Billy and Danny

By Mickey S (NJRimzu)

Published on Dec 28, 2003


This is a story of love between two young men. If you are under age, or live in an area where reading stories that include sex between males sex is illegal, or if you're not into this type of story, please leave. The story begins in 1969. While the characters and their story are completely fictional, it is set at places that are real and is told against a backdrop of some real events. This was a time when all sex was safe. It isn't now, so please respect yourself and others enough to always play safe.

I would like to thank all of those who have written to me with comments, suggestions and encouragement, especially my fellow writers in the Nifty Six. The author retains all rights. No reproductions or links to other sites are allowed without the author's consent. Comments are appreciated at

May 29


I wasn't thrilled when I found out Billy had made the appointment with the neurologist. I was still hoping this would all go away and wanted to put off going to the doctor. But he was firm with me and there was no getting around it. I did almost walk out when we got to the office. There was an officious nurse who didn't want to let Billy in the examining room with me.

"Sorry, only family members can be in the room with you and the doctor."

"Billy is my family. And if he's not going in then neither am I."

"Calm down, Danny. I don't have to be there. I'll wait out here for you."

I didn't want to admit in front of the nurse that I was scared. I didn't really want to let Billy know that either because I didn't want him worrying about me. But I started getting nervous yesterday after Dr. Stern asked all those questions about when I hurt my head. I hadn't connected that with the headaches because it seemed like such a long time ago.

"I'm okay, Billy. It's just that I think it would be a good idea if you hear everything the doctor says. I can get nervous and miss things."

"He's right, nurse. Since I'm the one who will be taking care of him it would be a good idea if I heard everything right from the doctor."

"Well, I'll check with Dr. Hansen but I don't think he's going to approve."

It turned out he didn't care one way or the other so Billy got to be in the examining room with me. Dr. Hansen was an old guy with curly gray hair and glasses. He checked everything Dr. Stern had yesterday plus more and asked me all the same questions. He even hooked this machine up with wires that he glued to several spots all over my head. He didn't say much, just asked questions and grunted at the answers.

Finally, we went into his office and sat down to hear the verdict.

"So what do you think it is, Doctor?"

"Well, Dan, I still want to get your records from Middlesex General but I think it's pretty clear from your history and symptoms that we're dealing with a subdural hematoma."

"That sounds really serious. What is it?"

"It can be serious, but your symptoms are pretty mild so I don't think it's so bad in your case. Basically, a subdural hematoma is an accumulation of blood between the brain and the skull. Sometimes it's caused by bleeding immediately after a head injury, sometimes it doesn't show up until weeks or even months later."

"You mean my brain is bleeding?"

"I mean there was bleeding, probably for a very short time, sort of a delayed reaction to the injury you sustained when you fell down the stairs. If you were still bleeding you'd be in the hospital in serious condition by now."

"So what is Danny supposed to do now, Doc? How does he get rid of this thing?"

"In mild cases, an anti-inflammatory drug is usually enough. I'm going to give you a prescription and want you to start on this today, Dan. The headaches, drowsiness and dizziness should start to go away in a few days but you have to keep taking it until it's all gone."

"And what if it doesn't work?"

"In more serious cases we have to remove the hematoma through surgery. We drill small holes in the skull to drain it."

"Drill holes in my head?"

"It sounds worse than it is, Dan. But don't worry; I don't think you'll have to go through that. Just start on the medication today and take it easy for a few days until it starts to work. Try to stay off your feet as much as possible."

"But I can't do that. I have to work tonight."

"What kind of work do you do?"

"Billy and I are waiters."

"There's no way you're doing that tonight, son. You don't have to be on bed rest, but I want you to have as little physical activity as possible for at least forty-eight hours until the medication starts to have some effect. You can gradually resume normal activities after that as long as you aren't having any headaches. And no aspirin. That only encourages bleeding."

"But I have to go to work. Can't I start tomorrow?"

"Danny, you're going to do exactly what the doctor says. Do you want to pass out in The Restaurant? You stay home and rest. Mark or Joe can fill in for you."

