
By J R D

Published on Sep 7, 1998


Finally got this done. As I wrote this, it was kind of like the Energizer Bunny. It just kept going and going and going. 8-)

You may notice that all parts but the last (including the prequel and original) have been posted at the same time. This is because I'd like some input before finishing off this story. So, please, read through, then write to me and tell me what you think.

When writing this, I tried to write it as an independant story, which is to say, you shouldn't have to read either the prequel or the original in order to read through this one and enjoy it. But if you're one of those people who insists upon reading everything that comes before, I wrote BIOCHEMISTRY first, then wrote PREQUEL, then this one, but the story line goes PREQUEL, BIOCHEMISTRY, SEQUEL. I'll leave it up to you to decide in what order you want to read it.

Now, onto the boring stuff


This story contains scenes of an erotic and/or controversial nature, and is not intended for the perusal of minors. Further if perusal of such material is considered illegal in your area or immoral by your religion or personal beliefs, you should likewise bypass this story.

This story remains the property of the author. Permission is granted to download, photocopy, copy and repost so long as any such action contains these disclaimers, and no attempt is made to profit from this story.

All characters in this story are the creation of the author, and any resemblance to real persons, alive or dead, are purely coincidental.

This story may contain aspects of fantastic science or magic. The parameters of what this science/magic can accomplish are completely at the discretion of me, the author, and, as such, I make no apologies for any rules of "real" physics, chemistry, biology, or magic that may be broken within the story.

Now onto the fun stuff


The Transformation Begins


Jack Smith, James Smith's father, was jogging through the park one day when two men jumped him. Now Jack was an athletic sort, a man who enjoyed working out, but these men clearly knew what they were doing and Jack was unconscious before he knew what was happening...


Melissa Smith, James' mother, Jack's wife, drove into the beach parking lot where James and his new wife Samantha were supposed to be meeting her later.

She was about a half hour early. Jack had gotten up early, made her help him get dressed to go jogging, and she couldn't get back to sleep.

She looked around and saw her son's car. Not wanting to just sit and wait in the car, she decided to take a walk on the boardwalk that surrounded the beach. Maybe she could find James or Samantha. At the very least she could get a little something to eat. She wandered down the boardwalk, checking the stores (mostly tourist trap junk) and seeing the sights (mostly sand, hot looking bodies, and colorful beach umbrellas).

About fifteen minutes after she started, she saw someone who she thought was Samantha down on the beach. The woman she thought was Samantha was rubbing suntan lotion on a beautiful, blonde woman's back. "Samantha" then untied the woman's bikini top. Melissa was then doubtful of this woman's identity, since she then proceeded to massage her partner's back in a most sensual way. Oh, it was nothing that was going to get them banned from the beach, but it was definitely suggestive of a relationship that went beyond simple friendship.

Melissa tried to look away, but felt strangely drawn to this semi-erotic scene on the beach. She felt her own vagina grow wet as the Samantha look alike's hands slowly roamed her friend's back. Melissa watched in rapt attention as "Samantha" rubbed the woman's sides, shoulders, arms, and legs (and although she wasn't really close enough to tell, Melissa was fairly sure that "Samantha's" hands went in between the blonde's legs and stroked her pussy).

Suddenly, the blonde reached behind her, re-secured the straps on her bikini and stood up (she was a tall drink of water, as the saying went). She took "Samantha's" arm and walked towards the private changing rooms offered at the side of the beach. As they walked, Melissa got a much closer look at the raven haired beauty.

Was it? It was. It was Samantha. Was Samantha cheating on James after only four months of marriage? And with another woman, no less? "No," she thought. "I mean I haven't actually seen anything that was openly sexual. Just a really suggestive back rub."

She watched Samantha and the blonde walk to the booth. Just before they went in, they gave each other a kiss, the kind of kiss that Melissa felt should only be made between lovers. Problem was, Melissa wasn't sure what disturbed her more; the fact that Samantha might be cheating on her only son, or the way these two women kissing made her feel... down there. God knows, no man, including her husband, had made her feel that way in a very long time. She couldn't remember the last time she had gotten really wet. Now, this... barely PG-13 scene between two women was exciting her?

She shook her head. She had to talk to Samantha. At the very least to find out whether or not she was cheating on James.

She ran down to the beach, stopping outside the dressing room. Inside she heard a woman moaning in unmistakable sexual lust. Melissa closed her eyes and imagined the scene inside. The blonde, sitting on one of those beach chairs, her legs splayed wide open, Samantha kneeling between them, licking with long,... slow,... sensitive strokes. Samantha's fingers would gently probe and fondle the woman's legs, touching her in places of enjoyment that only another woman would know about.

Then the scene shifted. Instead of the blonde in the chair, it became Melissa herself. Samantha was still between her legs, and the blonde now stood behind her, rubbing and fondling her tits.

Melissa snapped her eyes open and shook her head. Now where had that come from? Melissa wasn't a lesbian. She was happily married.

Okay, maybe saying "happily" married was stretching it. But she was married and Jack was the father of her only child. So as much as she... as she... disliked the man, she had a duty to stick by him. And as much as this imaginary lesbian scene was turning her on, she had to stop Samantha from cheating on her son.

She banged on the door. "Samantha. It's Melissa Smith, your mother-in-law."

"Uhm, wait a second, Mrs. Smith. I'll be out in a few seconds."

Melissa heard a couple people bustling about inside. She was tempted to burst in, but decided to wait. There were no other exits to this booth other than the one she was standing in front of. So she'd soon see whoever Samantha was having sex with in there.

Melissa heard the lock being undone on the inside of the booth. The door opened, and sure enough, there stood Samantha. "Hello, Mrs. Smith."

"Hello, Samantha." Melissa made a somewhat blatant attempt to look over Samantha's shoulder. "Uhm, I was pretty sure I heard someone else in there.

Who was it?"

A figure did step out from behind Sam, but it wasn't the blonde Melissa had seen before. "Hi, mom. Just me."

"Hello, James." Melissa stepped up and hugged her son.

"We were just, uh,... catching some private time before we went to meet you."

"Oh, please, son, I may be old, but I'm not that old. You two were doing what any newlyweds would be doing. You were breeding like bunny rabbits."

James blushed red. "Mother!"

Sam wrapped her arms around her husband's waist. "Doesn't he blush cute?"

Melissa smiled. "It's okay, son. I promise that over the cruise we won't torment you too much."

"Yeah, sure."

"So why are we all going on this cruise?"

"Well, this is the anniversary of the day I proposed to Sam. And I figured that you and dad could use the trip. Even though dad's been retired for a couple years now, with the exception of our wedding, you two haven't left the house in decades."

"Well, you know how your dad is. Once he gets settled into a pattern, he doesn't like to bother changing."

"Yeah, including a pattern of playing around on you."

"Now, James, that's between me and your father."

"Yeah, but I don't have to like it."

"Nobody's asking you to."

"Mom, why don't you leave him?"

Melissa sighed. "Son, I'm a woman in my late fifties, with no applicable job skills. What am I going to do for income if I leave your father?"

"Mom, you could easily get more than enough alimony from dad's retirement income to live on comfortably for the rest of your life. And even if you got no alimony, you could move in with Sam and me for as long as you needed.

You're still a beautiful woman, mom. Even if you felt you had to have a man, you could land one in no time."

"Son, even if that were true, and I don't doubt that it is, I'm from the old school where you don't just walk out on your husband. The whole till death do you part thing. So come on. Your father's on his morning jog. Let's change the subject. Okay?"

"Okay, mom."

"Let's discuss where we're going to eat."

Sam said, "Oh, I know just the place. There's this pizza place up on the boardwalk. The sausage and mushroom pizza is just to die for."

"Lead the way, Samantha."

"Please. Call me Sam, Mrs. Smith."

"Only if you call me mom."

"Okay, I'm going to get our stuff and pack it in the car. I'll meet you there."

As Sam and Melissa walked off, James went inside and got their stuff. He then got out his cell phone, dialed a special number, and waited for it to pick up. When it did, he said, "Mistress Elaine, it's James. Do it."


Mistress Elaine stood over an unconscious Jack Smith. "Well, Mr. Smith, it appears that your wife is determined to stand by you despite your philandering, macho ways."

Elaine signaled to Susan, her lab assistant, who brought over a syringe full of some specially designed chemicals that Elaine had invented. "You know," she said, still talking to the unconscious man, "as a scientist and a modern woman, I'm glad she didn't. But as a compassionate human being, I can't help wondering if you wouldn't have liked it better if she had dumped your silly ass."

Elaine stuck the end of the syringe into Jack's arm and pumped him full of the drug. One hour later, after the first drug had saturated his body, Elaine took two syringes, and injected Jack's chest, each one going under the nipple. Elaine then took a third and fourth syringe and injected Jack in his hips and waist. Then with one last syringe, injected him under his jaw.

Susan asked, "Is that it?"

"Not quite. We'll wait one hour then inject him with the reversal agent."

"Why inject him with all the chemicals, just to inject him with the reversal agent?"

"Because the reversal agent we're going to inject him with is only one half of the entire compound. The other half goes into his wife."

"How are we going to arrange to inject her?"

"The other half can be administered orally. And unlike most of my compounds is thin enough to be mixed into an herbal tea."

"So what will these compounds do?"

"I suspect you'll have a chance to find out."


"Both you and Elizabeth are due for some vacation time. So I'm sending the two of you on the cruise with James and Samantha. My guess is that in a few days you'll be able to see first hand what the compounds have done."

Susan gave Elaine a lascivious look. "Will we be in the same cabin as the happy couple?"

Elaine laughed. "You are an incorrigible fiend at times. No, you two will have a suite of your own. James and Samantha will be in one suite, and Tracie will be in a cabin of her own."

"A separate cabin for Tracie? But why?"

"Because James' mother, who is unaware of the existence of Tracie, will be in the suite right next to the happy couple. Which means you must also be careful of open displays of affection with any of them, Tracie included."

Susan smiled and stuck out her tongue at Elaine. "Spoilsport."

Elaine just smiled.


As they talked, Sam said, "Well, it's time for this little lady to go use the bathroom. Care to join me, Mrs- mom?"

"No, dear. But thanks for offering."

After Sam got up, gave James a kiss, and went off to the restroom, Melissa said, "Dear, there's something I have to ask you about Sam."

"Sure, go ahead."

"How do I put this? Would Sam ever be willing to, uhm, spend time with a girl?"

"I think I understand what you're asking, and yes, she's bisexual. Why? You interested?" James winked at his mother.

"James, don't be crude. But I was wondering, now that you two are married, how does she deal with her... lesbian leanings?"

"We share lovers."


James smiled. "We're both allowed to find lovers outside our marriage. The only rule is that whoever we find is someone we have to be able to share. Someone willing to have sex with either or both of us."

"So if I were to tell you that I saw her being... rather amorous with a young lady on the beach today?"

"Tall lady, blonde, big tits?"

"That's her."

"That's Tracie. I know her well. In fact it was Tracie who helped us through a really bad rough spot that we had that nearly broke us up."

"And you don't have a problem with the two of them having sex?" James shook his head. "What if Sam were to find some guy willing to have sex with you?"

James smiled. "It's already happened, mom."

Melissa was clearly shocked. "You've had sex with guys?"

"Yup. Does that shock you?"


"Now you know how I felt when you mentioned me and Sam doing it like bunny rabbits."

Melissa shook her head. "Okay, okay. But are you kidding? Have you really had sex with guys?"

"Yes, mom, I have. Although both Sam and I prefer other women for our extra-marital liaisons, we BOTH have brought other men into the affair."

"Well, now I'm just confused."

James laughed a bit as his cell phone rang. He answered, "Hello." Sam walked back to the table. "Yeah. Yeah, okay. We'll be there as soon as we can."

"What's up?" Sam asked.

"Apparently dad was attacked while jogging in the park."

Melissa said, "What? Where is he? Is he okay?"

"Relax, mom. He's fine. He lucked out. He was found by Elaine. She took him to her private clinic. He'll get better care there then at any hospital in the state."


"A friend of both Sam and me. She was at the wedding. Perhaps you remember her? Tall woman, 'bout my height, long, auburn hair, rather... well endowed."

"Oh, yes. I remember." Melissa did remember, and what she remembered disturbed her. She remembered Jack and Elaine talking. Jack was being his usual jackass of a self, but Elaine didn't let it get to her. She didn't even have that guarded civility that many women put up to keep from making a scene when dealing with her sexist husband. She seemed so in control, so authoritative, so... attractive. She was the first woman Melissa could ever remember being attracted to, in that way.

She shook her head. What was she doing? Her husband was lying in a hospital bed somewhere and she was fantasizing about a woman she barely knew. "Come on," she said, getting up and heading to the cars.

If she hadn't been so worried about her husband or so disturbed by her burgeoning sexuality, she might've noticed the knowing look passing between her son and daughter-in-law.


Melissa rushed into the clinic, and was quickly sent back to the room where Jack was sleeping soundly. "Is he okay?" she asked of the nurse.

From the door, she heard, "He's fine. He's just sleeping off a sedative I gave him."

Melissa turned to the door. Oh, god, it was her. Elaine. Melissa felt herself getting wet just looking at her. She turned back to Jack, mostly to hide the lustful feelings she was experiencing. "Why a sedative?" she asked.

"He got a nasty bump on his head, and was complaining about a headache. I felt it was best if he got his rest, so I gave him a sedative. Hello, Sam, James." Elaine gave them both a hug.

"So how long is he going to be out?" James asked.

"I figure about 8 hours."

"Damn!" Sam said. "That means we're going to miss our boat."

"Oh, yes, your cruise. There's no need to miss it. You three go ahead and catch your boat. As soon as your father wakes up, I'll have him sent out on a helicopter straight to the ship."

"But I can't leave my husband."

"Nonsense, you're not leaving anyone. So your husband misses the first day or two of your cruise. He could probably stand the relaxation anyways."

"I don't know."

"Well, if you want, you may stay here. But it is my expert opinion that you'll only be wasting your time. I'll be in my office if you have any problems. James, I have those contracts whenever you're ready to sign them."

James just nodded. After Elaine left, James said, "Mom, come on."

"What? I can't just leave my husband when he's in this state."

"What state? He's asleep, mom. He'll be fine. And you do no one any good just sitting by a sleeping body."


"No buts. Mom, if I have to, I will sling you over my shoulder and carry you kicking and screaming onto the boat."

"You wouldn't!" After a quick look at James' face, she said, "You would." She sighed and said, "Okay. Our stuff is packed and at the hotel, we'll need to pick it up before we go."

"Okay, I'll go sign those contracts for Elaine, then we can go get them."

"All right."

Jack walked down the hall to Elaine's office. "Hello, Mistress," he said as he walked into the room.

Elaine gave him an exasperated look. "When are you and Sam going to stop referring to me as Mistress? You know I've given you both permission to do so."

"Yeah, but I got to throw in with Sam. It just doesn't seem right referring to you any other way. I have to work at it just to remember when someone else is in the room. I almost slipped just now with mom."

Elaine just smiled. "Alright. I've got to admit, I kind of get a kick out of it. Here are the contracts."

James quickly signed the contracts. "You know, you have made me a very rich man with what you have bought from me since we first met."

"Anything for a friend. Now can you do me a favor?"


"Let me get some blood samples of both you and Tracie before you head off on your vacation."

"Not a problem. Here or in your lab?"

"Here's fine." Elaine got out a bag with her medical supplies in it. James extended his arm to her, and she drew a syringe full of his blood. "Okay, now Tracie."

James removed his shirt, then closed his eyes. Elaine watched as his body transformed before her eyes. His chest expanded into breasts fully a cup size larger than her own D cup. His waist shrunk down and his hips widened.

The muscles on his legs and arms compacted, giving his limbs a tapered look. His face took on a much rounder appearance. Suddenly, standing before Elaine, was a beautiful little sex pot of a woman. The only thing not fitting the image was her short, manly haircut. Elaine said, "Every time I see you do that, I'm amazed. How do you do it?"

In a lighter, sexy voice, James' alter ego, "Tracie" said, "I have no idea how. I just do it. Besides Tracie is your creation. Yours and Sam's. Don't you have any ideas?"

"Some, but nothing that's panned out."

"Well, Tracie has been a welcome addition to our lives."

"I can imagine. Without Tracie you two would have gone your separate ways."

A year ago, almost to the day, James had broken up with Sam for no other reason than she didn't want to let him have sex with her (she had her reasons, he had to admit), so, for reasons of her own, Sam went to "Mistress" Elaine, a master biochemist whose work was decades ahead of anything being done by anyone else, and had her kidnap James then inject him with a compound that had turned him into Tracie, a she-male beauty with implanted commands that would make her subservient and controllable.

The original plan was to teach him a lesson then to set it up so that Sam or Elaine could transform him back and forth between his two forms, giving him some time as James, but having to spend most of his time as Tracie, the sex slave.

But something happened. Somewhere along the way James and Tracie merged psychologically. James understood the lessons that Sam wanted to teach him, and, somehow, gained control of the transformation, and could switch back and forth between the two forms at will. James also gained Tracie's strong empathy for those around her, particularly when the person was a lover.

After Sam had revealed herself, a she-male who was the handiwork of Mistress Elaine, to what she thought was a subservient Tracie, James understood how he had hurt Sam, and fell in love with her all over again. He revealed his secret to Sam and proposed to her.

It was also Tracie's empathy that brought them to their current place. At their reception, James' father, Jack, had acted like his usual sexist self, causing all sorts of problems amongst the female guests, and to James, with his psychic empathy, it was total hell. Jack finally pushed his son over the edge when he told his new wife that she should just give up her successful law practice to be a good stay at home wife for James. So, in return for allowing Mistress Elaine to study how he controlled his transformation and splitting the costs of the drugs involved, Elaine would use her biochemical know-how to teach Jack a well deserved lesson of his own. Sam knew about this, of course, but his mother was still clueless.

"So," James asked as Elaine took "Tracie's" blood, "any other theories on what allows me to do this?"

"A few. But they'll take more extensive testing that'll have to wait till you get back."

"So what's this for?"

"Just regular testing to judge changes in your biochemical state."

"I just realized something. In the year that I have known you, I don't think I have yet to see you take a break. When was the last time you took a vacation?"

Elaine stopped and thought about it. "About... ten years ago."

"So why don't you come with us?"

"I appreciate the offer, but I've got too much work to do here. Although, I've got to admit, I'd really like to get to know your mother better. Is she really in her fifties?"

"Uh-huh. Fifty-eight next April."

"Amazing. I would've pegged her as being almost twenty years younger than that. Only the silvering of her hair is any mark of her true age."

"Yeah, if only it were for the right reasons."

"What do you mean?"

"She's always been younger then she looked, but about ten years back, she started getting various types of plastic surgery to stay looking young. But she did it at dad's request. Face lifts, tummy tucks, even breast implants and butt work. Not that doing so made any impression on him."

"James, the more I learn of your father, the less I like him."

"At least you haven't had to live with him for the last two and a half decades. So how're you going to get my mom medicated?"

"Already being done. Your mother is being given a nice herbal tea to calm her frazzled nerves. An herbal tea laced with the compound she needs."


Elaine put the vials of blood into a special refrigerator. "Okay you can change back now."

James concentrated and returned to his masculine form. "You sure you won't join us on our cruise?"

"I'm sure. But thanks for the offer."

James wandered back to his father's room, thinking about Mistress Elaine. He was going to have to make a couple calls to Linda and Susan. For all that she had done, Elaine deserved a vacation.


Melissa walked in on James and Sam while they were unpacking. "Hey, kids."

"Hey, mom," James said.

"Well, I'm finished with my unpacking. Do you two need any help?"

"Naw, mom. We're just finishing up."

Melissa noticed an unopened suitcase. "What about that?" she said, picking it up.

"Don't bother with that one, mom."

"Nonsense. The quicker we get it done, the quicker we can get to having fun." She popped the suitcase open. "Lingerie and women's bathing suits?" She picked up one of the suits. "Uhm, seems a little large for you, Samantha. In more ways than one."

"That's because it's not mine."

Melissa looked to her son. "Don't tell me you're wearing women's clothes, James?"

James smiled. "It's Tracie's. She spends a lot of time over at our house and leaves quite a bit of her clothes there. This is the stuff she wanted to take along, and since we weren't sure of her cabin assignment at the time, we just packed it up and had it sent here."

Melissa said, "She spends a lot of time at your house? I think I want to meet this girl."

"Why don't we go meet her? She should be unpacking in preparation for departure."

"Okay. I think that'd be great." James could tell by his mother's tone that she wasn't too sure about Tracie, but was pretty sure she wasn't going to like what she learned.

They all quickly changed into clothes for walking on deck. Samantha changed into a bathing suit and a matching skirt. James got into shorts and a polo shirt. And Melissa got into a yellow sun dress. Melissa looked at her son and asked, "James, did you shave your legs?"

Samantha said, "Oh, I asked him to do that. I'm afraid his leg hairs... irritate me when we're having sex."

"And you did that for her?"

"Sure, mom. It's not that big a deal." Melissa sighed. "What?"

"It's just that your father's leg hairs irritate me also, but I doubt he'd be so accommodating."

"Probably not. Shall we go?"

They went down a couple floors to Tracie's room. They knocked on the door, but after a while, when they got no response, James said, "Maybe she's wandering the deck before departure. Why don't you two do the same, and I'll check with the purser to see if she's checked in. Even if you don't find her, it'll give you a chance to get familiar with the ship."

"Okay, hun," Samantha said. "Come on, mom." And before Melissa could protest, she was dragged off to the deck.

As soon as his wife and mom were out of sight, James looked around, pulled out a room key and unlocked the door. Going inside he quickly stripped off his clothes. He closed his eyes, and Tracie came forth. He grabbed one of "Tracie's" suitcases, and opened it up. He grabbed a matching bra and panty set and quickly put them on. Then, looking through "her" clothes, Tracie decided on a sun dress similar to the one his mother had on. He decided to forgo a slip even though his mother was wearing one. He reached back, zipped up, then got out his blonde wig and put it on. Putting on a light application of make-up, Tracie finally felt ready to face the world.

She went out and went up on deck. She made sure to check in with the purser as Tracie, then found a place on deck to watch as the ship pulled out. It didn't take long before she heard Sam's voice. "Tracie!"

Tracie turned and waved to her wife and best friend. Sam and Melissa came over, and Tracie surprised them by wrapping her arm around them and planting a kiss on Sam's lips. They had discussed it earlier and decided that they would keep it low key while Melissa was around. But Tracie/James had been away from Sam too long. Even the half hour they had been apart was too much and she just couldn't resist taking a taste of Sam's mouth.

"Hey, love," Tracie said.

"Uhm,... yes,... well... Tracie, I'd like you to meet Melissa Smith, James' mother."

Tracie extended her hand. "Finally glad to meet you, Mrs. Smith. James has nothing but the kindest words for you."

Melissa gulped. She had intended to confront this woman, and find out what kind of role she played in her son's marriage. But now, standing in front of this tall, blonde beauty, all she could do was envision the same scene she had at the beach, Sam between her legs and Tracie behind her fondling her tits. She shook it off, and took Tracie's hand. "Charmed."

Melissa wondered what she was going to say when she heard another voice yell out, "Sam! Tracie!" She turned and saw two women headed towards them. The first was a beautiful brunette about Sam's height, maybe a little smaller. The second was a tall (6'4" at least) blonde with mammoth tits (porn star huge tits). And Melissa found herself growing uncomfortably wet just looking at them.

As soon as they got close Sam hugged the brunette and Tracie hugged the blonde. Sam said, "Mom, I'd like to introduce you to two of our best friends. The sexy brunette is Susan." Melissa took Susan's hand. "And the amazonian blonde is Elizabeth, her wife."

Melissa took Elizabeth's hand, then said, "Wife?"

Elizabeth said, "It's not an officially recognized marriage, of course. But I serve at home as Elizabeth's good and dutiful wife. So that's what I prefer to refer to myself as."

"Well, that's... uhm,... Well, I'm not sure what it is. But as long as you're happy together."


Melissa didn't know what to say. Especially since she was envisioning the two women rolling around naked on a bed. "Well,... I'm happy for you." What was going on? Why couldn't she control herself? All right, she might be able to accept that she had lesbian feelings, but was she destined to lose control every time she met a beautiful woman?

Together, the five of them watched the ship pull out of dock, but Melissa was so confused, she didn't even wonder where her son was.


Jack slowly worked his way back to consciousness. When he opened his eyes he looked up to see a beautiful, tall, auburn-haired beauty looking down at him.

"Mr. Smith? Are you okay?"

"Where am I? Last thing I remember was being attacked by two men while I was jogging in the park."

"You were attacked. Do you recall who did it?"

"No. They got me from behind and knocked me out before I knew what was happening. But how did I get here?"

"I found you at the park and brought you here."

Jack looked at her and said, "I know you, don't I?"

"I was wondering if you'd remember. My name is Elaine. We met at your son's wedding."

"Oh, yeah, the... scientist, or something or other."

"Yes, that's me. Well, Mr. Smith, one of the doctors I keep here has cleared you to leave any time you wish. I promised your wife and son that I would fly you out to the ship as soon as you were ready. I'd suggest you file a report with the police first."

"Fly me out?"

"Yes. I'm afraid the doctor administered a sedative earlier. The ship you were supposed to be on right now has already left port. And since your wife was going to do no one any good sitting here fretting over you, your son and daughter-in-law took her to the ship. So as soon as you're ready, I can have a helicopter ready to depart."

"Oh, no rush. I mean, after all, I've still got to make that police report, don't I?"

"Of course. Well, whenever you're ready, just come back here and I'll have a helicopter waiting for you."

Elaine walked out of the room shaking her head. The man was so transparent.

He clearly planned on spending at least a few days away from his wife to fool around. Just like James said he would.

She walked back to her office and pulled out a couple sheets of her personal stationery. She thought about it then began to compose the letters for Jack. Usually she would handle this personally as she had done so many times before, but James had recommended letters instead feeling that Jack would be more likely to react as they wanted if he had to face it in writing. She wasn't sure she agreed, but James knew his father.

When she was finished, she found that Jack was already gone. Well, it was time for her to leave anyways. She got her stuff together and went down to the car. She gave her chauffeur a quick kiss, and then got in and went home.

When she got there, she went in and collapsed in her chair. Linda, the head of her household staff, a beautiful Native American Elaine had "converted" to a she-male, came up to her with a pot of tea, and set it beside her. "Good evening, ma'am. Rough day at work?"

"Not rough so much as filled." As Linda poured her a cup of tea, Elaine said, "Ah, Linda, you always seem to know what I need."

"That's what makes me so good at my job."

And if Elaine had not been so tired, she might've noticed the strange taste to the tea. But when she fell into a deep sleep, her only thoughts were about the lab work she had planned for tomorrow. Lab work she would not have the chance to get done.


Jack wandered the strip, looking for a hooker to pick up. He wanted a pretty one, but any would do. He found a pretty, young blonde (most likely underage, not that he cared), and took her to an alley to fuck.

The girl reached over and undid his pants, freeing his dick. She then leaned over, took his dick in her mouth and sucked him till he sprayed into her mouth. He remained hard as he slid over towards the passenger seat, with the hooker climbing up and over him, straddling his legs. She then lowered herself down onto his dick (she was wearing crotchless panties). He grabbed her hips and started pumping her up and down, paying no attention to what she was getting out of it. Soon he was spraying deep into her.

