Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Jan 8, 2016


The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

Being Dylan OBriens Assistant

Chapter 7

I walked out into the living Room and found that Dylan was already sitting on the couch with a bottle of beer in his hand. He heard me and looked up. A smile spread across his face. One I hadn't seen since that night in New York. It looked really good on him. I found myself blushing slightly as a smile came to my face as well. He used his beer bottle to indicate the one sitting on the coffee table.

"I thought you'd like one too." He said.

I laughed slightly and said, "You thought right. Thanks." I sit down next to him. Closer than I had meant to, but he was sitting in the middle of the couch and had his legs pulled up under him slightly, so it made it difficult to sit anywhere else. I reach for the beer and the opener. I open up the bottle with a satisfying hiss. I lean back into the couch and my arm comes to rest on his leg. I'm instantly comfortable. I look into his eyes and he smiles again.

He has the remote and hits the play button. It's `The Intern'. I laugh. He looks at me, "What?"

"I thought you didn't like watching yourself work." I replied.

"This one's different. I'm not the main character," he says.

"I see. Well I have to say, I do like the way you look in most of this movie. So I won't complain."

He moved the leg I was resting on in a shoulder bump kind of fashion. I looked at him again and he was smiling at me, still. I smiled back. I leaned into him more and we both got comfortable.

Throughout the movie, we changed positions several times. We ended up with me leaning up against the arm of the couch, him resting between my legs with my arms crossed across his belly and my hands on his sides, right above his hips. I found myself rubbing my thumbs against the creases of his abs and I smiled to myself when I heard an almost inaudible purr come from Dylan.

As the movie ended and the credits started to run, Dylan turned his head and tilted it back so he could look me in the eyes. "I'm so comfortable. Are you able to start something else without having to get up?" He asked.

"I think so. I just need to reach the remote," was my reply.

"I'll get it. Don't move." He leaned up slightly and reached for the remote on the coffee table. This caused my hands to separate and move across his sides and I instinctively moved them up his back and rubbed his shoulders slightly. Dylan stopped moving instantly. "Oh God. That's nice. Maybe I'll just stay like this," he said.

I rubbed just a little harder and could feel the tension in his shoulders and upper back. "You are pretty tight up here. Do you want me to rub them for a bit?" I asked with a smile on my face. Thinking about him taking his shirt off so I could rub his back had me quickly hardening in my shorts. I blushed.

He looked back at me. Saw my blush and instantly looked down to my crotch. He smiled then blushed as his eyes quickly moved back up to meet mine. "Maybe it's not a good idea," he said as his smile grew slightly and reached his eyes.

My smile faultered as I thought about this. "Dylan, there's nothing I would rather do right now. I can control myself. I just had a momentary slip. I'm sorry."

"It's ok. I've been fighting it since you started rubbing my sides earlier. I'm just so comfortable with you. In your arms. I don't know how to describe it."

"I understand. But...on the other hand...Ugh, I can't believe I'm going to say this..."

"Just say it. I want you to be honest with me. I need to know what you're feeling so that I can understand what I'm doing."

"Ok...I can't help but feel that you might just be enjoying the attention. You're just coming to terms with your feelings and I'm the first one that hasn't been aggressive about my feelings towards you. What I'm trying to say is that it's possible that you might only be feeling this way because of the fact that I'm available. It hurts me to have these thoughts, but it's how I'm feeling."

"I understand and can completely see where those thoughts are coming from. I'm sorry that I've caused you to doubt my feelings for you. I'm telling you right now, they are true and I couldn't be happier. I have no doubts. At all."

"That's reassuring. Thank you, Dylan," I replied as I leaned in, planning on giving him a hug, but he moved his head and the look in his eyes told me what he really wanted. As I changed my mind and decided to kiss him, he must have seen the change and turned around completely. Our lips met gently. Hesitantly. I was going to let him have the lead on this, our first kiss, I didn't want to force him into anything he wasn't prepared for.

After a brief closed mouth kiss we pulled back from each other, searching the other's eyes for any sign of doubt. Finding none, we moved back in and the kiss intensified. He took complete control and his lips separated slightly and I felt his tongue touch my lips asking for permission. I granted it and our tongues wrestled gently against each other. It was an amazing first kiss.