Damn! I was hoping that even if the doctor said no I could go to work and start resting tomorrow. After tonight we don't work again until Friday. But Billy's not about to let me. Maybe it would have been better if he'd stayed in the waiting room. No, I'm glad he was there with me even if he did side with Dr. Hansen.

Billy called Lucy to come get us and give us a ride home from the office. We'd walked the half-mile to the appointment but once the doctor ordered me off my feet Billy wasn't taking any chances. We stopped at the drug store on the way home and filled the prescription. Between the doctor's bill, the pharmacy and me missing work tonight it looks our buying a car will be put off at least a week. And that's if they don't have to drill holes in my head; I don't even want to think about that.

Lucy was really concerned about me, even more so after I told her what the doctor said. While Billy called Mark to see if he could work for me she tried to put me to bed.

"Dr. Hansen said I didn't have to be in bed, just off my feet, Lucy."

"Well, what better place to rest and stay off your feet than bed? Where do you guys keep your pajamas?"

"Pajamas? Get real, Lucy, Billy and I don't wear pajamas."

"You have to wear something. Do you expect me to stay here alone with a naked man?"

"What do you mean, stay with me?"

"Billy's got to leave for the city in an hour or so. You shouldn't be alone. Brad is coming over tonight to take me to a movie. We'll stay in and keep you company instead."

"You don't have to do that, Lucy. I don't need a babysitter. Go to your movie and have fun. I'll be fine."

"Great news, Dan. Mark isn't doing anything tonight and is willing to work. Actually, he said that even if he had plans he'd cancel them to help you out. He's gonna meet me at the train station a little before four."

"At least one of us will be making money. And I'm glad you don't have to go into the city alone, Billy."

"Are you sure you're going to be okay alone tonight, babe?"

"I'm sure. I'll have something to eat, read a little and go to sleep early."

"You boys should really think about getting a TV for this place."

"We got out of the habit of watching TV in the dorm, Lucy, and really don't miss it. We probably wouldn't watch it much."

"If you're sure you're going to be okay alone then Brad and I will go out. But we'll stop in to see you before we leave."

"Yeah, that'd be nice. It'll give Brad a chance to see I'm still alive after my fainting act yesterday."

After a while Lucy went down to the house and Billy left for the train a few minutes later. I was feeling a bit drowsy and decided a nap would be a good thing. I awoke to a noise in the kitchen area. I looked over and saw Aunt Connie, busy doing something behind the counter.

"Hey, whatcha doin' over there?"

"Danny, you startled me. You were sound asleep when I came in and didn't even stir when I pulled the covers up over you. You really should be wearing pajamas, you know. No need to catch a cold on top of everything else."

Omigosh, Aunt Connie saw me naked. I hope I wasn't hard when she walked in. If I was dreaming about Billy I probably was. I pulled the sheet around me as I sat up.

"There's shorts and tee shirts in the middle drawer over there. If you get them for me I'll put them on."

"Good boy. I made some soup for you. Lucy told me all about your visit to the doctor."

Aunt Connie brought the clothes over to me and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"You really scared me yesterday, Danny. When you were hurt last winter you were at school and I didn't know about it until it was all over. Even then, you naughty boys didn't tell me the truth about how it happened. But seeing you like that yesterday frightened me. I hope you and Billy know how much I've grown to love you both. You're like sons to me. If you boys ever need anything, please know that you can count on me."

There were tears in her eyes and probably in mine too. I hugged her tight.

"Thanks, Aunt Connie. You and Lucy are our family. We love you too."

I kept waiting for the pills make a difference. It had been three days and my headaches were worse than ever. Dr. Hanson had said it would take a couple of days. That made sense. It's not like they were just pain killers. They were actually doing something to get rid of what was causing the pain, so I understood that it would take a little time. It just hurt really bad. I didn't want Billy to know it was still that bad because he'd make me stay in bed and not go to work tonight. He'd been so good since Tuesday, keeping me company, reading to me, feeding me. We even made love once, at my insistence. He was so incredibly gentle so he wouldn't hurt me. It feels so good to be loved so much. But I really needed to get out and do something, anything. Plus, it's Friday. The weekend is when we make our big money. It wasn't too bad missing Tuesday or the poker game last night, but no way I was staying home tonight. I was sure the medication would kick in any minute.

