Big Time Rush

By Rick Rod

Published on Feb 15, 2012


Big Time Rush Chapter 10

Disclaimer: I do not own nor am I affiliated with Big Time Rush (BTR), Nickelodeon, or Viacom. I'm not claiming anyone in this work is gay or etc. this is solely a work of fiction and should not be taken seriously.

No persons under 18 or 21 (Check your local laws) is permitted to view the subject matter portrayed in the following story.

This story contain acts of homosexuality.

If you are offended by such subject material, the please leave now.

The sound of feint snoring started to come in clearer and clearer. James woke up only to find himself in Kendall's arms. He could only smile enjoying the feeling. James thought to himself wondering if what he was experiencing was what Logan and Carlos felt when they were together. It was the most wonderful feeling James had ever felt. He was stuck in a feeling of complete security. Kendall tightened his arm around James and started snoring a little louder. It was an adorable sound that warmed James' heart. He closed his eyes and smiled as he drifted off back to sleep.

It was in the next room where Carlos and Logan were in a similar state. They had been cuddled up together in bed when Carlos rolled over and fell off the bed. As he hit the floor, Logan jumped off the bed and ran over to Carlos.

"Oops I fell down." Carlos said with a childish grin on his face. "Help me up pretty please with sugar and a cherry on top?"

Logan grabbed Carlos' hand and pulled him up. Carlos got up and jumped onto the bed. Logan crawled up next to him and they looked into each other's eyes. Carlos tapped Logan's nose with his index finger and pecked him on the lips. Logan smiled and blushed.

"Logan. Can I ask you a question?" Carlos asked.

"Of course!" Logan cheered. "Ask away amor."

"Awe, it is so cute when you speak Spanish. I just wanted to know, how do you put up with me?" Carlos asked looking into Logan's eyes.

"What do you mean?" Logan asked with a confused facial expression.

Carlos sighed and paused. He closed his eyes. "I heard you talking to your mom the other day. You said sometimes I act like a little kid."

"Awe baby. That would never be enough for me not to like you. I also said it was refreshing because you help me loosen up. You 're exactly the opposite I need in life. You complete me, you're everything I am not. I couldn't ask for more." Logan replied.

"Except maybe the size of my dick." Carlos whispered.

"Hey. Look at me. I want you to listen. You are perfect just the way you are. You satisfy me, besides you know how to use it." Logan chuckled.

"Yeah but I was reading every guy wants bigger and....well I'm not that bigger, I'm smaller than you." Carlos whimpered.

"But it is much thicker than mine. Look babe, all those things you read, well of all those guys asked wanted bigger, well they must be sluts. There is so much more to a relationship other than sex, and you satisfy me on all levels, sexually, physically, and mentally." Logan said grabbing Carlos' cheek. "You are so beautiful to me, and you're everything I need."

Carlos felt his eyes moisten up and he kissed Logan. He buried his nose deep in Logan's neck area and took a deep breath. He loved Logan's smell. It was so distinctive. His Armani code mixed with some natural sweet like musk made an irresistible scent. Carlos felt his eyes grow heavy. He turned around to look at the alarm clock. As he turned around, Logan came up from right behind him and wrapped his arm around his waist. Carlos usually held Logan, but he enjoyed the feeling of being in Logan's arms. Carlos struggled to keep hi eyes open, but he couldn't. He felt himself falling asleep, and he was not going to dare to fight it.

Morning swifts by and the boys eventually wake up. They all get ready to plan a nice day when they get a call from Gustavo to come into the studio to prepare the dance routine for the upcoming show. The boys were a bit worried, but to add to the stress, Griffin would be there. He wasn't happy the last time they practiced, an he was prepared to shut down Big Time Rush I they could not deliver.

The boys arrived at the studio to have Gustavo and Griffin waiting for them in the studio. Lady Gaga was there too waiting to move into the next room to work on the dance moves with the boys. They all got changed into different clothes and met up. Lady Gaga was going to teach them, she had created the whole routine.

The music started playing and she started guiding the boys. They made a few mistakes, but nothing major, she was impressed. Griffin walked in to see them perfect and on point. He clapped his hands and approached the boys.

"Now that is what I love to see." Griffin said in a very stern voice. "I'm very happy to see how you boys are coming along for this show. I expect great things from all four of you. I also want to speak to you in private when you get the chance James. Come up to my office, I'll be expecting you."