After he was finished, he paid the girl, drove her back to her corner, then drove home. When he got there, he noticed that his dick was still hard, and he was still horny. It surprised him, because he usually was good only for a maximum of two orgasms, usually only one. He got into bed, played with himself until he came, then fell asleep.


Elaine woke, a pasty taste in her mouth, and a beating sound in her ears. She had enough experience with drugs to realize from the taste in her mouth that she had been drugged. But it took her a few seconds to realize that the beating sound she heard came from the high speed whirling of the helicopter blades.

As she fought her way back to a full awareness of reality around her, she heard a voice say, "Good morning, ma'am.. Did you sleep well?"

It took her a few seconds to identify the voice. "Norma," her personal helicopter pilot, "what's going on here?"

"A vacation, ma'am."

"You just got finished with a vacation."

"Not for me, ma'am. For you."

"What? I am far too busy for a vacation! Return me home at once!"

"No, ma'am."

"What?! Are you disobeying me?!"

"Yes, ma'am. I am."

"You realize you're risking your job by disobeying me?"

"Yes, ma'am. And normally obedience to your wishes always takes first precedence in my life. But before your wishes must come your health and well being. You have not had a vacation in over a decade. Both Susan and Linda agree that there is nothing going on in your life that can't wait till after the cruise is over."

"The cruise? Is this James' idea?!"

"It started with him, ma'am, but there isn't a one of us that doesn't agree with it."

Elaine shook her head. "Alright already. I give. I know when I'm licked. How long till we reach the ship?"

"Fifteen minutes."

Elaine just smiled. Fifteen minutes later the helicopter landed on the cruise ship. Before she got out Elaine leaned forward and said, "Norma, you're not going to lose your job for this, but when I get back, you, Linda, and anyone else involved in this little conspiracy are due for a serious spanking."

Norma grinned. "Promises, promises."

"Now give me a kiss before I go." Norma leaned over and back a little and kissed Elaine on the lips.

Elaine got out and was met by the captain. Norma got out and started unloading her luggage. "Good morning, Miss..."

"Elaine. Just Elaine."

"Miss Elaine. Your suite is ready, just as your personal secretary arranged."

"Yes, very good. Captain, I'm looking for Mr. James Smith. I know he's on board. Would you happen to know where he is?"

"Mr. Smith? The name is familiar." The captain thought for a moment. "I believe he has the suite next to yours. As to where exactly he is on the ship, I wouldn't hazard a guess. But it's still early, so if he's the type to sleep in, he might still be in his room."

"He isn't, but I will check there first."

Melissa was making the bed in her room. She knew the housekeeping staff would take care of it, but 40+ years of habitual room keeping wasn't something that just went away. Besides, James and Sam deserved some time alone. It was the anniversary of their deciding to marry, after all.

It was then that she heard the knock on the door. Figuring it was housekeeping, she said, "Come." The door opened and she turned, and was shocked by what she saw. It was Elaine, the tall, sexy, beautiful woman who ran the clinic where her husband was (at least that was where she thought he was).

"Mrs. Smith? Do you remember me?" Melissa could only nod. "I'm looking for your son. Do you know where he is?"

"U... Up on deck. By the pool."

"Thank you."

As Elaine turned to leave, Melissa asked, "Why are you here?" The question was a little rude, and Melissa could tell by the look Elaine gave her. "I mean, why are you looking for my son here?"

"Isn't this his room?"

"No. He and Sam are next door."

"Oh. My apologies. The captain said he'd be in the room next to mine."

"You're... next door?"

"Mm-hmm. Guess that makes us neighbors."

"So, uhm, why weren't you here for departure?"

"To be honest, I didn't plan on coming at all."

"Then why are you here?"

"I made the mistake of confessing to your son that I hadn't had a vacation in over ten years, so he and some of my staff conspired to get me here against my will. So I plan on finding him and slapping him for it. Only playfully, of course."

Melissa smiled. "Well you have his mother's permission to spank him, as well."

Elaine gave a light hearted laugh that sounded to Melissa like silver Christmas bells. "Only if he wants it, and only if we're alone." Elaine winked at Melissa. Melissa blushed. "Oh, I'm sorry. I've shocked you. You're so young looking, that I forget that you're from an older generation than I am."

"No problem." Actually, it hadn't been the mere fact of the spanking that had caused her to blush. It had been the sexual excitement she had gotten from the image of her son over this woman's knees, getting a spanking.

"See you on deck?"

"Yes." She hadn't planned on going up on deck, but for some reason, she just couldn't say no to Elaine. God help her if Elaine ever did ask for sex. Melissa wasn't even sure she could say no to that any more.

It was only after Elaine had left that Melissa realized that she had forgotten to ask how Jack was.


Jack woke, and noticed a strange sensation in his body. It was centered in his chest, but his entire body seemed to throb and tingle. He reached up to scratch his chest and his hands bumped into something. And whatever it was, the sensation was transferred directly to him. He rolled over to turn on the light, and his chest felt strange. Like it wanted to go in a direction entirely different from the one he wanted to go. He clicked on the light and looked down.

"Oh, God!" he thought. "I've got tits! Big tits!" He sat up and touched himself. He felt the sensation of his fingers. He rubbed and eventually pinched his tits, feeling every bit of it. Well, if they were fakes, they were very good fakes.

He got up and went into the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. What he saw shocked him. The changes went further than just his having tits. His face was now rounder, softer, more... feminine. He still looked mostly like himself, but he definitely looked more effeminate, and, well,... younger. Also, his waist and hips had changed, the former smaller, the latter wider.

How could this have happened to him? Who had done it? Somebody wanted him to be a girl? But why?

He stopped to think about it. Wait a minute, that woman, the one he had waken up to. What was her name? Elisa? Eloise? Elaine? Yes, that was it. Elaine. Wasn't she a scientist of some kind? Was she capable of doing this?

For some reason, it was getting harder and harder to think. At first, he thought it was part of the process of becoming a woman, then he noticed it. He was playing with his own tits, and the sexual excitement was diverting his attention. Well, fine. If he was going to get distracted by his sexual needs, then he was going to need to get rid of his sexual excitement.

He left the bathroom and went out to the bed. He lay on his back, grasped his dick and started pumping. He noticed that his body now seemed to take a little longer to get hard, and his free hand kept wandering to his tit. At first, he tried to resist, not wanting to deal with the symbology of getting excited by playing with his own tits. But after the third or fourth time of finding his hand on his tit, he decided, "Fuck it," and just let his hands do what they would. He pumped his dick while rubbing his tit, and soon (although not as soon as he usually did) he was spraying wildly.

Then it happened. It was a throbbing tingle that started in his balls and soon spread to the rest of his body. He lay there and trembled for a few seconds. When it stopped, he looked down at himself, then ran to the bathroom. He was right! His tits were larger! Even his waist and hips had changed, growing smaller and larger respectively.

He walked out to the bedroom, got dressed in sweats and a T-shirt (which now barely fit over his tits), then went out to the main area of his room. He was wondering what he was going to do when he noticed a letter on the floor by the door. He picked it up and read it.

"Good morning, Jack,

If my guess is right, you should have a nice pair of tits hanging off your chest right now. Let me guess, you went out and found some woman in a bar, or perhaps even hired a hooker then took her and had sex with her.

Shame on you, Jack. You're a married woman. Oops, married man. Well, if you won't be a faithful husband, then I will ensure it.

If you haven't figured it out yet, every orgasm you experience will cause your tits to grow 1 cup size, your waist to shrink 1 inch, and your hips to expand 1/2 inch. Your original measurements were 38-36-34, so figure out your current measurements from that. The first one won't change. It'll just have a cup size added to it. The second will stop at a minimum of 20 inches, and the last will stop at a maximum of 38, but there is no maximum to your cup size. I suggest you be a faithful and celibate husband, for if your tits grow too large they could damage your back.

Your face will also grow younger and more effeminate after every orgasm. After all, how are you going to go out with tits if you don't look like a woman?

Take heart, though. There is a way to reverse your change. How? Simple. Just orgasm within your wife after pleasuring her. Your wife, unknown to her, has been treated with the reversal agent, which will co-mingle with the agents in your semen and undo what was done to you one stage for every orgasm.

Be a good husband, Jack.

Love, Elaine"

So it was that bitch of a scientist who did this to him. Poor, frustrated whore probably couldn't find a man, and hated all men for it.

And as for what she did to his face? Did she really think he would be going out like this? His wife would be back in... 6 days. He could wait that long.

Curious though, Jack figured it out. He had had two orgasms last night with the hooker, one before he went to bed, and one this morning. That was four total which gave him measurements of 38D-32-36! That gave him only four more orgasms before his hips reached their widest, but 12 more till his waist reached his smallest. And twelve more would give him a cup size of... M! Did the woman really think he had that little control over himself?


The Cruise


James, Sam, Susan, and Elizabeth were all on deck. Sam had just told a joke and James was laughing when he was slapped on the back of the head. Without looking at who did it, James said, "Good morning, Mistress."

Elaine gave him a disapproving stare. "Good morning, James."

Elizabeth and Sam both said, "Mistress!"

Sam asked, "What are you doing here? Did you take James up on his offer?"

"Not Exactly."

"What do you mean?"

"It seems your husband," Elaine turned to Elizabeth, "your wife, Linda, and a few others entered into a conspiracy to get me to take my first vacation in a decade, despite my direct wishes to the contrary."

James smiled, "You needed this and you know it."

Elaine sat down. "Granted. But that still doesn't mean I plan on letting you out of your punishment."

James quipped, "And you wonder why we call you Mistress."

Elaine laughed. "Touché. But that still doesn't mean I plan on going easy on the two of you."

Susan smiled conspiratorially. "Promises, promises."

Elaine said, "She said, quoting her fellow conspirator, Norma." Susan stuck her tongue out at Elaine. "Oh, by the way, James, since your mother has given me permission to spank you, I plan on going particularly hard on your cute, little ass."

"Oh, my," James said in mock fear, "whatever can I do to mollify you, great Mistress?"

"Well, you can start by kissing me. We'll see what else you need to do after that."

"Gladly." James leaned over and pressed his lips to Elaine's.

The two of them kissed sensuously, and, when they broke, Elaine said, "You always were a phenomenal kisser, James."

"Not always. Just another of the benefits of Tracie."

From down the deck, they heard Melissa ask, "Speaking of which, where is Tracie?"

"Hi, mom," James said. "Oh, she's around here someplace. Tracie does tend to come and go as she pleases." James got up. "Here, mom, take my seat while I go get another chair."

"Oh, no. I can go get one of my own."

"Nonsense." James escorted her to his chair before heading across the deck to find another chair.

Melissa hadn't wanted to say it, but she didn't want to take James' chair because SHE was sitting in the chair right next to it. Trying not to let her discomfort show, she turned to Elaine and asked, "So, Elaine, I understand you're some kind of scientist?"

"Mm-hmm. A biochemist."

"Pardon my ignorance, but what does a biochemist do?"

"I develop new medications and test their effects upon the human body."

"Well, that's all a little beyond me to tell you the truth."

Susan said, "Don't worry. It's a little beyond everybody. Elaine is years ahead of anything anyone else is doing."

As James returned with a chair, Elaine said, "Don't think that flattery is going to get you out of your punishment, Susan."

"Oh, no, ma'am." Susan winked at Elaine.

Melissa sighed. "I envy you youths your sexual freedom."

"Oh, come now," Elaine said. "You're a youthful, attractive woman. I bet you could easily keep pace with any of us in bed." An image of Melissa and Elaine naked in the same bed flashed through Melissa's mind and she blushed crimson. "Oh, I'm sorry. I keep making you blush."

"It's no problem, really." Deciding to start giving back what she was getting, Melissa said, "If I'm going to hang out with kids, I suppose I should learn to play kids' games."

Elizabeth laughed as Susan, James and Elaine just smiled. Sam said, "Well said, mom. And feel free to join in any games we all play together."

As images of a mass orgy flashed through Melissa's mind, she said, "With all five of you? What are you trying to do? Give your poor, old mother-in-law a heart attack?"

Sam laughed and hugged Melissa. "Never, mom. We all want you to stick around for a very long time."

Melissa said, "Son, you're being unusually quiet. What's up?"

"Just... thinking about Tracie. I think I'm gonna go look for her."

Sam asked, "Want me to go with?"

"Naw, you stay here with mom and Elaine. But if Elizabeth and/or Susan could help, it'd be greatly appreciated."

"Sure, hun."

James, Elizabeth, and Susan got up and left the table. After they left, Melissa asked Sam, "Why would he ask them, but not you?"

"Because I think they're planning a 3-way."

Elaine added, "Four if they actually find Tracie."

"Well, why didn't he ask you along?"

Elaine said, "In our new found spirit of openness, I think I can tell you that your son is a phenomenal lover with the endurance of a horse. If we all take him on at once, he can and has worn us all to a nub. So rather than try, we take turns with him."

To Sam, she asked, "You don't mind?"

"Hell, no, mom. I know James loves me and no matter who either of us has sex with, we know we always have first place in each other's hearts."

"I guess it's just kind of unusual for a mother to learn her son is a stud."

Elaine gave a laugh and reached over and gave Melissa a one-armed hug. When Melissa tensed up, she said, "I'm sorry. I guess that was a little too friendly for us, yet."

Melissa felt chagrined. How could she explain that she had just nearly orgasmed from Elaine's simple hug. "No, I just wasn't expecting it. No one outside of Sam or James has touched me like that in years."

"Not even your husband?"

Sam said, "Her husband isn't exactly responsive to her needs."

Melissa said, "Don't you start in. I get enough of that from James."

"Well James is right, mom."

Before Melissa could respond, Elaine said, "Sam, leave your mother alone. She knows what she's doing."

"Thank you."

Elaine put her hand on Melissa's. "But I can say that if your husband isn't doing everything he can to treat you as nicely as he can, then he's a fool."

Melissa looked into Elaine's guileless eyes and said, "Thank you."

Down in Tracie's cabin, James got in, then stripped off his shirt. Barely able to talk, he told the couple, "Lock the door."

As Susan closed and locked the door, Elizabeth asked, "What is it, James? What's wrong?"

Panting heavily, James quickly brought forth Tracie. "It's mom. For some reason, over the last couple days, she's been super-excited sexually. Still trying to figure out why, but since my empathy causes me to feel everything she does, added to the level of sexual excitement we all operate on, it's incredibly hard to think. If I'd've stayed up on deck with her a minute longer, I'd've grabbed someone and taken them right there."

"So what can we do?"

Tracie stood there, so excited that she was unable to move. In a plaintive voice, she begged, "Help me find release."

Elizabeth smiled. "Of course, love." She took Tracie in her arms and kissed her.

Just the proximity of Elizabeth's body was enough to cause Tracie to experience her first orgasm of the day. And thanks to the release, Tracie was able to take a more active role. She reached up, and pulled Elizabeth to her. Their bodies mingled, their breasts rubbing passionately.

When they finished their kiss, Susan and Elizabeth helped Tracie (still incredibly excited) to the bed. They laid her on her back and began to slowly stroke her body. They started on her legs, slowly rubbing and fondling them, they moved up, avoiding her crotch, rubbing her abdomen, switching off to her arms, and finally taking a breast each, rubbing, and sucking till Tracie experienced her second orgasm.

"Fuck me," said Tracie.

Elizabeth responded, "Your wish is our command."

Elizabeth removed her dress, slip and panties, leaving her corset, stockings and heels on, exposing her dick, while Susan removed James' shorts and briefs from Tracie. Susan started to undress as Elizabeth got on the bed. Placing her hands under Tracie's thighs, she lifted Tracie's legs up to her tits, exposing her ass for easy entry. Elizabeth got close, pressing her dick to Tracie.

"Shove it in," Tracie begged. "Please, shove it in."

"Relax, baby," Elizabeth said, "we're here for you." Tracie tried to relax as Elizabeth forced her way into Tracie's ass. Tracie shivered as Elizabeth pressed their hips together. Tracie's legs seemed to natural surround her lover's body and pull her closer.

Now that Tracie's legs were out of the way, Susan, now naked, got up on the bed and straddled Tracie's head. Tracie, ever the diligent lover, tilted her head and started licking Susan's cunt. She then reached up, took Susan's breasts in hand and started to rub and knead in the way she knew Susan liked. Susan reached out and took her wife's breasts and rubbed them.

And Elizabeth completed the triangle by taking Tracie's breasts in hand and began rubbing them as she continued pumping into Tracie's ass.

Tracie trembled and came once again, this time finally regaining enough control to start taking a more active role in the sexual proceedings. She slowed down her tongue on Susan, licking slowly along her slit. She then touched Susan's clit with her tongue, brushing it ever so lightly. Susan moaned and squeezed her wife's tits. They moved together sensually until they came together in a 3-way simultaneous orgasm.

After they calmed down, Tracie said, "Thank you."

Susan said, "Anytime, love. You ready for more?"

"Actually, I better make an appearance as Tracie. But if you two could stay here, out of sight, it'd go a long way to explaining James absence."

"Not a problem, dear. But what about your mom? Aren't you worried about getting overly excited as Tracie around her?"

"Maybe. But this body seems better able to handle it than when I'm James. Besides, I don't think mom likes Tracie much. I think she feels that Tracie plays far too big a role in our lives."

"If she only knew." Susan winked at Tracie as she got dressed in a bathing suit.

Tracie just smiled and left with a quick, "Have fun."

After she was gone, Elizabeth said to her wife, "So do you want to just wait around for a while or did you have something else in mind?"

Susan just growled and tackled her wife.


Jack woke up, his body aching with sexual need. His cock was so hard with "blue balls", that he couldn't even think straight. He reached up grabbed his dick and started pumping. With his free hand he stroked his nipple. And before he remembered what doing so would mean, he was spraying into the air. Jack felt his body tremble and change.

He got up, his new DD's bouncing as he moved. He should now be 38DD-31-36.5. He went into the bathroom and got another shock as he looked in the mirror. "My hair! It's grown!" His hair had indeed grown out. Down to his shoulders, in fact. And his face... Well, you could still tell it was him if you looked real close, but otherwise, he looked like a woman.

Jack wandered out to the main room where he saw another note by the door. Quickly running over and grabbing it, he sat down to read it.

"Dear Jack,

The fact that you are reading this means that you didn't have the guts to go out as a woman to meet your wife. I suppose you think you can just wait until she returns from her trip. Well, there are a couple things to keep in mind concerning that plan.

First, your hotel reservation runs out today, and the hotel you're at takes pictures of the credit card holder to ensure that no one else uses the card.

And since you now look more like a woman, and you didn't approve your wife on your cards as an approved user at the hotel, the hotel will, in all likelihood, not extend your reservation.

But I suppose you could theoretically con them into extending it (a good blow job for the manager would probably do it) or you could go to another hotel and claim that the Jack on your cards is short for Jacqueline (This would probably go easier if you put an i and an e after your first name on the signature, "Jackie", and you tell them the embossed name on the front is a mistake printing). But if you decide on this course of action, there's a second problem you need to be aware of.

Included in the chemicals in your body is a bonding element which connects the portions of your brain which control dreaming, and the portion which controls your sex drive. In other words, Jack, starting on your second night as a she-male, it will be impossible for you to dream anything other than erotic dreams. I bet you woke up this morning with a hard-on that you just had to play with, didn't you? Did you play with your new titties when you played with your dick, Jack?

Of course, now that you know about it, you may think you can control yourself in the morning, and, maybe you can. But with that much regular stimulation, combined with the chemicals making you younger (that's a constant effect till you get to puberty, orgasms just accelerate it. Oh, did I forget to mention that in my first letter?), it'll only be another day or two before you're having wet dreams and orgasming in your sleep. I figure by the end of the week, you'll be having 2-5 of those a night.

So if you do decide to wait, expect a bare minimum of 5 cup sizes of growth.

I honestly expect around 10-15. Maybe more.

I just wanted to let you know that the offer of a helicopter ride to the ship is still available, but since you have been so inconsiderate as to keep your wife waiting, you now have to be dressed for the occasion. You will need to be in a bra and panties (my pilot will check), and a dress. That's right, Jack, a dress.

Now I suggest you get out there and get what you need soon, Jack. I've checked. Most stores in town don't carry bras larger than DDD. Enough do so that they won't be that hard to find, but so that you'll need to look, carry up to EE, and a couple custom lingerie shops carry up to I, but if you're larger than that, you'll need to special order, and even if you pay for overnight delivery that's still risking another couple cup sizes of growth.

Now I suppose it's possible that you've already grown so large that you won't be able to find a decent dress, so I'll give you a break. If you're over a EE (anything over DD is going to require you to shop in stores for full figured women) then you can get on the helicopter if you're wearing nothing other than a bathing suit. A woman's bathing suit, of course. Today I'll accept a one-piece. Tomorrow, you'll have to be in a bikini. You can get that at the same store as you get the bras.

See you soon, Jack.

Love, Mistress Elaine"

Damn Bitch! If Jack ever got his hands on her, he'd show her what a real man could do. Jack imagined himself bending Elaine over and fucking her ass. He imagined her begging to give him the antidote, first to get him to stop, but then promising to give it to him if he wouldn't. And before he knew what he was doing, he was masturbating himself to another orgasm. He felt the tremble run through his body and suddenly he was 38DDD-30-37.

"Oh, god," he thought. The woman was right. His sex drive hadn't been this strong since he was in his 30's. He had to get to his wife. But was he really going to have to wear a dress? After thinking about it, he realized, yes, he was going to have to wear a dress.

He went through his clothes to find something to wear. He tried on some slacks, but all those slid from his waist, exposing his underwear. He finally decided on some jogging pants. The elastic kept them in place, but they were still loose on him, forcing him to move carefully to keep them from falling off. The only thing that would fit his top was his sweat top, but it barely covered his new mammaries, leaving his midriff bare and sexily exposed.

He grabbed his belt pouch and put his ID and credit cards in it. As he walked out the door, he realized that the ID was useless. The ID showed a 60 year old man, he now looked like a woman in her late 30s. Oh, there were enough similarities that he could pass the ID off as that of a relative, perhaps a father, but Elaine was right. There was no way he was going to pass himself off as Jack anymore. What name was he going to use, then?

Jackie? No, that was the name Elaine had chosen for him, and if he chose that, it'd be like letting her win. Perhaps he should just use Melissa's name. Yes, that'd be best. She was his wife. He had a right to anything of hers, even her name.

He went down to the desk clerk, got the location of the nearest mall, and set out. He went inside to the department store at the end of the mall, hoping not to go any deeper into the mall than that, but quickly found that the lingerie section there was woefully understocked and had nothing larger than a D cup. He found himself becoming quite aroused just being there and wondered whether or not his erection was visible. He briefly considered going into the bathroom and jacking off, but dismissed it as soon as he remembered what would happen if he did.

After a third pass through, hoping to find something, he realized that he was going to have to go to the specialty stores deep within the mall. Sighing, he headed off. As he walked through the mall, he noticed all the men staring at him and grew uncomfortable. Unfortunately, he made the mistake of speeding up, causing two things to happen. One, his tits nearly bounced out from his sweat top, and two, his sweat pants nearly fell off. The combination of which, of course, attracted the attention of every guy within line of sight.

Jack got to the lingerie shop and quickly ran inside. Almost as soon as he got inside a pretty, young salesgirl pounced on him. "Can I help you?"

Jack almost said no, but realized that he didn't know the first thing about choosing lingerie. And, although he had his dimensions if Elaine was right about how he had changed, she could be wrong (she was only a woman, after all). "Uh, yeah. I need some new lingerie."

"Of course, what size do you wear?"

"I'm not sure."

"You're not sure of your measurements?"

"Well, I've... recently lost a lot of weight, and don't know my new measurements yet."

"Well, let's get your new measurements. Step into the dressing room and I'll get a tape measure."

Jack went into the dressing room and waited. A few seconds later, the salesgirl stepped into the booth he was in and said, "Okay, take off those sweats, and I'll get your measurements."

Jack gulped, and said, "No, I can do it, thanks."

The salesgirl said, "Well if you insist, but these measurements are always more accurate when taken by someone else. Relax, hun, we're very discrete here."

"Well, I guess so." Jack stripped off his sweat tops.

"Okay, extend your arms out to your sides." Jack did as he was asked, and the woman ran the tape measure around him under her breasts. As she did so, her hands casually seemed to brush his nipples, sending an almost electric shock through his body, giving him a hard-on he hoped wasn't visible.

"Okay, base measurement is a 38." She ran the tape measure around his breasts, her fingertips lightly stroking his nipples again. "Okay, widest point is 44 inches which gives you a cup size of DDD. Now drop your pants and I'll get your waist and hip measurements."

"Uh, oh," he thought. He should've seen this coming. He couldn't let her see what was under his pants. What would she think? "Uh, no, really, I can do that. Why don't you get me a selection of bras to choose from?"

"Because most of our lingerie here is sold as bra/panty sets. And it's just easier if I have all your measurements at once."

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts." Before Jack realized what she was planning, she reached out and yanked his pants down, exposing his boxers, and the hard-on contained within. "Oh, cool," she said, "you're one of those, whatchamacallits, a transsexual. A girl who used to be a guy."

"Uhm, well,..."

"Relax, hun. I can keep a secret. We've had a few transvestites, guys who like dressing as girls, come in here, but you're my first full-fledged transsexual." She reached out and pulled Jack's boxers down. "Wow, you've got a real stiff one, don't you?" She took it in hand and started stroking him. "Is this because of me, or do you just get a hard-on for women's clothes?"

Jack moaned, and said, "Well, it's certainly not the clothes."

"That's sweet." The girl leaned over and pressed her lips to Jack's. Jack trembled, between the kiss and this woman's hand on his dick, he was in sexual ecstasy. It wasn't until she started to fondle his breast that he remembered his current situation and what would happen if he orgasmed again.

He tried to push her away, but his hands betrayed him. As soon as they touched her, he pulled her to him, mashing their breasts together (a pleasurable sensation, but one Jack felt he could do without). Unable to think straight, he reached under the woman's skirt and started to remove her panties.

"Oh, you're a frisky one," she said. She let him remove her panties then put him on his back on a small bench in the booth. The bench was barely long enough to hold him, and his head and legs hung off the end. She straddled his hips, and slowly lowered herself onto him. She rode him, bouncing up and down on his dick while he just lay there enjoying it.

It didn't take long before he was spraying deep into her. Then it happened again. His body trembled, and this time, he could see his breasts grow. Luckily the woman didn't seem to notice it. As she climbed off of him, she said, "Not bad, hun, but if you're going to be a proper lesbian you should spend a little more energy on your partner, rather than just laying on your back and receiving pleasure. That kind of classically male behavior is what turned me off of them in the first place. Now stand up so I can get your measurements."

Jack stood up, amazed. He didn't say anything, but was amazed that this pretty lady was a lesbian. He thought that all lesbians were just ugly businesswomen who had so few domestic skills that they couldn't get a real man.

After the woman got his measurements, (a 29 waist, and hips a little smaller than 38) she left to get some selections for him to check out, and he had a chance to ponder some of the other things she had said.

Transvestites? Men who dressed as women? Okay, maybe there were a few sissy types who might not be man enough to handle themselves, but did they really go out and buy fancy lingerie for themselves?

