Biology Final Bet

By Bob Miller

Published on Jan 26, 2019


Disclaimers: Everything you read in this story is my intellectual property and as such should be treated with utmost respect. This is a work of fiction based. The people described in the story do not exist as described but you can still find personalities like those presented. ANY RESEMBLANCE TO REAL PEOPLE IS ENTIRELY COINCIDENTAL ON MY PART.

All other disclaimers/rules/procedures apply. If you are under the legal age of viewing this material (depending upon where you live, that could be any age) please direct yourself to something else. This is another attempt at writing for Nifty (I-lost-big-time, Boys-Buddies-Growing-Up). Take my lack of experience into consideration while reading. This is the fifth chapter in what I envision as a multiple part story. I am undertaking this as both a labor of love and in response to the kind words of readers of my earlier efforts. Please support Comments without being cruel can be sent to


Recap From -1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6: I am Paul, 16. I lost a bet to Jen, my grade rival in high school, which obligated me to eating her pussy and jacking off in front of her friends. My best friend Tom came with me just to make sure things did not get out of hand. When we got back to my house, Tom and I got off with each other for the first time.

Tom flipped back to put his head on the pillow next to mine. We looked at each other and laughed. The heat of the moment had taken us on a journey we did not expect. We believed we were straight at the beginning of the evening. Now, we knew we could also take care of each other without hesitation. Does that make us bi?

Before we could process our thoughts my phone let me know I had a text message. I got up and retrieved the cell phone from my jeans. Carol and Sue wanted to know if Tom and I would like to go to Carol's Saturday evening for a swim. Swimsuits would be optional since her parents would be gone for the weekend. Tom slapped my ass and said to count on him to be there.

Carol and Sue are both on the cheer squad with Jen. Carol is about 5'5" and 120 pounds. Sue is a little shorter, about 5' 3", and roughly 115 pounds. Both girls have great skin, beautiful legs and nice size tits. No horny guy would turn away from our opportunity to swim with them.

After two rings of the doorbell, Carol opened the door with Sue standing back behind her a little. Both girls were both fully dressed in shorts and nice tops, which accented their bodies. As we sat down, Carol sat with me on one section of the L shaped couch and Sue sat with Tom.

We played a strip game with lots of necking and groping. Each time the necking and groping increased and lasted longer. Carol smiled as she dealt the next hand. It was obvious that Tom and I lost. The girls helped us out of our underwear. I am not sure how long we were necking. The girls stripped naked and ran into the pool with Tom and I chasing behind. We were swimming and playing when Carol's older brother, Jake, showed up and turned on the yard spot light. He made a huge production of the situation and ended it by having Tom and I suck each other off and then Jake jacked on our faces. Carol promised us she would get him back.

Just before the 4th of July, Carol had Sue, Tom and me over for another swim party because her parents were gone for a long weekend. The four of us had mutual oral sex. Carol had found her brother was selling pills. She hid his supply and money as she implemented a blackmail plan as a payback for what he did to our first get together and to turn his life around. Her brother was humiliated, pissed and trapped into following Carol's directions.

Carol held a party for a dozen kids including her and Sue on the 4th of July. We played two games. One was strip polo the other was a variation of spin the bottle. Everybody had fun looking and touching the guests who were in a state of undress. At the end of the party, Jen and a boy named Nick gave me a blowjob for some unknown reason. As we cleaned up after the party, Carol's brother called to tell her he had to talk to her alone right away.

Tom and I sucked each other off as we got ready for the fireworks. Tom has really become extremely interested in my ass but I think any ass would do.

Carol's brother, Jake, got the shit kicked out of him by the guys providing him drugs to sell. They made him watch another young guy get raped over and over as a warning to return their stuff and all the money he owed or he would suffer the same fate.

It appears Tom made contact with Nick, the guy with Jen, when I got a BJ at Carol's party. His mom said he went over to Nick's house.

The important news came from going to a family barbeque. I lost my virginity to a college coed in a three way that included my 18 year old girl cousin.

Tom and I got together to talk about me losing my virginity and Tom fucking Nick. Tom seems more interested in trying to get with my cousin and her roommate then doing a repeat with Nick. Tom did not rule out fooling around with a guy, mainly me. Carol is waiting for my call.


