Betty Bill and Richard

By Mark Stout

Published on Jul 26, 2023


Betty, Bill and Richard 18 (Lost it) Teen bisex incest M-M-F July, 2020

My name is Richard. Betty and Bill are my friends.

We'd been playing with masturbation and then oral sex as a threesome for nearly a year. The last Saturday in May when Betty, Bill and I were fifteen, Betty told us that she wanted her Dad to take her cherry. Bill had promised that we'd ask our parents to tak our virginity, too. I didn't know if such a thing was possible or a good idea, till I walked in on my parents having an orgy when they weren't expecting me. Sunday morning I broke it to my parents, and after a long back and forth we decided that it was going to happen. Half of our talk was history and the other part was to make sure that my parents and myself were getting what they wanted.

I cleaned myself up inside and out, starting with a rubber syringe for my butt, a dump and finally a shower. No deodorant or hair products, just a clean boy with butterflies in his stomach.

I hoped that the approach Bill had set out for bringing Betty to a climax would work on my Mom. Once I was dried off, I went to my parents bedroom naked, which I don't remember ever doing before. Mom was in the center of the bed. Dad was on the side farthest from the door. I made myself slow down a bit; I crossed the room to Dad and kissed him. Once he realized what I was up to, we started opening our mouths and I had the rare luxury of making out with my own Dad for a couple of minutes.

Mom watched this. "That is SO HOT!" she said. I backed off to a hug from Dad, then went back to the side of the room by the door. Dad layed down on his side of Mom, and I took my side, first getting on my hands and knees to crawl up to her face. I was determined not to make this a quickie; we had most of Sunday ahead of us. I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, then a kiss on her right temple, then a nice solid kiss. Like when I kissed Dad, when Mom figured out that I wasn't going anywhere our mouths opened and we made out for a good long time. Before it was done, I had a hand on her right breast. By this time, Dad kissed her left temple, was holding her left breast and he was watching me for cues.

My instincts wanted to run fast but I worked hard to control myself and take my time. I kissed her ear, chin, neck and shoulder. My hand quickly glided from her breast down to her pussy, and then I took some of her breast in my mouth and worked toward the nipple. Dad was about to try to French kiss her but her mouth went wide open so a high-pitched moan could come out, so he just kept one hand on her left breast and watched for other opportunities. I noticed that Dad was hard at this point, but that was to be expected.

I looked up at Dad's face and nodded to him. While I moved to the foot of the bed and focused my mouth and fingers on Mom's pussy, Dad put his mouth full on one nipple while he played with the other using his fingers. It occured to me that Dad was a slightly better wingman than Bill, probably from experience.

I started using my fingers on the wings of Mom's labia, gave a quick tickle to he clit with my tongue, which made a barking sound come from her mouth and her heals kicked me. I then ran my fingers down her thighs towards her knees while my tongue did circles around her clit.

Mom yelled, "Now!", which I thought was just a word Bill had come up with for Betty to use, but it seemed to mean the same thing here. I used my fingers to hold her labia open and made my mouth work at the clit like she was fucking my lips. In about twenty seconds Mom yelled a word that isn't in a dictionary and I can't quite remember. It might've been the Martian word for "Attack!", but it was clear from the way her heals were moving, her breathing and her sqirming that this was the orgasm we'd been working towards.

I backed off and sat on my heals to let Mom breathe. Dad did the same and then leaned over to kiss me.

"She's ready for you now", Dad said softly, and he got off the bed and tore open a condom that had been on a side table. I'd been so focused on Mom's orgasm that I was only half hard. Dad suprised me by taking me in his mouth and putting a finger on my ass pucker. Nobody had ever done that to me before, but I was hard again in 30 seconds. Dad then unrolled thee condom onto me and told me to move up so I could enter her.

I felt like I was at the right place, but Dad grabbed my dick and pointed the tip at the right spot, and told me what to do so I really was at the right spot. I sank right in. Mom let out a soft gasp. Dad kissed me and then backed off. I looked down at Mom's face; she had a big smile and there was some kind of loving glow to it. She looked somehow older and younger at the same time. I decided to concentrate on fucking, since that's what we were here for.

Pretty quickly I got a rhythm going. After a minute Mom told me to slow down. I did so, and closed my eyes to concentrate on the feelings of this new experience. The one thing it had in commmon with oral sex is that it didn't feel like I expected; it wasn't an instant orgasm or an explosion, it was just different, and nothing anyone told me, nothing I could've read would have told me what it was going to feel like.

Mom only had to tell me to slow down one more time. The third time my rhythm got away from me, Mom was keeping the same pace and let me continue to a climax. By now I'd been told a dozen times that women don't come from intercourse, but you could've fooled me that day because she was just as excited when I came as when I'd eaten her pussy before.