And transsexuals? Women who used to be men? Were there really such things?

He had heard of such... people, but had dismissed their existence as mere stories. After all, why would anyone want to be a woman after having been a man?

The woman returned with a small collection of bra and panty sets. As she helped Jack into the bra, she said, "Hmm, this is a little tight." Jack remained silent. What was he going to say? That thanks to the orgasm he had had, he was now a cup size larger? She removed the bra and said, "Let me remeasure."

She took the tape measure and checked. "Hmm, it seems I mismeasured. You're 45 inches around your widest point, which makes you an E cup. My apologies. That's the first time I ever made that mistake." She went out into the store and returned with a new collection of bra/panty sets.

She helped him into the new bra. "There. Perfect fit."

"Uhm, thanks."

"So would you like to try on some others or would you just like to purchase them blind."

"Well, I think I'll just buy just this one."

"Just the one? Why? It's clear you don't have any others, otherwise you would've been wearing them."

"Well, uhm." Great. What was he going to say? He didn't have any other lingerie because as of two days ago he didn't have any reason for it? Then he had it. "It's just that I recently lost all my ID and credit cards along with my lingerie in a fire. I've got my father's ID, but I don't want to risk causing any hassle with him and the credit card company by buying a lot of lingerie on his card."

"Oh, I see. I am going to have to see the credit card. Did your father give you a signed note allowing you to use it?"

Damn, he should've thought of that. Jack fished the ID and card out of his jogging pack. "No, but he did give me his ID." He handed the cards to the salesgirl.

She took one look at the ID and said, "Oh, yes, I can clearly see the family resemblance. Let me go run this through the machine. If it clears then we can see what we can do about getting you at least a couple extra sets. What's your name?"

"Melissa," Jack said, thankful he hadn't forgotten and used his real name.

The salesgirl left, and returned a few minutes later. "Good news, Melissa. I called the credit card company, and it appears that your father has you as an approved user of his credit card, so you can make as many purchases as you want."

Damn. He should've thought of that. Although he rarely let her have the credit card, Melissa was approved to use it since he wouldn't let her have one of her own. Now how was he going to convince this girl that he wasn't going to need a collection of bras? Then he thought about it. He was going to need a few smaller bra sizes. Even with his new sexual stamina there was no way he could just grab his wife and pump a half dozen loads into her. And he supposed he might need one or two bras of a larger size if he didn't get to his wife before tomorrow.

"Well, maybe I can buy two or three sets. Do you mind if I just wear this one without taking it off?"

"Sure, hun."

"I'd also like to buy a few sets for some friends of mine as gifts. Since I'm already here, I mean."

"Of course, hun. Do you know their bra sizes?"

"Uhm, they're all 38. One at a size larger than mine, one a size larger than that."

"So that's one double E, and one F."

Jack thought about it. After he met his wife he could probably drop a load or two in her right away, then after another hour or so another couple. "Uhm, better give me one double D, one D,... Ah, hell, just give me one of every size smaller than my own." Any he didn't need he could return.

"Of course. I'm afraid the only 38A or 38B sizes we have here are all either padded or push-up of some form or another."

"Well, that's okay."

"Would you like to make the selections yourself?"

"No, I trust your judgment."

"Very good."

As the lady left, Jack got his sweats and put them on. After he did he took a look at himself in the mirror. He realized he had experienced an orgasm and his tits were larger now, but in the bra they now seemed positively huge! Did all bras do this? His wife's didn't seem that much larger when she was wearing a bra as opposed to when she wasn't. It was probably just that his own tits were so much larger than his wife's now.

Jack walked out to the main area of the store and paid for his purchases. As he left the store, he passed a woman who gave him a curious look. After he was gone, the woman, a store employee, walked up to her fellow salesclerk and asked, "Was that woman wearing a push-up bra?"


"I will never understand why women with breasts that large ever decide to wear push-up bras."

"Mainly because that "woman" was Jack Smith, the guy Elaine warned us was coming, and had no idea that he was being sold a push-up bra."

"Damn! He would have to come in on my break."

"Well, if you hurry, I'm sure he's headed to the full-figured shop for a dress. But take it from me, you didn't miss much. He's a pretty poor lay, even for a guy."

"Naw, not worth it. Let Julie and Amy play with him. So how much did we make on him?"

"Fifteen bras, all very expensive push-ups with matching panties."

"That's over five hundred dollars worth of lingerie. Didn't he say anything?"

"The fool never even looked at the sales slip."

The other woman shook her head. "What do you think the fool would've done if he knew that Mistress Elaine owned every lingerie and full-figured ladies' shop within 15 miles of his hotel?"

"I guess it's just lucky for our sales that he didn't."

The two girls laughed at Jack's predicament.


Tracie and Sam were sitting together by the pool, kissing, when Melissa, dressed in a bathing suit, walked up. "Hello, ladies."


"Mrs. Smith."

"How are you two doing?"

"Fine, mom. We were just sitting back getting some sun."

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"No problem with me. Tracie?"

"Oh, please do."

Melissa sat down on a chair beside them. "I like your outfit, mom. Don't get me wrong. The dresses are nice, but since you've got the figure to pull this off, you should really wear this stuff more often."

Melissa sighed. "Don't get me wrong, Sam, but I'm really getting tired of your kids' pushing. I only got this suit because I got a promise from James to quit bugging me about my outfits. And I'd really appreciate it if you'd drop it, too."

"Sorry, mom."

"Speaking of which, where is James?"

"He said something about an early morning workout. I'm not sure if he meant a workout in the gym or a jog on deck."

"Could you go get him, Sam?"

Tracie said, "I'll go."

As Tracie started to get up, Melissa said, "Actually, I was hoping to speak to you alone. Sam, could you?"

"Uhm..." Sam looked to Tracie, who just sat back down and nodded.

After Sam got up and left, Melissa said, "Miss Smith, let me do you the favor of being blunt."

"Please call me Tracie."

"No, for this conversation I don't think I should."

"Sounds serious." Tracie knew it was serious from her empathy, but had hoped to try to defuse it by being as friendly as possible.

"It is. I wanted to talk to you about the role you play in my son's and Sam's life. I'm worried that maybe you're too strong a presence. They tell me that you helped them through a rough spot, and I'm wondering if their gratitude isn't causing you to get feelings that they should be keeping for each other."

"Mrs. Smith, I understand your worries. I myself wonder if I don't sometimes play too prominent a role in their lives. But, please, take my word for it, I would never, ever come between Sam and James. And if either ever wanted me from their lives, I would fade out, never to be seen again."

"Perhaps you should do that anyways. I don't think Sam or James would ask you to leave, and if you do play too strong a role, it can only hurt them if you stay around."

"Mrs. Smith, I'm sorry, but I can't do that right now."

"And why exactly not? If you care as much about them as you say, you should at least be willing to spend more time away from them."

"Mrs. Smith, they still need me. James still needs me in particular."

"Why? Why do you play such an important role in my child's life?"

Dodging the issue, Tracie said, "Mrs. Smith, that's really something you need to ask your son directly. It'd violate our friendship for me to tell you."


Just then Elaine walked up and said, "Good morning, ladies."

Melissa stared at Elaine, her body thrilling at the sight of her. Had she not been so enamored of Elaine she would've noticed Tracie grab the chair tightly to avoid reacting to the sudden waves of lust that threatened to overwhelm her. Melissa said, "Uhm, hello, Elaine." Why did she feel like some silly school girl in the presence of this woman?

Elaine, who had been informed of Tracie's situation with regards to her mother, and who had also just seen Sam, noticed Tracie's reaction and decided to help. "Tracie, I just saw James in the gym, and he was wondering if you wanted to join him in a workout."

"Sure, if you'll excuse me."

Melissa said, "I'll go with you."

Elaine put her hand on Melissa's arm and said, "Actually, Mrs. Smith, I was wondering if you and I could take a little while and get to know each other a little better."

Melissa stopped. For a brief few seconds she couldn't move, unable to tear her eyes from Elaine's, like a bird caught in a cobra's glare. When she was finally able to tear her eyes away, she looked up and Tracie was gone. "Excuse me, Elaine, I'd like that, but I've got something I'd really like to discuss with James."

Elaine tried to say something more but before she could, Melissa walked off towards the gym. "Damn," she thought, "where are Susan and Elizabeth when I need them?" She took off after Melissa, but when she went through the doors that Melissa had gone through, she found herself at the intersection of a T of hallways, with Melissa nowhere to be seen. "Damn." Elaine took off towards the gym at a dead run.

As soon as she was gone, a closet door opened up and Melissa stepped out. Melissa didn't want to believe it, but she had suspected Elaine, Susan, and Elizabeth of trying to keep her from confronting Tracie. Now there was still no definitive proof of it, but if Elaine was trying to keep her and Tracie apart then the gym was the last place where she would find either Tracie or James.

The question now was, where would she be? Deciding on the obvious answer, Melissa went to Tracie's cabin. When she turned down the hallway that led to Tracie's room, she barely had time to duck back around the corner before Sam and Tracie, walking arm in arm, saw her. Melissa peeked around the corner, and saw the two ladies walk up to Tracie's door, kiss each other in an overtly sexual way, and then go inside.

Melissa tiptoed up to the door and put her ear to the door. Inside she heard Tracie say, "Oh, yes, I need you, baby."

"Is mother still bothering you?"

"More than you know."

Well, that seemed rather rude of Sam.

"Still no idea why?"

"Not yet. It's just too hard to think around her. She just excites me so much." Melissa smiled. It was good to know she could still have that effect on others, particularly when Tracie had been having a similar effect on her. "I need some release. I need you inside me."

"Anything for you, my love."

Melissa heard some moving around inside, and assumed (rightly so) that the two ladies were getting undressed. Tracie said, "Oh, yes, stick it into me.

I need you now."

Stick it into me? What was she talking about? Curiosity got the better of Melissa, and she opened the door a crack and looked inside. Both Tracie and Sam were facing away from the door, Tracie bending at the waist and further away than Sam. Sam stepped up to her and started pressing something into Tracie's ass, eliciting a moan of pleasure from her.

What was she doing? She must have one of those, what do you call 'em, dildoes. The kind she had seen in the sex shops when she was out alone, but had never had the courage to buy. The angle was all wrong for Melissa to get a good look at it, but it did seem to be particularly lifelike.

As Sam pressed into Tracie, Melissa couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be on the receiving end of a plastic cock. She imagined herself in Tracie's position, Sam shafting cleanly and smoothly into her. As Sam's hands wandered over Tracie's rear and abdomen, Melissa's hand wandered down her own frame until they reached the now soaked crotch of her bathing suit. As Sam grabbed Tracie's hips and pulled her back, Melissa snaked her fingers into her own cunt.

And as Sam proceeded to rub her hands along Tracie's body, eventually reaching and fondling her breasts, Melissa's spare hand rubbed her own nipples through the bathing suit she was wearing. Then, in time to Sam's thrusts into Tracie, Melissa thrust her fingers into her cunt. It didn't take long and soon, Tracie was screaming in orgasm, causing Melissa to orgasm at the same time, biting her lip to keep from screaming along with Tracie.

Tracie said, "Oh, that was wonderful, love. And, oh, so necessary."

"Any time. So you ready for more?"

"Always. So who do you love more? Me or James?"

"Right now, you're the leader in that category."

WHAT?! Melissa was shocked. It was one thing to have a live-in lover that both Sam and James had sex with, but saying that you loved that lover more than your spouse is something that never should be done. Not even in jest!

Melissa took off. She had to find James. She had to discuss this with him.

If necessary confronting Sam and Tracie in person. James had to know what was going on between his wife and his lover, no matter what the consequences.


Jack walked up to the helicopter pilot who was leaning against the helicopter, reading a newspaper. "Well, I'm ready."

The woman folded up the newspaper and said, "Alright, let's see it."

"See what?"

"Your panties. Lift your dress."


"I know for a fact that Mistress Elaine told you that I would be checking your lingerie. Now I can plainly see through that somewhat translucent top that you are wearing a bra around your rather prodigious bosom, but I can't see whether you're wearing panties under that leather mini you're wearing. So lift it up a bit and let me see if you're wearing some panties."

Jack cringed a bit, but did as he was ordered. When Norma saw the panties, she said, "Get in," and got into the pilot's seat. As she started up the engine, she said, "So how'd they convince you to buy that dress?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well, even you must be able to see how suggestive that dress is. The see-through top with the low-cut cleavage, the leather mini-skirt bottom. It barely covers you. I believe the phrase that applies is "more naked than naked"."

"The salesgirl said it would be flattering to my figure." As well as the two of them having sex with him, causing another couple cup sizes of growth.

"I couldn't figure out a way to tell them I didn't need a figure flattering dress. They kept telling me that a girl with a figure like mine shouldn't hide it."

Norma just smiled. Had Jack had the guts to tell them what he really was, and face the embarrassment of being a punished, feminized male then the girls at the store had orders to leave him alone. She got the helicopter started and took off. Now it was time to see if Jack had the perceptiveness to figure out what he had to do next.


Melissa had been looking for her son all morning. She had run into Susan, Elizabeth, Elaine and even Sam and Tracie, but each told her that she had just missed James. She was beginning to wonder if maybe something untoward had happened to James when she saw him on one of the pool chairs, Samantha sitting on his lap. She briefly grew angry at Sam, thinking that the girl had betrayed her son. She stormed right up to him. "James, we need to talk. Now!"

Sam asked, "Mom, is something wrong?"

Angry from what she had heard earlier, and frustrated by her hours long search for James, Melissa said, "Don't mom me, you... you... hussy!"

James said, "Mother! That's my wife you're talking to!"

"James, that's exactly what we need to talk about! Let's go back to your cabin. Samantha, you should come along. I have some things I want to see if you have the guts to admit to."

Just then the ship's purser came up. "Mrs. Melissa Smith?"

"Yes?! What is it?!"

The purser was a bit taken aback by the savagery of her response, but managed to say, "I have a message from your husband."

Suddenly the years of abuse kicked in, and Melissa grew much more subdued. "Uh, what is it?"

"He... politely requests your presence in your cabin as soon as you can possibly manage it."

Torn between her desire to protect her son, and her fear of her husband, Melissa vacillated in place until James said, "Go ahead, mom. Sam and I will wait in our suite until you're finished with dad."

"Uh, okay."

After Melissa left, James asked the purser, "Excuse me, that message, did you clean it up some?"

"Well, yes, I did. The man was extremely rude on the phone."

"And the man who left this message. Did he have a rather effeminate voice?"

"Why, yes, he did. At first I thought it was a woman, and the man grew rather irate with me."

James smiled. "Well, I guess it's time for a confrontation with dad."

Sam got up off his lap. "Then I guess I'll go back to the cabin and wait for you two. I wonder what's got mom's panties in a bunch."

"I'm not sure, but I expect we'll find out soon."

Melissa went back to her suite. What was her husband doing here? And how had he gotten here? She had seen the helicopter land (Elaine had went to talk to the pilot), but some big busted brunette had gotten out. When she got back to her room, she called out, "Jack?"

From the bedroom, she heard, "In here."

She started towards the bedroom. "Are you okay? You sound funny."

"Just get in here."

"I'm coming."

Melissa stepped into the bedroom. The lights were off, but there was enough lights streaming in through the portholes (really windows stylishly designed to look like more authentic versions) for her to see. But she didn't see Jack. "Jack are you here?"

The door closed behind her. She turned and saw the woman who had gotten off of the helicopter earlier. "Who are you?"

At first Melissa thought that Jack had brought home another strange woman to have sex with (he had done that before), but the woman roughly grabbed her by the arms and said, "It's me, your husband."

Melissa thought that the woman was nuts, but there was something about her tone, and definitely something about her face. Melissa took a good look at the woman's eyes, and saw it. The cold cruelty. The almost calculating harshness. "JACK!" Melissa looked him up and down. "What the hell happened to you?!"

"Just shut up and get on the bed!" Then, before she could respond, he roughly threw her onto the bed. Yup, that was Jack.

As Jack ripped off her panties, she closed her eyes and went to that special place in her mind where Jack wasn't. While she was watching butterflies, and smelling roses, Jack started pounding away into her. It seemed to take him a little longer than usual, but eventually he started spraying into her.

She expected him (or was it her now?) to just roll off and fall asleep, but instead he rolled off and fell on the floor. She got up and looked at him. He lay there, his eyes closed in pain. His whole body trembled until, suddenly, his dress and bra (he had been wearing a bra?) ripped open, his massive tits growing even more massive.

Melissa tried to think of something to say, but all that came out was, "What the?"

Practically in tears, Jack said, "She said they'd shrink if I had sex with you."

Before Melissa could ask who he was talking about, a voice from the door said, "Actually, her exact words were, 'Orgasm within your wife after pleasuring her.'" The two turned and saw James standing there, casually leaning against the door frame. He stood up and walked towards his mom and dad, "I know, I helped her write it."

Jack looked at his son, "You did this to me? Why?"

"Because of that crap you pulled at my wedding. I asked you to be nice, to be polite to my friends, but noooooooo. You insulted ALL of the women there, including my wife. The day that should've been the happiest in my life was almost ruined by your sexist crap!"

Melissa said, "But what did you do?"

"I had Elaine pump him full of some special compounds she developed. Any time he orgasms except after pleasuring you, his proportions become much more feminine. His hips widen, his waist shrinks, and his tits grow."

Jack whined, "But I did orgasm in her."

"After pleasuring her, dad. And since you seem too dense to figure it out, that means that she's got to orgasm first. And if you orgasm in her without her orgasming first, you get not one, not two, but 3 cup sizes of growth."

Melissa began laughing. It started with suppressed muffles, but soon moved to all out laughter. Jack yelled, "Stop laughing at me!" and tried to rise.

But with all the extra weight he had on his chest, he lost his balance and fell back on his ass, which only served to amplify the laughing fit Melissa was experiencing.

"What's so funny, mom?"

It took a few seconds for Melissa to get it under control. At which point she saw her husband struggling to rise and broke out in peals of laughter again. After she got it under control, she said, "I was just struck by the irony of it. You turn your father into a sexy teenage girl and, in order to get back to normal, he's got to do something he's never done before in his life."

"You've never had an orgasm before?"

"Not having sex with your father. Oh, this is just too funny."

Jack said, "This is NOT funny. Stop laughing at me!"

"Or you'll what? You can't even stand up, Jack. Better be careful or I'll walk away and you'll be like that forever."

James said, "Oh, I doubt that."

"What do you mean?"

"Dad doesn't just look like a teenager, he's also got the sex drive of one. Without some form of sexual release, he's going to have at least a couple wet dreams tonight."

"And he'll still..." Melissa started laughing again.

Jack yelled, "SHUT UP!"

"Dad, you don't get it, do you? Without mom you become and stay a wasp-waisted 13 year old teenage girl with the tits of a porn queen. And that'll never change. Even if she's nice enough to let you get back to normal, if you ever cum again without pleasuring her, your tits start growing all over again. In other words, dad, mom owns you. You do what she says, when she says, or you're screwed."

Jack looked up at his wife. Clearly she was reveling in her newfound power.

Dejected, he said, "Yes, sir."

Melissa smiled. "Just sit there, Jack. No, make that Jacqueline. Or do you have an objection to that?"

Jack almost said something, but bit it back. "No, ma'am, no objections."

"Good. If you feel up to it, you may crawl on to the bed. We'll start your lessons in how to pleasure me tonight."

"Yes, ma'am."

Melissa took her son's arm. "Come along, son."

After they left the room, James asked, "So you like my gift?"

"I love it. But that still doesn't help with you and Sam."

"Mom, what's up?"

"When we get to your room. I don't want to talk behind Sam's back."

They walked into the suite James and Sam shared. Sam was there reading the free ship's magazine that was in every room of the ship. Seeing the two, she said, "Hi, mom."


James went over to Samantha and sat beside her. "I'm not sure how I should start this."

James wrapped his arm around Sam. "Start anywhere you'd like."

"Well, I guess it starts this morning. I had a little talk with Tracie."

"Yes, I know, mom. You asked her to leave our life. And although the thought is appreciated, it was totally unnecessary."

"So she told you about that. I expected that. But what she doesn't know, is that I went after her after she left. I went down to her room, and saw Tracie and Sam enter the room. I went up to the door, and I... well, I peeked in. They were having sex."

"So. You knew that Sam and Tracie were lovers even before that. I told you that."

"Yes, but did you know that Sam said she loved Tracie more than you?"

"Oh." James and Sam smiled at each other. "I can see where that would be misconstrued."

"Son, I know you probably think she was just kidding, but you weren't there.

She was being totally serious."

"I should hope so."

"What?! Son, you can't be serious. A man and woman should love each other above all else. If she didn't love you above Tracie, she shouldn't have married you."

James and Sam just grinned at each other. James said, "I think to clear this up we're going to have to introduce you up close and personal to Tracie."

As James stood, Melissa said, "I don't think I need to see any more of Tracie."

James just said, "Mom, just wait."


"Mom, shhhh." James removed his shirt. Melissa was about to say something, but James just put his finger to his lips in a silencing gesture. He then closed his eyes. Melissa was about to ask what was going on when James started to change. His chest started to swell, forming breasts. His waist shrunk, and his hips expanded. His legs and arms slimmed and tapered, and his face rounded and smoothed. Melissa stood there in amazement as Sam tossed a very realistic blonde wig to her son. James quickly and expertly put it on, and, as simple as that, Tracie stood before Melissa. "Hello, Mrs. Smith." Then James/Tracie winked at her.

"But how? Why?"

"Well, you remember me telling you that Tracie had helped us through a rough spot a while back?" Melissa nodded. "Well, about a year ago, I broke it off with Sam. I thought I was justified, but it was really just a selfish, asinine reason. So Sam went to Mistress Elaine and arranged to transform me into Tracie. The original plan was to make it so that she could transform me at her command, and, like dad is to you, I would become beholden to her for any time I spent as James."

"So, you're her... sex slave?"

Sam said, "No. I had been hurt by James and I wanted to teach him a lesson before I revealed what I had done to him. But before that James learned his lesson, and he and Tracie... merged. Became one person. He gained control of the transformation and can be James or Tracie at will. I can tell you, it freaked me out when he first transformed without prompting."

"So... if they're the same person, why did you say you loved Tracie more than James?"

James explained, "It's a play on words, mom. As a mental exercise, Sam keeps a running tally of how many times she's had sex with me as Tracie, and how many times she's had sex with me as James."

Sam said, "Currently Tracie's ahead 273 to 269."

"But why'd you break it off in the first place?"

James said, "That's kind of personal, mom."

Sam put her hand on her husband's arm. "It's okay, hun. I think we can trust mom." Sam turned to Melissa. "You see, mom. James and Jack weren't the only ones to benefit from Elaine's know how. I was born Samuel Nevada."

Sam reached under her skirt and pulled down her panties, showing Melissa a rather large cock. "And thanks to a problem with the compound, I can never get rid of this."

"And before I merged with Tracie, if I would've known, I would've dropped her like a hot stone."

"And now?"

James put his arms around his wife. "Now only our love matters."

"That's amazing. Oh, and what I said to you earlier, Sam! Can you ever forgive me?"

Sam left her husband's arms and walked to Melissa and gave her a hug. "Of course, mom. You were only trying to protect your son. As any of us would."

Melissa hugged her daughter-in-law. Then she asked, "Son, earlier, when you were Tracie, you said, I had been driving you crazy. Don't tell me you're having sexual thoughts about your dear old mom?"

James was staring at his mom in a weird way. "Actually, mom, I've been having sexual thoughts about you since I hit puberty," Melissa blushed, "but that wasn't what I was talking about."

"Then what?"

"Mom, do you have any lesbian tendencies?"

Melissa could only babble, "I... I... How..."

James said, "That's it! And being around Sam, Susan, Elizabeth, Elaine, and even Tracie all cruise, it's no wonder your sex drive has been going into overdrive."

Sam walked behind Melissa and hugged her in an overtly sexual way, taking her breasts in hand and massaging them. "Mother, you should've said something. Any one of us would've been more than willing to help."

"But... But..." She wanted to say something to stop it, to deny it, but, oh, Sam's hands were so marvelous.

Sam said, "Don't try to deny it, mom. A feminine perspective isn't the only thing Tracie gave James."

Tracie walked over and reached behind Melissa and unzipped her dress. "You see, mom, I also got a psychic level of empathy from Tracie. I'm not just aware of others' emotional state, I feel it inside my own body. And to be quite blunt," Tracie kissed Melissa, "your sexual need has been driving me crazy all cruise."

Melissa wanted to protest. This was her son and daughter-in-law, after all.

But it was really hard to think with Sam's hands roaming her breasts and abdomen, and James' (Tracie's?) lips on her face and neck. Melissa made a last, weak effort to push her son away before succumbing to the pleasure he and his wife were giving her. She leaned back against Sam, turning her neck so as to both give her son greater access to the nape of her neck, and also to give Samantha a kiss on the lips.

As her son started to remove her dress, she reached up and touched her son's breasts. Through panting breath, she said, "They're so real feeling."

"Of course they feel real, mom. They are real. As real and as sensitive as any woman's breasts."


Sam moved her hands long enough for James to remove Melissa's dress, then reached around and removed her mother's bra (the clasp was in front between her breasts). Melissa looked down with an almost abject fascination as her breasts were exposed to the young lovers. Being born before the sexual revolution, she had been taught that sex was wrong, and that the naked body was something to be ashamed of, so, with the exception of being bathed as a small girl, she had never had her body exposed to another. Even sex with her Husband had been in the dark. But now, where she thought she would be unable to stand it, she found instead the revelation of her body to the light with others present to be a liberating experience.

She moaned softly, and fell back against Sam as James/Tracie (now this was going to get confusing in short order) kissed his/her way down her neck, laying a line of kisses in a spiral around her right breast till he finally, gently took the nipple in his mouth and sucked it to a hard point. He then returned his mouth to the nape of her neck and repeated the process on her left breast.

Melissa tried to remain standing, but her knees buckled from the pleasure she was experiencing. Pleasure far greater than any she had ever experienced before. Sam caught her, and her son took her in his arms and carried her to the bed.

Part of her wanted to protest. Fifty plus years of social conditioning was not thrown off in a few seconds. Incest was wrong. Sex was wrong. Lesbian love was wrong. Nudity was wrong. But somehow, looking up into the eyes of her son (daughter?), the words seemed foolish and hollow. Silly, even.

As her son leaned down and kissed her on the lips in a decidedly non-son-like manner, she felt Sam's hands on her hips, Sam's finger's sliding under the elastic of her panties. Sam began to pull the last of her clothing down. That part of her that was still resisting knew that this was the final step. If she let this happen it would be entering a whole new world. A world of sexuality. A world she had always been taught was bad, and evil.

But it was a world where her son and daughter-in-law walked freely. A world where they loved each other, and their friends, and, yes, even their mother with all the passion, both physical and emotional, they could muster. How could such a world be bad or wrong, much less evil?

Melissa threw caution to the wind and lifted herself from the bed so Sam could pull her panties down. She reached up and pulled James' neck down, briefly surprising him before he matched her newfound passion with his own. His hand went to her breast and lightly stroked and tweaked the nipple.

