Better Than You

By Alexander Van Alen

Published on Jan 15, 2011


Better than you- Chapter 2

Obviously dinner was silent after I said that-- to say the least. Ok, so my mouth has gotten me into trouble like a million times with kids, cause I don't really have a filter.

I don't think making an enemy of the only person at my new school that I know is gonna be the best way to start school tomorrow. Patrick was glaring at me and I could see Kyle with a grin on his face as he stuffed another slice of pizza into his mouth.

The calories!!! God, didn't these people read?

I ate one slice when my father said: "You shouldn't be shy here Alexander. We eat like animals."

"I'm just not very hungry tonight. Sorry." I said as I gave something that was supposed to look like a smile.

"I think that you don't eat ever." Patrick said glaring at me.

I glared at him since I didn't have anything to say that was very witty. The remark was a little close to home.

"May I be excused?" I asked as I stood up.

"Sure." Stella said not looking at me.

I said thank you for dinner and left the kitchen.

Kyle followed me out and up the stairs I heard him say: "You handled my brother well. My parents spoiled him and he can be a bastard sometimes."

"Its kinda scary the way your mother and he watches me. I hope they don't give Keith any trouble since I am here."

"Nah, don't worry about it." He said as he placed his arm around me and I stiffened.

"Relax Alex, your so tense all the time. I'll look out for you." He said as he took away his arm.

After an awkward silence I asked him: "So what did you major in?"

"Oh I studied business management. So I pretty much did my BA in Business." He said as he looked at me and smiled.

"I would've had you pegged as the teacher or sport coach or something like that. So I take it you did quite well?" We entered my bedroom and I smiled as I saw the ocean on the other side of my window. It was kinda beautiful.

"Yeah, I did ok. So now I just need to find a job around here so I can move out. Luckily my trust my father left me will be available to me from the start of this month." He smiled.

"Keith gave you your trust fund now?" I asked turning back to look at the ocean.

Kyle kinda laughed at me and said: "No, my father who died when I was little."

"I'm sorry. I thought Keith was your dad." I placed my hand on his arm as a symbol of sympathy or something. I don't know what happened next, but Kyle kissed the top of my head.

"Nope." He turned to walk out and just before leaving said: "Goodnight Alex. Just call me if you need me."

The next morning I woke up as my alarm went off and I shut it down. I took my glasses from the bedside table and put them on. Walking into the bathroom I looked at myself and smiled. God, I looked totally scary!

I put in my contacs after I got out of the shower and sprayed myself with my cologne and walked into my closet. I thought that for a first day of school an Armani pair of jeans and a grey long sleeved T-shirt that was a very thin material.

I grabbed my bookbag and car keys and walked downstairs.

I could feel my heart pounding! I was sooo nervous about school and I knew that Patrick was gonna be sooo much help. Gag.

As I walked into the kitchen I found Kyle all dirty blonde hair and dark brown eyes dressed in a suit!

HOT! Seriously!

I just stood there observing him as he was drinking his coffee and reading the morning paper. He had this way of holding his mug that showed his long masculine fingers that was sooo sexy. I know that it sounds weird, but hey he was only my step-brother! No judgement.

He put the paper down and licked his lips. He looked up and noticed me leaning against the doorway.

"Morning." He said smiling which showed those gorgeous white teeth. The perfect compliment against his tanned skin. He looked like a gorgeous GREEK GOD!!!

"Hey." I blushed. Shit. I could feel my cheeks turn red as I looked to the floor.

"Want some coffee?" He asked getting up and grinning. He was so aware of my little crush!

"Jerk." I said.

"What?" He asked turning around. His dark brown eyes laughing at me.

"Yes, please." I lied looking at my shoes. "No, sugar." I said.

He turned and handed me my coffee.

"So, are you nervous?"

"Yeah, kids don't normally like me." I said as I smiled.

"Can't be, you are totally adorable."

"Bite me." I said as I sipped my coffee and looked at him over the mug.

He grinned and messed up my hair and quickly moved away as I glared at him.

I flipped my hair out of my eyes and sighed. I sat down at the counter and said: "Does it seem wrong that I want to kill myself?"

He looked at me and sat down next to me.

"You're a teenager and you feel that way, because of hormones and stuff."

"No! I feel that way, because my life sucks." I said putting down the coffee and grabbing my book bag and walking out of the kitchen.

"Alex. I didn't mean it that way. I just want you to know that I am here for you and I understand." He said walking after me.

"You don't know anything Kyle. You don't know me!" I said as I stormed out of the house.

"I was a kid once too. Ok? I do know what it feels like." Kyle said as he frowned at me as he grabbed the car door as I tried to shut it.

"I'm not a kid. I am 16 years old and I just lost my mother a week ago. I had to find out that I am a bastard and that I had to move in with the family from hell! If I feel depressed or down then that is totally up to me!"

I tried to shut the door again.

"Move Kyle!" I shouted as I felt the tears coming.

"No." He said forcing the door open.

"Don't!" I said as he got down on his knees and grabbed hold of my shoulders and pulled me to him.

"Just let it out." He said as he tried to pull me to him.

"No! I am a Forbes and I don't cry. Leave me alone." I said even as I felt the tears falling.

"I know baby." He said patting my back as my shoulder went down to his neck.

I just broke down and I cried. I could feel the air leave my body. I couldn't breath. You know the way you cry and you feel like someone punched you in the tummy? That is what I felt like.

When I finally got my breath I heard myself whimper: "It hurts. W-w-why did she have t-t-to die. She was supposed to b-b-be off that day, but her job was more important than m-me. If she kept her promise she w-would've been here for me."

"I don't know what happened exactly, but she must've loved you. I saw the picture remember?"

He gave me this look and I knew that he was thinking this guy is psycho!

"You must think I am totally psycho." I said as I pulled back and hiccupped.

"Not at all." He paused. Getting this goofy grin he asked: "You don't wear a knife on you. Do you?"

I gasped and then gave him a smile. "Dick."

"Yeah, yeah." He said smiling. "Go to school and enjoy it and if anyone gives you crap come tell me and I will beat the crap out of them. Ok?"

"Thanks, Kyle. You really are an amazing guy. You know that?" I said tilting my head and looking into the car mirror.

"Shit." I said before he could say anything. "I look like crap."

"Never, kid." He said closing my door and tapping his knuckle against the window.

I watched him walk away and he looked good. His ass looked hot in the suit. Really hot.

I started the car and put in my iPod and into the car adapter.

School. Dam dum dam dah...

Hey everyone!

The response for this story was totally awesome and I have to thank all of you!

I met some cool people and some total hotties too!!!!! :P

This chapter is a little short, but I was so excited to post it and who needs an editor right? LOL!

Please let me know what you think!

Cool Banana's!!


Next: Chapter 3

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