Better Than You

By Alexander Van Alen

Published on Apr 7, 2011


When the sun started setting and twilight set in I was amazed by the beautiful view from my bedroom window. It seemed really special and I got up and walked towards the window seat and looked out at the ocean and the sun setting. Beautiful. I thought and smiled. It was one of the things I liked about me. It did not matter how bad things looked little things could always restore my faith and belief in myself.

I looked down and saw lots of children around the pool. They were having a lot of fun eventhough I could not hear them from the bulletproof windows. I opened the window to hear Teenage Dream by Katy Perry playing. Cool song. I thought.

I looked down and saw Patrick with a bunch of girls laughing and acting all cocky. What a tool I thought as I smiled to myself. Closing the window I turned around and made my way downstairs to get a drink from the kitchen. Just as I took the last step at the bottom of the stairs my socked foot slipped on the tiles causing me to yelp and grab the banister and pull myself up.

"Ouch." I said rubbing my arm where it hit the bannister.

"That was close." I looked up at who said that and smiled at a guy that was Patricks age. He was hot, his brown hair cropped short against his head and had a natural tan and brown eyes that made my heart pound. He was shirtless and it was obvious that he had been swimming as his shorts were still damp. I was in hot boy heaven here!

"Yeah." I said still smiling. "I'm Alex." I said coming closer to shake his hand.

"Conti, Gabriele Conti." He said shaking my hand. Nice good grip.

Seeing my lifted brow he said: "I didn't mean to sound like James Bond." He was blushing a little.

"Sooo your Italian?" I asked smiling as he put his hands in his back pockets. It was cute since he was like double my size.

"Yeah, we moved here when I was three months old." He said grinning. Italians and their white smiles.

"Nice smile." I said as I ran my hand over his six pack and walked past him saying: "Catch ya later."

I could feel his muscles tighten where my hand touched him. I don't know what had gotten in to me. I am a 16 year old virgin with no experience and here I was teasing guys like it was going out of fashion.

This is all my mothers fault. She wanted to die and leave me so now I am gonna turn into a slut-- the one thing I knew she hated.

I must look a mess. An old white t-shirt and grey sweatpants wasn't the best impression to make on Gabriele Conti. He must be a football player. Jock. I thought.

Grabbing a Coke Zero I opened it and almost choked when I hear Gabriele behind me saying: "I love your accent Alex."

"Yeah at least the bastard sounds educated." I said smiling at him.

"What?" He asked looking confused and running his hand over his abs.

"I take it your one of Patricks friends?"

"Yeah, I take it your a cousin?" He said.

"Nope. I'm the bastard. You know the dirty little secret. Keith bonked my mother and she found out he was married and I never met him. Till now."

"Wow, Keith had an affair?" Gabriele came closer and looked really shocked.

"Could you stop doing that?" I asked loudly causing him to jump. "We all know you have perfect abs ok? No need to keep drawing attention to it." I grabbed my drink and headed upstairs.

Not before seeing his shocked face, turning into a smile.

Up in my room I opened the window and sat down in the window seat and looked out over the party and listened to the music.

I watched the kitchen door open and saw Gabriele walk out. He was my type. I loved his name. I loved his body, but most importantly I loved his personality. He talked to me and he had no reservations.

"Hey Conti!" One of the girls from the pool screamed drawing his attention.

"Get in!" She screamed practically flashing him with that slutty bikini.

It was starting to get dark and I saw Gabriele shaking his head and heading to the BBQ area.

He stood there and talked to Patrick. I wondered where Kyle was. Probably out with his girlfriend celebrating getting his job.

I saw Gabriele help handing out the food and then notice me watching him. He waved at me and I nodded. I turned away and opened my book bag and opened my laptop and started typing the only homework I had gotten-- my journalism.

"Hey." I looked up and smiled at Gabriele leaning against the doorway. Shirtless.

"I'll put on a shirt if you want." He said giving me a half smile as he walked towards my bed closing the door.

"Nope, I'm good. Just don't tell everyone I'm a fag just yet." I closed my laptop and moved my legs so that Gabriele could sit where my legs had been resting.

"Don't beat yourself up talking like that." He said smiling at me.