As Melissa felt Sam's mouth on her legs, she moaned, this time making no effort to hide the sound. Then she felt a strange presence in her mouth. It took her a few seconds to realize that it was his tongue, and that he was French kissing her. It only took her another second to realize that she liked it. She playfully batted at his tongue with her own until he pulled it out of her mouth. He pulled back and smiled.

She smiled back until gasping when Samantha's lips kissed the lips of her cunt. Samantha felt her tongue move slowly along the outside of her vagina, moving in ellipses, up one side and down the other. Always coming tantalizingly close to her clitoris, but every time Melissa thought she was going to touch it, her tongue moved away in a teasing dance.

James' fingers teased and stroked her and she could barely stand it. She whimpered in desire. Then Samantha, apparently hearing her need, allowed her tongue to finally touch Melissa's now very aroused love button. And, after all the teasing, and stroking, and loving, she orgasmed. And an orgasm like this she had never had. The only way she had ever cum before had been through masturbating herself (something she had been taught was also wrong, but which she couldn't ever break herself of the habit of), and that was nothing... NOTHING as compared to this. Her body trembled and shook and exploded. And as she climaxed for the first time, Samantha continued to lick her, and James continued to stroke her.

Then, just when she thought it was over, she felt another crest build within her, exploding before the first was gone. And between Sam and James' expert manipulations, it wasn't long before she felt a third and a fourth orgasm explode within her. She stopped counting after that as the lines between her orgasms blurred and they started to come rapid-fire.

At some point, Melissa passed out from the intense sensations she was feeling. When she woke up, she was looking up into the faces of her concerned children (at some point, the distinction in-law had ceased to hold any meaning for her feelings towards Sam). Sam asked, "You okay, mom?"

All Melissa could say was, "So that's what a multiple orgasm is like."

James (still in his Tracie body) giggled. "She's fine."

They helped Melissa to a sitting position. Woozy, she said, "I was gonna ask if someone was going to fuck me, but after that, I think I better take a break and rest."

James said, "Good idea, mom. Besides, there's something else I want to discuss with you."

"What's that?"

"Now that you've found some sexual release, I can think straight. And, thinking back, I realize that the times that your sexual need was at its highest was when you and Elaine were both present." Just the mere mention of Elaine's name was enough to cause Melissa to "spike" in sexual desire again, causing James to recoil as the waves of her sexual need washed over him. "Woah. Now I know I'm on the right track."

"Well, Elaine is a very sexy woman."

"Yes, she is. And I also know that she's as hot for you as you are for her.

Which is why I hadn't noticed it before. I wasn't sure which one of you it was coming from."

"Well then, now what?"

"My suggestion? As soon as you're feeling up to it, make a pass at her. She may not be expecting it, but it shouldn't be hard getting her into your bed."

Melissa blushed a bit, but smiled at the thought of being with Elaine. "I just might do that, James."

"One more thing, mom."


James/Tracie went over and got a bikini. "When I'm in this form, you have to refer to me as Tracie. It prevents problems with strangers."

"Okay, I'll try to remember." After Tracie was in her suit, Melissa asked, "Son, since I've never seen you naked as Tracie, do you still have your... penis?"

"Yes, mom."

Melissa looked at him. "How do you hide it?"

Tracie smiled. "There are tricks to it. Shall we go, ladies?"

They left the room, and Sam and Melissa took Tracie's arms and they walked together to the deck. When they got there, they saw Susan, Elizabeth, Elaine sitting by the pool and a strange woman standing nearby, all dressed in bathing suits. Melissa whispered a question into Tracie's ear, and she said, "I think she'd love that."

Melissa smiled, walked up behind Elaine, and threw her arms around her. Once Elaine realized who it was, she said nothing, unwilling to disturb the moment. After Melissa let her go, she said, "Not that I'm complaining, but what was that for?"

"I just saw my new and improved husband, and wanted to say thanks."

"You're very welcome."

Melissa gave Elaine a quick kiss on her earlobe, and then deftly slipped her tongue into the ear itself. Elaine was surprised, and when she looked at Melissa, Melissa had already moved over to the strange woman, leaving Elaine to wonder what had just happened, and whether or not she should be excited or offended.

Melissa extended her hand. "Hello. I don't believe we've met. My name is Melissa."

The woman took Melissa's hand. "My name is Norma. I pilot Mistress Elaine's helicopter."

As Melissa sat down, she said, "Well, have a seat and join us."

"Unfortunately I won't be able to have a seat for a little while."

"Why is that?"

"Because Mistress and I just had a "discussion" about my role in tricking her onto this boat. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it, but," Norma breathed out while rubbing her butt, "it does have its side effects."

"Well, I can't say as that I'm sad you brought her. Elaine has been a particularly charming companion. I've thoroughly enjoyed her company, and hope to see more of her throughout the cruise."

Elaine tried to fathom what Melissa was saying. Was it really sexual double entendre, or was she just hearing what she wanted to hear? Unfortunately, Melissa's face betrayed nothing, which could mean either she meant nothing by it, or she was a lot better at this game then she had let on.

Elaine looked to Tracie. "Don't think I've forgotten your role in this, young lady. You've got yours coming, too."

Tracie just winked and smiled. Sam said, "Ooh, can I watch?"

Elaine laughed. "You're a bit of a scamp, young lady."

Susan asked, "So who's going into town with the two of us when the ship pulls into dock tomorrow?"

Tracie said, "Sounds like fun. You up for it, Sam?"

"Sure. Mom, what about you?"

"Agreed." Melissa got an evil smile on her face. "I even think Jacqueline should come along. If only to carry packages."

"You realize he'll protest."


Elaine laughed. "Well, it seems you've got Jacqueline thoroughly under your thumb. And just to make sure, the ship stays in town for two days. Why don't we stay in town overnight? That way if Jacqueline absolutely refuses, she can be a little more buxom in the morning."

Melissa laughed.


The Town Trip


The rechristened Jacqueline whined, "Please, Melissa, don't make me do this."

"And why shouldn't I? You have spent the last 40 years of my life making me do whatever you wanted. Making me do whatever you damned well pleased whenever you pleased. All I'm doing is insisting that you come along and like a good serving girl carry my packages."

"Please, Melissa, I look like..."

"What? What do you look like?"

"I look like a tramp."

"So? Isn't that what you wanted me to look like? Aren't these," Melissa pointed to her own implant augmented breasts, "because you insisted?"

"But... I'd never expect you to get tits this big."

"Only because you didn't think you could afford it. I wasn't so out of it that I couldn't hear you talking to the doctor after the last time I got implants. You asked him about the costs of getting me up another 4 or 5 sizes, and I'm already at double D thanks to you. The way I reckon it, that'd put me only a size or two below you right now."

"But... I don't have anything to wear. All the clothes I got were for back when I was... smaller."

"I already thought about that." Melissa went over to a bag and pulled out a large, stiff leather corset that she had been given by Elizabeth. "This is a loaner from a friend of mine. Her breasts are even larger than yours. It'll be a little loose in the cups, but I've got some figure enhancers that fill it in and make you look larger. Unless of course, you'd like me to masturbate you until you fit."

Jacqueline gulped. "But what will I wear over it?"



"Mm-hmm. It covers everything that modesty requires. So you'll be wearing this, a skirt, panties, stockings, and heels. And, of course, some jewelry and make-up."

"Jewelry and make-up?!"

"Of course. You spent the last forty years insisting I wear both, even when I was doing nothing other than cleaning house."

"NO! I won't! You can't make me!"

Melissa shrugged. "Suit yourself." She tossed the corset on the bed, and walked towards the door. Just before she left, she turned back to Jacqueline. "Oh, by the way, Jackie, I plan on staying in town tonight with the girls, so you'll be alone in the cabin tonight. Pleasant dreams."

"Please, Melissa," Jacqueline begged, "didn't I service you well last night?

You had three orgasms and only allowed me to cum inside you once."

"Jackie, those three orgasms were only a fraction of the orgasms I had yesterday. That's right, Jacqueline. I've discovered extra-marital affairs. Does that shock you?"

"Who... Who is he?"

"SHE is your daughter-in-law and her lesbian lover."

"Samantha? And another woman?" Jacqueline couldn't help himself. The thought of his wife and two other women having sex was causing his loins to twitch.

"Ooh, look. Jackie's getting excited."

"Please, Melissa, can I service you?"

Melissa laughed. "So, Jackie, did you ever think you would be begging to service me?"


"I'm sorry, Jackie. But Sam and her friends are waiting for me. I told them I'd be along as soon as I got you dressed, but if you're not coming..."

"All right."

"You'll wear the corset?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"And jewelry and make-up?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Melissa smiled. "Let's get you dressed then."

After Jacqueline was dressed and made-up, they went out on deck, Jacqueline consciously aware of the way the heels made his ass sway in a very seductive manner, grateful that the corset, as slutty as it made him feel, kept his tits from bouncing around.

Up on deck, Sam, Elaine, and four other women waited for them. "Good morning, ladies. I don't believe you've all been introduced. Jacqueline, this is Tracie, Susan, Elizabeth, and Norma. Elaine, of course, you've already met. Ladies, this is Jacqueline, my feminized husband."

"Melissa, please."

"Jackie, I thought you didn't like being referred to as a woman. I'm only trying to be nice. But I'll leave it up to you. Do you want to be introduced as Jacqueline, my feminized husband, or as Jacqueline, my sex slave?" As tears started to come to his eyes, Melissa said, "Don't cry, Jackie. It'll make your mascara run."

Jacqueline sniffled back his tears, and said, "I'll be your sex slave."

"Very good. In that case, you'll have to refer to me as either Mistress Melissa, or Mistress."


"A slave should always address her Mistress properly. Or do you wish to change your mind, and be my feminized husband?"


"No what?"

"No, Mistress Melissa."

"Very good. Let's go, ladies. We have an entire city full of stores to shop in."

"Uhm, Mistress, where's James?"

"It is considered proper behavior for a slave to ask permission to speak before she does so, Jacqueline. But I'll forgive you this once. James isn't coming with us. This is girl's day, today."

"Then why am I here?"

"You figure it out,... young lady." Jacqueline cringed at being referred to as a lady, but said nothing.

They left the ship, and proceeded to go through the city, sightseeing, shopping, and, in general, having a good time. Everybody but Jacqueline, that is. Jacqueline began to wonder how long the trip would be going on until they stopped in front of a leather goods store. "Leave the packages here, Jackie. Sam, Tracie, and Elaine will look after them while we make a few purchases here."

"Yes, Mistress." Jacqueline put the packages he had on a bench next to Tracie. Then he followed Melissa, Susan, and Elizabeth into the store.

Susan and Elizabeth quickly separated and started moving through the store with reckless abandon, like two teens with their father's credit card. Melissa, however, moved with singular purpose to a specific section of the store and Jacqueline followed her. When Melissa stopped, Jacqueline looked around. Surrounding him were all forms of leather undergarments. Leather bras, panties, bustiers, and corsets.

Melissa turned to Jacqueline, and asked, "Slave, what are your current measurements?"

"Melissa, please."

Melissa slapped Jacqueline three times. Not hard, barely hard enough to sting, but the effect was shocking to Jacqueline, who stood there in amazement. "That's once for not referring to me properly. Once for speaking without permission. And once for not answering my question. Now, SLAVE, what are your measurements?"


"And your cup size?"

"H, Mistress."

Melissa started going through the racks of leather underwear, selecting some, avoiding others, but all of a size appropriate for Jacqueline's body. "Mistress Melissa, may I speak?"

"Yes, Jacqueline, you may."

"Are you buying me clothes?"

"Of course. You don't think I plan on wearing any of this?"

"But won't we be needing smaller sizes for after I shrink down to a smaller size?"

"Who said I plan on letting you shrink?"

"Melissa,... Mistress, please."

"Oh, quit whining. I intend to get a variety of sizes for you. Both smaller AND larger."

"La... larger?"

"Yes. Just in case you're a bad girl and I'm forced to punish you for your transgressions." Jacqueline shivered. Melissa selected a cupless corset. She turned to Jacqueline and said, "Take that corset off."

"Yes, ma'am. Where is the dressing room?"

"No, Jackie, right here."

"What?! You can't be serious!"


"But... But what will the clerk say?"

"Nothing. Didn't you see the "Clothing Optional" sign outside?"

Very softly, Jacqueline begged, "Please, Melissa, don't make me do this."

Melissa grabbed him by the arm, and dragged him to a back room. Inside was a bed. On each of the four bedposts was a chain with a manacle attached. "Get on!" she ordered.

"But why?"

"Get on, or I walk out of here and out of your life, forever!" Jacqueline gulped, and meekly crawled onto the bed. "On your back. Spread out your arms and legs." Jacqueline obeyed, and Melissa chained him to the bed.

"Now what?!"

"Silence, slave!"

Melissa started fondling Jacqueline's breasts. He moaned and said, "Please, Melissa, don't do this to me."

"SILENCE! That is the fourth time since entering the store that you have referred to me without the proper title before my name. You chose to be my slave so as to forgo the embarrassment of being publicly known as my feminized husband. Did you think I was just asking you for a title to be referred to by? You wanted to be my slave? You will be my slave!"

Jacqueline moaned, his dick straining at his panties. "But... what you wanted me to wear."

"What of it? It's nothing worse than what you've wanted me to wear in the past. I just wanted to get you some nice, sexy lingerie for you to wear. Now, because of your disobedience, I think I'll get you an entire leather wardrobe to wear. An entire SLAVE'S wardrobe."

"Please, Me- Mistress. Let me service you."

"You want to service me?"

"Yes, ma'am."

Melissa got on the bed, reached under Jacqueline's skirt, freed his dick, then impaled herself on it. "There. Now service me."

"Oh, no. Please. Please, I'm too close. Too... close." Jacqueline grimaced and came. Then the chemicals in his system interacted with the chemicals in his wife and his body trembled,and changed. His waist shrunk a full three inches while his tits grew by a proportionate amount, finally growing so large that they popped from the top of the corset.

Melissa got off of him, and freed one of his arms. "When you've finished freeing yourself, come out to the store. I will only wait two minutes, so hurry."

Jacqueline quickly freed herself. As he was about to return to the store, he briefly stopped to wonder what a bed with chains on it was doing in the back room of a leather goods store in the first place. He ran out to Melissa, who was waiting for him in the same place as they had just left.

When he got there, Melissa just said, "Take everything off but your stockings." This time Jacqueline quickly obeyed. "Turn around and bend over." Jacqueline obeyed.

He felt a pressure at his ass. "What's-"


The pressure increased, forcing his ass open. Finally, something went past his sphincter and it closed around something hard and cool. "Mistress, please. What is it?"

"Stand up." After he did so, Melissa said, "It's a butt plug. How do you like it?"

"Did you have to get one so big?"

Melissa laughed. "That's the smallest one they had. You're just not used to it yet. Here. Some leather panties that should fit your new proportions perfectly."

Jacqueline took the panties and put them on. "They're a little snug."

"They're supposed to be snug. Otherwise the butt plug might fall out if you got used to it and too relaxed. You don't want everybody knowing you use a butt plug, do you?" They then proceeded to dress Jacqueline in a corset, leather mini, heels, jacket, and, as the "crowning" touch, a leather collar with a small silver lock.

As they left the store, Susan and Elizabeth met them at the door. Melissa asked, "Did you get what I wanted?"

"Everything you wanted."


Jacqueline asked, "Mistress, what did you ask them to get?"

"Just some... toys."

Melissa explained no further as they left the store, with Jacqueline following. After they were outside, the slave boy-girl looked at the sign on the store, which he had foolishly failed to notice on entering. It read: "The DOMINATOR", and in smaller letters underneath, it read: "Leather Goods for Discriminating Masters and their Property".


Melissa came down to the pool. Everybody else but her slave was there, James in his male form. "Where's Jackie?" Elaine asked.

"Oh, he's up in the room. I thought about ordering him down here, but I didn't want his whining to ruin my fun."

"And what fun did you have planned?"

Melissa sat next to Elaine. "I was planning on testing a theory of my son's."

"And what theory would that be?"

Melissa leaned over, grabbed the back of Elaine's neck, pulled her close, and planted their lips together. Elaine was so shocked that she didn't even move until after the kiss broke, upon which, Melissa said, "That you're as hot for my bod as I am for yours."

Before Elaine could respond, Melissa stood and asked, "Care to join me for a swim?" then walked to the pool and dived in.

Elaine, for the first time in almost twenty years, was flabbergasted. She looked from James to Melissa and back again. Finally James said, "Well?" and waved at the pool, which was all the prompting Elaine needed. She threw off the light jacket she was wearing, ran to the pool, dove in, and swam after Melissa.

Melissa proved to be a surprisingly agile swimmer, and evaded Elaine for quite some time before Elaine managed to grasp her leg, then draw her into an embrace. "Got you," Elaine said.

Melissa responded, "That you did," seemingly nonplused by the capture.

Elaine looked her in the eyes. "Did you let me catch you?"

"I'll never tell. Besides," Melissa kissed Elaine, "does it really matter?"

"I suppose not." Elaine pulled Melissa tightly to her and kissed her back.

As the two kissed, Melissa felt a sensation which was, at the same time, both similar and strangely new to her. It took a few seconds for Melissa to place it, but when she did, she was extremely surprised. "Elaine," she whispered into her friend's ear, "are you a she-male? Like Sam?"

"Yes, I am. Does that turn you off?"

"On the contrary, it does the exact opposite." Melissa pulled Elaine tight and gave her another kiss, this time openly Frenching her. After they finished, Melissa broke from the grasp and swam back towards her son.

Elaine floated there for a few seconds before swimming after Melissa. Melissa waited for her on the edge of the pool with her legs dangling in the water. Elaine pulled herself up and sat beside Melissa. Elaine playfully said, "Stop that."

"Stop what?"

"Getting me all hot and bothered, then running off like that."

"Ah, you kids today. No sense of the hunt, or thrill of the chase."

"I guess we're just spoiled. Having such beautiful women like you around makes us too selfish to want to chase you down."

James piped up with a quick, "Amen."

Melissa responded, "Hush, boy." But gave her son a wink that let him know she appreciated the thought.

Elaine said, "Oh, great wise woman, how can we aspire to be more like your venerable self?"

Melissa gave Elaine a curious look. "I think that was a veiled crack about my age."

"It was as much a veiled crack about your elderly status, as your kids crack was about my relative immaturity."

Melissa smiled. "You're learning. Now show that you care for this old lady by giving me a kiss."

"Gladly." Elaine leaned over and gave Melissa a kiss that literally curled her toes. After they broke, Melissa laughed. "Not exactly the reaction I was hoping for."

"I'm sorry. I just noticed the curtains to my room suddenly close. I suspect Jacqueline has been watching us and was forced to close the curtain in order to avoid over-stimulation."

Elaine laughed. "So what are your plans for him?"

"Short range or long?"


"Well, tonight, I was planning on instructing him in the use of dildoes. Both on me, and on himself for my amusement. Long range? I'm still not sure yet. I know that I find him a hell of a lot more attractive as Jacqueline than I did as Jack. I've pretty much decided that I'm never letting him get all the way back to his old self. Always having a pair of tits hanging from his chest will serve to remind him of the way he made me feel all throughout our marriage. Like an object, something to be ogled and stared at."

"So how small you gonna let him get?"

"I'm not sure, yet. I'm not gonna let him get smaller than me during this trip, that's for sure. I just hope he learns his lesson, and begins to take an active role as my sexual partner." Melissa sighed. "I'd love for him to become like you, James. A merger of man and woman. Able to change between the two at will."

James said, "I'd love to give that to you, mom. But, somehow, I don't think that dad will ever accept Jacqueline as being a part of him."

"Unfortunately, I have to agree with you. I just wish..."


"That he'd accept pleasuring me as the right thing to do rather than because he feels he has to. If he could just do that I could forgive so much." Melissa started to tear up.

Elaine took her in her arms, and held her. "Oh, hun. It's okay. We're here for you."

Melissa sniffed back her tears. "Thanks, Elaine. I just wish I could spend tonight with you."

"Why don't you? I certainly wouldn't object."

"No. I wouldn't feel right just abandoning Jacqueline for the night."

"So bring him along. We can chain him to the radiator. It's summer; it's not running. He can watch, get excited. We let him pump a few loads into you. Maybe, if he pays close enough attention, he'll learn something about pleasuring a lady."

"But, he'd learn about your... little extra."

James said, "It's not so little, mom," and winked at her.

Elaine smiled. "I don't care what our little Jacqueline knows. He lacks the ability to do anything to me of any consequence. Even if he were to return to Jack."

Melissa looked up into her eyes. "And you'd do that for me?"

"I'd do anything for you."

They stared into each other's eyes for a long while.


Melissa escorted Jacqueline into the room. "Mistress, may I ask-"

"No, you may not." Jacqueline was full of questions, but wisely bit them back. Melissa pointed at a spot by the radiator and said, "Kneel there." Jacqueline obeyed, and Melissa got some handcuffs from a bag and chained him to the radiator. "Sit on your ass and lift your legs."

Jacqueline quickly sat on his ass, and lifted his legs. Melissa pulled down his panties and proceeded to insert another butt plug. Jacqueline begged, "Please, Mistress."


Jacqueline bit his lip as Melissa inserted the butt plug, then pulled his panties up around his ass. "You may put your legs down now, Jackie." After he did so, Melissa said, "Jackie, would you like to know what I originally had planned for tonight? No, don't bother guessing, you'll never get it. Originally, I had planned to have you in dildo training."

"Dildo training?"

"Mm-hmm. You would be trained in the proper use of a dildo upon my body, so as to provide the best physical stimulation," Jacqueline breathed a sigh of relief, "and upon yourself so as to provide me with the most erotic vision," Jacqueline cringed, "but don't worry, Jackie. Plans have changed."

"Thank you, Mistress."

"Oh, don't worry. We'll do the dildo training some other night. But tonight, all you have to do is sit back and watch."

"Watch what, ma'am?"

"Elaine and I in bed together. You see, despite the fact that you have made a much greater effort in the last couple days to excite me than you have in our entire marriage, you have still done a piss-poor job of it. And I realized why earlier today. You have no experience at it. You simply don't know how to do it. So tonight, all you have to do is sit back and watch Elaine and I go at it. Now pay attention, Jackie. I'll expect you to be able to perform on a much better level tomorrow."


"Yes, Jackie?"

"What if tonight's performance with Elaine stimulates me to the point where I lose control? My breasts are already so big."

"Don't worry, I'm not totally without compassion. That's part of the reason why you're chained to the radiator. So as to prevent you from playing with yourself while you're getting excited watching. I also intend to come over to you every so once in a while, sit on your dick, and play with you till you cum inside me."

"After you've cum?"

"Yes, Jacqueline, after I've cum. I agree with you. Your breasts are too large, even for me."

"Thank you, Mistress."

Just then, Elaine walked in. "Good evening, Melissa. Good evening, Jacqueline."

Melissa said, "Good evening, Elaine. Why, Jacqueline, aren't you going to say good evening?"

He hadn't planned on it. He didn't want to say anything more than he had to to this woman, but since Melissa was making it clear that she expected it, "Good evening, Elaine."

"That's Miss Elaine to you, Jacqueline."

Jacqueline bit something back and said, "Good evening, Miss Elaine."

"Very good, Jacqueline. Now, I will be playing a much more active role with Elaine than I will with you, so pay close attention to what Elaine does, and don't get distracted by what I do. Understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Very good."

Jacqueline watched intently as Elaine stepped up to Melissa and started by rubbing her shoulders. Truth be told, Jacqueline (still mostly Jack inside) didn't think there was anything Elaine could teach him about pleasing a woman. He figured that what Melissa was experiencing was more due to the thrill of something new and forbidden than to any skill Elaine (or any woman) had. But the concept of the lesbian love scene going on in front of him was too much to tear his eyes away from.

Elaine's shoulder rubbing started platonically. The kind of rubbing one might give a good friend. Soon, she unzipped Melissa's dress and helped her remove it. Melissa leaned back as Elaine continued to sensually rub her arms. Elaine ran her hands down to Melissa's. Their fingers seemed to naturally intertwine, and Elaine leaned forward, her lips meeting Melissa's in a kiss that curled Jacqueline's toes. Jacqueline felt his dick start to twitch as Elaine slipped her hands around and started to play with his wife's tits. Melissa, at the same time, reached around and pulled Elaine's pelvis to her, using her ass to rub Elaine's crotch.

Melissa turned around in Elaine's arms and kissed her. Elaine reached down, copped a quick feel of Melissa's ass, then pulled her slip up and off of her body. Melissa took a step back, and Elaine used just her fingertips to trace designs on Melissa's breasts through her bra. Elaine used her nails to lightly scratch Melissa's nipples until they were nice and pointy. Elaine then unclasped Melissa's bra (a front closer), and helped her out of it.

Meanwhile, Jacqueline was sitting back, wondering when they were going to get started. He had expected this to be like some porno flick. That Melissa and Elaine would just shuck off their clothes, then start 69-ing each other. Admittedly, the little romance scene they were doing was arousing, but hardly as arousing as it could have been.

Melissa then reached behind Elaine and unzipped her gown. She helped Elaine out of it, removing her slip right along with it. They kissed again, Melissa in nothing but her panties, Elaine in panties and bra. They mashed their bodies together, and openly Frenched each other. As they kissed, Melissa reached behind Elaine and undid her bra. She then leaned back only far enough to slip the bra off and toss it to the floor beside them.

Elaine then started kissing her way down Melissa's body. She started kissing the nape of her neck, down her breasts, kissing in slow spirals until she took the nipple in her mouth, and sucked it like a baby. Soon she went over to the other breast and repeated the procedure. Then she kissed her way down Melissa's abdomen, stopping long enough to tickle Melissa's navel with her tongue. She kissed her way down to Melissa's crotch, lightly nuzzling her cunt through her panties. She slowly slid her fingers under the elastic of Melissa's panties and inched them down her legs.

Elaine leaned forward and kissed the lips of Melissa's cunt. She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked from the base of her cunt up to the top, near but not touching Melissa's clit. She then returned to the base of Melissa's cunt and licked her way up to the top, this time touching only Melissa's left cunt lip. Once again she avoided touching the clitoris, but this time, she teasingly circled it with her tongue. She then went back to Melissa's base and licked her way up Melissa's right cunt lip, and then circled her clit; once again not actually touching it.

Elaine then moved to the middle of Melissa's cunt and kissed it. She slowly stuck her tongue out and into Melissa. Using long, languid strokes, she gently caressed the near inside of Melissa's cunt. Melissa writhed in ecstasy as Elaine slowly dragged her tongue out and up her cunt, this time lightly touching her clitoris, but only briefly. Elaine then returned to the base of Melissa's cunt and placed a series of light, small kisses up her length, until she finally kissed Melissa's clit, sucking it into her mouth, and tickled it with her tongue. Melissa gasped as Elaine rubbed and touched it with her lips and tongue, having her first orgasm of the night.

After she was finished, Jacqueline whimpered, "Mistress."

Melissa looked over and saw Jacqueline's very erect cock tenting up his panties and skirt. She smiled, walked over to Jacqueline, carefully lifted his skirt, pulled down his panties, and lowered herself onto him. Jacqueline tried to start pumping his hips, but Melissa grasped his balls and held him in place. "No, hun. You'll get your orgasm, but only on my terms."