May 30


I was glad to hear that the doctor seemed to think that Danny's condition was easily treatable. He really scared everyone at the cookout. I was especially happy to be able to help him out by working his shift Tuesday night. Billy explained that Danny was adamant that he had to work, so my being able to help out gave him no excuse but to rest.

It was good to be working with Billy for another reason. I was nervous about me and Joe being able to handle the whole place on Wednesday. It seemed like a lot of work for two people and I wanted to make a good impression on Joe. Being able to practice the night before with Billy was a godsend. I knew Billy would help me out and give me the confidence to get through an evening with Joe. It was gonna be hard enough just keeping my eyes off Joe's butt long enough to wait tables.

Things went really well for Billy and me. There were a lot fewer customers than on the weekend but because there were only two of us we still made about eighty bucks each. We talked about it on the train home.

"I think one of the reasons Danny didn't want to miss work tonight, aside from not wanting to admit anything is really wrong with him, is that he doesn't want to give up the money. He really wants a car."

"Why don't I split my tips with him, Billy? After all, it was his shift."

"No fuckin' way, Mark, but thanks for the thought. You worked hard and earned the money. Danny and I will have enough for a car soon. Besides, BC costs a lot more than Rutgers. You need the money, too."

"Actually, even though they have their problems, my parents can be pretty good sometimes. They're giving me a great deal on school. They cover all my school expenses and I just have to work for spending money. There's no way I'm letting them know how much this job pays, though. They may want to renegotiate the deal."

Wednesday night was a whole different scene. The work was pretty much the same and Joe and I did all right with everything. But after work we went over to Danny's on Christopher, had a couple of beers and got to know each other a little.

"So how long have you been waiting tables, Joe?"

"A couple of years. The money's good and the hours are pretty convenient."

"So are you one of these waiters who's really an actor? Or is it the other way around?"

"No, lots of waiters are like that. Steve and Jason take acting classes and are constantly going to auditions but I'm not sure either one has ever been in anything that paid. I'm more like you guys, just working my way through school."

"You're a college kid, too? Billy and Danny didn't tell me."

"Well, it's not exactly college. I'm studying to be a physical therapist. It's a joint program offered by St. Vincent's and NYU."

"That sounds great, Joe. You must give great massages."

"Maybe you can come over to my place sometime soon and find out."

"You mean it? How about this weekend?"

"Yeah! Why don't you bring a change of clothes to work Friday and you can spend the night? We can hang out all day Saturday and I can show you around the Village."

"I'll talk to my parents tomorrow. I don't see that there would be a problem. This is gonna be fantastic."

Joe walked me to the PATH station so I could catch the train home. Outside the entrance we stopped and he grabbed me on either side of my waist and looked up into my eyes.

"You gonna kiss me goodnight, big boy?"

I gulped. I really wanted to but I'd never kissed a guy before. Actually, I'd never really kissed a girl either. Joe tilted his head back and continued looking up at me. His eyes were so dark and inviting. I leaned toward him until our lips were just touching. He opened his mouth slightly and slipped his tongue between my lips. I pressed harder against him, opened my mouth and pushed my tongue into his mouth. I wrapped my arms around him and lifted him up onto his toes and kissed him. Oh my God, what a sensation. I was instantly hard and pressed my hips against Joe's, grinding our bodies together. We finally broke apart, both gasping for air.

"Jeez, Mark, what have you got in your pants? It feels like 'big boy' is the right name for you."

"Maybe you'll find out Friday night."


Joe and I had another good night at the restaurant Thursday. Since we were the only two waiters we didn't have much time to ourselves, but every time we met in the kitchen we stole a quick kiss. The night flew by and we stopped for a drink again before I had to catch the train home. Yesterday afternoon I met Billy and Danny at the train station.

"Danny, it's so good to see you. How are you feeling?"

