Blue Moon Series

By Not Important

Published on Jun 1, 2013


The usual disclaimers apply. This story is fictional, of course. This is my first submission. I attempted to create a full novel with a complete plot. I have over 12 chapters written so far and will post more if there is interest.

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This chapter fills in Max's history a bit.

Chapter 6

After a quick conversation that ended with "We'll meet you there." Max hung up the phone. He motioned for Sean to get up, "C'mon we're going."

"Are they still after us?" Sean asked.

"No, 'they' have been stopped. The Cullens managed to not kill one and I will be the one with questions this time. They did notice Ester, your neighbor, was dead. "

Sean felt a tiny pang of sadness but it quickly vanished. Ester was a nosy mean bitch and some people just were not worth mourning. "Where we goin'?"

Max answered as they walked to his truck, "The Cullens home."

A hundred images flashed though Sean's head; he pictured gothic spires and caskets, cobwebs, creaky doors, and a plethora of other clich‚s. He was surprisingly without fear as he drove. He felt at home with Max, safe. Maybe it was the boy's overwhelming experience. He wondered if all Vampires wind up this old. He decided to ask.

"No," Max answered, "Most do not make it past one or two hundred. Those that do rarely make it past five hundred. There is something about time that humans cannot understand. Time eventually washes away all you know, it has a way of driving mad those who cannot handle the infinite. Once a person is changed, within a hundred years all their family and friends are dead, most cannot survive the sorrow."

"Those that do find other means of happiness usually get bored within the next hundred or so years. Boredom easily takes the majority of vampires over 200. After 500 years the world tends to have changed so much it is easy to lose your identity. Longing for the 'old ways' puts someone on the path to insanity."

"How about you?" Sean prompted.

Max gave a great sigh, remembering his life in perfect clarity. "I was 8 when my father sold me, as I said before. He sold me into a harem of boys owned by an incredibly old vampire. He surrounded himself with young boys in order to feel young himself. Our energy, innocence, and honesty were cherished along with our bodies. Oh yes, we had to see to his every need. This man held so much power in the area that family's would often select one son to give in exchange for some favor or status. He was always surrounded by boys.

"Some favorites he would castrate to keep them around longer, they were usually the most beautiful. And only a select few would receive the bite. I was one and was bitten well before my 12th birthday." Max paused for a moment, knowing Sean needed time to absorb the story. Sean could easily picture everything, he was always good at that, but his emotions were rocky. He kept having to remind himself that this was a very long time ago, deep down he knew, though that this sort of thing still existed.

"Once changed I was allowed to freely feed on the other boys. Being so young my venom isn't as potent as an adults', but he trained us in controlling ourselves so we didn't kill any of his precious boys."

Sean cut in with a question. "How many boys? How many vampire boys?"

"He could have up to 50 boys, but only 2 or 3 immortals."

Sean just whistled again, he tried to imagine being surrounded by 50 boys and decided it was best to concentrate on the road. He was getting hard.

Max continued the story, "I lived like that for almost a two hundred years before one day he gathered up us special boys and sent the others away. We moved to a new city in a new country. Learned a new language and he basically started over. The new city was called Rome and we lived there for much of the next thousand years. Our maker was always there, in the background, never wanting public attention never wanting more power than what he had. As long as he had his boys and was living well, he was happy. It was his secret to longevity. We traveled, of course, but always went home to Rome eventually.

"How old was he?" Sean interrupted again.

"At the time I joined his group he was about 4 thousand years old, he was Egyptian."

"Is he dead now?"

"I'll get to that, patience," Max said softly. Sean muttered an apology and fell silent. "Today he would be demonized for his lifestyle, but back then it wasn't overly unique. Boy lovers have been around as long as there have been boys I daresay. It was an honor to be bedded by him; the boy's he surrounded himself with were given everything they needed to thrive. Tutors, scholars, poets, and artists from all parts of the known world would come and teach his group. When their maturity came they left the group, all becoming successful themselves. Most were sad to leave and were welcomed back as guests any time.

"I was more or less happy with my life. I had lived for hundreds of years and saw and shared thousands of boys. I was being taught by people from all over the world and my desire for knowledge was always strong. I traveled the world, collected trinkets and treasure. But as I said, the world changes around you and ours was no exception. The Roman Empire fell and with it came a very dark time. The Volturi were rising in power and so we moved yet again. Our master and his five immortal boys set off to the East. We settled in what is now Tokyo and adjusted our lives to blend in. We didn't want anything to do with the conflicts of Europe and so spent many centuries in Japan.

"The Renaissance brought us home again. We quickly moved back to Italy and our master tried to set up a life like we had before, but a new religion had taken over in our absence and we were woefully ignorant. A man with 5 boys in a single bed was no longer ignored; it was prosecuted. We had to now live secretly and our master grew impatient and angry at what had become of the world. He started longing for the 'old days'.

"It wasn't long before he started causing problems. It wasn't long before the Volturi involved themselves, now more powerful than any of us realized. Now on a warpath to destroy any Immortal child. Two of my brothers were killed before we realized what was happening.

They had come during the day, cloaked and hooded; their powerful and wicked twins were merciless. My other two brothers were killed as we tried to flee; our master seemed powerless to stop them. He was without an ability you see. I was in our bedroom, cornered and could hear his last screams from the floor below me. Two of the Volturi brutes were coming at me when I discovered my ability. I turned them to ash in moments and fled out the window. That was in 1542."

Minutes passed as the story echoed in Sean's head. Jesus, this kid just rattled off 2000 years of human history as if sharing at show-and-tell. Max wasn't quite done yet, however.