I went back into the house and begged another piece of apple pie from my mom. Dad said he would gladly take the last piece, so Mom could wash the dish. Dad took his piece back to the T.V. I sat in the kitchen to polish off my piece of pie. Carol just has to wait a couple of minutes.

I went out to the backyard to make my call to Carol. She answered on the third ring but asked me to hold for a second. When she came back on she said, "Thanks for getting back to me and thanks for telling me to utilize tracking on Jake's phone. We both owe you a lot. I was really afraid for Jake. He can be such a fool sometimes.

"Uncle Craig is a retired state trooper. After Jake left with the drugs and money, I got scared the drug dealers would hurt Jake. I called Uncle Craig and explained the situation. My uncle said we should track Jake's phone, since Jake knew tracking was enabled. I started tracking; at first Jake's phone was about two miles away. Uncle Craig got to my house. Jake's phone started to move away. We jumped into Uncle Craig's car and started to close the gap. We pulled up behind Jake as he turned off onto a dirt road about 3 miles out of town. Someone was in the car with him and they were following another car. I called Jakes cell. He answered but sounded afraid. I told him Uncle Jake and I were right behind him, so pull over. He stopped the car and got out. The other car stopped a few hundred yards up the road. The guy riding with Jake got out the passenger side. Uncle Craig and I got out but my uncle took charge.

"Uncle Craig said in a authoritative voice that Jake should come and stand by us. He told the guy with Jake to go to the other car so he did not miss his ride. Then he said he was a retired trooper and already had the information on the other car. If they ever made contact with Jake, he would make sure they would live many years to regret it.

"Jake and I rode back together and Uncle Craig followed. Jake told me he was sure they were going to the house where the guy was being raped. Even though he gave them everything, they said they wanted to party.

"Uncle Craig read him the riot act; scared Jake even more than the drug dealers. Uncle Craig gave him a hug and said anymore drugs and he would fuck his young ass to get him ready for where he would be going."

Carol said she would get back to me but thought her and Jake might go to their cottage for a couple of days.

I spent the evening in the garage working on my bike. I hadn't used it in a while, so it needed air in the tires and some tender loving care. I am not a real mechanical but can adjust brakes and oil as necessary. About 10:00 pm my mom opened the door and said, "Paul you have a call."

When I picked up the phone in the kitchen the voice said, "Hey Paul, you stud, your cousin Terry. Fran and I would love to get together with you again before we head back to school. You made it so much fun by not being uptight about sex."

"Sure, that would be great. Did you have a day and place in mind?" I responded trying to sound mature and, at the same time, not draw my mother's attention. "Sure next Thursday evening at your house. It would be great if you could pick me up on your way home from work. See you around 5:30 pm. Hey, I mentioned to my buddy Tom, you might remember him from the barbecue last summer, that you were in town. He would love to see you sometime before you leave. If he can, we will both see you Thursday." I hung up the phone and went back to the garage to quickly put things away. I sent a text Tom about Terry's invitation. My phone rang in less than a minute.

"Are you pulling my leg? Tell me all about the plans. Did you come out and tell her I wanted to punch my virginity card? How in the world did you get me in on this deal?" Tom excitedly whispered into his cell phone.

I told him, "Terry called me a stud and said I made it fun because I was not uptight about sex. I think she was referencing everything that went on. I mentioned I told you she was in for the summer and that you would love to see her. She remembers you from the barbecue last summer. She told me that if you are totally open like I am, her words not mine, you would be a great addition to our fun. Do you think you can make it?"

"Hell yes I can make it. I am not going to jack-off from now till Thursday. When I say now, I mean after I jack-off tonight thinking about what we will do. My balls will be screaming for release by Thursday." Tom affirmed. Now past 11:00, we hung-up. I grabbed a shower and dropped a load down the drain.

Carol and Jake did go to their cottage. She sent me a text, before I got up in the morning, stating she would be gone a week. The text said Sue and Linda were getting a ride up with Carol's mom on Tuesday for the rest of the week.

Early the next morning, my mom let Tom into our house before I got up. He came barging into my room and onto my bed. He at least closed the door. "Wake up Paul! We have a lot to talk about." Tom stated as he pulled my sheet off. "I see someone is horny this morning." He grabbed my dick through my briefs. I pushed him out of the way and ran to the bathroom to pee. Tom was right behind me.