She then reached up and massaged Jacqueline's massive tits. Jacqueline felt wave after wave of pleasure pulse through his body. "Please, Mistress Melissa, let me fuck you. Don't make me cum like this. Not like a... like a... girl."

"But that's what you're here for, Jackie. To learn to make love like a girl, so that you can better make love to a woman. Take the lessons like they're meant. To make you a better lover. It'll help you to get your body back to normal."

Melissa continued to rub his tits as she leaned forward and kissed her husband's lipstick covered lips. Jackie felt his body tremble and without ever having moved shot his wad deeply into his wife. His body then trembled again, and his tits shrunk, and his waist expanded.

He looked away, embarrassed that he had come from having his tits massaged. Melissa turned his face back to her, and kissed him. "Jackie,... Jack. If you'd learn to expend some effort on me, I'd willingly expend more on you." She then kissed his forehead and returned to Elaine.

Elaine took her arm and lead Melissa to the bed. Melissa sat down on the edge of the bed, reached up and slowly dragged Elaine's panties down her legs. Jacqueline could only see Elaine's backside, but it was, admittedly, a very beautiful backside. Melissa leaned forward and proceeded to suck on Elaine. But to Jacqueline, there was something wrong with the way she did it, something different about the way Elaine moved as Melissa used her mouth and tongue. It was almost like... like Elaine was fucking her face.

Then the two separated, and Elaine sat on the bed beside Melissa, giving Jacqueline a clear view of Elaine's crotch. Jacqueline was shocked! Elaine had a dick! A dick bigger than his own! Elaine was one of those, what do you call 'ems, transsexuals.

Elaine and Melissa kissed as each fondled the other's breasts. Elaine gently laid Melissa down on the bed. Elaine got between her lover's legs and kissed and licked the inside of Melissa's thighs. She then licked her way up Melissa's body in a path that was the exact opposite of the one taken earlier. When their lips met again, Melissa's legs smoothly parted and Elaine's dick naturally seemed to find it's way to her cunt. Elaine slowly penetrated into Melissa. Melissa moaning like she never had with Jack. Elaine took her time, slowly using her dick to stroke the inside of Melissa's vagina. The two moved together as if they had been doing this all their lives. It didn't take long for Elaine to bring Melissa to orgasm, but she didn't stop there. Elaine continued to fuck Melissa through a series of orgasms which had her screaming loud enough to be heard through the rooms of her friends and newfound lovers.

After she was finished, Melissa saw that Jacqueline had his eyes tightly shut, his dick obviously throbbing in need. She got up and went to him, skewering herself on his dick. As soon as she did, he came violently, his dick spewing out another load of cum. His breasts shrinking for the second time this night.

But Melissa didn't stop there. She pulled his lips close to her breast, allowing him to suckle her teat. She freed his hands, and they started to rub her as sensually as he could. He took her and started to move her up and down on him. For the first time in their lives, they moved together. Soon, they, for the first time ever, experienced a simultaneous orgasm, a mind-blowing one.

After they were finished, Melissa held Jacqueline to her bosom, sure that she had finally found a life partner she could be proud of.

She couldn't have been more wrong...


James stormed into his room, where Sam and Elaine waited. "Damn! Damn! Damn!"

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"It's dad. He's as bad as he ever was!"

"Damn. He showed some promise that night, too," Elaine said. "Did he tell you what was wrong?"

"No. He refuses to speak to me. Not that I'm all that surprised by that particular decision. I am pretty much responsible for his current state."

Elaine said, "No matter. I think I know what it is."


"He's afraid of being like me. Of enjoying being a woman with a dick."

"Sounds like dad. Screws himself out of any enjoyment just because he's afraid of being seen as anything less than manly, and causes mom to suffer alongside him. She deserves someone better."

Sam said, "I just wish she'd leave the man."

Elaine asked, "Is that an official wish?"

Sam stared at her. Years ago, thanks to Sam, Elaine had solved a crucial problem she was having with her own biochemical compounds, and was thus freed from the chains of needing daily dosages of her own medication. In response, Elaine had given her a wish, which Sam wagered and won, getting a total of three wishes. If it was within Elaine's resources to accomplish, she would do it for Sam.

Sam's first wish was an attempt to remove her penis and get a cunt so as not to lose James when he was still unaware of her status as a she-male. When a problem with the compound that had transformed her into Samantha in the first place made that impossible, she got her wish back, and used it to bring Tracie into existence. A wish that had given her more than she could ever have hoped for.

Now, with two wishes left, Elaine was asking her if she wanted to use one to get Elaine to attempt to get Melissa out of the abusive household she was in.

Sam said, "Both James and I have attempted to convince her to leave Jack, and failed. What makes you think you can succeed where we failed?"

"Not relevant. Are you using a wish?"

Sam thought about it. "Alright, let's make it official. I wish that you, without resorting to drugs or force, would get Melissa Smith to leave her husband."

"Done. With all provisos accepted."

James asked, "Do you really think you can do it?"

"I'm pretty sure I can."

"Why? Why do you think you can succeed where we have failed?"

"Because, children, I know your mother better than you do."

James and Sam just gave Elaine a strange look as she walked from the room and headed to Melissa's room. She knocked on the door, and waited for Melissa to open it. "Oh, hello, Elaine. Come on in."

Elaine stepped in and gave Melissa a quick kiss. "Hello, love."

"So what brings you here?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Jack."

"Just so long as you don't ask me about leaving him."

"Well, then what's there to talk about?"

"Not you, too!" Melissa turned away and walked to her dresser. "I'm getting enough of that from my children. I can't leave my husband."

Elaine walked up to her and put her hands on Melissa's arms. "Hun, I know why you're unwilling to leave Jack."

"Why?" Melissa said, not believing that Elaine knew her that well.

Elaine said, "Because you only respond to selfishness."


Elaine took Melissa's chin and turned it up to her face. "You're a giver, my love. You give endlessly, and won't... can't do for yourself. So when your children ask you to leave him for your own sake, they might as well be talking to the wall."

Melissa's eyes started to tear up. "Even if I say you're right, so what? I still can't just leave Jack."

"I'm not asking you to just leave Jack. I'm asking you to come to me. Move in with me. Become, well, my wife. Not an official marriage, of course, but as official as we can make it."

Melissa was flabbergasted. "I... I..."

"Melissa, I love you. I want to be with you. And I want you to be mine. All mine."

"But... But..."

Elaine gently touched Melissa's face. "Melissa, when I see you with someone else, part of me wants to yank you away and carry you off. Even your own son and daughter. I do nothing... say nothing, because I know that they're good people who are good for you. But I will not... I cannot share you with that... that... sorry excuse for a man."

"Quiet. He'll hear you."

"I don't care! I love you, Melissa, and it is for your sake alone that I don't go in there and knock him senseless. Leave him! Not for your sake, but for mine! I... need you."

"But I... I can't leave him like he is. Doomed to a body he hates."

"Feh. That's just an excuse. One call, and I'll have the reversal agent delivered to us as soon as we pull into dock this afternoon. A simple injection, and Jacqueline goes to sleep, and one hour later, Jack's back. Now will you leave that... ass and come to live with me?"

Melissa started to cry silent tears. "Yes. Yes, I will." The two embraced.

Later that day, Jack was packing the last of Melissa's clothes away when she walked in with Elaine. "Good afternoon, Jackie."


"Jack, I've decided to have mercy on you. I've decided to give you the reversal agent which will return you to your normal body."

"You... have? What's the catch?"

Melissa pulled out a paper and handed it to him. "Sign this."

"What is it?" Jack looked it over. "A... divorce decree?"

"Mm-hmm. You sign that. Elaine injects you, and you wake up in an hour, tit-free and single."

"I won't pay alimony."

"Not asking for it. I get my clothes, my collection of unicorn knickknacks, and my family portrait, the one you barely consented to. Then we go our separate ways."

"And if I refuse?"

"Then I go my separate way, and Jacqueline gets to fend for herself. Don't worry. We won't give you the reversal agent, but we will give you something to make your current body permanent. You'll be able to live out your life as a perfectly normal 15 year old girl. Well, a 15 year old with... What are you down to now? Double EE tits?"

Jack gulped. "I guess I don't have any choice." Jack took the paper and signed it. Elaine pulled a long case out of her purse, opened it, and withdrew a syringe. "That... will make me normal again?"

"Yes, it will."

"Can Melissa inject me with it?"

Elaine turned to Melissa and shrugged. Melissa took the syringe, and said, "Sit down." Jack sat on the edge of the bed. Melissa swabbed his arm with an alcohol mixture Elaine gave her and injected him. As he started to drift off, Melissa helped him onto the bed, gave him a quick kiss, and said, "Goodbye, Jack."

When Jack woke up an hour later, all Melissa's stuff was gone. When he got his stuff back to his house, all her stuff was gone from there to. But it really hit home when he noticed the big, empty spot above the fireplace where the family portrait used to hang, and he never felt so alone.


The Return of Jacqueline


Elaine was scrambling to complete the latest tests she had made on James/Tracie. Tomorrow was the anniversary of the day Melissa had moved in, and she wanted to get home early to start the celebration. Elaine stopped for a second. Before Melissa had moved in, Elaine rarely got out of the lab before 7. Or if she did, she went straight to the lab at home. Now, she was almost never in the lab later than 5:30. The thing was, she actually got more done now. Ironic what love could inspire.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." Susan walked in. "Hey, Susan, just finishing up here, then we can get out of here."

"Uhm, Elaine, there's a... man here to see you."

"Can't you tell him to come back in a couple days?"

"He insists, and... I think you need to see him."

Elaine gave Susan a strange look. "Okay." Elaine finished up the tests and packed away the equipment. She then walked out into the waiting room and stopped cold when she saw who it was. "Hello, Jack," she said, the contempt evident in her voice. "What are you doing here?"

"I'd like to see my wife."

"She's not your wife any more."

"A legal document I was forced to sign. I don't consider it binding."

"What you consider isn't relevant."

"Regardless, you will take me to see my wife."

"And why would I do that?"

"Because if you don't, if you make the decision for her as to whether or not she can see me, then you become as bad as you say I am."

Elaine cringed. Damn it! He was right. She had no right to tell Melissa who she could or couldn't see, no matter who it was or how bad it could be for her. "Alright, Jack, I'll take you to see her. But I'm gong to warn you, my staff has fallen in love with Melissa. If you hurt her, even unintentionally, you'll be lucky to make it out of the house alive."

Jack said nothing.

"Well, come on." Elaine walked to her limo, and Jack followed. Elaine got in, waited for Jack, then signaled her driver to pull out. "So, why do you want to talk to Melissa, Jack?"

"That's between her and me."

Elaine tensed up. Part of her, a very strong part, wanted to leap across the limo and beat an answer out of him, but she, somehow, managed to restrain herself. They drove the rest of the way in silence. When they got there, Elaine proceeded him up the front steps. When they got inside, Elaine said, "Linda will show you to the parlor. I'll go get Melissa."

Elaine went up to Melissa's room. She was on the phone making arrangements for a charity event. Since all the household duties were controlled by Linda, Melissa started feeling bored and restless early on, so Elaine suggested she take the role of the classic rich wife, and make many charity events. Elaine gave her an unlimited expense account, and Melissa took to it like a fish to water. She became a true society matron, sponsoring and arranging fund raisers for any and every charity she could.

When Elaine entered, Melissa winked at her. She quickly finished her call, hung up the receiver, and put her arms around Elaine's neck. "Happy anniversary, love. Ready to start the festivities?" Melissa kissed Elaine and quickly noticed Elaine wasn't quite getting into it like she normally would. "Okay, hun, what's wrong?"

"You've got a visitor."

"So? What's the big deal?"

"It's Jack."

"Jack? As in..."

"As in your ex."


"If you want, I'll send him packing. I just didn't feel right making the decision for you."

"No. If he made the effort after all this time, it might be important. I'll see him. Will you be there with me?"

"I... don't think I should."

"Why not?"

"Melissa, if you really want me there, I will be. But, if I'm in the room, and Jack does anything to hurt you, even unintentionally... I'll kill him. I will grab him around the neck, and snap it like a twig."


"But I do want you to have someone in there. Just in case. I was thinking Elizabeth. She can maintain control, and also has the strength to toss Jack around like a rag doll, if necessary."

"Good suggestion." Melissa kissed Elaine. "You'll be watching on the security cameras?"

"Of course."

Melissa walked down to the kitchen, got Elizabeth, and headed to the parlor.

She went inside and said, "Hello, Jack."

"Hello, Melissa. You're looking well."

"You're looking... well." It was a total lie. He looked like crap. "What did you want to talk about?"

"Can we talk alone?" He nodded towards Elizabeth.

"No." Melissa sat down.


"Jack, although you've never laid a finger on me, you've also always had a nasty streak. Elizabeth is here to make sure you don't try something stupid. Whatever you have to say can be said in front of her. Now, what do you have to say to me?"

Jack sat down. "Alright. I was just figuring you had gotten over this lesbian infatuation, and had come to your senses and were ready to come back home."

Melissa stared at Jack, stunned. Finally, she said, "Go home, Jack," and got up.

Jack lurched to his feet and put his hand on her arm. "Melissa, please." He quickly removed his hand as Elizabeth crossed the room towards them.

Melissa glared at Jack. "What's your problem, Jack?"

"I... I need you, Melissa."

Melissa just stared at Jack. There was no way he would've said something like that in jest. It would've been hard enough for him to admit if it was true. But Melissa needed details. Details that Jack never would admit to willingly, and Melissa didn't want to finagle every little detail from him. "Wait here."

Jack started to protest, but Melissa silenced him with a gesture. She left the room and went to the security booth where Elaine was waiting. "Well?" Elaine said when Melissa entered.

"I need some help from you to get to the truth."

"Surely, you can't believe him?!"

"Jack would never lie about something like that. And even if he would, I could always tell when Jack was lying. But I need your help to get to the full details."

"NO!" Elaine turned away. "I will not help that... man!"

"Elaine." Melissa put her hand on Elaine's arm. Elaine turned and looked her lover in the eye. "For me?"

Elaine sighed. That did it. There was no way she could deny Melissa anything. "What do you need?"

"The truth serum you created. You said it was more powerful than regular truth serums."

"It cuts through all defense mechanisms of the brain, making it impossible for the subject to lie, even to himself."

"That's what I need."

"I'll have Linda bring you a dose."

"Okay." Melissa stood on her tiptoes and kissed Elaine on the cheek. She returned to the parlor to be met by Linda outside the door. Linda handed her the truth serum. "Thanks."

Before Linda let her get away, she said, "Be careful, hun. We don't want to lose you."

"You won't."

Melissa took the truth serum and went inside. Jack was sitting meekly on the couch, clearly intimidated by Elizabeth. Melissa walked up to him and handed him the serum. "What's this?" he asked.

"A truth serum. It'll help us get to the truth."


"Drink it or leave, Jack." Jack only took a few seconds before downing the entire bottle. After a few seconds, his eyes glazed over, and he stared straight ahead. "Jack?"


"Why are you here?"

"Because I need you."

"But why? Why do you need me?"

"Because..." Melissa saw Jack trying to fight it, but the serum was too strong. "I am weak. I have always been weak. I survived by leaching off your strength. By making myself feel strong by making you weaker. Without you, my life is and has always been nothing. Without you... I'll kill myself. And I don't want to die."

Melissa was shocked. Here he was confessing to something she never would've suspected. Now what? She couldn't leave, but she couldn't just let Jack die. Then she thought of a plan. Jack probably wouldn't like it, but that was tough. She quickly left the room and ran to the security room. Elaine was nowhere to be seen. Melissa asked Janine, the security chief, "Where's Elaine?"

"She left right after Jack's confession. She didn't say where she was going."

"That's strange."

Melissa left and went to the room that she and Elaine shared. She found Elaine sitting on the edge of the bed, crying. She ran to Elaine's side and took her in her arms. "Hun, what's wrong?"

"I know you. You can't let Jack die. Even he doesn't deserve that. That means you're going to leave me."

"Oh. Oh, no, hun." Melissa held Elaine to her bosom. "Sometimes, in your role as Mistress of the house, I forget that other times, you're just a scared little girl. Elaine, my love, I do not want to see Jack die, but I would sooner see him rot in hell then ever leave you."

Elaine sniffled back some tears. "You mean it?"

"Yes, my love, I could never lie to you. But I will need some help from you to save Jack's life. Some help from Susan would also be great, but that will, of course, be her choice."

Melissa quickly outlined her plan to Elaine. "Jack's not going to like that. Hell, I don't like it."

"But why?"

"With the exception of sexual criminals, rapists, pedophiles, and the like, I have never done a permanent, unwilling transformation. I have taken on more than a few who might've deserved it, but I always left it up to them. You're talking about a permanent transformation of both Jack's body and his psyche. This is the kind of thing that can result in a serious emotional/mental breakdown. Are you even sure Jack can handle it?"

Melissa thought about it. "No, I'm not."

"And the transformation is only the beginning. If your plan works, you're talking about bringing Jack here. Into this household. Forget about what that'll do to him. Think about what it'll do to me!"

"I know. And, if you ever decide that you can't handle him after his transformation we can always ship him off to private school."

Elaine sighed. "Alright, I'll do it, for you. On one condition."


"Hold on, hun. It's not something you can do. It's something Jack has to do."


Elaine told Melissa what she wanted.

"You don't make it easy, do you?"

"It's the only way I'll do this."


"No, Melissa, not even for you will I go easy on this. It's the only way I can accept going easy on my policy of no unwilling, permanent transformations."

"Okay. But if I can do that, you'll transform him?"

"Yes, but don't ever expect me to like him. Even after the transformation."

Melissa kissed Elaine. "Just try to tolerate him."

"Okay." After Melissa left, she said, "But I'm not promising anything."

Melissa returned to the parlor. Jack was still on the couch, the truth serum he had been given wearing off. Melissa walked up to him. "Jack, I've thought about what you said."


"I don't want you to die."

"So you'll come back home with me?"

"No. I've found love here, and I won't give it up. Not even to save your life."

"Oh. Then I guess I should leave."

"Maybe not. There's a way you could stay here."

"Elaine would allow that? Allow me to come live here?"

"Yes, and no. She'd never allow Jack, the man, to move in."

"Then what?"

"Jack, I've always wanted a daughter."

"But you've gone through menopause. You can't birth another child."

"I don't think you're getting it, Jack. I may not be able to birth another child, but with your help, I could have a teenage one."

"My help?"

"Jack, I want Jacqueline back. With Elaine's help, you can be restored to your form as a 13 year old girl. And then you can enter the household as my daughter."

"I... I don't think I can do that."

Melissa walked over, kissed Jack on the forehead, and said, "Then goodbye, Jack."

As she walked away, Jack said, "Okay."


"I said okay. I'll do it."

"Alright, then you have to choose your new dimensions."


"Cup size, waist and hips. We can't very well give you your last proportions. No matter what we do to your face, we can't very well pass off a girl with measurements of 38-28-38 and a double E cup as a 13 year old. We're going to have enough troubles passing off someone 5'10" as a teen."

"Oh, well, whatever you want."

"No, Jack."


"You have to take an active role in your own transformation. Elaine insists and I agree. If you don't, you'll always be able to say you had to do this, and that you just went along with it. But, if you take part in your transformation, it'll show that at least part of you is willing to accept your new status as a girl."

"But I don't want to be a girl."

Melissa put her arm around Jack's shoulder. "Jack, it's time to be blunt. You may not want to be a girl, but, as a guy, you suck."


"Jack, I'm not trying to be harsh. But don't you see? This isn't just a second chance with me. It's a second chance at your life. I know one of the biggest regrets you've ever had was not doing as well in school as you wanted. Well, now, you'll be headed back to school, and can get better grades."

"Back to high school?"

"In a couple years, but first back to junior high. You are only barely into your teens."

"But... as a girl?"

"So? Y'know, Jack, some of us have managed to make it as women. Some of us have even done pretty well for ourselves. And, maybe, just maybe, you'll be a great woman."

"Will you... expect me to date guys?"

"Only if you want to, hun. Who you date is your business. But does this mean you're willing?"


"So what do you want your measurements to be?"

Jack thought about it for a few seconds and said, "38-30-38."

"That's going to be sexy. What cup size?"


"I don't know. That's pretty big."

"I was thinking it was going to be small. I saw on one of those talk shows once, a girl who was D cup at 13 and she was only 5'5. I also want to grow out a little as I grow older."

"You want to be big breasted?"

"Well, yeah. If I expected it from you, it wouldn't be fair to not expect it from myself."

Melissa kissed Jack's forehead. "Already, the prospect of being a woman is good for you. Now, are you sure you want those proportions? They will make you a little sexpot."


"Okay. I'll be back in a few."

Melissa returned to the security booth, where Elaine had returned to. "Well, I did it. I got him to choose his own form."

Somewhat depressed, Elaine said, "Yes, you did."

Melissa wrapped her arms around her lover. "I know you don't like this, but it will work out for the best."

Elaine gave Melissa a quick peck. "I'll be in my lab. It'll take me about an hour to brew up Jack's potion."

One hour later, Elaine brought a beaker filled with a bubbling, green concoction to the parlor. Melissa came up to her, and said, "Thanks, Elaine."

"Hold it a second, love. There's a few things I want to mention first. I want Jack making an informed decision before he downs this. Now, as a scientist, I'd like to see Jack down this, but it would be irresponsible of me to fail to warn him that I have done no long term testing of the effects of the age reducing drug. It could cause you to go absolutely bonkers in terms of sex drive. You might find yourself attracted to anything with a pulse."

Jack asked, "Men?"

"Perhaps. You'll definitely find a stronger attraction to women. You'll possibly be attracted to men. Possibly even to animals. I just don't have enough data to predict. Are you still sure you want to do this?"

Elaine was hoping he wouldn't, but was disappointed when he said, "Give it to me."

She handed him the beaker, and he drank it down. He immediately grew sleepy and lay back. Melissa and Elizabeth stretched him out on the couch. Elaine said, "I think you should probably get rid of all Jack's old stuff before he wakes up. Subject him to total immersion. The less that reminds him of his old life, the better. Strip him of his male clothes, take him upstairs, give him one of the guest rooms, the effeminately decorated ones. I'd even suggest sending someone out to get some teenage clothes and paraphernalia."

"How long will it take?"

"Two hours."

"Okay, can you help?"

Elaine sighed. "Please don't ask that."

Melissa put her hand on Elaine's arm. "Elaine, my love, I do know how hard this was for you. And I do appreciate it. Thank you." Elaine gave her a weak smile. "Look, I've already talked to Susan and she's agreed to take Jacqueline for the night, so I see no reason why you and I can't proceed with our original plans for tonight."

"I'm not sure what kind of mood I'm going to be in tonight."

"Close your eyes."


"Just close your eyes." Elaine did as she was asked. "Now envision me naked, kneeling before you, sucking on your dick." Elaine gasped as the blood pumped into her loins. "In the mood now?"

"I got to hand it to you, girl. No one else could ever excite me as fast as you could." Elaine kissed Melissa on the mouth. "Now go take care of our little Jacqueline. I'll wait upstairs in our room."

"Thanks, love."

After Elaine left, Elizabeth helped Melissa to undress Jack. "Don't worry, hun. As long as Jack tries to make the best of being Jacqueline, she'll come around."


Two hours later, Jacqueline awoke. He stretched as he usually did upon awakening, his chest shifting like it had upon first awakening after fucking that hooker over a year ago. He looked down and saw his new tits hanging from his chest and actually smiled. It had been scary to begin with, but now that it was over and he was Jacqueline for good, it was almost a relief.

He got up and walked over to the mirror. Now that he knew what to expect, he took a good look at himself, and he had to admit, he was a looker.

"Like what you see?" he heard Melissa say from the doorway.

"Well, I look pretty. I'm not sure yet whether or not I like it."

"Fair enough." Melissa walked over and kissed him (no, her, Jacqueline had to get used to thinking of him... her self in the feminine) on the mouth. "But I do want this to be as pleasant as possible."

"Yes, Melissa."



"I wasn't just making conversation when I said I wanted a daughter. You must refer to me as mother or mom or mommy. Mommy, probably wouldn't work. Not for a teenager. But you must refer to me as your mom."

"Yes, mom."

"Good. Now get dressed. You'll find a collection of garments that'll fit you in your dresser. Get dressed."


"Yes, Jackie?"

"Will we ever have sex again?"

"Yes, dear. I plan on maintaining an incestuous relationship with my daughter."

Jacqueline smiled. "Mom?"

Exasperated, Melissa said, "Yes, dear?"

"Was I this pretty before? The last time I was Jackie, I mean."

"Well, the huge tits were something of a distraction, but yes, you were."

"Thank you, mom."


Jacqueline finished up the dishes, and went upstairs to her room. She had tried her best to be a good daughter and Melissa had clearly appreciated it, but Elaine had been cold and distant throughout the evening.

When he got to his room, Melissa was waiting for him. He curtsied (well, he tried). "Evening, mother."

"Good evening, Jackie. I wanted to let you know that I appreciated your pleasant behavior this evening."

"But Elaine didn't. I don't think she likes me much."

"Do you blame her?"

"I suppose not."

"Enough of that though. In an effort to get you started off on a pleasant foot, I've arranged an evening's entertainment for you."

"Sex? With you?"

"Sex, yes. But not with me. Elaine and I have plans to celebrate the anniversary of our... marriage."


"Tonight you will stay with Susan and Elizabeth. You remember them? From the cruise?"

"Are they... like you, or like Elaine... and me?"

"Susan was born female. Elizabeth is a she-male."

"And... what am I to do with them?""Whatever they ask. Jackie, I want you to make every effort to do whatever it takes to please whoever I ask."

"Yes, mom."

"Jackie, I hear the words, but not the agreement."

"I'm trying, mom."

"I know. But if it turns out that bringing you into this household was a mistake, then Elaine could and would definitely ship you off to a European boarding school."

"You would do that to me?"

"Only if I had to. Jackie, I'm not just sending you to Susan and Elizabeth to keep you out of my hair. Susan and Elizabeth were husband and wife before Liz's transformation. Since that transformation, Susan has become a master of pleasing she-males while treating them as women. Give in to her and she will help you accept your newfound girlishness, while pleasing you. Fight her... and you will be one step closer to being shipped out of here. Am I clear?"

"Yes, mother."

"Good, now go. Down the hall, third room on the left."

"Yes, mom."

Jackie left the room and went down the hall to the room Melissa had specified. When she got there, she knocked on the door. From inside, she heard, "Enter."

Jacqueline walked in. Susan was standing, completely naked. Elizabeth was kneeling in front of her, dressed only in corset and stockings. Elizabeth was clearly in the middle of licking Susan's cunt. "Am I disturbing something?" Jackie asked.

"Not disturbing, just late. We decided to get started without you. Get undressed, we'll be just one... second." As Jackie got out of her clothes, Susan moaned and shuddered in orgasm. After she recovered, she said, "Your tongue is as marvelous as ever, Elizabeth."

"Thank you, my love."

"Come here, Jacqueline." When the new girl hesitated, Susan said, "It's okay. I don't bite. Unless you want me to." Jackie hesitantly went to Susan. "Now, Jackie, how do you feel about this?"

"I... guess I'm ready."

"No, hun. Not are you willing or are you ready. How do you feel? A man is trained to hide his emotion, but a woman must be prepared to express herself no matter how she feels. Now. How do you feel about this?"