"For the last five hundred years I've had two other partners, the last was destroyed 5 months ago by the group you rescued me from. The first couldn't adapt after the first century and fell into a deep depression."

"Now you have me," Sean said feeling humble. "Why me?"

"You saved me, you love me, and you choose me," Max answered.

"It could have been anyone though," Sean said.

"But it wasn't, it was you, a boy lover who's kind, honest, and smart," Max said.

Sean smiled at the compliments, he was so rarely complimented that he felt a little giddy. "Flattery will get you everywhere," and both laughed. He held out his hand and Max took it. For the rest of the trip they held hands, something basic yet powerful and symbolic of their feelings.

The rest of the trip was spent in silence aside from Max's directions. Once turned on the dirt road to the house Sean's heart-rate increased. He wasn't sure what he'd find and was quite surprised to find a modern home with elegant lines and large windows. Not a cobweb in sight.

Standing out on the porch was Edward and someone Sean had never seen before. This man looked to be in his thirties, well originally anyway. He had the same pale skin and flawless features as the other people he'd met. Walking up to the pair took all Sean's courage. He had Max's hand in his and that gave him strength.

Edward spoke first, "Sean, this is Carlisle." The man held out his hand and Sean took it, somehow he knew this man was the leader of the Coven.

"Pleasure," Sean said.

"Likewise," Carlisle said. "I'm glad to finally meet the man who saved our Max." Carlisle said and shook Max's hand.

"Who do you have?" Max asked, getting down to business.

Edward answered, "Calls himself Kursk."

Max just nodded and went inside. Sean moved to follow but Carlisle held out a hand. "Sean, I don't think you want to be involved with this. Max, I know, suffered because of that group and you don't want to see what that brings out."

"Oh, I think I do. I am fully aware of what Max is capable of and wouldn't mind roasting this Kursk on a spit myself." Sean said but did not move. "Now, if you will allow me to observe I would be grateful."

Edward and Carlisle gave each other a look and stepped aside. Sean nodded a thank you and walked in. The scene inside reflected the outside. Opulent furniture and art was all over the house. Wood grain dominated the walls and stairs. In the center of the living room wall sat a very modern fireplace, its mantle a light polished marble, its hearth a darker granite. Sitting on a metal chair in front of it was a young man with bright red eyes. He looked angry but with the rest of the Cullen's around him he seemed to shrink into his chair.

Sean stood by the kitchen away from the group but close enough to hear. Max glanced at Sean but quickly turned to the man. After looking him over, Max began to speak.

"So, Kursk, it seems we have unfinished business," the boy was eerily calm.

"Do we?" The man spat.

"Oh yes, I now have a few questions for you, and I would appreciate answers."

"I know nothing," Kursk said softly.

"Oh, I think you do, and if you want to walk out of here you will cooperate. Otherwise we have a broom and dustpan ready, in case you want to be noble."

Sean smiled at the threat. The boy commanded such presence, such authority, yet his voice and size was that of a child. A fantastic conflict Sean found amusing.

"Now," Max continued, "first question. Does the Volturi know of my survival?"

"No," Kursk answered. Max made the quickest of glances at Edward who nodded yes.

"Good, how many are left from your congregation?"

"Just me," Kursk said, Edward shook no.

"Wrong," Max said and Kursk's hands burst into flame.

The man screamed and yelled "Fine!" and the fire went out. "Four others 'n me." Kursk examined his blackened hands, flexing the fingers carefully.


"I don't know," Kursk answered. Edward shook no again.

"Wrong," Max said but before he could ignite another part of the man Kursk yelled out.

"Alright! They're hiding in Portland, at the shipyard." Edward nodded yes.

"Thank you, now, are you going to inform the Volturi of my rescue?"

"No, they'd kill me anyway."

"You're quite right. Aro doesn't tolerate failure." Max nodded. "You may go."

"Really? I can go?" Kursk said... the other Cullens took steps away from the man.

"Of course, I am not the monster you are."

The man laughed in a crazy way and quickly found the front door. About two seconds later Sean could hear growling and then the man screamed. Sean thought the woods might have more than trees in them.

Max looked at Edward, "Is the pack satisfied?"

Edward nodded. "Quite, though they wish we had more to give them."

"In due time, I'm afraid." Max said and sat on one of the couches. Sean emerged from the kitchen and sat next to the boy. He draped his arm across Max's shoulders and hugged him tight.

"Are you okay?" Sean asked in a whisper.

"Yeah, I wanted to burn him, but I knew the pack wanted him." Max answered and then the entire group had to explain what was meant by 'the pack'. That the local natives had members who could transform into animals. Most choose the wolf as they thought that was their only option. They learned from the Cullens that they did not have to be wolves and could choose other animals and so now had two bears and a mountain lion in addition to 20 or so wolves. They had one purpose and that was to destroy vampires. Luckily for the Cullens their diet didn't put people at risk so they were able to forge a treaty with the tribe and lived in relative peace. One of their members was even married to a Cullen.

"I didn't scare you did I?" Max asked softly.

Sean hugged the boy to him and said, "Not at all."

Sean checked the time and discovered it well past 2am and felt a thump of sleepiness hit him. Max led the man to a room with a large and very comfortable looking bed. Once Sean was undressed and under the covers Max quickly joined him. The pair lay spooned together and Sean was soon sound asleep.

---------------- *** ----------------

Authors note:

As you might have already guessed this story is meant to be a continuation of the Twilight series. I felt the canon had left potential for more and felt a boy love plot would fit nicely. All original characters of Twilight are copyright Stephanie Meyer. I tried my best to remain faithful to her characters.

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Next: Chapter 5: Blue Moon 7

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