James nodded his head and Griffin quickly exited the room. The boys finished up, and after it all they managed to pull it all together. James went to get changed so he could meet with Griffin. Kendall left shortly after. Lady Gaga bid her fair well and headed off as well. Logan looked at Carlos and he wanted to fuck right their. Carlos was wearing basketball shorts, a sleeveless t-short with sweat built up right at the center of the chest, and his skin glistened. His hair was wet and hanging downward. Logan's bulge could be seen in his shorts, and Carlos just pointed and laughed. Logan blushed and coul only smile back trying to pull his t-shirt down to cover himself.

Carlos could only laugh seeing Logan in his predicament. Carlos walked closer to Logan.

"Maybe you should put that thing away. It could hurt someone." Carlos chuckled.

"This is so embarrassing." Logan said. "Thank God no one else is here, or else it would have been really awkward."

"I know baby, I know. I'm sexy and I know it." Carlos laughed. He picked up his shirt an turned around so Logan could see his nice plump ass. "Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle yeah!"

Logan started laughing. Carlos just kept wiggling around like a fool oblivious to the fact that Lady Gaga was actually standing in the doorway. As he turned around he froze in place as the embarrassment sweat set in.

"I forgot one of my bags. You two are so cute. I think you make a cute couple. I really like that, a lot. You two remember how I said I was working on something? Well, I'm doing this documentary too on how gay couples can be as loving as straight couples if not more. " She said walking closer. "Would you two like to be one of my couples the fact you two are gay and going to be part of the group for the pride parade is really awesome. What do you boys say?"

"That's sounds cool." Carlos said.

"I don't know about it. That is kind of out there isn't it?" Logan asked. "I don't know if I would want to do that."

"Come on babe, it will be fun." Carlos begged.

Logan stood stilly tying to make up his mind. He looked over and saw Carlos looking at him with puppy eyes. Logan rubbed the back of his neck and made his quirky little smile and nodded his head seeing Carlos' face light up like a kid on Christmas morning. They hugged and Lady Gaga looked at them and smiled.

"I'll have my people get in contact with you." Lady Gaga said as she walked away.

Logan sat down and looked at Carlos' bulge. He licked his lips.

"Excuse me. My eyes are up here, not here." Carlos said grabbing his crotch. "if you really want this, you're gonna have to wait."

Logan cracked a big smile and pinched Carlos' ass. "What if I want what's on the other side?.

Carlos jumped up an his face turned red. His mouth was open but no sound could come out. He ran his finger down his lips and onto his sweaty chest. "Well if you want this, you gotta work honey."

Carlos wiggled his ass around a little and started laughing. Logan laughed too and the walked out of the room holding onto each other.

James found himself standing in Griffin's office. He was uneasy wanting to know why he had been called to meet him alone. Griffin was sitting down looking over something on his desk. He had a stern look on his face with his finger over his face. He sighed and stood up walking over to James.

"Look, I want you to understand one thing. I don't have patience for things that can disrupt success." Griffin said. "There are at times things that are good for business, things that make money."

"So why did you call me in here?" James asked.

"Big Time Rush needs to spice it up. I'm talking a larger sex appeal. You are the best looking in the group, it should stay that way." Griffin said. "Sec sells itself. I need you to get across to everyone else, side with me on this one, or I will pull the plug."

"I don't know if I can do that." James rubbed the back of his neck.

"I'm not giving you a choice." Griffin looked coldly into James' eyes. "Do this, or I will shut you guys down."

"This isn't fair." James muttered.

"This is business! It isn't always fair!" Griffin shouted. "There is a lot of money to be made in the gay market. This is a market few companies have been successful at. I could become one of the greatest business men in the world if this works out. That's all I have to say for now. You can go."

James walked out of the office holding his head trying to process everything. He was angry, confused, and worried. He didn't know what to do. How could he possibly pull off bringing this into everyone? He was kind of promiscuous, but none of the other guys were. Logan and Carlos were not that flashy, and Kendall the least. He scratched his head feeling a tight grip around him. He really wanted to keep riding the fame machine. He wanted to see his name in lights, he wanted to be a superstar, but at the same time, he cared about his friends.

James loved everyone. He could never imagine really wanting to do anything that bad, or tricking them into doing something they just didn't do. He had too much on his mind and just found himself sitting down with his face buried deep in his hands trying to come up with some kind of idea, but he couldn't. This was a Kendall thing. He was scared if he told anyone, Griffin would pull the plug on Big Time Rush.

Next: Chapter 11

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