude, he was a basket case in there. I'm surprised he didn't ditch after he found out he wasn't on camera today."

"I was NOT a basket case," Dylan retorted.

"Yes you were. You were pacing back and forth across the room, flipping the pages of your script dramatically, sighing really loudly every once in awhile. It was was hilarious. I'm surprised I didn't have to redo more scenes from laughing too much," Tyler said with a huge smile on his face and a laugh to his voice.

"It wasn't THAT bad. You're just trying to make me seem desperate."

"Aren't you?" Tyler asked, stepping back quickly as Dylan tried to attack him.

I just laughed at them. "I'm sure it wasn't that bad. We texted a little and I'm sure if Dylan wanted me to come and get him, he would have asked."

"I was going to, but then I realized you needed to get some actual work done. So I stayed and did a little of my own. Even though I wasn't really focused on it," Dylan replied with a slight blush to his face.

"Oh really? Was someone on your mind?" I asked.

Dylan looked away, obviously embarrassed. "No." Was his only reply.

I pulled him to me and hugged him. "Thank you Baby. You were on my mind a lot today, too. But you were right. I needed to get some work done. So I appreciate the consideration."

"You too. You're going to make everyone else jealous that they can't find their `one'. I know I am, slightly," Tyler said, still smiling.

~~~~~~*This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 14

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