"I... I don't know what to feel."

"You're not supposed to feel any specific emotion. You just feel what you feel. Now how do you feel?"

"I... I'm scared."

Susan smiled. "It's okay to be scared." She stepped behind Jackie, reached around, and started massaging her breasts. "I'm here to help you deal with that fear."

Jackie felt wave after wave of pleasure pulse through her body. She closed her eyes and moaned. Susan's hands wandered her breasts in marvelous ways, bringing her great pleasure. She then felt a third hand on her dick. She opened her eyes and saw Elizabeth. Elizabeth had her hand on Jackie's dick.

Part of Jackie wanted to protest, to say no, but all along she knew she would give in. If she had the strength to say no, she wouldn't be a she in the first place.

Elizabeth leaned forward and placed her lips against Jackie's. They kissed softly. Susan slowly bent her at the hips as Elizabeth fondled her to hardness. Susan told her, "Close your eyes, hun."

Jackie did so and the sensations on her cock disappeared. Susan continued to fondle her breasts, and soon, she felt a somewhat familiar pressure on her ass. It only took her a few seconds to identify it as the same feeling as the dildo in her ass that she had been forced to use upon herself at the end of the cruise a year ago. She looked back and saw Susan pressing a strap-on into her ass. "Please, don't."

Susan continued to stroke her breasts, and said, "Just relax into it, hun."

Elizabeth (who had strapped the dildo on her wife) said, "Jackie, a dildo, in the hands of someone who knows how to use it, can provide you with so much pleasure. And there's no one better at it than Susan." Jackie trembled, terrified. Elizabeth took her by the hand. "It's okay, hun. Although you may not believe it, we're here for you. There will be some pain, but only what we have to do."

"I... I'm afraid."

Elizabeth stepped up close. "Go ahead and hold on to me."

It only took a few seconds before Jackie wrapped her hands around Elizabeth, shutting her eyes tight against the reality of being fucked by the plastic cock. Susan continued to slowly press the dildo into Jackie's ass. When their hips were pressed together, Susan stopped, using only her hands to excite Jackie, and letting the new she-male get used to the feeling of penetration inside her.

It took a while for Jackie to get used to the new sensations, but eventually something marvelous happened. The sensations in her ass changed. The dildo stopped being a harsh invader and became instead a strange friend. Jacqueline tried to find out why, but soon gave up and gave in to the pleasure.

As soon as she started humping her ass backwards, Susan smiled and started fucking her with the dildo. Jackie was amazed. Here she was being fucked by a dildo. And she was liking it! She opened her eyes to see Elizabeth smiling down at her. Jackie smiled back and pulled Elizabeth down and kissed her. The pleasure continued to build and build. Then suddenly, just stopped. But it didn't go away, it just stopped building.

Elizabeth whispered in her ear, "We call this the delicious torture. Susan will keep you on the edge of orgasm until she's cum a time or two. Then she'll let you cum in a mind blowing simultaneous orgasm, the likes of which you've never had before."

Jacqueline nodded, thinking she could handle it. But it was only a few seconds before she was whimpering and begging to be allowed to cum. Susan only continued to do what she was doing. Jacqueline, in response, closed her eyes and pulled Elizabeth tightly to her. Elizabeth just held Jackie as the new "girl" rubbed her. Jackie felt Susan tremble and cum, and figured that she would be allowed to cum now, but, once more, Susan only held her just below the point where she would be able to explode.

Jackie whimpered again. She felt a nipple brush her mouth, and, almost automatically, opened her mouth and sucked it in. She suckled it like a baby, as Susan fucked her till the now elder woman came once again. Jackie let the nipple pop from her mouth, turned to Susan and said, "Please, Mistress, let me cum."

Susan held her at the pre-orgasm point, and said, "Apparently, you haven't been instructed in how to address the women of the house. The only woman here you address as Mistress is Elaine. Everyone else, until you're told otherwise, is either Lady their name or milady. I, for instance, am Lady Susan. Elizabeth is Lady Elizabeth. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"No, not ma'am. That appellation is also reserved for Elaine."

"Yes, milady."

"Very good." Susan then increased her attentions on Jackie, allowing her to finally pass that point of ecstasy. Jackie exploded in orgasm, her dick spraying all over the floor. She then collapsed on the floor, sliding off the dildo.

Elizabeth and Susan turned her over, and by slapping her face were able to revive her. When she woke up, Jackie said, "For a few seconds, I was floating," she pointed at the ceiling, "up there. I could see myself."

Susan smiled. "So you had fun?"

"Yes, ma... milady."

"Unfortunately we have a problem."

"What's that?"

"There's a rule here. Share and share alike. If you give pleasure, you have a right to expect pleasure. And if you get pleasure, you have a duty to give it. Now you and I have both received quite a bit of pleasure, but Elizabeth has yet to cum even once. And since you have received more pleasure than I from her, it falls to you to bring her off."

"But... you got an orgasm from her as I walked in."

"And she got an orgasm from me before you even got here."

Jackie turned to Elizabeth. "Would you like me to fuck you in your ass?"

"No, hun. My ass is reserved for a very select group. Susan, of course, Sam, Tracie, Mistress Elaine, and Melissa. No others admitted. Perhaps one day you will be, but not tonight."

"Would you like to... fuck me in the ass?"

"No, hun. I was thinking of another orifice."

"But what...? Oh, you want a blowjob."


Jackie sighed. "I told... mother I'd do what you asked."

Elizabeth kissed Jackie. "Try to get into it, hun. I remember my first blowjob. I thought I'd hate it, too. But, it turned out to be a rather tasty treat."

"I... I don't know about this."

"It's okay, hun. A few years ago, I was right where you are. I know what you're feeling."

"You... You do?"

"Mm-hmm. Tell you what, why don't we do a 69. You suck me, and I'll suck you." Then Elizabeth said to Susan, "Don't frown at me like that."

"Jacqueline has already received pleasure and comfort from you. It sets a bad precedent."

"The only thing I did was hold and stroke her, and she did return the favor.

Besides, hun, you're not where she is. Where I was years ago."


"Susan, please. I promised to be your good and dutiful wife so many years ago, so, if you order it, I won't suck Jackie off, but please don't fight me on this."

Susan sighed. "Alright, love. As you said, I'm not where she is or where you were. I'll defer to your judgment in this."

Elizabeth took Jackie by the hand and led her to the bed. She helped the new transformee get comfortable on her back. "Okay, hun," she said as she got above Jackie, "just do what I do, and follow my lead."

Jackie responded with a meek, "Okay."

Elizabeth leaned down (her tits pressing on Jackie's stomach) and licked the tip of Jackie's dick. She waited for Jackie to return the action and was pleased not to have to wait for very long. She licked Jackie's dick a few more times before taking the dickhead into her mouth. When she felt Jackie suck her own dickhead into her mouth, she proceeded to use her tongue to encircle and stroke the tip of Jackie's dick. As Jackie mirrored her, Elizabeth started to move her head up and down on Jackie's rod. Despite the fact that Jackie's cock was the larger of the two, Elizabeth was able to take all of it, whereas Jackie was only able to take about half of Elizabeth into her throat before her gag reflex kicked in. But it didn't take long before each was spraying into the other in orgasm.

Elizabeth swallowed quickly then spun around. As she suspected, Jackie had yet to swallow. Jackie, having more recently cum before their mutual suck-off, had deposited the lighter load, and Jackie wasn't sure what to do with all that cum. Elizabeth said, "Share half with me, then swallow the rest."

Jackie did as she was told, passing half of the semen in her mouth to Elizabeth in a sensual kiss. Jackie swallowed. Elizabeth smiled then leaned forward and kissed Jackie. Jackie was surprised when she received about half of what she had given to Elizabeth back in that kiss. Jackie quickly caught on to the game and passed half back again. This continued on through three more passes until Jackie surprised them both by finishing off what was left. "Sorry," Jackie said, "but there didn't seem all that much left."

"There really wasn't. So how did you like giving your first blowjob?"

Jackie blushed. "It was..."



"I felt the same." Elizabeth playfully swatted Jackie on the behind. "Now you head off to bed." Jackie got up, collected her clothes and headed out of the room. Just before she left, Elizabeth said, "Jacqueline."


"If you ever want to talk to anyone, except when I'm running the kitchen, I'll be there for you."


After Jackie had left, Susan said, "Well, I think we did our job. Jackie had a night of pleasure, learned to accept her responsibility for giving as well as getting pleasure, and knows she's got a friend. You know, it always amazes me how you can always play "big sister" to all the new transformees. Even ones who were as bad as Jack was."

"I guess I feel that even as bad as he was, nothing Jack did compares with what I did to you."

"Oh, hun, that wasn't you. It was the man you used to be who raped me."

Elizabeth said, "Let's just say that we disagree about who I am now. A different person, or just a better one. Now, your wife is sitting here on the bed in nothing more than corset and stockings, and you're philosophizing. Are you gonna come over here and service me like a wife deserves to be serviced? Or should I just get out of this corset and curl up in bed and go to sleep?"

"Well, with an invitation like that..." Susan moved towards her wife.

Jackie ran back into her room and jumped on the bed. What a strange day she had. She had originally come here as Jack prepared to do whatever it would take to get Melissa back. Who knew that by the end of the day she would be a she, have spent the last part of the day doing chores in a dress, getting fucked up the ass (and liking it), and giving her first blowjob (and liking that, too).

Melissa was right. This was a second chance at life. And much as she wasn't sure about being a girl, Jacqueline wasn't going to fuck this up.


Jackie got out of bed, got dressed, and went down for breakfast. It was the anniversary of her transformation, Jackie's birthday, so to speak, and mom was planning a party. As she walked down the steps, Jackie reflected on her last year as a girl. School had been great. She had made a bunch of friends, gotten great grades, and even joined the cheerleading squad.

It turns out that Elaine had been both right and wrong about some of the effects of the age reducer. her sex drive had indeed increased. Increased far beyond anything she had ever had as Jack. But it was only towards women. Jack felt no attraction to any man (much less animals), but every time a cute girl walked by, she had to fight to keep her cock from being visible. She had finally taken to wearing a cock restraint in order to keep her secret, secret. It was painful at times, but necessary.

Her home life had been pretty good. She seemed to have found a great friend in Elizabeth, and most of the "girls" were willing to share their beds with her. (Hell, Jacqueline was getting more sex then Jack ever had.) And now that Jackie had realized the role she was expected to play in sex, added to her willing subservience, had made her relationship with her "mother" stronger than it had ever been.

The one bad thing about her new life had been Elaine. She had yet to accept Jackie into her life. She rarely let Jackie into her bed, and then only when Melissa was present. It was never one on one. Further, whenever Melissa wasn't around, Elaine was constantly giving her the cold shoulder. Oh, she was never mean or rude, but she rarely volunteered speech, and tended to keep her answers to Jackie's questions and comments as short as possible.

Jackie was dreading this day. Melissa had planned a party for her, but Melissa was working a big charity brunch, and would be out of the house for the morning and most of the afternoon, leaving Jackie alone with Elaine.

Before she entered the dining room where she knew Elaine would be, she took a deep breath, and steeled herself. She walked into the dining room. Elaine was hiding behind a paper like she usually did when Melissa wasn't there. Jackie walked up and curtsied (even though Elaine couldn't see it). "Mistress."

Coldly, Elaine said, "Jacqueline." That more than anything else hurt Jackie. In the entire year Jackie had been here, Elaine had never referred to her by anything other than her full, formal name.

Jackie played with her skirt a bit before she tried to bridge the gap by trying conversation. "Mistress?"

"Yes, Jacqueline?"

"Could I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead, Jacqueline."

"I was wondering. In the few times you have allowed me to share your bed, I've noticed that you rarely allow anyone, including Melissa, to fuck you in your ass. I know you enjoy it, so I was just wondering why you don't do it more often?"

Elaine dropped the paper and said, "That is PRIVATE!"

Jacqueline cringed visibly, and, as images of European boarding schools danced through her head, fearfully said, "I'm sorry."

Elaine sighed. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be so hard on you. You have tried to be a good girl during your stay here." That was Elaine. Even when being apologetic, she made Jackie feel as though her stay was just temporary. "The fact of the matter is, I'm a transsexual. I'm not just a guy who discovered his feminine side and decided he liked being a girl. In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman. Now at the time I underwent my original, more mainstream, transformation the surgical techniques for giving a man a vagina were, in my opinion, inadequate in quality. So I decided to wait for a while, hoping surgical techniques would improve.

"Also, it turned out that standard treatments were inadequate to get the results I wanted. At the end of my transformation I still looked far too much like a guy. That was when I developed my Aggressive Protein String system which is the centerpiece of all my biochemical concoctions. I used it to give myself a more feminine appearance. Unfortunately, a problem in the compounds I developed has caused my entire crotch to become supersaturated, and now, if I ever remove my cock and balls and then get sexually stimulated, my body will rebuild them.

"So, to answer your question, the reason I don't allow myself to get fucked up the ass more is because it's too much of a reminder that I don't have the cunt that I truly want."

"Well, you do seem to be good at using your dick."

"Yes, but it's a poor substitute for the cunt I want."

"Well, couldn't you just build yourself a cunt?"

"Weren't you listening? If I get rid of my cock, my body will rebuild it!" Elaine snapped the paper and brought it back in front of her face. "Stupid girl."

"No, I mean, couldn't you give yourself a cunt while keeping your cock? Become a, what's the term, a hermaphrodite?"

There was silence from behind the paper. The edge slowly lowered, and Elaine had a thoughtful, far-off look on her face. She slowly folded the paper, and called out, "Elizabeth."

Elizabeth walked from the kitchen. "You called, Mistress?"

Elaine set the paper down and said, "I've decided to skip breakfast. I'll be in my lab. Don't disturb me."

After she walked away, Elizabeth asked, "What did you say to her? Mistress hasn't locked herself in her lab since before Melissa moved in."

Jackie quickly outlined the conversation they had. "I swear. If I knew how she'd react, I'd never had said a thing. I was just trying to get to know her. To get her to accept me."

"Well, she didn't seem angry. I wonder what she's thinking."


When Melissa came in that afternoon, Linda told her what had happened and that Elaine had locked herself in the lab and hadn't come out all day. The one thing that had shown the household staff that Elaine loved Melissa was that she had given Melissa a key to the lab. Something she had done for no one else, not even the lab assistants who worked with her. And since the household was now concerned that they had heard nothing from the lab all day, they asked Melissa to go in and see if something had happened.

Melissa went straight to the lab. Jackie was sitting outside. Melissa looked at her and said, "If something has happened to Elaine, you'll be out of here before dinnertime."

Jackie cringed.

Melissa used her key on the lab door and went in. Elaine was sitting in front of her lab table, staring at a beaker. Melissa said, "Elaine?"

Without looking back, Elaine responded, "Shhhh. Don't distract me."

"Are... Are you okay?"

"I'll tell you in a minute."

Melissa didn't know what to say. Elaine didn't seem to be having any problems. But Melissa couldn't help but wonder what was in the beaker. She walked over and looked over Elaine's shoulder. In the beaker were two separate mixtures, one green, one yellow. The two swirled about violently. Elaine whispered, "Come on; come on. Do it for me."

Melissa watched the two swirl about for a bit before settling into a slow pulsing pattern. Kind of like two lava lamps in the same glass. Elaine smiled. "Yes. It worked. It worked!" Elaine leapt up and kissed Melissa.

Then she asked, "Where is she? Where is that wonderful girl?" She saw Jackie lurking in the doorway. "There she is!" Elaine ran to her and swept her up into her arms and hugged Jacqueline. "Jackie, sweet girl, you were right! I can have both!"

Tears came to Jackie's eyes. "You... You don't hate me?"

"Hate you? No. Oh, but I have been so hard on you, haven't I? I was so afraid you would take Melissa from me. Instead you give to me, and all I do is repay you with suspicion. Can you ever forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Oh, yes. Yes!" Jackie threw her arms around Elaine's neck.

Melissa walked up and put her hand on Elaine's shoulder. "But, hun. It doesn't look like anything happened."

"Exactly. The two compounds remained active without combining. The green is the old compound, which gives me my female body. The yellow will give me the cunt I always wanted!"

"But I thought you said that wasn't possible?"

"It was your daughter who gave me the clue. I couldn't do it as long as I was thinking either/or. But she pointed out that I could have both. It's not as good as being all femme, but it's better than what I have now, which is just my male organs."

"So Jacqueline did a good thing?"

"A good thing? She did a great thing! Now I just need to find a test subject."

"But the beaker?"

"Pure lab conditions, love. The next step is testing it on a live subject. This could be a whole other kettle of fish once we get it into a human body."


Elaine brought together most of her household heads, and explained what was going on. Elizabeth was the first to speak up. "I'll do it. You can test it on me."

Susan said, "Now wait a second. I'm not sure I like this idea."

"Don't worry, Susan. I'm sorry, Elizabeth, but I can't use you."


Elaine held up her hand. "It's not because of any purely altruistic reasons. If you'll recall, the formula I gave you had an added element. Every time you went higher than a certain blood alcohol level your breasts would grow. And in order to control your alcoholism, you had me add more elements to make that growth painful. Those elements are still active in your blood. The formula in your body is too different from the one in my own. You wouldn't be a good test subject."

Linda said, "Then I'll do it."

"Sorry, hun. Same reasons apply. The compound I used on you was too different from my own. In fact, anybody who got a compound which had a special qualifier that I added wouldn't be eligible."

Bridgette, Elaine's accountant, a she-male with a photographic memory, said, "That only applies to two people, you and Samantha."

Jackie said, "What about me? I didn't have any special qualifiers added. At least not this time."

Melissa said, "Yes, but your first solution would interfere with the new one."

"Oh."Elaine said, "Wait a second, hun. That may not be the case."

"But she did have that first compound. And it caused some of the most radical body changes of all."

"Yes, but after I gave her the neutralizer that compound became inert. It would've only taken 5 to 7 months for her body to have purged it. She spent a year as Jack before returning to us. I'd have to test her to make sure, but that should be more than enough time."

"But... what about the age reversing elements in her formula?"

"They were designed to have an effect then become inert. Otherwise she'd keep getting younger and younger, rather than aging normally. It's been over a year since we gave those to her. They should be gone, too."

Melissa looked from Elaine to a hopeful Jackie, then back to Elaine, and said, "I'm sorry. I can't risk my daughter."

"But, mom-"

"No, hun, I'm sorry. Elaine, you're just gonna have to get Sam to do it."

"I understand. I'll call her in the morning."

Suddenly, Jackie grabbed Melissa's arm, said, "Mother, I need to talk to you," and dragged her into the hall.

After a few minutes, Jackie and Melissa returned to the room. Melissa said, "We've discussed it, and I've decided to let Jackie try your new formula."

Elaine looked at Jackie suspiciously. "Did she force you to make that decision?"

"No, hun, she's no longer capable of that and she knows it."


Melissa held up her hand. "I'll tell you why I decided as I did, after you've given her the formula, or after it's been determined that it is not possible to give her the formula. For now, let's just say that I couldn't be prouder of my little girl."

"Well, okay. Come on, Jackie. Let's get you tested."

Elaine took Jackie to her lab, took some blood samples, and ran her tests on them. Melissa seemed a little disappointed when it turned out that Jackie could be used as a test subject, but refused to comment on it.

Elaine then told Jackie, "I know you want to do this, but I think I should warn you. If you do this, we're going to need to test this in action."

"In action?"

"You're going to have to use your new vagina in a sexual way. You're going to have to let someone fuck you."

"Oh, is that all?"

"You don't have a problem with that?"

"Why should I? I mean I accept dicks up my ass all the time now. Hell, I've even learned to like that. I can't see having a cunt as being all that different."

Elaine rubbed Jackie's head in an affectionate way. "It'll take about an hour to brew up the proper formulae. Then I'll be back."

An hour later, Elaine returned with the yellow mixture. "Are you sure you want to do this? That you're ready for it?"

"Well, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little afraid. But, yes, I'm ready."

"Okay." Elaine handed Jackie the mixture, which she quickly drank down. Jackie grew sleepy, and Elaine stretched her out on the bed. Then Elaine went out and asked Melissa, "Okay, how did she convince you to change your mind?"

"She just pointed something out to me."

"What's that?"

"You're my wife, right?"

"Of course."

"Well, if Jacqueline is my daughter, what does that make her to you?"

Elaine just stopped cold. "That... would make her..."

"Your daughter as well. Even though we both know you haven't accepted her as such yet. She simply pointed out to me that you need to know that she'd do anything for you." Melissa put her hand on Elaine's arm. "She wants you to be her mother, too."

Elaine looked back to the room where Jackie was undergoing her latest transformation. She turned back to Melissa. "Jack's really gone, isn't he?"

"Has been for quite some time, love. I'm not sure he even had the strength to survive the transformation he knew would be permanent. You were just too caught up in your hate to notice it."

"And I've been so hard on her. Now I feel so ashamed."

Melissa kissed her lover on the cheek. "It's okay, hun. Jackie understood.

She told me she's been looking for a chance to do something like this for you for quite some time. After that, I just couldn't say no to her."

Elaine felt chagrined, but realized she now had a daughter who she needed to take care of.


Jackie woke up and stretched. At some point after she had passed out last night, someone had put her into a night gown. Which was somewhat lucky, since her entire body seemed alive and tender. She quickly remembered the night before, and her hand shot down to her crotch. The first thing she noticed was that her balls were gone. Then she felt it, the moist slit that was the reason why she had taken the formula in the first place. She slid her finger in and wiggled it around a bit, almost instantly being hit by a wave of pleasure. She inserted a second, then a third finger into her new cunt, but even that proved to be not enough.

She reached over to the end table by her bed and pulled out the vibrator she kept there. She turned it on and slid it into her cunt. She moved it in and out of her cunt in slow, circular motions. It didn't take long before she was cumming wildly, her hips bucking against the dildo in a way they never had while getting a good ass reaming.

Then, from the doorway, she heard, "Well, at least I know it's pleasant using your new cunt."

Jackie saw who it was and blushed crimson. "Good morning, Mistress."



Elaine walked over to the bed and sat beside Jackie. "Melissa told me why you felt you had to do this for me. I want you to know it's okay for you to call me mother."

Tears of joy came to Jackie's eyes. She threw her arms around Elaine and said, "Thank you, mother."

Elaine hugged Jackie. Then she picked up the vibrator and said, "I didn't know you kept one of these by your bed."

Jackie blushed crimson again. "Only Elizabeth does. I mentioned that there were times when I was getting overly excited and there was nobody available, so she got me a small batch of these to play with."

"But why didn't you tell anyone?"

"I guess I was ashamed."

"No need for that. I don't think there's anyone in the house who doesn't have at least a couple of these. Now, on to other things. Who do you want to fuck you first?"

"Could you do it?"

"No, hun. I need to keep separate, until we've tested it out. I can be number two, but you've got to choose someone else for number one."

"Well, there is someone, but I'm not sure how he'll feel about it."

"He? Who?" Jackie told her who she wanted and why. Elaine smiled. "Good choice. He's already here. I'll go talk to him. But if I can't talk him into it, who would you like as second choice?"

"Uhm, Linda. I want to feel her big cock inside me."




"How... functional is my cunt? I mean, can I have a baby?"

"Well, you've got a womb now, of sorts, but you don't produce eggs. You would also need some serious chemical help to produce an endometrium capable of supporting a baby, but it could theoretically be possible for you to allow a zygote to be implanted in you and for it to develop normally. Why? Planning on having a baby any time soon?"

Jackie giggled. "No, I was just wondering about birth control."

"Well, a condom should always be used if you have sex with anyone outside the household. I can cure any STDs, but not without a bit of suffering on your part. Any other questions?"

"Yeah. I was wondering, am I really 14 again? Can you really reverse my age?"

Elaine got a sad look on her face. "Not quite. Externally, you're 14. Internally, you're still a senior citizen. Now with my biochemical know how, I can extend your lifespan to your early hundreds, maybe more, but you should still only expect another 30-40 years of life."

"Oh. I was kinda hoping..."

"That I could reverse your age, so you'd live another 60-80 years? Sorry, can't do that yet. But I am working on it."

Jackie gave her a weak smile. "Well, you better get going if we're going to get this done soon."

"One other thing."


"I'd like to video tape this. I can turn on the security cameras, so you wont have to worry about having a camera in the room that you can see, but I'd like a hard copy of this to review later."


"No problems with that?"


Elaine kissed Jackie's head, then went to the parlor where Melissa, Susan, Elizabeth, Linda, Sam, and James were waiting. A very hopeful Sam asked, "Well, did it work?"

"She's got a cunt. She's already masturbated herself to orgasm once. Now she just needs the right person to fuck her."

"Who's she chosen?"

"She wants her big brother to fuck her."

James said, "Am I missing something? Dad's an only child, isn't he?"

"Jack may have been an only child, but Jacqueline is your mother's daughter, James. Which makes her your sister."

"He wants me to fuck him?"

"She wants you to fuck her, James. Jack's long gone. It took me a while to realize that. You need to, too."

"But... why me?"

"Well, Jackie's noticed that every time you visit us, your sexual "dance card" is always filled. Even those of us who prefer only females such as myself or Elizabeth are willing to share a bed with you."

"Did you tell her about my "relationship" with Tracie?"

"No. That's your business. The question is, are you willing to service your sister?"

"I don't know."

"James, all I'm asking is that you go in there and let your empathy loose. If, after that, you still don't feel you can do it, we'll all understand."


James got up and went upstairs. He entered the room and saw Jackie in her nightgown. James "opened up" allowing his empathy to tell him what Jackie was feeling by letting him feel it in his own body. He felt excitement, desire, some fear, and just a touch of sadness.

"Hello, Jacqueline."

"James. Would you... join me?"

It only took a few seconds for him to realize he would. He walked over to the bed and sat facing Jackie. He leaned forward while pulling her to him, and kissed her. As they kissed, James slid his hand under Jackie's nightgown, and pulled it from her body.

Jackie reached up and started to unbutton James' shirt. As she pulled it from his body, they kissed again, and, as soon as his hands were free, they found her tits and started to gently knead and fondle them. They continued to kiss as Jackie moved her hands down his body until they found and undid the snap on his pants. James lifted his ass and allowed his sister (finally able to think of her like that) to slide his pants and underwear down. James sat back down, and kicked his pants and underwear off.

He slid onto the bed, and pulled Jackie close. They held each other as they kissed. Then Jack proceeded to kiss his way down her body, kissing her neck, tits, abs, briefly sucking her dick, before moving on and kissing her cunt. He slowly licked and sucked her until she was bucking wildly against his face. "Oh, James," she begged, "stick it in me. Fuck me, now."

James lifted up, his face wet with her cunt juices. "Your wish is my command." He kissed his way back up her body, until they were face to face.

Jackie reached down and slowly guided James into her. James continued to push into her until their pelvises touched. James waited until she grew accustomed to the intruder now in her body. After a few seconds, she looked up at him with an idyllic look in her eyes. "That's so... nice."

"You ready for some more?"

"Oh, yeah."

James couldn't help but smile at her exuberance. He slowly started to pump into her, using his empathy to stroke and touch her in just the right ways. It wasn't long before Jackie was floating above her body in a storm of ecstasy, as she had on her first day of her return as Jackie. But this time, she was floating without having reached orgasm yet! And when she finally did, the effect was explosive. She suddenly felt detached from the universe itself, apart and above it all.