"Can I have a little privacy?" I demanded.

"Oh sure, sorry, I am just excited." Tom stated. Then he turned and closed the door but stood next to me as I tried to direct my morning wood towards the toilet bowl. He did not comprehend he should be on the other side of the door. "I don't understand. It doesn't matter how much I beat my meat. When I wake-up, the one-eyed monster is standing stiff and ready to dance. I see your dick is the same." I laughed and started to pee.

We talked as I grabbed a quick rinse in the shower. I am beginning to think I made a mistake injecting Tom into Thursday's time with the girls. I explained we just need to go with the flow, act mature and not set our expectations too high. Tom had one good suggestion. He would get some condoms. He asked if he could spend the night Thursday. I had to laugh at how high he was flying. We were both flying high but he was in the stratosphere.

Tom stayed and had a second breakfast with me. My mom made pancakes and sausage. She finally shooed us out of the house saying, "You boys have to get out of here before you eat us into the poor-house." We grabbed the Frisbee and went to the park. We did a lot more talking than throwing the Frisbee.

The days went fast. One day, we took a long bike ride out into the country. My mom had packed a lunch, which we ate under a huge tree. Tom told me he had not jerked off as he promised. His big worry was a having a huge wet dream Wednesday night. As we sat, we talked about all the fun and trouble we had gotten in over the lifetime we had shared. "We would do anything for each other. I guess we already have. And now we share another milestone." This was Tom's reflection on our relationship.

Thursday afternoon, I took my time getting ready. Dad slipped me $40.00 in case we went out for ice cream or whatever. Tom showed up about 4:30 with his duffel bag for overnight. When we went up to my room he gave me a couple of condoms for my pocket. Terry and Fran pulled in the drive and gave a honk a little after 5:30 pm. They had a pizza, garlic bread and salad in the back of the small SUV. Terry and Fran were in the front seat and gave no indication they would move. We drove down the street about a ¼ mile when Terry pulled over. "This looks stupid. Tom get up here with me. Fran will get in the back with Paul. I just did not want your mom or dad looking out to see a couple's arrangement." After a 10-minute drive, we pulled into the garage at Terry's. Instead of going in the house, Terry directed us to the cabana at the far end of the pool.

Once inside the cabana, we found it had a small living room and even smaller galley kitchen. Off the back and through a door there was a full bath and a bedroom with a double and single bed. "My mom and dad are gone to Grandma and Grandpa's for dinner. Dad is working on the lawn's irrigation pump coming from the lake. Let's eat. Then we can all take a group shower." Terry suggested. The girls had lots of questions for Tom. At one point, Terry had her hand high on Tom's thigh as we ate around the coffee table in the living room.

After dinner, we all pitched in for a quick cleanup. I volunteered to run the pizza and bread box to the trash in the garage. When I got back, the girls had stripped to very brief bikini panties and they had Tom totally naked. Tom's smile and waving erection told me he was living the vision he had built in his mind all week. The ladies were looking at me. Terry said, "Paul get those clothes off."

When I was as naked as Tom, the ladies removed their panties and ushered the four of us into the bathroom. Needless to say I was just as boned as Tom. The shower was part of a standard bathtub. Fran spread a large towel along the edge of the tub on the floor. Terry turned on the water to get it warm and asked Tom and I to stand in the tub. "You studs have really nice equipment. Turn around so we can see your backsides." Fran stated. "Which one has the best ass?"

"They are pretty similar. Nice bubble butts and toned thighs. We will soon see if they become pile driving asses." Terry laughed as she handed us a single bar of soap. Now we want you to take turns washing each other. Be sure to get everything very clean including deep in your cracks."

Tom and I looked at each other and smiled. I soaped up Tom first including his junk and ass crack. I turned the soap bar sideways and ran it deep in his crack followed by my hand rubbing up and down the full length of his crack. Tom quickly rinsed. Tom took the soap and lathered me up. He stood behind me as he did my backside. Dropping the soap, he reached around and jerked my soapy cock a couple of times as he ran his fuck finger down my crack and pushed a little on my asshole. I turned and rinsed. I turned off the shower. We both stepped out onto the towel on the floor, which had become very damp. We were each handed a towel.