After we had calmed down I pulled out with the come-filled condom barely holding on to my softening dick. I felt as self-concious as if they were chaning my diaper but Dad was there at the ready, took the condom, wrapped it in a tissue and dropped it in the trash. He took a second tissue and wiped up my dick, and kissed me again.

Mom's breathing was back down to earth, but she still had this bride-like glowing smile on her. She came to me, hugged my naked body to hers and gave me a big French kiss. She told me she was proud of what a good, loving man I was becoming, and now I was about to take Dad's dick in the ass and be a good loving woman, too. I hope she meant it as a joke because I started laughing at this.

Dad was back, looking at me expectantly. "How do you want to do this?" I asked.

"You're going to be on your back on the bed with a pillow under your ass, and you're going to pull your legs back towards the headboard", Dad answered.

I looked around and thought about it, dropped the nearest pillow into the middle of the bed, and said, "Yeah, in a minute". Then I sat on the edge of the bed and took Dad's dick in my mouth while one hand grabbed his ass. He had gone half-erect, and I was determined to get him hard again. He had done the same for me before I fucked Mom."

Funny, the intake of air that Dad made through his nose when I took him in my mouth and the intake of air through Mom's nose while she watched were in close harmony.

Soon Dad was completely erect. Mom came at him with a condom, which she put on him while I got on the bed and straightened the pillow under my ass.

Mom then put some lube on the end of Dad's cock, while I pulled my legs over my head, then Mom rubbed some cold lube on my ass pucker.

Mom kissed me really quick, kissed Dad, and went to the chair to sit and watch.

Dad got the first inch in easily, watching my face for cues. He pushed a bit more and saw me react; Dad's dick was bigger than the dildo I'd been playing with.

"You okay?", Dad asked.

"Keep going slow", I answered.

Dad did go slow, then backed off a bit when he felt resistance and saw my face scrunch up. It wasn't bad but it wasn't too easy, either.

Dad got a rhythm going of pushing forward till there was resistance, then backing off and repeating. I'd found this with the dildo a couple of days before and have named it "Fucking part 1".

After a minute of this there was no resistance and I was done working at taking his dick. I kinda had it and became aware that I was very comfortable and something soft and quiet inside was deciding if it was pleasure or pain; I later figured that this was my prostate.

Dad talked to me. "I'm in all the way. How are you doing?"

I closed my eyes and just said, "Fuck me".

The greatest Dad that ever was kissed my forehead, then my closed eyes, kissed me with a bit of tongue and then slowly started moving, like a steam engine starting a heavy freight trian.

We thought that he had been all the way in, but after a minute of this that "quiet thing" that might hurt or might be good was becoming a very good, very loud thing and I now know that is the hallmark of the prostate. Last night when I walked in while a man was fucking my Dad? This feeling is why he was doing it. This feeling is why there are gay men in the world. Those butterflies were back, the ones from November when I fell seriously in love with Bill and Betty; now I was falling madly in love with my parents.

When Dad had been properly going at my ass for about five minutes I found that my breathing was out of whack and I had to start concentrating on getting it under control. My ass felt so happily abused that my brain could ignore it for a while and just get the breathing going, about one inhale two times Dad pounded me, one exhale for the next two times Dad pounded. That reduced the distress and I could enjoy what my prostate was singing about with half my brain and control my breathing with the other half.

Mom had said that some guys come without touching themselves while getting it in the ass, especially the first time, and I was beginning to understand what she was talking about. I didn't know how much endurance that Dad had in him but he was nailing me deep and fast, and that feeling from my prostate was growing and seemed to have reached the base of my soft dick. Dad had been fucking me good for about fifteen minutes when I felt a dribble of come at my dick, which felt different from any orgasm I'd had before. I don't know if Dad saw this, smelled it or was unaware of it, but he made two hard grunts, pounding my ass hard and deep twice with these grunts, then he kind of froze and wiggled a bit. His eyes were closed and his breathing had gone from very rapid to very slow and deep breaths.

"Don't panic, this is normal", Mom said softly. "Be careful in case he puts all of his weight on you. Usually he's a gentleman, but he gets tired".

Dad opened his eyes and smiled at me, and carefully kissed me on the lips before sitting back on his haunches. Mom was up with a couple tissues to take the condom from Dad and clean his dick off.

"I think we all need showers and a nap", Mom announced. Dad and I agreed. I made damn sure to tell them thank you for all of that, to kiss them, and to tell them that I loved them.

I went to my room, showered and fell asleep at around 1pm.

When it was time for supper my Mom woke me up. After I was dressed, Mom told me that Betty had left a message. Bill was spending the day with his parents and Betty was spending the day with her parents and we'd have to catch up at school. I just nodded; I wasn't used to sleeping during the day and it took a while before I realized that Betty and Bill were loosing their virginity to their parents today, too.

Next: Chapter 19

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