Being Dylan Obriens Assistant

By A B

Published on Mar 6, 2016


The following story is purely fiction. I have no knowledge of any person`s sexual orientation except my own and make no claim otherwise, whatsoever. If you're not old enough to be reading this for WHATEVER reason, please leave now. If you are plenty old enough, please continue on and let me know what you think of my second submission to the Nifty Archives. As I'm sure you've seen many other Nifty authors say, if you'd like to continue seeing our creations, please donate to them.

Being Dylan O'Brien's Assistant

Chapter 9

Everyone seemed relieved that the dramatic event taking place in front of them had been interrupted. They all grabbed their stuff and headed for the door. Dylan and Tyler started walking towards the hallway leading to the Production Manager's office. I picked up my bag and followed.

"I'm sorry, this is a private meeting," the Production Manager stated.

"It's ok. Jason is my Assistant and it's ok that he's there," Dylan said.

"No, this is a private matter and it will just be the three of us and someone from HR. Your services won't be necessary, Jason," he said.

"It's ok Dylan, I understand. Come here," I said to Dylan.

Dylan approached me and I pulled him into a hug, whispering in his ear, "Use the voice recorder on your phone and record the conversation. We may need to revisit this later on." I then kissed his neck and pulled away, Dylan nodded his head in understanding and pulled his phone out like he had just received a message. He then slid it back into his pocket and turned back to the other two waiting and disappeared down the hallway.

I turned back to the lobby and found a chair. I pulled out my phone and sent an email to his attorney, asking for an appointment later in the week. We would need to be on top of this, in case the Studio tried to pull anything fishy.

I then went back to reviewing the contract on my tablet. Making minor changes here and there. Once I finished that I sent it back to Dylan and the attorney. I did some other work for a couple of other clients while I waited. I also let a few associates know that I would not be available for the foreseeable future, as I had a long term client and wouldn't have the time.

About an hour later, I was pacing the room. This, whatever this was, shouldn't be taking this long. I grabbed my bag and headed in the direction they had left in earlier. I found the Production Manager's office and approached the door, ignoring the Assistant sitting at a desk near the door.

"Sir, you can't go in there, he's in a meeting right now," she said.

"Yes, I know. It's lasted for far too long. I need to see Dylan. Now," I stated as I stopped just short of the door and waited for her response.

"I will let him know you're waiting," she responded.

"Thank you. I'll wait right here."

"As you wish."

She picked up the phone, I heard her whispering to the Production Manager, "There's a guy outside your door, saying that Dylan has been in there too long. What am I supposed to do?" After a short pause she hung up the phone and turned to me, "They're almost done. If you could have a seat over there, it would be greatly appreciated." She indicated a vacant chair across the hallway.

I turned and sat in the chair, watching the door and counting the minutes. I was not happy that this "meeting" was taking so long. My phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and looked at the text.

From Dylan: Everything is fine. We'll be out soon. X

I smiled. `I'm seriously falling for this guy.' I thought to myself. I relaxed. If Dylan said everything is fine, then there's nothing to worry about.

I replied quickly.

From Jason: Ok. Thank you for checking in. XO

I relaxed in my seat.

A couple of minutes later the door to the Production Manager's office opened and I saw Dylan shaking his hand and Dylan thanking the man. I stood and waited. After Dylan released his hand, the Production Manager looked out into the hallway and made eye contact with me. The look was stern and father like. After a couple of seconds the look changed and he gave a knowing smile to me. I reluctantly smiled back and waited for Dylan to finish up.

As Dylan exited the office, Tyler came into view. His eyes were severely red and swollen. He had been crying. Crying hard by the looks of it. I didn't know what had happened in that meeting, but from the look of it. Tyler had gotten the blunt end of the stick, so to speak.

Dylan looked relaxed, if a little on the happy side. He walked towards me and said, "Hi."

"Hi yourself," I replied.

I then watched Tyler coming out of the office and the Production Manager clasped him on the shoulder and gave him a reassuring, fatherly squeeze. "It will be ok, I promise." I heard him say. Tyler didn't look convinced. He walked out of the office looking defeated. His shoulders were slumped and his head was hung. I was worried for him. This sudden change in attitude couldn't be good.

Dylan turned to see what I was looking at and saw Tyler. Dylan turned around and urged me towards the front door. I didn't hesitate. I picked up my bag and headed that way.

After walking out the front door, Dylan slowed down. "Let's just wait a second. I need to make sure Tyler's ok, but without the audience," he said.

"Of course. I'm curious as well. He didn't look ok to me."

"It was a rough meeting. But I think everything will be ok in the end."

"I trust you. I'll follow your lead on this."

Dylan then leaned in quickly and kissed my cheek. "Thank you," was his simple reply.

"Any time, Babe."

His smile lit up his face. This then made me smile as well.

Just then Tyler exited the building. His head still hung.

"Hey, Tyler!" Dylan called.

Tyler looked up, realized it was Dylan and instantly turned in the other direction.

"Tyler, wait!" Dylan said and jogged after him. I followed, but at a walk. I wanted them to have a moment before I intruded.

As I caught up I heard Dylan saying, "It's really ok. I can see now that you didn't realize what you were doing and that you truly regret what's happened. Just tell me what to do so that we can start to put this behind us."

Tyler had stopped, but still hadn't looked up, "I don't know what to do, Dylan. I am really sorry for the things I've done, and I want to set things right, but I don't know how to do it."

"That's a start, Tyler. I know that given time, we'll be able to forgive you. Just continue to think about how sorry you are for the things that have happened and make sure we all know that you are sorry. That's all that we can ask for. As long as you change your ways, things will get better. I promise."

Once again, I found myself smiling with pride at my man's new found strength. It was amazing to see the change that has taken place in him over the last couple of days.

I knew that Tyler needed time on his own to figure this thing out. But I was also very concerned. "Tyler, do you have plans tonight?" I asked.

Tyler looked up at me, startled that I had spoken. "No. I have no plans. Why?"

"Come have dinner with us," I said.

"I couldn't do that. I would totally be the third wheel and don't want to intrude."

"I insist. Did you drive yourself?" I asked.

"No, I took a cab."

"Ok. This way then," I said as I took Dylan's hand and headed towards the car. Dylan looked down at our interlaced fingers and then looked up at me, smiling. I winked at him and he blushed.

As we headed to the car, I sent a text message to the housekeeper asking her to head to my apartment as soon as she could and change out the sheets and other linens in the guest room. She responded by the time we reached the car saying she would take care of it in about an hour. I thanked her, then had a thought, and sent her another message asking her to move my current guest's belongings to my room. She replied almost instantly saying it wasn't a problem. I love that woman!

We were all in the car by then and I opened up the navigation app on my phone and then handed it to Tyler. "Enter your address in there, we're going to stop by and you're going to grab a change of clothes. You're staying the night."

"What? Why would I do that?" he asked.

"Because, I don't want you to be alone tonight. I don't know what happened in that meeting. But with the change in your demeanor, I'm worried about you. I won't take that chance. So, no arguments, enter your address," I said while looking at him in the rearview mirror.

Dylan piped up then, "It's best not to argue, Tyler. Just do what he asks. He knows what he's doing."

"Ok," was Tyler's reply as he took the phone from me.


This is my second attempt at fictional writing, please let me know what you think of it by emailing me redmondgayguy at yahoo dot com.

Next: Chapter 10

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