Finally she felt drawn back to her body. She opened her eyes to see a very concerned James looking down on her. "Jackie, you okay?"

Almost breathless, Jackie whispered, "Wow."

"Don't scare me like that. You were out cold for a few minutes."

James helped Jackie to a sitting position. She said, "With a performance like that, it's no wonder all the girls like being with you."

"So I take it, you like your new cunt?"

"Yeah, I do."

Suddenly James felt a spike of depression wash over him. "What's wrong?"

"Wrong? What makes you think anything's wrong?"

James thought about how to explain it. He finally decided on a course of action, and said, "Watch." He closed his eyes and brought forth Tracie. When he opened his eyes, Jackie was staring at him dumbfounded. "Well?" he asked.


"A few years ago, before we were married, Sam and I had a fight. She then went to Elaine and had me transformed into Tracie. The intent was to give Sam the ability to transform me at will, so that I would become beholden to her as we tried to do to you a couple years ago. But something happened, and Tracie and I... merged. Now, I control the transformation, and can be Tracie," he shifted back, "or James, at will."

"But why are you showing me this now?"

"Because a female form wasn't the only thing I got out of the transformation. I also got a psychic empathy, and I can feel the depression roll off of you. Are you having problems accepting your new cunt?"

"No, that's not it."

"Then what?"

Jackie looked into his eyes, the tears welling up. She finally broke down into tears and told him what Elaine had told her about her internal age.

"I see your problem. What does mom think?"

"She doesn't know about our... problem."

"She doesn't know?! You haven't told her even after a half century together?"

"And what have you told Sam? You two have a better relationship than your mother and I ever did. Even as a mother/daughter relationship."

"Touché." James hugged his sister to him. "I think we should tell them together." Jackie nodded. "I'll get them." James went over to the intercom and called for Sam, Melissa, and Elaine. They quickly came in, escorted by Elizabeth and Susan.

"Well," Sam asked, "does everything work like it's supposed to?"

"The good news is that Jacqueline's cunt seems to be perfectly normal in all respects."

Elaine said, "From that phrasing, I assume there's bad news?"

"Yeah, but it's... family stuff. Elizabeth, Susan, could you please leave. I'm sorry to exclude you, but this is really private stuff."

"Sure, hun," Susan said, as she escorted her wife from the room.

After they had left, Melissa said, "Okay, son, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"It's something dad told me on my eighteenth birthday. He never told you because he didn't know how. And after spending the last three years not knowing how to tell Sam, I can sympathize."

Sam said, "Okay, now you're scaring me."

"Elaine, you told Jackie how, even though she looked 14, internally she's still a 65 year old man?"

"Yes, but she should live out a normal existence. Even longer with some biochemical assistance from me."

Jackie said, "The problem is, the male members of our family die early. No man in our family has ever lived past the age of 74. And most don't even make it out of their sixties."

Melissa said, "Oh, god," and ran to her daughter. She held Jackie close and said, "Elaine, isn't there anything you can do?"

"I... I don't know." She walked over to sit beside Jackie. "But I swear to do everything I can for you, Jackie."

James staggered. "No offense, but the depression in here is getting overwhelming. I gotta go. Elaine, I'll keep in touch."

As the young couple walked out, Elaine said, "Sam, if you still want a vagina, let me know. I'll have a batch brewed up for later tonight. You'll have a 14 hour sleep after taking it."

Sam nodded, and took her husband's arm and walked from the room.

After James and Sam had left, Jackie broke down in tears. "It's not fair," she sobbed. "I finally find a life worth living, and now it's going to be taken from me."

Melissa just held her daughter. Elaine hugged the two of them. "Not if I can help it."

In their car, on the way home, while driving, James said, "Sam, I wouldn't have to be an empath to notice that you're upset. Care to talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Come on, hun. You know that when you're upset, it affects me. If you mdon't talk about it, all you're doing is causing us both unnecessary grief."

Sam sighed. "Alright. It's just that I feel cheated. I don't want to lose you, James."

"And I don't want to be lost. But my death is still years away. Think about how Jackie must feel."

"Don't get me wrong, James. I'm sorry for her, too. But right now, all I can think of is the fact that I thought we'd have another 60 to 80 years together. Instead, I find out we'll be lucky to have a half-century together."

James didn't know what to say, and just pulled his wife close to him.

The Epilogue


Samantha drove into the parking garage underneath the convention hall where James had his display. She was still a little bummed. It had been only a month since James and his sister (who used to be his father) had revealed that the males in their family died of early deaths, rarely living past 70. She knew that Jackie, although having the appearance of a 14 year old girl, was at more risk than James, having been a 64 year old man before her transformation a year ago, but all she could think about was how she would be losing 20-40 years with the man she loved. It had been one month, and Mistress Elaine, the master biochemist who had played such a significant role in her life, still had no idea why.

Ah, well, just sitting in her car musing about it wasn't going to help. James was upstairs demonstrating some new medical equipment that his company had helped to develop, and they had made arrangements to go out for dinner tonight. She locked up and headed upstairs. When she got to the convention hall, James was demonstrating one of the devices he had to a cute brunette. When she got close, Sam took a look at the girl, and noticed something familiar about her. She walked up and said, "Hey, hun."

James said, "Hi, love," and leaned over and kissed her.

Sam said, "Please, don't stop on my account."

"No need to worry about that. I was just finishing up. Samantha Smith, love of my life, meet Janine Turner, head of obstetrics at Mercy General."

"Charmed." Sam extended her hand.

Janine took it. "Same here." Sam noticed a lustful look she had identified on men and women alike, but there was still that nagging sensation that she knew this woman.

"Excuse me, but has your name always been Turner?"

"Well, no, that's my married name. My maiden name was Devonshire."

"Janine Devonshire? You wouldn't happen to have a cousin named Andros Stevens?"

"Well, I did. He died almost a decade and a half ago-"

"From AIDS, yes, I know."

"Alright, who are you?"

Sam smiled. "You really don't recognize me, do you?"

"You don't look familiar, no."

Sam giggled. "I suppose I can understand that. I've changed quite a bit since last you saw me. I was your cousin's first girlfriend."

Janine gave her a disbelieving look. "Sorry. My cousin was as gay as they come. You must be thinking of someone else."

Sam giggled. "Okay, think back. You're 15 years old. You and a group of your friends are discussing some of the downsides of being a girl, namely bra straps, make-up, heels, and tampons. Amongst your friends was one bisexual boy who refused to believe you really had all that much reason to complain, so one of the girls bet him he couldn't go an hour in heels, and a bra. After he managed that, you upped the bet, each of you adding a stipulation, getting in full drag, carrying a purse full of make-up, and having a tampon shoved up his ass. Your three stipulations were that he couldn't do all of that in public, then get a boy to take him out for a bite to eat, then get a kiss on the lips from the boy. Then, after getting him in drag, you realized what a sexy girl he made, so you called your cousin, who was still unwilling to openly admit he was gay, and told him you had a "girlfriend" for him, a guy who was totally passable when in drag."

"Yeah. So?"

"You're still not getting it, are you? What was the boy's name?"

"Samuel Nevada."

"And his name when in drag?"

"Samantha." Janine finally got it. "Samantha! Samuel! Is that really you?"

Samantha smiled widely and nodded. "Yeah, but it's Samantha now. Legally as well as spiritually."

"Let me take a look at you. Step out from behind there and spin around." Sam stepped from behind the table, and did a quick spin. "Amazing. I'd never have guessed you used to be a guy. You must know a great plastic surgeon."

"Well, a great doctor."

"And those implants are so realistic!"

"That's because they are real. No implants here."

"Oh, come on. Breasts that large and that perfectly shaped, and they're not due to surgery? I find that a little hard to believe."

Sam turned to James. "Hun, how much longer you going to be here?"

"Another hour or so. Why?"

"Just plan on proving my point to the young lady." Sam grabbed Janine by the arm, said, "Come on," then proceeded to drag her off to the bathroom.

When they got there, Sam proceeded to remove her blouse. Janine said, "Sam, what are you doing?"

"Proving I have no implants."

As Sam continued to disrobe, Janine said, "Are you sure this is wise? This is a public bathroom."

Sam pulled her blouse off and tossed it to Janine. "So. I can't be seen from outside. And if any women wants to take a good long look, let 'em."

Janine could only mutter, "But-", as Sam reached behind her and unsnapped her bra.

Sam tossed the bra to Janine, then folded her fingers behind her head, and said, "Alright. Look, feel, do whatever you want to check these babies out. NO implants."

"Really, Sam, I'll take your word for it."

"Uh-uh. You call me a liar, and think I'm going to let you get away with it? Not a chance. Now, neither one of us is going anywhere till you check me out, so put your hands on me so we can get this over with."

"Sam, I-" Suddenly Sam reached out, grabbed Janine's hand, and slapped it to her tit. Janine stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds before she started to examine Sam's breasts. She lifted Sam's breasts, looking for a telltale scar that would betray implants. Finding none, she started softly kneading Sam's breasts, feeling for the change in texture that could also betray implants. Finally, she stopped, and said, "Well, I got to admit, if you've got implants, I can't find any evidence of it."

Sam said, "Are you going to make me drag you someplace to get an X-ray?"

Janine laughed a bit, said, "No, no. I believe you," and handed Sam's clothes back to her. "Nice to see you're still the same old Sam though."

Sam started dressing. "What do you mean?"

"Sam, you were always one of the most feminine amongst us. To be honest, some of us, me included, were a little jealous of how sexy and pretty a girl you made. But at the same time, you always had just a touch of the bitch in you. Just enough to make you even sexier."

"Thanks. I guess my career as a lawyer has amplified that bitchiness, though. But what about you?"

"What about me?"

"If I'd've had tits back when we were both teens, and I'd've stripped down and said, 'Feel me up,' the Janine I remember would've grabbed my tits, if for no other reason than not to back down from a challenge."

Janine smiled. "I guess that's my job at work. Most women seem to prefer an obstetrician with a gentle touch that makes them feel at ease in their visits."

"Yeah, but I'm not surprised you went into medicine. You always seemed to know what people needed, even when they didn't. Without you, I don't think Samantha ever would've gone public, and I know she never would've had the guts to get a boyfriend like Andros."

"So what ever happened to you? After Andros left for college, you just kind of disappeared, barely seen, except at school, and you never talked to any of us. Then a couple years later, we heard there was some big to-do at your place, and that you had been pulled from school."

Sam took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Did Andros ever tell you what we did the day of his departure?"

"He told me you two shared some personal time, but didn't give me any details. I always figured that you'd share with us, but we never saw you again."

"That's Andros. Gentleman to the core. Well, that day Andros took my 'female virginity'. We made passionate love that day."

"Sounds sweet."

"Oh, it was. What we didn't know, though, was that dad had come home early that day, and heard us in my room. I guess he thought... Well, I don't know what he thought, but after Andros had left he came in and found me still dressed as Samantha."

"Oh, man, he must've had a cow."

"That's putting it mildly. And when I told him I needed to dress up like a girl, he... attacked and raped me."

"Oh, Sam, I'm so sorry."

"Thanks. Well, after that, when I came home, dad would force me to get dressed in my dead mom's clothes, and play wife and sex toy to him. Then, after a couple years of that, my sister, Amanda, came home from college for a surprise visit, and found me in mom's dress, sucking dad's dick.

"Well, she dragged me out of the house, and out of the state. As soon as she moved me into her place, and got me some boy's clothes, she got me into therapy. Problem was, as a struggling college student, she couldn't afford very good therapy. Even with all my sisters chipping in, the therapist they got wasn't any good. He was convinced that the reason I liked dressing in women's clothes was because I had developed a defense mechanism against my father's perverted lusts, and no explanation I gave him would convince him otherwise."

"Didn't you tell him you had been dressing for years before your father knew?"

"Yup. Even gave him all the girls' names for reference. Told him to contact you to prove my story."

"I never got any calls."

"Doesn't surprise me. I figured he probably didn't check. Anyways, I got tired of him constantly hammering me to get me to accept his view of the way things went. I started agreeing just to try to get him to leave me alone, but after a while, I forgot who I was and just agreed with him."

"So how did you find yourself again? How did you become Samantha again?"

"Well, after I was convinced that the only reason I liked guys was because I had to, I only dated women. Problem was, deep down, I was jealous of what they had, and what they were, so I was unable to maintain a relationship with any of them. So one day I was out cruising for a quick lay, when I meet this beautiful babe who takes me to her home, and... forces me to confront my femininity."

"What did she do? Force you to dress up like a girl?"

Sam smiled. "Among other things. Well, eventually what she did to me broke through the "therapy" and helped me come to grips with who I really was. I became Samantha permanently.

"I went on to complete law school, joined a prestigious law firm, met and married a wonderful man, and am finally living the life I want to live."

"I'm happy for you, hun."

"Thanks. So what about you? What've you been up to for the last 16 years?"

"Well, not quite as fantastic a life as you have. After high school, I went on to college, got my medical degree, met and married my husband, became head of obstetrics at Mercy General, divorced my husband, then came here. Fact of the matter is, the divorce was finalized only this morning."

"Oh, I'm so sorry."

"I'm not. The man was a loser and a hypocrite. Care to guess what broke us up?"

"He was playing around on you?"

"Well he was doing that, but that wasn't it. No, it was when, after I came home early one day and found him in bed with his secretary, I tried to join them."

"You're bi? I never knew."

Janine laughed. "That's only because you were too caught up in Andros to notice. Well, that's what broke us up. You see, although my husband wasn't religious enough not to cheat on me, he was religious enough to think that homosexuality was an abomination to god, country, etcetera, etcetera. Of course, what really pushed him over the edge was when his mistress left him for me."

"Ooh, that's got to hurt."

"Yeah. Turns out, though, that the little bitch was just a social climber. We both worked at the same hospital, and since I was higher in the pecking order than he was, once she learned I was interested, she moved on to me. Less than a month later, she dumped me for the chief of staff. Last I heard, she was boffing somebody on the board of executives."

"Still, I'm sorry to hear it broke up your marriage."

"Well, things weren't going all that great to begin with. The ironic thing is, once I found him in bed with the little sexpot, I thought that'd give our marriage the boost it needed."

"Makes me glad I've got James."

"Well, James better watch out."

"Why's that?"

"Now that I've found you again, I may try to steal you away from him."

Sam laughed. "Not a chance, love. I'm too happily in love with that man."

"Well then maybe I'll steal him away from you." Janine winked at Sam to let her know she was just playing. "He's quite a cutie."

"That he is. But maybe you don't have to steal either of us."

"What do you mean?"

"James and I have an arrangement. We're both allowed to find lovers outside of the marriage, so long as those lovers are somebody we can share with the other. Since you've already expressed an interest in both of us, unless James has already arranged something tonight, how about a little three-way action?"

"You don't have to ask me twice. Which brings up an interesting point. How far along is your transformation?"

"Far along?"

"Do you still have your... male equipment? Or have you gotten rid of it in favor of a cunt, yet?"

"Actually, hun, I've got both."

"Both? A dick and a cunt?" Sam nodded. "Okay, now you've got me intrigued. Why? I thought transsexuals all wanted to get rid of their dicks."

"Well, I don't know about all of us. To be honest, there was a time where I would've given anything to get rid of my dick and get a cunt, but it turns out there was a reason why I couldn't get rid of it. I only got my cunt a little less than a month ago. But now, I wouldn't get rid of my dick even if I could."

"Why not?"

At that point, a woman entered the bathroom. Sam motioned Janine back towards the convention hall. After they were outside of the bathroom, Sam whispered, "The truth of the matter is, both my husband and I have too much fun stuffing my dick up his ass."

"So it's still functional? Your dick, I mean."

"Oh, yeah. How do you feel about having both my husband's and my dick inside you at the same time?"

"Oh, girl, I haven't been so excited since the day I took your virginity from you. Your male virginity, that is."

"Did I really excite you all that much?"

"Hun, you were a boy who looked like a girl. Why do you think I asked you to dress up when we did it?"

Sam shrugged. "I thought it was to make me more comfortable. I always did like it more when I was Samantha, then when I was Samuel." They approached James at his table. "Hey, love, have you made any arrangements for tonight? Sexually, I mean."

"Naw. You know I'm usually too busy to scope out the crowd at these conventions."

"Good. 'Cause I did. Janine will be joining us after dinner."

"Good. I've been wanting to get her into bed for quite some time." James took Janine's hand and kissed it. "How about she join us for dinner as well?"


"Love to."

Sam asked, "Where'd you make the reservations, love?"


Janine was impressed. As Sam dialed the number, so she could change the reservation, she said, "Alfredo's? It'd take me a month of saving just to be able to afford an entree there."

"Well, it's our treat."

After Sam got off the phone, she asked, "Janine, what happened? As I recall, your family used to be rich enough so that you could afford to eat at a place like Alfredo's every night."

"Crooked accountant. Ran off with all our money to some island in the Caribbean. Luckily my grades were good enough to get some good scholarships, otherwise I never would've even been able to finish college without tons of loans."

"Well that sucks."

"Don't worry about it. The money would be nice, but I live a comfortable living now."

Sam asked, "How much longer you got here, James?"

"Well, it looks like the convention is wrapping up early today. How about we pack this stuff up and head out?"

"Sounds good." Sam helped James close up his stand, then the three of them, James, Sam, and Janine, walked arm in arm to the garage. They went out and had a nice dinner, chatting about old times, both the ones they shared and the ones they missed.

After dinner, Sam and James took Janine back to their house. "Welcome to Casa de Smith," James said.

Janine whistled. "Nice place. You two must be quite well off."

"Well, Sam's a successful lawyer, and I own a successful medical supply business. We're not as successful as some people we know, but we're definitely not hurting for money."

Sam said, "Oh, enough talk about money. Is one of you going to kiss me, or what?"

Janine said, "With an invitation like that, how can I say no?" and took her friend in her arms and kissed her.

Sam pulled her friend close, and slipped her tongue into Janine's mouth. As they kissed, James stepped in and with practiced ease started to remove Sam's outer clothes. Then, with similar ease, but not quite so practiced, he stripped Janine down to her lingerie. After the two girls were stripped down to their bras and panties, James left them to themselves as he stripped down to the buff.

The two girls did not stand idly by as James disrobed. Janine allowed her hands to stroke and fondle Sam's breasts as Sam leaned forward and kissed her friend's neck and cleavage. Janine's hands wandered down Sam's stomach and gently cupped and rubbed her buttocks. Sam kissed her way down the fabric line of Janine's bra, eventually reaching behind her and unsnapping her bra. Janine moaned as Sam's mouth found one of her nipples. She leaned down and kissed the top of Sam's head.

As Sam kissed her way down Janine's tummy, James, now naked, stepped up behind her and started rubbing her shoulders. Janine was a little surprised. Most guys she met went straight for her tits right off the bat. Not that it didn't occasionally have its place, but the way James was going, taking his time was, oh, so much sweeter. She leaned back into James arms as he slowly used just his fingertips to touch and caress her breasts.

Sam pulled down her panties, and leaned forward and kissed the inside of her thighs. She slowly kissed her way up to Janine's cunt, laying a line of kisses along the outside of her pussy lips. Janine smiled as Sam finally, gently, took her clit in mouth and sucked on it, stroking it with her tongue. Janine moaned, and it was only due to James' support that she didn't fall to the ground as her knees started to buckle from the pleasure.

James caught Janine and swept her up in his arms. He took her upstairs to the bedroom, his wife holding her hand all the way. After James set her on the bed, Janine said, "Alright, Sam, time to unveil. Your husband and I are both naked, but you, who I'm most interested in seeing naked, are still covered in your lingerie. Hardly seems fair to me."

James sat on the bed beside Janine. "She's got a point, hun."

Sam smiled, then reached behind her, unsnapped her bra, and slowly let it slide down her arms. Janine said, "Very nice. Your breasts are as beautiful as I thought they'd be. But that's not what I wanted to see and you know it. Off with the panties, girl. Let me see what you're hiding."

"Who says I'm hiding anything?" Sam teased. Sam then turned so she was facing away from Janine and pulled her panties down her legs. She wiggled her ass a bit and said, "Is this what you wanted to see?"

"Very nice." Janine then reached out and swatted Sam on the ass. "Now turn around, ya teasing bitch, and let me see the front of your crotch."

Sam slowly turned to face her high school friend. "Like what you see?"

Janine just stared. "Girl,... you've grown. How big is that whopper of yours?"

"A full 12 inches when erect."

Janine turned to James. "And you let her stick that in your ass? You're braver than I am."

James laughed. "Truth be told, I think she's stuck that in me more times than I've stuck mine in her."


"Uh-huh. Want to see it?"

"Maybe later. Right now I want to feel that monster in my cunt with you in my ass."

"Okay, get up on your hands and knees. I'll insert first." Janine quickly followed James command. James got on his knees behind her. "Do you want this with or without lube?"

"Without. I always did like it dry."

"Your wish is my command." James pushed his dick into Janine's ass. When their hips touched, James leaned forward, took her breasts in hand, pulled their bodies together, and slowly rolled onto his back, Janine on her back on top of him.

Sam said, "Now it's my turn," and got up on the bed. She got between the legs of her lover and husband. She put her dick to Janine's cunt and slowly pushed in. She only got a few inches in before having to stop, Janine's cunt being smaller now due to the dick filling her ass.

James reached down and put his hands under Janine's ass. "Ready?" he asked.


James then lifted Janine up. As his own dick left her ass, it made space in her cunt, and Sam plunged in. Janine moaned and Sam kissed her. James then proceeded to lift and lower Janine, alternately impaling her on his wife then on him, never letting either of them get all the way out of her.

Janine started helping, pumping her hips up and down, allowing James to stroke and love her ass, as Sam rubbed her tits and kissed her face and neck. Janine was soon panting and moaning with unabashed lust, and, quickly thereafter, cumming wildly on her two lovers.

Sam pulled out of her, and Janine settled onto James rock hard dick. Breathlessly, Janine said, "That was... incredible..." She collected her breath and said, "But neither of you came."

Sam smiled impishly. "So how would you like to see us get off?"

Janine thought about it for a few seconds. "Got a strap-on I could use?"


"Then I want to fuck you in your cunt while you fuck James up the ass."

"Sounds great. Strap-on's in the end table."

James reached into the drawer of the end table and dug around a bit, before pulling out a strap-on harness. He then reached in, dug around a bit more and pulled out a rather large dildo that would fit into it. He handed it to Janine. "Here. This is Sam's favorite."

Looking in the drawer, Janine said, "You've got quite a collection there, Sam."

Sam smiled. "Most of those are his."

"Really?" Janine said, incredulous. "Some of those are pretty big."

"Don't let Sam fool you. I use them as much on her as on myself."

"But... you use those on yourself?"

"Yup. Gotta have something to pass the time when Sam's out of town for whatever reason."

Sam complained, "Oh, enough talk. Husband of mine, get up on your hands and knees so I can get into that pretty ass of yours."

James got up on all fours, and wiggled his ass. "This work for you?"

"Oh, yeah."

Sam got up behind her husband, and slowly entered him. "Oh, god," Janine said, "a girl with a dick fucking a guy. That is so sexy. James, I know we haven't known each other long, but can I ask you a favor."


"Would you put on Sam's bra? I know it may seem a little strange, but I'd really appreciate it. I love seeing men in lingerie."

James smiled back at his wife and said, "If you really want me to, I will, but Tracie's stuff is a little roomier."


Sam said, "She's an almost live-in lover who keeps a lot of stuff here. She's taller and bigger than me, and her stuff fits James a little better than mine. Admittedly, she's a little bustier than me, but we can stuff the bra with panties if you'd like the image of fullness."

"Oh, god, you'd do that for me?"


"Don't move. I'll get it. Where is it?"

"Second dresser on the right side of the room." Janine got up and ran over to the dresser. Sam quickly said, "Top drawer."

Janine yanked the drawer open, grabbed a bra and a few pairs of panties for each cup. She ran back to the bed, wrapped the silk bra around James' form. "You're right, perfect fit." She then proceeded to stuff the bra with the panties. "You look so hot like that, James. You may even want to invest in some breastforms to really enhance the look."

"I'll... think about it. Now, why don't you get into that strap-on so you can service my wife as she services me?"

Janine just smiled and quickly strapped on the dildo. She got on the bed behind Sam and got up close to her ass. Sam leaned forward so as to facilitate easy entry to her cunt. Janine put the dildo to her entry and pushed in, eliciting a moan of pleasure from Sam.

They held themselves there for a few seconds until Sam started moving between the two, skewering herself on Janine while pumping into James. It didn't take long for the other two to get involved, James starting first, lurching back as Sam pushed her hips forward. Janine followed his lead, pushing her hips forward as Sam pulled partially out of James. They moved together, falling into a perfect fucking rhythm, until they came together in a mass orgasm, falling together on the bed.

After a brief lay in the post coital glow, Janine said, "Well, I guess I better get home."

James asked, "Why? Why don't you just stay here tonight?"

"Well, I didn't want to presume."

Sam said, "Nonsense. We've got plenty of room. You can either stay in our bed or in the guest room. If you stay in our bed, be prepared to get poked in the middle of the night by one or both of us."

Janine took off the dildo and tossed it to one side. She asked, "What if I want to do some poking?"

"Feel free to wake one or both of us."

"I think I can handle that," Janine said as she curled up next to Sam. "Aren't you two going to untangle?"

James said, "No. Having her inside me helps me to fall asleep."

Janine said, "Oh, god, if you two weren't married, I'd marry the both of you."

James and Sam just smiled.


Janine was awakened by the sound of a loud ringing. More accurately, she was awakened to actually get up by the ringing. She had been awakened twice during the night for a quickie, once by each of the young couple. Of course, she had done her share of waking up, too, so it all evened out.

It took her a few seconds to identify the sound as a telephone. By the time she struggled to consciousness, James had already gotten up and gotten it. She heard James mutter some assenting sounds into the receiver as she reached for Sam's dick. Sam turned in bed to face her, wrapped her arms around Janine's neck, and kissed her.

Just as the two ladies started to get into it, James came over and swatted his wife on the butt. "Sorry to interrupt your fun, love, but that was Elaine. She wants to see us as soon as possible."

Sam said, "Spoilsport." She kissed Janine quickly and said, "Sorry, Janine, but this is kind of important."

"What's up?"

"It's... personal."

"Hey, hun, I'm a doctor. You can trust me with anything."

"Sorry, but not this. This is... family stuff."

"Hey, if you can't consider me family after I helped create Samantha in the first place, I don't know what else I can do."

Sam sighed. "There's the old, meddling busybody I remember."

"Hey, if I wasn't a busybody, you may never have been born. You certainly never would've met Andros."

Sam looked to her husband. "James?"

James said, "I'll leave it up to you, love. You've known her longer."

Sam considered it. "Janine, this is important. In all the time I knew you, never once did you break a promise to anyone, so promise me that this goes no further."

"Okay, I promise."

"Well, it seems that James family has a small defect. The men in his family die young. Most in their sixties. A few make it to their early seventies, but none past that. It's nothing that's going to affect James for another 35 to 40 years, but we've got somebody working on it."


"Yeah, that's her name."

"I don't know any medical doctors of that name. Is she a specialist?"

"Kind of."