"Pretty good, Mark. I've still got a headache but it's not too bad. Plus, I don't think I've ever been so rested. Billy hasn't let me do anything since Tuesday."

"You must have been going stir crazy in that little apartment for three days. What did you guys do?"

"Oh, we talked, we read, we played cards. And we slept a lot."

"Don't forget the sex, white boy."

"Oh yeah, some really gentle, really sweet sex."

"Don't you guys ever stop? I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy, Danny."

"Oh, believe me, Mark, he took it, and he was real easy."

"Geez, Billy, keep in mind you're talking to a horny virgin here."

"Does that duffel bag you're carrying mean that situation might be about to change, Mark?"

"I hope so, Danny. I'm staying over in the city with Joe tonight and we're going to spend the day together tomorrow. I'm sure something will happen, especially after all of the kissing we've been doing the last couple of nights."

"You're supposed to be working, not kissing."

"Yeah, Danny, and you were supposed to be resting but apparently you and Billy were doing a whole lot more than kissing."

It soon became apparent that Danny wasn't feeling as well as he tried to sound on the way into the city. We'd been at work about an hour and a half when Billy stopped me in the kitchen.

"Do you think you can handle another table of two, Mark?"

"Sure, Billy, after handling half the restaurant the last few nights that shouldn't be a problem. Which table?"

"Danny's. The one in the corner."

"Is Danny okay?"

"I don't think so. I've been keeping an eye on him and he's been a lot slower than usual. He just doesn't seem to have any energy. It's like everything is a real effort for him. Plus, I just told him I was taking one of his tables of four and he didn't even give me an argument. That tells me he's not feeling well."

"Well, I'll help any way I can. And I'll ask Joe to keep an eye on Danny's tables and help out if he can."

"Thanks, babe. Maybe Danny's just having trouble getting going after being in bed all week. He should be all right with only two tables. But I don't think we'll be joining you and Joe for a drink after work. I want to get him home as soon as we're done."

"I don't blame you. He'll probably be exhausted."

I'd been nervous as hell about tonight ever since Joe and I made the date Wednesday. I mean, I really wanted it. And I really wanted Joe, too. The more I get to know him the more I like him. He's a really good guy. I thought that since he lived in the city with other gay guys that he'd probably be used to getting it whenever he wanted it with whoever was handy. I don't know why I thought that. Maybe that's what I would do if I lived in a gay neighborhood. No, I know I wouldn't, but I would be tempted. I guess because I'd never done anything with a guy I just assumed everyone who had was really experienced and maybe a little hardened to it all, a little jaded. Like sex seemed so important and intimate to me but to someone who's done it a lot maybe it's no big deal, just a fun recreational thing. I know it's not like that with Billy and Danny even though they've probably done it a thousand times, but they're a couple in love. I was obsessing about it a little, can you tell?

With Joe, I shouldn't have worried. After work we parted with Billy and Danny at the corner and went for a drink at Julius' while they left for the 'burbs. We hung around for a while, talked, had another drink and then walked to Joe's apartment on Spring St. It was my first time in an apartment in the Village and I was surprised at how tiny it was. The living room had a kitchen along one wall and was less than half the size of Billy and Danny's studio over the garage. There was a small bathroom next to the kitchen area and two bedrooms, each just big enough for a double bed and a chest of drawers.

Joe's roommates weren't home so we went into the bedroom on the right. I dropped my bag on the floor and Joe grabbed me and kissed me.

"Rick and David usually close the bars on weekends, so they'll be out until four at least. And that's if they don't get lucky. Besides, they share the other room so we don't have to worry about them anyway."

"Are they a couple?"


Joe pulled my shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. He began nuzzling my neck as his fingers worked on the button and fly of my jeans. I wasn't sure what I was supposed to do so I just stood there, holding him, rubbing my hands over his back, enjoying what his lips were doing to my neck. Joe got my jeans unfastened and they fell around my ankles, leaving me standing there in my briefs. I bent down to take off my sneakers and socks and pull off my pants. When I stood up, Joe had taken off his shirt, kicked off his shoes and was stepping out of his jeans. We stood there in our briefs facing each other. Man, is he tiny. He's about five inches shorter than me, maybe around 5'6", but he's also built really small. His waist must be only 28", maybe smaller. He doesn't look like he has a hair on his body. In the right light he could probably pass for fourteen.

