Best High School Sex

By Joseph Smith

Published on Jul 23, 2011


I am not a professional writer, but the story I tell is a true account of some of the guys I had sex within high school. There will be several parts so I hope you will not be bored. No body in these stories has incredible 9 in cocks. Just normal 15 and 16 year boy beginning to explore or hidden sexuality. Your comments are welcome. All rights reserved and must be of legal age to read. I am now 53 so hear are the accounts of my sexual youth. Which seem to be more fun back then?

Now that I was able to confirm the rumors about Spike and Ryan I really started to watch Spike. I was the summer between 10th and 11th grade. I would hangout with Ryan a few times a week at his house while he would practice his musical instruments. Even though we only had sex 3 times I was always hoping he would be in the mood. One afternoon as he was practicing Spike came over. I watched there interactions with each other and I kind of felt that Spike was bummed out that I was there when he came. The both of them acted a little uncomfortable. I could tell just by the way they made eye contact with each other. It seems that Ryan never said anything to Spike about our get togethers as He never said anything to me about him and Spike. Finally Spike said That he was having a birthday party later on to night up on top of Party Hill. Party hill was just what it sounds like. It had huge letters spelling out the name of the town that over looked the village. He invited me as well as Ryan and it was a BYOB and smoke and would start around 7 pm. I hung out with ryan a little long and went home till the evening party started.

Now after fooling around with a few of my friends in the past my exploits with Spike were a little bit deferent. Knowing full well that he liked dick I figured that he and Ryan sex was probably like mine. WE both sucked his cock and only got jerked off by him. Most likely Ryan didn't remember any of it after he pulled his pants up. LOL

I left my house and started to walk across the bridge to head over to party hill. My older brother had bought my 6 pack of Miller high life which at the time was the big beer to drink do to the TV adds stating it was the champagne of bottled beer. Anyway I got to the party around 7/730 there was around 15 kids age 15 to 18. Spike was partying pretty good as was everyone else. The beer and the pot was have a good effect on my head as everyone else was laughing and carrying on. I walked up to spike and put my arm around him looked him in the eye and wished him happy birthday. He said thanks as I lit a joint. I asked him if he wanted a shot gun. For those who don't know what shot gun was, it's where you put the joint in your mouth backwards and blow so that it blows smoke into the other persons face. They get real close to your face as to not let the smoke get wasted. It almost like a kiss, that how close you get. And I made sure to get good and close to his mouth. I remember staggering a little it forward and our lips touched for just a brief second. No one really saw it as they were all consumed with their own conversation, But I knew it and so did Spike. He looked at me and a little smile came to his face as he pulled away from the hit of smoke. As I pulled the joint out of my mouth I smiled I said was that hit good? He looked at with a big smile and said and them some. I continued to mingle talking with friends as it started to get dark. A fire was stared as everyone stood around. I was high drunk and very horny. I kind of just stood just out of reach of the light of the fire and waited for Spike to go take a piss. The party was staring to slow a bit as kids had to go home. Soon enough I saw Spike start to walk away from the fire to ward the tree line. Figured he was going to piss. He

I was now in full hunt mode and knew I may have a chance at talking with Spike. No one saw me walk over to where Spike was taking a piss as I walked up he heard me and turned a bit to say hi. There was just enough light form the fire that I could see he had his pants unbuttoned the whites of his underwear could be seen as he had them pulled down with his left hand as he held his cock in his right hand. I could barely make out his bush and his cock and balls as the hung outside his underwear. I said hey Spike good party and wished him a happy birthday again. He said thanks and asked what I got him for a gift. I was very nervous as we stood there pissing with our cocks out both pressing our shoulders together. I got up the nerve up to say I was going to let you give me a blow job for your birthday. He turned his head like he could not believe what I just said to him. I think he was worried that I may be setting him up for some sort of trap to out him and make fun of him. He looked at me and said that it was his birthday and that I should give him the blow job. We both looked at each others cock which were staring to plump up a bit, when I said lets go walk out in the field away from the everybody. Not a word was said as we started to walk out into the darkness. I remember the tall grass about being knee high a bit damp from the dew that was setting in for the night. We walked maybe 50 yards away. Far enough that we could stall hear and see the fire from the party but know one could see us. I had on an old denim Levi jacket on that I took off and laid on the ground. Spike was standing in front of me when I asked him to blow me. He again hesitated and said that I had to blow him first. I said lets do it at the same time and kneeled down and he kneeled down along side of me. Again just the awkwardness of the act just before you start having sex was there again.