The girls stepped into the bathtub. Before they turned on the shower, they looked at Tom and me. Terry said, "Off with those towels boys." The girls turned and gave each other a passionate kiss as they used their hands to explore the body of their shower partner. Terry continued, "Come on guys give each other a little sugar and don't spare the tongue."

This must be part of the open minded test. Tom grabbed me, holding our bodies close and letting his hand drift down to knead my bun, leaning in to give me a French kiss. Seeing this, Terry turned on the shower and commenced to soap Fran. Terry fingered Fran's pussy with quick in and out motions, getting a moan from Fran as she leaned into Terry for another kiss. Fran rinsed and performed a duplicate soap and finger routine on Terry. After a rinse, both girls got out of the shower and toweled dry.

The girls grabbed us by our dicks and led the way to the bedroom. They had Tom lay in the center of the double bed face up. Terry straddled his face and lowered her body down but holding the headboard for balance. She told Tom to lick her pussy and drive his tongue deep. Fran reached in the nightstand next to the bed, pulling out a couple of condoms. She pushed me lightly towards the side of the double bed occupied by Tom and Terry. "Okay stud, suck his dick to get it wet then roll the condom onto it. Don't give him an orgasm." I went up and down a couple of time then spit on his mushroom head. Using my hand I spread the spit and unrolled the condom onto his stiff meat.

Fran put me on the single bed with my back closest to the wall. She got on the bed with her head in my crotch and her pussy an inch from my mouth. I understood what she wanted and began to lick and tongue as she bobbed on my cock. Before I could cum, she put a condom on my dick. We changed positions so she was on her back with her head on the pillow and I was between her legs getting in position to mount her.

As I started to push in, I glanced at Tom and Terry. Terry was on top of Tom and had his cock buried balls deep in her. Terry was passionately kissing Tom and licking his ears as he pumped her pussy from underneath. He was thrusting with his hips even with Terry laying on top. Both Terry and Tom were moaning and thrashing on the bed. It would not be long before they both would be having orgasms.

I started to pump Fran with the full length of my dick. She moaned to slow down a little. Fran wrapped her legs around my ass and used her hands to hold my head close for a long passionate kiss. We continued at this slower pace for a couple of minutes. She kept me in long kisses but dropped her legs. Using her hands she grabbed my ass spreading my cheeks. "Now fuck me like a frat boy, stud." I began to hump her as she used her hands on my ass to drive me deep on every down stroke. Her squeal and shudder told me I was doing my job as my balls emptied into the condom. We lay with me on the top as we slowly recovered with me licking her nipples. She continued to play with my ass.

All of a sudden, Fran separated my cheeks and before I realized what was happening, Terry had already pressed an inch of a dildo up my ass. I pull my cock from Fran. "Take a breath cousin. Take that cock up your ass." Terry said as she pushed the dildo in slowly as she wiggled it to loosen my sphincter. There was a slight burning as my asshole expanded around the dildo.

I looked back and saw Tom with a huge grin on his face. Thank God the dildo seemed lubricated and was relatively thin, as Terry began to saw it in and out of my ass. "Please take that thing out of me." I cried. Then the dildo hit something and my dick, still with a condom on twitched.

"Give it a chance; you will really start to like it." Terry said as she pushed the dildo in and out. "See Tom, guys have a prostate that controls ejaculation, just up inside the rectum. Massaging the prostate can even cause a guy to cum without touching his cock."

"Terry, please take it out!" I implored; even as I felt myself push back involuntarily onto that ass invader. Terry slowly pulled the 6" black snake from my ass. By now all three of them were laughing.

"Thanks Terry. I think Paul might take my dick next time. Now that he knows it doesn't make him less of a man." Tom chuckled.

We all got up and quickly showered and dressed. The girls said it was wonderful to meet two studs without the sexual hang-ups some guys have about being open to all kinds of sex. Tom and I kissed the girls with passion. We climbed in the car with guys in the back for the ride home.

When we got home, Tom and I went upstairs for bed. Tom used the bathroom first to brush his teeth. When I came out from brushing my teeth, Tom was under the sheet. I turned off the light and climbed into bed in my briefs. Tom told me how wonderful the evening had been. He said losing his virginity was everything he hoped it would be PLUS. We talked for a little while and then I turned on my side away from Tom. He moved over and started to spoon me with his cock in my ass crack through my briefs. It was then I realized Tom was naked. He kissed my neck.

Next: Chapter 8

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