"God, you're beautiful, Joe. But you're so delicate looking, I'm afraid I'll break you."

"You don't have to worry about that. I'm a lot tougher than I look. You look just the way I imagined when I first saw you in The Restaurant; a total stud."

He's called me that a few times and I like it but it makes me a little uncomfortable, being a complete sexual novice. I'm glad it was a little dark in the room so he didn't see me blush. I don't think studs are supposed to blush. Joe wrapped his arms around me, squeezed me tight against him and kissed me again. My dick was hard as steel and I could feel his hardness pressing against me.

Joe knelt down in front of me and grabbed the waistband of my briefs on each side. I was so hard I wasn't sure he'd be able to pull them down over my erection. He managed, stretching the elastic over my dick. As he freed it it sprung out at attention, nearly hitting him in the face.

"Damn, that's big. I'm not sure what I'm gonna be able to do with it but I've got a few ideas."

He lightly kissed the head and stood up to face me again, gently fondling my cock in his left hand. His touch sent electric shocks through my body. I followed his example and knelt and pulled his underwear down. His dick popped up at me as I did. It was quite a bit shorter than mine but perfectly proportioned. And he wasn't circumcised. I've only seen a few guys like that in the locker room and none of them were hard. Even completely stiff his foreskin almost completely covered the head. The only hair on his body was a small black patch just above his dick. Joe's skin was a light golden brown all over, but his cock was a few shades darker. It was the first one I'd seen up close and it was absolutely beautiful. I put my hand on it and gently slid the foreskin back, exposing a large, almost purple shiny head. I kissed it as he had kissed mine, then stuck the tip of my tongue in the slit at the end. I wanted to taste him so bad.

I stood up; Joe grabbed my hand and led me the couple of steps to the bed. He threw back the covers and lay down on the bed, his complexion contrasting with the white sheets. He looked like a tiny dark angel as he reached up to pull me down next to him.

For a while we just lay on our sides, pressed together, kissing over and over. Because of the difference in our height his dick was poking me in the belly and mine was pressed between his thighs, poking up into him just behind his balls. Our hands never stopped moving over each other's bodies, memorizing the feel of each other. Joe finally pulled himself away from my lips and slid down a little in the bed, kissing my neck and shoulder as he moved. He stopped at my left nipple and sucked it into his mouth, running his tongue around it and nibbling the nub lightly as he sucked.

Oh God, I never felt anything like that. All of these years that I've been dreaming about sex, nipples never even entered my mind. I was wondering what else I'd overlooked but was somehow pretty sure Joe was gonna show me. He moved over and repeated his magic on my right nipple before coming back up and resuming our kissing. I slid down and tried to do to him what he'd just done to me. I must have come pretty close because he was moaning loudly in a few minutes.

He pulled me back up after a while and kissed me again. Man, does he love to kiss. And I really love kissing him. His mouth is kinda small, like the rest of him, and his lips are so soft. I was thinking that I could come just by rubbing against him while we kissed when he slid down again. He stopped briefly at my nipples, sucking on them each a bit, then continued down my abdomen, licking and kissing as he went. He took my rock hard dick in his hand and began to lick it, flicking his tongue over and around the head, running his mouth up and down the sides of the shaft.

"Are you ready for more, big boy?"

"Oh please, Joe, don't stop. I want more, lots more."

He pulled away and turned around in the bed so that he was facing my dick and I was facing his. He wrapped his lips around my head and sucked it into his mouth. The moist heat of his mouth on my dick was unlike anything I'd ever felt. I pulled his foreskin back and took his head in my mouth, and sucked on it. I felt him going down on my shaft, taking a few inches into his mouth. I copied his move and took more of his dick into my mouth. I got about two-thirds of it in when he hit the back of my throat and I started to gag a little.

