Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Jan 25, 2016


The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation or life except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

Being Dylan OBriens Assistant

Chapter 8

After taking care of my morning routines I got dressed in some comfy clothes and grabbed my phone. I hadn't done much work in the last half day or so. I figured it would probably be a good idea to check on things and see if there was anything I needed to attend to. I looked at the time and realized it was the first time I had looked at the time since Dylan and I had gotten up. It was just after noon.

For a split second I thought there was something we were supposed to have done earlier in the day, but then remembered that was the reason we had gone out last night. Because there was nothing planned or scheduled for today. We had the entire day.

I saw that I had a few notifications but ignored them as I headed out of my room. I saw that Dylan's door was still closed and his music was still playing. So I headed to my office, turned on some quiet music myself and started working from my tablet and laptop. I was just about finished when I heard Dylan say, "OH! I love this song!" I turned to see him push off from the door frame and start dancing with an invisible partner.

"Hey there. How long have you been watching me? I didn't realize how engrossed I was in work. I didn't hear you come out of your room." I said as I got up out of my chair and moved towards him. Cutting in on his invisible partner and letting him lead. We moved in close to each other and I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder as his hands wrapped around the small of my back.

He breathed a contented sigh, then replied, "I was only there for a couple of minutes. Just watching you work. You're really organized and efficient. I like it. Maybe you can teach me some things."

"I'd be happy to. But for right now, I'd like to stay like this," I said.

"Mhmm..." was his reply as he placed his nose in my freshly washed hair and inhaled. "You smell so good."

"Thanks," I said as I made a show of kissing then inhaling the scent coming from his neck. "You smell pretty damn good yourself, there mister." I then dragged my tongue up the side of his neck and kissed right below his ear. He started laughing as I licked him, but that laugh turned into mangled moan of pleasure. "Did I find your spot already?" I asked.

"It would appear so. Can you do it again? Maybe a little more gently? I've never felt anything like that before," he said with a heavy breath.

"Anything for you, Babe," I said as I kissed the spot again. This time I used a gentler touch and a little suction, as my lips moved away, I licked him lightly, then blew cold air on the wet spot. Dylan physically shivered in my arms. I thought he was going to collapse from the eroticity of it. I was seriously amazed by how sensitive he was there.

I know most guys have a spot near the back of their ear, but Dylan's spot was incredibly sensitive. I would have to be careful with this knowledge. I didn't want him to ever become used to it. I wanted it to be like a new experience every time I triggered this sensation for him.

As the song ended, I pulled back and looked into his eyes. We gazed at each other for a full minute before I moved in and kissed him gently on the lips. He responded instantly and we wrapped our arms around each other and held on tight as we properly kissed for the first time today. It was as incredible as our first kiss on the couch the night before. But we were a little more comfortable with each other now.

I let the hand that had slipped around his waist move to his lower back and I started to rub circles there. Not realizing that I had done it, my hand came into contact with the soft supple skin of his back and it felt like electricity passed through my fingers. He moaned slightly into my mouth and I knew he had felt it too. My hand gently pushed the shirt up and I started my exploration of his smooth skinned back. I could feel the muscles under his skin tense and relax as his own hands started to roam over my own body.

The experience was intoxicating. I was halfway to pulling his shirt completely off of him, but thought better of it and slowly relaxed our embrace and kiss. We pulled apart breathlessly and smiled at the other. Dylan was an amazing kisser. I had been with a few guys in the deep dark past that had been incredibly sloppy kissers and I usually had to keep napkins in my pocket to clean up their mess afterwards. Not with Dylan. He was gentle and only slightly forceful and he kept his mouth open just right. Not like a horse trying to get at the apple.

I licked my lips slowly and could still taste him there. I held him at his hips and looked at his slightly flushed face. "Amazing," was all I said.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," he replied with a slight grin.

We each laughed a little and then drew ourselves closer together, gently swaying to the music playing softly in the background.

"Hungry?" I asked, giving his neck a gentle kiss.

"Now that you mention it, yes, I am," he replied.

"Ok. I'll go throw something together. Anything you're in the mood for?"

"Not off the top of my head, anything you fix will be just fine. Can I watch? Or maybe help?" He asked.

"Of course you can help. You never have to ask. If I don't want your help, I'll let you know."

"Sounds fair enough."

