Bitter and Sweet

By moc.loa@nootacceMneerG

Published on Nov 24, 2002


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I wrote this story as a way to deal what was happening in my life a year ago. Some of it relates to me. Some of it I wished happened.

Copyright Green Meccatoon 2002

Bitter and Sweet By Green Meccatoon

Chapter 1 Forgive

Far away somewhere in my mind I think of a perfect family. They laugh they hug they kiss and they even enjoy being around me. That family loved me. They actually acknowledge that I was there and that I needed them. My real family is never there. I sit alone on my birthday in the kitchen. Before school realizing that nobody was going to come and say happy birthday to me. Then again I really didn't expect them to be there. When I was younger my parents never missed a birthday. Now I'm seventeen and they act like I don't exist.

Today was a beautiful day. Everybody at school smiled, laughed and played around. As for me I decided to sit away from the people that I called friends. They didn't even know that I was unhappy. They thought I was as happy as they were, but without a doubt they never forgot each other's birthday. I ate my lunch and walked past my so-called friends they didn't even acknowledge that I wasn't there. They Just kept on laughing and playing with their food.

I sat on the schoolbus after a day of being ignored. When I got closer to my bus I noticed my parents car in the garage. They were home. Suddenly I awoke from my numbness and ran all the way home. When I opened the door there was no surprise, no happy birthday and no hello. I hanged my head and headed for my room. I slammed the door shut and cried myself to sleep.

The next morning a fucking bird outside of my window woke me up. I got ready for school and walked down stairs towards the kitchen. My mother sat opposite my father and my sister sat in the middle holding both of their hands.

"Good morning," said my mother and I mumbled something back.

That was the first time in weeks she had said something to me, and all she could say was good morning like I was one of her clients.

"Brian I need you to take care of Katie today,"


"Why not?" Yelled my father back.

I started to walk away but I stopped and turned to them.

"After three weeks of not talking to me all you manage to say to me is good morning, and that's only because you need me to take care of your favorite child Katie. Now check your calendar and tell me what date it is? Did you forget something?"

My parents frowned at each other. They looked embarrassed and my mom gave me apologetic eyes. I gave her a cold stare back and watched as she retreated into her own shell. My father tried to put a hand on my shoulder and I slapped it back.

"Brian I am." He tried to finish but I cut him off.

"No that's not good enough. I didn't want a present. I didn't want a party. All I wanted was you there to say happy birthday to me."

With that I picked up my bag and headed to school. I could hear my father call out to me but I didn't care. I wasn't coming home tonight.

I got on the bus and all my friends gave me the same apologetic eyes my mother had given me.

"Fuck off," I said and sat in the back away from them.

Now I was mad and they couldn't take that away from me. I looked out the window the twenty-minute ride to school. Thinking of how I was going to get away. How I was going to get back at my parents. How I was going to get back at my friends.

The school day went by fast. A couple of my former friends tried to talk to me but I blew them off. I wasn't in the mood and they were making me madder.

The only good thing that happened that day was that I met Chase.

He sat next to me at my last period class and we hit it off. We made plans to hang out and play video games tonight.


Somewhere across the cafeteria a group of people sits together all looking at Brian.

"I wonder what crawled up his ass?" asked a girl with blond pigtails.

"Maybe the fact that we all forgot his birthday yesterday. I mean when has he forgotten any of our birthdays," said a boy with black hair.

"He's right you know." said another boy with blond hair.

"I hope he talks to us soon."

"He won't, and he won't let us make the first move. People face it we fucked up, and we can't make it better. We lost a good friend," the boy with the black hair said trying to hide his tears.


The days went and I started to hang with new people at school. My parents tried every trick in the book to make it up to me. I turned each and every one of them down. My former friends saw me in the hallway and tried to say hi, but I blatantly ignored them. I felt happier my new friends were popular and they were actually a nice crowd.

"Hey Brian dude we're going to the beach wanna come." Chase asked as we walked down the main hallway of our school.

"Sure chase." I couldn't say no to his gorgeous green eyes.

We walked out of the school and I headed to the parking lot. My father was there with a brand new focus and he tossed me the keys.

"I hope you like it. I got a dark blue one. Happy Birthday," he said with a dopey smile on his face. I got mad and I tossed them back. I motioned for chase to lead me to his car.

Chase was looking at me all the way to the beach.

"What?" I asked out of frustration.

"Well it's not every day that you see a teenager throw back the keys of a brand new car back to his father like he didn't want it."

"He tries to buy my forgiveness with a new car and I'm supposed to jump for joy. I don't forgive people very easily."