Joe pulled off me. "Easy, stud. I know I'm not very big but even so you probably won't be able to swallow the whole thing your first time. Just relax and enjoy as much of it as you can. I can barely take half of your big pole."

"I don't know how you can open that beautiful little mouth wide enough to suck it, but I'm glad you can."

"It's a bit of a stretch, but it's worth it."

We went back to sucking on each other, bobbing up and down on our hard cocks. I managed to take a little more of his, but not the whole thing. Joe used his right hand to stroke the part of my shaft he couldn't fit in his mouth in rhythm with his sucking. He wet a finger on his left hand and slipped his hand between my legs. I felt him running it lightly around my hole. He brought it back to his mouth and wet it some more then touched my pucker again. He pushed a bit and his finger popped into me. He slowly pushed it further in. It felt huge, but so good, invading the most private part of me. When he had it nearly all the way in, he hit something inside me that made my head and cock both want to explode. I gasped and let his cock fall out of my mouth.

"That's your prostate, stud. Feels good, doesn't it?"

"Oh God, yeah. I never felt anything like that."

'Then how about returning the favor?"

I again copied him and slowly pushed my finger into his hot little hole. His hips are so slim and his cute butt so little I was afraid I'd hurt him but he just moaned with pleasure with his mouth full of my cock. We sucked and finger fucked each other for a few minutes until Joe pulled off me.

"I want you to fuck me, Mark."

"I couldn't, Joe. I don't want to hurt you."

"Let me decide if it hurts. I've dreamed of you being in me, taking me to heaven, ever since that first day I saw you. Be my stud, make love to me."

"But I don't know what to do."

"I'll get you started then I guarantee your instincts will take over."

Joe laid on his back and had me kneel between his thighs. He handed me a tube and instructed me to put lots of lube on my dick and in his hole. I finger fucked him, first with one finger, then with two.

"Better try a third, babe. You've really got to open me up for that thing."

I pushed a third finger into his tight hole. Damn, he was hot in there. I couldn't wait to feel that heat around my dick and to feel his tight muscle squeezing it. He had me put his legs up on my shoulders and a pillow under his butt to raise it up a bit. He reached around and grabbed my slick pole and placed the head against his hole.

"Now push, very gently. Just push it slowly into me, stud."

At first nothing happened. Then my head seemed to pop into him, a couple of inches of my dick going in at once. He gasped.

"Oh, shit, I've hurt you. I'll take it out."

"No, just don't move for a bit. I'm okay, but damn, you're not only long but really thick, too. I'll be used to it in a sec."

"Are you sure? We don't have to do this if you don't want to."

"Believe me, Mark, I want to. Okay, start pushing again, but go slow."

I leaned in to him and felt my cock gradually slide in. God, his ass was hot. It seemed to take forever, I moved in so slowly. Finally, I was all the way in, pressed tight against his butt.

"Okay, now fuck me, stud."

I slowly pulled almost all the way out of him and pushed back in, then did it again a little faster. Each time I picked up a little speed and thrust a little harder. I was afraid of hurting him, but he obviously wasn't in any pain. I leaned over him and bent down to kiss him, all the while thrusting my hips into his butt, pounding my dick into his ass. I kept kissing and fucking with Joe bent in half under me, his ass so tight and hot around my dick. It felt so good I wanted it to last forever but I wanted to cum so bad too. Just as I realized I couldn't hold back any longer Joe moaned and went into spasms under me. I felt his hole clamp down on my cock and then felt his first shot of cum hit my chest. With his second spurt, I lost it and began to shoot deep into him over and over again. When I jerk off I usually shoot five or six times but this was way more than that. It should have been; I'd been waiting all my life for it.

I slowly pulled out of Joe and looked down at my beautiful dark angel. He grabbed a towel and we both cleaned up, then we cuddled and kissed some more. I fell asleep with him nestled in my arms and woke up this morning in practically the same position. Oh man, what a nice way to wake up. I could get used to this.

Next: Chapter 37: Billy and Danny II 3

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