We pulled apart and I took his hand in mine, interlocking our fingers and we headed towards the kitchen.

After a lengthy lunch preparation, we sat down and talked for the next couple of hours. Each of us playing our favorite music quietly in the background. We got to know each other a little better and it was a good afternoon.

We went out to dinner later that evening and enjoyed ourselves. Not as much alcohol this time and then had a repeat of the night before. We cuddled on the couch and watched a couple movies. It was also a good evening. Having the occasional make out session made it even better.


We woke the next morning, fairly early since we weren't nursing hangovers or a really late bedtime, so I insisted that we head to the gym for a while. After a good workout, we each showered and then fixed breakfast together.

After eating Dylan got a phone call. "It's my lawyer," he said as he answered it. "Hello, this is Dylan...Yes...Good...I'll ask him to review the changes...Please email it as soon as possible, I want to get this started quickly...Thank you...Goodbye."

I smiled at him, "I suspect that was about me and the contract."

Smiling back Dylan says, "You're so perceptive. Yes. The lawyer says everything looked good, he just wanted some changes made to some of the language and would send the revision over right away.""Good. I'll take a look at it. Was he going to include me on the email or will you have to forward it to me?" I asked.

"He should include you on it. Those were my instructions when I sent it to him originally. So, what are our plans for today?" He inquired.

I picked up my phone and pulled up his schedule. "It looks like you have another production meeting in about an hour. We should get going. Traffic's going to be a nightmare."

"Got it. I need to change. I'll meet you at the door," he said, getting up from the table and quickly kissing me before heading to his room.

I got up myself and went to change. I grabbed my stuff and headed to the door, grabbing my keys and wallet. Dylan showed up a couple minutes later holding two water bottles. "Thought we could use something to drink on the ride to the studio."

"Very thoughtful of you," I said. I stole a quick kiss and we headed to the car.

The ride to the studio was uneventful and we talked a lot. Mostly about how he wanted to handle our relationship with his co-workers.

"As far as they know, you're my assistant. That hasn't changed. I hope you're not offended that I want to keep this under wraps for a little bit longer..." He trailed off as we pulled into the studio's parking lot.

"Of course not. I'm perfectly comfortable keeping things professional when out in public or around other people. All that I ask is that when we're alone, we don't pretend."

"Never," he said as he squeezed the hand he was holding and reached for his seatbelt. We had parked and were getting ready to leave the car and head inside.

I quickly looked around and saw no one. "Can I have one quick kiss before we get out?"

Without thinking or looking, he leaned over the console and gave me an incredible kiss. "Of course," he smiled and exited the car.

I sat stunned for a second. Licked my lips and smiled. Then got out and followed after him. I caught up to him and nudged his shoulder. "You do know that anyone could have seen us, right? You didn't even look to see if the coast was clear," I admonished with a smile in my voice.

"That's nonsense. I know you would have looked before asking," he stated and continued to walk towards the production office.

I smiled to myself and kept pace with him. "This is kind of scary. How well we know each other in such a short amount of time," I said.

"I know. Sometimes I feel like I've known you my entire life. And then I learn something new about you and I think I don't know you at all. But that's the point of being with someone, isn't it? Getting to know them and letting them learn about you?"

"You're right. It's all part of the journey," I said as I reached for the door and opened it for him.

"Such a gentleman."

"Just doing my job, Sir," I said with a smile.

Dylan laughed heartedly as he walked past me and greeted his co-workers that were waiting in the office's lobby before the meeting. I was introduced again to the ones I had met earlier in the week and a few new faces.

After a little mingling I felt my phone vibrate and I pulled it out. I saw Dylan grab his from his pocket too. He smiled when he saw what was there. He then glanced at me and his smile grew a little bigger. I smiled back at him and then looked at my own phone. It was an email from his lawyer with an attachment. I figured it must be the contract revisions. Since I didn't need to participate in anything that was going to be happening anytime soon, I excused myself and pulled out my tablet. Opening the attachment and starting reviewing the revisions.

I felt a the cold chill of tension settle on the room and looked up from my tablet when I heard the door click closed. I saw Tyler standing there and he was grinning like a madman. Up until this point I hadn't even thought about not seeing Tyler yet. I hadn't even thought about him since the confrontation at the club. I instantly looked to Dylan and I could tell by his facial expression and body language that he was incredibly uncomfortable. His face had paled dramatically and the way he looked at Tyler spoke volumes. He was terrified. Apparently Dylan hadn't thought about Tyler's presence today either.