I remember just staring to feel his cock as I started to undo his belt and jean buttons I remember he had on 501s and as I pulled on them you could here the snap of the button as they popped out. In the very dim light his white underwear seemed to glow as our eyes adjusted to the low light. I feel spike undoing my jeans as well as my cock had been forced down due to my jeans not letting it pop up. Spike was fully into it as he hurriedly pulled my pants and underwear down so that they were around my knees. He grabbed my cock and just started to pull and play with it as he rubbed his face all around my belly until I could feel his breath on the head of my cock. I was just lying on my side as we were in a 69 position. I was consumed with just pulling and playing with his cock and balls when Spike said come on put it in your mouth. Just as he said that I felt him slowly put my cock in his mouth. I just shuttered and he went right down to the base like he had done this type of thing a lot. I was breathing pretty hard as I just slowly started to move my hips slowly against his mouth. When I finally decided to start to suck him I lowered my head and again I just could not get over the smell of a guys cock and balls. The smell of musk and moisture with a hint of bath soap and a slight smell of piss at the very head of his cock. I'm not into piss but that smell as I described still to this day drives me crazy. Anyway I took his cock in my mouth,just the heat and pulse of his cock was so good. I just went to town on him as he did me. At one point in time we were both sucking in unison . I went down he went down as he went down. We grabbed the back of both our asses and pulled each other into each other as hard as we could. It was like we were trying you suck each others balls out the end of our cocks. I could here him slopping on my cock as It made a popping sound when he pulled it out of his mouth. I could feel my balls being wet as he was sucking on them as well. His hands were pulling hard on my ass as my cock slammed into his mouth. I started to feel my groin get tight as my orgasm was building, Spike was on it and was going to take my load. I pulled off his cock just as I started to cum. He pulled my tight as I shot into his mouth. I thought I was going to have a heart attack as I grunted each shot of cum. I could here him breathing hard trying to swallow my cum. He reached down and pushed my head on his cock as I finished cumin in his mouth. I was so exhausted from cumin I just sucked his cock the best I could. I could tell that he was about to cum. Suddenly he got up on his knees pulling his cock out of my mouth kneeled over my face and just started to jerk off with the tip of his cock touching my lips. He grunted and said he was cumin and put one of his fingers in my mouth to pry it open and came in my mouth just jerking his load in my mouth as some of it went all over the side of my face and ran down my neck. He fell on top of me with his cock still in my mouth as The taste of cum and the smell filled my senses. I sucked on him until he was soft and fell over on his side. Slowly we got our breath back as we lied side by side. I started to slide my pants back up as I stood up. Spike was just siting there as I was about to put my cock away he reached up and sucked the last bit of cum out of it. Agin not a word was said as we walked back to the party . The only thing we did was laugh as we walked back like little kids who had just been very naughty.

That was the first time Spike and I hooked up. We do get a bit more brave each time we met. Hope you enjoyed it. God sex was so good back then. Again so much was taboo and we were so young that cock sucking and jerking off covered all the bases back then. Nobody was very picky about what type of guy they liked. As long as you could find a dick you have some fun. The thing is that the sex was not on a regular bases.There were times when nothing happened for weeks if not months at a time. The only thing I had in my favor was it was summer so hanging outside was what everyone was doing.

In our town there was a little pizza shop which was right in the middle of down town. The pizza was terrible but it was a place to hang out. There was a pool table, bowling machine and a juke box. It was kind of what Arnold's of happy days was. On friday nights everyone would gather down there around 6 pm. You would gather with your regular peers slip off to find someone to by you some beer and a bag of pot. Spike was not really in my peer group so everyone went with their group to party. The cool thing about it was that about 9 pm everyone would filter back to the pizza place for there munchies and to sober up a little before they went home. Most had to be home by 11pm. Once everyone was back from their buzz everyone tended to mix with everybody. So my signal to Spike to see if he was interested was that I would nonchalantly walk over and step on his foot and walk away. If he was horny and it always seemed like he was he would walk by me and do the same. Then it was a matter of time that we would slip away and find a spot.