"Come on you jocks talk like that all the time."

He just looked away and said softly: "I would like to fool around if you want to."

"What?!" I asked sitting up on my knees, looking at his face turning red.

"Nothing." He said getting up. I grabbed his arm and pulled him down onto the bed and straddled his hips and licked neck.

His face looked priceless. I bet he usually did the hunting. I smiled as I brought my lips closer to his and gently placed my mouth over his.

I mean the first kiss I had was that afternoon and we only kissed and humped a little till he came and left. I was still a total virgin and novice.

"Your lips are sooo soft." He whispered into my ear.

I could feel his erection growing larger under me and I felt a cheap thrill of pride for being able to do that to such a hot guy. I mean I had always been cute and beautiful and most people would describe me as ethereal. Meaning that I looked hauntingly beautiful and refined. However I had never been described as sexy and hot like I would say Gabriele was. I couldn't help feeling slightly guilty that I had been suck a slut with Charlie that afternoon.

OK, so I am doing something similiar right now, but it feels different with him. Not dirty and wrong like with Charlie.

"Gabe!?" Someone called coming up the stairs causing me to screach like a bird being shot in mid flight and falling to the ground as Gabriele pushed me off of him and got up.

"Sorry." He said coming to me and hearing the voice again running back to the door, "Shit." he said and came to me again.

"Go!" I said ducking behind my bed as the door opened and Patrick walked in.

"What are you doing in the little bastards room?" Patrick asked slapping Gabriele on his back.

"I just used the restroom up here since the one downstairs was being used." He said walking out the door.

"Well be careful he might jump you. He looks like a fag." Patrick said as he closed the door again.

I felt cold fingers of dread running up and down my back. Bastard. Fag. What more can they say about me?

I wish I had never come here. Finishing my homework I showered again and climbed into bed and turned on my iPod and listened to a song that I had downloaded earlier.

What the Hell by Avril Lavigne.

I felt myself smiling as I turned on my bedside lamp and walked into my closet and searched for the hottest clothes I owned.

I grabbed a skinny fit black pair of Levi jeans and slipped it on without underwear. Spraying me with D&G perfume and messing up my hair I marched back and put on my black All Stars and grabbed a skinny fit black and grey long sleeved top and pulled up the sleeves and put on a few of my black leather bracelets. Brushing my teeth I grabbed my iPod and marched out of my room.

Going downstairs I plugged the iPod into the amp and turned on What the Hell at full blast.

Everybody turned to me, but I was so high on adrenalin that I marched straight to where Gabriele and Patrick were talking. Seeing Gabe's eyes growing as he watched me march up to them and Patrick glaring at me.


I grabbed Gabe's face and brought it down to mine and kissed him passionately. I heard everyone gasp and then I pushed Gaberiele away from me and he fell into the water as I turned my hateful gaze on Patrick. I smiled as I saw the fear there.


I punched him in the face and kneed him in the crotch and pushed him back into the pool.

Seeing them both come up and looking at me I said rather loudly.

"Know you don't need to gossip about what a little fag I am anymore."

Marching past the two girls who were talking to them I winked at them and stalked off grabbed my iPod and ignored the other people and walked into the kitchen and pushed past Kyle who was trying to talk to me.

I ran past him and slammed the door to my bedroom and locked it as I heard his footsteps coming after me.

I heard the half crazy laugh of disblief and shock at what I had done. Totally out of character and totally wrong.

Was that me sounding so nuts? I realized what I sounded like and calmed down enough to make my way to the bed and ignore that knocks at my door and fall asleep again.

Hola there!

I hope you guys LOVED this chapter!

PLEASE write to me it means so much to hear all the advice and the good reports and even the bad ones that you send!

I am going thru some difficulties and I hate my life right now and I know at almost 21 it is wrong to complain, but I can't help it!

I wanna leave everything behind and meet someone I love and just never come back to deal with parents and family and supposed friends!

Sorry about the ravings of a mad man! LOL! I just needed to vent.

Oh and sorry about the mistaked I don't have an editor! :P

Once again, PLEASE PLEASE write to me!!!

You know you love me guys!

Cool Banana's!


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