My tablet slid into my bag instantly and within a second I was taking my first step towards Dylan. The movement of his hand caught my attention and I froze in place. His hand gesture had told me to stay put and let him handle whatever happened next. I looked back to his face and saw the color return to it and his confidence grow immensely. Whatever trepidation had been there before was now gone and I saw the young man that I was falling in love with. Whatever took place today, I'd be there for him, every step of the way.

Tyler then started to speak, "Hello everyone. Hey Dylan. I'm glad you're doing well after the other night."

"What happened the other night?" Someone from the cast asked."Our friend Dylan here was at a gay club with his new assistant a couple of nights ago. Looked like they were both having a really good time too," Tyler said. The smug smile on his face clearly betraying what was going to come.

"Tyler, you know I don't get out that much when I'm in town. Jason lives here, he took me out to show me around. That's all. He was just trying to show me a good time. Without any pressure," Dylan's voice was eerily calm and I was very proud of him. He was trying to avoid outing himself and me. I relaxed my posture.

"That's right," I said. "I figured taking Dylan to a gay club would help prevent him from being recognized and bombarded by fans."

"Are you sure that's all?" Tyler asked. "From what I saw out on the dance..."

"You know what, Tyler?" Dylan interrupted. "I'm not going to hide it any longer." He looked to me, our eyes met and I nodded my head once. He walked to me and stood slightly in front of me. "It started out as a distraction from the encounter you and I had the other morning. But it turned into a revelation. I'm gay. Jason and I are together. I couldn't be happier." With that off his chest he leaned back slightly and made contact with my body. I placed my hand at the small of his back and gave gentle, reassuring pressure.

A collective gasp rose from most of those present.

"I KNEW IT!" Tyler proclaimed. The smile on his face grew for an instant, then a look of pure rage crossed his face. "Wait, if you're gay, then why did you refuse to be with me?" His tone was ice cold and I felt Dylan tense. But it passed quickly. He had been expecting this.

"Because, you were trying to force yourself on me. The fact that I was horribly in denial about myself, was a secondary factor. I didn't want to be with someone that was forcing me to be with them. I wanted to be with someone that loved me. I didn't want to be another notch on the bedpost," Dylan replied.

I smiled to myself. This was a side of Dylan I hadn't expected to see so soon. But I was proud of him. I felt myself growing excited by this confrontation. I knew I shouldn't have been having these feelings right now, but it was the hottest thing I'd ever witnessed. My body was reacting and I couldn't control it.

Tyler's demeanor changed instantly at Dylan's revelations, "Forcing myself on you. Hardly. I can have anyone I want. I don't have to force myself on anyone..."

"You may believe that as the truth, Tyler. But it's not what happened between us. You knew exactly what you were doing," Dylan said. "After I said no the first time, you relentlessly tried to be alone with me again. You constantly made comments about getting with me and made me incredibly uncomfortable. I don't know if you ever noticed or not, but I made sure there was always someone with me when I knew we'd be alone. I was scared of you, Tyler."

"You were scared of me?" Tyler asked.

"Yes, I was. We were friends before that night, Tyler. Your actions scared me and pushed me away. I'm sorry there couldn't have been more between us, but I was never interested in you more than just being good friends," Dylan said, pleading in his voice.

"I never realized...I'm so sorry, Dylan. I never meant to hurt you like that," Tyler said.

"I accept your apology, Tyler. But things will never be the same again. I'm sorry."

"I can understand and deal with that. I should have talked to you instead of acting the way I had," Tyler said, defeated. I don't think he had prepared for this outcome. He had seemed ready to destroy Dylan. But my Dylan had turned it around. Tyler was the one being hurt now. Realizing he had been the one to screw up, not Dylan.

I slid my hand from the spot I had been touching on Dylan's back and grabbed his hip gently. Pulling him into me in a backwards hug that wasn't too obvious.

Everyone in the room turned towards the sound of the next voice to ring out across the room, "Well, I think that's enough drama for one day," the Production Manager said. "Let's call today's meeting a bust and reschedule it for a couple of days from now. Everyone go home. Dylan, Tyler, I need you to stay behind to discuss some things."


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 9

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