"Wait a minute. Elaine. A woman 'bout 6' tall, long, auburn brunette hair?"

"Yeah, that's her. You know her?"

"Only by reputation, and only from a distance. She's known among the local hospitals as Elaine the benefactor. Between her and the woman she's got doing fund raising, I'd say that about 60 percent of all the equipment at every free clinic, as well as 40 percent of the equipment at the non-profit hospitals is due to her. Can I ask a big favor?"


"Can I come with you? I'd really like to meet her in person."

"Uh, no, I don't think that'd be a good idea."


"Janine, when we get up there today, we'll ask her if she minds an introduction to a friend. But she's really not fond of surprises."


Sam kissed her friend. "You know, we're about the same size. Do you want a fresh set of clothes?"

"If you don't mind."

"Not at all." Sam dug out two sets of clothes, and gave one to Janine. They set the clothes on the bed, and went into the shower, Sam using it first. Janine used the shower, then returned to the bedroom. Sam was already dressed, and James quickly got into the bathroom after her.

As Janine got dressed, the two made small talk until Janine asked, "Sam, is that James singing in there, or a radio?"

"That's James."

"He sounds kind of... effeminate."

"Well, that's his singing voice. Don't mention it, please. He's kind of touchy about it."


A few minutes later, James came out and got dressed. Then they all left together. In the car on the way to Elaine's, Sam asked, "You shifted into Tracie for your shower, didn't you?"

"You know I like the play of water on my breasts."

"Yeah, but next time, be careful about singing when we have a guest who doesn't know all the details about you two."

James cringed. "She heard me?" Sam nodded. "Oops."

As they drove, James, every so once in a while, would look behind them. "What is it?" Sam asked.

"I'm not sure. I just keep getting this nagging sensation from behind us."


Sam turned and watched behind them as they drove, but saw nothing. They got to Elaine's and went inside to the parlor where Elaine, Melissa, and Jackie were waiting for them. "So what's the news?" James asked.

"Well, I think I've determined what causes the problem, and I need some more samples from you to check."

"No problem." James rolled up his sleeve and Elaine got out her medical bag.

As Elaine drew some blood samples, her head of security, Janine, walked in and said, "Excuse me, ma'am. There's a visitor here to see you."

Elaine said, "I'm not expecting anyone."

"She won't give her name, but she says she's a friend of Sam and James."

Sam asked, "Lady 'bout my height, medium length, light brown hair?"

"That's the woman."

Sam and James cringed, then said together, "Janine."

Elaine's head of security said, "Yes?"

Sam said, "No, that's her name, too. I should've known she'd pull some stunt like this when she gave in so easily."

"But who is she?"

"You remember me telling you about my first days as Samantha, dressing like a girl?"


"You remember the Janine in the story? Same girl."

"Can she be trusted?"

"For the most part. But she does tend to be a bit of a meddler."

To Elaine, Melissa said, "Sounds like you."

"Funny. Show her in."

In a few seconds, Janine escorted Janine in. Then Janine, Elaine's security head, left. The remaining Janine walked up to Elaine and said, "Miss Elaine, I'm sorry to impose on you and my friends, but I work at Mercy General and just had to come and meet you, and personally thank you for all you've done for us."

"A fan?" Elaine said. "How novel."

Sam walked over and slapped her friend on the back of the head. "That's for following us."

Janine smiled impishly. "Sorry. I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to help. Sam told me about James' problem."

"Thanks. Any new perspective might help."

James said, "You said that you thought that you had figured it out. At least what causes it?"

"Yeah. Apparently you and Jackie produce a toxic substance in your blood. Now, you're immune to the toxic effects, but it's converted to an inert substance, which your body only partially flushes, and after 50 to 60 years of it, it clogs your arteries like cholesterol, causing heart attacks."

"So have you got any idea how to treat it?"

"Short of bypass surgery, no. Something I'm sure Jackie really isn't looking forward to."

Janine raised her hand. "Excuse me. Maybe I'm missing something. Sam, didn't you say this was a problem with the men of James' family? Why is everybody so concerned about Jackie? She's a teenage girl."

The room was deathly quiet for a few seconds. Sam stammered, "Well, uhm, you see..."

James said, "Jackie's a transsexual. Like Sam."

"Even so, as a teenager, shouldn't you be more worried about James?" Suddenly Jackie broke down in tears. "What? What did I say? Whatever it was, I'm sorry."

As James and Melissa went over and comforted, Sam said, "It's not your fault. The explanation is kind of... fantastic."

"What is it?"

"Before I tell you, promise me this goes no further. That no one outside this household hears this."

"Okay, I promise."

Elaine said, "James, can she be trusted?"

James said, "I'm sensing no duplicity."

Janine asked Sam, "Why ask him? You've known me longer."

"James is an empath. You might have changed to the point where I no longer knew you, but if you had, James would know."

"Okay, so what's going on?"

"Okay. Here's the story. Elaine's a transsexual, but after going through the normal procedure, she didn't feel she looked femme enough. So she put her knowledge of biochemistry to work and developed a substance which can cause radical changes to the body in a very short period of time. You remember me telling you that someone forced me to confront my femininity?"


"That was her. One dose of her medication and I went from an older version of the boy you knew to this." Sam waved her hands down her body.

"Sounds pretty fantastic."

"I know. But it's true."

"I don't know. You're asking me to accept a lot. Do you have any proof?"

James said, "I do." He stood up, pulled off his shirt, and concentrated. Janine was flabbergasted as he grew a pair of tits, his waist and limbs shrunk, his hips grew and his face took on a rounder, more feminine shape.

Sam said, "Janine, meet Tracie."

Tracie said, "Usually I wear a wig, but this gets the point across."

"So Jackie used to be a guy?"

"Mm-hmm. You see, Jacqueline used to be my father, Jack. As a man, he was a bit of a sexist ass. So to punish him, I arranged to turn him into Jacqueline on a cruise a couple years back. Problem was, he didn't learn his lesson then, so mom wound up leaving him for Elaine. It was at that point Jack realized how pathetic he was, and, after a year, came back to Melissa, suicidal and desperate, begging her to come back to him."

Melissa continued, "But I had found too much happiness here. I couldn't leave even to save Jack's life, but I didn't want him to die. So I made him an offer, return to being Jacqueline, and accept me as his mother and "she" could come to live here."

Jacqueline said, "I was scared as hell, but I was too desperate not to agree. But it only took a few hours for me to realize I was better off as Jackie."

Janine said, "But the problem is that her new youth is only a surface thing. Externally she's a 14 year old girl. Internally, she's a 50-something year old?"

"65 year old. Dad and mom got started late on the family."

"So she's at heavy risk for death?"

Elaine nodded. "If I don't find a way to clean her out, she's going to have to undergo surgery within the next 6 months. If only I knew why the men die so early."

Janine said, "Do you know if the women's blood produces the same stuff?"

"Yeah, it does. I got a hold of a blood sample of one of James' cousins."

"Well, maybe you're asking the wrong question."

"What do you mean?"

"If both men and women produce this stuff, but the women live to and beyond the normal average, maybe you should ask why they do rather than why the men don't."

Elaine stopped. "She could be right. James, Jack, have all the women in your family lived long lives?"

James said, "As far as I know, every woman in the family has lived into their 80's or later."

Jack said, "Except for your cousin, Cassandra."

James said, "I didn't know I had a cousin Cassandra."

"Nobody in the family talked about her much. She was... not well accepted."

Elaine asked, "Why is that?"

Jackie took a deep breath and sighed. "Before I tell you, I want you to know that I realize that the way we treated her was wrong."

"Okay, but what is it?"

"Cassandra was a lesbian."

James said, "Now wait a second, cousin Julie was also a lesbian, and nobody had a problem with her."

"Because your cousin Julie got married and had kids."

"A loveless sham of a marriage."

"James, I'm not defending the family viewpoint. Since becoming Jacqueline, and thanks to mom and mother Elaine, I've learned how stupid that view is. But I am telling you what happened. Cassandra made a big deal about never getting married, and never bringing kids into our family. The family view of Cassandra was that she wasn't doing her duty as a Smith woman, and the only time anybody would ever even speak to her was to try to convince her to give up her selfishness and have children. When she died about a decade back at the age of 59, everybody just took it as a sign of punishment from god for her life."

"That's stupid."

Jackie just nodded.

Janine said, "Agreed, but that might be it."

James asked, "What do you mean?"

"Take it from a doctor of obstetrics. Very little occurs to more women that causes more changes than pregnancy. Hormone changes, body structure changes, pregnant women tend to eat more because they're eating for two. Now Jackie says that it's the family policy that the women birth and raise children, no matter what their own feelings. And that the only woman who didn't died an early death like the men. I tell you, it's not all that hard for me to believe that pregnancy is what's keeping the women of your family alive. The problem is determining what part."

Elaine said, "I think you may be right." She got up and asked, "Janine, would you join me in my lab? Since we're dealing with the effects of pregnancy, having an obstetrician could be very helpful."

"I'd love to, but I've got to get to work. But I can come back after my shift today."

"That'd be great. I'll get to work in the lab." Elaine walked over and kissed Jackie on the head. "Don't worry, hun, we'll lick this yet."

After Elaine and Janine left, Melissa noticed Jackie smiling introspectively. "What're you thinking about, Jackie?"

Jackie smiled impishly. "Oh, nothing."

In a slightly reproaching voice, Melissa said, "Jackie."

Jackie laughed a light laugh. "I was just thinking. If it takes me getting pregnant to fix this, that means to save my life, you get to become a grandmother."

"A grandmother? Oh, god, I didn't even think about that."

James said, "Well, mom, you'd better. We haven't wanted to distract Elaine away from her current problems, but as soon as she does solve this little problem, Sam and I intend to ask her to help us get her pregnant."

Melissa just thought about it for a few seconds. "You know, when you and Sam told me about her transsexual status, I figured, 'That's it. No grandkids for me.' Now, I have the possibility staring me in the face of multiple grandkids at the same time." Melissa sighed. "Well, I guess at the age of 60, I should be ready."

Jackie said, "I don't need James' empathy to tell me you're as freaked by the proposition of me getting pregnant as I am," and hugged her mother.


James and Sam met Janine at the hospital. As she got into their car, she said, "Thanks. My car broke down again."

"No problem. You're helping us after all."

They drove to Elaine's, chatting about nothing in particular. When they got there, they were met by Linda at the door. Sam noticed that Linda smiled a bit overlong at Janine. She turned to mention it to James, when she noticed that James was clutching the doorknob so hard it was shaking. As Linda started to walk away, Sam asked, "James, what's wrong?"

James said, "Stop!" Linda stopped. James walked up to her and said, "You! You like her, right?" pointing to Janine.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"No! No buts!" He turned to Janine. "You like her, right?"

"Yeah, but-"

Just then Melissa chose to walk up.

"No buts! Tonight, you," he pointed to Linda, "are going to take her," he pointed to Janine, "and do... something. I am not going through this again!" He grabbed Sam by the arm, said, "Come on," and headed off towards the bedrooms upstairs.

Janine stood there dumbfounded. "What was that about?"

Melissa said, "I'm afraid that's Elaine and my fault. Let me guess, you two have felt rather... lusty towards each other?" Both girls blushed red. "I thought so. Janine, I believe you know about the cruise we took a few years ago?"


"Well, on that cruise, Elaine and I were very much attracted to each other. But, at the time, I was married, and didn't do anything about my feelings. And since I wasn't doing anything, neither did Elaine.

"Now James empathy is more than just an awareness of what others are feeling. He actually feels it in his body. So every time Elaine and I got within line of sight of each other, James would be awash in sexual feelings. Drove him wild until we finally got together. My guess is you two just hit him with the same thing.

"But I'm wondering why you two haven't gotten together yet. Neither of you is in a committed, monogamous relationship."

Linda said, "Well, she always seemed too busy to approach. I mean, she's working on the cure for James and Jackie and all."

Janine said, "And I didn't want to impose on your hospitality. Linda always seemed too busy with running the household."

Melissa walked up and put her hand on Janine's back. "Well, I've got the perfect solution."

"What's that?"

Melissa suddenly pushed Janine into Linda's arms. "Nobody in this household is ever allowed to get so busy that they don't have time for love." Janine looked up into Linda's eyes and, before either knew what was happening, the two girls' lips were plastered together. "I'll go tell Elaine you two are going to be otherwise occupied for a little while. I'm sure she'll understand."

The two girls, barely hearing Melissa, wandered off to Linda's bedroom.


James and Sam entered the parlor, where Linda, Janine, Elaine and Melissa were waiting. James said, "Hey, all. Still no luck in finding a cure?"

Elaine said, "No. We've found some stuff that seems to help, but nothing that'll purge your bodies."

Linda poured everybody some tea. After she passed out the cups, she offered to put some sugar and cream in Janine's cup. Sam said, "Gee, Linda, I'm jealous. You never doted on me like that."

Janine blushed. Linda said, "Well, you never carried my baby."

Sam was astonished. "Pregnant? I didn't think that was possible with transformees. I mean, Susan and Elizabeth have been humping like rabbits since I've known them and they still have yet to produce a child."

Elaine said, "Well, to be honest, semen production is impeded by transformation but not stopped. Between that and the fact that Susan "humps" Elizabeth more often than Elizabeth humps Susan, that's pretty much eliminated the chances of Susan producing issue."

Linda said, "Mistress, since we're discussing it, there's a question I wanted to ask."


"I know you're busy with Jackie and James' problem, but since we are discussing it, I was wondering..."

"Yes, girl? Spit it out."

"Well, when the baby comes, would it be possible to get my breasts producing milk? I'd love to be able to nurse my child."

"Of course, dear. Minor concoction. Won't even have to resort to my Aggressive Proteins to do it."

Linda smiled and curtsied. "Thank you, ma'am." She turned to her new "wife", Janine. "Isn't that wonderful, love?" She noticed that Janine had a distracted look on her face. "Janine?"

Janine said, "Lactation."

"What was that?"

Janine turned to Elaine. "Lactation! We have been concentrating on changes to the body in and around the baby itself. The uterus, the ovaries. Even changes to kidneys and the bladder due to pressure of the developing fetus. We have been totally overlooking the changes to the breasts due to lactation in order to feed the baby!"

Elaine said, "Sweet mercy! You're right!"

"Come on." Janine got up, turned and kissed Linda. "Sorry, hun, but we've got a late night ahead of us."

As Elaine and Janine headed to the lab, Linda yelled, "Be careful, you're in a delicate condition!"


Jackie waited in the dining room, nervous as the proverbial cat in a room full of rocking chairs. She had been told that mother Elaine and Janine had come up with a cure, but that her mothers wanted to speak to her about the consequences of what the cure would entail for her.

Melissa and Elaine came in and sat beside their daughter. Melissa said, "Jacqueline, I know you like your new life, and would do anything to hold on to it."

"Yes, momma."

"Well, I want you to know that Elaine has found a cure for your condition, and, as your parents, we've decided you will be taking the cure, despite some potential side effects."

Jackie sighed and looked down. "Judging from the way you're saying that, it means that some of those side effects are things I'd object to."

Elaine said, "I'm afraid so. We found out what needs to be done. In a woman's breast milk, there's a high concentration of various substances designed to bolster a child's immune system. Those same substances do a fairly effective job of cleaning out your bodies of the residue build up that causes your problems."

"Somehow, I don't think the cure is going to be as simple as changing my diet to include breast milk."

"'Fraid not. For James, with his youth and low concentrations of the inert substances clogging your arteries, that'll work. But the concentrations in your bloodstream are so high, that the only possible cure is to actually start your breasts lactating. With a little help, your body will actually absorb what you need out of your own milk."

"Well, I guess that means I'll be lactating. That doesn't seem so bad."

"Well, that's not the full extent of it."

"What else?"

"Well, first off, in order to do a proper job for you, you're going to have to undergo regular treatments for the next 8 to 12 years."

"So, not only am I going to be making milk, I'm going to be making it constantly for the next decade?"

"That's only the start of it. In order to make it possible for your body to absorb all that you need out of your own milk, I have added some of my own stuff to the mixture I'll be injecting into you. I've already tested it, and it... will interact with the compounds that gave you your current body."

Jackie tensed up. "What... will it do to me?"

Melissa said, "Well, you remember the day of your re-transformation, I asked you what size breasts you wanted, and you said D cup?"

"Yeah, and that I also wanted them to grow as I aged." Jackie thrust her chest out. "They're almost, but not quite double D now."

"Yes, and they are beautiful, but expect them to change."

Trembling, Jackie asked, "How?"

Elaine said, "It seems that some of the APS system that gave you your body feeds on the breast milk. Particularly those that caused growth. Your waist and limbs should remain unaffected, and your face and hips, not being close to the effect, will experience some growth, but not a lot. Your face, a little rounder. Your hips and ass, a little bigger and rounder."

"But... my tits?"

"Figure on some growth. Maybe only one cup size, but more likely two to three. Maybe as many as 4 or 5."

Jackie breathed a sigh of relief. "Don't scare me like that. I thought you were going to tell me my tits were going to shrink, maybe even go away."

"I'm not sure you understand, hun. This tit growth, it's not going away, even after you stop lactating. You could grow up to as much as an H cup for good."

"Mother Elaine, it was like mom said. As a man, I sucked. But as Jacqueline... I'm happy. Happier then I ever was as Jack. When I came here a little over a year ago, I never expected that I'd become a girl, much less that I'd love it. To be honest, I figured I'd be dead in a few years, so it wouldn't matter what I looked like.

"But then I became Jackie and found a mother, a brother, friends in Elizabeth, Linda, even Susan, and a second mother," Jackie put her hand on Elaine's, "who, despite being a bit stern, has proven herself to be caring and beautiful.

"As time went on, instead of being resigned to a quick death, I grew afraid of death and wanted to put it off as long as possible. Now you come to me and tell me that I can have my wish for the cost of some larger tits? If you were to tell me that I could survive, but my tits would grow to a... a... Z cup, if there is such a thing, it wouldn't change a thing. My response would be the same: When do we start?"

Elaine hugged Jackie. "That's a healthy attitude. It shows you've still got a strong will to survive. But I'd be irresponsible if I didn't warn you of all the hazards."

"I'd don't care about any hazards."

"So just hush and let your mother talk. Okay, first, the breast growth will occur within 48 hours of your first treatment, you'll start lactation within 36 hours after the growth ceases. At that point, your body's hormone balances will start to shift, due both to the lactation and the chemicals causing it. You should expect wild mood swings. You should also expect a change to your sex drive. I couldn't even begin to predict how. Some women, in and after pregnancy, become insatiable sex fiends; others become nearly frigid for the duration of their pregnancy. So there's no way I can predict how you'll be affected."

"Okay, anything else?"

"Point blank, I'm not exactly sure what will happen. I've never done anything like this before."

"Okay, you've told me about the hazards you know about. You've warned me that there may be hazards you don't know about. You've already executed motherly privilege to override any objections I might have had to make me undertake the treatment. And I tell you now, I don't have any objections. So we go back to the question I voiced earlier. When do we get started?"

Elaine and Melissa smiled. "Right after breakfast."


Susan and Elizabeth were cuddled up in bed. Susan said, "Hun, there's something I need to talk to you about."


"Sam came to me today. You know she and James are trying to conceive a baby. And, well, she asked if I could donate the egg. I told her that it was something we'd have to discuss, and I'd get back to her."

Elizabeth was silent for a few minutes, before she finally said, "I guess I don't mind."

"You guess? Okay, what's going through that pretty head of yours?"

Elizabeth sighed. "It's just... I want a baby, too."

"Oh, hun, I'm sorry, but I'm just not interested in a baby right now. Elaine's got me just too busy with lab work and business deals. I'm sorry, hun."

"I know you're really busy right now, and can't take the time off from work. But... I could easily take it easy in the kitchen. You're pushing me to do that anyways. And I could take a few months off in a few months."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

"I... I want to take the formula to give me a cunt and womb, then have a baby, our baby, implanted inside me."

Susan stared at her wife for a few seconds. "You're serious."

In tears, Elizabeth said, "Yes. And,... I told you I'd be a subservient wife, so if you say no I won't push, but... please don't say no."

Susan stroked Elizabeth's face. "Oh, hun. When you promised to be my subservient wife, I was tickled pink. You fed every dominant fantasy I ever had in my life. But I never want you to think that you have to sacrifice all your wishes to my own. This is clearly very important to you. So, in the morning, we'll talk to Elaine about getting you pregnant."

"Oh! Oh, thank you, Susie!" Elizabeth plastered her lips to Susan's. It was then that they heard a knock on the door. "You expecting company?"

Susan shook her head. "Come in."

The door opened and Jackie stepped in. She was dressed in her pink nightgown and robe. Her breasts had grown to a whopping E cup, and her robe barely fit around them. "Uhm, hi. Look, I know we didn't have any plans for tonight, but I was just sitting in bed, trying to get to sleep, and I suddenly got this overwhelming need to be fucked. And,... And, damn it, the dildoes just aren't doing it for me!"

Susan smiled. "And you need a little personal comfort?"

Jackie nodded. "I'm sorry to bother you."

"Nonsense. You're too cute and desperate to turn away. Come on, jump in." Jackie threw off her robe, ran to the bed and climbed up between the two of them. "I'm glad you thought of us."

"Well, truthfully, I went to mom and mother first, but they were already asleep."

Susan slowly pulled Jackie's nightgown from her body. "Well, second then."

"Uhm, first who was awake between here and moms' room. Are you insulted?"

Susan laughed as Elizabeth took one of Jackie's breasts and started sucking on it. "No, hun, you're just dealing with your first hot flash. You've swung way into the 'God, I need it' mood. I understand."

Elizabeth said, "Hun, take a taste. She's lactating."

As Susan bent down to Jackie's other tit, Jackie said, "Yeah, they started this afternoon. Only a few dribbles here and there, but it means I'm on my way to being healed."

Elizabeth said, "Congratulations," and returned to sucking Jackie's tit. Jackie moaned as the two girls worked on her tits. She placed her hands on the back of their heads and rubbed them as they sucked. She then felt Elizabeth's fingers slide into her cunt.

It only took a few seconds of this before her hips were bucking, and she was begging, "More. More!"

Elizabeth got between her legs, saying, "Your wish is my command."

Susan moved up, placing her cunt over Jackie's mouth. Jackie pulled her down and started licking wildly. Elizabeth plastered her tongue to her wife's asshole and started sucking, as she guided her dick to Jackie's moist cunt. Jackie slammed her hips upwards as soon as she felt Liz enter her cunt. They started moving together, Liz fucking Jackie, and sucking her wife's bum; Jackie getting fucked and sucking Susan, and Susan, getting both her holes sucked by girls she loved. It didn't take long for Susan to cum, and she pulled out from between the two so they could pay more attention to each other.

As soon as her wife was out of the way, Elizabeth kissed and licked Jackie's face, licking Susan's juices from the teenager's face. Jackie started moving even more wildly underneath Liz, but the elder she-male controlled the action as much as she could, so as to give Jackie as much pleasure as she could.

Susan sat back and watched. Truth be told, ever since her husband had told her that he wanted to be Elizabeth permanently, she had been attracted to big tits. (Truth be told, she was proud of the fact that Liz had the biggest tits in the house. Had Elizabeth ever decided she wanted to go down to a smaller tit size, Susan never would've begrudged her, but she was glad Liz hadn't done so.) And now here were two big-busted she-males going at it. She was getting highly excited just watching it.

Unfortunately for Susan, the scene didn't last long enough. Jackie, unable to control her passions, came, her cunt grasping Liz's dick like a spasming hand. Jackie grabbed Liz and pulled her down tightly. As the two squashed together, Liz felt Jackie's tit dribble out a little milk onto her tit. This small, simple, intimate, little feeling pushed Liz over the edge and into orgasm.

After they settled down, Susan said, "Oh, you two are so sexy."

Jackie said, "Thanks, but I got milk all over Liz's tits."

Liz said, "That's okay. Guess what? It isn't going to be too long before you're not the only one leaking milk all over the place. And I don't mean Janine either."

"Susan's pregnant?"

"Not quite." Elizabeth quickly explained their decision.

Tears started coming to Jackie's eyes. "Oh, that is... so... sweet." Then she broke down into tears.

Susan and Liz looked at each other and said, "Mood swing," and took Jackie in their arms and held her until she cried herself out.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, Jackie said, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"It's the mood swings Elaine warned you about."

"I guess so. Geez, this is weird. One minute I'll be doing fine, next, I'll be crying uncontrollably, then I'll be angry as hell, then fine again."

"It's okay, hun. How do you feel now?"

"Horny. And as I recall, Liz and I gave you an orgasm, without you returning the favor yet. You owe us."

"Quite right. So what would you like to do?"

"How about you on your hands and knees with us each fucking you. Me in your ass and Liz in your mouth."

"Sounds good. Elizabeth?"

"Actually, I was thinking something else. Jackie, how would you like to join an exclusive club?"

"An exclusive club?" Liz rubbed her ass. "You'd let me fuck you in the ass?"

"If Susan doesn't mind. Entry into my ass is by her permission only."

"Oh, could I?"

Susan smiled. "I think you've earned it. But I want in on this, too. How 'bout I put on a dildo and fuck you while you fuck her?"

"That sounds wonderful."

"Okay. Give me a few seconds." Susan got off of the bed and got a strap-on out of a chest where she and Liz kept their collection. With practiced ease, she put it on and walked over to the bed. She wiggled her hips. "So, do I look cute enough for you?"

Liz said, "Very." She then got up on her hands and knees. "Okay, Jackie, your turn."

Jackie got on her knees behind Elizabeth, put her dick against Liz's ass, and pushed it in. When their hips were touching, Jackie leaned forward, till her breasts were touching Liz's back. She reached around and started to fondle Liz's tits.

Susan got on the bed behind Jackie, put her dildo to Jackie's cunt, and pushed it in about half way. She then let her hands roam Jackie's body, stroking her ass, abs, back, and tits. It wasn't long before Jackie was moving in sexual excitement, pushing back on Susan, then immediately ramming forward into Liz. Then Liz started bucking backwards on every thrust. The three moved together in sexual desire. Every time Susan rammed forward, Jackie pushed back, and Liz moved forward. Then as Susan pulled back, Jackie would ram forward, and Liz back. It only took a few minutes before they were cumming in a 3-way simultaneous orgasm.

They collapsed together on the bed. Liz turned around to face Jackie and Jackie snuggled into her bosom. "Thanks, Liz."

"No problem, youngster."

Jackie smiled as Susan draped an arm over her onto her breast. As she lightly stroked the side of Jackie's breast, Susan asked, "So how do you feel now?"

"Tired,... but satisfied."

Liz kissed Jackie's forehead. "Go ahead and curl up with us tonight, love."

Jackie tilted her head up and kissed Liz, and, in less time than it takes to say it, was fast asleep. Liz stroked the young transformee's face. "Susie, have you been teaching Jackie about sex?"

"No. Why?"

"Because, even in the midst of our play, she used her hands to stroke and excite me. She doesn't have your skill, but there are other girls here who have been our partners for years who don't have her skill either."

Susan kissed Jackie's neck. "Little Jackie's come a long way." Susan brought up her hand from Jackie's tit and licked up a little bit of milk that had dribbled there. "I'm just wondering if your breast milk is going to be as sweet as hers." The three then cuddled up and went to sleep.


for now

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