We pulled apart, each slightly out of breath. I instantly missed the contact, so I leaned in again and pecked his lips. He smiled. I smiled.

"Wow. That was amazing," he said, a little breathlessly.

"Yes. Yes it was," I replied. My smile grew just a little bit bigger.

"I could get used to that," he said as he finished reaching for the remote and handing it to me. He got into his previous position and I turned on another movie. The shoulder rub apparently forgotten.

About half way through the movie I felt Dylan completely relax and could feel his breathing slow and realized he had fallen asleep. I turned the movie and TV off. I then leaned down and kissed the side of Dylan's head. I softly said, "Dylan, it's time to go to bed. Wake up."

"I don't want to go to bed. I'm fine here..." he mumbled. Clearly still mostly asleep.

"I know, I'm good here too, but it will be a different story in the morning. Come on, we can cuddle in my bed. It will be more comfortable."

"Yeah, your bed. I like your bed. You're in it..." he said quietly, his eyes still closed and a smile on his lips.

I pushed him into a sitting position and he finally started to wake up. He stood on his own and reached for my hand, pulling me clumsily to my feet. He put his arms around my neck and nuzzled me. I put my arm around his waist and we started walking towards my room. He was still half asleep when we got there, so I left him standing and pulled the covers back. Then I led him to his side of the bed and laid him down. He grabbed the pillow instantly and I heard him inhale deeply as I pulled the covers up over him. I made my way to my side.

I crawled in, pulled the covers up and turned onto my side, facing Dylan. He turned his head towards me and opened his eyes a little. I smiled at him, he smiled back. "Hey handsome," he said.

"Hey yourself beautiful," I replied.

He smiled more then moved to snuggle up with me, turning away from he. I wrapped my arm around him and held him close. As I put my nose to his neck I took a deep breath and was comforted by his smell.

We both fell to sleep quickly.

I woke slowly. A feeling that the night before had been a dream. I fought the urge to wake up. I didn't want the dream to end. But then I realized I was warmer in my bed than I normally would have been. My eyes flew open, sure enough, Dylan was still in my arms. We hadn't moved, at all. I squeezed him slightly. And heard Dylan moan slightly.

"You're finally awake?" He asked.

"Yes, have you been awake long?" I asked of him.

"No, not long. But I have to pee really bad. But on the other hand, I was so comfortable, I didn't want to move and I also didn't want to wake you. So now that you're awake can I get up?"

"I suppose, but under protest," I said, with laughter in my voice.

"I know. I'll be right back, I promise," he said as he slowly crawled out of my arms and headed towards the bathroom.

I heard him go, flush and wash his hands. He came back quickly and crawled back into bed, facing me this time.

I asked him, "How did you sleep last night?"

"Amazingly. You?"

"I can't remember a better sleep," I said.

"Me neither," he said and smiled, leaning in for a quick kiss.

Pulling back from the kiss, I smiled and said, "As I was waking up, I thought last night was a dream. But then I felt your warmth so close to me and realized that it hadn't been a dream of sleep, but a dream come true."

His eyes lit up with humor, then he said, "Mushy much?" Letting a laugh slip through.

My smile grew and I said, "Yes, probably. But you're the reason for it."

We both sobered a little and the mood because heavy with seriousness. We each searched the others eyes for something, neither of us stating what that was. We obviously found it because each of us smiled almost instantly and leaned in for another kiss. As our mouths opened to add a little tongue, we both pulled back with looks of slight discomfort.

"Morning breath..." we both said at the same time. We then laughed together and I suggested a shower.

"Together?" He asked.

"No, I'm not ready for that yet. Separate for now," I said.

"You're right. We're not ready. Thank you for being the strong one, Jason," he replied.

"I'm just trying to look out for you, Baby. That's all."

He smiled, "I really like it when you call me Baby. It sounds perfectly natural and I really really like it. It sends flutters through my stomach."

"I can't think of anything else I'd rather call you," I replied.

We shared a quick, closed mouth kiss again and separated. Each headed towards our showers and morning routines.

I had a feeling today was going to be a very unproductive day as we each explored this new relationship in our own way. But I was ready. I wanted this as much as he did.


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 8

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