The place we started to use was down by the railroad tracks on the outskirt of town. Which really meant it was about a 10 minute walk to get there from the middle of town remember its a small town? So the plan was that I would leave walking one way around the block and he would walk the other way and we would meet up a few block away.There was an old building that was used back in the day as a storage building when the tracks where still in use. We were about 200 yards from and homes and you could see if anyone was walking up on you.

As usual not to much was said as we walked to our secret spot. I would have to say that Spike was a little more aggressive than me. I just kind of like to suck dick and have mine sucked. As kids we heard words like corn-hole and butt-fuck but none of us never really did it. And for that matter none of us didn't no anyone who did. Anyway we get to the building and you have to pull yourself up to climb in. There you would sit in the door opening with your feet hanging off. As I sat down Spike set next to me. When I think back now it always make me laugh because the sequence all way went like this. We would set next to each other with or legs touching each others. I would put my hand on Spikes thigh and he would do the same to me. As I would slid my hand over to his and start to rub his cock as he did to me. After both of us could feel each others hard ons I would slid my hand inside the top of his pants. And it was always hard as hell to do so because he always wore tight pants. So basically at the same time we would undo the top of our pants and pull them down to our knees. So there we were our pants around our knees our cocks sticking straight up begging for some attention. I remember this night so well due to the fact that it was the first night I ever did something that I had never done before.

It was a very hot night muggy as hell and as we started jerking each other off we alway went threw this routine that we kind of fondled and inspected other cocks. aAs if alway amazed by who hard they were yet soft to our touch and lips. So Spike said take of your shirt so I pulled my tee shirt off as spike push me on my back. He climb up on top of me and was laying on my chest as he hugged me and humped my crotch. His face was right next to mine as I could feel his breath on my neck and on my ear. His cock was grinding against mine and every time his cock head rubbed against the bottom of my cock head it just fell wild. Spike kept trying to work his face up by mine like he was trying to kiss me which kind of freaked me out. But as he kept biting my earlobe and neck he finally put both hands on the side of my head and kissed me. I fought it at first but he just keep pushing in on my lips and I finally open my mouth as he basically started sucking my tongue and just pressing very hard. I absolute loved it but yet is scared me just as much. I only kissed him for a little bit as he started to slide down my body and was feeling my nips with was another new thing for me. But man did it feel good I'm sure I was moaning as he sucked ,kissed and bit my nipples. Spike grabbed my arms and put them behind my head as he started to rub his face into my arm pits. Being 16 I had some hair but not a big bush in my pits. Spike was driving me wild as he rubbed and pulled the hairs of my pits with his lips. WOW it was so wild for me and he was going to town on them as I could feel him licking and sucking them as well as my nipples. He came back up to kiss me one more time but I just kept that kiss short. My head was reeling a he moved back down to my cock and balls. Man he could suck a cock. He grabbed my balls and pulled them down to the point it kind of hurt but he just kept sucking me as he pulled tighter. I told him I was about to cum and he just stayed on it as I blasted into his mouth. Pumped after pumped he squeezed my balls which only seem to make me cum more as he swallowed all of it. I was breathless as Spike sat on my waist with my softening cock on the crack of his ass. I guess he has a thing for getting off to the side of your face and face fucking you. Because thats just what he did. He scooted up along side of my face and just started rubbing his cock all over my face. As I lied there he turned my head sideways and just started pumping my mouth. I was gagging and he just kept shoving his cock in my mouth, again I have to say there was something about the smell of pre cum spit ball and ass that drove me wild. Finally he took his fingers again and opened my mouth and jerked off right into my mouth. Evert spurt when in I could see his cock head jettison his sperm as it hit my tongue and the back of my throat. It was so hot what he was doing to me I stared jerking off again as he fucked my mouth and when he blew The smell of cum made me blow with him.

We were spent and just laid there for like a half hour. I finally said I had to get home. As I pulled my shirt back on and zipped up all's I said was thanks spike that was great. He said anytime you want you no the signal.

I have always liked this site but some stories just go to long. If I become to redundant in what has happened be good nifty readers and let me know. thanks for all the great emails and thx for showing interest in my sexual youth. If it was only this good now I would not be behind a key board... lol

Next: Chapter 5

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