"Why? What did he do?" chase asked as we parked on the boardwalk.

"My parents ignored me for Three weeks and then had the nerve to forget my birthday. The next day as if that wasn't enough they ask me to take care of my little sister with no remorse to what they did." I said starting to cry.

Chase gave me a hug and held me for a long period of time then we headed for the beach. The beach was fun. I felt happy again. My new friends were fun. And I was getting more and more attracted to Chase. He would smile at me and my heart would skip a beat. God, he was like a little piece of perfection sat there for me to admire. His gorgeous face, his blond hair, and his ever-sparkling green eyes met mine, almost like their sparkle was meant just for me.

We stayed at the beach for a couple of hours and then headed for a Pizza shop at the end of the boardwalk.

I sat next to Chase and Lindsey. I felt accepted like I knew these people all of my life. Lindsey leans in and whispers to my ear, " He likes you and you like him go for it."

I smile back at her and wonder how she knew. She nods.

On the ride back I can't help but stare at him. His green eyes accentuate his boyish but manly face. His blond hair spiked at the front and his slightly muscular physique. I was getting hard when he looked at me.

He parked the car in front of my house and leaned in to kiss me. My heart skipped as we held the kiss.

"I needed that," I said to myself as I came into my house. My parents were waiting for me in the living room but I couldn't be bothered. Just seeing them brought me down from my high, and I headed straight for my room.

On my bed were several birthday cards and the keys to the Focus. I put them all in a box and placed them outside of my door.

That night I slept better than I have ever had. The morning came and I decided to skip breakfast. I saw the hurt in my mother's eyes as I walked by her, but she put it upon herself. When I walked out of the door she grabbed me and gave me a hug.

I looked at her in the eyes and said "No."

That day I walked around school in a daze. I knew that I had to forgive my parents but I didn't want to. If I did that would make me weak. The only person that could make me smile was Chase.

"I saw him at lunch with Lindsay and the rest of my new friends. They cheered us when we sat together. That made me feel wonderful like I belonged in the happy crowd, but as I turned and looked at my old friends they looked miserable.


That night I went home and apologized to my parents, but they wouldn't let me apologize. They in turn apologized to me. I felt the warmth that was missing from my family in a long time. I even played with my sister Katie. We had a good time as a family and my parents cried when I hugged them both.

"So who is the boy that you were kissing?" Asked my father as I stared at him in disbelief.

"Honey we know that you are gay and it doesn't phase us. We just wish you would have told us so we could deal better," my mother said looking concerned.

At some points in my life I get defensive especially when I feel like I'm being cornered. So I stood up and yelled, "when was I supposed to tell you when you ignored me for three weeks."

I got mad and I headed out the door. The only place I knew I could go to was Chase's house. When I reached his house he was outside on his porch staring at the sky.

He saw me crying and immediately came over to comfort me.

"Brian what's wrong?"

"It's my parents they just don't get it."

"Why what happened?"

"I tried to forgive them today and they tried to make it about them again. They knew I am gay but they are disappointed that I didn't tell them when they ignored me for three weeks."

He led me inside and we headed to his room. We spent the night in each other's embrace. His parents asked us what we wanted for breakfast in the morning. I felt uncomfortable but Chase assured me that they knew.

Chase lent me some of his clothes and then we headed for the beach. It was a beautiful Saturday. The beach was packed everybody was there. We met at the arcade.

"So how's it going?" Lindsay asked me.

"It's going good I think I am falling for him."

She gave everybody the excuse that we were going to get something to drink. We started walking and she said, " I have to tell you something."


"Do you know why Chase became good friends with you?"

"No we just sort of clicked and then we started to hang out."

"Well he's liked you for a long time."

"He has," I asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, but listen I know what happened to your old friends. I know you have a hard time forgiving people, and I hope if Chase ever does something to make you that mad you have to forgive him. He takes rejection equally as bad as you forgive people."

We walked back to the group in silence and I knew that what she said was right. We spent the whole day at the beach and then made a bonfire at night. Chase sat behind me hugging me tight under a blanket. I wanted this moment to last forever. Everybody was having a good time we were singing we were laughing but sadly it came to an end. We all headed home. I gave Chase a kiss and walked out of his car. My parents were in the living room waiting for me again.

"Hi Brian," my mother said with a little uncertainty to her voice.

"Hi," I said and sat In the Living room.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. We knew everything was forgotten, and my father tossed me the keys to the focus. Two down seven more to go...

Copyright Green Meccatoon 2002

Next: Chapter 2

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